The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 15, 1898, Image 5

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M.t fr lAMlRfVSlUt
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and dellcloui.
Absolutely Pure
IJutlor's goods nro up-to tlnte.
Duckur is visiting in Lincoln
Frank Richardson wont to McCock
Go to Butler for tho bust in saddlory
and harness.
A. II. Knloy returned Tuesday night
from Omaha.
Father Harrington of Orleans was
here tho first of tho week.
M's. E. Rifo left Monday morning
for ti visit at Do Witt, tlds state.
Elmer Crone is now holding i posi
tflon as typewriter with Att jrney Wells.
Notice All persons aro forbidden
to hunt or shoot in my pasture. C. II.
For liro, llghtntflg and tornado insur
ance on farm and city property see L.
H. Fort.
Mrs. Martha Sleeper left Saturday
-for a visit with relatives ut David City
this state.
Wado Koontz returned last night
from Kansas City where ho mado a
'Shipment of cattle.
Mrs. Jossolyn of Orleans was hero
Saturday and spont tho day with tho
family of Rev. Geo. (. Yeisor.
Tho Cowdon-Kaloy Clothing Co. aro
pSfcring somo raro bargains In men's
suits. Seo them boforo you buy.
. Good workmanship and material
in harness is tho same as in other
goods. J. O. Butlor's goods havo both.
Dr. I. W. Tulleys and J. S. GHhatn
toft Wednesday night for an outing of
several weeks in the mountains of Col
Hugh Miner left Thursday morning
-for Chicago whero he goes toilnspect
and purchase a large line of latest
styles in furnituro for Miner Bros.
Harry Letson left- Monday morning
for Omaha where ho will visit the ex
position and then go to Deadwood
South Dakota, for a visit with his
brother Will.
V. H. Scrivner, real estate man,
will sell your farm for you for a rea
sonable per cent, or will trade your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
H. Scrivner, Rod Cloud, Nobr.
Strayed from A. Morhart's farm on
June 80, 1898 one slim bay maro pony
weight about GOO lbs. with black mane
and.tail and slit In right ear. A' suit
able reward will bo paid for roturn of
Mrs. Charles Munger one of tho old
residents of the county died at hor
home Bouth of the river in Garfield pro
cinot Wednesday. Tho funeral ser
vices were conducted by Rev. Black
well Thursday afternoon.
Money to Loan Money to loan in
any amount on approved real estato
security ut lowest rato of interest and
most favorablo terms of payment. En
qulro of or address F. E. Goblk, at tho
offlco of tho Trader's Lumber Co., Red
Cloud, Nob.
thij week.
Jacob Nustoln spont tho day Sunday
in Supuiior.
Attorney Wells went to Hastings
Wednesday noon.
If you watit tt cook stovo or range
seo W. W. Wright.
F. V. Taylor was n visitor to Omaha
and tho exposition this ivoek.
Miss Nollio Sherman roturnod Wed
nesday morning from Uivorton.
Mrs. E. W. Ray and Ollvo Ray were
visiting C C. Cowden this weok.
Hardware, tlnwnro, wooden ware, and
tho best cutlery at W. W. Wright's.
Mrs. Al Galusha nnd children return,
cd last night from a visit in Omaha.
Sam Stewart received a sprained
anklo at tho nicrr,y-go-round this week.
Miss Dorn Ward has returned to
Omaha after n ten days visit hero with
tho folks.
Poultry car on track every two
weeks regular from now on. Watch
thiH sDaco for dato and prices. Next
car Monday afternoon, July 18, at B.
&M. dopot, Rod Cloud, Nobr. Prices
paid in cash, hons 5c, roosters 81.20
per dozen, springs 8o per lb. Watch
tho time. Don't tlo poultry.
'During tho hot weather last summer
I had a sovoro attack of cholera mor
bus, necessitating my leaving my bus
iness," suys Mr. C. A. Hans, of Haro
Bros., Fincastlo, Ohio. "After taking
two or tbreo doses of Chamberlain's
Colio, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy
I was completely relioved ond In a few
hours was able to rosumo my work in
tho storo. I sincorely recommond it
to any one afllictcd with stomach or
bowel trouhlo." For salt) by II. .
With fivo Gorman war ships facing
Admiral Dowoy'8 Hoot at Manila and
the intention of tho German Kaiser
still a matter of somo doubt, tho load
iug artlclo presented in tho Cosmopoli
tan for July will be road with Interest.
'Tl'Iio forty-six portraits nnd poses of
tho Emperor William which illustrate
tho urtlolo ar in themselves an extra
ordinary exhibit. Tliey might bo do-niM-lhed
as "The evolution of an Em
puror shown by forty six human doou
nionts." Undoutitodly so largo a num
ber of portrait wore- novor boforo
gathered together of any royal or lm
porlal personage,
Tho republican county conventioa
will bo hold on Thursday, August 4, in
this city.
Alva Piorco accompanied by his son
left Tuesday to take In tho exposition
at Omaha.
D. M. Ahlo nrrivod last night from
Hamburg, Iowa, on a visit hero with
his family.
Ed Ovoring witnosscd tho laying of
tho comer stono of the now Catholic
church at Orleans Thursday.
A full settlement has boon mado of
tho loss sustained by Uro by J. A. Nor
ris somo timo ago.
Tho Misses Nollio and XoUio Fort
returned Wednesday morning from a
visit with Mrs. P. W. Shea at Orleans.
Anyone bnving any diseased chintz
bugs will confer a favor upon ono of
our subsci luces by bringing somo of
thorn to this office
Dr. Fred E. McKeeby is homo aftor a
very pleasant trip to Toronto, Canada,
whero ho attended tho International
Association of Railway Surgeons.
Write to J. Francis, General Passen
ger agent Burlington Route, Omaha,
for handsomo 82pngo pamphlet de
scriptive of tho Trans-Mississippi Ex
position, free.
Those who aro indebted to us on
subscription and want to receive our
book premiums should come in and
pay up as this will probably bo tho last
invoice wo uuan receive.
J. H. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a term of five years at 8 per
cent. On schools houses, eburchosand
farm property on the installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Neb.
Alfrol Hadoll of the Nebraska Mer
cantile Company returned Tnosday
night from Chicago whero he has been
making a personal inspection and pur
chasing tho fall stock of goods for that
Frank Lindsey who started in tho
spring for the Klondiko country is here
again. Taking down sick in Omaha
prevouted him from making the con
templated trip and ho has been living
in Omaha.
Nebraska seems to havo fared bettor
in tho matter of crops than Missouri
and Kansas did this year. The wheat
crop was very largo in Nebraska and
the corn looks line, while in somo parts
of Missouri nnd Kansas tho wheat is
largely damaged by rust and tho corn
has hardly taken a start. Ex.
The office of the Co-Operatlvo Pre
mium Association has been moved
from Minor's store to the first building
north of the Farmer's and Merchant's
bank building, which building is being
also used by Mr. Sherwood to show his
now pianos and organs. No ono can
roalizc what valuablo and beautiful ar
ticles are being given away by this as
sociation to the stamp collectors, un
less thoy call and see them.
A good church deacon once accident
ally sat down on tho business end of a
tack. He at onco sprang up and said
only two words. The last word was
" It." Anyono guessing tho first
word and sending us a dollar in cash
will be entitled to tho papor for ono
year nnd one of our elegant premium
books. If tiny difficulty is experienced
in finding tho word just do as tho
deacon did und you will bo surprised
at tho alacrity with which tho word
will como to you.
Persons troubled with diarrhoea will
bo inlerosted in tho exporionco of Mr.
W. M. Bush, clerk of Hotel Dorrence,
Provldonco, R. I Ho says: "For sev
eral years I havo boon almost a con
stant sufferer from diarrhoea, nnd fro
quont nttacks completely prostrating
mo and rendering me unlit for, my du
ties at this hotel. About two years ago
traveling salesman kindly gave me a
small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much
to my surpriso and delight its effects
woro immediate. Whenever I feel
symptoms of tho disease I would forti
fy myself against tho attack with a few
doses of this valuablo remedy. The
result has boon very satlsfootory nnd
almost comploto relief from tho affile
tlon." For sale by II. E. Grico.
William Serl nn old and respected
citizon of the county died nt bis homo
southwest of tho city after a long ill
ness on last Monday morning. Ho was
born in Cornish District, England on
Juno Oth, 1832 and came to the United
Slates in 1850. Ho was married to
Mnry Nelson in 18.V2. Ho was a soldier
of the Into war enlisting in 1803. serv
ing almost tlireo years, live months of
which was spont at Andoroonvilln prb
on. To this union Was born twelve
children of whom seven are still living
He wan (10 years old nt tho timo of his
death. Ho nulled with tho'M.K church
ten years ago and remained a faithful
member. The funeral was held Tues
day morning Revilummell conducting
tho services. - '
Edward Cook Is working for Tot i
uro Bros.
Ed. Bohnnnu of Lincoln was horo thnJ
first of tho week.
Dr. Waldon of Rivcrton was horo I lie
first of tho weok.
Miss Blnticho Darby Is visiting with
relatives in Hardy.
For tho best tho Alnskn rcfi IgoruUnfj
call on W. W. Wright.
Tho Cowdon-Kaloy Clothing Co.
selling straw hats at c-Oit.
Miss Dolia Seluffnlt loft Tucsd.y
mm ntng for n visit in Illinois.
Randolph McNilt nftor a sovero sic!.
spoil of several days is now better.
Frank Goblo nftcr bolng away from
the oily for some timo is homo again.
Como and look over our assortments
of gasoline stoves. W. W. Wkioiit.
W. W. Wright will put in yout
plumbing and work of that kind cheap.
Rov. Jamos M. Darby .and family
visited relatives nt Hebron this week.
Miss Edith McKeinhan of Hastings is
hero visiting with friends nud relatives.
For lire, lightniug nud tornado Insur
ance on farm and city property see L.
n. tort.
Wo are e t 111 exclusive agents for the
Solz celohratod Shoes. Best in tho
world. The Cowoen-Kaley Cloth-
Miss Laura Wcthorald and Ethel Hon.
dei shot of Hebron nro visiting S. F.
Spokesfiold nnd wifo.
Tho musto recital nntioipntod by the
Christian church is to bo rendered dur
ing tho coming teacher's institute.
A good many nro still In arrears on
subscription who might just as well
p y up now nnd tnko advantago of our
offer of premiums.
Wnltcr Means, son of Andrew Moans
hnd his arm broken today wnilo trying
to got his team disongnged from a barb
wiro fonco they had gotten into.
Tho now rosidonco of Samuel Tomplo
ou north Sownrd street Is rapidly near
tag completion and when finished will
be ono of the finest houses on thostrcot.
Tho following Rod Cloud parties woro
guests at tho Midland Hotel, Kans.ts
City last weok: C. B. Crono, J. L.
Miner, Frank Frlsbio and Thomas Kra-lick.
The whistle of locomotive can bo
hoard 8,000 yards, tho noise of a train
tho bark of a dog l.f 03 yards, the roll
of a drum 1.003 vardi. tho croak of a
froarBOO vardt. the cnlro oiacrtoKOL
800 vards. a dinner be'l two milos. and
. . ... a X m
a call to get up in tno morning u loet
7 inches.
The muslcalo to be given under the'
-auspices of the Ep worth League at the
M. E. church noxt Tuesday evening,
will be a treat for all who attend. Be
tween parts one and two tho League
will treat all present to a cool drink of
lemonade. Miss Boatrix Mizer, who
just returned from tho Chicago Musical
conservatory, ana miss Jjois rope,
from the Lincoln musical conservatory
havo kindly consented to favor the
League with a seloction. Admission,
twenty-fivo conts.
Duties Experienced bv a Former Web
ster County Doy Not so Severe
as They Might Be.
St. IM'.tkusih'iio, Fin., July 0.
Editor (Muck: Having plenty of
timo I will wiit. you an article foi
jour paper. Since leimiig Chlokn
manga wu Were eampod nt Tnnip: ,
Florida, whom wo woio to load oniiii'
transports for the Santiago nxpcdilion
Wo hnd our mules and liotsos nil o'
hoard tho Allcguuiiy, with partofoui
(uipagu, when wo woro transferrc
from tho U army cnrp to tho 41 "i
IjJnrniy cnrpi under Geiioinl Coplngoi.
wiiiui in cuimon wo wnin ii tiered to nn
load. Wo who encamped there until
.Monday evening, June UOh, when w
lecelvcd ortleis to Inenk camp noM
morning, and bo ready to move at 8
o'clock. At once the company was ail
hurry and hustlo, many wondering
whero wo weie going and tho why and
Wo were soon told that Co. I) wns to
go to St. Poloisbuig, iu a special de
tachment to relievo Co. II of thu First
Illinois, which had been stationed
there on special guard duly. Next
morning promptly on time wo hnd all
packed our rations nnd cquipngo load
ed, nnd fell Into the ranks In heavy
marching order. Tho march to tho
depot, about a quarter of a mile, was
soon ended, and wo walled for the
train to tho pier at Port Tampa whero
wo took tho steamer Lawrence for St.
St. Petersburg lioj along tho north
coast of Tniupa Bay, nut) only four
miles from the gulf. Its excellent lo
cation aud even cllmalo mnkcsHnn
admirable winter resort nnd tho win
tor liutls its numerous hotels crowded
to tho utmost with northern plcnsuro
seekers. St. Petersburg Is n now town
und has sprung from n v!llr.go of 180 in
1800 to a now thriving town of 2500
population, and hits ncnuired luativ a
.metropolitan air. Tho Inhabitants nro
largely made up of northern pooplo,
Indiana nnd Illinois being largely in
tho majority. Tho pcoplo havo erected
many handsome houses, which together
with elegant business rooms nnd largo
hotels, composu a town the equal of
which is hnrd to find in a city twico or
thrice Its bIzo.
Tho town is surrounded by largo
farms and orchaids. Tho principal
products nro bananas, orangoi,guavas.
peaches, strawberries, pino apples ami
Thi ro nro very few homos In town
that havo not somo Ironical fruit in
one of tho various stages of cultivation.
Tho surf is particularly fino for bath
ing and tho two pavilions accommo
date quite a goodly number of bathers.
The fishing from tho pier Is excellent,
the waters abounding with Spanish
mackerel, catfish, trout, bass, eta, as
well as shark, porpoises, sawfish and
many of naturo's curious finny tribo.
Tho town is nottd as a water station
as all of the largo transport ships aud
war vesales stop here for ice and water
aud wator is taken from here to tho
blockading floot.
Our duties here aro to protect the
fmmpmg stations ana tanks, cna tne
ake from which it is supplier. The
dangor of spies or Spanish hirelings
poisoning the wator has made It neces
sary for us to guard these places well.
Our tents aro Ditched in the town lim
its, on ono of the streets bounding the
part. Tho pavillion in the park wo
uso as a guard houso, and during the
nouted partol eacu day una rciugo un
der the shade, and at night tho pavilion
Is Hunted by electricity, quite a de
parture from the usual army guard
houso. It is by fat tho best camp so
far on our trip. The pooplo aro very
nospitabio, no want out wuat tnoy are
' .7
Strain Hats I
Jit Gost !
In robponso to tho proclamation is
sued by President McKinley, request
ing that memorial services bo hold
throughout this country to givo thanks
for tho victories of tho United States
forces on land and sea, Rov. Jamos M.
Darby last Sunday morning dollvored
a memorial sermon at tho Mothodisl
church. The church was very appro
priately decorated with flags and other
patriotic emblems, and filled to its
utmost capacity with a congregation
eager to do homago to tho doeds of our
soldiors, among whom woro the G. A.
R., who met at their hall aud marched
to tho church in a body. Mr. Darby
took for his subject "Tho Immortals,''
which subject he very ably handled,
treating on tho immortals in history of
science, education, art, war, etc., and
finally coming to those of tho present
day endowed with deeds which will, in
history, livo forover. Such meetings
as this ono aro cortulnly very interest
ing not only from a religious viow, but
also inspire patriotism nnd should bo
held more often anil without wniting
for a piexidontial proclamation.
anxious to supply, giving balls, parties,
nnd teas for tho boys, bringing us a
goodly lot of reading matter and pre
senting cako, etc. Yesterday tuoy
f;avo us a fine dinner, served ico cream
n tho park, and during the day tho
4th of July was celebrated with speech
es, wheel races, boat races, and in tno
afternoon a game of ball was played
botween St. Petersburg and Co. D,
with a score of 0 to 1 in favor of Co. D.
The whole affair oqdod in tho evening
with a grand military ball.
How long we will bo hero we know
not, as we aro looking for orders to
cross tho pond any day. Wo woro
further equipped yesterday with oach
a hammock for uso in Cuba. More
anon. Lbstkb Koontz.
Every Straw Hat in the house
will be sold at Actual
See a few of the styles in our
South Window.
We have also a few rare bar
gains in
We welcome the looker as well
as the buyer
Couideo-Haley Clothing Co.
One Price Clothiers.
Wiener's Old Stand.
1MB persons say
it is natural for
them to lose flesh
during summer.
But losing flesh is losing
ground. Can you afford
to approach another win
ter in this weakened con
dition? Coughs and colds.weak
throats and lungs, come
quickest to those who are
thin in flesh, to those eas
ily chilled, to those who
have poor circulation and
feeble digestion.
of cod liver oil ivtih hypo
phosphites does just as
much good in summer as
in winter. It makes flesh
in August as well as April.
You certainly need as
strong nerves in July as in
January. And your weak
throat and lungs should
be healed and strength
ened without delay.
All DranliU , COS. nil ft
BCOTT & IJOWNK, CbemUU. Hew Tork
Corntr Stone -Laid.
Quito an Important event in this por
tion of Nebraska occurred yesterday
when tho corner stono of iho Catholic
church at Orleans was laid. This build
ing when completed will rival any sim
ilar edifice in tho state. .It is mado of
the Colorado brown stono which makes
a handsomo apponrance.
At 10 o'clock a largo audienco had
guthored,to participate in tho ceremo
nies and nt 10:80 Father Freeman of
Wymore began tho exercises. Fivo
priests woro in attendanco and dressed
In their rnbos gnvo dignity and solem
nity to tho occasion.
lather MoKonna of this city gavo
tho address in English and Father Leon
ard of Lincoln addressed tho pcoplo in
The whole coromony was unusually
interesting and the character as well
as tho magnitudo of tho structure gives
evldenco of tho zealous efforts of
Father Harrington pastor of that dio
ccso. Tho laying of tho corner is quite nn
important period in tho erection of a
building and tho projectors feel that
they havo it now well under way.
It is duo Ovoring Bros. & Co., to say
that they furnished thu corner stone
for this, tho greatest building iu west
ern Nebraska.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postofilce at Rod Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ending July 14th,
Dickey, V. G. Richardson, Thos.
Scott, J, II.
Tlioso letters will ho sont to the dend
letter office July 28th, if not called for
before. When calling for above plonsn
bay advertised. T. O. Haokbu, P. M
"I havo used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy In my family for years and al
ways with good results," rniYH Mr. W.
II. Cooper of Kl Rio, Cal. "For small
children wo find It especially effective."
ForSaloby U.K. Grico.
Harness that will wear, keep Iu
shape and look neut is thu kiud mudo
by J. O. Butler.
"IMi. Old Reliable."
x8 lbs. Granulated Sugar - .- - $i oo
12 bars Soap - -
6 bars White Russian soap,
io bars Santa Claus Soap - -;
9 bars Lenox soap
ioc size 98 per cent pur Lye
1 i6-oz can Baking Powder
1 package corn or gloss starch
1 glass Jelly
1 bottle Vanilla Extract - -;i
1 bottle Lemon Extract
1 package Boraxine Washing Powcier
1 can Imperial Syrup - - -
1 one-gallon can Apples - ,, - . v -
12 bokes Matches - -
1 2$ lb. Can Peaches - -
1 41b. package Gold Dust, ...
Any kind package coffee, until further notice,
Miner's No. 1. Flour, warranted - - ;
Miner's No. 2 Flour, warranted, - $1
."V 25
.-',- - 25
iV 5
: - s
- 4
- ; . - 8
.'. 5
1 20
Rememember we give Stamps
on all Purchases,
Redeemable at the M
Co-Operative Association. tfflj
. j
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