VwMMwmAps THJE JLIEH CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY. JULY 1, 1898. --w41iwriiUjUA-tAr- AWWAWVCS3fttMSHV' of f m i wr I 1 -Si vm. i V . V? ' .TPl Ji K& 1 -rT- $ ! J?. v Iv ' V ' 4. ,15V L1 H &.? 4 t. . j?n X Pilllki;. One Eye Witness Is Better Than ft Dozen Hearsays. That our store gives satisfac tion to the trading public is not hearsay. Hundreds of custo mers (eye witnesses) testify to the fact. Good, honest, reliable, up-to-date CLOTHING, at never touched low water mark prices catch the people. Good watch with every $10.00 cash purchase given you abso lutely free. GfliaJSiil ft WESGOTT. -i!- CITY NEWS. AROUND TOWN. Go to Butlor for tho bost in saddlery and hnrncss. Miss Joslo Norris is tho guost of Miss Emma Graves this week. Mrs. Homer Sherwood returned homo Tuesday after 11 visit with friends in Iowa. Cal. Kenady of Holyoko, Colorado, camo in Sunday and visited with his pin outs noitli of town. Notick Tho city oil wagon will not niiiko its usual tiip on Monday, July 4. Get your cans tilled on Saturday. Mi IV K. MuFarlaud and children of llolyokc, Colorado, have been tho guests of C. F. Cather and family. ti.a Ailn Cimilulil. who has boon visiting with L. I). Oatman and family left Monday for her homo at Mindon. MissGraco Hussong of Fianklin is visiting this week with her now nicco at her brother's, L. A. Hussong's, homo. Our fornior townsman, Poto Shcn, passed through tho city Wednesday night on his way to his homo at Or loans, after n trip oast. Miss Nottlo Huramoll loft Monday for Lincoln, whoro sho will moet her sister Cavrio, and thoy will spond tho wool: at tho Omaha exposition. Tho country pooplo prefer colobrat lng in tho country this year, as thoy aro preparing for picnics to bo hold at i. -1 -.- All CulnHnti'a nr- on a Hummers grovo and at Alf Saladon's V. H. Scrivner, real estate man, will sell your farm for you for a rea sonable por cent, or will trado your farms for Missouri lands. Address, V. H. Scrlvnor, Kod Cloud, Nobr. During tho lain storm on last Friday night tho now house of James Amack, living south of tho river in Knmas, was struck by lightning, a siigni (iniuiigu to tho iluo was about all tho harm lone. From present Indications there will not bo a corporals puard left in Red Cloud to eo'.ebrnto tho Glorious Fourth. Every body and Ills wife, bost girl or sweetheart aro making arrangoinents to colohrato out of town 0110 year. Tho 100 Cubans who jolnod forces with tho United States marines, when a landing was offocted at Giiantanamo, near Santiago, fought gallautly and vondored groat asslstanco, especially in throwing up intronchmonts, In which work they aro particularly ex pert. ' J. 0. B 11 tlor's 'goods aro iip-to-dnto. Mrs. Geo. Rodgors of Lincoln rived in tho city Saturday night visit with L. H. Fort and family. Notice Tho city oil wagon will not mako its usual trip 011 Monday, July 4. Git jour cans tilled on Satuulay. Mrs Juno Kirk wood who has been visiting old f 1 lends heio tho past week loft Thursday night for California. J. O Lindloy returned WednoMl-i uvuuing from 11 tup to Omaha whom ho had been seeing the sights of tho ex position. Tho Union Fire Insurance Company is tho best mutual. Combine risks; in installments 3 per cent. J. II. Smith, Special Agout. The Red Cloud hand will give a din ner and flipper for the benefit of tho organisation noxt Saturday in tho old Stern building. As will be scon 011 tho last pago of this papor, Ked Cloud will have a morry-go-round for a couple of weeks commencing next Friday. Write to J. Francis, General Passen ger agent Burlington Route, Omaha, for handsomo 82-pago pamphlet de scriptive of tho Trans-Mississippi Ex position, free. Mrs. S. M. Walker stato president of tho W. C. T. U. gavo a very ploasant nnd instructive lecturo at tho M. E. church last Monday night which was woll attended. M i:UU MNNTION. Tlins Auld i". in Deiivur Mi" A A. Pope Is home fiom her eastern visit. Miner Bios, stows biii'dlng Is being neatly painted this week. Mrs. Albeit Gteeu leturned last night ft 0111 1111 eastern visit. Walter Rohy, who has been braking on the Coloindo Midl'ind is here. Mm. W. 11. Tlininis nriived home f'-om an eastern nip Wednesday night.. For lire, lightning and tot undo Insur ance on faun and city propi tty see L. II Fott. l!iiuie..s hat will wear, keep Its bhape and look neat is tho kind made by J 0 Butler. Mis. Clias. Mllligan and children of Oxfoid anived in the city Satutilny on ti visit to friends. Geo. Coon added this week a patent labor saving hay sficker to His nlioady well equipped faun. Mis CIihs Putter and her mother, Mm. I S. Beul, arrived homo Wednes day night from the exposition Notick--Tho city ail wagon will not make its muni trip on Mondy,,July 4 (Jet your cans tilled on Satuulay Miss I'm Mter leturned S.itiiidny night from Chicago where he has been taking 11 course of instruction in voice Ctlltlllll. A good many 111 e still in an ears on subscription who might just as woll pay up now ami take advantage of our otTer of ptemiums. Tho ladies of tho Cliistian chinch will give a social in tho couit house jiuil tins evening tor tho purpose of raising funds to inaku lepairs on their ehuich building. "I have mod Chamberlain's Cough ;& Remedy In my iamiiy lor years ami al ways with good lesults," sa)sMr. W B Cooper of El Rio, Cal. "For small children wo llnd it especially ciTootivo." For Sale by II. E Giice. Wc will pay a, salary of ?IG 00 per week and expenses for man with rig to introduce our Poultry Mixture nnd Insect Destroyer In tho country. Rof- ounces reunited. Addiess, witli stamp Pr.itFKCTioN Mho. Co , Paisons, Kan (Jen. Camnos savs Spain should not abandon Cuba with 150,000 Spanisli troops on tho island. Campos marched ngainst the Insurgents with the Span ish host, but wns badly defeated in the bicgest battlo.of tho wnr. Ills memory seems to bo short. Tho city should tako a lesson from thocausoof tho uinaway of Mr. Car penter's team hiBt Wednesday evening and II x sacets so thev could bo travel ed over cast and west as well as north and south. This street referred to Is not tho or.lyono In this condition, nson most streets whoro work hns boon done this same state of t Hairs exist. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postofllco at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for tho week ending Juno 80th, 1808. Myeis, L. 1). Moiison, A. E. Peitlson, J. Stevons, Iia F. Thfsti letters will lie sent to the dead letter olllu) July 11th, if not called for before. When calling for abovo plcnso say advottiseil. 1'. C. Hagkeu, P. M. k)l make the (nod pure, wlmlf ome anil delicious. &akP P0W0ER Absolutely Puro ROYAl MKUlO PO0CR CO.. (W OKK. .MOUE OK IjlCSaiLMOItSONAL. Kansas City tho 11. E (list of CHAS. WIENER, Plica. F. W. COWDEN, Seo. A. U. KALEY, TitEAB. Gouiden-HaleyGlothingGo. .;r n ifi 1 -. J1 Our liaby has been continually tioub-' led with cholera and eholeia infantum since his birth, nnd all that wo could do for him diil not Mnm togivomoie than temporary lelief, until wo tiled Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Since giving that rem idy he lies not boon tumbled. Wo want to give you this testimonial as an evidence of our gratitude, not that you need It to adveitiso your meiitorious remedy. G. M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa For sale by II. E. Grico. Tho social given by tho Baptist ladies last Friday evening for tho purposo of raising tho necessary funds to ropalnt their church building was quite liber ally patronized nnd a neat sum was realized. Horace Spanoglo arrived in tho city last Sunday evening fiom Clydo, Kan sas, where he has been for some time, and departed Tuesday for Lead City, South Dakota, where ho has accepted a position ou tho Load City Call, which is published by A, C. Potter, formerly of this city. A London dispatch ((noting from tin nrticlo in tho London Spectator says; "Tho Americans, with tho position , thoy assume in the world as protectors of two continents, need a lleut as largo us that of Fiance, an army of 50,000 moti so ovor-olllceied in all grades and so over-supplied with artillery, otigl ueuis and transports, that it can bo ex panded at a mouth's notico with train ed reservists to 150,0C0 men," Did You Take Scott's Emulsion through the winter? If so, we are sure it quieted your cough, healed the rawness in your throat, increased your weight, gave you more color, and made you feel better in every way. But perhaps your cough has come back again, or you are get ting a little thin and pale. Then, why not continue the same helpful remedy right through the summer? ft will do you as much good as when the weather is cold. Its persistent use will certainly give you a better appetite and a stronger digestion. It will cure your weak throat and heal your inflamed lungs. It will cure every case of consumption, when a cure is possible. Don't be oersuaded to take something they say is just as good. AIIDruKflUiSoc.ndi. SCOTT A Bowhk, QbtaUU, f.Y. Pond was in tho week. Win llelTelhowor is visiting in Liu coin and Omaha this week. Mis. Lou Vance of Hastings is hero vi iting old f 1 lends and relatives. Notick All persons aro foi bidden to hunt or shoot In my pasture. C. 11. Kai.i.v. Foi lire, lightning and tornado insur ance on faun and city piopoity see L. II. F..U. Albeit nnd Samuel Wiight lottirncd fiom Floionce, Colorado, tho llrst of the week. Tlio county central committee will meet in this city on Saturday, July 1, at V o'clock. Maik Pinko, atpiesent winking out of McCook on tho B & M. was in the city ThuiMlay. The little six-months old child of Mr. and Mis. J II. Detiuan, living north of town died last Friday night. NoTicn Tlio city oil wagon will not niiiko its usual tiip on Monday, July 4. Get your cans tilled on Saturday. R. T. Potter left Sunday night for Salt Lake Utah, where ho will spotlit a couple of months visiting relatives. Good workmanship and material in harness is tho samo as In other goods. J. O. Butler's goods have both. T. J. Turner of Kansas City is bote again to buy mules, big horses and light cavalry horses. Bring to City livery stable Win. Short who hns been conlluod to his home for several months past was tnkon to Kntisas City Tuesday whoro ho will undergo a suiglcal operation Col. Wiggins accompanied him. Tho Madrid story that tho South and Central America republics are about to form an nllianco against tho United States is pronounced absolutely falso by diplomatic icpreseutatlves of those countries in Washington. .1. F. Docker livinc threo mllos oast of town wns kicked by a horso ou Wed nesday and tho bones of his loft leg wore badly shattered. Drs. McKochy and Beck fixed up tho damage as well as could bo expected under tho circum stances. A good many citizens who tako an inteiesl in seeing that our city is kept in a healthy condition havo cleaned up their premises and tho alleys adjoining. There aro still some few laggards who should follow tho good example anil clean up. Monkv to Loan Money to loan in any amount on approved real estate security at lowest into of interest and must fiivfirnhla torms of payment. En quire of or address F. E. (Jowlk, at tho ofllco of tho Trndor's Lumber Co., Red Cloud, Nob. Wo will for tho next ton days supply any ono paying us a year In ndvanco on The Chiek with a Colortypo picture of tho battlo ship Maine, size 10x25; ready for framing. Thcsonro lino and you should got ono at onco. Copies can bo had also for 50 cents in cash. Died, at tho rcsulonco of J. II. Bailoy in this city Mr. Eugono P. Thomas, on Tuesday, Juno 28. Tho fuuoral ser vices woro hold from tho resldonco of Mr. Bailoy of whom docoased was a brother-in-law on Thursday morning, and interment took placo nt Guide Rock, Rev. Geo O. Yoisor conducted tho services. A potition was circulated nmong our business houses Thursday for tho pur poso of raising tho necessary funds to pay for sprinkling tho streets. It was hut a small task after tho dusty weath er of tho past week, and now the sprinkler is doing a good job and a per son can walk the stieets without get ting a "craw" full of dust. "During tho hot woathor last summer I had a sovoio attack of cholera mor bus, necessitating my leaving my bus iness," says Mr. C. A. Haro, of ilaro Bios., Fincastlo, Ohio. "After taking tWO 01' tlllOO U08C8 OI Uliniliui'iiuiun Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy I was completely relloved nnd In a few hours was fcblo to resumo my work in tho store. I slnceioly mcomnifuil It to any ono nilllctcd with stomach or bowol trouble." For sale by H. E. Grico. Vi A ?,jVj iiXi 'V " ''' t M.Vtfl- J'i f ! f ,Jd .'' i 'if t ttti ,,ilVi i ft ft ': v m : ft 'ft A- hi fc'A ft if,' In I 1 i ft. ft i ' Si '.; V: !.V 1..1 w INCORPORATED. Wiener's Old Stand. Voir Hcndy for Business. Wc will always bo Boy's and Children's headquarters for Men's Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods, Etc. We most respectfully ask a fair shareof pat ronage from the people of Red Cloud and Web ster county. We have no Gold Bricks to sell'. Honest business methods will be our stock in trade. Goods sold at one price and marked in plain figures. Give us a trial. Special announcement later. $5 ti ft ft m ft ft : ft ft m $ ft W- f'Ji ". r-v f.v '! ';I viz? ! ''.,".vi'vi".ij'v:iV ;: v.wnt-.:.?.'."'?' Tho band concert last Saturday ovo niug was a pleasaut surpriso to many of our citizens, and many woro tho words of praiso heard of tho excellent music rondeiod by tho band, it having had but ono week's practice As ono goutlomnn remarked, "Red Cloud hns tho material and should havo ono of tho best bands in tho Etato, and tho citizens should holp them. McCook Is a town well known all over this statu and several others simply through its unnd, and thoio is no ion son why Red Cloud should not enjoy a liko reputation. Tho boys will give a dinner ami supper tomoriow, Satur day, and ovoryouo should help thorn out. Tho city authorities navo had con siderable trouble during tho past week to koop a sufllcieut supply of water on hand to supply tho demand of tho city. Tho capacity of tho wells were found to bo incapnblo and it was necessary to 48th birthday was at hand, nnd desir ing to romlud her of that event, togeth er with tho fact that ovory member of tho Dogroo appreciates her unswerv ing fidelity to tho ordor, and her efforts to build the lodgo up- and mako It ono of tho best in tho city, thoroforo thoy decided on giving her a grandjsurpriso and did so thoroughly. Thoy did not forget to bring along a lino chair as a souvenir of tlioir estooin, also plenty of Ice cream and cake. Tho members stayed until a Into hour oujpyHg tho hospitality of Sister Pond. It was a very ploasant ovont and will bo remem bered many moons by all piesent. Tho war fovor has llnally struck this city. A. A. Haddon, a recruiting of ficer of Co. I, Third Rogimont, (Brynns Nebraska VnlmUeers, arrived in tho city last Monday on a search for re cruits, and although some thought ho had a discouraging job in front of him ho soon convinced the pooplo that Red turn tho crook In. It is supposed to be 1 Oloutl had several young, men who duo to the overuse of water by our citi zens during tho hot dry dnys, ind tho uso of water for sprinkling lawns, etc on othor than tho times spoeiliod in the city ordinance. Tho timo has also boon changed this week nnd a hoavy lino attached. Tho hours for sprink ling lawns, etc. under tho now ordin ance printed elsowhero In this issue aro from 0 to 7 a. m. and from 0 to &pm. and a lino not to oxceod 810 is the-pen alty for uso other than theso houus. Allon Carpontor has commenced to boliovo in tho old saying that trouble novor comes singly. LnBt Sunday morning ho aroso and found that ono of his lino driving horsos hail got looso and becomo tangled in barb wiro dur ing tho night and had been severely cut. On Wednesdny ovonlng whllo out driv ing whllo attempting to cross tho ditch ... i . on fcirst avonuo ami oowaru sireoi,. made by the recent grading on Seward meet, his buggy roacUbroko, fright ening tlio team which ran away, and llnally lauded among the trees in front of thotesidonco of Aaron Conoverwith a result of ono horse breaking his nock and dying instantly and tho other be ing crippled In such a shupo as to ren der him practically useless for fuither runaways. Mr. Carpenter was tin own out and dragged qulto a dlstanco but received no Injury other than a few bruises and a severo shaking up. ' On Inst Monday evening tho mem bers of Red Cloud Lodge, No. 1)3, D. of H., turned out in fort'o for tho purposo of giviug thoir woithy Chief of Honor, Mrs. Kato Pond, a grand surpriso party. Tho members betas ever mindful that-! I time U Hooting and that Suter Pond'i were willing: to go to tho aid of Undo Sam. In a short timo ho had succeed ed in enrolling tho names of Waller El Hot, Molvin McCortl, Harry Brown,. Herbert Burner, John Pegg, Charley Hunt, Vern Olmsieadv Bon Collins mid John Dickenson. The boys departed on Tuesday morning for Alma where thoy wore givou a. preliminary examin ation nt which all passed- On Wednes day morning Mol MeCord who was chosonjiergoant at tho company elec tion, returned to thU city for more re cruits and succeeded la enrolling Lcs lio Grn-vos, Ckas, Perry, John Joiter, WaltorCollliw. and "Victor Scott, mak ing in all fourtoon from, this city. Tho boys woro heard from nt Alma and woro all onftiying themtolves hugely, the citizens of that placo seeing to it that thoy got plenty to eat nnd that tluir timo was pleasantly spent, before their dopurturo for Omaha yostcrday morning,, whora thoy will llnally bo niustorod In tho service. As yet it Is not known where tho Third Nobraska icgimeutwill go, but present mdlca tlous point toward it bolug sent to tho Philippine islands. J. II. Smith writes combined insur ance for a term of llvo years at b por cent. On schools houses, churches nnd farm property on the installment plan. Dropiilm a card at Rod Cloud, .Nob. Rod Cloud Creamery opouod up Thursday. Wo will honor any check issuod by tho Croamery Co. Galusha. & Wmcott. m VM :44U' jr,