THE EED CLOUD CHIEF. WATS0NG0EST0SPA1N COST OF A WEEK AT OMAHA . v ky "" '... srp Ni JBRsiWTO til (v OmMl'u A v THE FOURTH OF JULY BIRTHDAY OF THE GREATEST OF NATIONS. TVhy Hvrry l'ntrlotlc Aiiiirir.iu Should Ilijolro mill (Jim TIiiiiiKh HUtory of tlio Declariitlaii of Im)iit-iiiIciiro It Sljjneri. Oro huntlrctl and twenty-one years ago tho bell rang In Independence hall In Philadelphia. To tho uninitiated It THOMAS JEFFERSON, pealed Its Bonorous notes for some un known purpose. To those who, breath less, were waiting for tho sound, It told tho news that liberty had shaken off her shackles In tho now world, that alio had taken hor rightful place and that hereafter tho people would ac knowledge tho power of no ruler except tsuch ao might bo chosen by them selves. It was a curious scene In that staid old Quaker town, tho last place In tho colonies whore one would have suspected a spark would bo given birth to light freedom's torch throughout the western hemisphere. It was on tho seventh day of Juno, 177C, that tho delegates from tho colo nies sitting In congress In Philadelphia considered tho following resolution In troduced by Virginia's statesman, Richard Henry Leo: "Resolved, Thnt tho United States colonies nro and ought to bo freo and BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, (independent states and their political connection with Great Britain Is and ought to bo dissolved." Thcro had been murmurlngs and threats and calm expressions of de termination. But here was united ac tion. The people, by tholr representa tives duly chosen, formally absolved themselves from allegiance from tho mother country and said to tho world that they had cast off tholr swaddling clothes, and were now nblo to walk alone. To spenk with absolute truth, nil tho delegates did not favor this progres3lvo step. Homo opposed It on tho ground that It was premature. Nevertheless tho resolution over came opposition ami was Indorsed as stated, by the majority of ono. Thir teen colonies were represented. Do causo s.even.o.f, them voted and stood for Independence, the United States Is ''bWwKat Bfinr Subsequent xltivel opmonts prove that hnd the action tak en been delayed, tho question of litde penden e mlsht have slept In peace un til the herald of the people, m one knows how many vra after, sounded A SSJWWft a o'iyJiSii fw I ,-s' N the tocsin of i evolution. Tho dele gates thought It wl?e to defer the ques tion of final consideration to July 1, 1770, by which time they believed there might be a more united feeling among tho people. Thus It wan that on June 11, thnt famous conmlttcc was apppolntcd to frame tho declaration of Independence. Noto the names, and If you are n stu dent of tho history of the United States, conceive, If you enn, of a better quin tet to have represented the American people: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sher man, Robert R. Livingston. The first was the man whoso fame Is ticked Into our ears every time we hear n telegraph Instrument, whose genius Is placed In broad light whenever we enjoy the Il lumination of electricity. The second rose to be president of the nation ho helped to form. The third Is the fa ther of what the world knows as Jeffcr sonlan democrncy. Tho fourth, purl tan, patriot, leader, gave more In moral forco and determination, In knowledge of the law and Its common sense prin ciples than almost any man who as sisted at the birth of tho nation. The fifth was the man of whom tho major ity of people know comparatively little, and yet there was none who better do served a place of honor in tho public mind. Eminent ns n financier, a shrewd Judge of human nature, his touch on the helm of state was cx- JOHN ADAMS, uctly what was needed to keep young craft on her course. Jefferson had spoken but little congress and he had no patt In acrimonies which then prevailed. tho In the In a plain brick house, corner of Market and Seventh streets, Philadelphia, ho drafted tho declaration of Independ ence. Tho work was almost wholly Jefferson's, only a few verbal altera tions being suggested by Adnms and Franklin. It then wns approved by the committee. A few passages were struck out by congress Caesar Rodney, ono of Delaware's delegates, In order to have his vote recorded, rodo In the saddle from a point eighty miles from Philadelphia, all night, and reached tho floor Just In tlmo on July t to cast Delawaro's vote In favor of Independence. On that day, over memorable In American annals, the declaration of Independence was RICHARD HENRY LEE. adopted by the unanimous vote of tho thirteen colonies. Tho enthusiasm of tho patriots at hearing tho Intelligence wns unbound ed. Whllo congress had been dlsciifs tng the subject, crowds assembled out falde the hall and In the struts, au- MBkm WSmm ywSpXv . -V"1 V s "J xlottsiy awaiting the result. When I wiih announced at noon the state hous bell, on which was Inscribed "Proclali liberty throughout all the land tint tho Inhabitants thereof," clanged dee and melodiously and the throng guv vent to long and loud shouts of exulta lion. The old bell ringer had been at hi post since early morning. He ha placed his boy below to nnnounce whe the declaration was adopted, so tin ROBERT R. LIVINGSTON, not an Instant might be lost in trans ferring the glad tiding!) by means o tho bell to the waiting multitude. A the wearisome hours passed and nt sign came to him the nged bell rlngc finally exclaimed "They will never di It! They will never do It!" Just thei ho heard his boy clapping his handi and vociferating nt the top of his ju enllc lungs "Ring! Ring!" Tho oh hands swayed the sonorous bell wltl delirious vigor. Its reverberations wat echoed by every steeple In the city, That was a gala day In Philadelphia what with rejoicings and bonfires ant Illuminations. The cannon boomef and messengers rodo awny hotly In nl quarters to announce the news. Wash Ington then was In Now York with tin army. By his orders it wan read to tin soldiers, who acclaimed it enthusins tlcally. The townsfolk on that nlgln tore the statue of George III. from ltt pedestal In Bowling Green and It was melted Into -12,000 bullets for the pa trlotle troops. "Yesterday," wrote John Adam3 t ROGER SHERMAN. hls wife, "the greatest question wai decided that was ever debated in Amor lea; and greater, perhaps, never was oi will be decided among men. A rcso lutlon was passed without one dissent Ing colony 'that these united colonlci are, and of right ought to be, freo nn Independent.' Tho day Is passed. Tht Fourth of July, 1770, will bo a menior ablo epoch In the history of America. 1 am apt to believe It will bo celobr.itec by succeeding generations as the greal anniversary festival. It ought to b commemorated as tho day of deliver anro by solemn nrts of devotion to Al mighty God. It ought to bo solemnize! with pomp, shows, games, sports, guns bolls, bonfires and llluminatlona fron one end of the eqntinent to tho other from this tlmo forward forover." By a strango coincidence Join Adams died on July 4, 1820, tho flftlctl anniversary of tho declaration of In dependence. His last words wero "Jef ferson still survives," But at 1 o'clocl on the samo day Jeffer3on also passe away. Jpife TAKE AN FLEET. AR- Tlie Ji'rtrurk nit tlio riiiclilp, With I lie lluttlcftlilpft Ion ii mill Oregon nnilTliroo Aiiilllur.r 'nilcrit Xntjr Mnl(i TliM Annouiicciiii'iil In tin onivliil II ti llett it. Wahiiixo ro.v, June 28. The navy de partment at I l:Ifi o'clock posted the following bulletin: "Commodore Watson sails to-day In the Newark to join .Sampson, when hu will take under his command an ar mored .squadron with eruiscrn nnd pro ceed nt once off the .Spanish coast." Later the Navy department Issued a second bulletin, .showing tho ships to he placed under lommodoro Watson's command. The ships named are as follows: Flagship Newark, battleships Iowa and Oregon, cruisers Yosoinlte, Yankee ami Dixit) and tho colliers Scintilla, Aba rendu and Alexander. The ad vance will be made at once from San I lago. Admiral Camara 's Meet, now reported at Port Said, Is closely watched. The reports which have. come to tills government about Camara 's force show that he has sixteen vessels under his command, armorelads, utiarmored cruisers, troop ships and auxiliary cruisers. When the vessels left Cadiz they scattered in t.wo divisions, eleven ships proceeding through the Straits of Gibraltar to Cartagena and the others to some unknown destination, supposed to be the Canaries. Three of the live vessels of the second division had troops on board. Later informa tion shows that thcu five, or its many more which were waiting nt Carta gena. are now with the main force, and that several of the vessels are carrying soldiers. By some it Is thought that the Navy department's bulletin may be for the purpose of influencing tho movement of Camara. Wit li an American licet bound Spalnward, it is deemed im probable that Camara would continue on his way Hast, granting that be over Intended to go to the Philippines, Ha waii or San Francisco, its has been variously conjectured. By sending Commodore Watson tt harass the Spanish coast the navy starts upon a most aggressive cam paign. Tho announcement that the Spanish coast is to be attacked caused a thrill of excitement to sweep through the Navy department, it Is stltl that the blockade at Havana and Santiago will not suffer by the withdrawal of a flying squadron. The sailing of the Cadiz fleet to Ma nila relieves tho New England coast of further fright, and the vessels doing patrol duty along the northern coast have been ordered tcrejoln the block ading licet at Havana. It is believed that as soon as Spain hears their coast is to bo attacked orders will bo sent to stop the Codlr. fleet nnd recall Admiral Camara to Cadiz. The ollieial announcement of the in tention of the United States to attack Spain is the most daring Incident of tho war, and shows that all talk of peace is idle speculation. The squad ron will sail at once. Commodore John Crittenden Watson Is well lltted to perform the duties of his new assignment. He was Farm cut's flair lieutenant at ID and was in all Farragut's lights from tlio capture of New Orleans to Mobile bay. In tlio last named light young Watson as sisted in lashing tho admiral to the rigging of the Hartford. Since tho close of tho war Commo dore Watson has served on lmard of or commanded ships of our navy in all parts of the world. In ISM, when Ad miral Rcnliam with the United States fleet defied tho entire Brazilian navy in the harbor of Rio and opened the commerce of that port to the world, Commodore Watson was In command of Benliam's flagship and was also the chief of staff of the fleet. In the same year he was tho commander of the warships sent to Ulue,flclds on account of the trouble with Nicaragua. More recently tho eommotloro has been gov ernor of the naval home. Commodore Watson is Kentucky born and f.4 years old. He is a grand son cf John J. Crittenden nnd a nephew of Thomas L. Crittenden, the staff of ficer who, on the field of Buena Vista, mndo the famous response to Santa Ana, "'General Taylor never surren ders." Commodore Watson hns trans ferred his Hag from the Cincinnati to tho dispateh boat Dolphin and is now Issuing his orders from that craft. CAM POS MAY BE D1CTAT0 R. Hold to Ilaie Designs nn tlio (lovcrn inont of Hpaln. Loxno.v, Juno 28. Tho Vienna cor respondent of the Dally Telegraph says: Tho latest advices from Madrid indicate that thcro is ground for tho apprehension that Marshal Martinez do Campos will soon Issuo u pronunela monto and attempt a dictatorship. Minute directions havo been sent to the Austro-Hungarlan ambassador at Madrid, Count Dubskl, regarding tho personal safety of the queen regent. Tito latest news from Madrid Is that the situation is so serious that several cabinet meetings have been held, in n desperate attempt to avert a crisis. ICiinsus groc Under Weight. Toimika, Knn., Juno 23. Lnough negroes to form a full compn ay offered themselves as volunteers this morning, but many of them did not pass tho re quired examination. Of tho first thirty half wero rejected because thoy wero under weight. They wero examined un der tho regulations that govern tho enlistment of white soldiers nnd many of tho young ncgrics are too slender. Tho surgeons say that tho average young negro six feet tall is fif teen pounds lighter than tho average wluto man ox vuu wium height. and ORDERED TO MORED WITHIN SIGHT OF SANTIAGO. Within four Mile 1'rnin tlio Cltr 7,000 Troop urn lliiriuniml. Kixnsio:;, Jamaica, Juno L'3. Seven thousand American troops were camped in sight of Santiago Sunday, three and n half or four miles away. Men are eager and in good hcaltn, after having been fighting since Wed nesday. T!j;ro will be uo attack on the efty for two or tlneC days. Garcia has arrived with :i,000 men. Probably a hundred "Ro'ugh Riders" and regular cavalry made an advance of two mlle.-t after daybreak Sunday, passing the village of Sevllla, camping ut sunset In plain sight of Santiago, three miles away. The advance was without opposition. Sunday was spent In transporting machine and field guns, supplies, horses and mules toward the advanced position held by General Wheeler. This point will be supplied as a permanent camp until heavier artillery and remain In' troops pass Savllla. This will oc cupy some time, perhaps three days, on account of the poor road. Then ivill come an assault on Santiago. When the dispatch boat left Slboney many reports were current in the camp concerning our losses, some say ing that forty had been hilled. Col onel Roosevelt, nt the front, said, however, that sixteen were killed. There is no ollieial list an yet. Eight rough riders are likely iioosevelt's to tal loss. He speaks In most enthus iastic terms of his men's dashing cour age. He led the way nnd seemed a lion in action. The top of every hill anil mountain northwest of Santiago is occupied by blockhouses, from whence the Span iards can view the movements of the American army as it advances beyond Sabanilla, while to the eastward to the city on every knoll and bit of high ground are Spanish entrenchments. The corrcsindent from an elevation to tho right of the American lino-, counted twenty-four of these en trenchments, completely fencing every approach to the city. Tlw trenches hae- Iktch dug as the con formation of tho ground admitted. The end of tin: trenches overlap where breaks in the lines occur, thus securing compiirtlvely safe retreat front rille tiro in wise parts of the trenches arc captured. Upon one of these works- modem guns have been mounted. They can be plainly seen without glasses. Spies report that inside the in trenchmcut urn- four parallel lines of title pits, shoulder deep, and In front of them are marked ranges- and sev eral rows of barbed wire- fences. No olllccrsr wlu Iwvu surveyed the lte-ld over whleli the advance- must be made underestimates- the task: ahead of the- Americans. GARCIA'S ARMY WITH SHAFTER TnnwnortK Ijimlcd .'1,000 t'ulmn- S'olillrm nt .luriiKUit Sunday. .JcrcAoCA, June UT. General Callxto Garcia, with II, Joo Cuban Insurgents from the mountains west of bnutiago do Cuba, was landed here to-day. The Cuban, troops were brought here on board the American transports. Fully Insurgents, nearly tho entire available lighting force of Insurgents lu the southern part of Santiago prov ince, are now concentrated at or near .luragca. Three-fourths of them are armed with modern rifles and have abundant supplies of ammunition. The soldier aro ragged almost to nakedness. Most of tliese men nro thoroughly accustomed, to tJte bush whacking methods of tho Spaniards, and are perfectly familiar with every trail lu tho Tleinlty of Santiago. With the intention to protect the American advance on Santiago, detachments will also be sent toward Guar.tanamo to ghe warning in ease an attempt is made to form a junction with General Pun do's army in Santiago. A conference Iwtween Major General Shafter and General Garcia will be held to-morrow. Tho plan of co-operation of the American and Cuban arm ies hns been agreed upon, not only in the campaign of Santiago, but in the subsequent movement on Havana and Mntanzas. General Garcia's plan is to march his entire army along tho northern coast of Cuba, keeping In touch as well as he can with the United Stntes army. As soon as posslblo he will effect a junc tion with tho insurgent forces under General Maximo Gomez, who is now west of Havana. Other bodies of insurgents, it is said, will soon bo brought in. It is the plan of the Cuban leaders to have at least L'0,000 men before Havana when the tlmo comes for tho investment of that city. Manila, Juno 21. Up to the time this dispatch is sent tho transports from San Francisco having on board American troops Intended to relnforco Rear Admiral Dowey huvo not arrived here, and there is noclningo in tho sit uation. The Insurgents havo not mndo nny further advance and tho Spaniards havo been continuing tho construction of sand bank fortifications and the planting of sharpened bamboos around Manila for the purpose of stopping the Insurgents' ndvance. Tho pnper.s here contlnuo appealing to tho natives to coiuu to tho assist ance of Spain. May Almiulon Culiiinncra. Pr-AYA. Dki. Esti:, Juno 23. It is Re lieved in camp hero that "the town of Calmancra, on the upper bay, is about to bo abandoned by tho Spanlwh, who are said to be In a desperate condition owing to lack of food. The report is that they will leave tho town and fall back on Guuntanaino. Lightning Kill Svieu Homos. Mkndom, Mo., Juno 28. A violent storm stiiick this place yesterday morning ut 0 o'clock, dolng r. vast amount of duuiiiifo. zvj. wong, farmer, balf a mile east of town, had sovcrt tine work horbcs killed by lightning. VUltor Perhaps the first consideration with those contemplating a visit to the Trans-Mlssls-iippl expo-dtion this sum me: is that of To the few. "money Is no object:" to the many it may be said that the cost of n visit to the exposition Is moderate and reason able. .( Tl.i railroads have granted low rates, especially to the territory near by. Rooms can be obtained at moder ate cost in any part of the city, in some eases including board, and those, to whom time Is money should remem ber that the compactness nt the expo sition buildings and the n. essl " , front the center of the city i it possible to "see the sight in much less time than was reqnif' I at the Columbian exposition at Chicago. One day spent in each of the main build ings, with two or three tlajti for tho state bt lit lugs ami other attiiictiotis, will occupy about two weeks, but a good general Idea of the fair can bo obtained lu half that time. Visitor; .should communicate Imme diately on their arrival in the city with the Ollieial Information Bureau, 1319 I'm rna m street, which is under con tract with the exposition management to furnish free reliable information in regard to rooms, board, transporta tion, carriage, baggage, mes-songer service etc. The bureau has on its books some .",()()() rooms, mostly in pri vate residences, to which vIlton can be ivlerred entirely without charge. Comfortable rooms can be obtained cither near the exposition grounds or near the business part of the city for SI u night, or S. ii week for a single person, and for 51.r0 a night, or 84 t week fortw'o. In some cases a light breakfast Is included in these price. There ant also rooms at higher or low er figure) in all parts of the city. The hotels also furnish the usual accommo dations at the usual prices. In some eti-ses Iwurd can be obtained in the same bouse, and in every case the Information burvnti will give in formation ns to- the distance from any one of the rooms on its list to the near est restaurant or boarding house. Good board can be had for 85 a week for each person, or at nsutil prices at restaurants all over the city. Plenty vf goml dining halls- rrnil lunch coun ter are in operation in close proxitn iky to the grounds at which visitors will ls fairly and liberally treated. There are a dozen restaurants on tho grounds, besides about two dozrn lunch counters', tea gardens, Ice cream stands etc.. at nil of whfelv prices are reason it bl'is. At most of these the- usual charges are .1 cents for tea and eoll'ee, pie, etc., 10 cents-for sandwiches, and other things nt corresponding prices. Admission to the grounds is SO cents for each person above IS ycara of a;c. Children between .1 and IS years. 2.1c. These figures inclimV every thing with in the funces, except the amusement features on the midway, which are in the hands of individual concea-rion-aries. Payings.' a week for room, another S." for board, and TO cents a- day for general admission to tlvc grounds, makes tho cost of n week at the- expo sition' uboutSir.. RATES' ARE VERY REASONABLE. Ilrportn Thnt. Kxtnrtlmiirlr rrlrrs Primll In Oiiiiiliu ur Drririii-oim. Omaha, July 2S, Ta spite of the- re ports that have been published brood cast that the people of Omaha hayo combined toehnrgo extortionate rates for accommodations, the people who have been attracted to the city by tho Kansas and Iowa day programs havo found that every accommodation I ob tainable at reasonable rates. One can secure a good meal anywhere around the exposition gates at 25 eents, whllo ut the down town hotels and eating houses there is practically no ndvanco over the rates charged lieforo the ex position opened. In tho matter of rooms those who persist in securing quarters in the central portions of tho city find that it costs n dollar to seettro a room, but those who aro sufllcleutly thoughtful to go farther out can secure- good cool rooms within ten or fifteen minutes' ride of the central portion for much less money. It Is a truth that there nro hundreds of rooms to be had in Omaha at reason able figures if one does not insist In getting into tho heated section of tho down-town districts. The managers of tho trnns-Mlssls-slppl exposition ltnvo made arrange ments for a rousing celebration on tho exposition grounds (he Fourth of July. Tho pageant will lc reviewed by tho governor of Nebraska, tho mayor of Omaha, the president of tho exposition and other executive otllcera ns it pastes the music pavilion on tho south viaduct. At 11 o'clock tho fol lowing exorcises will lie held on tho grand plaza: Music Exposition band. Prayer Rev. T. J. Maekiiy. Singing Exposition chorus of 200 voices un der direction of Willurd Kimball. Reading of Declaration of Independ ence Hon. John C. Wharton. Oration of tho day lion. James M. Beck, United States attorney for Pennsyl vania. Music. A concert of Ameri can music has been arranged for tho evening. This will bo tlio closing event of the national congress of mu sicians, anil is designed to mark an epoch in the history of music in this country. Tho 810,000 display of flro works which will bogln as soon as tho concert Is over, will bo one of the most brillant pyrotechnlcal exhibi tions over seen in tho country since 17711. During the twenty-four days since tho exposition opened up to Saturday evening tho 'paid ndtnlssions havo been 112.440. Tho biggest day was tho opening day, 25,112. Tho next best day was Nebraska day, 11,720. Other days wero children's day 10,301, 111!, nnls tiny U,3Dl, Iowa day 8,M)rt. It is claimed that since the exposition opened it has cleared above operating expenses 820,000 and that on not a sin gle day havo tho receipts run below tho oporntlng expenses, which havo ticcn higher than will bo tho caso af ter tho exposition is thoroughly lu hand. Itooin nml llo.inl for l.'.i:oilllon ut M.rlc-ttir foil. , J