The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 10, 1898, Image 1

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Dry Coeds, Jlotions, Carpets,
Boots, Shoes, Groceries and
iDiressss Goods.
The Summer days are now here and
comes he demand for tigh and pre y
We have he largest assortment of any
Republican alley.
Our lino nf Organd ics is complex
wih hem
store in the
me to Id.'.
India Li ens, black or white, 10c to .() per jnnl.
Dimities (if nil culms trom Hv to sue
Dotted Swiss from 2Ue to Otic per yard.
Lawns tKitn lUf to 25c per yard.
Striped litii'ii colored lawns 20c per yard.
Linen colored lawns, 10c, pur jard.
Lappet Mills 20o per yard.
'VW i
I t
nv "ni:mo." I
I I ('oi)WiIkIiU' 1 l Huttr A Tiil'or. )
F CrvwvvvsvwwvvvwwwrwS
I Those who boast most are Uiom' who
t ! otherwise
M vi. .1.1 'PI...
Bleached Lonsdalo Sheeting, 7Jo per yard.
Bleached Fruit of thu Loom muslin, 7Jo per yard,
bleached Sholl brand muslin, 7e per yard.
Blenched Farmers Uso muslin, (Se per yard.
Bleached lloueliold Use muslin, 5e per yard.
Unbleaceed muslin, best, 8c per yard,
Unbleached Fcppcrill muslin, ?c per yard.
Unbleached best L.L. muslin, 5c ler yd.
Unbleached L.L., muslin 4Jc per yd.
Unbleached Superior, 3c per yd.
Black and White Simpson's calicoes, So per vard.
Grev Calicoes Simpson's, 5o per yard.
rl' aw Garner's Red Calicoes, 5o per yard.
Tartan Red calicoes, 5c per yard.
Light Fancies calicoes, 5c per yard.
Indigo Blue calicoes, 5c per yard.
Assortment colors and patterns 3c.
Iadies' Vests.
A good gauze vest at Cc.
All sines in better quality at 10c.
Bleached or Kcru vests, 12Jc to 50c.
Ladies silk vests, sleeveless, 50c.
Glmghama ,
Latest fancies in French ginghams at 10c per yard.
Fancy Plaids a t be por yard.
Best Auioskeag check gingham, Cc per yard.
Apron check gingham 5c per yard.
Ladies' vici kid, latest toe, vesting top, $3.50.
Ladies kid, latest tip, foxed heel, vesting top, 82.50.
Ladies' Kangaroo, finest kind for hard wear, $ 1.50.
Children's tan lace shoes, 31.75.
Children's kid, lace or button, Cie to $1.40.
Baby's soft sole shoes, all colors, 25c to 50c.
100 pairs Ladies' and Children's chocs, broken sizes, as long as they
last at $1.00 per pair.
Men's Creole plow shoes. $1.25
Men's Dom Pedro plow shoes, $1.50.
Men's lino shoes, former price $1.75, now $1.00.
Men's Klondike tan shoes $3.25.
Men's Klondike chocolate, patent leather tips, $4.00.
Boys' extra quality plow shoes, $140.
Boys' satin calf laeo shoes. 1. 25.
Boys' Kangaroo lace shoes, $1.75 per pair.
m Laces in Silk, Cotton nnd Linen. Embroideries and Insertions.
M Valonsclcus Laces and Plain and Dotted Footings for trimmings and
Trunks and Valises.
For the Trans-Mississippi Fair. In trunks and Valises wo aro pre
pared to save you money.
would probably be lost to
truly great never boast;
they do not need to. It is in the mind
that is too small to understand its re
lation to other minds, t l.:it vaunteth it
self to be Mimethiuggreat;aiid because
il is m Mi':'.!l it is usualh alone in its
O .self-glorifying opinion. To do and
J I then to be content, whether the doing
j.,?' I becomes known or not, is to be great.
A I li it to do some trilling hiug and then
f. outrageously ea'l.le about it, is not
i only to be small but to appear small.
;.j I i' is botttr to abide by the -ob-r esti
y I mate of our fellows than to confuse
'f tneir minds mid dNiiist them with mir
t- vain glorifying". Granting that out
work has value, some one will study
nrio to express appreciation of its
honesty ami simplicity. Even earth
worms have had a Darwin to explain
thu potency of their doings. But if no
praise conies, what matter? The heart
that feels its own purity of intention,
is not without an inner reward. Thu
surest way to a downfall is to boast,
because the very self-conlidcnco of thu
boaster prevents him from making thu
most ordinary and common-sense prep
arations for dilliculties yet to be faced
and deeds yet to bo done.
'PHI INKS, from 83.00 ill) to $10.00.
VALISES from 50c up to $5.00.
Canvas Telescopes from 50c to 81,
5 Men's Ladies and Children's Hosiery. 7$
' Ladies' lloso 5o to 75o per pair. f'
Children's hosu 10c to 45c ner Pair.
Men's lloso 5c to 50c per pair.
Table Damask.
Bleached Tablo Damask 25u to $1.75 per yard.
Unbleached Table Damask 25c to (10c per yard.
Hod Tablo 15c to 75u pur yard.
Red Dinner Napkins, 75c pel dozen.
White Tablo Napkins 00c to 5.00 per ilo.on.
Linon Towels 10c to 75c.
Cotton Towels Ulc to ii.c por pair,
Linon Crash 10c per yard.
Linon Crash 10j to 25c per yard.
Cotton Cnrsh 5c to 10c per yd.
Shaker Flannel 5c to 10c per yard.
Cotton Flannels 5c to Lie per yard.
Outing Flannels 5u to 12o por yard.
Now is tho time for new carpets Start in fresh and new with
the approaching summer. Our Cm pot stock is morn complete than
over. All Wool Carpets from 50o to 7)o iter j aril. Al carpets care
fully cut and matched, and no extra charge for making. Wo are
having a wondui ful sale cf carpets and can only lay our success to
good quality and low pi ices.
tf A
Let us give this thought a strong and
timely turn. Nationally wo need it;
for by unfortunate chance many men
unprepared by study, unripo in judg
ment, ignorant of history nnd its teach
ings blutcnt boasters nre, during
these days of national testing, writing
headlines and editorials for soino of
tho most read American newspapers.
They arc causing at homo and abroad
a most unfortunate estimate of our na
tional worth, and thoy not only threat
en to but actually do make us look
ridiculous in the eyes of tho world.
Nor this only, but they sin ngainst us
and against the generations yet to
come, by giving us n false opinion of
Our nation is too great and has too
much reserve possibility of fnturo
greatness to be worthily led in its opin
ions by wi iters of noisy headlines that
twist the capturo of a freighter into n
notablo achievement, or who magnify
n skirmish into a naval engagement, or
who describe everything, good or bad,
in terms that nro never less than su
perlative. Tho day that Dowoy's vic
tory at Manila beenmo known, one of
theso blind leaders in New York, with
readers that numbered nearly n mil
lion, fairly frothed nt tho mouth ns ho
penned his editorial. A most moderato
lino was that "Strange- Asiatic fishes
aro now nibbling at tho moustaches of
tho haughty Dons," and "Wo own tho
western hemisphere, see!" This surely
is not tho American spirit, j-ot it gets
remarked upon as such. If in any
faint measure I can interpret tho real
American fueling, it was voiced in Ad
miral Dewey's own message, when
after mentioning his own victory in
most ordiuai'Vi terms ho closed by
saying ho was taking good care of two
hundred or more wounded Spaniards.
Oro scribbler for a paper that boasts
(I suppose becausn no nuws from Mars
mid the distant stars can bo gained to
disprove thu assertion) a circulation
"thu greatest in thu uniTerso" called
the Manila exploit "tho greatest naval
engagement in tho historj of tho
world." Such a writer is in tho con
dition ofjan illilorato man who knows
nothing except what has happened
during his own life time. From Semi
ramis to tho timu of our late war, tliero
have been a dozen naval engagements
that have alVectod tho map of tho world
more than this one will. Allowing
that it Is tho ill si decided battlo be
tween modern warships though Chili,
Peru, ltriy,il, .lapni and China have
given us i n it cli knowledge In that di
rection yet .tho Spaniards woru at our
mercy from tho outset. They were
caught napping to begin with, unequal
i to us in number of guns and weight of
metal thoiii;h outnumbering us in
ships, ami unprepared with trained
gunners, Tlu last man to over esti
mate it as a conclusive test of inodori.
warfare would be brave Admiral Dew
ey himself. Boasting N excluded but
tho thing to be thauUfiil for is that his
courageous entry into the harbor was
jiisliliable, because thu Spaniards were
nut even tililu to cxplodo their sub
marine mines at tho proper moment of
cll'eetiveness. Had they .succeeded ill
damaging him these very same jour
nals of ill-balanced, ill-bred, brainless
boy men would have held ghost dances
ovei the grave of his reputation.
Before we accpt tho boasting stand
aid as one to rally around, h I us bear
in iiiiikI that wo are in combat with a
seventh rate power, whose liuanees are
In leirible condition, mid whose un
readiness is extraordinary. If our
gage of battle had been thrown down
in February of this year to some other
European power, whose .ships and men
weie absolutely ready to liuht. wo
should h ivo had to undoiibtely mourn
many terrible disasters before we were
able to rally for clTcctivo defence and
ultimate triumph iuuoboaiing man
ner, but only because our resources
aro so vast that with a war dragged
out to any length wo should undoubt
edly win at this end of the conflict at
tho last. Wo have done wonders in
mustering and cquipiug 100,000 men
and in instituting ell'eetivc coast pro
tections in about a month, butitis well
that thoy were not needed within n
week after the war began.
Then again, let us ask oursolvos what
this war is about. By every congress
ional declaration, wo must suppose it
to bo a deed of mercy towards a sutler
ing and down-trodden people other
wise would wo not have- chosen a lamed
and limping ndversary. Who ever
heard of righteous mercifulness blow
ing blasts of self-glorification? Boast
ing! There is no room for boasting!
With the dignity nnd thoroughness of
true greatness wo aro striving to do a
good deed. Theso violent Interpreters
of our doings who would make us to
stink in the nostrils of self-respecting
nations, aro, liko Kings' fools at a stato
funeral out of place.
Womon's Clubs Mooting.
Biennial mooting, General Feder
ation of Womon's Clubs, Donvor, Colo
rado, Juno 20th to 20th, 181)8.
For tbo above occasion tho Burling
ton will sell round trip tickets at ono
faro for the round trip plus $2.00.
Tickets on sale June 10th, 17th and 18th
to cither Denver, Colorado Springs or
Pueblo, Colorado.
On going trip tickets to be good for
continuous passage commencing dato
of salo up to first Colorado common
point; stopover to bo allowed on going
trip at intermediate Colorado common
points, but to arrive at destination not
later than Juno 29th. Uoturning tick
ets to bo continuous pnssago beginning
on tho day of execution by joint ngont,
with tho provision that thu return pas
sago shall not commence earlier than
Juno 30th nor later than July 17th.
Tickets may bo executed on eithor
destination or tho other Colorado com
mon points curoitto. Purchaser to
commence his continuous return jour
n oy from point of execution.
Colorado comm in points areJDonvor,
Colorado Springs mid Pueblo.
A. CusovKit, Agont.
Tho merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is literally written in blood.
It is traced in tho vital lluid,
Of millions of the human raco.
Its positive medicinal merit
And curative powoi is writton
Upon the hearts, mid engraven upon
Tho minds of thousands
Of puoplo whom it has cured
And given good health
When there seemed nothing before
Thorn but darkness and despair.
It euros all diseases arising
From or promoted by Impure
Blood by its intrinsic merit as
Tho Ono Ti no Blood Purifier.
Sai.csmkn wanted by largo factory
supplying free outllts mid paying sev
eral $10 weekly. Brattice, 243 Poarl,
Now York.
V.siiiNuniN, 1) C , Iiiiic il.
The administration is highly pleased
willi lucent war news, and even more
so with tlie outlook. Admiral Samp
son only awaits the army win h ought
to be on the ground by now, to make a
combined laud and sea attack upon
Santiago an I to eaptuiu or destroy tho
Spanish licet now known to bo within
that harbor. It is impossible to say
how long this will take, owing to lack
of deliui'.o knowleilgr a to how strong
a defence the Imidfortilicatious will bo
ablo to put up, mid tiie amount of as
sistance the insurgents will civo our
laud forces. Although General Shafter
who is in command of the army seal to
assault Santiago, will welcome any as
sistance sent by the insurgents, his
plans are in no way di pendent upon
their assistance. Thu assault will be
strictly business from the start, a- tho
orders of General Shafter me to take
thu town of Santiago, and those of Ad
miral Sampson to tako or destroy
the Spanish licet.
Tho present program is to follow up
thu capture of Santiago with thu cap
turo of Porto Kioo, tho ilout going from
Santiago to San .Juan and troops follow
ing at oncu from Florida. The opinion
is strongly prevalent in administration
and diplomatic circles that if Santiago
and Porto Hlco can bo captured with
out ntiy delay, tho war will practically
bo over, ami that it will bo unnecessary
to send an army to Cuba for tho pur
pose of capturing Havana. Tho ground
for this opinion is tho belief that if
theso blows can bt struck in quick suc
cession Spain will roalizo that she has
been sulliclontly whipped and will ask
for poace, eousentiug to accept the loss
of tho Philippines, Porto Uico nnd
Cuba. But this opinion is not lessen
ing the efforts to push the war. By tho
time Santiago and Porto Rico nro dis
posed of we shall have our entiro army
thoroughly equipped nnd ready to
movo on Havana, if it bo necessary to
do so.
1 1 is a heroic dcod liko that performed
by Lieut. Hobsou and a crow of seven
volunteers who carried tho U. S. col
lier Morrimac into tho narrow mouth
of tho harbor of Santiago do Cuba, un
der tho hail of Spanish shot and shell
and sunk her to obstruct tbo channol,
that makes ouo proud to bo an Ameri
can. When Admiral Sampson naked
for volunteers for this perilous duty,
regarded as going to almost certain
death, moro than four hundred mon re
sponded, although only sovon wero
wanted. Tho soven horocs performed
their work and escaped death, but
thoy wero all captured by the Spanish.
Promotion ami an ovation awaits them
when thoy aro rostorod to liberty either
through oxchangoor by the capturo of
Santiago by our forces.
In the course of a somowhat spiritod
roply to an intimation of Senator Allen
that tho money spent by the Bimetallic
commission during its visit to Europe
was wasted, Senator Wolcott, who was
tho head of that commission, used the
following language which shows that
ho still has hopes. "Tho experiment
which Is now being tried in India, in
thu opinion not only of tho bimotallists
of the world, but also of nino-tontlis of
tho gold men of London, where tho
situation lias been carefully studied,
will result in absolute mid entiro fail
ure, It will be impossiblo to impose
tho gold standard upon tho people of
India, In the face of this conceded
fact, I say ho is an enemy mid not a
friend of bimetallism who stands up in
this presence and talks about interna
tional bimetallism being a delusion ami
a snare. And yot it appears that he
has no argument to present, except
that embodied in thu statement un
true, unpleasant and undignified Hint
tho bimetallic commission took a larco
sum of money and squmiduied it,"
Mr. Wolcott stated that tho entire ex
pense of thu commission had not boon
$10,000. Senator Alien disclaimed any
intention to rolled upon anybody, but
reiterated his statement that tho ap
propriation to send a commission to
Europe had been made when it was
known that its mission would bo a fail-
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Alcdal, Midwinter Fair.
A Pure (irnrc Crcnm of Tartar Powder.
lire, and that it should not have boon
niiide. Silver men regret this contro
versy between two friuuds of thu whlto
Although thu sunatu by a vote of 49
to 31 decided on thu o linage of tho
soigiiorago of the silver bullion in tho
treasury, it Is generally regarded as
merely a sop to tho silver men anil uot
likely to bo in tho war rovenuo bill
when it goes to tho piesidout. Tho
understanding is that tho houso con
ferees will insist upon striking it out
nnd tho bolief is that in tho ond tho
senate will agree It is belioved that
tho houso conferees will also insist
upon mnking tho amount of bonds is
sued $500,000,000, as in tho original bill
instead of $300,000,000 as in tho bill
when passed by tho sonato, and that
the sonato will agroo. Mombors of tho
administration say that tho amount au
thorized by tho senate will not bo suf
ficient. Tho prcsidont is using his in
lluonco to hurry up action upon tho
bill which is now in conference It is
hoped to complete it this week.
Speaker Rood has mado n positivo
statement that tho houso will bo al
lowed to voto on tho resolution for tho
annexation of Hawaii this woek. nnd it
is uu absolute certainty that it will bo
adopted by a largo majority when it is
voted on. But tlioro is no abatement
of tho opposition in tho sonato, and
fears art expressed that tbo minority
can staue off a voto indefinitely and
will do so, unless they can bo reached
by tho forco of public opinion in favor
of annexation.
Dr. Fonnor'a Dyspepsia Curo
As tho namo implies, is simply for
dyspepsia or indigestion. This prepa
ration is tho proscription of ono of
America's most eminent physicians,
whoso writings on medical questions
aro accepted as authority. If not sat
isfactory after using ono bottlo your
mor oy will bo refunded by O, L. Cot
ting. m
What docs it cost to got thoro? Whoa
mid how should you gov What should
one tako? Whero aro tho niiiios? How
much havo thoy produced? Is work
plentiful? What wages aro paid? Is
living expensive? What aro ono's
chances of "making a striko"?
Complete and satisfactory ropllos to
tho above questions will bo found in
tho Burlington Route's "Klondiko
Folder," now ready for distribution.
Sixteen pages of practical information
ami an up-to-dato map of Alaska aud
tho Klondike. Free at Burlington
Route ticket olllcos, or sent on recolpt
of four cents in stamps by J. Frannis,
(len'I Passonger Agent, Burlington
Route, Omaha, Nobr.
Livor Complaints and NorvoubnoBB
A torp'd liver always producoj dull
ness, irritability, oto. You aro all
clogged up and fool despondent. Por
haps you have treated with physiolnns
or tried some other recommended mod
ieino without bunolit. All that Is no
argument against "Dr. Fonnor's Blood
mid Livor Romody mid Norvo Tonic,"
which wo insist will curo nervousuess
and livor complaints. If not satislled
after using ono bottlo your money will
bo refunded by O. L. Cotting.