The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 17, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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.Utrm.'a,'sV tLVfe-O. tkVVVmlH
I A Brave
By Robert Louis
chapit.r t.
I was a great solltniy when I was
yuuiiK. I made It my pilde to keep
aloof and Fitfllce for my own entertain
ment, and l may say that I hail
neither friends nor n(.U.ilntrjni-.l until
1 met frlt'iiil who became m
wife and the mother of my chllelton
With one man only I was on ptlvnto
terms-. This was It N'orlhinour, l-q
of Garden Kntter. in Scotland. We had
met at college and though theie
not much liking between us nor even
nnirli Intltnaiy, we were so mm h of a
humor that we could associate Willi
ease to both. Misanthropes we helm
ed otnsdves to be. but I have thought
bltue that we were onl.v sulky fdlows.
It wns t-uireely a eotup.inirnhhlp, hut
u co-exlstrnto In ttiinor i.tliilit North
mour's exceptional violence of temper
made It no ousv affair foi him to keep
the pene with any one but me, and an
he respected m silent w.i.vs and let tin
come nml go as I pleased, I oou'.d tol
erate his piesence without lotuern I
think we t ailed each nthei ft lends.
When Noithmour took his elegifc
nnd I decided to loive the un'.vonlt.v
without one. he invited me on a loan
visit to Grjilen K inter, and It win thus
that I 111 st became acquainted with
the scene of my ad entui es. The man
sion house of (linden stood in a bleak
stretch of country some three miles
from the shoie of the German ocean
It was as large as a barrack, and as it
had been built of a soft stone liable to
consume in the eager air of tho se.islde
It was damp and diaught within and
half ruinous without. It was Impossi
ble for two men to ledge with comfort
In such a dwelling.
Hut there s'ood In the noithein jait
of the estate, In a wilderness of links
nnd blowing sandhills and between a
plantation and the sen. a small p ivillou
or Belvedere of modem design, which
was exactly suited to our wants, and In
this hermitage, speaking little, leading
much, and imely associating except at
mcnls, Noithmour and I spent four
tempestuous winter months. I might
have btnjed longer, but one Match
night theie sprang up between us a
dispute which rcudeietl my depainne
necessary. Nortlnnour spoke hotly. I
remember, and I suppose I must haw
made some tart rejoinder.
He leaped from his e hair and grap
pled me; I had to fight, without exag
geration, for my life and It was only
with a great effoit that I mastered him.
for he was neat as sttong In body as
myself and seemed filled with the devil.
The next moinlng we met on our usual
terms, but I Judged It moie delicate to
withdraw, nor did he attempt to dis
suade me.
It was nine enrs before I lovislted
the nelghboihooil. I tiac!cd at that
time with a tilt cart, a tent, and a
cooking stoc tramping nil day libido
the wagon and at night, whenever it
was possible, gpsylng In a cove of the
hills or by the side of a wood. I be
lieve I (sited in this manner most of
the wild and desolate legions both In
Kngland and Scotland, and as I had
neither ft lends nor relations I was
troubled with no conespondence, and
had nothing In the natuie of hendquai
ters, unless it was .the office of my so
licitors, from whom I chew my Income
twice a j em. It was a life in which I
delighted, and I fully thought to hae
grown old upon the mm eh and at lat
died in a ditch.
It was my whole business to find des
olatc comets whore I could camp with
out the fear of Inteiruptlon, and hence
being in another part of the same shire
I bethought me suddenly of the Pavil
ion on the Links. No thoroughfare
passed within three miles of it. Tho
nearest town, and that wbb but a fisher
village, was at a distance of six or
The pavilion stood on an even space,
n little behind It, the wood began In a
hedge of eldeis huddled together liy
tho wind: In fiont, a few tumbled
sand hills stood between it nnd the sea.
An outcropping of lock had formed a
bastion for the sand, ho that thee was
here a piomontorj in the coast line
between two shallow bas; and Just
bejond the tides, the ioik again crop
ped out and formed an Islet of small
dimensions hut strikingly designed
The paIllon it had been built bv
the last propiictor, Northmour's itn-ie.
a silly and piodlgal lrtuoso predated
little signs of age. It was two stories
In height, Italian in design, suriound
d by a patch of gaidcn In which noth
ing had piospered hut a few coarse
flowers, and looked, with its shutteiod
windows, not like a house Hint had been
tenanted by mini. Noithmour was
plainly from home; whether, ns usual,
sulking In the cabin of his yacht, or
In cine of his fitful and extravagant ap
pc Trances In the world of society, I had,
of course, no means of guessing.
I found a den, or small hollow, where
there was a ppilng of pure, water, and
there, dealing away tho bi ambles, I
pitched the tent and ninde a fire to cook
iny supper. My horse I picketed farth
er In the wood wheici there was a patch
of sward. The banks of the den not
only conceaW the light of my lire, but
6helteicd ,., from the wind, which was
cold as well as high.
The life I was leading niacin me both
hardy and frugal. I never drank hut
water, and tarely ate anything mote
costl than oatmeal; and I required so
little sleep that, although I toso with
the peep of day, I would often lie awnko
In tho daik or start y watches of thP
night. Thus In Giaden Sea Wood, al
though 1 roll thankfully asleep at 8 In
the evening, I was awake again befor'1
II with u full possession of my facul-
tics, and no sense of dtowslniss ot
I ioe and sat by the lite, watching
the ttees and clouds tutniilttiously toss
ing and lleeing ovcthtad, and barken
ing to the wind and i idlers along tin
shore-, till at length, growing ear ot
Inaction, I quitted the den, and strolled
towatd tlie borders of the wood. A
.veiling inonn, Intiicd In mist, gae a
faint Illumination to my steps, nnd the
light grew btlghtet as 1 walked fenth
Into the links. At the same moment,
the wind, smelling salt of the open
ocean and mining pai tides of sand
stiuck me with its lull foice, so that
1 had to bow m.v head.
When I nilM'tl it again to look about
me, I was awaie of a light in the pavi
lion It was not Mutlonai. but passed
from one window to another, as though
some one weie ie lowing the dlffpicnt
ap.ittmeiits with a lamp or candle. I
watched It for some seconds In gteat
surptlic. When I had at rived In the
afternoon the home had been plalnl
deseited, now It was as plainly occu
pied. It was my first Idea that a gang
of thieves might hne broken In and
be now lansicklng Not Minium's cup
boat ds, which wete many and not 111
supplied. Hut what should btlng thieves
o Gt aden Fastoi '
And, again, all the shutteis hsd been
tin own open, and it would have been
more in the diameter of such gentry to
close them. I dl-mlssed the not'on.
and I fell back upon another, js'orth
mour himself must have arrived, and
was now airing mid Inspecting the pa
vilion. In the moinlng 1 would pa
him a short islt.
Hut when the morning rame I
thought the situation so diverting that
I forgot my shyness. Noithmour was
at m mciey. I ananged a good prac -tlcal
Jest, though I knew well that m
neighbor was not the man to jest with
in seeuiity; and, chuckling beforehand
over Its success, took my plaie among
the eldeis at the edge of the wood,
whence I could command the door of
the pavilion. The shutters weie nil
once more closed, which 1 remembei
thinking odd; and tho house, with Its
white walla and green Venetians, look
ed spruce mid habitable in the mornlm
light. Hour after hour passed, and
still no sign of Nortlnnour.
My mind at once reverted to the
original theoiy of thieves, and I blamed
ni self sharplj for my last night's In
action. I examined all the windows on
the lower stoi.v, but none of them had
been tampered with; 1 tried the pad
locks, but they weie both secure. It
thus became a problem, how the thleve.1
if thieves the were, had managed to
enter the house.
1 followed what I supposed was their
example, and, getting on the ioof, tried
the shutteis of each room. Hoth were
secuie, but 1 was not to be beaten; and.
with a little fence, one of them Hew
open, gracing, as It did so, the back
of my hand. I lememhrr I put the
wound to my mouth, and stood for per
haps half a minute licking it like a dog
and mechanic ally gnlng behind me
oei the waste links and the sea; and.
In that space of time, mv eye made note
of a huge schooner yacht some mlle.
to the northeast. Then I chew up the
window and climbed in.
I went over the house, nnd nothing
can expiess my mystification. Theie
was no sign of disorder, but, on the
contrary, the rooms were unusually
clean mid pleasant. I found fires laid
read.v for lighting; thiee hediooms pre
pared with a luxuty quite foteign to
Noithmoui's habits, ami with water in
the ewers and the beds tinned down; a
table set for three in the dining room;
and an ample supply of cold meats,
game and veegtables on the pnntty
shelves. Theie were guests expected,
that was plain: but why guests, when
Noithmour hated society?
And, above all, why was the houso
thus stealthily prepaid! at dead or
night? and why wete the shutters cios
cd and the doois padlocked?
1 effaced all traces of my visit and
came forth from the window reeling
sobered and concerned.
The schooner yacht was still In the
same place, and It niibhed for n moment
through my mind that this might he
the Ited Karl brlnglng'ihe owner of the
pavilion nnd his gums. Hut tho ves
sel's head was set thq other way.
I returned to tin den to cook myself
a meal, of which 1 stood In great need,
as well as to care rot m.v hoi so, whom
I hnci neglected In the morn
ing. From tlni' to time I went down
to the edgo of llie wood, hut there was
no change Inthe pavilion, nnd not a
Unman ereatu e was teen all day upon
the links. Tlie schooner in the ofllng
was the one touch of life within my
tango of vlhlon. She, appmently with
no set obJeU, stood off and on or lay
to, hour after hour, hut as the evening
deepened, 'she diew steadily nearer. 1
became irioro convince d that she car
licd Nortlnnour and his rt lends, and
that they would piobnbly mine ashore
artor daik.
The night set in pitch dnrk The
wind came off the sen in squalls, like
tho firing of a battel y ot cannon, now
and then there was a Haw or rain, and
tho suir rolled heavier with the ilslng
I tide. I wna down at the observatory
among tho eJders, when n light was
run up to the masthead ot these liooner,
and showed she was closer In than
when I had last seen her by the dying
daylight. 1 concluded that this must
bo a signal to Northmour's associates
on iihore; nnd stepping forth into the
links, looked aicund me for some. bins
In i espouse.
A small footpnth win along the tnnr
pln or the wood and foitued the mint
dliect lotninunliutlon between the pa
vilion and the mansion 1ioiih-. and, as
I cast mv eves to that ride. I mw a
spuik ol light, not a quatter of a mile
away, and tapldly appro.ichluc. Pi om
Its uneven ionise It appeared to be tho
light or a lanteiu tail led by a pel son
who followed the windings of the path
and was often staggered and taker
aback by tint mote violent squalls t
concealed m.v self once mote among the
eldeis, mid waited cageti.v for the uew
cotnet's adv. line. It proved to be a
woman, and, as she passed within a few
rods or m.v ambush, 1 was able to rec
ognise the features. The deaf and sl
leut old nunc, who had tnirt'cd North
men:. in his ihililhciod, was his asso
ciate1 In this mulct hnnd affair.
1 followed her at a little distance
tnklng advantage of the Imiumeiablr
heights and hollows, concealed by the
darkness, and favored not only by the
muse's deafness but the of the
wind and the suif She eiiteied the
pavilion, and. going at once to the up
per storv, opened and 'pt a light In on"
of the windows that looked toward the
Imniedla'ely afterwatd the light at
the schooner's masthe.ul was run down
and extinguished. Its putposp had bejn
attained, and (bote on boaid weie sure
that the.v weie expected. The old wom
an resumed her piepaiatlons. Although
the othet shutters i cm. lined close, I
could see a glimmer going to mid tic)
about the houve, and a gush or sparks
fiom one chimney nrtcr another soon
told me that the flics weie being kin
dled. Some time before 11, while the tide
was still dangerously low, a boat's lan
tern appeared dove In shore, and my
attention being thus awakened I could
perceive another still far to seaward
violentl.v tossed and sometimes hidden
by the billows Tho weather, which
was getting (Hitler, ns the night went
on and the perilous situation of the
yacht on a lee shore, had piobnbly
driven them to attempt a lauding at
the dullest possible moment.
A 1'ttle afterwaid rout jachtsmen
carrying a very heavy chest nnd guided
by a filth with a lantern passed dose
in front or me as 1 lay and were admit
ted to the pavilion by the nutse. They
ret tun cd to the beach and pnssed me a
third time with another chest imger
but app.uently not so heavy as the
first. A third time they mnde the tian
sit, and on this occasion one or the
.vaciitsmen carried a leather portman
teau and the others a lady's trunk and
carriage bag. My callosity was sharp
ly excited.
While I was thus reflecting a second
lantetn drew near me rrom the beach.
It was can led by a .vaebtsman whom I
had not yet seen nnd who was conduct
ing two other persons to the pavilion.
These two persons were unquestionably
the guests Tor whom the houae was
made ready: and, straining eye and
ear, I set myseir to watch them us they
One was an unusually tall man, In a
traveling hat slouched ovei his eyes,
and a highland cape closely buttoned
mul tinned up so as to conceal his race
You could make out no more or him
than that he was, ns I have said, unusu
ally tall, and walked feebly with a
heavy stoop. Hy his side, and either
clinging to him or giving him suppot t
I could not make out which was a
young, tall and slender figure or a
woman. She wns extremely pa'e; hut
In the light or the lantern her race was
mm red by stiong and changing sha
dows, that she might equally well have
been as ugly ns sin or as beautiful ns
I nfterward found her to be.
One by one, or in groups, the seamen
returned to the beach. The wind
brought me the sound of a tough volio
ciylng, "Shove oil!" Then, artor n
pause, another lantern diew near. II
was Noithmour alone.
(To be continued.)
Olil-'llnic I'lirtniltK.
Tudor .lenkfi contributes to the May
St. Nicholas an article entitled "Three
Hoys In Aimor," concerning thiee no
ted pen Halts by Yehn-qiiei and Van
Dyck. Mr. .lenks says Until two
yeais utter Queen Vlctmia win einw li
ed theie never had been a photograph
or the human race. In 1839 the fiist
such photograph was taken Iry Pror
John W. Draper or New Yotk clt.
Heroro that date and until after 17.10.
those who wished portraits must pay
an artist for a piintlng or ill awing, mid
only a row loiild niton! such a luxury
About 17MI silhouettes were In fashion
and some of you may not know that
these black profiles were named after
a Fieneli minister of flnnnce. He
cmiie he was said to ho sting, ft was
considered a good Joke to speak of
cheap things as being a la Silhouette,
nnd these black paper pot traits Ininn
cheap, they icceived the minister's
nnme. Since gient artists charged
very high prices, only tho great and
licit could be painted by the r.icstcr.s;
and ns their picture were catefully
preserved, the fine pot traits of otlnr
clays usnally represent only tho noble?
and tho wealthy, such as klngii.quoeus,
pilnces, generals, and gieat statesmen.
It Is natural, then, that the ehildten
whose races have been made known
to us by the distinguished painters
should be little folks of high debtee -or
the sons and daughteis of the ar
tists, whobo pictures were painted for
nothing. These old tlmo boys ami
git Is are diessed in gmincnts like
thoEo their parents wore, for special
rnshloiiB ror childien's weir carne af
a later time.
An author is guilty or contributor
nrgllgcnco when ho rails to Inclose
stamps ror the leturn or his contribu
tion. Tieen lectures are often worth lea
than the co.-.t cf admission.
Intirrllnnrra, Stix l Drill nml Ml I rjBiil
TrmiMulloiiM Will C'niilt lliulr 11 Mile -llur,
'I , i:prr mill I rlci;rnili Arc
In ttir 1 Ut Othrr lux l. ti.
WA"ttiNnros. .lime tl. The TIouip
pased the confluence icpcitt on the
war levi'ime bill bv a vnti-of IMto 107.
A sensational reatuie of the debate was
a dash between Mr MvmiMiii. of Vit -pinla
mid Mr Ginweuor of Ohio, in
which the latter licensed the former or
belli,' uup.itriotie because er bis speech
against the bill. Mr Mvauson leplied the Ohio member
was Intoxicated and would not have
attacked him had be bei n sober
'I he leport adopted was V. an almost
strictly party vote, live Democrats
votliiff for the nieasuie and five Kcptth
licaus against it. The iii'iiu piovisloiis
or the bill ate us follows.
Spiilul lHrn l'miii .Till) 1.
PIlM HiiNl.f r riniilfivliiK u rniltiil net rt
frntlnj: i"il4i Ml rtiiplnvliitr in iijillwl etueil
Mi (Mi. forrwrv mMllltiu il M i ?.' v irpliw
Include it in iiipltiit 'Die iminmil ut mu'Ii uu
lilllil lux Is In I'l'idinpiltnl on Ihr tinsU (if III"
rnpttul mul Mirplus tor I In prttrtllni: Hm-uI
uir SivIiivh luniks luixlm.' mi r tpllul MiuU
omluhu-i liusltirs t (otitltiril in rcii'lv Iiik de
posits nml Intuitu; nr lnrstliii t tit mimic fur tlm
hem tit cf tin ir 1t i.-llor- mul ulilili tin no
cither litisit.ess ur liuliUuit:, urtt nul sulijn t In
tills Hi x
SrcotnJ llrolirrs v0, Imt imr pi run Imtliirt
piltl tlic M'ci iul lt iish Link kIiiiII mil lio re
quired to put the spiflul t us it tuulcir
Third 1'iiHiiliriiUt ri i.v
1'eiirtli I'on.tiiiriliit tiruUrri t.ll
I'lflh l nstom house brokers till
Silxlti I'ruprliUirs cf ihfiite rs tiiiitrtuui nml
rem e rt hulls In dilo ot tnoru t tin ti - ujo pnpu
latldii, ?H
Thlsdots nnt Intitule II ills rented nr llril no
luMcniiillj fur i oim rts or ifprtsou
Srifnth C'lrrtiM's ttoo Net spcclnl tut piilil
In one Mute Is tortrmpl rvhltiltlicis from the
lux In uuottie r state llinuyh but otic spot hit tux
Is to be luipoM'd for ixtilliltlous utthltiuuv tun
btute Klit'litb Proprietor or npe nts of nil other
public t xhlhlltiius or shows for inoiicv not
enumerated hire till
Ninth llou lint niters nnd bll. lard looms. Jj, ulli or Libit
I lion i ii ore.
I.tfe Oninih pnlWv fortiori flftl in rents
on the iiMioiinl Ifsiiriii Colli It's on tin Indus,
trial or etkh plati 1(1 imt tent of the ntiiniitit
of Hie llrst wceklv pritiitum t thurctsl I'rii-w-rnul
tit tietlt lurj soUL'tle- unit orders fiirpn r-
pure!) total co-oiiernthe ronipiinle. etuplou".
relief usool.itlons opernted on the lodco s
leni or lotal lo-opcmtlvi p'.jn oi,'inlrd nml
rondurtril oUly bv tin lut'inhcrs tin teof foi
the ext lule ln'iielit of Its nit mix rs and not for
profit lire I'xt-tiipuil
Insurance (timtlue Itilnnd tire) !'. ulipolli
ono-rulf u! 1 er icut on i jeli ilnlliir I'o-opir
Ktlvr nud mutiiul lotupnulrs uri- t xpinpttd
Insurable (iumihIiv tldolltv and puiiratiti t)
Haiti polloi and nidi hood for the poifortnauic
of the duties of un iiMfc nr poMtlou or othet
obllratlouof the eiulure of Indt mnllv and t at h
conlr.nt or ohtluatlotipimrunteolui; the allilll
oftKiUd. or other ohllKallous Isvumi in i,iij
unto, cinintv tnunlclpiit or otlit r publlt liodv
orBuaranueln: lltlis to u-al t siuteor iniinin
tile credits, rxeiutetl or k'liar.tnlt-ed bv nnv
Diiritv roiupiuv upon the amout.t of premium
charKed, one-hiilf of 1 eri'rit out.iih dollur
I.eii Hiul 1ltirtKiirr.
I.rnse. Innd or tenement, not exitedlnir om
rear e nts, exceetllnK nnrjear ami not rx
r'cdlns three jrurs M rrntk, exiemllnK time
jenrv tl Munlfrht for riiktotiin house entiv or
rlearunreof tart'o for a forelKii port. If Hie rt u
Istc red tonnuno of siifh ship, vessel or steamer
i (lot snot exceed 3.lt0HK Si. excredliur :i(l inns
I and not txicoillnz tXW tons, $J, exrecdliu elm
tens s.s
Mortcnirc of rrnl estnt or perinn it prope.-t v
fxrcMllliU Jl HO and not rxotedlnir tl Ni i'i
rrnf uud on ruli J50J In im of f,Pei. Ji
I'ussnpe tlrUct from a port In Ihe t'nlleil
vtatcs to it forrlcn Mirt If t ostlm; not rxc eedlni.'
tiO tl, tostlnir more tli in WJ ami ami not ex
retsJiutMo W tosttuc more t'l.ut tot) V
I'roxv for votlus at nnv elirtlon for orfltors
of nnv Inrorpnratrd tompanv etrrpt relik'Unis
tharltnblr or llterury soi'lrtles or public ituii
ttrlcs 10 ct nls
rroprletiirj Artlrlm.
Mrdli'lnnl projirlelury i.rtltles nrd prrpara
Untis t'pon icrrv pii'ki t, box bottle pot or
phial or oilier Inrlosiire lotitiitnliu nnv pills,
poMiters tlm tores ttorhis t,,rups tortilals
Litters, utiiHlvnes tnnlos. plasters tliiltncuts
rIvis olutliirtits pastes drops waters (ex
cept natural spring waters ami lurbonuteil
natural spring wuurs) rsstnies, spirits oils
and all tncdliluul prep irnttons oi roinposltlons
nbatsoevfr miuH ami sold or .removed for sate
I.v urn pi rtun "licit In the jxTMin timlvln or
prtpHln;: the same has or rlnlms to have unv
private Inrmuhi or nnv oxt lushe rlpht. where
such pat kct, etc , does not t tic rd at the retail
prlre 6 it nts t of I per um-i tux when Ihe ic
toll prlie Is bt twren h nnd in tents, ' of I ht
rent t t it'll 10 rind Kit tills " of n i enl he.
tween l.s and i'i tents, , of it tt nt, nml for eat h
mldlllorial 'J.', unts in ulue , of n tent tax
IN rfiirm rv nnd i (nineties and other sltnllur ur-
Dries tisni ns uppllintions to the hair mouth or
Uln or otherwise used iiliero Hie pat Itct box,
bottle etr. does not rxc red at the retail ptlrrf,
rents S of 1 iHTtint tux whin t ho prlie Is be
twn n.'iiiiid id tents, ' of u cent, between 10
Ktid IN it nls, v of a tent. Ik tween OS and VA
tents. S of n rent taih udditloniil ".'A tents in
value S of u cent lux. e'hewlnif (rum eiieh
pacsiino of not more than fl re lull vulue, 4 lenls
bud forturh uddittounl 4 i.nts
S irkliuif or oilier wines wrlien bottled fo,
iilr uion euch bottlo toutulnlnt; one pint or
liss, t tni, more than I pint 8 tents The
stamp Ih tmlv to lie iilllxed wl.n ih urtlilciu
this srhidulu Is sold.
(Ml nml Sueur Truitn.
retrolntm ana RiiKnr rehnerw F.verr person
Ann toriKiratlon or rompany cnrrjlnif on or
flolnr biulcc-w of retlnlnw petroleum or letlriliitr
niirar orownliiK'or eontrolllnif nnv pipe lines
for Iransporllnif oil or other products ivhoe
provs Hiinual rrrolpts exceeds (iJ,fiK) Is made
tubjou to pa unnilullv u special exolso tux
Kjiihiilt tit toonii(iiHrler of jkt tent on the
trros amount of all rrsrlpts in exirss of th it
linn ItoturnHtolH-muaemnnthlv Thoptn
klt.v Is n line ct from U.ikxj to I0 (mi A "tamp
Ux of t tent N to be collected on ever sent
sold in c p.ilaio unrt pnrlor oar audoticverv
berth sold In u slteptnt; tur the stump Ui Ihi
tUllxrd to tlio tilled und putd tij thoionipany
InberltHnce Tux.
A tnx on Inherltnnco find Itv'aoles exeertllru;
(lUCOOon personal ptojH'rt j is provided us fol
lows. On sums between tl0(O)nr.d ?ibO0:
I'lrst On benefits to the lineal Isstto or llnenl
mutsUirs brother or slstt r of the iIlccusoiI, at
the rale of TJc for rve ry Jlftl
Frcond To the iltiscMidant of it brother or
liner at tho mm of f i.Mi x:r JHH
Third To the brother or sister of the father
tr mother or u destendaiu of n brollier or sls
tt r of a fathi ror inothi r, ut tliu niu.'of W for
HCIT I?100
roiirth To the brother orstste r of the trnml
fnlhtror pmndinothrror u ilestendnui of tho
brnthei or sister of tho Krumlfuthtr or Kriiud
b othi'i ri fortver llixi
J'llth To those of unj nthe r decree of rollat
ti .'. lonsanyulnlty oi Mi. infers in blood or it
liinlv polltli'or lorponUe, nt tho rate of ti for
everv Jl
All Ie'.ulrs or profierty p.issini' bv will or by
tin luwscf niiy state or territory tolitislmtid or
wife nre exempted (rem tnx or duty. On sunm
rmiifltit.' between -Ui and JloucimJ, the rutos
of tux are to be multiplied bv out) und one. half ;
ou those rarjylij- from tWJW to lUOu.uoo, tho
rntrt nre to tie multlplto.1 tiv two, on thoin
ratiRlnr from JveHi to tl iamuo the rates ar
to be ttiultlplleil ti two and onehilf, and oa
those above tl imi.ium, tho rates ato to tx mtilll.
piled li Hnie
The litt N tnido a lien upon the provertt
nuiil paid ami It Is risiliul thnl the tax shall
bo satlstli d hofoto the li'itllte Is pud,
C el IKItiiten tif liiitelitctlnetK,
The eortt irv of the tiriMiit, Is authorised to
borrow froiti lime in Htm nt it rate of lnlerel
not etieillu( II h i tent sut li sums is In hit
Judunii tit tmiv lie in irssiirv to inert tiubllt rx
pendlltirt's and in lsue t ertltle atrs of Imli bit tl
ness Indenomlmitliins of J.M or winm multiple
of Hint sum e tl ivttllliulr is made pavnhlf nt
suih time nut rxt'otdiiiK ont vent from tho dale
of Us issue ns the soorrtarv of Hie trriiMirv mav
piesirllic pruv lilt tl that tho amount of suili
t ertltlt ntes outstundlm; slmll at no time exited
t nm.iM ' oou
lilt tut lolinii'ii Ilenlrr.
Dealers In leif lohii'i'n whnv aiimi tl ttntet do
hot t vtiid .VI imi Hounds e.toh M Those whose
.ititllllll silis exited .VIIMI and tint IIXHM)
liouuils ti.' a nl If tin I r iiiiitii tt sales etitr
ItmiUl pounds tl.'l
Deilers ltioilier lolnrro whose mutual Mtlrs
rxited .Vinmpoumls Jl.'
I hose sellim; Ilielr own prmltirls ut the place
of in itiufiu tine arc exempli tl from this tax.
M.intif ii tuieis of tollmen whose anniiiil snlet
do tmi i vi t oil an txi pounds tV M inufitctutcrs
wliose suios cttecilMixWamlnot litl IXXI pounds,
II.' Miiuofiu Hirers uliiisu salis nurd too.uuu
iouml t.'l
'lilt on 'It lei-riipli lit nailers.
settlon is prot Ides for it tat stamp on tele
ini)h mess is'cs nnd exempts mi ssaires of of
tltcrsatid t mplovtsof the k'tiverument on oni
t tul business and also the itiessitKcs of Irlccriiph
unit t.tllrouil lomptuli'soti r llulr own lines
Strt Inn .situ ikes It it mlsilemeiiuor to ouidn
tlie plans of siheilulo It rrlatlte toilruns, mull
tints h rfutiierv elo . puulshnblo b it lino of
not tocxtetd t'tnl or imprisonment not to ei
six months or both
I'utompouniliil medicines' or those Imvlng
I'trii put up and sold nt n lull as presi rlptlotis
arc not Includeil In (he tutalile nrtliles, lenvluit
II to uppl piiilli ulurh In proprletorv artli'tes"
set Hun si adds the tat on proprleturv itrtltlei
I" Hie dills mi Ihrnt. itiulrluir Hie urflxlnv of
the lull mul revt ntiu stamp liiforu wlthdrawul
for lousiimptlou
lltuiril of Irnilii Operation,
t'pon eiiih sale nr nicrretnenl to sell, nnv
piotluits or iti'Tihiimllso at anv en'lutnpn ot
tunnel of truile or other similar pi tic. either for
present or fultitc ttellverv for each JlOilln value
of said sale or iiitement of sale or nitre rnii'tit
to sell tent nnd fur cat h 1100 or
fiiictliiual putt the rent In t titstof JUXi, I tent,
proilded that on cvtrv sale or nreement of
sale ot iik'reemt nt to sell tin re sliull be untile
and dellvt ted bv the si llor to the Inner n tit 11.
memoiutidum of such sale, to whlth there shall
be ii nii id it 1 j vx fill stamp or stamps In value
e until to Hie amount of tat on sut It sale.
Ilitlik t lift It draft or terllltiutc of deposit
not ilrawitii; Inteiost or outer for the piwutul
nfum sum of moue drawn upon or issued bv
nut b.inlt trust romptnv. or uuv person ui
persons, lompanlesor lorpnrntlons, Jionts.
i:tpre or I rel;tit.
It Is in ide the tlutv of tvrrv rnllroid Oi
.teamboiil iouimuv eurilor rxpirss rompiinv
oriiitpoiiiilou ot person whose otiiipitlim Is to
'lit to Issue Hie shlppi cur tonvluniir it
bill of ladltu; tnanlfi sin nrolht ret lilt nrc of
reit Ipt ami fornntdliit.' for null shipment re
it IV id whether In hulk or in tunes bjles,
IMtkiiKcs bumlles or not so Inilnsed or In
iliidnl and l he re Is In be attached and mil
ii'lltd to null ot said bills of Indhit', etc., n
stamp of the Milne o' I tent Provided that
but one bill of liullui' shall lie reiiilrtit on bun
tilts or (hi loiges of newspiipt rs win ti lnrtosnl
In one ct nerul bundto ut ihe tlmo of shlpmint.
I'eiuiltv, 9V)
A tux of I tent Is linpnieit for everv telephone
messiiKi for which titer 1 tents Is -.humid.
Ant tett craphle message I tent.
Imlemulfv line tionds, to t ents
Ttir llonil rroilslon.
The seerelniv of the trensutv is nuthorlrrtl to
borrow ou theendtt of I lie t'lilteil stutrs from
lime to time us Hie prntrots mav bo liMUlr el,
lotlefrav exH'iidltures uuthurlzid on uriounl
of the existing war (urh proimsli nhen re
tt'lvcil to tHUis'tl onlv for tlio purpose of met t
In? sinh wiirrxiieudltiites) the sum of tlif,.
umiaii or somuih thereof us mav be necesvnrv.
and to pieptic und Nuo therefor toupon or
rejlstt leillMiuils of the t'nlted Slates In de
nominations of t.1) oi sotiio multiple of that
sum it'deem iblo In tsilti ut the plensurn nf the
I'nlted stales after ten vi urs from the dute nf
Hit tr Issue nnd pawihlo twenty jours from
siiilidutc and bearlni; Intcrt st, pmuble iimr
i rlv In nilii ut the rate of :i x r tent rr uti
Hum Th bondiuiu to be tlrst o Ho red ut pur
us a popular loan
The conference nddetl tlie follow loir provlno
That anv portion of anv Issue of said bonds
not suhstrlhtd for usubovo protldtd tiui) le
disponed of b) tlin secntsrvof the trrnsurv nt
not loss tliiiu p tr under sut h remilutlons ns ho
mav pn scribe but uoiommlsslotit shall bo ul
lownl or paid thcieon, nml n sum not exceed
liu; one-tenth of I per rent of the amount of the
bonds nnd teittllcntcs herein authorized is
herehv appropriated out of nnv monev in thu
treasury not otherwise appropriated to pny tho
expenses of prrpaiitik', ndttrtlslui; uud lssuluf
thesamo '
t'olniifrn n Silver llolllon.
TolIowltiB Is the provision In rrif.ird tn tho
tolnut'o of sliver bullion
Thesetrelnrv of Ihn tre.isurv Ib authnrlze
nnd tilt ectetl in nilii Into stumUrd slUcrdollur
as rapltllv ns the putillo IntcrestM muy rev-niro,
to n n umiiunt, liowntor of not less than l,rnoul
of mill ilolliirn In euth month, ull of the silver
bullion now In tho treusuri purrhitsed In or
inrdiintc with thn provisions of tho net ap
pioved.Iulv It. turn entitled "on uct illrrrllutr
the purrhiie of slher bullion und the Issue of
triusitrv notes I hereon and forothcrpurposes1 "
and Mild dollars, when so coined, shall bo usttl
.mil applied In thn manner uud for the purpose)
named in suld ut t
A lux on .Mixed Flour.
A substitute was adopted for tho Sennte pro
vision fnt ti lux on mixed flour, but llie mute
rtnl polnm tiero retained. The substitute re
quires that i-crsotiH ctu-'iiKed In innklne, parkini;
nr leptu Ulntr mlxctl flour shnll pav n spec lul tax
at the rati' of tli lT annum, nnd
the lieensu uranted Is to he posted ir
utiorthtme with tho provisions of sec
tion r.MJ nnd HSU of tho ret 1st tl statutes,
thn Hues nml 'iinllles to be tho fame as
impost d In those sections Thev urn re
null tl to mnrk rjth pirhugr ns mixed Hour,
nml It Is to hn put up onlv In orlitltutl packuires
In addition to tho unnual lltrnsn u tnx of 4
tents pt r hntrcllx levied upon all mixed flour
matiufuctiired, sold or removtd for sale. The
same rnte Is proporllonatnlv levied on half bar
h'Ik and Mnullor ikicI(hc( s
There shnll lie levied, lolleeleil nnd pnlrt upon
tea when Impurtetl from fore Ikii countries u
tlutv of in t ruts per pound.
The fhaniit s rt (itrtllm; ten make Hie duty op
rratlvc with thn uit Inst tad of July I, us it
passed tho fconate,
Tlio "NiiTjr Department Informed That
fspiiln'ii I tret In Illnmnntlrtt,
WAHiii.soroN,.Iune) 1 1. The nnvi1 de
partment bos received authentic ail
vice rrom agents in CiuUr. that the
Spanish fleet at that plneo was abso
lutely helpless anil coultl not possibly
leave the harbor.
Authentic reports stnte that the
ships have been dismantled und thai
much of the machinery has been re
moved. The vessels ate in no condition
for sea service and would bo helplcsy
outside) the harbor.
XV. It. lleurst hum I'ullticr.
Nkvv Voisk, .luno 11. 1'upiT.s were
fservoel yesteidny on Dumont C'lnrk,
president of tho American Kxcliniifje
National baiilc mid vico ptesident of
the I'ress l'ublishinp company, which
publishes the Now York World, in a
suit for libel in which V. R. Hearst of
tho New York .lournnl asks for S.'iOO,
(100 damnfres. Tlie cause of the action
was a dispatch printed in tho New
York Worlel Wednesday under thin
headline: " 'Zeal' by Theft in Nevvb
(fathering Thwarted at Tort Tampa."
Ililtl rtctl to IIU .NiilUn t'litii Hut i:vrn
Tlirii Hie White Mini Wliii Kurt-,
lllni nml lltn lilnir, t'uiiio rpon the
Ill' name of Hebron
Is as well known
and iih illHlliiKtilhh
ed In Missouri in of Kenton
I.oiik before thei
war the KebtceH
$ flv XU'1P 00-u'(1 'm l"
in jeiieiHiin nun
llovvaid emintleH
iih iiicti of Inula
mid brawn. Old
.Ttttluc John Kehtee lived many .ve.ira In
JeffeiHou C'lt.v, und lllled a tiiimhct of
piontlneiit posltioiiH. .IiidKe b'ehref'a
hoiih followed In the footsteps' of their
father, adding fame and glory to tho
old mime In the menu or polities, In
public lire, and In thn navy or thin
count rj, rot ('apt I'tlel Seliree, a dl
HuuuiHlicil naval ofllcc-r, had charge or
lh (iii'cl.v idlef exiieilltlnn. when tho
United StntCH Rent darltifr men out nft
cr the Atelle explorer, whose life bad
been despnlii'd or ('apt. Schteo hafl
had an udventiuotiB career, lie liaa
bren all over the wot Id. and Ultra to
intiitaln his rileudi- with initiations
or Intccaiiui; ami haaidoiiH adven
tut e-t, but the stimiKeHt or them nil
happened way back In Ihe 70'h, when
the captain wns a iIhIiik lieutenant.
He was cmiHtltiK with hla vchrcI along
Westein Afilca and unit anchor ono
day at a small vlllasc ror tho purpose
or tcciirliiK' a supply or fresh vvnter and
xe-gelahlep. He hired a doen natives
to hilng the siipplteH on hoard, and no
ticed among them one who spoke tho
1'ngllsh language epiitc well, although
he wore the customary brccdr-clout
mul garb or the Art lean savage. Capt.
Sebiec aslced him whciu he was horn.
"In thn United States, sir," answered
he with good old Southern twang.
"In what pint of the states weie jou
horn?" ciueiled the captain. ,
"In Missouri."
Hy that time Capt. Schreo had lici
come thoioitghly Interested.
"Tell nte what eotinty In Missouri
jou came fiom?" he pursued.
"rrom Howard county. I was born
In that very county, not far from a
town called Fayette," was the reply.
"When did you leave there?"
"Just about a jear before the war
broke out."
('apt. Sebren cudgeled his memory.
He scrutinized the i negro closely, and
although many jcars had passed, ho
thought he recognized In him a boy
he hail known In his childhood. In
the early pait of I8G0 one of the blood
iest and most atrocloun murders or
which Howard county can boast was
committed. The victim was a well-to-do
farmer, his slajer being a negro on
thai place. The murder was commit
ted In cold blood. Immediately nrtcr
the ellseoveiy of the blood-stained
coipse of the old fmmcr search was
Instituted ror the murderer. He waH
traced with bloodhounds out or How
ard county through several adjacent
counties and over Into Illinois, where
all trace was lost, until it wns cIIbcov
eted that the assassin had sarcly reach
ed Canada. Shortly thercartcr thn
war began and the murder was again
lost sight or. It all came to Sebrco
like a levelatlnn. Here befote him
stood the escaped criminal. Ho had
round his way back to the land of hla
ancestry, feeling perfectly secure
among the savages of the dark conti
nent As tlie. lieutenant scrutinized the dus
ky countenance nnd compared tho pic
ture In his memory with the face ot
the man berorc him all doubt van
ished, hut he decided not to allude to
the crime.
"So you lived near Fayette?" ho
continued his Interrogation. "Yoa
must have known Judge Sebiee then
who lived there?"
'To' (Sod, man, who Is yo any
how?" ho nsked.
"Look at me, don't you remember
me? I am tho lhtlo boy you used to
play with Uriel Sebrce. Don't you
recognbo mo, Sam?"
The captain led li Ib new-round com
patriot aside and sat down on thn
eleek. The handsomely unirorined na
val oflUcr and the half nude savage
talked over das of their boyhood in
far-away Missouri. Neither of them
alluded to the tragedy that diove ono
of them f i oni his nntlvn land to thu
wilds or Africa to live tho life nf a bar
barian. They talked until the sun
went down, thu ncgio nsklng many
cpipslions about his old friends in tho
civilized land of his birth. Finally
they parted, Sam going ashoio to his
hut. Ho promlsrd to come back tho
nejtt day to Intrust to Cnpt. Sehreo'H
keeping some Httlo presents he want
ed to send homo to his friends. Tho
captala waited for him and held his
vessel several hours, but Saw nerer
earoo back.
1 1 wn
'' (4 sX
ffwr -MTV: - s
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