THE IlED CLOUD CIDER 0 w TS CONDENSED SKETCHES OF ACTUAL HOSTILITIES. 1'tntn, t'nvnml'lieil r,ir:t;r:tpli Fiirlrtiy liiK 'I rnllifnl )ui nf lUents iih llirj Hut)' or Will lliiiirii Movement", of .Aim.v unit Nuv) Departmental ilnlno Wrtltif 11I11'. Mn.v IH. I'p to hist night '.'.'. "isn volunteers tin! boon mustered into tin- service nf the lulled stuic. 'I'lii' torpedo boat destroyer Yankton mid tlii' torpedo l)niit Mclvoc have been )iliii'Oit in commission and will be sent to Key West. lloports from Key West slwv. t tin t lln condition of tin- torpedo boat Wins low Is wurti' than was supposed, ami it Is believed it will ! necessary to H'lid her to Norfolk niivy yard for re jialrs, The three liatllionsof (lie I'irst Ne braska volunteers Joined at t heyenne early yesterday iiiornitia? Several of tin boys have been slightly indisposed, tint on' the whole they are standing the journey well. Kvcry newspaper correspondent in Tampa", I'la.. has been olllciully noli lied that in future no mention must lie itiaile of a nv feiunll expedition similar to that of the (iussie last week until the siieeess of the expedition has been assured hy the leturn of the boat. The bloel;ade of .Manila is extr.'tnclv rigid and several foreign tliips have been rcfiisct- admit tanee. Tin rebels iitv useless as allies of Admiral Dewey. Thev are utterly disunited, tpiite half f tin m being in favor of Jspnin. The favile ii.-scuul was found empty. oloiiel Miipiel of the artillery coin ii 'Med suieide beeause lie discovered tuat tin ammunition was not existent. llntig Kong special savs: Ci.nsul Wililiiiuu has returned hero Irani how loon bay. wliere he tnulc the in surgent leader, ( Agiiinuldo. iiml his cabinet on the Hugh Me- i nlliich. Arrangcnu tits were made for Uo insurgents to storm Manila. The dispatch adds that it is absolutely nec essary that ino.-c Ani.-i-lcuu warships niui a strong military tore: o.' sent to Dewey's aid at nine. Tlittrila.v. Muv I'.l. The Second regiment NobrasUa vol tintcer iufatitry It-It tills evening for i hickumuugn. I p to this morning '.i.". 000 volunteer-, yud been inustercd into the .service of jhe I nlted States. The first regiment N'ebraslca volun teer infantry readied San Francisco At in o'clock today and went into camp on the race tract:. 'I he Charleston, w hich was said to have salted n week ago, did not leave .Sail I'Ynnsciseo until yesterday. It carries supplies to Dewey. The Spanish licet at adl.. Spain, is ready for sea. The licet is epcctcd to salt for tlit Philippines before the end of the mouth with 1 1. mil) troops. Ohio's ','IKI naval reserves refiis-d to go to tin- front unless they muld go in a linla , and consciiuently tiie govern mentis looking clsowhere for that state's ijuota. The luittlesliip Alaliauia was launched from I ramp's ship yards at Philadelphia yesterday. The' launch ing was private. Senator Morgan's daughter acteil as sponsor. The government bus called for bids for the construction of three lli-st class battleships, sixteen torpedo boat des troyers and twelve torpedo boat. The construction of these vessels as initliori.eil by the passage of u bill a mouth or .so ago. After an Idleness of thirty vears the Allegheny arsenal shops at Pittsburg. I'a., have started up, and a largo force of inen was put to work manufacturing icatncr noons tor iiriuy use. saddles, Jiarncss. bells, etc., will be turned out as rapidly as possible. Secretary Long gave out the welcome Information yesterday afternoon that tin- battleship Oregon had success fully completed her long trip from Sail IVunclsco. The secretary did not sav w lictlu-r the Oregon had joined Ail miral Sampson's Hoot or not. 1'rlilxy, Mny 'SO. France is beginning to see her mis false in espousing the cause of Spain, and also fears an Anglo-Saxon alliance. On account of a trivial accident to Its condensers, the cruiser Charleston was obliged to put back to San Fran cisco for repairs. It will leave in two days. Kx-nicinbers of Thurston rifles, who failed to pass the lirst examination, are now at work the Junior Thurston rifles to be ready lor another call to tho fiont The strictest kind of censorship has been established at Tampa, and abso lutely nothing pertaining to naval or military movements from that port will ho allowed to be sent. The Second regiment of tho Xebras ha volunteer Infantry got away from Lincoln last evening at ic to o'clock I'hey left in batallions over the II .V M., Koclc Island and Klkhorn. A report oame late last evening that the Spanish ape Verde licet hud sue c -ded In reaching Santiago do Cuba. Todays advices conllrin tho report and a battle is believed to be imminent be tween It anil Admiral Sampson's licet, (ieorgo A.liaynes of Chicago has ten dered to President .MoKlnley a full regiment of trained Cauailian-Anierl-Din soldiers. Most of the men in the. r.'giment liavo been connected with the Hrltish army, lie states ho has rnoiigh naiucs to 1111 out another regi ment if needed. Colonel J. Aryan's regiment Is nearly full, a sunk-lent nuinber of companies having been olTcrod. The Lincoln company was organized last night, -Mr. Hrynn being the llrst to en list, which it was necessary for him to tlo in order to bo colonel. The work of organizing tho regiment is In the builds of tho veteran l.ononU ietor Vlfquain. Although tiiP.priiU's of provisions at Havana nrcWry lijph. it In calculated that there is food enough ohmiuabh W last about Hvo mouths, because, It Uassurtyd, considerable stoivs were to, In before tho blockade, and no visions arc allowed to he sent from Iiere to the interior towns Lggs ' 's' in cents cacti; a glass of milk from '.'() to !.'. cents, and the size of the loaf of bread 1i:ih been reduced one-half. Tills, however, was done before the block ade begun. Tlicre are thousands of men from the cigar, tobacco and other factories out of work, ami the author ities are employing us many of them as possible on the foitlllcutinns. The nuinber of men idle is a matter ivliieh causes the authorities considerable anxiety. 1'p to the present they have been provided witli food in one way or another, mainly by their former em ployers, being compelled to contribute to their maintenance, but the time must come w lien these men will feel tin- pangs of hunger and then rioting is sure to follow . snl iinlii . Mn '!l. Itctwecii s.iioii and in. una Spanish troops, drawn from atalouia. Audul sin. Arugou and Valencia, are cm hulking at F.uioelonn for tin- Philip pines, Four hundred sixty stalwart Swedish-Americans in Chicago arc anxious to join the WO I'.ritish-Aincricans there and form a icijlineiil to serve I'nele Sam. Complaints of the shoeless ainonjr the volunteers just brought Into the army will soon be silenced, as the 1,'ov criiment has just placed orders for .'Oli.uoil pairs of soldiers" shoes. At Montreal yesterday Senor Polo y lleriiabe and his suite went on board tin- Dominion line steamship Dominion at a late hour. The ship sails early lomoriow morulne;. The ex-minister icfused to tall; to reporters. Troop A. Captain Culvers cavalry, departed from the fair lrrounds at Lin coln last evening over the Missouri Pacilie, bound for ( hicUamaua. (la. The mobiliatloii of tump-, in Lincoln is now only a reininiscciise. The regular dally departure of the Spanish tlcet from ( .nil, to tiie Phil ippines failed to lie chronicled by the newspaper correspondents toila. So far. accordiiiir to them, no less than .seventeen Herts have sailed from Cadi.. Admiral Cerera. ami his elusiye Cape Verde s'piadroii. has been located at Santiago de Cuba. If such is Un ease Admiral Ccrvcra has entered a port from which he will not escape. Hut as it U very hard now to ifet authentic news of mmviiii'iil -. of the llccts. the cliamcs are we will, know more about atl'airs later mi. Preparations for tin- Philippine ex pedition pi steadily forward, den oral Mciritt 1-. now on his way to San I'raucisco to take command of his forces. Additional rcjriments ot regu lar army troops lur.c been ordered to join his command, and the war de partment is show intr u disposition to treat (iencral Mcrrltt with the utmost liberality in the equipment of his force. Secretary Aljjor has M-ut to the sec retary ot the trc'isiirer for trausinis sioti to conifrcss supplemental ostlmiiti-s of appronriations a it jrei,'atiuir Sss,r,:ts,sil icipiireil by the war depiirtmcnt lor the support of the regular and oluuleer armies of the 1'nitcil States for the Hr-,1 six moutlis of the 11 so: 1 jear oiulini; . I line :in. Is'.c.i. in addition to the amounts appropri ated in the acts of March l.'i ami May I. Ih'.is, The principal items for which appropriations are asked are: Pay for volunteers, S'.'.''il.'rd'i; subsistence of the army, Slo.'.'IH. P.'.".: transportation SVO.oiio.iHXi; clothing and cipiipincnt, S,Jl,.V.'il.llO. Minihiy, .Mil 'I'J, Spain Is making strenuous ctVorts to win the insurgents over. Spain hopes for a general war. She thinks in that event she would have many allies. A passenger train on the Chattanoo ga, Koine A Southern railroad collided witli a train bearing the I'irst Missou ri regiment to ( hickumuiign nark yes terday. One private was killed and several others Injured. Yesterday's papers contained scare hcadsof a battle between Sampson and Ccrvcra, in which it was said twelve Spanish boats were sunk and two American boats were disabled. It is otlleially denied this morning. Seventy-live women, all of prominent St. Joseph. Mo., families, met and adopted resolutions to neither buy nor wear French made goods, and to dis courage the merchants whom they patroui.e from handling French pro ducts. After their arrival at Chattanooga, Teiin., the .second regiment Xebraska volunteers marched' four miles to i hickamauga nark. While in town, Company 1 (Lincoln Light lnfautryi gave unc xhiliitiou trumpet drill that tool; the town by storm. A Merlin dispatch says the Herman foreign olllec bus received reports from Paris saying ! ranee Is indignant at the An eriean cable cuttings, consider ing such action to b contrary to in ternational law, and that sin- Intends to ask the powers to protest against It The fact that the First regiment of Nebraska volunteers was supplied w 1th ten day's rations has boon a matter for congratulation ever since their arrival at San F. anclsco, lor the simple reason t lut t they have not had to worry about food as the other regiments are doing. Tin- modern monitor Monterey, sta tioned atSau Francisco, is under orders to sail for Manila to reinforce Admiral Dcwc.v's squadron. The Monterey is ,i tower of strength in herself and coin bines with her offensive and defiiislve qualities a phcuomiiial vuvvorthiucss. she w ill start on tho trip us soon as she is coaled. Pat Ford. jr.. of Omaha, who is said to have been on tin- Maine when it was blow ii. and who has since been serving on the gunboat Marhlchcad, had a llfteeii-ycar penitentiary sen tence wiped out Saturday by the gov ernor granting him a pardon. Young Ford enlisted In the navy .May 1, is'.Kl, nt lloston, Mas.. .Mniiiiii, .Miij '.-a, The London Dally Times fails to see wherein Admiral Ccrveni showed him self a great strategist in going into the harbor of Santiago do Cuba where one or two vessels, which the American navy could easily spare, could bottle him up On a telegram from Washington the Carpentur stool works late last night so popular. The latter songs aroused sent 1 .10 thirtceu-ineh projectiles, iles- j In them a purer, more friendly feeling Jlpetl for Sampson's licet. These for the laud Into which they were weigh l.'.'Oi) poundrt'oaoh and will go I journeying. At Murfreesboro the throuijh anything Spanish alloat. Over train stopped -for a low. minutes ami soo projectiles of .somewhat similar the boya in the coaulu-H availed tlioin sl.e go tomorrow for Sun Fransclsco selves of the opportunity to lave their for Dewey at Matilhi. ' faces, lu the cool waters of S'o.i' river Sherman Avery White, formerly major of the Second battalion, univer sity cadets and now rotfimcntnl quarter master sergeant. I'irM Nebraska, writes from San 1'ransciseo. stutiiiR that the boys are rather worn out after their hint,' trip but are rapidly ifcttitijf Into iooil snirits aititn. The ride was slow and tiresoiue, hardtack was poor stulV after tho fare they had enjoyed in camp, ami the weather was cold' with snow fullinj,' part of the time. They expect to sail early this week on tli',- ( ity of Pekin. All the regiments in camp at ('lik-lm inaitira have settled down to hard work and are umlcrirolne; praetiea'. traininir In the art of war. The business-like methods beinir pursued by (iencral Itro.ikc will make the army available for service tnncli earlier than many olllcers believed posdhlc. Sup plies of every ileserlptioii coiitinti- li pour in. ( arload a'ter carload ot pro visions arrive, and a vast amount of clothing ami ciii:itfi' is also beine; received. The indications now are the entire army wilt be equipped during the next two weeks. Captain V. K. Wrlilit. assistant iiiartormas tcr. received notice today that l.."0H. Olio cations, in addition to the first or der, had been purchased ami tiro now enroute. Prosper. Lay.ard . Co have beuii wo ': on an immense battery in the parts. This firm has a contract to supply the arm with T.'i.ouii loaves of bread daily. 'I'he chaplains of the va rious regiments have started a light against the liquor saloons. scattered all over the camp. They have a strong backing ami the saloons will probably be abolished. The park army now numbers nearly :t..mi men uiui each day adds to it several thousand. The formation of the I'irst army corps has been completed and today the forma tion of the I'irst division of the Third corps was begun. During the last tew days a nuinber of serious depredations have been committed by tin- worst el ements of the volunteers. The miscre ants have been so severely punished. liowcer. that no further trouble u expected. Tucsil.i), "t.ij ; l. Advices received latf- yesterday indi cated the arrival at Key West of the battleship Oregon. It i now believed the monitor Mon terey will be towed clear across the Pacilie. on account of her limited coal cap.ielt . A report was current yesterday in Loudon financial circles of a forth coming announcement of a Franco-spaui-.h alliance. Spain is ery mad over the fact that American ships sometimes y the Spai isli tlntr for purposes of deception. The call it cowardly and iniquitous.'' Company A. Third regiment, X. X. !.. organized hist night by electing II. li. hitmore. a university graduate, captain. C. I-'. Schwaiv. tirsl lieutenant and K. I!. Morrison second lieutenant. The Home correspondent of tli- Lon don i hroniclc says In- learns that tin; Vatican's declaration of neutrality vn.. due to a notification from Washington that no manifestations of sympathy witli Spain would be tolerated". ' A St. Johns. X. I'., dispatch savs tin captain of an Knglish warship has urged sir Herbert Murray, governor, to advise the Fulled State's to semi one of its fastest cruisers to patrol the grand banks for a week or more, that the cruiser. u sighting Spaniards might warn I uiied Mates. The First regiment of California vol untccrs embarked on the City of Pekin at San I'lanciscoyesterday. The Second Oregon and one battalion of the Four teenth iufantrav Fnited States regulars will embark today on the City of Sidney. Moth boats will depart' for Manila as soon as supplies are taken on board. The soldier hoys do not appear to bt in very good odor with the residents of Chattanooga. Several rowdies have disgraced themselves by insulting la dies on the streets and this has angered the eltlens. Needles to say that none of the Ne1 r .sums have dune any thing lik". this. All the boys seem to value their reputations and that of the state which they represent and Colonel Mills places his trust in their actions to such an extent that they want to hoop it. As the train approached Chattanooga the Nebraska boys manifested the greatest interest in Lookout mountain. They saw a mountain covered witli thickly growing trees, the top sur mounted by a hotel, railroad track and other modern conveniences. Colonel Mills pointel out tli- spot where (ien cral Hooker and his troops climbed up on their journey to the clouds and where the stars ami stripes were plant ed. A few miles further on Mission ary Ithlge was observed. Moth these scenes were inspected closely by the Nebraskaiis. Col. John P. Mrattof the First Xe braska regiment of volunteers lias tel egraphed from San Francisco the amount which ho llmls by the pay roll Is dm- to olllcers ami enlisted men now with him. Tho amount IsStl.loo, Tel egraphic instructions will be given Colonel Mratt to draw on tin state for the money. The same order will be telegraphed to I olonel Mills of the Sec ond Nebraska regiment. The work of checking over the Second regiment pay roll will be completed today. The t it'al for that regiment including pay ol those who wore rejected i.s over The boys of tho Second regiment, Xebraska volunteers, arrived in Camp Chiekaiuauga Sunday. They were pretty tired but otherwise were o. k. On approaching Chattanooga the tlrst section bearing the llrst battalion nar rowly missed being run into by a pas senger train. The two trains' stopped within lao feet of each other, 'i'he llrst battalion arrived in historic Mur frecsboro at 7:1.1 a. in. Saturday, A few miles north it passed the cemetery where the bodies of tin- veterans who fell at the battle of Stone river lie. The sight quieted tin- boys immediate ly. A few minutes later they were singing "On the Manksof theW'abash," 'Way Down Fpou theSwanee Illver" ami "Dixie." The. llrst carried them back to thoir'hotnes where it has been CAiaOSORKElTBLIC? DECIDED MOVEMENT ON IN SPAIN AGAINST QUEEN. llir Hur Not m I'npnliir iik Aiurrlians llcllfK'd Muny Spun I unlit I'lilnli the I. ins nf tiie ('iiloiili'H Would llcni'lll llic Country. Nkw Vohk. May '-',. A dispatch to tin- Xew York Herald from Madrid says: The Hituatlon in Spain Is much more serious then it is generally said to be. P.IaeU clouds are gathering over tho peninsula anil It will bo Impossible to avoid the storm which will hurst with terrible efl'oet and sweep away everything in Its path. Spain Is just now passing through a very serious economic, crisis. It in tho result of an extraordinary rise in ex change on France, which one- day reached li;. percent. Taking advan tage of the exchange. French and l!ol glan corn factors liavo bought up all the wheat In Spain, which they at once exported, reatlzing consid erable prollts, and when tin- Cortes passed a bill prohibiting the export of cereals, the stock of corn ami wtieat had already crossed the frontier, leaving Spain without food for her own people. It. therefore, became nec essary to buy Hour abroad at ruinous prices to meet immediate needs. In Madrid the riso In tho price of bread has not yet made itself felt, the mayor promised to indemnify the bakers out of tho municipal funds, but the credits for this purpose are not largo and when they are exhausted the .Madrid bakers will also he obliged to raise their prices. What will happen then? The people, already in such straits, will inevitably join the numerous political and other malcontents, and tho result may vevy well be civil war. After this revolution, which the army will be powerless to put down, will Don Carlos oomo Into power or will a republic be proclaimed? It is very dltllcult to prophesy on this point. It Is certain, however, that the queen regent does not enjoy much sympathy among the people. She i.s blamed fo'r several things, the chief of which are ' that she too frequently follows the ad vice of her mother, the Archduchess Elizabeth of Austria, when a dilllculty arises, and that she too ostentatiously hiirrounds herself with cardinals and bishops, wlio are sovereign masters at court. Spaniards also blame tho queen regent for always remaining in retire ment when there is question of her presence at any great fete. They do not know her, and consequently can have no sympathy for her. The young king is never in question. ,n iWiuaiusian senator, who is an out autl out Loyalist, said: --The queen regei. began by losing tho friendship ..!... I I .1 .. , l '.', ' I''l"'- l'' "-'r sympa thics. Xovv she is on tho way to lose. their respect." Tho queen regent was not present at the patriotic "grand corrida," the re ceipts from which were destined for the national subscription, the other day, because she feared a hostile dem onstration, which certainly would have occurred had shu passed through the streets. As regards the war the people do not entirely share the opinion of the queen regent. The loss of ( uba and Porto Uico and tin.- Philippines would cause the Spanish people to rejoice. Cuba, Porto Mico and tho Philippines were three milch cows of the ruined gran dees of Spain, and the Spanish people were overwhelmed with taxation to keep them up, "Let tho Americans rid us of Cuba and the Philippines, H would be the greatest good they could do us. Thev ought to have been given to them without war." That is what I liavo heard at least '.'00 times from the liiouthsof the Span ish people, and I am convinced an Im mense majority think this now. In government circles there i.s a con viction that Kurope will intervene and this i.s tho last hope which seems to keep them up. TO SEIZE ALL COLLIERS. Tho United State- "Will Jtrj;iint Cii.illar; VCHM-Il lit Hf'IV US Illlt'llllf'H. Washington, May 2.'.- Notice has been given to nil tho powers that, ponding tho present hostilities, the Fnited States will not hold coal to be contraband of war, hut vessels carry ing it will be regarded as enemies. In other words, If the vessels in the fleet off Cuba or in West Indian waters dis cover a collier cruising that cannot give a very clear account of herself, no matter what the flag sho Is Hying, she will be taken prisoner and the hhlp and cargo libeled as any Spanish ves sel would he, nnd she hi liable to be tired into ami sunk If discovered out side of the international limit at sea. u Tobacco Trust 1'orioeil. Sr. I.ot-m. Mn May ",',. -It Is under stood that the ileal for the consolida tion of tho plug tobacco factories lu the I'nlted States has fallen through. It is claimed that the terms were too low. ami the owners of the plug fac tories considered that the American Tobacco company was getting tho bet tor of tho bargain. Tevas Wheal llmlly llaiiiiiKt'il. IUiias, Texas, May W. Koports from a tlo.en or more counties in tho North Texas wheat belt htato that fully one-half the wheat crop has been destroyed by the tornado of Friday night ami the suvero rains and winds that followed. Other grain Buffered correspondingly, Tii Tnkn Catlllo' l'liice. .Maimiui, May ,.,5.--I)uko Almeih.var do Itio ha, accepted tho portfolio of mlnlstor.fytiforcign tq ami doullttil by ScnotLcofc Oistlllo, F'.c J? are,M3ai!or a,. IV.'Ia. MORE TROOPS ARE NEEDED Spuln Will Sluy In tin- MkIH t'utll Slit- Is Cllirly ItoiiK-it, Vv vsiiivotox-, May '.'.I. A dispatch to the New York Tribune from Wash ington says; Another cull for volutitccr-i M under vrlolls roasldcriitlon by the mllltiirv tiuthnrlllcs. ill thimvli ltniuv tint l- Issicd for nt least a w oris or Imo. or. at any rati- until thn laviiilon of rub.i Inn bivuti mid the necessity for addition al troops Is ch-urlv ileaiotistrnled. Tho tmex-jM-eti-i! uiui extraordinary itrala on tho regular mid volunteer fom? by tho Philippines expe dition. noiTsslintlin,' at the outset S,wm men. toji-tht-r with Hie priMpect that Sp.iln will not be iiitliii-ariit tiy i:urop-an powers to abandon tier futile slni'le. but will wane war until her resources no- exhausted. Is cautliiif the mill tnrv iiallmrltli'st'oa-lderablc miNiel.v rt'iairdhu' the siiilli-li-iK-v of He- nrim-il force of the cv riunent for fiirrvlnic out the luspoiislbllltlos which have been under! u lien 'I'lii- simple Lull of fret'liur Cuba has been In creased, thnim-h the necessities arising III tilt Philippines n id ttuoiik'li tli" proh'thlllty of !" tin; compelled to main' tin an .iimvof occup-i-Hon la Cuba M-verul jours Is be i.innltu; to assume tremead ms dimensions. If Potlo lllco Is added to the scales eicnttmllv. as tin- Phillppln -s were, the m.iuullnd" of Ameri can lesponsibllllv will be i'i.iti'1 tally Itiereiised, nnd fiuther Increase of the army will bt) com juitsorv Many public men are hcirlnaltitf to ex press the convlctlo i tho forces of the Culled Stales will bens dllilcall to withdraw from Cuba as thu-o of Kuulaud have been from lls'.vpt, nlthiiiiKli there Is no moUltlratlon tip to tills tlmu of the resolution to miiKo Cubii a free and autonomous reputillc unit not a mere dependent territorial ticinlsltlon. With Mvnrtl to tho Philippines mid Porto ltlco, how ever, n dlspoiltlon Is nlieiidy manifested to re liant them as fi alls of victory and. la view of the notorious luciip.icltv of their Inhabitants for st-if-Koveruiiii'iit, to t.ilio pormmient pos session of th"m and provide them with com pl"le establishments. Kvcutunlly they mav b'coine In part self-covcralia,'. bat the stioii' arm of the fulled States amy have to be evitcd liiili'italtulv lo prosirvu their peace unit prosperity. The authoil7ed urensth of the nrmy a month ilia was A'i.'i'k) wen. It has now ln'on tncieased to IW..VH) tuitl of tic hitler number '.m.ui wlllb ncttrillv uader arms and In the Hold before, .tune 1 t if tills Inoiruv- tiy the oxjiiiiislon of tho reg ular service tlmiiuh lis leorual.itloa utiil-T the thieo battiiHoa foimiitlon, .Tl.uoo men have b'va added, tin- other portion havliu: been icijulivd through the cull for volunteers and by nii'iiisnf the enlistment of two brigades of ImiiitiiiL-s and one of riiKlnters. It Is iilremty ihe prevailing belief that tho ox ptuislou tif the ovular service, though contem plated onlv for the duration of the war, will be permanent, and thai tli" xtumlltii: nrmy will ii'-v-'r luraln full below .M'iU 'Iho latter num ber III the opinion of t Miles. Is essential ft i - iH'r.iiliin in Cuba ne ,i summer. althoah an si nf the lav adlnu force will necessarily bo oir.p' sod of volunteer . The '.ipld tit vi'Iopia 'in of the Cuban Invasion jiim.i-i'I N clveii ns another Itii'.lcalloa of tho fortlicumin:' ueccssltv for additional volutin ers. In Its Inception months urn tho programme coateinpliiieil force of only .".") men to estab lish a In. so of supplies tloin which thoCiihali hi stiri:' nts were to be armed, clothed and fed and their campaign waitlist the Spaniards supported as occasion re iiilrod. This plan m based on iho pii'siimpilon tlir.t reports P'unrilliii; tin- In surgent streuKth which hud ben reielved fioni Aui'T'ciin consuls and others for tho last two j ears were accurate, mid that Iho ability of iienei.wi.iomo tocneh Hie s-paalards mid shut lliem up 111 the coast cults had not been omi;.--la-rntnl. Por neatly two years positive as-o. lions had Won aiuu-ious that the Cubans, with nieielv the moral tuiiiuruKi'iir-ui of the I'nlted Stales tlirmiuli a lecoumtton of bellirer cnc.v. would ipilctily accomplish their own Inde pendence. Within the last mouth the faNity of these s. onions hat tjoii demonstrated to Ihe complete satisfaction of tho authorities here, through the reports of roiailuriirmy ofllcers who have made leconnolssancos In the Island It Is now tlellailoly Itnown little or no assist mice ft urn tho vaunted "armies of liberation" to etl be exiH'ctod. On Hit, contrary, tho latest Information, which U of undoubttsl trustworth iness, indicates conclusively that had no small a fotccusiit tlr-t contemplated been lambs! in Cuba Hi" rapid concentiatlon of ispanlsh troops ii'alnst It would liavo I'liilst'tt Us speedy rcticat or le-ultt d in lis mmllillutloii Thl. radical tllslllusiii'imciu of thoso enthus iasts who predicted Spanish abandonment of I aba at the llrst ov iileuco of a threatening atti tude on the purl of the Ptilteil .states, In part, at least accounts for the ptccaullons and do lujs which are now apparent la tho piepara lions for invasion. The numerical strencth of thoinlvancoKuard Is now plaretl at nearly '.U tun. with tho assertion Unit no movement will occur until twice that number nro equipped nnd ready I" tespond Instantly to any call for iclti forcements which may bo Imperatively do. inuiiilod. IYI0NTIJ0 REPORTED SHOT. Humored In lliuliitl That Hie Admiral Whs Coiirt-Murllalcil for NcqIIki'Iici'. Sr. I.on.s, Mo.. May '.. A Madrid dispatch to the St. Louis (ilobe-l)cino-crat says: The rumor is again current hero to-night that Admiral Montijo has been court-martialed ami shot at Manila, by order of Captain Ocneral Agusti. It i.s imposxlble to obtain any confirmation of tho news, but it gener ally believed to bo true. If this Is really tho ease his fate will not bo regretted, for the enthusiasm which at first prevailed hero with re aped to the gallantry of his defense against overwhelming odds has given way to a feeling of profound exaspera tion, caused by his incredible lack of preparation to resist Admiral Dewey. Ofllcers here declare that he was guilty tif the most criminal negli gence in having no lookout kept for American sfjunilron, which was known to bo on its way to .Manila, ami not even having steam up on board his .hips. Such negligence is considered to de mand a court-martial, ami it is quite possible that the court-martial may liavo been held ami the admiral pun 'shetl by death. Central llniucli Is Sold. Atciii.son, Kan., .May ".'.Tho Cen tral Hrauch Fnloti Pacilie railroad, or that portion of it extending from Atch ison through Northern Kansas to W att rvlllo, a distance of 100 miles, was sold at Atchison yesterday under a Insure tl M of nl Captain Desclinmps of tho hpani steamer Montserrat, which recently arrived at C'orunim from Clenfuegos. Tho epioen regent personally presented tho captain with the insignia. jua!(erH Dtr Not Approve. Nr.vv Yokk, May as.The Friends, nt their annual meeting in this city yes terday, In keeping with their old-tlmo lfas, protested against tho war now going on between tho United States fortit'losuro tlccreo oft jioluiliiLM t ra lH tloiH ;.ml Suaiu NEW RUMORS OF VICTORY. London Humors Denied lo the uvy lit partini'iil. Lovno.v, May 3.1. 1'crfilntonl rttmori were In circulation hero early to-day to the elVcct that a great naval battle has been fought In the vicinity of tho Windward passage, between the east ern end of Cuba and tho west ward part of HayM. hi which both tho American squadrons clos"d in on the Spanish Cape Vertlo squadron, commanded by Atimiral Ccrvcra, ami completely de stroyed the Spanish ships. A dispatch from Kingston, .limalca, to l.etttcr's Telegram company, said news hail been received thereof a re ported battle in the Windward passage, ailding that no American or Spanish war ships have visited .laiuaicri porta since the beginning of the war. M viiuiK. May.'", noon. It is otlleially announctl that the squadron of Ad miral Ccrvcra was still at Santiago tin Cuba yesterday. Secret orders liavo been given to Admiral crvera as to what course lo pursue in the event of the inericans' attempting to cut com munications between Cuba and Spain. Americans continue to occupy sta tions outside of Havana. Clenfitcgos, Cardenas and Santiago tic Cuba. Thero are now nineteen Ain-rieau warshlpi before Havana. Kkv Wi:sr, Flu.. Maj r.. The move ments of the I'nlted States licet, which are known here, make it ab-oltPoly certain that no battle has yet occurred, but an engagement Is expeotetl to tako place this week. The Spr.niih ll.-ot has been definitely located. Ni.vv Yoiiii. May '.'.". -A Key West i orrespontlent telegraphs to tic New York ICveuiug World that he has in formation from an unimpeachable au thority that the .Spanish fleet !. still at Santiago. Wasiiimho.v, May '.:. -Notwii'i-.'.tatitling persistent rumors in circula tion to the elVeet thai a great naval en gagement hail been fought in the Wind ward passage resulting in lie- do st ruction of the .Spanish licet, it can he stated positively that the Navy department has had no information that lends In the slightest to cotidrm these rumors. I'nk-ss the iiuprnb.iblo happens, there Is no immediate pro. peel of a naval i tigugoiiicnt of an,v mag nitude. In the opinion of the n.ivy de partment ollleials. The unanimity with which the b.'st informed ox proas this view almost warrants the conclusion it Is based upon knowledge that tho hostile ltccts nro again far apart. In deed there is no ccrtalnt.v that Ati miral Ccrvcra Is not already homeward bound, providing he has succeeded in securing a supply of coal, for lie could not make the run back to the Caunric.j with less than :.:.o or 3.000 tons. SPAIN SCOLDS ABOUT US. Tin, Clll'opeau I'iihiti Ashed lo Nollct) Alll'Kctl Violations of l.itw. .Mviiitin. M ii-. '.'.". lu the Senate yes .onlay Count Almctias vclteurontly pro tested against the alleged action of some American warships In displaying the Spanish tlag in order to deceive thn garrison of Oiiantniiitmo, as announced mi Saturday last in a dispatch from ( aptalu (iencral Itlauco. who added that the American ships were im mediately recognized ami repulsed.'' The count asked ii the government had untitled the powers of this incident. The minister of the interior, Senor Cupdcpon, replied that he had noti fied the powers, ami described this reported action as "cowardly and in itptltotts." Count Almenas said that. In view ot America's manner of making war, Spain must immediately tlccreo privat eering, In order utterly to destroy American shipping. To this the minister of the Interior replied that the government hail tie liberated upon the matter, "and had even taken certain decisions, which would shortly be known." Count (luciitlulaiii said the Ameri cans' act of piracy was admitted by certain theorists as international law." Senor Martinez I'achceo remarked that it was doubtful whether such an act was legal. Hut," lie added, "in face of the American.' conduct in tho war with Spain we must not show con sidcratiou for them." Continuing, tho speaker protested against Spain's nil heroneo to the ti'-neva convention, whereupon the minister of the Interior replied that Spain had not yet entered the convention. Senator l onde, professor of Inter national law at the Madrid university, warmly denounced what he was pleased to term "the base proceedings" of tho Fulled States, declaring that, If Wash ington authorized r.uch nets, "It did not ili-servo tho name of a civilized government." Tho professor then proceeded to un fold a lengthy indictment of tho al leged war methods of the Americans, insisting that they have shown "no re spect for the right of peoples lu the capture of merchantmen, and in bom bardments," reiterating that tho acta or J no t lined mates, arc uo. uioso oi ij civilized country. Mr. I.c-llo Curler Hurl. .oxiioN, May '.'.I. Mrs. Leslie Carter s severely injured last evening lie playing In "Tho Heart of Mary d" at the Adclphi theater. HI ore Truiiih for Otitn. llili.M.TAii, May ".5.- Yostorday af- iioon tne spntusn steamer tint, of tho C'omnania Transatlantic. lino embarked a battalllon at Alge olras, on tho west side of tho hay ol (llbraltnr, and balled for Ceuta, Moi occo, opposite Gibraltar. rri-parliij for the 1'iieuij, San Dikiio, Cal., May W, Lieuten ant Moylor and a nuinber of his volun teers will to-day begin planting sub marine mines near theliarhor cntraneo and thoy will all bo in placa by Wednesday. sll Kill (l )