d .r0rWymfi. fc-aWfc'JVmjJE " -Vvfj WtUMri THiS RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY. JULY 15. 18Ub. msdBBKflfkvxuv mrr&TOutiwiLr-Ti.acrrirtL-CTi:T;. iwisrtJrt. I IQ U U (I Ivy Poiso Child Suffered for Throo Yoors Without Rollof-Torrlblo Itching mid Burning Skin Dlaoa3o. When thrco months old our boy was polBoned with ivy. Ho suffered for three years without (rotting relief. I daw onoof tho advertisements of Hood's Snr snpsrlllft, consisting of a testimonial wheroa child was cured of Ivy poisoning. My faith was very weak at first, but I told my husband I would llko to try a bottlo of Hood's 8a snjmrilln. Doctor's mcdiclnq hod failed to help him In tho least. Wo concluded to buy flvo bottles of Hood's Barsaparllla and tho child be pin taking It. Boforo ho had Anished all that wo had purchased ho was cured. I unvo also been cured of skin dlscoso by Hood's Barsaparllla. I wan In such a condition that I could hardly enduro tho Itching and burning. I tolt that I must givo Hood's Barsaparllla a fair trial, which I did. 1 took four bottles and It cured mo." Christina GnnitN, Oanastota, B. D. Hood's Barsaparllla Is sold by all drug gists, fl; six for (5. Do euro to got Hood's. THE CHIEF runumiKD bt W. L. MaMILLAN. )ne jror... llx-nonlhs . .. ...... ..... 11 eu ............ .... 00 rUlllilHIIBD EVKIIY FlllDAY Bntotcd at tho poit oBlco at Hod Cloud, Neb. as lecond class mall matter. The lied Cloud, Neb., CHIEF, weekly, is credited with the largest circulation accorded to any paper in lied- Cloud or in Webster county or in the Fifth Congressional District. Printer's Ink, July 28, 1807. WABHINOTON NOTES. Washington, D. C, July 11. Tho destruction of Corvora's fleot, and tho ponding surrender of thoSpan isb at Santiago has mndo poaco talk very prevalent on tho other sido of tho Atlantic, but up-to this tlmo thcro has been no official word from Spain on this subject. Membors of tho diplo mats corps say that tho poaco talk is boing encouraged by tho Spanish gov ernment, a a "fooler" of public senti ment both In Spnl l and this count 17. In administration circles, it is said (hat nothing short of a request from tho government of Spain will cause this government to naino its terms of pence they will not be named t any other governmeul acting for Spain and thai nothing short of uu absolute and uu qualified acceptance of those terms will cause the slightest change in the Slans for tho further crushing of pain's power. It Is stated at tho navy department that tho fleet ofCommo doro Watson will start for Spain this week, and that the campaign against Porto Rice is to bo pushed ahead us rapidly as possible. fc?uiuu think that peaco is in sight, but thoso who know tho Spanish character host, say that some more whipping will be necessary to bring it about. Tho whipping will oj aouo an ugm, as iast as ino oppor tunny is given our ooys. in fact, our soldiers aro afraid that peaco will be reached bofore thoy havo all had an opportunity to do somo fighting. V Congress camo very closo to adjourn ing in tho midst of a fight on tho floor of the house botweou mojibors. Fit tingly onough, tho wuuld-boboligoronts wero Cannon of Illinois, and i3n.lt of Texas. Cooler hoadod mon succeeded in keoping tho Cannon and tho Ball from gotting at each other until thoy had a chance to cool down a little thus escaping a disgraceful scono that wouia nave neon witnessed by bun areas 01 sonooi teacuers from overy BeouoD 01 me country, wuo aro in Washington in connection with tho National Educational Convention, and wno orowuuu mu gnuenes at ine Cap itol to witneis tho closing of tho session of congress. Representative Cannon withdrew his remarks from the Record and apologized for having called Rop- IVOVUiuinv w ill... uutltu'iucuuiu- tlvo Hall did not withdraw tho lan guage that provoked tho epithet, Tho whole Incident was based upon a "tem pest in a tea-pot" started by tho at tempt of Representative Handy of Del aware, to havo tho houso order striok on from the Record, a portion of tho speech made by Roprcsenlutivo Ray ol Now York, which reflected upon Rep. rcHontativo Champ Clmk of Missouri, nu attempt that fallod. V Unless somo persons in Washington aro very badly informed, Gen. Mies has no idea of rouphiug it in Cuba, or in tho campaign against Poiioltico, which hn is .0 command and which is to be at onee lieguu, unless thuSnauish really asl; for poaco or just talk about it. On tho contrary, headquarters, which, aecnidiiig to tliis information, will bo on tho magnllleent passenger steamer "Graml Duchek.su," will havo oveu more elegant ami luxurious sur roundings than weie contained in tho private cur in which hu ami his staff mado that Inspection trip to Florida several weeks ago. The Headquarters of General Miles will remain 011 tho si earner until tho camp ugu is over, if thoso who givo out in is imfoimalioit havo things as straight as thoy think thoy havo, nutl the steamer enniesu l.irgo supply of tho sort of provisions that art usually only furnished at high priced hotels. V Tho session of congress that camo to such an abrupt end after tho senate adopted tho resolution for tho uutiox ation of Hawaii was ouo of tho most important ever held. It appropriated $201,788,095 for tho prosecution of tho war, but it did a great deal more than legislate for tho war, it may bo judged from tho fact that It appropriated for othor purposes $S.JO,7!i(),S0O, making u grand total impropriated for all pur poses of $Sl)2,5'.J7,0l)l, a larger umotiut than was ver before nppropnatod at a single session. In addition to the an nexation of Hawaii, tho following im portant laws upon subjects not con nected with tho war, were placed upon Hi'1 sintuii 'it 01 A n in, , 1 i), ik I II I I -Ml J I'll" I'll I'H l I.I 1 1 1 statu L'oiiiuii'tt'u luw, piovlilmg l'u 1 ui liilratlon of all dllli-ience' between common can icrs nnd their employes; a commission (o revise laws 1 elating to patents tiadoiiiarks, o ',.; removal of political disabilities Imposed by the fourteenth iimntidinoiil: nppropiiiitlou to pay ( 1 out Britain tho Uciing Sea award; for tho pro ectlon of people of Indlnu Tenitory nnd for other pur poseful industrial commission to in vestigate ami report to congress on I he condition anil needs of nil brunches of trade and Industry. Whatever elso tho memliers may bo chat god with, thoy havn certainly not lacked patriotism; every bit of war legislation asked for by the administration, promptly given. Tho president lost no tlmo in nnm Inglho :ommlsslon authorized by the Hawaiian annexation resolution, to recommend tho congressional legis lation mado necessary by annexation and to be composed of three Americans and two Ilawailaiis. Thoso chosen aro Senators Cullom and Morgan, Repre sentative Hilt. President Dole and As sociate Justice Frear. The last two of Hawaii. WAR NOTES IN BRIEF. Havana is still in communication with Madrid by cable. Jonah Cervora was swallowed right, but who was tho whalof It is believed that tho populaco all of (Spain aro aiming for civil war. A Spanish privnteer, with fivo guns, Is hovering off the coast of II. Itlsli Co lumbia. Tho franking privilego will probably bo extended to soldiers nnd jailors during tho war. If Spain has really purchased tho O'HIgglus, sho would do well lo savo It for a nest egg. Thoro is no discount on Gen. Shatter. Ho will do to (io to. Nothing seems to got away from him. That barbed who fenco at Santiago could not keep tho Michigan troops out of a potato patch. Tho pope is reported to bo greatly dejected by tho destruction of Cor vora's fleet at Santiago. Whilo Camara is safe at Port Said common prudonco would seem to die tato that ho stay at said port. In tho event of an uprising of tho populaco in Spain thoro is gtavo dan gor of a mutiny in tho army. A regiment of troons will bo feont im mediately from San Francisco to Hon olulu to garrison tho forts. It Is apparent that tho Morrimao must havosurunk a good deal after be ing planted in tho harbor ontranco. Ouo of llio conspirators who placed a bomb in the pal.tec A tin- Queen Re gent, of Spain, had been arrested and executed. Admiral Dewoy will romaln inactive until the arrival of General Morrltt who will probably reach Manila abut July 25th. A Madrid dispatch says that the press is clamoring for an investigation and punishment of Admiral Corvera and his officers. Spain sin ilesblp PoS and the armored l battleship cruiser Carlos V. Spain's navy is substantially crushed. All tho ships that remain could not last two hours under the flro of Ameri can marksmen. Only regular United States postal rates aro required on mails for tho Philippines, whether addressed to mili tary mon or civilians. Admiral Cervora, when ordered to dash out of Santiago harbor, cabled in roply, "I will oboy, and go to my doom Sunday morning." Most of tho Spanish cabinet favors poaco, but apparently fear tho rao of tho pooplo who havo been decoivod by falso stories of viotory. The raiting of tho United States flag Ht Honolulu upon tho arrival of the cruiser Philadelphia, will bo an occa sion of groat ceremony. Gov. Lowndes, of Maryland has an nounced that tho stato will presont a sword of honor to Commodore Schley, who is a native of Frederick county. An ordinary American canoe, armed with a doublo barreled Bhotgun and flying tho United States flag, is a good match for any Spanish torpedo boat. Tho Spanish government is looking for a pretext to put General Weyler safely behind tho bars on account of his intrigues with revolutionary ele ments. Senator Mason of Illinois has In his possession tho Spanish flag that floated over Cavllo fort at Manila, May 1. whon it was surrendered to Admiral Dewey. hx -Postmaster Gontral Wanamaker has requested permission of tho gover nor of Pennsylvania to onter the stato national guard with a twolvo company regiment. It is said that tho war costs Spain $1,003,000 a day. Hut Homo days aro moro expensive than others. A $15, 000,000 fleet was mashod out of exist islonco on July 3d. Cuba's indepumtoiu'0 will not bo subject to uuropoau supervision, as Spain suggests. It would bo to tho iutorest of tho Madtid government to drop all such absurd notions. Congress, on tho ovo of adjournment uipropriateu ;xj,uuu to itefray expens es of transportation to their homes of tno remain of officers and soldiers who are killed or dlo outsido of tho United States. The United States has sent to Cuba a largo number of light draught gun boats to run down and capture the hundreds of small Spanish war crafts hiding in tho shallow bays and Inlota of tho island. Col. E. M. Stowart, for many years a resident of the Philippines, says tho opportunities for enterprising Ameri cans to mako vast fortunes In thoso islands duriug tho next twenty years nie boundless. Santiago will havo occasiou to do. 11I010 tho visit of Cervora which iirnugui an American army upon tho town. Cervora is gone, but tho army lias decided to remain and run up tho stars and stripes over Mono, One of tho most remarkablo of the many wonders of tho naval fight at ! oauuago is tuo iact mat v,otutnouoro w- V- i'i Jl-iglip, urn Jiiii.klii, ui I mi 1. f i the limes nud 1 nut' nut i 110 nKut pi utile, ili tiiiilijiui.il. Sineo Cervcra's fleet was deslrovoil the Spanish Cruisers Alphonso XII and Reiua Mercedes have been sunk bj our shells, one 110.tr Havana, tho other in Santiago harbor. At this rate Spain will soon rciito from tho naval busi ness. Gen. Shaflor, In reply to un inquiry from tho war department, denounced as absolutely falfco the repor'ed killing of Spanish pilsonotR by Cubans, wlti lug that "tho Cubans have shown no disposition to treat badly any Span lards who have fallen Into their hands.' Tho two Spanish fleets sunk nt Man ila and Santiago numbered in all eighteen ships. They lost over 2300 killed, wounded and prisoners. The American loss Is 0110 killed, eight wounded, and not a. ship was damaged. This Is one of tho most surprising facts In all history. Not many weeks ngo the people of Havana gavo 11 great celebration In honor of tho arrival in the harbor of tho Vlscayn and tho Oquondo. Near thogayly decorated cruisers were the pathetic relics of tho Maine. The beach at. Santlego shows how woll tho Maine has been remembered, and tho account Is not yet satisfied. One of Corvera's iinost ships, tho Cristobal Colon, is said to bo in good condition, notwithstanding tho treach erous efforts of tho Spaniards I'i ren der her useless afler sho had boon sur rendered. Sho will bo towed to Now port News nud repaired, and soon tho stars and slripos will float over hot. Concerning tho fighting qualities of the Cubans it is said by our troops nt Santiago that thoj aro excellent sol diers an i all stories to tho contrary aro pure fabrications by oxlra smart newspaper correspondents Tho Cu ban invariably tliiows away his gun ou encountering the onemy and rushes into tho fray with pistol and machole, sweating in Spanish, and In English whan ho cau, and daring tho Spanish to stand up boforo tho "Almighty Cu-ban-Amorican." Uuliko our troops, tho Cuban singles out a man and lights until ho kills him. Obituary. Elizabeth O'Noall was born in New berry county, South Carolina, Febru ary Otli, 1818. Sho moved with her paronts ti Green county, Indiana in 1832 nud was united in m air i ago March 11th. 1840 to Johu lioydo. Thoy moved to Warren county, Illinois in 1847, whoro they resided until his death July 5th, 1804. To this union wero born three sons and two daughters. Mrs. O'Noall died July 12th, 1808, at tho homo of her mm lloury Uoyd south of Rlmleii where sho made her homo for tho past sixteen years. She was aged 85 years, 5 months and 8 days. She leaves ono brother, two sons, one daughter, thirteen grand-children, sjx great grand-children and a host of friends to mourn her loss. She was a tine devoted christian for over forty yoais. Tho fuuorul was couducten by Iter. Hummcll at Plalnvlew school house and her body wa Interred in tho Plainuiew cemetery. . COWLES. Tho harvest had hardly begun when uuw tuhlu u"ine- ' Mr. Decker and familv were tho guests of Nod Hard and family Sun day. Tho M. E. parsonage is boing painted which improves it looks greatly. Mr. T. Paul is ereoting a tino new residonce in the south part of town. Mrs. Goo. Hagar is expecting to leavo soon for tho Trans-MUslssippl Expo sition. ) Mart Good, after a pleasant visit with parents nnd friends, left fot Mari on, Iowa, last Wednesday. Miss Besslo Poyor and Georgio Scott woro in uou.utoua Tuesday where they tako lessons in musio. tiarry waller has purchased a new selfbinder. Liohtfoot. Catarrh is Not Incurable But it can not be cured by sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures whioh reach only the surface. The disease is in the blood, and can only be reached through tiio blood. S. S. S. is the only remedy which can have any effect upon Catarrh; it euros tho disease perma nently and forever rids the system of every trace of tho vile complaint. Miss Josle Owen, of Montpcllor, Ohio, writes: "I was af flicted from infancy with -Catarrh, and no ono can know the Buffering It prodncci better than I. The sprays and washci prescribed by the doc tors relieved me only temporarily, and though I used them oonstantl) for ten years, the disease hod a firmer hold than ever. I tried a number ol blood romedlcB, but their mineral Ingredient! settled in my bones and gave me rheumatism. I was In a lamcntablo condition, and after ex hausting all treatment, was declared Incurable, Seeing 8.8.8. advertised aa a cure for blood diseases, I decided to try It. As soon as my system was under tho effect of tho medicine, I began to Improve, and after taking It for two months I was cured completely, the dreadful disease was eradicated from my sys tem, and I havo had no return of It." Many havo been taking local treat ment for years, and find themselves worse now than over. A trial of CCCfor Blood ? The will prove it to bo tho right remedy for Catarrh. It will cure tho most ob stinate case. BookB mailed frco to any address by Swift tSpcciilo Co , Atlanta, Ga. HP bV'H 111 tVV I .wHWiitMrAiaibtTaits. bT lloiit Couiih Bjrup. '1'aitcH Clooo. Cm HI in tlmo. Bold br drumtliti. IH Our iialiy has been eoniliiua uoiil- led witti eiiiili'ia uiul elioleni infiiii urn since, his birth, and all that we could do for him did not seem to givo more than temporary relief, until wo tried Cliamborialii'fl Colic, Cholera nnd Diar rhoea Remedy. Siuco giving that rem edy ho Iii-s not been troubled. We want to glvn you this testimonial as nn evidence of our gratitude, not that you need it to advertise your meritorious, remedy. (. M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa For alo h) II K Grice. fVliracuflous Benefit REOEIVCD tVOM Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure JlH' LI P. BA11COOK, of ATOca, N. Y., a votcran of tho 3rd r . . Artillery and for thirty yoira of tin Habcock It Munsol Carriage Co., of Auburn, says: "I wrlto to express my gratitude, forthotnlrac lous benefit received from Dr. .Miles' Heart Curo. I suffered foryearj, r.jm Mill of army llfo, from sciatica which nlTocicit iuy heart In tho worst form, :ay limbs swelled from tho ankles up. I bloitcd until I was unable. to button my clcihlus: hr.d eharp pulnvj about tho heart, smothering spells nntr shortness of breath. Tor throo months I vasunablo to Ho down, and all tho deep I got was In an arm chair. I was treated by tho best doctors but gradually grow worse. About a year ngo I comrnencod taking Dr. Miles' Now Heart Curo and It savod my llfo as If by a miracle" Or. Miles' Romodlos aro sold by all drug gists undor a positive guarantee, first bottle bonoflta or monoy ro fundod. Book on dis eases of tho heart and nerroa frco. Address, DB. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind Host faaclnatlnf Inven tion of the ace. Alwajf ready to entertain. 11 requires no skill to oper ate It and reproduce tbe music of bands, orches tras, vocalist or Instru mental soloists. There Is nothing like It for an evening's entertainment. Other so-called talking machines reproduce only records of cut-and-dricd subjects, specially prepared la a laboratory, but the Qraphophone la not limited to such performances. On tho draphophoneyoucan easily mako and Instantly reproduco records of tho voice, or any sound. Thus It constantly awakens new Interest and Its charm Is ever fresh. The reproductions are clear and brilliant GriMttttes are sm ftr $il fpd Mannfactured under the patents of lull, Talnter, r.dlion and Macdonald. Oar esubiuhmnnt Is benfl uunrtcr or the worlsl for Talking Muhlnrs and Talking t lachlna Snppllts. Will for catalogue. COLUMBIA PK0M)GRAPH CO. 720-729 Olive St, ST. LOUIS MO. nkw TonK. rAnis. cuicaoo. st. louis. rniLADiLrnu. Baltimore. WASUIMQTOK BUrfALO. B. U. OVERMAN, RTTORNBY - KT - LKSltC. Ottice la Moon Block. Does a general law business. Practices in all courts. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given Hint rcaled bid will be received by tho hoard of Education of r'ebool Dlstrloi No. 0, Webster county, Nebraska, for tho erection of it school Iiouhq In Maid illMrlct. The plans hih! specifications for said building aro uow i'ii mo in me omce in ine couiuy u pcrlntendoiit of public, Instruction, wliero they miiv ba examined bv liitoreited imrtlcs. Said bids aro to bo tiled with ('. I), l)lcker.on. director of ka((1 illsirict. on or before 10 o'clock a. m.. July: 1,1803. Said ichool dutrlet reserves tho right to rejoct any or all bids. C. D. Dickriiiiox. Director. ALrnau McUall Moderator. Fiunic Stokks, Treasurer. SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DRALBIt IN Wines, Liquors, California undies. (Wl-lLWAlinliBeer ALWAYS ON TAP. w yV-Hiyi. T0Pft d liBi IHPlLrVaMaaaaaaV III 1r 9Hb COMING Campbell - Bros, CAMI'IIELL BROS. Clltt'U AND Circus and Trained nimai, Congress, WILLKX1IIIIIT AT ' Ked Gload, Tuesday Jaiy 6th, PPjeHNOON KND T-.IOHT. Performing Elephants, Bears, Lions, Horses, lite. World's Champion Bareback Riders, Leapers, Tumblers, Ete. Admission, 25c. - i anil f 1 1- Street Parailo at 10 o'clock. No postponement for any cause DUNT FAIL TO SEE THE FEUFOKMINQ ELEPHANTS. 4 4 4 1 4 4 : 4 4 3 4 4 3 IT'S A DUTY Our skilled optician examines eyes free. Como in and let him exam ine your eyes. If you don't requiro glasses ho will tell you so. Only regular doctor of rofaretion in the county. iVewliouse I2xosu Jewelers and Opticians. jarTlio very Jlnrst Wnteh, Clock and Jewolav Repairing. Satisfac tion guarantecil. 4 4 4 a...n......, BUG-G-IES, CARRIAG-ES, SURREYS. The linest line of road voli'iclm 'vor brought to Webster county. Call and examine them ami a pii.-i-.s whether you wish to buy or not. A. full line of nil tlm loading farm machinery including ALL GOODS FIRST CLASS THE - FAMOUS - OHIO CULBIVATOR. If in need of anything in tho line of buggies or farm machinery it will pay you to see mo before purchasing. I can savo yon monoy. JAS. PETERSON, Red Cloud, Ne raska. lk-w kJIAAA ma mM Spectacles! Spectacles! Spectacles! ; ua uitea acouiiiu-iv. m'-ii'i-iiv LATEST GRADUATE DIM I'1A. trial oaso for testing Hi- , m the do the optical business uf this .-.xiiiity. than can bo dono elsewhere. vTKS''rHrfWimLT'?. W be dono olsuwiuiro. WIRE liillIalKingtr Ring, liacast Pius nnd Bracelets mado while yon wait. Engrnvingdonu also while you wait. f THOS, Watch oxaminer for B. & M. VVVVsrVVVVSPVWVVVVW..VVsrVVWwVVVvvwvvv eity Dfav and Express Itine. ROSS St RIFB.'PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the LowestJ CITY AGENTS FOR SOON. Children under ten 1 5c. You owo your eves that of properly oaring for them. You cau't bo too careful with na ture's greatest blessiug, and tho most deli cato organs your eyes. Nearly overy hu man being has r4 PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST k.xtAaaaaaaaia AltaAAaAJ Hint lily by ono who can do it. I navi- t nu tin .stand most comnloto vti'lt'v Am better equipped for and Will lit 3011 hotter and cheaper A Good Alarm Clook for 75o. When you como to buythls clock you will linil that I havo them and will not try to soil you something higher priced. You will find all I oiler for salo equally cheap, such as ONE AND EIGHT DAY CLOCKS. WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, I FINGER RINGS, J SPECTACLES, E CHARMS. CHAINS, t ETC., ETC., I Willi do your complicated Jwatch woi k uheaoer and bettor than It mm Z :EJE1VMAV, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. sian. J ADAAS EXPRESSZCO. 1 B 1 V it j .