The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 08, 1898, Image 4

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uHii jjjmwmujTTr.,
Nebraska Mercantile Co. - Department Store.
Our special value prices force lively trading when money saving is clearly shown. All departments represented in one economical offering not the accumulation of old
stolk, but the best of merchandise, bought at prices far below actual worth.
In Our Shoe
i r
of well dressed people will tell you there's
no "style" without the right fit; no "ser
vice" without the right textures; no "satis
faction" without the right workmanship.
Our clothing combines all these essentials
on a large pleasant scale, and an individual
Guarantee Ticket to back it up. It's this
Clearing sale prices on MEN'S and UOY'S CLOTHING tit Wnolosnlo cost.
Wo cuti save you nionoy on Clothing.
Wo nr offering special val
Hi's in Ladles' Oxfords nt 50c
75o, 81 00, .1 25 and $1 50
pur paii
Special values in Men's Work
Slmes at $1, 81.25, 81 J35 nritl
81 HO per pair.
Spee al II imams in Hosiery
nt 5e, 8c, l()o, l'JJu and 15o
jior pair
Special lot of shirt waist. Your
choice at 4Sc each.
r, I;
; ..."?'
Special IJii'Kniiif In Summer (,ui
.i i,4 at 25c.
Full line of (M) Chicago Waists
mid i'oi.sHs. The mu the best.
Extra Special 1
Commencing Friday morning and continuing during this sale wo, shall
present ireo to encu customor purcuasmg iju.w worm, or over, a nana
; somo Souvenir Spoon.
at 50c,
75 c,
and $1 00.
ROLLERS at 12c, lGo and 25c
per pair.
They ar the hest, and at thulr now
price are as cheap ns any.
.) JiH
and Gloves.
Spicial bargains in pure Silk Mitts at
10c, 15c, 20c and 25c per pair.
Ladies' and Children's Sleovole3s Vests,
spucial bargains ut 5, 8, 10, 12J and lGc.
Spocial Bargains in Ladies Muslin Skirts
at wholtsalu cost prices.
LACE CURTAINS-Odds and ends in
Lace Curtains about half regular price
Special Bargains in NEW LACES at 2c,
3c, 4c, Gc, 10c ami 15u.
We have received a handconio lot of
New Dishes
to hi:
Given Away
Special bargains in Parasols and
Umbrellas at 45c, DOc, 05c, 75c
"ml up to 82 00.
MENT Special values in New
Black Goods at 18c, 20c, 22c, 25c,
and up to GOe per yaid.
Princess Alix 48 inch Black Gloria
75c per yard.
Yard wide line. BLEACHED MUS
liu at Gc, regular 8c grade
Yard wide line Unbleached Muslin
ajc per yard.
72-inch Half Bleached Table Linen,
salo price 47Jc, regular 85c value.
Also special values at 18c, 20.',
25c and 80c per yard.
WASH FABRICS-Special bargains
in Now Wash Fabrics; your choico
7Jc per yard; regular values from
12 to 20c per yard. The best bai
gain over offered in Wash Goods.
CALICOES Special Bargain Offer
ing in New Standard Calicoes at
w yarns lor uoc.
CARPETS Ingrain Carpets at 22c
per yard. Also special bargains
at 28c, 30e, 35c and 45c per yard.
"OUR WARRANTED FLOUROur Blue Springs warrnntcd Flour at Srcclcl Prices.
n is we icn in town. Try a sack of It; you will be well ploiscd.
Veti'cxs5Jlci m Mercantile - Co.
Poor and Weak
Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble
Had no Appotlto-Now Bottor in
Evory Way-A Dollcato Child.
"Some time ainco I took n sudden cold
and could not get rid of It. Being subject
to catarrh and bronchial trou ble I coughed
terribly. I lost my appetite and grew
poor and weak and I did not feel llko
work. I began taking Hood's Sorsapa
rllla. In a short tlmo tho cough disap
peared, I slept well, had a good appctlto
and I was bettor In every way. Last
spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap
potlto and no strength. I resorted to
Hood's Sarsaparlllit and soon felt mora
like work. My llttlo nephew was a deli
cate child and had a humor which trou
bled him so ho could not rest at night.
He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Bar-
aaparllla and now ho has a good appctlto
and Is able to sleep." Miss AnniB J.
Freeman, South Duxbury, Mass.
Is tin' One True Wood Purifier. All druggists. 91.
Hood's Pills
nre the best attcr-dttmer
pills, aid digestion, use.
intronched, they command tho un
bounded admiration of, not only Amer
icans, but of nil mon who admiro brav
ery, eudurnnoo nnd determination.
Shnftor's short campaign against San
tiago has mado an enviable place In
history for himself and his mon. Tuo
casunlltlos wero largo, but it scorns
wonderful that thoy wero not larger.
Inasmuch as tho mombors on tho se
lect committee on thu census, just
named by Speaker Reed, will havo
much to say about tho largo number of
nppolntmonts to be niudo by tho census
bureau, which will got to work next
year on tho census of 1000, outside of
tho civil sorvico rulo, there was more
or less scrambling ami wiro pulling to
get on tho committee. Following Is
tho committee: Hopkins, of Illinois,
chairman; Russell of Connecticut,
Bibcock of Wisconsin, Heatwole of
Minnesota, Achcson of Pennsylvania,
Alexander of Now York, Aldrlch of Al
abama, Wiso of Virginia, DoVrios of
California, Norton of South Corollua,
Uidgoway of Kansas, Gritllth A Indi-
rcBLtaiiEu ar
w. l. McMillan.
One year II 00
llx months SO
went into effect tho llrstof the month, I
linn limm ft-li-l-it Vn ntui filnua lina
been more abided on account of tho
now law than tho receiving clerks cf
the telegraph companies. Where ono
man tendering n telegram unstamped
would laugh aud say "Oh, I forgot,"
when informed' that it could not bo re
ceived until tho stamp was attached,
three would say unprintable things
about tho telegraph company because
it does uot pay ibis tax. No trouble
was experienced nt any of tho banks,
although many of their customers ap
pear to have heard of tho stamp tax
for tht lint tlmo when they presented
checks without stamps aud had thorn
handed back by tho paying tollers.
Tho stato department has informa
tion that Spanish agents nro in Mexico
trying to organize a force of Spaniards
aud Spanish sympathizers to make a
raid on Texas towns near the border.
Tho information worried nobodv in
Washington, because tho belief is gen
eral thai if thu Spaniards over take a
raiding party from Mexico iuto Texas,
tho Tuxnns will see to it thnt not a
sua nnd MncUowell of Ohio. Eight of
the committee nro republicans, four Spaniard gets back to Mexico
ueiuncrais auu ono popuusi.
Entered at tho post office at Kid Cloud, Neu.m
loooud class raall matter.
The lied Cloud, Nub., CHIEF,
weekly, in credited with the laryesl
circulation accorded to uny payer in
lied Cloud or in Webster county or
in the Fifth Conyr nut? District.
Printer's Ink-, July '28, 1807.
Washington, I). C., July 4.
Ho is a callous man, indeed, who can
look ntlOld Glory after reading of tho
liorolo conduct of (Jen. Shatter's brave
men at Santiago, and of Sampson's gal
Innt tars, who so ably assisted in the
winning of victory after victory, with
out feeling new pride in his country.
Shatter's men fought undor groat dif
lioultlos. Thuc untry around Santiago
Mould be a ditllcult ono for military
operations uniUr thu most favorable
circumstances, but when thoso oper
atioue$tre sttocesssfnlly con iucted, with
tho thermometer ranging trom 105 to
160 in tho slindo and against an onomy
c. about iua!l In-numbers ..and. strongly
Although there Is considerable out
side speculation ns to Germany's in
tentions in the Philippines, President
McKlnloy nnd Secretary Day stated at
a cabinet meeting thnt they had re
ceived official assurances dlrecl from
tho government of Gernmuy that no
interference with American plans in
the Philippines had been even thought
of. Tho revival of the old European
htorj that Germany, Franco nnd Bus
sin had formed a combination to head
off tho United States aud Great Britain
In tho Philippines, is uot attracting
any special attention iu Washington,
for tug very slmplo reason that nobody
believes It.
Military mon nro much interested in
tho successlul uso of a balloon by Gen.
ernl Shaftor to make observations of
movements inside the enemy's lines in
.iihI around Santiago, and they have
' no doubts that when tho report of tho
t j . i-t .
campaigu is mauo, iionorat stumor
statement of the uso of the balloon will
be fit strong thnt. it will give tho bal
loon a permanent place amoug Amerl.
can military accoutrements, such n
it already holds in Europe.
Further than a temporary shortage
of stumps in tho largo cities, tho causes
of complaint mado to tho treasury do
partino.ut about tho now tax law, which
Tho annexation of Hawaii is insight;
likewise the adjournment of congress.
It was hoped by tho friends of annex
ation that tho president could have
signed the iooluilnii for tho annex
ation of Hawaii on Independence Day
so that our lellow citizens to be, on tho
island-! would have been given nu ad
ditional reason for joining with us iu
celebrating our gi cutest national holi
day for all time, but the senators iu
charge of tho resolution concluded
that it would bo wiser not to add to
tho dying ngonies of tho untis by push
ing It to a vote, knowing thnt a vote
would come wuiinut any pushing in a
few dnys. Tho resolution will prob
ably lio adopted by the senato during
tho present week, nnd thu adjournment
of congress will follow very closely,
unless something now turns up to in
terfere with the carrying out of tho
present program.
Tiik ViCTOitv rests with America's
greatest medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla,
when it battles against any disease
caused or promoted by Impure- or im
poveilshcd blood,
Hood's PUN are the favorite (amily
cathartic. Easy to take, easy to operate.
JJuruugiou itouio (Jtuiiormu .Kxuur
sions. Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave
Omaha 4:35 p.m., Lincoln 6:10 p.m. nnd
Hastings 8:b0 p.m. every Thursday In
clean, modern, uot crowded tourist
sleepers. No transfers; cars run right
through to San Francisco nud Los
Angeles over tho scenic route through
Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars aro
carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have
spring seats and backs and are provid
ed with curtains, bedding, towels, soap
etc. Uniformed porters and experienc
ed excursion conductors accompany
each excursion, relieving passengers of
bother about baggage, pointing out ob
jects of Interest and in mauy other
ways helping to make tho overland
trip a delightful oxporionco. Second
class tickets aro honored. Berths $3.
For folder giving full Information,
call at nearest Rurlington Route ticket
ofllco, or write to J. trancis, G. P. A.
Omaha, Nob.
Eidnoy and Bladdor Troubles.
If you suffer from kidney, bladder or
urinary troubles, or from too frequent'
or scanty urine, Dr. Fenncrs Kidney
and Backache Cure is what you want.
Bed-wottlug by children is generally
cured by ono bottlo of this powerful
remedy. Testimonials aro disregarded
many people doubting tho honesty or
sincerity of thorn, wo '.horoforo avoid
giving any hero, but will furnish them
on application to dealer whoso nmno is
given below. If not atilled after us
ing one bottlo your money will bo re-
funded by C. L. Cmtiim.
Central Committee Meeting.
The republican county central com
mittee will meet In lied Cioud, Satur
day, Jul Oih, at 2 o'clock All mem
bers aro urgently requested to be pres
ent, as important business will come
before the committee.
T. C. llACKicit, Chairman.
I). C. Jenkins, Secretary.
Livor Complaints and Nervoubiicss
A torp'd liver always produce dull
ness, Irritability, elo. You are all
J clogged up and leel despondent. Per
haps you havo treated with physicians
or tried somo other recommended med
icine, without benetlt, All that is no
argument against "Dr. Funnor'B Blood
and Liver Riiuedy and Nerve Tonic,"
which we linisi will euro iicrvmiMtcitd
and liver complnliits. If not Hailnlled
after lining one bottle your money will
be refunded by (J. L. Cottlng.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fslr Hlbet Award.
EdQmto Tour llowela With CutcurcU.
Candy. Cathartic, euro constipation (orerer.
XOo, a6o..J 0. 0.,rll. -druggist retuad money.
Music on tho Graphopbono.
Few people appreciate tho marvelous
power of tho Graphophone ns an en
tertainer. It is an instrument which,
though it costs much loss ..than tho
least expensive musical instrument,
will onnblo its owner o havo at pleas
uro music of any .kind from that of
the bagpipo to that of tho grand mili
tary band. It reproduces vocal selec
tions and gives ono command of every
pleasure that appeals to tho sense of
hearing. No investment pays such
largo returns in pleasure. Besides re
producing tho musical and other rec
ords mado for entertainment purposes,
tho Graphophone will record imme.
diately and roproduco at olco ami us
often as is desired, your own word c
song, or any sound. By writing to the
Columbia Phonograph ComoanT, -)
722 Olive St.. St. LouN, Mu'.ji'.u can
obtain a cntnloguo that, will uw tu I
Information ns;to pi lees of Graph"
phono outfits.
m i.
Doafnoss Cannot Be Cured
by local applications as thoy cannot
reach tho diseased pot tiou of tho oar.
Thero is only cno way to cure deafness
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by au inflamed con
di'.iou of tho mucous lining of tho
Eustachian tube. When tho tube is
inllamed you have a rumbling sound
or iinporioct Hearing ana when it is
ontlroly closed deafness is tho result,
ard unless tho inflammation cnu bo
taken out mid this tube restored to its
normal condition; hearing will be de
stroyed forever; nine cases out of ton
nro caused by catarrh, which is nothing
but au inllamed condition of tho
mucous surfaces.
We will givo Ono Hundred Dollars
for nuy enso of doafnoss, caused by
catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's
catarrh cure. Send for circulars; freo.
F. J. Ciienby & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75o.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best.
Por Salo.
Ono hundred and sixty acres of unim
proved laud four miles northwest of
Red Cloud, consisting of the west half
of the northeast quarter, and the east
half of 'ho northwest quarter of section
liftecn in township two- north, range
eleven west. Tho land Is iensed at
present, but subject to sale. Price
$2,000.' For further information apply to
Mtts. James Kiiikwood,
Fairfax, Mo.
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tnb
ets. All druggists rofuud tho monoy
If t falls to euro. 25c.
Copper Colored
There is only one euro for Contagious
Blood Poison tho disease which has
completely baffled the doctors. They
arc totally unable to cure it, and direct
their efforts toward bottling the poison
up in the blood and concealing it from
view. S. S. S. cures the disease posi
tively and permanently by forcing out
every trace of tho taint.
I was afflicted with a terrible blood disease.
Which was In spots nt first, bnt afterward
tiprena an over my uouy.
Theie soon broko out Into
sores, and It la easy to
lmagino the suffering I
endured, lloforo I be
came convinced that the
doctors could do no good,
I had spent a hundred
dollars, which was really
thrown away. I then
tried various patent
medicines, bnt they did
not reach the disease.
When I had tlnlshed my
flrat bottlo ot S. S. S. I
was greatly Improved
nnd was (leflnhtcil with
the result. The large red splotches on my
chest bean to grow paler and smaller or.l
beforo long disappeared entirely. I regain d
my lo weight, becamo stronger, and my ur.
petltireatly Improved. I was soon entirely
well, and my skin as clear as n pleco of glass.
II. L. SIVEB9, 100 Mulberry Ht Newark, N. J.
Don't destroy all possible chance of a
cure by taking tho doctor's treatment
of mercury and potash. These minerals
cnuso tho hair to full out, and will
wreck tho entire system.
S.S.STh, Blood
IS POREtY VEGETABLE, and is tllO Only
blood remedy guaranteed to contain no
potash, morcury, or other mineral.
Books on tho disease nnd its treat
ment mailed free by Swift Specific Com
pany, Atlanta, Georgia.
Ottlcc In Moon Block.
Does a general law business.
Practices in all courts.
Chimney brick,
Cistern brick.
Ludlow Bros.
if j