The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 24, 1898, Image 5

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f ' 'A1
Nearly Every House
in the vicinity of Red Cloud Yyi
has one our Clock. ir
rey Member t
of the family should have
one of our Watcho-.
Your Fault f You Don't I
We siro eoing to present every customer that buys
I Ten Dollars
?A worth c f goods at olio time with
fi An : Elegant : Watch : Free.
Every wat ii v:irt anted to keep good time for one year.
jjft ni know whal we arc doing in the CLOTHING BUSINESS. If til
V J'ou ilon't comu see. lf
Galusha Wescott. 1
Carpets at Miaor Bros. Full line.
Elmer KaleyishomofromTecunison.
Uov. Day of Cowles was hero Mon
day. Go to Butler for the be9t in saddlery
and harness.
Now wall paper and window cur
tains at Cottings.
Mrs. C. C. Cox is visiting friends in
MeCook thss week.
Mrs. C. S. Potter and Mrs. I. S. Bcal
arc visiting in Omaha.
Mrs. Ransinussen of Guide Rook was
hero the. last of the week.
Will Yoiser of Republican was hero
this week visiting the folks.
T. J. Ward has this week beautified
the front uf Mior's store building with
u new coat of paint.
Mrs. Blanche Yargor of llutwell,
is here visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Scllars.
Miner Bro-.. will in the near future
put in a full line of turiuturu and
ineensware. Wait for them.
Mrs. 11. W. Brewer left Thursday
morning for Omaha as a delegate to
the. Grand Chapter Eastern Star.
All persons owing Freyniark & Co.
will please call on Cowden, Kaley &
Co., who have bought tho accouuts.
There will bo a Sunday school rally
on Sunday, June 21), at !3 p.m. at school
District No. 33. J. S. White, town
ship president.
Mrs. Woideman and daughters
Mamie and Christie, left Thursday lor
Atlantic, Iowa, where they will niako
a prolonged visit.
Mrs. Goorgo W. Llndsey returned
tho first ot the week from a trip :o
Omaha and a visit to other places in
the eastern part of the state.
When you want carpets givo us a
call. We havo largest slock in the
city and can save you money on any
thing you want in the carpet line.
Mixuu linos.
Miss Tilla McClelland and sister,
Gnu'e, left Thursday morning lor
Shlckley, this sUte, where they will
make a prolonged islt with their sis
ter, Mrs. Mctiiew.
V. II. Scrlvner, real estato man,
will sell your farm for you for a rea
sonable per cent, or will trado your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
U. Scrlvner, Mod Cloud, Nebr.
J. 0. Butler'9'goods aro up-to-date.
J. O. Lindloy went to Omaha this
Attorney Walters of Blue Hill was
hero this week.
Tho new exposition stamps aro for
salo at tho postoffice.
A. G. Willis returned Thursday
morning from a trip to Omaha.
Will Yeiser and sister P. D. left
Thursday morning for Omaha to visit
Fred Uradbrook was in Franklin tho
last of the week, returning homo Sun
day morning.
Tho new baud organization will play
on the streets tomorrow evening, Sat
urday, Juno 35th.
W. F. Connor of Heaver City ar
rived Wednesday, and is visiting with
L. II. ltu.-I and wife.
Miss Stella Williams of Neosho, Mis
souri arrived Thursday evening for a
visit with L. 11. Bust nuil wife.
Harry Stroup and wife returned this
morniup from a several wcok's stay
with Harry's parents near Benkleinan
The Union Firo Insurance Company
is tho best mutual. Combino risks; in
installments 3 per cent. J. II. Smith,
Special Agent.
F. W. Cowden of tho Cowdon-Kaloy
Clothing Co., left Sunday for Chicago,
where ho will purchaso tho fall stock
of clothing and furnishings for the
The hand boys the first of tho week
thanks to tho liberality of our citizons,
recoived new instruments for a pen-,
tion of tho hand. Tho boys fool proud
of thorn and soon wo will havo a good
band again.
Wo will pay a salary ofJ$ 15.00 pot
week and expenses for man with rig
to introduce our Poultry Mixture and
Insect Destroyer in the country. Ref
erences required. Address, with stamp
Pr.itKKCTioN Mre. Co , Parsons, Ivan
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postollleont Red Cloud, Neb
ruska, for the week ending Junu y:j.,
Adams, Trixto Asklen, A.
Kelloy, Floronco Peterson, Frank
Rainey, D. L.
Thoso lettors will bo sont to tho dead
lottor ofllr-Ji July 7th, if not called for
before. When calling for abovo ploaso
say advertised. T. C. Hacker, P. M.
Sewing machines at Miner Bins
F.d Burr was up from Guide Re.ek
Donald McCallum of Guide Rock was
here Satmdny.
Omer Doling of lloldnge was hero
the first of tho week visiting friends.
Carpets cut to match and lit rooms,
with or without border. Mixtu Buns.
For lire, lightning and tornado insur
ance on farm and city property see L.
II. Fort.
Harness that will wear, keep its
shape and look neat is the kind made
by J.O. Butler.
Joe Cummiiigs, who was sent to the
asylum about a year ago, is ba k again,
the same old Joe.
J. W. Kennedy of tho depot force has
been laying ctT for some time past,
caused by rheumatism of tho fiet.
Tho Lincoln Mixed Paints is made in
tho west for tho western climate. It
stands the test. Sold by Cotting.
Miner Bros, handle tho best sowing
machine on the market. Guaranteed
for 5 years, price i-0. Call and see it.
A shipment of some eleven or twelve
ears of fat cattle was made to Kansas
CityiTuesday by Goo. Coon, Kd. Reihet
and Ora Pitney.
A good many are still in arrears on
subscription who might just as well
pay up now and take advantage of our
oiler of premiums.
Mrs. Jane Kirkwell of Fail fax, Mis
souri, who was a losidont of this city
years ago, .Topped oil here to visit old
ft lends while on her way to California
to spend the summer.
J no. Tulleys, who went to Omaha to
be examined foi Uncle Sam's service
is back home again, having failed to
pass, owing to the fact that the ex
amining doctor thought his heart ac
tion was too lapid.
Sheriff Wells is homo again with his
prisoner Scott who was taken to Omaha
as a witness in federal court. The man
Gordon who escaped at the river bridge
a year ago was ono of tho prisoners in
the case aud was convicted.
Tho Up-to-Date Farmer wants to re J
Vise tho manner of spelling the adjectivo
that precedes tho cow that is giving
milk. Ho says there is as much sense
in writing it "milch" cow as there is to
call a work horso a "worch" horso or a
silk dress n "silch" dress.
If tho professor of tho stato univer
sity would invent some insect that
would bo as destructive to sunflowers
and cockleburs as cutworms aro to
corn and tomatoes, they would win tho
everlasting gratitudo of tho human
Mrs. S. M. Walker, stato president of
tho W. C. T. U. will bo in Red Cloud
Monday, Juno 20. Sho will speak to
tho ladies at 2 p. m. in thoM.E. church
and all aro most cordially invited to
attend. In tho evening sho will give
an address at tho same place to the
general public. Mrs. Walker is a lady
of wide culture and an entertaining
speaker. Everyone will feel well re
paid who hears her address.
Fred Fearn recoived a badly burned
arm on Tuesday afternoon while heat
ing a kettle of tar for use on the roof
ot Miner Bros, building. In dipping the
heated tar from the kettle ho Used a
vessel which had been dipped in water
and the consequence was that the ves
sel coming in contact with the hot tar
made it lly in all directions-, a portion
ot it falling on his arm and burning it
badly. The kettle of tar took lire
anil iaiied many to believe that some
building in that vicinity was on Ilro.
Another kettle of tar was burned the
nest mnming
KiimI ninkct the looJ purr,
holr.nme nml ilcllclcun,
Absolutely Puro i
'.".' ;'. ';' ..'' .' , . , . i . i ,.'-. , '! ,-.
A. U. KALEY, Theas.
I Gomden-Kaley Clothing Co. 1
get all
IOW are the chil
dren this summer?
Are they doing
well? Do they
the benefit they
from their food?
Are their cheeks and lips
of good color? And are
they hearty and robust in
every way?
If not, then give them
Scott's Emulsion
of cod liver oil with hypo
phosphiies. It never fails to build
up delicate boys and girls.
It gives them more flesh
and better blood.
It is just so with the
baby also. A little Scott's
Emulsion, three or four
times a day, will make
the thin baby plump and
prosperous. it
furnishes the
'young body with
just the material
necessary for
growing bones
and nerves.
All Druegliti, oc. and i.
Uncle Levi Moore is leported to ho
dangerously ill. Hilda Hadell of Chicago is visit
ing ft lends here.
The Miss(s Lillian and Pearl Smith
are visiting in MeCook.
The fiout of Henry Cook's drug
store is being neatly painted.
Miss Nellie Kaley, who has been
teaching at IVcuiiwIi, is home again.
NoTin: All person are forbidden
to hunt or shoot in my pasture. C. II.
For lire, lightning mid tornado insur
ance on farm and city property see L.
II. Fort.
Mrs. Charlie Gather of MeCook, who
has been visiting here left for her home
Thursday night.
M. I-inch and wife and Frank Fris
hie and wife are seeing the Omaha ex
position this wejk.
Miss Carrie Brakelield who has been
teaching school in Oregon returned
home Saturday evening.
Miner Bros, carry the most complete
line of carpets in the city. See them
before you purchase and save money.
Good workmanship and material
in harness is tho same as in other
goods. J. O. Butler's goods have both.
Dont buy queenswaro or furniture
until seeing the stock of Miner Bros
which will arrive in a few days. They
can save you monoy.
Get our prices on carpets. All
kinds and at tho lowest prices. Klo
gaut lino of samples and largest stock
in thocity to select from. Minku linos.
Write to J. Francis, General Passen
ger agent Burlington Route, Omaha,
for handsome &2-pagc pamphlet de
scriptive of the Trans-Mississippi Ex
position, free.
Arthur Howard, formerly a well
known Red Cloud boy, is now holding
down a mail clerk position on an east
orn railroad with a run between Chi
cago and Cleveland.
Another old Wobster street laud
mark has been moved onto a sido
slreot. This timo it is tho old Ormsby
& Dickerson butter and egg house uow
occupied as a blacksmith shop by J. II.
Me)NKV to Loan Money to loan in
any amount on approved real estate;
.security at lowest rate of interest and
most favorable terms of payment. En
quire of or address F. K. Gejitl.K, at the
olllee ef tho Trader's Lumber Co., Red
Cloud, Neb.
A very pleasant ceremony of in
tallatioii of olheers of the Masonic
lodge was held at the lodge room Fi i
dnj night last, intercepted with music,
speeches, tefrcshments, and a general
good time.
We will for tlie next ten elays Mipplj
any ore paying us a year in advance on
Till. C'lliKi" with a Colortype picture of
the battle ship Maine, size lOxW; ready
for framing. Those aio lino and you
should get one at once. Copies can be
had also for BO cents in cash.
The now addition to Miner Bros.,
store room is now near completeness
their grocery and queenswaro stock be
ing now on tho shelves. But very few
touches remain to ho done to make this
elepartment the equal in looks and
equipment of any in tho state.
Dr. J. M. Mcintosh of Kxcelslor
Springs, Missouri, was hero tho last of
the week visiting with J. R. Vanllorn
and family. Ho was called hero to
make a diagnosis of the case of Win.
Short, and gives it as his opinion that
he can bo cured of his ailment,
The ladies Baptist Home Mission so
ciety will give an ieo cream social in
the parlor of tho church next Friday
evening, Juno 'J Jth. Select music, both
vocal anil instrumental, ef a patriotic
chin actei will be rendered, also whist
ling Tho proceeds of the social will be
used toward the painting of thechurcii.
The Jiiblie is cordially invited.
C S. Bennett, who has been a icsi
dent of this city for several years pas
died at his homo in this city on Wed
nesday afternoon, after an illness of
several weeks. The funeral -st rvices
were held this morning from tho Con-gn-galioual
church under tho auspices
of tho Masonic order of which he was
a member.
'1 .
Wiener's Old Stand. Now Ready for liuslness.
We will always bu headquarters for Men's
Hoy's and Children's
Boots and Shoes,
fiats and Caps,
Furnishing Goods, Etc.
We most respectfully ask a fair share 'of pat
ronage from the people of Red Cloud and Web
ster county.
We have no Gold Hricks to sell.
Honest business methods will be our stock in
Goods sold at one price and marked in plain
Give us a trial.
Special announcement later.
A Missouri preacher a few evenings
since pleaded with his congregation to
renounco their sina and load hotter
christian lives, and warned thorn of tho
awful fate ot tho eternal association
with tho Spaniards if they failed to do
so. It is said that half of tho congre
gation went to tho mourners bench in
a trot.
Tho quantity of food that a toad's
stomach can accommoelato is wonder
ful. In ono was found seventy-nino
myriapods, in another fifty army
worms, in another sixty-live gypsy
caterpillars, in another nine ants, six
cutworms, live myriapods, six sow
bugs, ono weevil, anil one wiio worm
beetle. In twenty-four hours tho toad
eoiiBiiines enough food to fill his stom
ach four times. Feeding at the rate
above mentioned, n single toad will in
three months e'oiiMimo over 10,000 In
sects. If every ton of theo should elo
a cent's wortli of damage, the toad thus
ellects a saving of $10. Do not kill the
On Wednesday afternoon, Jui e l.'dh,
a group of happy children gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Butler of
Cowles to celebiate the anniversary of
their oldest son, Merlin. About throe
o'clock tho meriy laughter began with
giuies conducted by Mary Spracher,
Flora Anilerson, Kelith Story anil Pearl
Hines. Peanuts, candy, ice creaii,
cake and lemonade (lowed abundantly,
to which the little urchins did ample
justl:o. Merlin was tho recipient of a
good many presents. They founel Mr.
anil Mrs. Butler quite entertaining.
About 0 e'clock they took their depart
ure, taking with them a souvenir in
remembrance of tho happy elay, saying
they wished they could go to a surprise
party every day.
Bad management keeps moro peoplo
in pour cuciimstmices than any other
one cause. To bo successful one must
look ahead and plan abend so that
when a favorable opportunity presents
itself he is reaely to take advantage of
it A little forethought will also save
much expense mid valuable time. A
piudeiit aud careful man will keep a
liottle of Chaiubc i Iain's Colic, Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy in the house,
tint fellow will wait until lie-
ussity compels it and men ruin ms
i.i-st horse going for a doctor and have i felt i" the cure elleoted. 1
"ir bill to PyJ-.i--." S!fVSrice(;iar
pays out 'J5 eout.s.Jtho other is out one
bundled dollars and then wonders why
his neighbor is getting richer while ho
is getting poorer. For salo by II. E.
Tho eleath of Rev. John Bean which
occurred on last Tueselay after a short
illness cast a shadow of sadness over
tho community, the gentleman boing
universally liked and respected by all
who know him. Ho was an early set
tler in this county having como horo
from Illinois somo sixteen or eighteen
years ago whero ho took up the peace
ful pursuit ot farming in Batin town
ship. Ho was a devout christian gen
tleman and member of the clergy hav
ing preached the gospel for many years.
At the timo of his death ho was just
turning his three score years. Ho
h'avos a wife and several children to
mourn tho 1 jss of a devoted husband
n lid father. Tho last sail rites of bur
ial wero preached by Rev. Bl.ickwell
and the remains wero escorteel to their
last resting place in Pleasant Prairio
cemetery by maiiv sorrowing relatives
and neighbors.
Wedding rite-s were solemnized on
Wednesday evening at 3:!i0 p.m., for
Miss Ljdia E. Rife of this city and Dr.
E. T. Riekard ol Weeping Water at tno
le'sidence eif the bride's sister, Mis.
Elmer Ross, east of town. The hrn'o
i the daughter of Mr.. Savilla .Rife,
ami is a ory estimable young lady aid
ono who has won many frienelsvduring
her residence here. Tho groom, Mr.
Riekard, is a rising young practitiom r
of Weeping Water. A largo number
of invitcel guests weie present Mid
witnessed the ceremony which was
performed by Rev. James Mark Darby.
After tho pleasant marriago event was
over tin elegant supper was served.
Tho young couple wero tho recipicuty
of many useful presents. Thoy will
make their home at Weeping Water,
for which place they departed Thurs
day morning, a largo number of friends
going to the depot to give them a part
ing farewell.
I was seriously alllieted with a cough
for several years, and last fall had a
more sove re cough than over before.
I havo useel many remedies without re
ceiving much relief, and hoiu'g recom
mended to try a bottlo of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy by a friend, who,
knowing mo '.o bo a poor widow, gave
it to me, I tried it, and witli tho most
giatifying results. The first bottlo re
lieved me very much and tho second
bottle has absolutely cured mo I
Hive this certlllcato without sollcitiuon.
.simply in appreciation of tho gratitudo
Respect f u II v
lemore. Arlc.
Or. Price's CrMM Baklag Powdct
WmM't Mr HltbMt Awari.
Red Cloud Creamery opened up
We will houor auy check issued
by the Creamery Co.
Galusha. & Wkscott.
-- .r r- Jt