l'HE RED CLOUD (Jill Kb'. tflUDAl. JULY 1. 1S!). Hood's Art' mtii'li tn little, nlwnji mbk b rrmly, rlDr-ir-nt, vttlsfnc mj) m 1 I g tor) itrp(ititnroMnr fow. 111? ur nil lhrr Ills l.k Ik i.l m " " aelii, JaiiihIIoo, roii'tluiUn, rtc l'rlrn . , trull. TI10 only 1'illi lo t.iku ulth Hood's ,M irvnntllln. CIIUHCIt NOTKS. ClIltlSriAN (MIl'IICll. St'i Icos oni'li Ijiik"s Day nil fullowi. Morning scrvlco ul 10 !!(). Suhjut", "A Ilfiiit if IIopo." Illblc school, V in. . .Junior Christian Kinlctivor !) i in. Si'i Ii' On istliui Kiuli'uviir 7:15 p.m. K en ig m'I ire ut 8 o'clock. Sub ject, "I'lii' Statin of tliu IVusunt Wnr." hi 1111011 ul Onwlui at II'JIO. l'uiyor mi'utiiiK anil l)il)lo Htiuly on Wt'iltifsiliiy ovi'iiingrt. Ladies' Aid Souluty Friday after noons. Statu convention moots at Hunlricu Juno 23 to July U. Our pleasant church home and nil sorvlcus aro over open to tho public. L. A. HilssoNd, Pastor. MKTHOPIST Services ucxtStindiiy as follows: Morning service at 10:130. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. Junior Lcagiio nt 1 p.m. Senior League- nt 7 p.m. Evening service nt 8 o'clock. Sub Jcct, "The Magnetic Coll. Prayer meeting on Wednesday even ing at 7:U0. Ladies Aid Society Friday nftornoon, All are most cordially invited to at tend. Jami:s AIahk Dauiiv, Pastor. SOUTHWEST WEDSTER. Tho ground getting very dry. Al dinner was homo last Hun lay. Kveijbody busy on tlvatliig corn and "oi no Injlng It. by Mm. Ceo. Newhonso was visiting at Mrs. (5eo. lloaton's last week. Mrs 1M. Hersh Is visiting with her parents Ml- and Mrs. II. II. Ilnrsb. Mr. Hooper, Mr Zlon and Ceph Kospnrrjins shipped their cattle to Kansas City on the Kith. r 'I'lio ajitiual school meeting was held In distiibt 70 on Monday. tliu 27th. wlili an atteiidnuee of four women and six men. Wonder if anybody else live s in tliu district. Ceph ltosakrens tlhiimcd a carload of hogs to Kansas Citu Inst Tiie-dny. We don't wisli to be mean but wu do wish It voiild rain, even If it rains on tho Four.h of July. Alaska. Coming! ODi-ioii:arc re J 20 as., Ke Tir Coming I IIAIT1ST OllUltOII. Services next Sunday ns follows. Morning services nt 10.U0. Next Sunday morning tho servico will bo npproprinto to tho nitionnl nn niversary. Spocial music 'vill bo pro pnred and preludes to the sermon will bo given by Miss Carrio Hrakoileld, Mr. Kdwin Kmigh and Miss Ella Horns borg. Sho sermon will delinento God's dealings with Ameripa, and the. duties of citizonsliip nticl religion arising thorefrom. Sunday School nt 11:15. Juuiors meeting at 3 p.m. Young People's Union moots at 7 p.m. Evoning sorvico at 8 o'clock. In tho ovouing tho subject of tho ser mon will bo "Is tho Acquisition of Ter ritory in tho Provniliug Wnr Justiilablo from n Biblo standpoint." Prouious to tho sermon ton brief addresses will bo given on tho subjoot ns indicating pub lic opinion on tho question. All cordinlly invited. Scots frco. Isaac W. Edson, Pastor. CONOUEOATIONAL. Regular services next Sundny ns fol lows: Morning services nt 10:80. Sundny School ntll:45. Young Pcoplo's Society of Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Evening servico at 8 p. m. All cordially Invited to attend theso Borvicos. Frank W. Dkan, Pastor. Oar Clubbing ldt. Below we present a list of a num ber of the loading magazlnos, nows papers, farm papers, etc., with prioes ineycan 00 Had in connection with tub ked Cloud Chief. We must havo one yearly sub uoription to the Chief with eaoh perl odlcal ordored, but both need not neo ssarily bo sent to the same address. 100 100 too 100 100 OTH 1.25 no 110 160 125 12s 125 12ft 400 100 700 123 300 1W ICO 350 4 00 100 135 3&0 2 00 670 a 15 100 n..k. 1. Ml0 omii Omaha Bee. w... h.oo !,. Farm and Klresldo, m 60 1 00 Ladles Home Companion ... to 100 fit. Louli Globe Democrat. a-w. 1 00 1 00 Louisville Courier Journal, aw 1 00 1 00 Cincinnati Times Star, vr 1 00 Philadelphia l'rcss, w 100 too Tho Chlcatso Tribune, w to 1 00 The Chicago Tribune, d.. 400 100 Itocky Mountain News, w......... 100 100 Itocky Mountain Nowa, d 7 to 00 Cincinnati Ktiqulrcr, w 75 jro Upplncott'a Manailne, in 3 00 1 00 dodoy's MhrimIiio, m no 1 00 pomort'hi'itKmutlyMiiKazliio.in 100 100 Leslies Illustrated Weekly, y 1 00 1 00 Atlantlo Monthly, m 4 00 no Kansas Clly Star, w 85 100 Orange Jiidd Farmer, w .. joo 100 American Womaiu Illustrated w oria, w. 4 ou San Franclhco Chronicles w 1 50 Bail Francisco Chronicle, d. 870 Breeders aatotto, w.............., 300 Nebraska tfc Kansas Farmer. m ii Tho ubovo offers ure nmde ouly to subscribers who pay ono full yenr in advance. The Red Cloud Chief, Rod Cloud.Neb. Real Estate Transfers. Real ustato transfers for tho week ending Juno 20, 1898, furnished by the Fort Abstract Co., L. H.Fort, Mnn agor, Rod Cloud, Nob. Geoogo W. 6huck lolrvlug W. Crary, lot 10, block 12. aulde Rock, d 1 174 00 Edward II. ralmer to Mary F. Palmer, lota 1 to 8 and 13 to 16, block 3, Had- llrTa add to Red Cloud, w d 200O 00 Andrew Krtekson to Trustees Zlori Church, pari mU 13 3 13, vr d jo 00 United Htates to Gotirled Wegman, ie! 2 4 11, patent O. H, A Q. It. It. Co. to Peter O. llerg ne 10 3 13, deed lm w Knto Jackson to W, N. Richardson, ke a12I1l'w, - 4.'5 00 United btates to Dayld U. tpauoglc,nw4 18 312, patent Tot' wooiTIu Burlington Itouto California Exour Bions. Cheap, (uilek. comfortable. Lenvn Omaha -i :H5 p.m., Lincoln 0:10 p.m. and Hastings 8:00 p.m. every Tliursdav in clean, modorn, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers: enrs run right through to San Prnni'isco and Los Angeles over tliu seenicroute through Denver and Salt Lake Citv. Cars aro carpeted; upholstered in rattan; liavo spring seats and backs and aro provid ed with curtains, bedding, towels, soap etc. Uniformed porters and experienc ed excursion conductors aceonnmnv each excursion, relieving passongers of bother about baggage, pointing out ob jects of interest and in many other ways helping to mako the overland trip a delightful experience. Second class tickets aro honored, liortlis $.". For folder giving full informntion. call at nearest Hurlington Houto thkot oiuce, or writo to J. rrancis, (. P. A. Omnhn, Nob. m a Persons troubled with dinrrhoon will bo interested in tho experioneo of Mr. W. M. liusli, clerk of Hotol Dorronce, rrovldence, R. I Ho snys: "For sov- ornl years I have been nlmost a con stant sufferer from diarrhoea, and fro quont nttneks completely piostrutitig mo and rendering mo unlit for my du ties at this hotel. About two years ago traveling salesman kindly gave mo a small bottlo of Chnmborlnin's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Romody. Much to my surpriso and delight its effects wore immedinto. Whenever I feol symptoms of tho disonso I would forti fy mysolf ngninBt tho nttnek witli a fow dosos of this vniunblo romody. Tho result hns boon very satisfnetory nnd almost complete relief from tho nffllc tion." For snlo by II. E. Grico. Elondiko. What doos it cost to got theror Whon nnd how should you go? Whnt should onotnkoT Whoro aro tho mines? How much have thoy produced? Is work plentiful? What wngosnro paid? Is living oxponsivo? What aro one's chnnces of "mnking a strlko"? Complete and satisfnetory replies to tho above questions will bo found in tho Burlington Route's "Klondiko Foldor," now roadv for distribution. Sixteen pages of practical information ana an up-to-dato map of Alaska and the Klondiko. Free at Burlington Routo ticket offlcos, or sont on receipt of four cents in stamps by J. Francis, Gen'l Passenger AtrnnL Hnrllmrrin iMJiuu, umaua, Biour. -- r: l. : nrn -i ntm r-x , ,.,.,. vv, uciii iKi2.u yvvu, uiN JULY , on the corner of Fifth Avenue in I S-.-uard Street for two weeks nnlv Tl,;, arrange of tickets 4th of July Rat08. Tho following rates and incuts will govorn tho sain for tho Fourth of July. Rates Oiiu fate for tho round trip from nil points in Nebraska, Coh.raiYo, South Dakota and Wyoming, sales to bo confined to points within 'JQ0 miles, with a minimum soiling rnto of lifty cents. Dates of sale and limits. Tickets may bo Sold July ad, ad, and 4th, with final limit for return of July Oth. 1808. For further particulars apply to tho unuorsiguod. A. Conovkk, Agent. Rhoumatism Cured in a Day. "Mys-.ic Cure," for rheumatism and nouralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 dnys. Its notion upon tho system is romnrk- tiblo and mysterious. It removes at once tho causo and tho disease inuim. dintoly disappears. Tho first doso groatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by H. E. Grico, druggist, Red Cloud, Neb. MANY THiNiC!! .r? Kidney and Bladder Trouble. If you suffer from kidney, bladder or urinary troubles, or from too frequent or scanty! urine. Dr. Fennors Kidney and Backacho Cure is what you want. Bod-wetting by childron is generally cured by ono bottlo of this powerful romody. Testimonials aro disregarded many pooplo doubting tho honesty or sincerity of them, wo thoroforo avoid giving any here, but will furnish them on application to doalor whoso name is given below. If not satisfied after us ing ono bottlo your money will bo re funded by C. L. Cotting. Skin Diseases. J Ithont an equal. It relieves the Itch- h?Bina?t,n nl,U08t ntanly aid ini onUnn,ecl n8 effec,s n Permanent Dr. Cady'B Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood puriflw and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents, ffiby For Balo. Ono hundred nnd sixty ncros of unim proved land four miles northwest of Rod Cloud. C0ll8l8tiuDr nf i wnof i..if of tho northeast quarter, nnd tho east nnii 01 mo northwest quarter of section fifteen in township two north, range elovon wost. Tho land is leased at present, but stibioct to snin p 2,000. For furthor information apply to MKS. JAMES KIIIKWOOI), , Fnirfnx, Mo. TO CURE A COLO in niMi? r,A Tako Laxative Bromo Quinino Tab ots. All tlrugglsts rofund tho monoy f it falls to cure. 25c. KdimueYonr Ilowel. will. Cuscurets. Kto'ac" ffi'W'f constipation forW. Jwt, -00. if c. O. O. fall, drut-Klsts refund moueyl Musio on tho Graphophono. Fow people appreciate tho marvelous power of tho Graphophono as an en tertainer. It Is an instrument which, though it costs much lcss.,than the least oxponsivo musical instrument, will enablo its owner to have at pleas ure musio of any ikind from that of the bagpipe to that of the grand mili tary band. It reproduces vocal snlnn. lions nnd gives ono command of every picasuro mat appeals to thesonsoof honring. No investment pays such largo returns in pleasure. Besides re producing tho musical and other rec ords mado for entertainment purposes, the Graphophone will record imme diately and reproduco at once and as often us is desired, your own words or song, or any sound. By writing to tho S!UMii,,a Eh0l!?&rPh Company, 720 722 Ollvo St.. St. Louis, Mo., you can obtain a catalogue that will give full information aseto prices of Grapho phono outlits. Livor Complaints and Norvousnoss Curod. A torp'd liver always produce dull ness, irritability, etc. You nro all clogged up nnd feol desnondent. pr. Imps you lmvo treated with physicians or tried some othor recommended med icine without benefit. All that. i n, argument against "Dr. Fen tier's Blood nnd Livor Remedy and Nervo Tonic," which wo insist will euro nervousness and liver complaints. If not satisfied after using ono bottle your monoy will bo refunded by C. L. Cotting. Dr. Fonnor's Dyspopsla Curo As tho namo implies, is simply for dyspopsia or indigestion. This propa ration is tho iro9irlntinn of nnn America's most ominont physicians whoso writings on medical questions aro accepted as authority. If n0t sat isfactory after using ono bottlo your mo- ey will bo refunded by O. L. Cot ting. J ' Ul Rod Cloud Markot Hoport. Hogs ndn Butcher's Stock 'a nnn'3n 1.00 .... 7C 20 25 . 25 30 .7 10 r 4 luflrMi it... ".. 4-. .n:l i 1 ....v... ui. 1-iuhui ami! iu woman, "In sorrow shalt thou bring- forth 1 children," that a curse was pro nounced against the human race, ' but the joy felt by every Mother wIhmi she first prcs'scs to her heart ' her jabe. proves the contrary. Danger -.wr5 suffering iurk n I the pathway or the Expectant ' Mothei, and should be avoided, that she may reach the hour when ' the hope of her heart is to be real-' ieu, in iuu vicror and strennth. MOTHER'S FRIEND so relaxes the system and as sists Nature, that the nec essary change takes place without Nau sea, Headache, Nervous or Gloomy Fore boding of dan- frpr. .1 n d t h o trying hour is robbed of its pain and suffering, as so many happy mothers have experienced. Nothing but "Mother's FrieaJ" does this. Don't be deceived or persuaded to use anything else. "Mother' Friend" Is the greatest remedy erer P?.?.0 t.P8SilldFe't "d HI our customers praise it highly."-W. H. Kmo A Co., Whluwrlgnt, Tex. Of druM iRta at II 00. or sent by express on re pelpt of price. Write for book containing valua ble information for all Mothers, mallod free. The BradlkM Kecalator Co., iUsaU, Oa. rriKSLrySteysT )Sat "em rfbytvDMrvV f I J 1 I '"dflHIiHc Most fascinating Inven tion of tliu okc. AlWats ready t) cntertnln. It rculres uoiiklll to otier atu It nml reproduce tho music of liands, orches- trn4. rnrnlUfs nrttictm. mental soloists. There Is nothing like ttfor on evening's entertainment nthf.r flVOJtllofl tnltrlntr mnnhlhii. mnmliiiwi .," , :" ."-;T -".'- .vj'.wuw uiuy (viunis oi Lui-iiiKi-uruMi suujecis, Rltciftiiy prcareI In n laboratory, but the Graphophono Is not limited to such performnnces. On tho (Iraphophonoyoucan easily make nml Instantly reproduce records of tho voice, or any sound. Thun It constantly nwnkens.nowr Interest and IU charm Is ever fresh. Tho reproductions aro clear and brilliant. (.ratftpkiies are sM !r $10 "unpd Mftnnfsctiirwl nnder thn rtnti of llfll.TilnU-r, hdlaon anil MardonaM. OurMUiMUhmonl l liond aunrlnra or thn world for Talking .Mnrhlnrt and TalklUK M acliluo HuppUoa. Write fur catalogue. COLUMBIA H10N0GRAPH CO. TJiTWi.lliiM., hT. LOfIS MO. NKW Ulllh. 1-AllIH. tlllCACiO. ST. LOUU. l-llll AIIKLI'IIU. IIAl.TIMOnK. WASlllMlTll.N IILTfALO. WITHOUT DRUGS I A list of thcuisL'usos curuil by timt can bo mi SOUTH iWlu 11 pui euioM tin 0uij iN tiltt -o 'uipwio hums M f . j ",mjI 'Aunrv3 ,m00 ru 1jreouinivvDtu .,'uuiwaiorpr' ,t)pvj tin 'rtuojitiuU 0ukP 'trtippo 'ruatf ? vpu Ouwnbi ntm tit 'wfapo iaj JOiiSrupinoX'jtotijoq JtdOO'tt eiiositmo npjo jo oafAV iqsvai aprilit J3iw niiJS3 niia inuai jqou jant niaioM Xaw III1 HAY . ntno pl3nj H 0 Vtt r Xpsrasa ijjM tim, '-mti -Ms eoq tiii BaaqjSaJJH 'tajit -ntnne sjwoaini i -ti9Jt joj ujjq sjtuon ojui asjuitna Haua oj tdieq pa 'Xoann)sad Snianp 'apvm oapipjui Iouiiuaq si 11 inn 001 it it a uojitituu9m ti;ud pa paissi ..........i Flit Cnttlu Wliout,No.3 worn Outs . . . lliirluv . Hyo f'KRS llutter Duuks nml Ciii.ai. Cliickuiis Dr. Price's Cream Baking powaei World'. Fair Highest M.d..nd 01 SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PItOPRlETOU. DEALER IN Wines. Liquors. California randies. PABSTMILWAUKEE'Beei ALWAYS ON TAP. 4m Mini pn Snipooa idoit tf ISSKi.?1" ,0 aJ,w pa" ' '1M' mo 11 -lavSjo itu)iuem aqi imb oantin anjtnooi pni sni -ttqtaeijt Tanpq Xin;ipnoM m M I. 'fepjnoii 10 p eiqi joi ipsmw nipi qt emoouq sq r taeaUawep pa inimnlu S.NVM0M MOJ Itlirju fonn i iq Mam pusnoqt n p)tijiuotup nq fenffiiJUBft Through Service BETWEEN ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY OSTEOPATHY. OSTEOPATAY is tliu science 01 iiriiKicss Healing. It is n iiicnns of adjusting nbnorninlconaitions of the body nnd restoring its functions. Osteopathy is found cd ou the pririchih'i of Auiituniy, Physiology, ami by skillful ma nipulation tliu Osteopath reaches tho samo results obtnined by drugs without leaving tho injur ious effects of medicine, MARY CHASE ROCKWELL, DIPLOMATIC IN OSTEOPATHY, Has opened oilice in tho north noith rooms os tho Moon Block, (up .tail's), whoro sho will give full Osteopathic treatment. The followtnr diseases afe success. iully treated by Osteopathy. Asthma, atrowhy, paralysis, headache, eczema, feu're, goitre, catarrh, erysip elas, backache, constipation, chronic diarrhoea. Oytpopila, bldoiuness. drop sy. kidney diseases, dtteait ptcuUarto worntna tpecialty, rheumatism, baldness poor circulation, torpid liver, abscesses. Reneial debility, varasose veins, deaf ness, bronchitis, throat diseases. June troubles, diseases of the eye, nervous prostration, etc. Ottlcc Hours o to tp mad 1 to 4. CoatultatUa ftee. l H swlissl issss! HiV H KBfl 1 1 WAH issssl B k kWkW il mf km Bssl BBl B v BB ' i BHT HH Hh BH BHa BHV Hi J HWjhbhb bhbhI BVI bhMv HHTHi .ul TA-tiLrTTfTF, i I '"'-i i-ww mm uininni aau Ul JTIX- . and we can secure patent la leu time Uua thou remote from Washftiton. ' lInn'w:7j;r-''Il"K"'-..w.HioMcnp: A,.- "n-r:ri' rriiss1?" "r. mv m? Huiuus mi patent u secured. LA r9 "PMtST'.vH?Jr U o6uin ," with fCft nf urn In tts IT C .-J ri ..... tuni frv:r.. - " "" wines C.A.SNOWACO. rirTiriTOFricc. Waihinqton. D. C Chimney brick, Cistern brick. AND AND THE. (Jr. Price's Cream Baking powder A Pure flraoe Cream of Tartar Powder. PRINCIPAL CITIES OF TEXAS. WISHER BUFFET SLEEPERS AND FREE RECLINING KATY CHAIR CARS DINING STATIONS OPERATED BY THE COMPANY. SUPERIOR MEALS. Fifty Cents. Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. RANDOLPH MoNITT, AWORNEY and CODNSELOK AT UW, MOON BLOCK. RKU CLOUD, NEMASKA. J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK IfOU WANT IT. Crown Q Bridge Work or Teeth Wilhoul Wales. POIICKI.AIN INLAY And all tho latest Improvement la dontal mcch f ' l If 1 P I aunia I