THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. BLOCKADE EXTENDED SAN JUAN AND SOUTHERN COAST OF CUBACLOSED. The New Order Will I'rmrnl tlm t'nr of Forto lllroim h nml Will Shut (Iff flnpplle for Mitt sunt From the (South The I'orlo Itlru lUpcdltloh. Wariiinoton, Juno 20. Tlio Presi dent has issued ii proclamation extend ing tho blockade of Cuba to tlm ninth-, crn coast from Capo Francis to Capo Cruz, inclusive, ami also blockading Snn Juan, I'orto Itico. Tho proclamation has been nnticl patcd for several days, its formal pro mitigation nevertheless caused a flutter of cxeltcment In naval circles and dem onstrates that the navy does not pro pose to remain Idle whllo General Shafter Is attacking Santiago. Indeed tho blockade has practically been ex tended for more than a week under di rection from tho Secretary of the Navy. As soon as General Shaff er's troops arrived at Santiago nml formed a junction with Admi ral Sampson, orders were Issued to distribute tho vessels of the Meet along tho Southern coast of Cuba to prevent supply ships reaching tho Spanish ports not specifically mentioned in tho President's proclamation of April 23. Several ships were also sent over to Porto Itico to blockade San Juan, and tho effectiveness of that blockade has lieen demonstrated by tho reported disabling of the torpedo boat destroyer Terror by Captain Slgsbcc In command of tho St. Paul. Accompanying the proclamation ex tending tho bloel.adu to I'orto Itico comes tho report that (lencral Koyal T Wank, commanding tho de partment of the Kast is to bo assigned to duty in command of tho new corps being established to invade Porto Itico. The invasion of Porto Ilico is not to be attempted until after tho battle of Santiago is decided, but it is under stood that tieneral Frank is destined to bo promoted to tho rank of major general nnd placed in command of the Porto Kieo expedition as soon as the tima shall have arvlvcd for action in that direction. The proclamation increases tho lim its of tho blockade four-fold, it having been confined heretofore to a stretch of n little more than 1 00 miles on the north and the single port of Cicnfuogo on the south coast of the Island. The demands upon tho navy will not be nearly so heavy in proportion to tho territory to bo covered ns in the ease of the initial block ade for tho reason that the new blockaded eoast lino lies entirely -within tho great bight on the soulli Cuban coast, in which tho water it generally very shallow and the port uro few Into which a vessel of any draft could enter. Tho most impor tant of these ports uro Mau.".anllIo, Trinidad and Tunas. West of Trinidad Is Clenfuegos. which Is already blockaded efleetively. From that point westward for nearly HO inller. there Is no point to be block aded until llatabauo is reached. ThU port is distant only about forty miles from Havana by rail and Is believed to hnvo been the principal source of food supplies for tho Spanish capital. For 150 miles west of this, eleai over to Capo Francos, the western edge of tho block aded territory, there are no ports fur deep vessels of any considerable draft, and oveli If there were the country In the Interior, Pinar del Ulo, is in the bands of the insurgents and suppllct could not be sent through to Havana. The purpose of extending the blockade westward to Cape France' was to com mand the channel between the w.vt side of the Isle of Pines and '"pe Frances and thus render much easier the task of blockading the vessels. The vessels for the additional block ade rviee will bo supplied almost en tirely from tho patrol licet which, un der Commodore Howell, has been guarding tho North Atlantic eoast from Maine to South Carolina. This service has been abandoned, because tho only available Spanish warships are with Admiral Camara, thousands of miles away from tho nearest point upon tho Atlantic coast. The vessels wo ul ready on their way southward. TERMS" ofpeace, fpaln Mutt Giro Up t'ulin, I'orlo Itlrounil rtilllpplnr Nothing 5-ji Arteptnhlr. Washing rox, Juno 20 In view of tho Increasing frequency with which rumors of possible peace conditions are entering Into the discussion of ieml-ofllciul and inspired Kuropean journals, considerable significance Is attached to tho statement by a mem ber of tho cabinet that no proposition would lie for a moment entertained by tho United States at this tlmo which did not iinolvo Spain's absolute re linquishment of sovereignty over Cuba, Porto Itico and the Philippine Islunds. The probable attitude of tho United States to these former colonial jkjsscs sious of Spain In the future, this au thority declined to discuss, but, in his opinion, tho complete eradication of Spanish influence and interest, so far a thoso islands wore concerned, has already buwrne a foregonO'Cotiulu slon, and tho Unltc.l Stat-. would not at uny tlmo hereafter permit Spain to cjitcr Into uny negotiation regurdlng them. Kurope IUc Nothing to Bay, London, Juno 20. St. James' Ga tette. commenting on the prospect of thu American forces attacking tho coast of Spain, says this afternoon: The reception of the news evidences a ehango in public opl ilon which, at tho commencement of tho war, thought Kurope should notify tho United States that tho war must bo confined to American waters. It Is now recog nlzcd that tho Americans are fully en titled to make war In their own 'way, und they are, Indeed, driven to retal iate upon Spain in this manner, owing to the tactics Spain has chosuu to pur- fcUC VISITS THE ENEMY AGAIN, A Mxfj-Mllo Iiivi'-.tls,tlon Trip j tlm During I.lrtiteniiut lllue. Kinoston, Jamaica, Junu 20. Lieu tenant Victor Hluo of tho auxiliary gunboat Suwuneo returned to the fleet yesterday from another Investigating trip ashore. He reported that Admiral Cervera's ships are all in the harbor. With the exception of one torpedo boat destroyer they are at anchor and show no signs of activity. Lieutenant lllue went ashore Satur day to the west of Morro castle, ac companied by some Cuban guides. He aihaneed until about two miles north of Cabanas and almost up to the enemy's batteries. He traveled sixty miles and rejoined tho Suwanco yes terday morning. At olio time, the lieutenant was at a Cuban outpost, separated only by 100 yards from a Spanish outpost. "They pupped away at each other all the time," said Lieutenant lllue, "but I don't think the Cubans hurt tho Spaniards very much, and 1 know tho Spaniards did not hurt tho Cubans." Lieutenant Mine wan able to accur ately locato tho position of each of Admiral Cervera's ships. A bulletin Issued to tho fleet by Hear Admiral Sampson yesterday said: "From a report mado by one of the wounded, nephew of Surgeon Jlerry hill, of the flagship New S'ork, a con siderable part of the damage done to our troops on Friday last was done by 7-tnilimctro machine guns, manned by seamen, so that thero would seem to bo some probability In tho report of the use ashore of the crews of Admiral Con era's squadron." FOUGHT WHEN WORN OUT, the. Hough ltlilcri Hud Hint nil Ilxlmtnt luff March llrforo the, Il.itlii-. Washington, Juno 20. Tho Wash ington Star has received a dispatch which throws a revealing light upon the conditions under which men are fighting at Santiago, it said: "It Is probable that our troops were hurried Into action In the lighting about Sevllhi too soon. They had been nine days on tho cool ocean. Volunteers like tho 'Hough Killers,' were put ashore in tho evening and ordered, without much breakfast, to advance over tho hill and take Sovlllu. It was an tight-iuilo match over a shadcless plateau, thrugh briery undergrowth like a path fenced with darb wire. They were disabled more by tho conditions than by the ambushed enemy. All courage would have been scorched out of less thoroughbred men. Their can teens soon were emptied. No water could be had. 'Hell,' said one of those who returned, 'now contains no terrors for me.' Their tongues swelled in their mouths, their throats wero shriveled anil their breath was drawn with effort. The plain for two miles was littered with abandoned outilts, too heavy to carry. Our men suffered considerably from the cacti. Contact with one of them buries innumerable needles In one's flesh, But to such pains as result tho 'Cubebs,' as the ma rines call the allies, are immune, and they rush Into brushwood that causey our men to hesitate." SHAFTERAT THE OUTPOSTS, An lni-clliiii of tho Croiinil llrforo Sun tl.igo hy thn Aineiliuii ('ommiimlnr. JritAiii'A, Juno 20. Major General .Shafter, In command of tho United States army of invasion, nrrived here on board tho transport Scgurania from Haiqulrl with Colonel John Jacob Astor, Captain Stewart ltriee and Lieu tenants Mllcy and Noble and his stafT about 2 o'clock this afternoon. Ho was met by tieneral Hates, who was superintending the landing of commis sary supplies In the surf. Ueneral Shafter, In uniform and wearing a straw helmet, was soon mounted on a large, handsome horse, and rode through the town, surveying tho scene of tho landing operations and the camps of tho troops. He halted for a moment before the cottage which serves as tho headquarters of tho Cuban insurgents. Hero Generals Gar cia and Castillo paid their respects to the American commander. Alwut an hour later General Shafter started on the road to the front in order to con sult, with General Wheeler and the di vision commanders and look over the field of operations before Santiago de Cuba. Tho general said he would probably return to the Juragua head quarters to-night. Permanent hospital arrangement are to be provided at Juragua at once, Spxln Don Not llolluvo It. MAiUtiD, Juno 20. The Spanish ofll rers hero assort that thero will be no dltlleulty in Admiral Camara travcrs ing tho Sue, canal. as the uccompauylng transports, they add, have all the coal the squadron requires. It is believed here that the Spanish ships will cuter tho canal to-day. Tho Spanish government docs not credit tho report that an American squadron Is to visit Spanish wutors, but the ministers say they have taken all possible precautious, that the ports are all ready and that 20,000 men who have been called, will be distributed among the principal Atlantic and Med iterranean ports of Spain. A right With Ilonlur Outlaw. San Anionio, Texas, Juno 20. In formation has just reached hero that Deputy Sheriff Y Idcfonso Soils was killed by a band of outlaws at Kto Grande City, on tho border, yesterday, bolls was assisting United States Dep uty Marshal Hanson and to cap turo a band of outlaws. The leader of tho outlaws is a Spaniard named Gucterro. Ho has gathered about hlri a gang of border half breed cutthroats who havu been lid to believe that the war basso dem.iralUed the American people that they can safely prey upon tho ucttlers along tho frontier. SANTIAGO IS PINCHED A SPANISH LIEUTENANT'S GLOOMY PICTURE. ronil nnil Ammunition Short The Iiimtr Rent Ilttrr Cut Off AIiiiokI Ilwrjr Monro of Huppllr Hpiiulftli Troops Openly Clamor for Stirrriulrr. Kingston, Jamaica, June 57. In fetters to a Spanish friend here, re cfJvcd iv few days ago, Feruandlna Miller, a lieutenant in the Spanish navy and second in command of the port of Santiago, says the town is in no position to withstand a long blockade. Food Is scarce and ammu nition is running short. Many famil ies have left the town for the interior to ,eseapo privations, thu Insur gents having cut oft almost every source of supplies. The troops are d.shcnrtened and disaffected and openly clamor for surrender, expressing the opinion that the war Is simply murder, and saying that Spain should never have entered on the con test. They say they were morally de feated from the first and that the cam paign will only result in the loss of blood, etc. Many of tho Spaniards are passing over to the insurgents. Col onel Aulplano Sanchez, commanding a regiment in the Santa Clara district, has escaped In disguise and joined (Sarcia. From information Sampson has re ceived the attention of tho Vesuvius will next be directed toCayo Iiamoucs, where Is situated the powder maga zine. Santiago is within range and if the magazine, were exploded by a dy namite shell the occurrence would se riously embarrass the operations of Cervera's squadron. From an authentic sourco it is learned that Mr. Bamsdon, the British consul, has cabled for a vessel to take him oft with other llritish subjects. Tho government will give no inform ation on the matter, but the Alert, which is lying at rort Koyal, lias re ceived sealed orders to proceed here. Six Cuban families in Santiago have cabled urgent mesuagcs to friends to endeavor to gel them out of town, as they fear their liven are in danger from the Spanish troops when Ameri cans attack. l'raco Condition Itiiiuor. Madiiid, Juno 27, noon. The Corre spoudcncla of this city to-day pub lishes a report to tho effect that the peace conditions suggested by the gov ernment of the United States include the possession by tho United States of the island of Porto Ilico, tho independ ence of tho island of Cuba under a pro tectorate of the United States, the establishment of a naval station for United States warships in the Philip pine islands nnd tho establishment of a coal depot for United States war ships in the Canary islands. fighting tit Suiitlugo. NkwYokk, June 27. A dispatch to Hie New York Journal faom Cape Hay tlcn, Hayti, to-day says: Bcportshavo reached hero that fighting, more seri ous than any that has yet taken place, Is now going on around Santiago. No details arc obtainablo other than that both troops and ships are engaged and that the American forces are ad vane '"If. SANTIAGO PAPER'S WAR NEWS Tho Iteuilrrs of La Ilnnderola Kapauolit llnto Ciiiuo for Complulnt. FoJiT Antonio, Juno 27. A copy of a newspaper published in Santiago do Cuba, called La Handcrola Kspauola (tho Spanish Hag), on June 1.1 ion taiucd in its local columns not a blnglo reference to tho blockade or any war news relating to Santiago. It calmly discussed plans for placing electric lights on tho plaza, church fairs and other matters of town gossip. An alleged cablegram from Madrid reported the bailing of another big Spanish licet for Havana, and the cap ture of tho insurgent chief Hernandez. It also stated that "absolutely reliable, news from Washington says that yel low fever has broken out in tho block ading fleet and that forty deaths have already occurred." Tho only real information contained in tho paper was a dispatch from Havana saying that General Arola had seized all the food In the markets there and would sell It to tho inhabit ants at reasonable prices to prevent the squeezing of the population. HAMirTbriSH7jR. One of tho Killed Vim Member of a IllitlngiiUhril New Norlt I'umlly. Nnw Yoiiic. June 27. Hamilton Fish. Jr., one of tho killed, wus a voune- ;New Yorker of good position and fam ily, who went to tho front with Boose volt's rough riders. Ho was of dis tinguished ancestry, his family being ono of tho oldest in this state. His father, Nicholas Fish, is tho son of tho late Hamilton Fish, who was sec rotary of state in Grant's cabinet. Ho is a banker nnd lives in this cltv. Hamilton Fish was over six feet tail, of herculean build, and rowed us No. 7 of tho Columbia college crow In Its winning race of 1694 over tho Pouyh kcepsio course. POISON IN THE PALACE, An Alleged Attempt to Kill the i:m pcrnr und Kinprma of Itufslit. London, Juno 27. A dispatch re ceived here from Vienna this afternoon says it is reported thero that Count and Countess Zuanoff, said to be, re spectively, chamberlain of the car and tho ludy in waiting on tho czarina, have been arrested and charged with an attempt to poison their majesties. The Almanaeho do Gotha does not show tho names of tho Count and Countess .unnotr us being attached to the persons of thulr Kussiun imperial mu jostles. CAUGHT BLOCKADE RUNNER, A VcmcI I.sdcni-d With Itcfugoes turcil hy tho VK-kburg. Kkv Wkbt, Fla., June 2L A masted vessel, the Amapala of jlllo, Honduras, was broutrht In Cap two Tru- hero thin morning Hying the American flag and in charge of Ensign Zecn of the Vickshurg. She was captured yester day at sunset, whllo leaving Havana and attempting to run tho blockade. She was quickly overhauled by the Vleksburg and was found to have over thirty women and children and a num ber of men on board, crew and passen gers, all refugees. There was no sick ness on board the Amapala, but she Is detained at quarantine. Tho Amapala belongs to Emanuel Monteslno Monteres of Trujiilo, Hon duras. She had been lying at Havana since before the blockade. Her crew numbers eleven men besides tho cap tain. M. (Jerome Haze, a French cltien, who three years ago was a leading ex change broker In Havana, chartered tho vessel and got together over forty people eager to embrace any chance to escape from Havana. He Is In charge of the expedition, made up of all nationalities, including Spanish. French, Venezuelans, Cubans and Turks. They fully expected to be cap tured, but the conditions In Havana wero so dreadful for tho poorer classes that any risk was preferable to starva tion. The Amapala eamo out of Ha vana openly and offered no resistance. All of tho captives aro confident of telcasc. Hardly any provisions wero on board at tho time of tho cap ture nnd no cargo or contraband ar ticles wero found, and she may not be held as a prize. They report every thing quiet at Havana, which looks like a deserted city slnco business und tralllc are at a standstill. The banking llrms of H. Upton & Co., J. M. Herges .t Co.. Varelsco, Kucz fc Co. and N. Gelats fc Co. are the only ones ilouig any business. All other firms are cither closing up or dragging on. waiting for tho end of the war. having discharged all employes. Hunger and starvation stares the lower clasves In the face, the well to do having laid in three months' stores. After they are exhausted distress will be general, as there Is no further source of supply. The stories regarding the relief through southern ports are denied. Nothing has gone into Havana for over a month and the situation, consequent ly, is very grave. Murder and robbery are of dally occurrence in Havana, prompted In every case by want and hunger. THE CORTES IS SUSPENDED. London I'apt-r llcllcwi hngiistu Will nt Onro ICWlr,! Mnrtlul I.-iw In Madrid. Madiiid, Juno 27. Tho queen regent signed thu decree suspending the Cor tes yesterday afternoon It was read in the parliament halls at tho end of thu night session. London, June 27. The Madrid cor respondent of the Daily Telegraph says: "When the eortes closed martial law was proclaimed. Tho Sagasta cabinet will resign and make way for a new government, which will open negotia tions for peace." "Senor Gamao will bo the new pre mier, with Sonor Salvador ut the ex chequer, and possibly two Sllvelolstas will join this cabinet, which will con clude peace ..-d prepare the way for a Silvcla cabinet. Thero is no doubt that Spain will lose all her colonics. "Admiral Camara's squadron left Cadiz to calm public opinion. Camara well knows that before ho nrrives at tho Philippines peacu will be made." All the special dispatches from Mad rid reflect the anxiety produced by Admiral Cervera's dispatches and the threatening aspect, of the political sit uation. There is no doubt, llio Knnn. iards are sadly disappointed with the' ease with which General Shafter ef fected a landing, and at tho retreat toward Santiago de Cuba, which is re garded as a bad omeu. GRANT'AGAINST SUSPENDERS. Drt-M and Cendnrt of Boldlert the llody of n Chtrkunmuga Order. ClIlCKAMAl'OA 1'AUK, JllIlC 27. Gcil rral Fred Grant has Issued the follow ing order to tho First division Third corps: "All soldiers of this command, when on pass w Uhln tho park limits, or on duty at tho various headquarters, arc prohibited when without blouse, from wearing suspenders over their blue shirts. Soldiers uro admonished that when they aro granted the privi lege of a pass beyond tho park limits, they aro expected to be attired in a clean und soldierly manner, and es pecially those visiting thu adjoining cities and towns should constantly keep their blouses buttoned when worn. It is made tho duty of ofllccrs and non-commlssloncd officers to re port to their respective regimental commanders the name of any soldier disregarding these injunctions, and, over und aboyo all, It is expected that ofllccrs ami non-commlssloncd ofllccrs will, at all times, check and admonish any soldiers misbehaving themselves within the park or in tho streets of the cities." NEW FRENCH CABINET OUT. For thn Third Tlmo Within a Week thu I'roinlerahlp Ooe Abegglng., June 27. In conscqucnco oi M. Peytral's friends insisting that a radical Socialist must bo given ono of tlio portfolios, M. Dupuy, M. Leygues and M. Do Lo:nbro have declined toen ter such a cabinet and M. Peytral therefore has abandoned tho task of forming a cabinet. It had been hoped that tho cabinet unnounced yesterday afternoon might lust longer lhau twenty-four hous. NEWS OF NEBRASKA.! SUCCINCT SUMMARY OF A WEEK'S EVENTS ffot Impnrtniit lliipprulngH of the lat Hcicn IIiijh llrlelly Mentioned All Por tion of tlir Mutes Covrrcd A Thorough IImiiuic of Nrlirimlm cui. Wrdnrndiiy, .June 22. Coroner Htulley of Cedar KlufTs yes terday filed his report of tho Inquest held over tho body of James Touuisek. who was shot and mortally wounded near Morse Willi, on the morning of June 15. by his. brother-in-law, Frank Levy. Touuisek died yesterday morn ing at 8 o'clock. Tho inquest was held in the afternoon and tho verdict is "that the shooting was done with felonious intent." The feeling seems to be divided as to Levy's sanity. He is in lail at Wtihoo awaiting further developments. The authorities are at u loss as to how to dispone of the ease. Albert Grlpskey. murderer of Post muster K. Glenn at Illldreth, attempted to commit suicide ut an early hour yesterday morning by twNtlng the chain which he was tied with around his neck and the door knob and throw ing his feet out from under him. The sheriff, who was guarding hlin. found him almost dead. Strong threats of lynching him are circulating and nn ex Ira force has been added to protect him. lie will have a hearing before the insanity board in a few days Glenn was buried a 10 o'clock yester day morning. It was the largest fu neral ever held In tho county. Ills wife who has been sick 'or a number of years. Is now vi ry low and' her re covery is doubtful. I'rlil.ij. .lime 21. Dr. O. Grothan of St. Paul, has been appointed regimental surgeon of the Third rogimentwith the rank of major. The work of building the Goring and Alliance telephone line is progressing rapidly. The material is delivered all the way along the route and the line will be completed within a week. Holler lines furnished by the II. .t M. railroad company are being u-ed for poles. J. D. Brewer, an old resident of Col unibus wus stricken with apploplexy, and died in n very few minutes. He wus In his usual health and arose about 5 o'clock-nnd went to milk, lie was found by his son a few iiiluutcn luter lying on his face dead. About daylight this morning the luriro utrrieultural hall on the fair grounds near Wtihoo was discovered to be on fire. The alarm was given and citizens turned out and with prompt action with buckets the llames wero under control when tue iiremen arrived with tho chemical engines. Only n few dollars' damage was done. The horse stalls and home of the fence were burned last fall and the indica tions then were that it was the work of an incendiary and the late attempt surely came from the same source. Fitzgerald's block, the largo 4-story structure ut Seventh and P streets, Lincoln, was totally destroyed by tire last night. The building w as occupied by the II. P. Lau Grocery company an 1 the Beatrice Creamery company. Noth- Jng was saved from the building of nnv consequence. The lire was a re- . . . ... r maricaDiy vicious ouu on .lucuuui. m the inllummable nature of the stocks, and nothing but the insulated situa tion of the building prevented a more lK.istiotm conflagration. The origin of the tire Is ns yet unac counted for. It started in the egg candling room of the creamery building on the second floor. No fire had been in the building and the candling is done by electricity. The building is just south of the It. ,fc M. depot, and it required hard work to save the depot. Tho railroad fire apparatus and men aided in thu work of saving ndjolnlng property. The building destroyed was b.'gun in 1888 und finished In 1880. It was valued atS'iO.030 and insured for 810, 000. The II. P. Lau stock was valued at f 50.000 and insured forS45,000. The Creamery company loses property worth from 825,000 to S:i0,000, insured for 317,500. Both concerns will continue In busl icss as soon us quarters can be secured. The building belonged to tho John Fitzgerald estate but the ownership Is in litigation, the disputing party be ing the Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust eompuny. This is the third great fire in Lincoln f.lnce April 1. KitunUjr, .lunn 'H, Friday evening on the farm of Alfred Gunursou, ubout ten miles northwest of Aurora, whllo Mrs. Gunarson wus out gathering cherries, her son, about ten years of age, secured possession of a No. 22 target rifle, and in pluying with thegun it was accidentally dis charged, the ball strlklug his little sister in the back of the head, killing her Instantly. The girl wus eight years old, and was taking caro of a smaller child at the time. Winfred Hartwelch, steward for Lemon Bros.' circus, began attachment proceedings against his employers for S3 1 ulleged to be due for wages. When Deputy -Sheriff Lydick, an attorney mid two appraisers went to tho grounds nt Fremont, they wero threatened with annihilation by employes of tho show, but they flnully led off three heud of iurcH, Later Lemon Bros, put up a $50 bond and tcok their property away. Tho show "killer'' pounced upon Hart welch und nearly pounded the life out of him In his room at tho Uuropean hotol, unil thus tho show outfit got re-ongc. The large barn on Frank StrnhpS rnnch. four miles west of Wnync, f?fr destroyed by lire, tho origin of which Is unknown. Mr. Strahn's famous trotting stallion, Union Medium to gether with a th re c-y car-old stallion of the trotter, which he valued as much ns Union Medium, and twoother horsei were burned, besides considerables grain, harness, etc. Mr. Strahu's los will be ubout 83,500, partly covered with insurance. Mrs. Eloise Hudlgcr, whoso sensa tional murder of Baron Hiser in South Omaha several years ago will bo re called, was arrested yesterday for as sault and battery upon complaint of tu Mrs. Klchards of South Omaha. Mrs. Kudiger appears to liavu gone to tho Klchards hoif-e a few days slnco nml committed an assault upon Mrs. HIcli nrds. suspecting her of Intimacy villi Mr. Hudlger from whom she is now trying to secure a divorce. Ktmdtiy, .lunn 2(1. In n contest with a gang of loughs at Fulls City Special Oillcer Chidscy hud a leg broken. Mrs. John Feldler of UisIngClty died yesterday fiom blood poisoning caused by running a wire in her right foot. An incendiary set lire to tho big hull on the fair grounds ut Wtihoo nnd It wu destroyed. The loss Is about S70C. 'Wheat scab" Is a new terror to tho .vh'.'tit lields In the vicinity of Geneva. ' Already several fields have been des troyed. Horsemen of the stntc tiro figuring on a racing circuit, which if :.rrungcil will give Lincoln a date sometimo lu September. Lightning destroyed Fred Wagner's barn at Norfolk und consumed hoiscs, harness, und other material to tho ex tent of 8700, p.irtly covered by Insur ance. Pierce Alexander, a young cuttle herder who lives 7 miles northeast of llcmlngford, left homo a week ago and no trace of him has becm found. His parents fear he has met with n. mishap and dispair of finding him alive. The II. P. Lau Wholesale Grocery company and the Beatrice Creamery company, tlio ilnns bin tied out at Lin- ' coin last week-, have secured rooms on North Tenth street und are going ahead with their business. Governor Holcomb issued orders yes terday for the various companies of the Third regiment to mobilize in Omaha on Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday of the coming week. Col. Bryan Is at Fort Omaha personally looking after tho a Hairs of his regi ment. Joe Archer of Fremont was tho vic tim of a serious accident yesterdny forcnood w hieh may cause him the loss of an eye. lie was waiting upon some youthful customers tit Nicade iniih". A new stylo torpedo ntlractcil their attention and ho was holding one of them when it exploded, thu con tents striking him in the eye. Ho was taken to the hospital and upon exam ination it was found that the lens was dislocated, lie went to Omaha to b under the care of tin oculist. Mtniiliij .In no 27. I'fl'orts arc being made to have n second Nebraska day at the exposition on a more elaborate plan than tho one on which the Nebraska building wus. ' dedicated. Israel Frank, formerly nn Omaha meat luspcf tor. who has b.'en out of work for some time, was found lying in the grnis ut Bi vcrview park yester day hi terrible agony as a result of taking morphine w ith suicidal intent. Ho was removed to St. Joseph's hos pital where he died later. He was a well known politician. 11. S. Hotchkiss died two years ago last Friday at Cartagena. Miss Thorn burn of Lincoln who went last month to bring back .he remains will start on tho return trip this week. Ar rangements have been made for tho holding of funeral services in repre sentative hall under the auspices of the grand lodge of Odd Follows, as sisted by the Knights of Pythias, Woodmen, Bed Men and the Grain) Army of the Bcpublic. Tuimlay, .limn 28, Bobert Browne of Lincoln received" orders yesterday to proceed with a band to be mustered in at Omaha as tho Third regimental band. There will be twenty-two pieces in tho organiza tion besides ono chief musician anil two principal mnslcluns. Lluutenant Hugh J. Gtillughcrof the Sixth United States cavalry, who was assigned before tho war broke out to net as aid to Governor Holcomb, has been promoted and Is now major, as signed as chief commissary of sub sistence in the Fourth army corps. Governor Holcomb has apoplntcd till tho regimental ofllccrs of the Third ex cept chaplain. Tho list Is us follows: Colonel, W. J. Bryan, Lincoln; llou-tenaut-eolonel, Victor Vifquuin, Lin coln; senior major, John H. McClujv T Lincoln; junior major,1 Conrad F. Scharmann, North Platte; adju tant, C. F. Beck, Tekti-mah; quar termaster, W. F. Schwlnd, Lin coln; surgeon, Dr. O. Grothan, St. Paul; assistunt surgeons, Dr. Balph J. Irwin of Hastings and Dr. A. P. Flt& slmmons of Tecuinseh. Miss llannuh LoulsoMcNalr of Oma ha, who graduated .from tho high school this month, has'won the Vassal scholarship in competition with twen-ty-flvo young women from other states. This Is Omaha's third year to win the prize, Misses Shultz and Thaln being former winners. A. L. Barrow's barn at Hastings was destroyed by lire shortly aftorV midnight last night. Members of the family wero awakened by tho noise made by the horses just in.titno to res cue tho onluiuls and a buggy. Tho origin of the the U unknown, but sup posed to have been blurted by a tramp.