r: THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MAY 27, JL8U8. yS ytt n t BLADEN. Bhowm town next Thursday. MisuMmno ilorton 1ms a now bicycle. Coy,, planting is tlono bolwoon show cvs j i.ots of corn being inarlu'tcil tit Slit just now. Mis. Xonnaii Sprinuur Is visilinu fricmls in Wisconsin. Mlm Laird rulunictl to her homo in Oak Ureok township Monday. I'lio farmers 11 ru gutting about all tin wot thoy want thN spring. Mts. Thus. Snyder and sister visited friends at Ayr Tuesday of this week. Mr. Kent, of llluu Hill .shipped a ear of lmis ft 0111 this city one day last week. Gund & Co. are shelling out their corn at this place, das. Dorlty has the job. 11. Lee and daughter Bee spent sev eral days in Hastings the latter part of the week. Quito n number of pooplo visited tho cyclono wreck nt Georgo Kcsslcr's last Sunday. Mr. Moot and wif 0 of Cnmpboll wore patronizing nierclmnts in this town Tuesday. F. L. Kiehondefor is putting up an Addition to tho house on Tliorno placo south of town. G. A. Wholan put down a well for V. S. Hall last week. Ho Is now putting ono down for C. It. McCoy. Mr. Hall ot Now York, father of our towusmon V. S. and John Hall, is vis iting a few weeks with tho boys. V. S. Hall is pulling fifteen or twen ty thousand bushels of corn on tho market. J. D. Koynolds is doing tho shelling. School closed Friday with appropri ate exercises and a picnic dinner at tho school house. Tho professor, Mr. Dresbach, was presented with a gold watch and Miss Laird with a hand some rocking chair, showing tho es teem in which these teachers arc held in tho hearts of tho people and scholars. It is to be hoped that thoy will bo retained for tho coming year, 7 $100 Howard, $100. 10 readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is nt least ono dreaded disease that science has been ablo to euro in all its stages and thnt is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh euro is tho only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional diseaso, requires a con stitutional troatmont. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying tho foundation ot tho diseaso, nnd giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting nature iu do ing its work. Tho proprietors utwo so much' faith in its curative powers, thnt thoy offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any caso that it fails to curo. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. LESTER. Small grain looks good in this sec tion. Sylvester Frisbio was In Red Cloud Sunday. C. L. Lewis and wifo were nt Red Cloud Monday. Littlo George and Tcarl Fraso of Red Cloud visited here Sunday. The Lester people nro preparing a program .or.Childron'a Day. Geo. Mann nnd wifo drove over to Red Cloud Sunday evening. Chas. Frisbio and family wero in Red Cloud Sunday afternoon. Joo Saladon and family wero tho guests ot J. W. Saladon Monday. JiuiiGreen, who has been hero for some time, left Saturday for Wvuioro. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Baker spent Saturday and Sunday near Bostwick and Rosemont. Mrs. Baldwin's father and mother of Kansas wero visiting hero tho fore part of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Baker and daughter Mrs. Suslo Salnden left over land Thursday morning for a ton day's visit at Hendloy, Neb, and other west cm points. Musio on tho Graphophono. Few people appreciate tho marvelous power of tho Graphophono as an en tertainer. It Is an instrument which, though it eosis much lch3:.than tho least expensive musical instrument, will onablo its owner to have at pleas uro musio of any kind from that of tho bagpipe to that of tho grand mill tary band. It reproduces vocal selec tions and gives ono coinnmna of every pleasuro that appeals to tho senso of hearing. No Investment pays such inrrm returns in nlensuiL'. Mr .ulna .,.. ""producing tho musical and other rec iprds nindo for entertainment puiposes, 10 Graphophone will ncoul inline- lately and reproduce at onn um( !IS )ften as Is desired, your own Voids or song, or any sound. By writing to the Columbia Phonograph Company, 7'Ji). 723 Olivo St.,(.St. Louis, Mo., yon can obtain 11 catalogue that will ghufuli information ns.to prices of Giupho. phone outfits. s Should be In ctory family meillrliH! chest ami every tmu'llcr's Krlp. 'I Icy nro I vnlii.itili. ttlirn tlic Milium ll Pills lit iiiit nf orders cure lii-id irlir, MIImimimi, nml nil llvr troubles. Mild and eulclent itnU. SOUTHWEST WEUSTEU. Plenty of mud Small giuin is looking line. Plenty ot lain and .some hail. Save your pennies for the social. Frank Seibeil is In caking sod for Ccph Kosonciaiis. Kliner Itoliinson was around buying calves one day la't week. Six conveits of Walnut creek were baptised last Sunday at !t o'clock. We hear that Jim llcaton has en listed in the auny. Good for Jim. Geo. llcaton, wife and daughter Jen nie took dinner with Ccph Uosencrans and family last Sunday. Sovcral pcoplo from this neighbor hood wont to Womor last Sunday to reorganize n Sunday school. Wo understand there will bo preach ing at tho Walnut creek cemetery at three o'clock Decoration Day. Every ono should attend. Tho farmers around hero will bo through planting corn this week. It has been so wet thnt a great many aro behind with their work. There will bo a social held at tho BulTnlo creek school house on June Ud. Everybody invited to save your appe tito ; and como and eat strawberry shortcake, also lemonade, peanuts, candy and gum. Alaska, Livor Complaints and NorvousnosB Curod. A torp'd liver always produces dull ness, irritability, etc. You aro all clocced up and feel despondent. Per- Imps you have treated with physicians or tried suwu other reconiinenileu mcu icino without lament. All that is no nnrtnnont acainst "Or. Fennel's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic," which wo insist will cure nervousness and liver complaints. If not satisfied after using one bottle your money will uo rciumicu oy u. u. Cotting. LINE. Good growing weather. SPlnntiug corn is n thing of tho past. L. A. Hnsklns finished planting 300 ncres of corn this week. S. E. Coad of Lincoln, Nebraska, was in Lino ono day last week. L. Aubushon nnd son William are tho possessors of two now Monitors. Rov. Con Hewitt will preach nt Pen ny crcoK school houso on Juno Oth, at 11 a.m. Hiram Haskins has gone to move his father to his former homo in south eastern Knnsas. Memorial services at tho McCal school houso May 30th, at 0 a.m., by Rov. Blackwell of Red Cloud. Elder Hudson did not como to tho quarterly meeting on account of tho illness of his son. Prayer meeting nt Penny creek every Wednesday evening nt 8:110 p. m.; Hi ram Haskins leader. Married, at tho resldcnco of Wm. VanDyko, May 23d, Mr. Edward Lano and Miss Maggie VnnDyke, both of Red Cloud, Wm. VanDyko, ollicinting. Dr. Fonnor's Dyspopsia Curo As tho namo implies, is simply for dyspopsia or indigestion. This prepa ration is tho proscription of ono of America's most eminent physicians, whoso writings on medical questions aro accepted as authority. If not sat isfnetory after using ono bottlo your mo oy will bo refunded by C. L. Cot ting. STATE LINE. Fino weather for crops. A. A. Davis shelled corn Monday. Tho cherry crop will bo very short, in theso parts. Tho school in Dist. 188 closed Friday with n big dinucr. Mr. Mirt Finnol nnd family and Miss Stella Wilsman wero visiting nt Mr. 'Inland's Sunday. Mr. Elinor Iiitormill, Lconn Inter- mill and Cora Wilsman wero guests of Mr. Tolnnd's Saturday. Mr. Wallace Clino and Miss Clara Jones wore united in marriage at tho homo of the bride on May 11th. Tho United Brethren church situated three miles west and one milo south of North Branch will bo dedicated tho first Sunday In Juno. The juniors and seniors of tho North Branch academy had their banquet Saturday night at Miss Haworth's, tho assistant professor's, rooms. Klondike What does it cost to got there? When ami how shoultl you go? What should ono take? Whero aro tho mines? How much have thoy proiluccil? Is work plentiful? What wauca tiro paiil? Is living expensive? What aro one's chances of "making a strike"? Complete ami satisfactory replies to the ahovo questions will be found in the Kiu'liiiL'tou Route's "Klondike Folder," now ready for distribution, Sixteen pages of practical information and an up-to-date map of Alaska aud the Klondike. Freu at Burlington Route ticket olllces, or sent on iecelpt of four cents in stamps by J. Francis, (ion'l Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Nebr. H CHURCH NOTK8. CHUISTIAN CIIUKCII. Services each Lord's Day as follows: The pastor will pi each the memorial sermon for the Grand Army of the Republic nt 10 30 a.m. No services at H p in. Bible school, 12 111. Junior Christian Hndeavoi :i p.m. SoLior Cliiistlan Endeavor 7.15 p.m. Special music at tanged. Sermon at Cnwles at Sl.ilO p.m. Prayer meeting and bible study on Wednesday evenings. Ladies' Aid Society Friday after noons. Our pleasant church home and all set vices aie ever open to the public. L. A. HfssoNd, Pastor. n.MTisr ciiritm. Subjects for Sunday, May 22. Morning services at lO.iJu. Sunday School at 11:15. Evening scrvico 'at 8 o'clock. Young People's Union meets nt 7 p.m. All cordially invited. Seats free. Isaac W. Epson, Pastor COKUKKOATIOKAL. Sunday School at 11:15. Y. P. S. C.E. atO.UOp. m. Bull Salo. At tho request of numerous parties interested I have concluded to offer for salo tho remainder of my Missouri herd of -.horoughbred and high grade Shorthorn aud Herefoul bulls, and de sire to oiler them at the point most convenient for parties desiring to buy, either Nelson, Nebraska; Superior, Ne braska, or Red Cloud, Nebraska. To determine the most convenient point, I will request all persons who desire to purchase a bull a; their own price to drop me a postal card stating that fact, and naming the place, either Nelson, Superior or Red Cloud, where thoy would prefer to have tho bulls ollered for sale. This will in noway bind you to purchase, but will assist 1110 in determining at which placo I will have the sale. Send your card immediately and tho sale will bo mado between tho 1st and 15th of Juno. Don't neglect to send the postal card at once to John J. Gi.auisii, Aullville, Mo. That tiked feemno is duo to im poverished blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla enriches and vitalizes the blood and gives strength, energy and vigor. Bo suro to get Hoods. Hood's Pills nro purely vcgctablo nnd do not purgo, pain, or gripe. All drug gists. 20c. m Burlington Kouto California Excur sions. Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Omaha 1:35 p.m., Lincoln C:10 p.m. nnd Hastings 8:60 p.m. every Thursday Iu clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to Sim Francisco nnd Los Angeles over tho scenic route through Denvor and Salt Lake City. Cars nro carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring soats and backs and nro provid ed with curtains, bedding, towels, soap etc. Uniformed porters and experienc ed excursion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of bother nbout baggage, pointing out ob lects of interest and in many other wnys helping to mako tho ovorland trip a delightful experience Second class tickets nro honored. Berths 95. for folder giving full information, call nt nearest Burlington Kouto thkot oinco, or write to J. francis, li. I. A. Omaha, Nob. Anothor Caso of Rhoumatism Curod by Chambor Iain's Fain Balm. My son was alllicted with rheuma tism which contracted his right limb until ho was uuablo to walk After using ono nnd a half bottles of Cham berlain's Pain Balm ho was able to bo about again. I can heartily recom mend it to persons suffering from rhou matism. John Snidkii, Freed, Cal houn County, W. Va. For salo by II. Jv unco. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and nermnnont enro of tetter, salt rheum nnd eczema, Cham berlaln'fl Eyo and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued uso effects n nermnnent cure. It also cures Itch, barber's Itch, scald head, soro nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic eoro eyes anil granulated lids. Dr. Cnily's Condition Powders for horses aro tho best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Soldby Tho misery of It Is awful. USE ST. JACOBS OIL TO CURE SCIATICA You'll fool It Is worth its weight In epjd. 1 (IllHf K WHtHf ALL LLSt (AILS. 1 Host t'uuull Byrup. 'J'ukH'S OiuhI. Id tlmo. Nilil lir ilruuuliitK. TJM BURLINGTON ROUTE. Oponlng of tbo Trans-Mississippi Exposition For the opening of the Ttans-Miss-ksippi Exposition the Burlington Route otleis eMiaoulinaiy low rates. Special trains to Omaha u ill he run from lt'tUMiun, Supcfnir, Ha-lings, Schujhr, Columbus Concoidia, Clics tor, Neijiaska City and intermediate points, enabling visitors fiom nut of town to teach the exposition gi omuls in lime to witness the opening iir- elses. Tickets will be pood to let urn 011 the special trains of the evening of June 1st, for points named iilmw, 01 regular trains of June 2d. I-r de tailed iiifm matioii about rates and train service, call at liinlitigtoii Bottle ticket ollice. J l'UAN( is, Geneiul Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb Whooping Cough. I had a littlo boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's cough remedy. I did not think that any medicine would help him, but after giving him a few doses of that remedy I noticed an im provement, and ono bottle cured him entirely. It is the best cough medicine I ever had in the house. J. L. Moouk, South Burgettsto'vn, Pa. For salo by 11. E. Grice. Try Allen's Foot Easo. A powder to bo Minkcn Into the shoes. At thin H'rtson your feel fed nwollen, nervous nnd hot, nnd kci tired enliy. If jou Imvc MiuirtiMR feet or tlht shoes try Allen's fool Kase. It cooIk the feet nnd imikcB ii1kIiik oasy. Cures swollen nml sHcathi; feet, blisters nnd callous spots, Kclleics corns mid bunions of nil nln nnd nl threat nnd comfort. Try It today. Sold by nil ilriiRKlsts nnd shoo stores for'J5c. Trln package free. Address, Allen S. (Minuted, I.u Itoy. N. Y. THElNFLUENCE of the Mother shapes the course of unborn generations goes sounding through all the ages nnd enters the confines of Eternity. With what care, there fore, should the Expectant Moth er be guarded, and how great the effort be to ward off danger and make her life joyous and happy. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays all re lieves the Headache Cramps, and Nau sea, and so fully pre pares the system that Childbirth is made easy and the time or recovery short ened many say " stronger after than before confinement." It in sures safety to life of both moth er and child. All who have used Mother's Friend " say they will nev er be without it again. No other remedy robs confinement of its pain "A. cuitomor Mthoso wifo uaed 'Mother's Friend,' Bayt that If ahu had to go through tho ordeal again, and thoro wero but four bottles to he obtained, and the cost was 9100XX) per bottle, he would have thorn.'' Geo. Lavton, Dayton, Ohio Sent by express, ou rccolpiof piicn. fl.00 I'F.R IIOTTtiE. Hooic to "KXl'ECTAN'T MOTH HltS" mailed freo uoon unification, containing valuable Information and voluntary testimonial TMI BMDFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLNT,a' SOLO V ALL DRUaaiSTS. Through Service BETWEEN ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF TEXAS. WAGNER BUFFET SLEEPERS AND FREE RECLINING KATY CHAIR CARS DINING STATIONS OPERATED BY THE COMPANY. SUPERIOR MEALS, Fifty Cents. UANUUIJ'll MoNl'lT, ATTOHNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW, Siicciul nttontlon to Comiiioroidl nnd I'rolmto Litigation. MOON BLOCK, KKI) CLOUD, NEIIKASAA. EVVHB "" I "IRONING MADE ESY" STARCH Jf - -REQUIRES NO COOKING7' U MAUI I MAKES COLLARS AND GUFFS STIFF AND NICE Wm I f iTn Wiii E W?iiiiirri 1 Wm I ONE POUND OP THIS STARCH WILL 00 I Wmd AS FAR AS A POUND AND X HALF I WJ I OF ANY. OTHER STARCH." JOTM m pA0TM.TURED OHyy ffiBO lLtHy.HUBINGERBR0S.CO W RKEOKUKjOWA. NEW HAVEN,CQNN.jd W This stnrch Is prepared on scientific principles b mon who haro had yonrs of practical zperirnen in fancy laundering. It rentoros old linen nnd snmmor dresses to their natural uhItrnpH nnd Imparts n beautiful and lasting flulsh. It Is tho only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless containing nnithor arsenic, alum or any other sulwtanco Injurious to linen and can bo usod oven for a baby powder. For "sale by all wholesale and retail grocers. PLATT & FREES CO.. Ghieago lumber Yard, KKI) CI.OU1), Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAI Building; material, Bto. Red Cloud. - - Nebraska.. TfceG0P!f6 Jt V Mt W 11 SW m'MmMMMMMMMuMMMMMMMMMM m Ml II w -J 'Jtm m Most fnfclnntlnir lavcn tlonof tlifiip' Aluins rvwly to entertain. It ivqulrvs nopkill tooiT ote It nnd rvjinxltu-e tlio mtislc of lumJs, nrchck tnu. vornllvts orltiftru- mi iitiilmlolslp. Tliirt; Is I nothing like It for nn cvliiImk f ciiiurtaiiimiw. Other bo-calliM talltltiK, muchlni-s rcprrnJuco only rcconls ot tut-nnd-driwl 6ul.Joclf.Mi;clally lirciuiwl liittlatx)mtr-, but Hits Grnjliolionc Is not limited to such iTforrnanct8. On Hits liruiihonliono you con easily inuko and ins-tniitli rvimxluce K-conU ot Hiu volw. or any couml. Tlim It constantly owuktns new inurt'st nml its charm Is ever fresh. The reproductions aru clear auJ brilliant. GNMMHes are siM Ir $ioa:P" Mnnufni'tiirMl muter thn lAtrnU of "clI.Tnlnlrr. 1M180H nml Minlonnhl , Our V"!:1 l,"J,,'?,i 'f.f.'i n.i quiirti'nt rtln worlrt for IMklmrMiirliliiiiiuiil fulkliisJUililiioSuiPiiilfi. Write for camluKuc. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. 72()7.,,J()llcM.,J)T. UlUIb MO. NEWYOflK. I'AIIIS. CI1ICAHO. T. I.OUIB. rillLAIIKLMIIA. 11ALTIMOIIC. wabiiinoton iiurrAi-o. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, I'KOL'lllETOll. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. il ALWAYS ON TAP. J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown g Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plates. rOHCELAIN INI.AT And all the latest Improvement Iu dental much anlsm ECttlekftttr' Kacllth Dlm ENNYR0YAL K-V Original anil Only C Jv ' '"J" rilUiit. Chlefcrtttr' Kaclltlt ntamomt Ilraaa. PILLS 1j.n.ilnA. antra ..W Imi.flil for CKUXMat 'iijIU Din Mn..f llrinf in IIJUI U UlitA m.im4iia Mltl 1J wlta lil 1.0 ribniD. luo t. f7iAiu .i.ianwnui miitiltittLm Hon and mUtHmt Ai DrosiUci, or ioa 4iu in tiinrMt fur pnlealt.ri. inilmooUli do T"T. m, m . . .' .... .- .- MftIL 10.000 rriiimooiaJi.. JtfaM lpr lchrtrCkeUaC.MdUon 1'UCO CkU ijlair UMiUTtitflM. - 1'IULAUA. I'A Jpj sQcf ' PABSTMILWI jn fj ff NEBRASKA. WITHOUT DRUGS I A list of tliudiseusos that can bo ft; red by OSTEOPATHY OSTEOFATAY ia the scienco of tlniulusH healing. It is a means of atljuMitiR abnormal coiulit iocs of tho body nnd lestoriiig its functions. Osteopathy is found ed on tho principles of Anatomy, Fhysiolopy, and by skillful ma nipulation the Osteopath reaches tliu .-iinif n-Milts ohiainod by drugs without, leaving tho injur ious effects of medicine, MARY CHASE ROCKWELL, DIl'LOMATE IN OSTEOPATHY, Has opened ollice in tho north noith rooms os the Moon Block, (ud !t!iirs), whero sho will givo full Osteopathic treatment. The following diseases are success fully treated by Osteopathy. AMlima, atrowliy, narftll, heailacho, erzcniR, feerti, Boltre. catarrh, erysln clnti. backache, couftlpHtlon, chronic (llnrrhoea, dyHi0)la, lilsloiihiienB, drop ty. kidney dliea(CH. tllttaut peculiar to u omtn a iptctalty, rhcumallHm, baldness poor clrcultlon. torpid liver, abscesses, Keneial debility, varatoso veins, deaf Hess, bronchitis, throat diseases, lutiK tr(iutIes, dlbcases of the eye, nervous pro&tratlon, etc. Office Hours 9 to ia and 1 to 4. Consultation Free, 'I BihI 11 H Mm kV mmWmm I I BH MMM MMWM MMk MM MKMWA rjiwiti. nnd Trade-Marki obtained and all Fat-' ent business conuucteuior moderate fee. OUR OFflCt I. OPPOSITE U.S. PATENTOrf-ICE and we can secure Pa obitc,u.o. r.i bi stent in 1cm time I remote from Washington. . Send model, draving or photo,, with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of( We advise, if patentable or not, tree 01 e. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , mpmlet " Ht" Obtain l'atents," with of same in the U. S. and foreign countries charge, 1 A PAM COil of Si lent free. Address. n AQiunWrVCO. a-BS WBV - mm - - PP. PATEW NT OfflCE. WAtHINQTON. D. C. Chimney brick. Cistern brick. AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. PARKER'S HAIU LwaSANI , OTfuifi nd Uiotlllei tb hAlr. Wir Fafla to Bcitorq. Uray ililr to It youttirui vojor. Curtis I'Tilp dlm t htlr TUU)f. A tl V V 4 i 9, 1 r rrv-