fc & wars-. fsggggJ15 ggJSf gJggglir.'g?-: fgaAjrj.r... VOLUME XXVI. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JUNE 17. 1808. NUMBER 24 I 1 MrMPrQ PDnTUFDQ $, .V Ml I l.Mic iv fv PRESENT DAY THOUGHTS.? iij DEALERS IN in "ni.mo 'l)wrlBhtrl ! Dune.. TuImi" ) '. A. . A J . - . f k IMfinrrK Nnhnn; Cafrnftrq xi ; -j wM.w..,wr,., rt 5 J S ft 1) V Boots, Shoes, Groceries and Qucenswarc. DOrtis;?; Goods. The Summer days an: now hrtv and with tlu:in comes the demand for light and pretty dresses. We have the largest assortment of any store in the Republican valley. Our Hup of Orgnnd ii-s is i-oinjilcto. 10c to lv. India hi cti, bliii'K or white, loo to ". per jard Dimities if all coloi - tioiii tv t -Of Dotted Swiss 1mm .'iif i.. mif per yanl. Lawns I nun 10'- to .'V jut yard. Striped lini'ii colored lawns 20e per yanl. Linen colored lawn, 10c jut yanl. Lappet Mills '.'Ho per yard. Bleached Lonsdale Shooting, 7je per yanl. Bleached Fruit of the Loom muslin, ?Jc jut yanl. Bleached Shell brand muslin, 7c per yard. Bleached Fanners Use muslin, Oc per yard. Bleached Uouchold Use muslin, 5c per yard. Unblcnceed muslin, best, 8c jier yard, Unbleached Pejijierill muslin, 7e per yard. Unbleached best L.L. muslin, 5c per yd. Unbleached L.L., muslin 4Jc per yd. Unbleached Superior, tfc per yd. Calicoes. Black and White Simpson's calicoes, 5c per van!. Grey Calicoes Simpson's, 5c jeryard. Garner's Ilea Calicoes, 5c per yard. Tartan Red calicoes, 5c per yard. Light Fancies calicoes, 5c per yard. Indigo Blue calicoes, 5c per yard. Assortment colors and patterns 3c. JLVaxlies' Vests. A good gauze vest at 5c. All sizes in bettor quality at 10c. Bleached or Ecru vests, 12c to 50c. Ladies silk vests, sleeveless, 50c. Glmghamsa, Latest fancies in French ginghams at 10c per yard. Fancy Plaids at Sc per yard. Best Amoskoag check gingham, 0c per yard. Apron check gingham 5c per yard . JSHlOEJS, Ladies' via kid, latest toe, vesting top, 83 50. Ladies kid, latest tip, foxed heel, vesting top, $2 50. Ladies' Kangaroo, tinest kind for hard wear, f 1.50. Children's tau lace shoes, 81 75. Children's kid, lacu or button. C5c to $1.40. Baby's soft sole shoes, all colors, 25c to 50c. 100 pairs Ladies' and Children's shoes, broken sizes, as long as they last at $1 00 per pair. Men's Creole plow shoes. $1.25 Men's Dom Pedro plow shoes, $1.50. Men's lino shoes, former price $1.75, now $1.00. Men's Klondike tan shoes $3.25. Men's Klondike chocolate, patent leather tips, $4.00. Boys' extra quality plow shoes, $1 40. Boys' satin calf lace shoes. 1. 25. Boys' Kangaroo lace shoes, $1.75 per pair, Jvaces and Emforoiderles.. Laces in Silk, Cotton and Linen. Embroideries and Insertions. Valcnscicus Laces and Plain and Dotted Footings for trimmings and Handkerchiefs. Vt Trunks and Valises. For the Trans-Mississippi Fair. In trunks and Valises we arc pre- pared to save you money. uj TRUNKS, from S3.00 ui to 810 00. W VALISES from 50c up to $5.00. .tyi Canvas Telescopes from 50c to $1.75. i'il K Men's Ladies and Children's Hosiery. J w( Ladies' Hoso 5o to 75c per pair. & 1 ft Children' lioso 10c to 45c per pair. Men's Hose 5u to 50c per pair. ft Table Damask. Bleached Tablo Damask 25c in 1.75 per yard. Unbleached Table Damask 25c to (We per yard. Red Table Damask loc to 75c pur yard. Red Dinner Najikiiw, 75c jici doon. White Table Napkins lidc to S5.00 jier dozen. TOWELS. Linen Towels 10c to 75c. Cotton Towels Klc to 'J5c jier pair. Linen Crash 10c jier yard. Linen Crash 10j to 25c it yard. Cotton Catsh 5o to 10c pur yd. Flannels. Shaker Flannel 5c to 10c pur yard. Cotton Flannel-. 5c to 15c jier yard. (Juting FlanncH 5c to 12Jo jicryard. CARPETS. Now is th time for new carpels. Start in fresh ami now with tho aiprmi'hing Miir.mcr. Dm Cm po; stock is morn uuniiloto than over. All Wool Carpcta from 5Hc to 70c per yard. All carpets euro t nil v cut and matched, and no extra charge for making. Wo nro hiiv'iiig n wonilei ful sale it carjut.i and can only lay our success to good quality and low juices. "ft S 1 Mb t Iiii:!!; m$m mmmmm Away from that which i known, onwanl to that which is unknown; away from tho thing that has been and N. onward to the thing that is not but will be; this is life. It is stagnation, it is death to try to live any other way. The necessity is on us to be ever mov ing forward out of tho bright light of tha which is uudciMond, into the par tial durkuc" of thcnestojicn door that conceals undreamed of happiness or disaster. Very naturally, there is a feeling of apjuvlunsioii ami shudder iugjand iirotiat as Time, like u train hurries us acne, plains decked with tlowers mid then rushes with teriifving mm-:ih j-igcd and dangei-jus im-ks and maihaj) sittldenly suspends u.s over chasins wlmv dejilhs means de-.-triietiiiu to those who' fall therein. Yet what is this but life? Viewed aright it is a joy never to stand .still; viewed wrongly it is a thing to fear; and feared most by those who have gained least of that which is best from the hurrying events of life as they have whirled by. Once again let us turn theso individ ual analogies, whose truth e.veryouo sees, into national teachings whose truths some of us arc slow to sec. Nat urally one needs must in these stirring times take as a text for thought tho prtsent conllict. For truth's sake and because tho sacred honor that is the underlying current of our national life no matter how contrariwise surface storms may be, wo have contenled that there is a quality of mercy and of great dignity In what wo are doing. Yet who among us is wise enough to see fully in advance the new vistas of pro gress or temptation to which tho rush of events is leading us. It is easy for the superlicial ones to talk of a nation as though it were in a tixed and un changeable state, like an Egyptian mummy wrapped in the pitch and cer ements and preservatives of antiquity. But the nation that lives and moves and has a being instinct with progicss is least of all Hko a mummy and those who would swathe it with rigid bands may indeed distort It but they ennnot repress it. There is a tendency to al ways hark back to our own remotest past, with the credulous feeling that the men of those days had been proph ets who foresaw, as in a vision, all that would happen to us, and made ample constitutional provision to meet it. Yet without detracting a particle from tho value of their work wo know that tho articles of confederation of 1781, had to give place to tho constitution of 1787, ami that, in turn, has been amended fifteen times. This evidence of change is no sign of indecision, but simply an evidence of growth. Our ancestors could not pos sibly have foreknown the great surging western wave of imputation nor could they know that the climate of the south and this development of tho cotton-gin and tho labor condition? that went with it would servo almost to tear ajiart every strand of union, nor could they have realized that tho state jeal ousies ofjthe.early years would have so vanished by now that we scarcely have a remnant of statu distrust lelt. These things are lieio set forth merely to ac centuate the fact that vitality means change, and that change is .simjily re adjustment to the new conditions as they luve appemed. We alieady mo as we advance in our eharitablejwarfaro that the one .simjili) aim, to help the Cubans, will bo com jilicated by a number of new relations and responsibilities. Wo are going to bo much in the condition of the coun try lad who is .suddenly transpirted from the isolation of the farm to the cmwdid walks of the city, lie has to keeji on the right side of the way or upM't himself and his fellows; ho has to hold his elbows in ami learn an en tirely new ot of social rules. So shall we; tho end of tho war Is going to leavo in utterly removed tram the compact isolation nf the past. Wu shall no longer In able to live for ourcl( s or to oiueles. Whether wo will it or not mu, b more deliuite international relations nf fricuiMilpor of antagonism will lie ours to confront. And wo -hall liud that tho diplomacy of the future will be much more sei .-.itivethan in tho past because of our our very apparent predilections fertile the English speak ing in opposition to the Latin races. We shall also liud that our form of government, hitherto adjusted, with tho e.M'ojiti'ju of icy and darksome Alaska, to states that touch their tellrw states on one or more sides, will have to be so cv.cudcd or amended as to take in ihe adminisuatiou, either jut iminnntly or otherwise, of remote col onies. Among these will certainly be the Philijipinos, unless Sjiain suddenly cedes limn lo auuth r nation and that In Itself would ;jo a serious jiroblem, with hostilities far more extended than they are at piosout with our seventh rate opponent. Other territory in all likelihood will comprise Porto Rico, held for iiidemnilication, and Cuba held for a time suluciont to permit tho inauguration of a smooth running gov ernment of its own. Each of tiiose de partures will bring us into entirely new areas of international sensitiveness-, wo shall be part and parcel of tho great eastern question the control of tho brown Malay and tho partition of tho lands of the senile Chinaman ami on tho Asiatic coast the turmoil consequent upon the destruction of Spain will bo ours to quiet. Thus the open door of our latest duty shows us in broad horizon that we did not dream of before. Wise hands are needed, unswayed bj party bias, unin llucnced by a desire for notoriety, but held as in a vice, to a determinate pur pose to spend and to be spent in effort that shall still tend to perpetuate tho growth in grandeur and leadership of this our dear country, carved at such an expense of effort, from tho wilds of the western world. We shall go fur ther with this line of thought. Annual Festival. On invitation of Mr and Mrs. L. II. Rust the Ladles Aid Society of tho M. E. church of this city spent tho after noon of Wednesday at their homo ono half mile west of town. Mr and Mrs. Rust every year invites this society out to their place to spend tho afternoon. Their homo now surrounded by fruits and flowers is in all its glory, and their guests very much enjoyed this beautiful scene of growing fruits and vines decorated with tlowers. But more beautiful than all was tho fresh ness and bloom of youth depicted upon tho faces of tho hapjiy host and hostess for they most bo some fifty years young. Well did they know what their guists liked, so they had mado ar rangements to supply them all, wheth er the number be great or small. For ty or moro down they, sat, no ono left witlioui a jilate; soon the waiters liovo in sight and they began to eat with all their might; golden cream and straw beriies lino, oh, how I wish capacity grea. was mine. Do not forget to in vite us again, and tho next time wu will bring all tho men. Resolutions of Condolence. Tho folbwing resolutions were adopted by tho Cowles Christian En deavor Society, in regard to the death of Sarah Teel, of that place: Wiir.ltKAs, It has pleased God to re moe from our midst our beloved sis ter Sarah Tool, be it Resolved, That we tin Christian En deavor Society of Cowles, Nebraska, of which she was an earnest member, hereby tender to the sorrowing family mid ;fi lends their liearl-lult sympathy in thisjtheir sad hour of beioavomeut. Annii: I)i:akin, fu""' Wo will for tho next ten days supply any one jiayiug us a year in advance on Tin. 1'ini.r with a Coloriype plcturo of the battle ship .Maine, size l!lx25; ready for framing. Those nro line and you should got one at once. Copies can bo had also for 50 cents in cash. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World' Pair Highest Metis I amt Diploma, WASHINGTON NOTES. WsNiii(iN, 1) V , dune HI. Tin re have been numerous reports loeently, originating m Europe, that Spain had or was about to ask Austria or some other nation, to ask the Unit oil States its terms for jienoe. Tin so rumors are believed to have been started for the purpose if feeling pub lie opinion in this country. Not only has the Austrian minister not made any peace overtures to this, govern ment but lie evidently does not ojieet lo have any important business in Washington before fall as he Is going to the now England eoasl, with his en tiro stall", Ibis Week, to relllllll til -tl.ll -nier. According to (imminent Eum (lean diplo nats, tio pence oveitiins will be made on behalf of Spain until this government iutiuutos to the dip loiiiaticcor,)s that such will be .iccop! cd and hat it w mid bo willing to dis- cii-s the terms iijii ii which it would agree to peace. If that is really the view of the Eiirocaii nations, Spain would beitei deal directly with this government. We did not seek this war, but having got into it, and hav ing won nothing but victories, it would be absurd to expect us to ask for peace. It is the whij))cd power that must ask for peace, and the longer Spain defers Iho asking tho worse shu will bo licked. The lighting power of the United States grows stronger each day, while that of Spain grows weaker. V If there had been no bond clause in the war revenue bill, as reported from conference, it would have conic very near to receiving a unanimous vote in the senate, instead of going through by a voto of 43 to 32. Tho opposition to the other clauses of tho bill was nominal, although a number of them, Including the coiuago of $1,500,000 In silver every mouth, some of tho stamp taxes, and tho tax on tea, were not al together satisfactory President Me Kiuley promptly sigued tho bill, and now tho peoplo havo a chance to buy at par one-half of the $400,000,000 in bonds authorized to be issued by tho now lawit is hoped that it may not bo necessary to issue tho other $200, 000,000. Although theso bonds will only pay three per cent interest, tho big linanciers nro so certain that they will soon command a premium that they will gladly take them all. Small investors will have theiirst opportuni ty to buy. What they fail to tako in th'rtydays will go to capitalists in big blocks. Senator Volcott is ono of those who believes that the peoplo will take them all. Ho said: "Tho people of tho country will tako up these bonds as a manifestation of their patriotism and their pride in tho country." Tho conundrum of the day is, where is Sliafttr's army? That it was for some reason detained at Tampa for several days after it had embarked on the transjiorts is known, but that is about all that is known, owing to tho consorshiji of news. Only tho very gullible accept tho story given wido publicity, that tho transports wero held at Tampa because of the fear that they might bo captured by sonic mys terious Spanish licet that had been re ported to be engaged in doing tiiu "Flying Dutchman" nut in tho vicinity of Havana. Theso transports are known to havo gone to Key West and are supposed to bo well on their way to Santiago, but it is altogether rob able that the first positive information the jniblic gets about theso troops will tell of their cajituro of Santiago, where Admiral Sampson has so well )rcarcd the way for them. Thoy cannot get the honor of first raising our ling on Cuban soil, that already belongs to Samjisou's marines, who arc now in possession of (iuaiitanamo bay. It Is now settled by agreement of the house, after a large majority, includ ing members of all parties, had shown lis powoi, that the Hawaiian annexion resolution shall be voted upon Wed nesday afternoon. Its adoption is cer tain. Speaker Reed's Irion. Is are try ing to Mjiiaro him with 'the friends of annexation by declaring that ho has been inisroprustiiito i, that he never had any idea of allowing his Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR F CREAM BAKING mmm A 'arc (Irnpc Cream nf Tnrtnr I'oivner. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. jioi'soii'il iip nf i iii lo annexation to caiMc him to 1 1 3 to stand in the way of a majority of tho house getting to a voto on tho resolution. Some of the loading aiiuoxionists assort that tho speaker has killed his political future, but wise iioliiiciatis arc not yet invest ing any money iu mourning for tho al leged corpse. 4 Secretary Alger thus answers tho critics of tho war department: "I do not boliovo that history records an in stance where so much has boon done in a military campaign of this magni tude in the brief time that has elapsed since hostilities began. I challenge tho records. There is nn nbundanco of supplies at tho disposal of tho govern ment. Everything needed for tho army is either on tho ground or in tho process of transit. Within u week, or n fortnight at tho most, tho required supplies and oqtiipmeut will bo deliv ered to tho troops. In two weeks every man in the army will bo fully equipped for tho war." Tho postollico department olllcially denies tho statement that privato mail is being ojioned by its employes at Key West or Tumpa, or anywhere olso, and adds that privato mail during tho war is as safo as in times of peace. V Hurry orders havo been sent to Gon. Coppingcr ami lien. Leo, who aroto command the army sent to Porto Rico to get their men ready for embarkation with as littlo delay as possible Dr. Fennor's Dyspepsia Cure A? tho namo implies, is simply for dyspepsia or indigostion. This prepa ration is tho prescription of ono of America's most eminent physicians, whoso writings on medical questions nro accepted as authority. If not sat isfactory after using ono bottlo your mo-oy will bo refunded by O. L. Cot- tiog. Klondike What docs it cost to got there V Whon and how should you go? Whnt should ono tako? Where are the initios? How much havo they prod need V Is work plentiful? What wages are jiaid? Is living oxpensivu? What are ono's chances of "making a strike"? Complete and satisfactory rejilles to the above questions will bo found iu the Burlington Route's "Klondike Folder," now ready for distribution. Sixteen pages of practical information ami an up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klondike. Free at Burlington Route ticket ollices, or sent on receipt of four cents in stamps by J. Francis, (ieni Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omatia, Nelir. Livor Complaints! and Norvoiibnosa Curod. A torp'd liver always produou, dull ness, irritability, etc. You are all clogged uii and feel despondent. Pur haps you have treated with jihysiolans or tried some other recommended med icine without beuolit. All that is no argument against "Dr. Fennor's Blood and Livor Remedy and Nerve Tonic," which we insist will cure nervousness and livoi- complaints, if not satlslled after using one bottlo your money will be refunded by C. L. Cotting. .Jr. Price's Cream Baking Powder V Pure tlraoe Cecum 91 Tartar Powder rf