The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 01, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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Hi)oi' tit's Mm Ieuped Only liy l)c
Iterate, righting.
Kingston, Jamaica, Juno 28 Tho
Initial light of Colonel Wood's rough
riders and tho troopers of the First
und Tenth regular cavalry will he
known in history us the battle of Ln
Cjuasinn. That it did not end in the
complete slaughter of the Americans
was not due. to any miscalculation
in the plan of the Spaniards, foi
ns perfect an ambuscade as was
ever formed in tho brain of an
Apache Indian was prepared, and Lieu
tenant Colonel and his men
walked squarely Into it. For an hour
and a half they held their ground
under a perfect storm of bullets from
the front and sides, and then Colonel
Wood at the right, and Lieutenant
Colonel Roosevelt at the left, led a
charge which turned the tide of battle
and sent the enemy Hying over the
hills toward Santiago.
It is now definitely known that six
teen men on tho American side were
killed, while sixty wero wounded or
lire reported to be missing. It is Im
possible to calculate the Spanish losses,
lint It is known that they were far
heavier than those of the Americans,
at least as regards actual loss of life.
Already thirty-seven dead Spanish
soldiers have been found and burled,
while many others undoubtedly are
lying In the thick underbush on the
side of tho gully and on the slope of
the hill, where tho main body of tho
enemy was located. The. wounded
wero all removed.
With the exception of Captain Cap
ron, all the rough riders killed were
buried on tho field of action. Their
IkmIIcs wero laid in one long trench,
each wrapped in a blanket. Palm
leaves lined tho trench and were heaped
in profusion over tho dead heroes.
Chaplain lirown road tho 'Episcopal
burial service for the dead, and, as he
lcuvlt in prayer, every trooper, with
bared head, knelt around tho trench.
When the chaplain announced the
hymn, "Ncv-cr, My (kid, to Thee," tho
deep base voices of tho men gave a
most impressive rendering of the
Captain Capron's body was brought
into .luragua, but it was deemed In
advisable to send the remains north at
this season, and tho interment took
place on the hillside near tho seashore,
back of tho provisional hospital.
camara is refused coal
Fliii I'.KJptlan (iowriimrnt UIorkH the,
rrogrriH of tin- Smnlli l'leet.
Caiiio, Kgypt, June 2S Admiral
."aniura has asked to be allowed to
purchase 10,001) tons of coal lor tho
Spanish licet at Port Said, but the
Egyptian government refuses to per
mit tho ships to coal in Kyptian waters.
Vending deliberations, which aro
likely to last a long time, tho licet in
tends to remain at Port Said.
Admiral Camara has made extensive
arrangements for coaling his ships in
the Itcd sea and Indian ocean.
Trustworthy information leads to
the belief that the true objective point
of Camara's fleet is not Manila, but
Hawaii and llnally San Francisco.
Ni:w YoliK, .Tune '.'8. The New York
Journal's correspondent at Koine cables
that Senor Delmaso, tho Spanish am
bassador to Italy, said to-day that the
cruise of Admiral Cunmra's lleet In the
Mediterranean is only a ruse dc guerre.
After a short stay at Suez, Senor Del
mnzo is alleged to have said, the fleet
apparently awaiting orders. Camara
will again set sail, but for Cadiz, not
the Philippines.
London, .Mine 28. A dispatch from
Madrid says tluv minister of marine.
Senor Aunon, has made n statement
to tho effect that Admiral Camara's
squadron will leave Port Said to-day
for tho Philippine islands. Ho is nlso
credited with saying he believes tho
squadron is powerful enough to defeat
tho ships under command of Hear Ad
miral Dewey.
Tho dispatch further nnnounces that
the hope is expressed in Madrid that
Jilanlla will bo able to resist until the
arrival there of Admiral Cumura's
Cadiz, June 28 It is announced
hero that tho Spanish cruisers Vittoria
and Alfonso X1I1 have left the arsenal
and that the Caralca and Isla de Luzon
are ready for their armament. Tho
Alfonso XIII Is tho only vessel of this
licet that can bo termed modern or for
midable. It is reported that an additional
force of men has been ordered to be
employed in order to hasten the com
pletion of tho armored cruiser Prln
eesa de Asturlas. Tho Prlncesa is of
tho Vizcaya typo. Tho auxiliary
cruiser Metcore is said to have received
her new armament and tho armored
crulter Cardinal Cisncros is announced
to havo left Fcrrol.
Tho Spanish officials express the
hope that tho third Spanish squadron
will be ready for sea in five weeks.
The military governor of Cadiz is
mounting new guns and preparing ad
ditional defenses between Forts llota
and Candelarla, owing to rumors of a
contemplated American invasion.
MAimiu, June 27. It was announced
here this afternoon that Admiral
Camara, in command of the Spunlsh
squadron now at Port Said, lias been
ordered to proceed through tho Suez
canal with tho ships under his com
mand. Madrid I'rnliM Wood's Men.
M Aimm, .Inc 28. Private dispatches
received hero from Havana declare
that Friday's fight (the battle of La
Quaslna), was favorable to tho Span
lards, but tho advises rccolvcd credit
Colonel Wood's "Rough Riders" and
Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roose
velt with the greatest courage.
Another Knw Hnlillnr Demi.
Han Fiiancikco, Juno 28. Private
Henry Pepper, Company , Twentieth
Kansas reirimcut. is dead M consump
Scilltn I tho Uime for Clencrnt Wticclcr't
Kingston, June 28. Troops of the
United States and Spain aro almost
faee to face and less than four miles
apart. Saturday night the picket lines
at certain points were within hailing
distance of the enemy. It seems cer
tain that tho battle of Santiago must
come within a week.
The troops are all ashore. The sup
plies are sulllclcnt to enable the army
to sustain a week's campaign at both
lauding points.
The landing of troops, horses nnd
Runnlles has been extraordinary. With
only one steam barge and compelled to
depend on treacherous small boats,
General Shafter has landed over 10,000
men, hundreds of horses and mules and
thousands of dollars' worth of supplies
on tho exposed beaches, nnd only two
men have lost their lives. No more
than fifty animals have been drowned
and scarcely a package of supplies has
been lost. The ollleers generally ate
surprised at the, small loss of life and
properly. General Shatter said:
"I an! well satisfied with the prog
ress that Is being made. The disem
barkation Is slow, but, considering the
knitted facilities and tho exposed na
ture of the landing places, tho men
have done well.
"I only await the landing of sufll
clent supplies to begin the movement
on Santiago. 1 am unable to say when
it will take place.
"I am much pleased at tho gallant
conduct of our men in tho action at
Scvllla nnd with their cool and veteran
liko work. The victory was complete."
General Wheeler, In his otliclal re
port, places the number of dead in the
engagement at Scvllla as twenty-two
and tliu wounded as between seventy
and eighty. No attempt has yet been
made to prepare an otliclal list of the
names of the dead and wounded. The
high grass and bushes of the battle
ground make It difllcult to find the
bodies, but an oilleial list will proba
bly be prepared by Monday.
The bodies of thlrty-nlno Spaniards
have been found, and tho Spanish loss
in killed and wounded was doubtless
much heavier than the American.
The majority of the American troops
are now at Juragua or at the front, In
tho vicinity of Scvllla. The force at
the latter place which Is about ntne
miles from Santiago, numbers 0,000
Americans and 1.500 Cubans. General
Wheeler Is in command there, with
Generals Young, Lawton and Chaffee
General Wheeler will remain at Scvllla,
which will be made a rendezvous for
troops landing at Halquiri, and at this
point, the artillery and cavalry nre
being put forward from Halquiri. The
cavalry havo been sent ahead to cut a
way through tho underbrush.
From tho American position at Se
villa Santiago is plainly visible, and
tho fortifications can be seen.
Her OMniienronc l.imt Mnrcti Now
Accounted I'm- A Story of Lute,
Dpopiilr mid TriiRPily -IJuut llml "f
Utility I ..
, i w m .vva
vir.t '
It Was Left for tho Vcfiuvlti to T.rurn
thu Sunken Collier' l'o.lllmi.
Xr.W YoliK, June 28. A dispatch
from Port Antonio says: It has re
mained for tho htaunch dynamite
cruiser Vesuvius to demonstrate that
the entrance to Santiago harbor was
not completely blocked by tho sinking
of the Merrlniac.
While poking: her nose about the
entrance to the harbor a few nights
ago tho Vesuvius discovered ample
room in which to pass tho wreck of
tho Merrimac. She wont in, made ob
servations along the inner harbor and
then came back to ben. getting around
the wrecked collier without difficulty.
It has been ascertained that two bat
tleships can enter tho harbor abreast,
one passing to the right and tho other
to tho left of tho Merrimac wreck.
This is uu opportunity that will be of
great advantage to Admiral Sampson
when tho general attack on .Suntingo
Knciuy'n Kutlmnte of American I.oief
Not Above tho l'uct.
Havana, June 28. The official ac
counts in the province of Santiago de
Cuba on Thursday and Friday of last
week represent that tho American
forces, supported by artillery, attacked
the Spanish near Santiago dc Cuba on
the morning of the 23d. Tho Spanish
losses on the 23d and 24th were one
olllcer and eight soldiers killed and
three officers and twenty-four soldiers
wounded. Tho Americans in the com
bat of the 25th (Friday) alone had
twelve killed, among; these a captain,
and fifty wounded.
On Friday, in front of Santiago,
there were twenty-two American war
ships, in addition to supply ships.
On Friday morning, at Halquiri, the
Americans, in considerable force, sup
ported by artillery, renewed the at
tack. Among the attacking forces
were insurgent bands shouting "Cuba
llbre." In tho two engagements tho
Americans alone sustained no fewer
than eighty killed and wounded.
N a maddened
state Annie Hurk
ctt, 10 years old. on
March 10 last
threw heiself Into
the CoiiPiiinugli
river and was
drowned. The body
was not discovered
until the other
morning. nearly
nine weeks from
tho time the deed wns committed.
The details of tho Btory, If they were
mado public, would he simply a dis
closure of life such as Is read of ftc
qitently. The dead girl had been
"keeping company" with Robert
Hrendlliigcr, 21 years old. The mother
of tho girl disapproved of this, and fin
ally the girl told her mother a pathetic
story. The mother then sternly in
sisted that the Intimacy should cense.
The girl was young and wayward, and
was not inclined to take her mother's
advice. The lover was persistent In
his attentions, nnd his sweetheart wan
not averse to them. On the evening of
March 10 Hrendlliigcr accompanied the
girl home from a revival meeting
which wns In progress at Lockport,
Westmoreland county, where tho par
tics lived. Ho wan not permitted to
enter the house, and Annie was for
bidden any further Intcrcouso with
him by her mother. The girl was fu
riously enraged at this command from
her parent, and Hrendlliigcr departed.
The mother locked the doors of the
house, fearing that Annie would at
tempt to elope with her lover, nn she
had Imagined that they had made a
plot to that effect. The girl meanwhile
had returned to her room, changed her
drcBB, and then broke Into the loom
where her mother, her eldest sister,
Maggie, and her youngest brothpr.ngcd
7, were sitting, nnd sprang through a
window, screaming as she fled: "I will
drown myself." Tho mother did not
regard the threat seriously, and It wns
not until the lapse of an hour or two
that the family became nlamied at the
prolonged absence of their favorite
girl. A search was then commenced.
Tho river was but a short distance
away. There were various ways ol
reaching the ever-treacherous waters
of the Conemaugh from the Hurkett
homestead. Each one of the paths waB
carefully followed that night, but not
a trace of the unfortunate girl could
be found. The next day tho alarm
was raised. The river was dragged
for a mile each way, up ami down, but
no body was found. As the days
lengthened Into weeks various ru
mors were circulated. It was report
ed that Annie had been neon In Johns
town, Moxhain, Indiana, New Florence,
Pittsburg nnd other places.
Tho dcvelopmento lately made
proved all these stories to have been
false. On the night she sprang from
tho window of her homo Annie had
fled to tho river, thrown herself In,
and had been drowned. The recent
heavy rainfall caused the river to he
greatly swollen, and the body of the
girl was caught up by the swift cur
rent and carried to the surface. It
was first noticed at Cokevllle, nnd the
parties who saw It, made pursuit, nnd
It was brought to Bhoro about a mile
below Hlnlrsvllle. It presented a
shocking appearance after Its nine
weeks submergence In the liver, but
"ould still be recognized.
A brother, the mother and a sister
Identified the remains, on which were
found some Jewelry, a black sklrt.walst
and shoes and stockings. Tho body
had evidently sank .to the bottom of
the stream after the final struggle for
life and remained there until the rush
ing waters brought It to the surface
lino weeks later.
The mother nnd sister, who, for over
two months, had lived In an agony of
suspense, mingled with hope and fear,
and who had used every menns in
their power of ascertaining the fate of
their loved one, when brought to tho
place where the remains were, mani
fested a grief which was heartrending
llnw mi luteutlto nnd tltliuiitir I'hlliiriet
ihln Hoy Tilted "it u Crippled Kilt.
A nit with a wooden icr Is a curios
IJy, as eutiusltles go nowaday. Yet
such an animal can be sctn any day
at the residence of a iiiiin named Dug
more, In the southwestern section of
the city. About a mouth ago Willie
Unguium, u lad of l'J years, found the
little rodent In a trnp In the cellar.
Ills first Impulpe was to brain the pest
with a baseball hat. but the rat looked
at him so pleadingly that Willie's heart
was touched, and ho decided to take
the trap to an adjoining vacant lot and
liberate the anlmiil. This he did, but
Instead of scampering off, as he ex
pected, the rat limped painfully up to
him and began to lick his hand. Willie
then dlsrovoied that one of tho nnl
nuil's legs had been almost severed by
the trap. Taking the rat home, hu cut
the leg off and then bandaged tho
woutid.uslng as a liniment a little vase
line, lie then put the rat Into a cage
and iiiii'Fcd It for a week, lie then
returned tho bandage and found that
the wound had completely healed.
The rat was, however, unable to walk,
and Willie dechbd he would niako for
it an artificial leg. Going down to the
cellar, he obtained a piece of pine, and
after conic whittling succeeded In mak
ing a leg. This he fastened on with a
string, and wns delighted to see that
his plan was entirely successful. The
rat Is now the family pet and can he
seen any day hobbling about tho
kitchen or teasing a little Irish terrier,
of which It hns made u lifelong friend.
Philadelphia Times.
m. "LARKY" flODKlN.
UU Tuner Noted u mi Opponent of
tho Wiir Ho Ciiiiu' from Ireland
Wlirn Very Yoinift Noted for UU
Untile Itoyul ullh lliiun.
The portrait given below of a Swazi
land belle Is instructive as a testimo
nial to the benelltH conferred by tho
spread of civilization. Swaziland com
prizes ii comparatively small native
state In southeast Africa, whfeh. until
tho Zulu war, wa3 left ery much to lto
UK torylsm dis
played by the Now
York livening Pout
ngalti calls into
prominence Its ed
itor, "Lnrry" God
Idn, the successor
of William Cullen
Hryant In tho ed
itorial chair. Mr.
Godkin founded the
Nation In 18115, and
for twenty-seven years remained at his
post without once leaving It. Hy tho
death of CIiiir. A. Dana, Mr. Godkin be
came the dean of the Journalistic, corps
In New York city, outranking the ed
itors of nil other leading papers. Until
were of Irish dei.ecnt and all through
life fought each other, on paper, with
all the fury of the "ruling race." Mr.
Godkin gives a brief resume of his life,
which we condenso still further:
Mr. Godkin was born In 1831 nt
Moyne, County Wleklow, nenr "the
Vale of Avocn," which Moore celebrat
ed, nnd la the son of n clergyman who
iiIeo wrote hooks. He has a sister,
Miss Georgia Godkin, tho biographer of
Victor Knimnnucl, and n resident of
Italy. Almost In boyhood he wrote a
"History of Hungnry," Inspired hy the
fervor aroiuscd by tho patriot, Iotils
Kossuth, a very old-fashioned hook
now, profusely Illustrated with primi
tive woodcuts. This book, however,
and a letter to the london Times, in-
V.i-.J,'1!" jwK 5?SSsi
own devices. Hy the convention of 1S!M,
Swaziland was placed under the bene
ficent rule of President Krugcr. Gp
to the commencement of the Zulu cam
paign the damsels of this ilinrmlng
country were believed to take their
wnlks abroad clothed In their beauty
and a smile. Today all this Is chang
ed, and tho costume which has been
adopted will be seen to be well suited
both to the wearer and the climate. The
young lady who sat for this portrait
was at the time engaged on her domes
tic duties; hence the apron, which, It
Is scarcely neces?niy to say, docs not
form part of the customary society
costume. The SwnI men evince a
marked respect and I'dinliatlon for
their womankind, nnd Indeed lake an
extremo delight In their society, as
shown by the fact that they, as a rule,
marry Boveral of them. A very curi
ous custom which obtains among tin
rnco is that known an ","
by which women arc prohibited from
mentioning the name either of their
husband or their husband's relatives.
In order to meet this dlfllculty In dally
Intercourse, the ladles use names of
their own invention, most of which
consist of a Fcrics of clicks made by
piiddcnly releasing the tonguo from
the lower palate.
floei mi a Friendly Errand.
Coi.UMiius, Ohio, Juno 28 Itev. Dr.
Washington Gladden leaves to-day
to spend his vacation delivering
nddresses in England, Intended to
foster friendly relations between that
nation nnd this.
A Dentil In the Third MUmnrl.
Cni', Va., June 28. -Private
C. G. Murphy of Company A, Third
Missouri volunteers, died Monday in
tho hospital at Fort Meyer and was
burled with military honors. Ho en
listed at Kansas City just before tlm
regiment left homo.
Tlm Kutuhdln KnIU for Iluiuptnii Itnudi
Pllovi.Nt'KTOWN, Mass., Juuo28. Tho
ram Katahdln left for Hampton Hoads
yesterday. She was followed by tho
cruiiier San Francisco, bound for Key
West. Tho collier Southcry accou
ixuiied the latter.
In the extreme. Two of the coroner's
Jury were so affected that they were
compelled to leave the room. The
Jury rendered a verdict of suicide, but
expressed no opinion, save that of fam
ily troubles, as to the causes leading to
the unfortunate ending of the young
jlrl's life.
It is said .that Hrendllngor has com
pletely cllfnppeared from tho scene of
the tragedy In which he was so prin
cipal a figure.
roller, nn hlmrlt Cnlrher'.
Among the multifarious duties which
demand the attention of the Calcutta
police the capturo of sharks In tho
Hooghly finds a place. During the past
twenty years rewards have been paid
for the destruction of thoao marlno
man-eaters, und icccntlj the Hengal
government laid down a scale for theio
Nnlled WliUUem to the Fence.
The patriarchal beard of one of the
"oldest Inhabitants" of Connhohocken
Is still In Its necustomed place upon IiIe
chin, but It looks moth-eaten and rag
ged. This Is duo to the fuct that the
old man Is extremely near-sighted. To
sec an object plainly he Is compelled to
get his optics within a few Inches of
It. Tho other day, while pottering
around his house, the old man under
took to repair a picket fence around
tho yard. Many of the palings had
been knocked off, and these It was his
purposo to replnce. He armed himself
with a hammer and nails and started
In. Ho got IiIb first paling In place,
and 'with much labor succeeded in
fastening it there. Hut this w.ih not
all. When ho stnrted to move on to
tho next break ho wac brought up
standing with a yell of pain. H had
nailed his whiskers between the pal
ings and the crossbar. His yells at
tracted the attention of his good wife,
who, when sho realized tho situation,
brought her scissora Into play nnd re
leased the old man, minus a consider
able portion of his beard. Philadel
phia Record.
lllntterM of UUtorlo Vulue.
A Philadelphia mnn owns n inert
unique assortment of pieces of blotting
paper, collected by his father, who was
long an ofilclol of tho Wh'tn Home,
ench of which bears, rcverfcd. the sig
nature of a president, from Gen. Hnr
riEon, who died a month after his elrc
Hon In 1S41, to Gniflold. On one sheet,
tho most highly prized of tho lot, the
last oflliial letter signed by President
Lincoln wns blotted before he was H3
sacsinatcd hy Hooth.
durcd the editor of that Journal to of
fer Mr. Godkin despite IiIb youth tho
position of correspondent on the Dan
ube, on tho outbreak of hORtllllleft be
tween Turkey nnd Russia In 18rn. Three
years of activity and excitement fol
lowed the acceptance of this offer. Once
ho took a forty hours' ride across coun
try, without quitting the saddle, to
reach Cnlnfat, n strategic point, before
It wns Invested by the enemy. Once he
found his tent-mate, nfter a few hours'
Boparation, dead of cholera. Yet agnln
he has a memory of a long siege of fe
ver in u hospital nenr Constantinople,
and one memorable winter was pasFcd
nt Huchnrcst, nmlil a brilliant, fascinat
ing, unrestrained society. This expe
rience wns followed hy an American
trip, principally through the southern
stntcs, In tho Interests of tho Times.
Tho Times wns then engaged In tho
work of stirring up tho trouhlo be-.
tv.een north nnd south. Tho Journey
was mado on horseback. Threo yearn
later ho spent two years traveling
nbroad, passing two winters In Pnrls,
his health having Buffered In the Turco
Riisslan campaign. Then came tho
adoption of tho -United States as his
country and the" founding of the Na
tion. Mr. Godkin lived nt Cambridge,
Mass., for Beven yenrs, though con
ducting a pnper in Now York. Hut
when tho Nation took tho Evening Post
in hand ho found it necessary to reside
in Now York. His residence is on West
Tenth street, convenient to business.
Here he. has a comfortable and pleas
ant residence, anil workshop, full of
books ho fcmlllnr to their owner that
ho knowH the location of every volume.
Ulography, history nnd political econ
omy ho reads without ceasing; but as
n novel render ho Is a failure, a mod
ern novel rarely holding him a fact
he regrets.
Nowadays Mr. Godkin eccs the nd
vantago of giving himself tho refresh
ment of an annual visit to Europe, and
especially England; nnd since the sum
mer of 1892 he has not denied himself
this needed recreation. Iast year, Ox
ford paid him tho compliment an un
precedented ono to n Journalist of con
ferring upon him tho degree of D. C.
L.; that of M. A. had been conferred by
Harvard In 1891. Whllo abroad, ho
talks little of American problems nnd
politics, save to tho Initiated few who
desire some particular Information, In
tellectual contact with economists, pol
iticians nnd men-of-letterfl, gives him
tho chance lie needs, and Bends him
home again keen to contend with thoBO
whom he regards bh the enemies of so
ciety. Every Benson, his Intimates are
BiirprlBcd afresh at the zest with which
ho ucglnB to roll tho old stones up tho
Bamo old hill again, with fresh hope of
victory at last. It 1b obvious to all that
ho relishes the fray. It Is persistently
asserted that Editor Godkin kim never
taken the oath of allegiance to tho
United States.
Her Ideu of Ilupplnrm.
Molly Did you enjoy youraelf at the
hall last night? Dolly Yes, Indeed!
Molly Hut you danced all tho tlmo
with but one mnn. Dolly Yes; but
there were seven others pacing the hall
Iloo- in a Jealous rage.
Light on the Origin of Nome of til
I'litutllitr Term.
In the cm ly days of English naval
organization vessels of war had doithlo
crows, a military one for lighting pur
poses nnd another of marines for nav-
Igntlug duties. In consequence n large
number of English sea terms have a
inllltnry origin. At that time the rank
of ndinlrnl was unknown, and the chief
ofllccr of the squadron wus called n,
constable, or Justice Tho term nd
inlrnl as now used Is derived from tho
Arabic "nmlr" or "einlr," n commnndcr
(bh In "Adnilral-Ilahr," commnndcr of
the non). The early English form wna
"iiinlral" nnd Is still preserved ns audi
by the French. Tho title cnptaln Is not
n nnval hut a military one. Originally
tho real cnptaln of tho Hhlp was a
"master." A inllltnry ofllccr va
placed on board, though ho know noth
ing of nautical matters. Grndunlly bin
Importniico Increased, whllo that of thu
miiBtcr diminished proportionately, till
nt tho present day the master's ofllco
Is becoming obsolete. Commodore
comcR from tho Spnnlsh "comenda
dor." The tltlo of lieutenant Is bor
rowed directly from the French and Ih
meant ns a place-holder, or one who
took tho place of ",:o cnptaln when ab
sent. In former days there wero no
endcts, but volunteers, but with the
gradual ndvance of politeness the term
cadet wns appropriated from tho
French. "Hoatswaln" in derived from
tho Saxon "kwcIii," a servant. Tho
term qunrtertnneter, as used In both tho
army nnd nnvy, appears to be confus
ing and anomalous. In the nrniy It In
tho title of a coinmlBsloncd ofllcer di
icctlng subordinate duties. In old
ships and In olden times his position
was a more Important one, bo much bo
that ho was considered to lo the fourth
part of the master hence the torm
quartermaster. Tho ship's cook was
once a great man, and thoro aro in
stances on record of his being pro
moted for efficient preparations of food.
Tho ship's stownrd was originally tho
caterer. The terniB larboard und star
board from the Italian "qucsta bordn"
and "quellu borda," which by rapid
delivery hecamo Rtnrboard nnd lar
board, hut owing to tho strong sim
ilarity of the sound they were changed
Into Btnrboard and port (Latin portn.
to enrry). tho use of the termii In tho
original form hnvlng been the cause
of many ncchlcnts. Gnngwny has been
handed down from the days of the nn
clcnt gnlley of tho Phoenicians, Cnrth-
nglnlnnH and Ilomuns, It hnvlng been
a hoard which ran along tho wholo
length, serving ns a passage for tho
rowers to and from their scats. It was
also used ns n resting place for tho
mast and sail when not In use. Tho
cockpit. In the lowest part of the vessel
below water, used during an action for
the treatment of tho wounded, Is de
rived from the old days of the English
sport of cock fighting, but this baa
been modernized, nnd Is now known
ns tho "lints" why, no ono can ex
plain. Lubber Is from tho Dutch,
meaning a lazy, cowardly fellow. An
chor coiiicb from the Latin "anchorn."
or "ancora," which up to COO B. C. con
sisted simply of a largo 3tone with a
hole through It. The peculiarity of so
many portions of a ship's rigging bear
ing nnnies derived from the trapping
of a horRO can only ho accounted for
from the fact that tho early warships
wero manned by soldiers as well an
Fnllors, the natural consequence being
that they, the soldiers, ndnptcd some
of their terms to meet their fancy.
Among tho various .ropes, etc., will bu
found bridles,1 whlpB, bits, stirrups, and
tho like. The ohland well-known sea
term grog was originated as a term of
derision and disgust when Admiral
Vernon In 1715 introduced tho wlso In
novation of making hln crpw drink
their spirit ration diluted with water
Instead of neat, iib they Jiad hitherto
done. The Bailors did not like tho
watery business, nnd In revenge nlck
nnmed the admiral "Old Grog" nnd his
diluted mixture as grog, from tho fact
that ho generally wore an overcoat of
a color then known aB grogram gray.-
Detroit Free Press.
Prof. Frank Fetter, head professor ot
the department of economics and social
science nt the Indiana state university,
has been cnlled to fill a similar post at
tho Leland Stanford university for one
year during tho absence In Europe ot
Prof. Edwurd A. Robb. Prof. Fetter
wob n student in the Indiana univer
sity whllo President Jordan, now or
Stanford, wns president of the Indiana
school. Dr. Fetter Bpent somo Ume nt
Cornell after his graduattlon from In
diana, nnd Inter went to Europe, where
he Btudlod ono year. On his return
ho accepted his presant position In his
alma mater. Ho la a brilliant scholar
and an ablo speaker. His services
were secured by Stanford through the
warm friendship that exists betweou
hlmsolf and th president of tho bl
California university.
Quiet i:uJoyiuent,
Ho wrote upon tho slate, "Are you
happy in your married Hfo?" and pim.
ed It to the denf-mute. "Unspeakably
so," hastily scribbled tho latter, hand-
Ing It back- New York 'World.