-V ta.,. , s Mk2 V r .. i ,y . ", w" TJIE KEJ) CLOUD CHIEF. . ?-' re HANTFAUO IS uriXKI). DATTERED BY WARSHIPS FOR THREE HOURS. Tim t'nltcel SlntcK ships llnnlly IVIt the l(i'Hiiinrltii I'lrr of llu Unrniy- Dnrlni; llniiihiirdincnt of tin I'tirl llii' tnsiir rcmIh Sliielr mi Attack mi llir Cltj. Caw Havtii:n, Iln.vti. .limp F. Fighting before and in tin trinity of Stiiitliifro (1 ("nl:i ciiiitiintr'l tli greater part of yesterday morning from 7:15 o'clock until marly tl o'clock. 'I'm of the Amrrtriiii warships maintained u steady anil rarrfnlly directed lire against LI Mui'i'o castle and tlir bat teries nt I'utitn Unrdi. Su'iipa a nil Cineo'culcs. in addition to bombarding tho Spanish itrrt in Hit harbor. The percentage of effective projectiles was very large. It appears frointlu' best tnforniatlon otitaiualilr at this plan, tlir ralilr sta tion connecting with Santiago dc Cuba. Unit immense damage was inltirtcd on tlir cnriny. 'I'lir .Spaniards admit that I he iMMnliarilmcnt of tlir Aitirriean Itrrt was most iU si tin tivr. Ahoitt I.HOO pro jectiles are said lo have hern llrrd liy tlir American warships and it serins that tlir responsive llrr from the Span ish fortti and ships uiw scarcely frit at all hy tlir Amrrirans. Tim fortifications nrar tlir rntranrr of tlir liarlior air described us riddlrd with solid shut ami shattered ly tlie explosion of tlir iiii'iiense shi'lls tired tiy the Aim riean battle ships. The Spanish batteries aro under dooel to have been virtually sileneed and Kl Morronnd the fortifications at Sorapa ami I'unt;. (Ionia are reported to have been demolished hv the three hours' uninterrupted hainiucringof the American Itrrt. The American attar!,- is next said to have been specially directed against Aguaelores, a small coast town a little to the east of the entrance of Santiago bay. The idea of the American ad miral, it appeals, was to land t loops ami siege guns there, after reducing the defenses of t lie place, and thence malce u close assault upon "nntiiiv'i. which, in view of tin present condi tion of its fort illi-at ions, .nay be ex pceted to yield very soon after the be ginning of Mich an attack. Heavy cannonading was opened on Aguudores at about midday yesterday The latest advices received here from Spanish sources do not indicate the du ration of the lire or whether American troops ami siege guns were actually landed at Aguailnres. but, from the. in formation obtainable, it cannot be doubted that the net result of yester days fifrlititifr was ostremcry' disas trous to the Spanish defeu-cs. It is aKo understood h"re that the Cuban troops maintained throughout the greater part of yesterday an at tack by land on Santiago, and the Spanish reports say the garrison lost heavily in killed and wounded. The military commander of Santiago de Cuba acknowledge, the following casualties among the laud foices: Colo nel Oiilnuc., Captain Sanchez, Lieuten ant Yriur of the artillery and Perez, and iiiireia.both Spanish olilcers whose rank Ik nut mentioned. Tluse oilleors wore killed. The Spaniards also admit that twen-ty-one infantry soldiers wore severely woiiudid, and one soldier was killed. Hut it is believed that the losses of the Spaniards were much heavier. In the naval forces the Spaniards say that the ollicer who was second it. com mand of the partly dismantled Spanish cruiser Kolnu Mercedes, ami live sail ors and an ensign were killed. The Spanish sailors wounded, it is asserted, number sixteen men. THEY HAVE LEFT HAWAII. Tlir Clmrlffttnn mill Miinll:i Tr.iimpnrta Huhtrd liy n Mi'rcliiiiit Strainer. Kan FitAM'iPVo, June 8. The steamer llelgic arrived from tliu Orient via Honolulu early this morning, but was sent iuto (guarantinc, three easca of Mnallpox having developed on Kiard since tier departure from Hong Kong. The llelgic reports sighting the first fleet of transports, which left this city Muy '-'.', about l.'iO miles eabt of Hono lulu. At lOo'clix-k the Merchant "scxcliange received word from the lielgie tlial that vessel had sailed from Honolulu Wednesday and that tho Charleston had arrived at Honolulu two days be fore and was coaled at the time of tliu departure of the llelgic. Preparations were making at Honolulu for the re ception of tho troops which were ex pected to arrive there on tlie day the Helgio left. The town was beautifully decorated and a public lcccptiou was to be given the men on the tump hips. 1 rlil ley . IJ.i.ljr .itiy ISo (.'raaufil. Wahiiinoiov. June S.A private d'.s. patch from Mrs. (iridley, widow of tin Into commander of the cruiser Olyin pia, was brought to tlie department yesterday by Mr. Harry Smith, a friend of the family. She asks that tho re mains be cremated at Yokohama if there, are facilities there for this dis jiosition. Otherwise, she wishes to Iiave tho remains embalmed and sent to this country. Tho department will do everything possible to comply with tho desire of Mrs. (Iridley. JVriiUtont IViro Ituinnrt. London, Juno 8. Thero are persis tent rumors in diplomatic circles, espe cially in London, that peace Is not distant, ami that both Spain and Amer ica are anxious for it. A reflection of these rumors is seen in tho continued liuoyancy of Spanish 4s, although no confirmation of peaco minora is ob taluablo from any source. IttttUn CriiUcr Hound for Cuba. GllillAl.TAii, Juno f). Tho t'.rst-elass armored Italian cruiser Carlo Alborto, bourn Jbr Cuba, ha arrived lrjre. 13-INCH SHELL I'lij ll.itcc Willi CrulMr Idlim .Mir ilcs' I pprr ei irl(. Nnv VntiK. .lunc f. A dispatch from Cape Maytion. describing this bombardment of Santiago do Cuba on Monday, says that the forts about tlir harbor are a mass of ruins. The .Morro is a shapeless pile of ruined masonry ami illsiimntlril guns ami tlir Kslrclla battery 1 sutterly ruined. Tills result, the dispatch says, was the work of ten American ironclads w.litcli passed bade and forth from Port Cabroa. on the west, to Port Ag.iadores on the east of the liarlior entrance. discharging their heavy guns as they t teamed along, so that scarcely a yard of the coast escaped the deadly cannonading. At Port Agtridoros this fort recently con i meted by Colonel Ordonez, the famous artillery expert, was blown to dust and Colonel Ordonez himself was badly wounded by the Hying splinters and debris, Captain Sanchez and Lieu tenant Vri.ar, artillery ollievrs. were iil'n wounded. Two infantry lieuten ants, (iarciaand Perez, and twenty-one privates arc reported fatally wounded. Later in the day the American ships moved closer toward the mouth of tin harbor where the old cruiser Kcina Mercedes liad been discerned attempt in to place explosives about the hull of the Merrimae to blow tier to pieces and to clear the channel. A lll-incli sbell from the Oregon land ed squarely abaft her pilot house ami tore all her upper works to splinters. Iter "second commodore,'' live of her sailors and a murine were killed. A second lieutenant of the Kcina Mer cedes and sixteen of her men were very seriously wounded. A shower of shell and shot fell on an '. around tlir old cruise r and she was so i.aoiy nainagcu mai uer crew, ny older of Admiral Cer era. abandoned ih' ship for the shore for safety. About no-ii. according to the Cape lluytien dispatch, a landing party of American marines near llaiipiiri was attacked liy Spanish infantry and a Mjuacl of cavalry. The insurgcn's were potcd in tlie nrighborho id. and with the aid of the marines success, luily tcxJ; v.pa position, holding it and later m .ltnr it a base from which they operated. The Spanish force was de feated with hrav loss and driven back toward Santiago. leasing their wound- ed behind them. The Americans are now intrenched near Imirptiri and are lauding heavy guns preparatory to moving them to ward Santiago and laying siege to the city. There is a panic in Santiago. The residents who can are tiering to the country, joining the insurgents or do ing anything to get away from the reitain destruction that now await. Ccrvcra's licet and tlie forces of Punch. Linares. A LAND BATTLE IS REPORTED. Aim Means -:i I il In lliiw- I'rrcatcil (lie SlUlUll I'lll'ICo. Cai'i. II.iii:.v. Hayti. June . A landing of merican troops was ef fected yeiterday near Daiquiri, some distance cast of guadores and near the railioad station connecting with Santiago de Cuba. Liter an engage ment tool; place between the American f, , a . . , oree and a cotuiiiii of Spanish troops ..,,,,.,,, i . .i i i which hint been sent against the laud ing party, obtainable The accounts of the battle are are hoin Spanish ....i. r i. .i. - i. -IMIH Ot UltU UW llCt .n't 1111 111 till It'tllU. 'I'herefore it Is to be inferred that the Americans were victorious, and that is the belief which pre ails here. It is said that only .Vio American troops were lauded at Paicpiiri, or pos- slbly at Aguadores. the two places being confused in tlie reports reaching here. It seems to be admitted that tlie lire, of the American soldiers was so arurate that the Spaniards were com pelled to llrr from tho fortifications they were defending. Halcpiiri is a little town eighteen tulles east of tlie mouth of Santiago bay. Deep water comes in close to its smalt wharves and the land slopes gradually up and back from tho sea to the interior. 1'rom the town of Daiquiri, by eas. grades, extends a road to tin town of Stmt llliril. Till rfl.'lfl is llllllt of fnrnl OREGON'S " n - ....- ... ...... . .. ,.,w ..... w uut .'iii.Y i-.ii or nine and is firm in wet weather or In dry. I private soldiers at Fort McPherson, It is only sKteen miles from Daiquiri 'and it cannot bo expected that these to a ridge from tlie top of which the can be cvcliangc'd for the American cif Santiago hay and tlie town win be ficors who were on the Merrimae. The overlooked. It is to tlie top of this captives, therefore, are lilce'v to it- ridge the Spanish soldiers dragged their guns the other day and drove the insurgents back. Thero are about (1,001) Spanish soldiers in this city. Three thousand of these soldiers nre regulars. The other , '1, 000 are Cubans who have been forced Into the service and wlio. it is asserted, would welcome- a Spanish defeat. SPAIN'S OFFICIAL PROTEST, Tim t'liltcil Stilted Declared to Il:ic Vio lated Interniitlonul I .aw. Maiiiuii, June 8. Duke Almodovnr de Kiei, minister of foreign all'airs, has mailed to all the ambassadors of Spain a note and memorandum declaring tho I'nltcd States has violated inter national law by capturing Spanish ves sels before a declaration of war, by bombarding ports without notice and by using tho Spanish flag at Uuunu tanaino, A New Ship for Miller. Knv Wr.sr, Flu.. Juno 8. Commander .1. M. Miller, whoso ship Merrimae was sunk across the entrance to Santiago harbor to pen tho Spanish fleet, has been assigned to tho command of the Pompey. Till .JuelfTO I'lililUlirr Auk fur Kerch (in. Nkw Yohk, Juno fi. Tho board of director!, of tho AVkell Publishing eompur.y and of the .hudgo Publishing company of New YorW have decided to jo into voluntary liquidation, and have tppllcd for temporaryreceivers. SUNIUT THEMSELVES. MERRIMAC BLOWN UP BY HER OWN CREW. Tin Stcntnrr win Itlilillnl liy panlli Pro-Ic-cllli. When mi Intermit Torpedo Smile llrr l.lriitciiiint IImIimiii In tho .Nr Ilrro llrlil t'rlHtinrr h.v Ciriera On antiaoo tif.CfitA (via King? 'on, .Tfim&ieal.duiio . Rear Admiral Samp son yesterday morning dceidrd to close tin narrow liarlior entrance to Snnti ago de ( uba by sinking tliu collier Merrimae, loaded with coal, in the channel. He called for volunteers to go to almost certain death and -1,001' men offered themselves. Lieutenant Hob -on and six- men were chosen, and at .'I o'clock yesterday morning' the .Merrimae. under her own steam, entered the channel under a terrible Spanish lire. Thy cssel wih riddled with projectiles, but she an chored and swung around. Lieutenant llolMn then (-ot off an internal torpedo with an electrical at tachment. There was nn explosion, the Merrimae sank and the channel was closed. Apparently Admiral Cer vera will be unable to escape. Kixosro.v, Jamaica, June r,. Hob son and the hi ro crew of the Merrimae were saved in the following manner: Unable, after the sinking of their ves sel, to make their way back through tho storm of shot and shell, they rowed into the harbor to tin; Spanish llagship and were taken on board un harmed. The Spanish admiral, under a flag of truce, cut word to tho American ad miral that he oll'ored to oxchaiiyo the prisoners, adding that in the mean while Hobsoti and his riaitv would h. treated with the greatest lctndne .s. ..siii.Noiox, .nine ii. it is now known that the navy department about leu days apo was considering a plan for closing the harbor at Santiago ery similar in general scope to that appar ently put intoexecution yesti relay. It was proposed to get two large hnlkr. or scows and fill them with big boulders. These were to be lashed on cither side of a tug and run into the harbor and at the proper point were to be scuttled. Proisl(us were to be made for the safety of tlie crew by at taching to the tug a torpedo boat stern foremost. At the proper moment the crew was to go aboard the torpedo boat, scutlle the hulks by an electrical contrivance and cutting loose from tlie hulks made a rush for liberty and tlie open sea. There were signs that yesterday'.-, project was a development of this idea. Probably tlie plan of taking in scows was rejected because Samp son could not waste valuable time in waiting for such craft to be brought from tho 1'nitrd States. As to tho reports of the Tdcrrimar being removed by tho Spaniards, as i r. ported to bo under way at Santiago, the ouleials at tlie Navy department declare tills likely to be a ditPeult. dangerous and time-consuming op eration. Tho hulk could lie blown I up by tho use of dynamite charges I which would not be dillieult to place in i the shallow water where the Merrimae lies, for the reports say tho top ef the 'funnel is above water, indicating a 'depth of about forty feet, but it i 'IVIIVIHI ,ll.At HI," Vt t'l'U IICS Ill'llIT.ll , ,. .,, , , ... ., ,: , ' fro"' tho sea and it is not doubted believed that tlie wreck lies in ii''!it , Sampson will post the lw'i Vl ( ittifi1fi ilc ttt c-m1i ti ia. !!.... ' , ,' ..,.,. ,.,'.. ... "' ",; ""'u '"Miiiiimiii me sue wiui heavy guns and prevent the Spanish wreckers working. At night some thing might be accomplished by the wreckers, tint even that work would be full of danger. th(. pnnullt ,,.,, wno took the Merrl .iituswuiuni promotion is in store foi mac in, according to tlie statement of one of the officials competent to speak on this subject and to pledge the Navy department. When they get out of their Spanish prisons they will prolit by thiB in the bhapo of advance in numbers and in rating, which means money. Tlie department, so far as is ! Known, now liolus no Snanish nrisori. ers of war of rank-. Colonel Cortijo and tho Spanish surgeon, who was raptured with him, having been sur rendered in esehamro for a counle of i newspaper men, thero now remain of I nplcnnni-u tt -... ,.,!.. ... .1 main prifoncrs in Santiago until the place surrenders or Sampson muniiL'c: to capture the Spanish oliiccrs or equal rank men to the same number as the Merrlmuc's little crew. Ki.vWkst, Flu., June n.-There lh peace alone- ilio lino of the liliwU-mli. while the Spaniards on shore- continue day and night to f tic ngthen tlie forti fications ami throw up new ones. This continues to be the order of things on the northern coast of I uba. The Spaniards arc taking advantage of every day of grace left tlieiu in Cuba to prepare to resist the inevitable in vasion iu the near future. Lately, however, tho energy of the enemy seems to have been doubled. This work of strengthening the shore de fenses has gono on without interfer ence and it is evident that lack of in terference, has made tlie Spuniurdf. bolder. MRS, LEASE ILL IN OREGON. Pon-n.ANP, Ore., June 0. Mary l'liz abeth Lease, the well known Kansan, Is i-orlously ill at tho Imperial hotel. Wlille addressing a political meeting on the Hast tide Thursday night bhe became too ill to proceed and went at once to her hotel. It was heart trouble, and her discomfort in creased -aptdly after bhe reached her rrom, A physician was culled and found her sutrcrlntj from what is known as '-crltable heart, a result of overwork. She will not bo ublo to fill ungugementb for some time, TH NAVY'S GREATIST HEROES, IVfOttilngtiiM 'thinks tlie Mrrrlnmc') tlij ll(ildct Achievement In Nunil tlMory. Wasiiixoion. June 0. "Tlio cork in driven in the bottle," was tho comment of the naval officers at tlio navy depart ment this morning upon tlio news of the sinking of tlie collier in the en trance of Santiago harbor. They are absolutely satisfied that tlie ship" was sent in by design of Sampson to elo.,e tlie channel and prevent tho escape of the Spanish squadron and that tho undcrtakini way suecesulul. If so, this will rank as one of tho boldest uchlcicincnts in naval history. It will outrank even Cushlnir's famous attack upon the Albermarle with his little torpedo boat. '1 hat is the opin ion at the navy department at least. Tlie oliiccrs say that dishing had a lighting chance to escape after making his attack- and ho did indeed escape. Thero was no Mich ehauco for I lie men who tunic the Merrimae into Santiago harbor under the guns, wlileh Schley's report described as of great power, and over ne.-.!s of submarine mines, anyonu of which was sulllcienl to crush in tho bottom of the ship. One of the reasons that form the ba sis of the conviction that the .Merrimae was purposely sunk in the channel iu the fuel tht.t the stdp was of little val ue as a naval vessel. She had broken down in her machinery unci was kept at work only with eliltleulty. Some of Cranks letters are at once laughable anil pathetic in their recital of the trials and tribulations the ,oung oil! iv r Miltercd (he is about ." years old; in liis efforts to make tlie machinery work at all. Thin is just the kind of craft that would be selected to block up the channel. She is of iron, and therefore not to be easily removed by the Spaniards. Then she was empty, and so of mi further immediate ulue to the licet. Another reason for believing that the Merrimae was purposely sunk is tlie small number of the crew aboard, according to the reports. There seems to hae been just enough on her to steer the ship and keep the; engine's moving. Tlie normal crew of the col lier was about forty men. so the others must have been taken oil' in advance. It is said at the Navy department that there is no possibility that the Ameri can sailors captured by tlie Spaniards will suffer. They are not spies iu any sense, but prisoners of war, and so far there has been no disposition shown by the Spaniards to mistreat such prisoners. Captain Sigahue was at the depart ment this morning, lie said lie bail no doubt that the Mevriinae was scuttled in the narrow neck of the harbor at the direction of Admiral Sampson. It was the right thing to do. Having successfully bottled nr.il corked the Spanish licet Admiral Samp son and the licet can niVord to wait pa tiently tlie arrival of tho invading forces under eicncrnl Shaftcr. Two purposes are said to have been served by sacrificing tlie Merrimae. in addi tion to blockading thechannel success fully tho Spanish mines were also lo rated. I'lider tlie circumstances Admiral Sampson's tactics are commended ou all aides. - . IT MAY GO TO MANILA. 'pain May Seek to IWcovtr riiKieiiden of tho HililpiilncK. Wamii;tio.v. Juno fi. Information, which is regarded as emitted to con sideration, lias been received indicating that the destination of the Spanish re serve squadron being mobilised at l aili is Manila, and for that reason the administration is taking steps to hasten reinforcements to Admiral Dewey. The information as to tlie destina tion of tin Cadi, lice t is not considered se definite', however, as to lead to the iie'-lect of precautious iu tlie Atlantic, mil several scouts aro to be dispatched lo look out for the licet if it should at temut to eras.. t'o At.bintia SCHLEY'S OFFICIAL REPORT. Kcconnols:inrp H;it lulled Hint That Ccr i eric's I'lcct In In Kfintlagn llicrhor. Wasihxoton', June 0. Tho navy de partment has bulletined the following report from Commodore Schley: "Secretary Navy, Washington: Maele lveoniiolsanee this afternoon, May .'II, with the MassachuM'tts, Iowa and New Orleans, to develop fortifications, with their character. The tire was returned without delay by the heavy batteries to tlie east and west, large caliber, long range. The range was T.O'iO yards. Ilcconnoisanco developed satisfactorily the presence of the Spanish squadron lying behind the Ishinel near tlie upper forts, as they fired over the hill at ran dom, tjuite satb-flcd the Spanish licet is here. Sc tii.Ki .' VOTED DOWN THEJNCOME TAX Mr. Mirruu'H I'niioltleiii lo rnforro the Old l.nw Ilcfeutril liy Three Vote. WasiiT.no ro.v, June el. .Mr. Morgan iiiTercel an amendment in the Senate to-day requesting the secretary of t lie treasury to proceed with the col lection of taxes under the provisions of tlie in come tax law of 1SIM, not directly re pealed by the Dingley bill. The amend mint was rejected by a vote of 3S to 3 REBEL SUCCESS IN DOMINICA. Caim: Hayiikx. Hayti, June 0. It is rumored here that the insurgents in Santo Domingo liave captured tlie town of Santiago de Los Caballeros, on the Yaquo river, 103 miles cast of thiu place. A correspondent nt Puerto Plnta cables a confirmation of tlie reports of tlie repulse of tlio revolutionary party at Monte Crist 1. (Jeneral Augustin Morales and Itomtjo lliiety. were killed. Five of tho insurgents were tnken pris oners and shot. The others escaped U the steamer Funlta. NEWS OF NEBRASKA. SUCCINCT SUMMARY OF A WEEK'S EVENTS. .Most Important lliipiicnlnc-. nt tlie rant Srwn nil) llrlflly .Mentioned All lor llnnn of tin s(uic Cotered . Tliornni-li Itrmnip of Ni'lmilm Ncuf. iVfiliieilit, lime I. Mrs. TilVany. matron tit tlie l'ealrire institution for feeble minded youth, is reported dangerously ill. Mrs. F.llu Sytnonds of w Harney street, Oimilui. was burned to death by an explosion of coal oil which ig nited her clothing, John Hunt, engine foreman for tho 15. A M. at Omaha, was crushed to dentil beneath the wheels of a switch engine nenr Harvard street. Sam Chaska. the half breed Sloii?: Indian, once tlie husband of the St. Louis girl. Cora Delle Fellows was placed in the penitentiary yesterday under a one year sentence for stealing harness. Chusku has received a great deal of notoriety over his marriage to .Miss Follows, who is a white woman ami was a tcacliri' iu an Indian school. Tlie couple arc divorced. siitiirdiij. .Inne I. 'fhi' national convention of the association "f charities and corrections will be held in Omaha the second wool: in September. The residence of Colonel Cotton at Norfolk was robbed of cash and alu ables to a large tiiuoi'iit. The burglary .as committed iu broad daylight while tin- family were away. Information was forwarded yester day by Adjutuul-iicncrul Harry to companies comprising the I bird ivfi meiit. Nebraska national guards Iu u circular letter the adjutant-general notitii's company organizations of the iieeeptunee of the regiment by the war department, authorizes companies to lie recruited lo lli'.i enlisted men mid oltleers. calls attention to th. fact thai under the' -tate law all otlici'rs elected by companies shall be subject to ap proval of the governor, au.l repeats l lie governor's address to the First and s'eeoud regiments w heroin il wasstated that the governor desired to have com panies anil regiments maintain their organization ini act when mustered into the government service, 'ftie words of lieneral Wade when lie untitled Colonel Dills of his appoint iiirnt as brigadier-general show better how lie stands than any explanation would: "Yiu nill take immediate ! command of the brigade, colonel." he said. "It is not necessary to inform you why the change is made because' I think ,ou will understand. 1 have watched you and your regiment since your urrh.il iiud I want to sny now that for executive ability in the con duet of your regiment .vou are not e-c-lied by regular army or volunteer ollicer. 'flic condition of you camp and the way it is policed should make it a model to be followed by all oill ers." "You pay me the- highest compliment I have ewer received iu my military experience, sir. and coming from you. a regular army ollicer of such inagnill ei'nt training it is certainly npprced ated." was tlie courteous response of t.':e Xebraskan. The mere appoint ment e.if Colonel Dills is iu itself an honor to Nebraska. Hut when it is known that Colonel Hardin whom lie 'accccels is tin ollicer of twenty-seven years experience iu the regular army. Ncbraskans will know better how to appreciate it. Sunday, .lime ," The Webster Zouaves of Omaha have adopted as their badge a shield bear ing the blue and the gray as their colors in recognition of tlio new union of tlie north and south. Nets Swanson, of Lincoln, a hrolhev-in-law of Richard DjorKuian tlie Lin coln Ilreinan called to service iu tlie navy, says he enlisted six hours after re'iichlng Chicago. Mr. lljorkman will enter active service at once, but docs not know yet upon what ship he will serve. Winston Taylor was arrested yester day afternoon at Lincoln by Detective Malone and Postotltce Inspector Sin clair for sending obscene letters through the mail. The etlence' against the man if backed up by com plete confession and the question now seems to be what to do witli him. He has been working as a stable man, garilner anil ehoreinun for South Lin coln people for some time. Some yours ago lie suffered from a sunstroke which rendered lilin irresponsible, at times. Of late lie lias seemed fanati cal on religious ami moral subjects. This led him to take it iu Ills bead to warn two members of Trinity M. H. church against each other by writing letters in great number containing in sinuations which will render him lia ble under the federal law. lie had al lowed tlie matter to become so much a part of his every thought that lie seemed to bo plotting bodily harm finiilnst the nersons whom he bad in mind and tlio police believe that hail ite not been discovered when ho was, ho would have done them injury. Tho recipients of the letters were Miss Kittle Italilwtti. a kindergarten teach er, and J. M. Juqucs, a gruin dealer. 'fhe ouloersof tlie Fpworth assembly have signed a contract for holding the assembly at Lincoln for the next live years. Tills year the meeting will bo held some time iu August. A. A. Recti of Creto has been re coniinriieled to tho government by (5ov ernor Holcomb as tlie proper person to recruit a company for Millionaire lleliiiont's regiment of sharpshooters. Hoys of tlie .Second Nebraska are spending their spare, time searching for relics of the battle of Chlckaniau ga. T hey are being rewarded by ttncl lug rusty bavoucts. grapcbhot, etc Miih!,ii, .tunc (1. Robert W. Shaefcr has been appoint ed elevator conductor iu tlio Lluco'iv public building at a salary of WOO pn milium. Lightning struck the barn an the premises of (I'eorge 'I'. Woods, at Da kota City, but luckily did no damage other than ripping the boards oil" of one enil of the structure. The build ing contained fifteen head of stock, none of which siilVercd a shock, ami how the building missed igniting .- quite it question. Charics Lyford. tin old soldier frrm the Ft. Leavenworth soldiers' home with a furlough good until June a hi pocket, was found dead in u "cl ing house at -Mi "-'until Twelfth -tret t. Omaha, at I o'clock yesterday. Hi tired early last night and m tl n more was heard of him until a pol .ei -man forced the dour. It is Ik Ikied that he ilied of apoplexy. The reside nee of W. II. Rightinare, iu Highland park addition to Columbus, was burned to the ground. Altlm.igli when the alarm was turned in tin rain was fulling in sheets the department responileil very promptly and soon had two streams of water pbiying on t'iu tin. Hven this together with tln heavy rain could not cheek the flan.es which bail gained much headway, and only the charred walls of the lirsfi story arc Jolt, 'fhe build'ng was ti m porarily unoccupied. Origin of the tire is a mystery. Tin property was allied ut about "31,00 . Insurance saul lo lie i'V.DOO. Pert McCnrger. an elghteer-yc. r o'd boy living nt Haveloek, was drowned yesterday iu Salt creek, about one and a half miles north of Haveloek. The body lias not been recovered owing to the high water. Tin ,oung man started yesterday morning from Have loek with Harry Dell. John ISlgnril ami John Ackermnn. They took a team and expected to spend the day it the creel.-. They went to what .s known as the eut-olV near re ightoti s lake, and one' or two went in -v.m uiing. Young McCnrger could no! swim, but wailed Into the creek, win. h was then bank- full. It is supposed that he fell into a deep hole. He sank ami was not seen again by his com panions, 'fhe creek was running swiftly and all efforts to recover tlio body failed. Lincoln Modern Woodmen of Ameri ca observed the memorial day of their order yesterday, 'fhe elitVerent camp-, of Lincoln attended divine sorice in it body and afterwards decorated tint graves of deceased members wi'h How ers, with the usual cere-monies, 'fhe -ervices were held at SI. PaulsM. V., church. Master of Ceremonies William Hargreaves announced tlio onening hymn, "America." Rev. II. II. Powers then led ill prayer. Rev. Mr. Hilton made u short but feeling address. Alter the services the camps marched in the following order to the cemetery, taking cars at NinctcontTT and O streets: Drowne's banV. Lin coln division No. 1 uniformed rank Forrester-, under Capt. A. (i. Derrick, 'fhls organization put up a very neat appearance in their fatigue uniforms and axes. At Wyuka the graves were decorated with the usual ritual cer vices, 'fhe uniformed rants formed a square ilbout the grave, "ground aes ' and gave the "Woodman's honors,'1 chipping tlie hands twice. TikkI.i). .linn 7. T. 1!. Irwin, the stock man of C!cr don. says there tire more cattle in Ne braska at the present lime and inoro arriving daily than at any time dur ing the history of the state. 'fhe climate seems to be propitioua for breveting lions. Last I'vening an othc r one of the lionesses in tin Hag enliaek trained aniiual show at tho Omaha exposition gave birth to font kittens, the second litter of tlio -aine dimensions born there .since tlie ani mals arrived. State Treasurer Meserve has called in $il3.u00 worth of general fiiuel war rants for June 15. This call bring general fund warrants up to the end of the biennial term ending November 3d, l!"!M5. A call niacin recently is for about Si'iO, 000 to beoomeeffectivf' about June 13, Calvin O. Waxier of Omaha has sutel Oeorgc Krier for 95.000 for alienation of .Mrs. Wax-ley's affections. Pkiintiu.' says that lie lias been married feu eie'ven years and never encountered trouble with his w ife until a year ago when Krier began paying her atten tions and that she left his homo last. Friday. Hen Williams and Frank Roberts, two men arrested on the charge of stealing eight lings from F. L. (filling's farn ni'iir Ayr, Adams county, wore; given a hearing yesterday. The evi denee against them was siillleicnt to justify conviction and they were bound over to the district court in the s mi 5300 each. F.ilwanl II. Logan of Wakefield writes as follows toliovernor Holcomb: 1 can get 10il good, stout Indian bon who are all good lighters and would like to have a company of them to light Spaniards. They are all young, strong and brave, and they can all shoot straight. Please let mo know when you want them uuel I will gath er them at Wakefield. They will make tho Spaniards run.'' The state exposition commission is making preparations for tlio formal dedication of the Nebraska building June 1 1, that being tlio day that has hern set apart for tho ceremony, and acting on tills fact tlio day has been termed Nebraska day. Whether or not it is intended that this shall bo the state's day at the exposition Iiuh not been announced, but It is expected' that the dedication of tlio lino building to which representatives of other states are invited by the people of Ne braska will bring largo crowds to Omaha from all over the state. i ' 'I A V A -" v-' . mmmuntL r awuMw 'y