The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 15, 1898, Image 1

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Nebraska Mercantile Co.
Department Store.
Commencing Saturday Morning, July 16, we commence a Two Weeks Clearance Sale. Special Price Reductions in each department. We find our large spring busi
ness has accumulated a large lot of Remnants. We propose to close them all out during this sale, as we want the room for new fall goods. A big lot of Calicoes in remnant
lengths at 2-Ac per yard, remnants in Ginghams, Muslins, Shirtings, etc., at 3c per yard and upwards. Remnants in Wool Dress Goods at nearly half the usual selling price.
Xi?e Oooclsss.
At our Dross goods counter wo place
ou salo n number of
Extra Special Bargain Values
nt l'.2c, 15e18c, i!0cf '22c, 35e, 38c, GOc,
COc and 05c per yunl.
With each dress pattern nt fiOo por
yard or over wo give tho linings,
6 yards best Cambric,
2 yards 15c Selisia,
2 yards 15c Linen Duck.
nt nearly half tho usual soiling prico. Ia(LG11 S SilirtS.
Spocial Bargain prices on In
grain Carpets and Straw Mat
Ingrain Carpets at 22c
per yard.
Straw Mattings at iqc per
Regular !!0o grade.
Special in
Ingrain Carpets,
at 2.o, 150c, 3T)o, 15c. and COc por
Satnplos tiud short lougth car
pels pluccd on salo at a big
discount in prico.
iSnnl;il nlnnrltitr ciilr mi Mmtu
Tailor Made Suitings. . shuts.
Men's 65c and75c shirts,
sale price 3S;.
Also spocial bargains nt
50c, 65c and 75c,
that aro fully worth doublo tho
Excellent fabrics for summer shirts,
salo prico 8Jo.
SIMPSON'S SATINES, salo prico 8'c
Now light stylos and colors, ynrd wido
PERCALES, regular 12o quality
salo prico 7q.
fi 4 TABLE OIL CLOTH, nico assort
mont of pattorus nt 12JjC por ynrd.
Straw Hats.
Clearing Salo prions ou men's
and boys Straw Hats.
Our ontiro stock of
placod on salo at Roducod Prices.
Ladios Fast lllack, regular nuido
Spliced heol and too, salo prico 10c,
usual prico lfie to 20o.
per pair.
' at Ho, 80 and 10c per pair.
at 2,'ic, H9c, 50o and 7fic.
Special Bargains in Ribbon Remnants.
All tho balanco of our stock of Um
brellas and Parasols placod ou salo
at roducod prices.
at Go, 8c, 10c nnd 12c.
Shoe Depart
ment. Special Sacrlilco Clearing Salo
Prices iu our shoo department.
SHOES, 38c por pair. ,
por pair.
SHOES, salo prico 80c, regu
lar 81.G0 grade.
SHOES, all sizes, salo prico
$1.00. This is tho best Ladios'
shoo over sold in Rod Cloud
for the inonoy. They nro tho
regular $1. CO and 1.75 grado.
Sacrlilco Clearing salo prices on
OXFORDS, at fiOo por pair
and upwards.
Men's Shoes.
Vo can savo you monoy on
Mon's Shoos.
Spocial bargain vaiuos nt, 11 00.
$1.25, I1.G0, nnd $1.75 por pair.
Shirt Waists,
Special in Ladios Shirt Wnlsts at 38c,
15c, 50c, 65c, 75c, OOo.
Excollent assortmont to selpct from.
Spocial In
Ladies' White Mnslin
iitRouoiioh. Former prico 75o to 85o.
Lace Curtains.
Vo havo a numbor of odd pairs and
single curtains which wo place 011
salo at nearly half tho regular
selling prico.
Ladies' Skirts.
Special clearing salo prices on Ladios
Skirts nt 75c, 81.00, 81.25, SUiO, 82.
Unbleached Muslin,
at 5c per yard.
Bleached Muslin,
at Go, (loand 7o.
at 5o, 0c, 80 and lOo,
In Our Grocery
Big supply of tho
Mason Fruit Jars,
at tho right prices.
, Wo nro soiling tho
Blue Springs Flour
It is one of tho best makes of
Hour in thostato:
Wo havo a spocial premium In
for our (lour customer!), which is
well worth getting.
Cllva our Grocery Department a
call, it will savo you money.
Wo can soil good goods at tho
Luwont prices.
At special bargain pricos. Eith
Special iu Olasswaro at 5o and
Monoy saving bargains iu
Men's Blue Overalls at 270 per pair. Sacrifice Clearing Sale Prices on Men's and Boy's Pants and Men's and Boy's Clothing. Come to our July Clearing Sale, it will
pay you. Commencing Saturday, July 16, and continuing two weeks.
An Interesting Description of lively Day
Scenes on the Pacific Coast and
Other California Points
Ouvi:, O11I., .July 5, 16U8
Enrroit IIkd Cloud Cmur.
N.A'tlmt tlm Inn vest is at liaml, I
d-d myself tliinUmgof old fiicnils, anil
v. i, iiuj ihal at ilils ceason they might
bf iiaiihpoiied hiiherwai'ii. In lieu of
tins. I will do mv heal and jjlvo as ao
cnuuo a pen pictmo an" I can of I ho
chin acteristics of thu .scilun in which
I ain located.
While tho low lands toward tho
coast am marketing great crops of In
ol nis berried, and the moiinuiliieers in
tlie canons aie exliaetitig thousands of
o;t s of transparent sago honey, we in
tlm anta Ana vn'lev 111 o Heparins
tlxiiisaiidH of tons of dried frail. Tho
n rieot season which is now upon lis,
is fully two weeks ahead of other
years. This fruit ripening tho earliest,
iF tho first crop dried, and is unusually
heavy this year, consideiing tho drouth
we nro passing through. Tho sun
tlryirg process is given the preference
to ivapotation by heat. Scores of
women and childten aro In tho orch
ards under awnings, splitting and
spreading tho fruit on trays iu readi
ness for tlm smoko house, whore it Is
fumigated with sulphur. This latter
process kills all germs that might aft
erwards prove destructive. After a
couple of hours tho truys aro plnccd in
the sun for drying when In tho course
of two or three day tho fruit is ready
for market. Tho output in many other
sections of Southern California hn
been tnoro or less injured lioni local
causes, so that we are enjoying In a
measttro n dried fruit rioii-iciy,
aiieinoiiii nreezes.
largt a t of tho country is set out
veleuts. This year's nut crop is tho
thanks in part to the ideal sunny skits
aim nwci noun ihtuzih
to wit
iiu"-t that has over been Known in
the liiMory of me oouiiliy. Small
frui s hut o 'hoi u veiy. plentiful this
siuiiig iniil propoilinnnloly cheap.
Tlie'i' cultivation Is almost en. niily in
he liaiitU of Cliino-e, who hahogieat
trauts for market ganlmis. They Have
tho eutiiu monopoly o( tin- untie in
HiIh state, )cddliiig I heir products over
tlie olles, 10 vns and coniiuv in largo
K"iliig wagons from eail. dawn till
late in tho afternoon. Each man has
his own unite mi. I laiely over 1 11
eroaehes on another's district. For
li va cei'is one can tiiohm,o a variety
of vegetables, sullleient iu quantity tor
a largo family, ami ten cents will pro
vide for severhl days. Tho Chinese
liniiiili'V is another instil olfnii oeeulinr
to the state, thiiviug everywhere, from
the mountains to the sea, from the des-1
ert towns to the coast cities, lney do
their woik reinaiknbly well ami mar
velouslj cheap. Tlio littlo hrowu
man gaihcrt thu clothes and returns
tho siiino in covered wagons, each
marked in plain English with the pro
prietors liaiuo. It is only- Iu the last
twenty years that tho Chinese on this
coast havo learnfd to uso tho horsu iu
their pursuits. Previous to that time
they carried their Inirdens in large
baskets, ono at each ond of n long polo
horno 011 the sutilders. Tho last of
them to discard this relic of barbarism
has been the rag picker, but with its
passing away lie too hits disappeared
leaving tho deld to tho white man.
Tho country roads huio art every
where very good, owing to 1 lin moth,
od of road improvement in iiao in tills
state. A nmdmustor is appointed in
each district by its supervisor, and
the tax levied on thu property holder
for the loud fund is at his disposal, so
llint the work done is nine thoiough
and inicllicrent than vheu Hie
"o allo.ved in work out their share of
1 no improvement. This system in
sures in the nionutai.i and foothill
district thoi'Mifjhfaios nsetifoiiuil loads
r easy of aei'oas as those in the valleV.
In addiiiou m this some districts eieet
tanks at intervals of a mile nr .to on
their heaviest uaveled thoroughfares
and run sprinkling carts daily from
ijud to end.
Tho groat diversity of sconory within
a radius of a few miles iu any direction
is wonderful. Evoivturn of Hie road
brings iu view a no v picture of tho
wild patioiania iia'uro litis so lavishly
thrown together on tho I'aellle coast.
The mountain canons in tho summer
invito hundreds to rest in the shade of
their giant sycamore, oak and pine
groves. ) lie lootiiiiis in the early
hpriiig adorn themselves with myriads
of wild llowers of every hue and pat
tern, and line ono up their water ways
iu seal eh of Hut dainty fern in all its
native varieties to be found on every
rock nnd in every nook and cruvieo.
Tho bifoh has Its aitraetions for all
Reasons, In thu winter mouths tro
phies from the sea In 'he shape of peb
hies, shells and mosses are more readily
obtained, while the summer days cenil
thousands to sport in thu placid waters.
Tltero is scarcely a day in the year
that on! Jnjr parties and sight oers
e.inuot be ii) t howling along from tho
upland heights or title water through
walnut groves, orchards, and Holds to
bask awhile iu thu soft balmy hkies pe
culiar lo this region.
Iu whatever direction one turns In
this southern country, remnants of the
SpanUh and Mexican rule surprise us.
Their churches, which nro known as
missions, are maiiv of them over ono
hundred years old and aie still In a
e.iiupuwivcl.v g oil state of preserva
tion. They wem otiiltby tho Califor
Indians tun'or iiie suoei vision of the
Spanish inisslontii ie.s iit'd we e used as
a soi I of training school us wed. They
a a low, ovoiliiiniii'jr. 'wo orv sMie
in es, h'V i-'nly liui't of udohe, itun't
of . y oim ed in the sun ami looted
wiih liles. Our btiili'iii'ts at the
woi Id's fai illustcilcd ilrs s vie of
aiehileottiie, and since iluu ime many
of me more elegant. homes hi our ling
er eiiies aio nU'echig this (iialut
fashion. Eacli mission li id its Indian
settlement clustered nVoiiud it, luiilt of
tho same material, and most of them
nave tormeii mo nucleus for tho cities
ami many of toe tho towns, and are the
chief interest of curioshy at many
points. A society lias been organized
in Los Angeles for the picsorvalion of
these 0111 roues and many that had
fallen into decay, because outside the
beaten tracks, havo been restored to
their original condition. These people
all retain the customs nnd manners pe
culiar to their race. Tho higher casto,
decendauts of theSpanlsh ami Mexican
soldiers quartered iu tho territory dm-.
lug me Mexican occupation, have
largely adopted Ainorlcwi intuitu rs,
and miiko good, interested, progress
ivo citizens. Thu Uusendants of tbo
Indians, however, mix but little with
the whites, although always courteous
ami kindly fllipised, and still cling to
their old traditions. Their littlo nilobo
or rush nnd cane huts, piotect them
from the elements. These lattor ro
se blo tho topees of our Indians.
Tliov still grind their corn on stones in
thu primitive fashion, and do tho fami
ly washing ou tho banks of the nearest
stream. Their soap Is 11 root common
to tho state, and to its uso is ascrluod
their luxuriant raven locks. On tho
heights thai look down ou us in thu
valley, is the outline of many a long
low adobe that iu its lime wltuixsed
iiuuiheiless rolickliilg fandangos, hut
now gives free access to tho summer
breezes and winter storms.
My congralulalloiis 011 Hie immunity
of Red Cloud b nves from the fatalities
in Culm; at b-ast I havo not noticed
tlieir muiies amoiiir the lift of casuall-
lies repoi ed, ami feel that they must
bo safe.
IJeiowatoa few market quotations
that I know will be of interest.
Iluy, bailey, 81'.. CO loSL 10; alfalfa,
8 IS to 8115; gtnin, wheat $1.05, corn
81,05 to Sl.'.Ti, na.le.y 81.1)5; butter, B'i
squares 10 dud, uui aio to Via pur
pound; Hour $5 20 per bill,; lolled bar
ley 81. -10 per owt.. pout i, hens, per
doz. 8:1.00 to 85,00, runs urs U 00 to
85, ducks 84.1)0 in 85 CO. turko.vs 10o to
lSJc, potatoes, per hundred, old 75c to
81.00, now GOii to 85o; green fruits,
strawberries, common, 5 To, fancy 10
l'.'Jo, blaokboi rlos 4-flo, cherries, per
box, 45-COo, ourraiilK40"15o, plums, 75
81, apricots lu per pound, raspberries,
o-c, currants, i-ou. urica mills, ap
ricots 0-7o per pound, prunes 0-0o,
California lies 71-lOc. currants 8-10o.
i? o :,.. ' .. ..
jvggs ioj pur 1102,
Schaefer Explains.
I fool obliged to take this modu 111
defending myself at an unpatriotic cit
izen as I was accused. I do confess I
do not hate tho Spaniards and call
them treachorous when I havo no
proof. I nlso do not rejoice at their
defeat in tho war. I only pity them
that tho two ffOveriiloonLs ennlri nm
come to terms ot poaco, which made it
nec(8nry lor us to confront thorn iu
war and have this matter suttlod by
sword, but we went to war to oonqut r
them and wo do expect that oiirh: dmr
ollicers do tliolr duty and aeconipU'i
the same. If wo would not know of
our superiority wo Would not go to war
against t hem Hut now to thu matter
in question. Thcto was a dispute that.
Sanilngo hnd fallen, which I Mioiulit
and said 1 did not beliove yet, unt 1
one of our chief oillcers makes a : .
port to the war depart men'. Tlicr.
was a certain lad (only one wtr dis
charged on thjs aecniint) said that he
read in tho St. Jou News that Ameri
cans revenged themselves on tho Span
iarils by mutilating them and also the
Catholic priesls iu Cuba. 1 mut bo
plain. I told him that was a ilo and
tho imposbiiiignll sous of lies, and
f lie uses such immoral and nbusivi
laucuacu lie iiiohI nnii n 1 ,lr n, ,,.i.
ei -111(1 any such language in my Held.
" iiu.vijuuy can MiKb mis as they
please, but I claim to bo 11 loyal citizou
and ilonoiinco ouch roporlsuupatilotio.
1 will do the Miinin Inn n.ift., 1 T I,,..,..
such language. Vonr gonts wliom it
('Oil llll nllirlll. l dllnKin vrin.. ..1..,,,, ,
send such n man as Tommy Quinn to
luiiutY nm u p nnii uown ilo a trout
ami use him us a tool to curse me, ns
occurred on Saturday last. I am
obliged to say further anybody that
feels theinsolves offended at my con
duct, or tho courso I hnvo tnkon in to
Riml to this matter who will not trado
With nin (In not. nnml In T nnn n,,,.i,,l.
... ..... .. ..... ..,.,.., v, v, . Muimiti
Jycetaongiis well without them us
mem jiuuiib inu, ns mo uiggurpartot
thu crop is exported anyway.
Tho Union Firolnsurnnco Company
Is thu best mutual. Combino risks; In
installments 8 por cent. J. H, Smith,
Spocial Agont.
It 'I
&xi&iizimxtmaia& "Tn?:
i in. jjjiiM