itMfiiS,'ii,hrjwrLmt!u.s HL,t. JlHx wriE;r "SS&smszgZ-!: THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JULY 8 1898. t. . Royal niakts the food pure, wliolt.ome and delicious. W AkiH0 POWDER Absolutely Pure ROmMKIhO iowoe CO., htw YOA. CITY NI5AVS. Amos Cowden w:i in Mutiknto Mon day. Go to Butler (or tin- bot in nddlery niiil harness. J. L. Minor nnd Thoinns Kialik wore in Kansas City this week. Aaron Conovor and u ifo left Tuesday inoi uing for a visit in Illinois Mis. Geo. Hoy roturm d to her homo in Iowa last Snttuday morning. C. B. Crone was looking nftor busi Ties1" matters in Kansas City this week. Joseph Cummings win junt last Sat urday to tliu soldier homo at Grand Is land. Notick All person- tre' forbidden to hunt or shoot in mj pnotutc. C. II. Kaluv. For firo, lightning nnl tornado insur ance on farm and city pioperty sen L. II. Fort. The Cowden-Knley Clothing Co. aro offering some rare bat trains iu men's suits. Sec them befoto you buy. Good workmanship nnd material in harness is the same as in other -goods. J. O. Butler's goods have both. Chas. V. Reynolds of this county and Miss Louln Householder of Clay County, Kansas, woro licensed to wed on July 2nd. Miss Dora Ward who has boon resid ing in Omaha for tho past year camo homo Saturday to spend several days with tho folks. Miss Lotourncau and brother who tiavo boon visiting tho family of Nolso Longtin loft for tbeir homo at Aurora, Kansas, on Friday. Capt. J. B. Jackson, son of Mrs.Pntti Jackson formerly of this city, nhd brother of Mrs. A. Galusha was among tho wounded at Santiago. Tho best docorated houso in tho city -on tho Fourthjwas that of O. C. Caso on Sowardstreot tho American emblems being very tastefully arranged. Although tho weather was somewhat inclement on last Saturday tho dinnor and supper given by tho baud boys netted them a ni"c littlo sum, twenty six dollars. V. li. Scrivner, real est a to man, will eoll your farm lor you for a rea sonable per cent, or will trado your farms for Missouri lands. Address, V- H. Scrivnor, Red Cloud, Nobr. btrayed from A. Morhart's farm on Juno 80, 1893 ono slim bay mare pony weight about GOO lbs. with black niano and tail and slit in right ear. A suit able roward will bo paid for return of sanio. Tkndkk Tiieik TnANKS. Tho raem boisof tho band wish tothank tho ladies who so kindly save a dinnor and supper for thoir bonoht. Also tho clti ?.ons who so liborally patronized tho samo. Bv Order of tiie Hand. Money to Loan Money to loan in any amount on approvod real estato security at lowest rato of interest and most favorable terms of payment. En quiro of or address F. E. Goblk, at tho ofllco of tho Trader's Lumber Co., Red Cloud, Nob. List of lottors remaining uncalled fur at tho postofllco at Rod Cloud, Nob ruska, for tho week ondlng July 7th, 1898. Ccan, C. W. Williams, Sadio Thcso lottors will bo sent to thodead letter ofllco July 21st, if not called for before When calling for abovo ploaso s-y advortised. T. C. Hacker, P. M A man residing in our midst is boing roundly consurod for his unpatriotio utterances in regard to tho -United States and its war with Spain. Boys who wero work!" g for him it is said lost thoir places on account nf making n demonstration ovor tho victory of our navy at Santiago. "During tho hot weather lnstsummor I had a sovero attnoK oi onoiera mor bus, necessitating my leaving my bus incss," says Mr. C. A. Haro, of Haro Bros., Fineastlo, Ohio. "After taking two or'threo doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I was completely relloved and in a few hours was able to roHtimo my work In tho store. I sincerely recommend it to ony ono nfllicted with stomach or bo wal trouble." tor sale by II. E. Grlce. AltOUXJJ TOWN". M15K12 MKNTION. J. U. Uutloi's goods ate up-to-date. Dr. D.imoiell of Hastings was hero yestetdny. F. E. McKeoby is visiting in Omaha this week. The Cowdeii-Kaloy Clothing Co. is solliug straw hats nt co9t. Mts. Thomas Wilson left this morn lug for her homo nt Lincoln. Alfred Hadell of thoNebiaska Mer cantile Co. is in Chicago this week. Randolph MeNItt wns looking after legal matters In Rlvertoti Tuesday. Geo. Clauson lias piesented his wife with a four hundred dollar piano. Geo. Hadell of St. Joseph, Missouii, spent a few days hero thu ilrst of tho week. Arthur Hughes, of Wymoio has tnken a position in the bat bur shop of Wa d Hiatt. J. L. Graudstnir of Bladen was heio Satin day and made a pleasant visit to tins olllce. J. L. Minornnd Alfred McCall weio teglstered at tho Midland Hotel, Kan- ?as City, the last of tho week. F. L. Hall of Denver, extra B. & M. agent is installed as agent at the depot duiiug tho absence of Agent Conovor. Tho Union Firelnsuranco Company is the best mutual. Combine lUks; in installments !3 per cent J. II. Smith, Special Agent. Memoiial services will be held in the Methodist church Sundf.y morning. At 10 LO o'clock Rev. Darby will speak on "The Immortals." Thornton Bros, steam riding gallery has arrived in tho city and have begun operations at tho corner of Fifth nvo- lino and Cedar street. Sauiis Kolley and wife who weio called here by the illness nnd subse quent deatli of Rev. John Bian, left for thoir homo at Topeka Tuesday. Deputy Rovcnuo Collector Stewart was here this week giving the business men instiuctions on tho terms of tho now rovcnuo law. Wo havo received another invoico of premium books and thoso who havo already paid subscriptions but did not get tho books will please call and got them. Write to J. Francis, General Passen ger agont Burlington Routo, Omaha, for handsome 83-pago pamphlot de scriptive of tho Trans-Mississippi Ex position, froo. A small barn at tho roar of tho resi dence property occupied by L. C. May Held iu tho northeast part of town- was burned about dinner timo on tho Fourth of July. Thoso who aro indebted to us on subscription and want to rccoivo our book premiums should como in and pay up as this will ptobably bo tho last invoico wo shall receive. J. H. Smith writos combined insur ance for a term of five years at 8 por cont. On schools houses, churches and farm proporty on tho installment plan. Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Nob. J. L. Miuor shipped on Tuesday twelve- cars of cattlo to tho Kansas City market. For some animals in tho lot he received as high as eighty dol lars per head. I. Frisblo of Lester ship ped four cars of stock on tho samo train. Tho regular surai-annual statement of C. D. Robinson, county treasurer will bo found on another pago and will bo found to bo ono of tho best issued for yeai s tho collections mado for the six months ovon exceeding tho good recoid made by Treasurer White. J. II. Smith isfocling very proud and well may he for ho has boon presontcd by the insurance company ho repre sents with a fluo now buggy. Tho ve hicle wns presented to Mr. Smith for having wi itton tho most insurance) in a given timo and ho was tho successful ono among ono hundred and fifty ngonts. On Sunday evening about timo church was out a lamp was byaccidout ovoi turned in tho apartmont occupied by O. C. Caso at Ills rosidonco on Sow ard stroot. Tho oil Ignited and for a timo things looked serious but by tho prompt eflorts of Mrs. Caso and a couple of young gontlomonwho camo to hor assistance, tho lira was put out boforo any damago more than tho burning of tho carpet was dono. Persons troubled with diarrhoea will bo interested in tho experlouco of Mr. W. M. Bush, clerk of Hotel Dorronco, Providence, R. I Ho says: "For sov eral years I havo boon almost a con stant sultoror from diarrhoea, and fro qucnt tattucks coniplotoly prostrating mo and rendering mo unlit for my du ties nt this hotel. About two years ago traveling salesman kindly gave mo a small bottle of Chamborlnlu's Colic, Cholora and Diarihoca Remedy. Much! to my surprise nnd delight Its effects wero immediate, Whonuvor I feel symptoms of the dlscnso I would foil! fy myself ognlnst tho attack with a few doses of this valuablo rotuody. Tho result has beon very satisfactory and almost complete relief from tho afflic tion." For sale by H. E. Urlce. Mis. Chi is Zeiss is homo from a visit to Suporlor. Mrs. A. Gnlushn and childron loft this moining for n visit to Omaha. The families nf Jas. Burden nnd Chas Robinson spent tho Fouith In Bluo Hill. For (Ire, lightning nnd tornado insur ance on farm and city proputy seo L. II Fott. Harness that will wear, keep its shape and look neat is tho kind made by J. O. Butler. The Misses Lillian and Peail Smith returned homo Thursday morning from n visit at McCook. Walter Chinnock and wife who havo been t raiding hero for some months past have gone to Falls City, this state. Wo aro still ixelusivo agents for the Set, celebiated Shoes. Best In tho win Id. Tin: Cowden-Kalev Cloth ing COMl'ANV. A good ninny aro still in nrrcars on subscription who might just as well pay up now and tako ndvantago of our oiler of premiums. D. F. McFnrland and wife who havo been visiting with C. F. Cut her and family have letuined to thoir homo nt Holyoke, Colotado. Lost. Mrs. J R. Robinson living notthoftowu lost an Astracan capo some where between her homo ami this city. Finder will please leave at this olllce. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for years and al ways witli good results," says Mr. W. B. Cooper of El Rio, Cal. "For small children wo find it especially effective." ForSaloby H.E. Grice. The cruiser Charleston took the bull by tho horns on a hint from tho presi dent nnd annexed the Lndrone islands as it passed by tho other day on ito wi3 to Manilln. This saves a vast amount of windy oratory in tho sonnto besides other troubles. Merritt will doubtless endeavor to cut tho Philippine knot in tho samo way. Even counting tho cost of tho powrfor tho navy uses in theso matters it is likely that the country saves monoy by this short road to "im perialism," cheap as sonatorlai wind has gottou to bo. Our baby has boon continually troub led with cholera and cholora infantum sinco his birth, and all that wo could do for him did not scorn to give more than tomporary relief, until wo tried Chamberlain's Colio, Cholora and Diar rhoea Remedy. Since giving that rem edy ho lips not boon troublod. Wo want to glvn you this testimonial as an ovidenco of our gratitudo, not that you need it to advertise your meritorious remedy. G. M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For salo by H. E. Grico. School Treasurer's Report. Report of tho treasurer of school dis trict No. 2, Webster county, Nebraska. Ualancc on hand. July 1, 1897-....... I 27 69 Received from Geo. 0. Ycleor........... 4 01 Received from Police Judge Porter........ 13 00 Received from high school warrant! 239 40 Rccohcd from llconso 1000 00 Rerelved from L. II. Fort, tuition . .... 333 38 Received from county treasurer ... 6790 ss Total receipts ... $77 77 Paid out on warrants.............. ................ 7138 66 Dalance on band July 1, 1808 .t 19 31 High school warrants on hand-.. 218 00 Registered warrant: not raid 2910 83 G W.Dow, City Treasurer. Real Estate Transfers. Real t-stato transfers for tho week ending July 0, 1898, furnished by tho Fort Abstract Co., L. H.Fort, Man ager, Red Cloud, Nob. Lincoln Land Co. to Donald McCallum lots 1,2 and 3, block 18 Guldo Rock wd 1106 00 Ouldo Rock Town Co. to E. 0. Parker lots 0, 10, 11, 12 and 13, block 14, Guide Rock, wd . .. W 00 C. II. A Q. R. R. Co. to Andrew N.Slbort, lw H 35 1-18 deed . 600 00 iXWWsXWSGX Perhaps you have made up your mind to take Scott's Emulsion this summer. Then look for this picture on the wrapper, a man with a big hsh on his back., Do not let anyone talk to you of something "just as Rood." when you want cod liver oil and the hypo-, pnospnites you want the very best. You will find them in only one place, Scott's Emulsion. There is no other emul sion like it: none other does the same work ; and no other has the same record of cures. Alt Druggists, soc. and It. SCOTT & DOWKE, Chemists, N. Y. AVAR XOTKti IX 1UMU It is Admiral Camiira's turn to loi k for a bottle, ono with a long neck pie uned. Another thing nuiy bo ald In favi i of tho MUmhii i mule he is a hay favi r immune. Manila nnd Santiago will bo nmoiig tho most glorious names in American naval history. "ALor Santiago whmV'nsks an ex change Why, eliagianis nf the coa"t of Spain, of coin m An Amei i. nn pnstollii e ought toj I establUhod nt .Manila !(.. i,. the Uuinliu stumps mo exhausted It is now Watson's move lie has n dear toad to tho Canaries nnd from thoro to tho const of Spain. S.ignsta U u moiu peLsowiing man than the Fieneli premier, or else, ho does not know so well when to let go. Tho list of Cuban insurgents killed and wounded at Santiago is a proof of thoir value as allies that cannot he questioned. The woid stamp Is an old American synonym for money. It is easy now to see how tho woids became inter clinngablo. The jokes on the marlnos and rough rideis havo been called in. Tlioie is no bolter lighting mnterial in this or any other country. A (imposition to annex thu rest of the earth would got moio votes itijtho United States than wero promised to Bryan" by tho allied forces'lu 181)15. "i- Not once at Snntlngo havo the Span iards mado an attack. They stick to their burrows liko tho obstinate var mints with which they may bo clnsscd. Gunntaunmo harbor is extremely useful to our forces in Cuba. Tho hos pital ships ilud a haven theie, nnd nearly all the lighting crafts visit it to coal. So far as tho present war gives any indication, bnrbod wire is a moio troublesome obstnelo to the Amoricnii forces than whole Hoots of Spanish warships. Havana papers insist Hint tho city Is quite gay this summer. Perhaps tho Spanish ideal is realized when business is totally suspoudod and oxlstonco ono long siesta. Tho new canvas uniforms will short ly reach our troops in Cuba. Thoy will bo appreciated, though not re ceived in timo to givo sorvico in tho hottest places. Admiral Dowoy believes in having good ve8sels,?good mon, good disci pline and good ammunition. To which tho country will add a word about tho importance of having good commaud- crs. Inventor Holland states that his sub marino boat is ready, and that ho is anxious for a practical teat at Santiago or Havana. Tho government should not turn him away on a mcro suppos ition that bo is visionary. "Not a man flinched," says Colonel Roosovolt in speaking of the fight at La Quasino. Yot two months ago thoso horoio soldiers woro private citi zens. Tho history of the American volunteer is that ho always rises to tho occasion. A dispatch from Madrid under dato of Tuesday says: "There is groat ro Joicing over Admiral Corvora's quit ting tho harbor of Santiago." How singular, and tho American people weio rejoicing at tho samo timo over tho samo ovout. Not many miloi from General Wheel er's headquarters is tho railroad run ning north from Santiago to San Luis. If it is removed bodily some night and twisttd into corkscrows it may bo in ferred that tho veteran raider has re turned to his old tricks. Tho smashing of two big Spanish fleets with a total loss of ono man killed and nine wounded will givo Kaiser William something to think about. Ho is intensely interested in naval affairs, and cannot overlook tho slgniilcanco of thoso overwhelming victories. In answer to an inqury from tho dis patch boat of Admiral Sampson's Aug ship, rogaiding thochasoof tho Cris tobal Colon, Rob Evans, captain of tho battleship Iowa, said: "I loft tho Cris tobal Colon far to tho westward an hour ago and tho Oregon was giving hor hell. Sho has undoubtedly gono down with tho others, and wo will havo a Fourth of July colobration in Santiago tomorrow." Tho Madrid Diarlo publishes a re markablo articlo strongly urging peace during tho courso of which it says: "Tho Americans aro winning by strength of will and porsovornnco nnd while tho war responds to tho nntlouul fooling of all Americans, Spain was forced into tho war by party politics." Tho articlo, after declaring the Amer 'cans were tho aggressors and thnt Spain was bound to defend hor nation al honor, says: "Ourhouor being satisfied, uothtng uompols us to continue such an unequal combat. Wocannot compel thoso who havo gono to tho war to defend our honor to light to tho doath. Thoso who aro directing tho sti ugglo ought to put an end to tho duel when it is material ly imposslblo for one of the combat anU to continue it." i .,. . ,M: , ...'. im. .'.. . ,,.. ; ,.:.-.'.. ,:..',. ,:.., , ?.:.;, M:hi k I Stram Hats $ .V i m fit Gost I Every Straw Hat in the house will be sold at Actual Cost. See a few of the styles in our South Window. We have also a few rare barr gains in I IWEJi'S m SUITS 1 1 ,'j-: 3 V.'; f V !'... 117. We welcome the looker as well as the buyer Gomden-Hal ey GlothinglGo. One Price Clothiers. Wiener's Old Ssand. "ODlx Old reelioLTbl," MinbrBrothbrs A Cool, Refreshing Dolicacy is alyays accoptablo at this season and so also aro our Summer - Lawns - and - Organdies, A fow patterns at 40c a yd to go for 83c. All now stock and patterns. Every man woman and child knows thoir value in hot weather. Our stook ranges in price from Go to 81.00. SlxLrt Waists t OUR ENTIRE LINE OF SHIRT WAISTS TO 1JE SLAUGHTERED. Handkerchiefs. Largest lino in tho valley, Prices, from 8c to SOo. Hosiery. Ladles' Hoso So to 75c. por pair. Misses Hoso, So to 45c nor pair. Children's Hose, lOe to 25u per pair. Mon's Hoso 81 to 60u por pair. 1Ltl& ZyliaeiT. BLEACHED, UNBLEACHED, TURKEY RED AND BUFF. Bleached Linen at 23c por yard, Bleached Linon nt 33c to 81.75. Red Damask l'Jiu to 43c. Buff Damask SSo mid SOo. NAPKINS in Blonchcd, Unbleached and also Turkey Rod. When in neeed givo us a call. Wo also carry a full lino of LACES, - Embroideries, Silkoloon, Embroidery Silks, Stampod Linens, Ladies Bolts, Parasols, Towels, Bod Spreads, Laco Curtains, Corsets, Portiere Curtains, Waists, Muslin Underwear Gents Underwear, Gout's Ties, Gent's Overalls, Toilet soap Eto , Etc. Etc. ALWAYS TO THE FRONT IN STYLES AND LOW PRICES. Ladies silk vesting top, laco, stock tip, latest too, hand turned, $3.50, Ladies Doucoln, patent tip, laco or button, 83.00. I i I Ladies Vici Kid, lace, patent tip. 83.00. Ladies Dongola, patent tip, lace, 81.70. lies uoncoln, pntotit tip, button, $t.ou. Ladies Chromo Kangaroo calf, laco, 81.50. Children's shoes, slzo 5 to 8, 2'jo to 75o Children's shoes, slzo S to 11, 05o to 85c. Children's slices, si.cs 8 lo 12, 70c to 81.00. Infant's shoes, slos 2 to 15, 2' to 81.00. Boy's Shoos, 75o to 81.00. Mon's Shoos, vicl kid, blank or tan, 83.25. ,2 Men's Box Calf, hand wolt,, 83.00. uSZS Mon's Calf, hand wolt. 83.00. Men's Satin Uali, Bi.W to 81.70. I m m V m I li it M N? M r.Y: 1 p ftr.- m ' i "l vAP v v wVMSsmiXAm&s&zttw ' '!! "? rTTW