The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 27, 1898, Image 4

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Uncle flRplflPV
Sam JffllHr
Says MtmmW
This is Mb rVIW
It will
Purify and
Vltallz Your Blood, Overcome That
Tlr d Feeling. Get a bottle of
Hoods Sarsaparllla and begin to
tak it TODAY, and realize the great
good it Is sure to do you.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
I America's Orcatcst Medicine. All ilniKitlits.
runt.t8iir.i) nr
w. l. McMillan.
Ono jcAr II 00
3lxtnmilliR 50
1'UllUaiIKI) BVKItV KIltllAY
Entered Rt tlio pout olllce nt Itutl Cloud, Kcb.n
locoinl rliunmall matter.
The Hal Cloud, Xcb., CHIEF,
irakly, in cralilcil with the laryesl
circulation arronhd to any pnpir in
Jtul Cloud or in Uhr county or
in the Fifth Conywisioniil District.
I'nnkr's ink, duly 'JS, JS!7.
Washington, I). O , May 2!(.
TIipi'o is morn expectation tlinn war
news in Washington, so far as the pub
lic is concerned. That is why the. hour
ly rumor liuds believers no matter how
wild it may be. There is news im
portant new but it is of contemplat
ed movements rather than of buttles
fought and things accomplished; con
sequently it comes under the ban of
thu censoiship which has been estab
lished by the government and is not
' MltfllVflll til till ItlMilil tllllillii ll (iiliilnU
tiwn.w 111 ill 111 111 t jrififllVi A b I Itll I O
to thu movements of our warships
which are trying to get that Spanish
licet which is dodging around Cuban
waters cornered where it will lie hound
to light, and theto are reasons for ex
pecting the success of the ellorts.
Talk is again prevalent of postpon
ing the invasion of Cuba until fall.
The icasniis given are that the lainy
H' will begin in Cuba about the
tenth of ,lune. during which it will be
impossible to carry on an aggicssive
campaign, ami that it will require sev
eral months to manufacture the
amount of amunitiou that will be
nettled by the army. The fact that
this talk is seini-ollicially encouraged
instead of being rebuked, makes it
probablo that it is intended to throw
tho Spanish otT their guard. It is only
the Spaniards who have contended
that military operations could not bo
carried on in Cuba during tho rainy
season; tho insurgents have proven to
the contrary by milking their most act
ive campaign during that season.
United States troops may be landed in
Cuba any day. What else aro tho
troops being hurried south for?
Speaker Heed's voto in tho commit
tee on rules, of which ho is chairman,
will decide whether a special rulo shall
he reported to tho house for tho con
sideration of the joint resolution for
the annexation of Hawaii, the other
four members of the committee being
equally divided. Although speaker
Heed is opposed to annexation and will
probably vote against tho resolution,
it is expected that in deference to the
wishes of Ids paity ho will vote for tho
rule. If ho does, tho resolution will bo
adopted at once by a largo majority.
Prosidont McKinloy must have suc
ceeded in gotting exceptional mon in
his cabinet. When everybody else is
e igaged in trying by hook or crook to
got a pointer on tho plans of the army
and navy, tho membors of the cabinet
decided that it would bo best to con
fine such knowledge to tho president
and tho secretaries ot war and tho
navy, and in accordanco with that de
cision requested tho president not to
discuss intended movements at cabinet
meetings. Tho gentlemen who have
thus cut tliomselves oil from oppor
tunities to know everything going on
and to go on, say they did not do so
from any lack of interest, but from
V fear that they might, if they know
Wjo plans, in an unguarded moment say
something Unit would servo as a foun
datfon for publications that might re
sult I in frustrating those plans. A
facetious congressman says the mem
bors of tho cabiuot merely
their ignoranou of war plans to escape
being questioned hy their friends and
lamllles, especially tholr wives. Though
ipokon in jest thoro may be some truth
in that idea.
Although tbo sonate has devoted
Poetically an entire week to tho con-
sideration of tho amended warrevenue
bill, it has not acted upon a single one
of the disputed clauses of the bill, each
of them having been "passed over" by
icqiicst as reached. Tho only real
light that Is likely to occur will be over
tho substitute offered bv Senator Alli
son, restoring tho bonds and interest
bearing certificates of indebtedness, ns
provided for in tho bill as it passed the
house; In place of the issuo of green
backs, tho coinage of tho silver solgnor
age, and the is'tie of silver certificates,
put in the bill by tho silver majority of
tho senate linanco committee. The
disputes over all other clauses arc upon
details rather than principles, and can
easily bo settled. It is still believed
that a majority of tho senate will vote
for bonds, although political pressure
is being used to combine nil tho silver
votes against bonds. It is claimed that
enough democrats have pledged them
solves to defeat this movement; and
ono silver republican Mantel of Mon
tanais also counted for bonds.
Tho administration thinks it will bo
good policy for congress to clinch the
friendliness expressed for this country
by tho ollicialsof Franco by making an
unusually largo appropriation for
American representation at thu big
Paris exposition in 11)00 something
like 81,000,000.
P. A. Wells, who will locate here
soon for thu practice of law, was hero
Another heavy rain lust night. This
section is .surely getting its share of
mud this year.
U. F. Cat her is home from Lincoln
and walking around on cm dies on ac
count of injuries received in a runa
way. Thu city has bcun without street car
service this week on ujcoiinl of the
lowering of tho track to its proper
Humors of battles, victories and de
feats are Hying through the air like
clouds on a rainy day, only to bo of
ficially denied.
A premature celebration of a sup
posed victory of Admiral Sampson
was indulged in by some of our citi
citizens last Sunday morning.
Wo call your attention this week to
the caul of K. U. Overman who has
lately loeatetl hero for the practice of
law. Ho comes well recommended.
F. P. Hadlcy who was sentenced at
the last term of court to one year in
the penitentiary, was taken to Lincoln
Thui sday morning by Shi rill' Wells.
Hew Iliissong delivered a very inter
esting and instructive address to the
Modern Woodmen last Sunday, which
wni attended by the lodge in a body.
ThuF.&.M. hank building is being
repaired and will soon be occupied for
olllce purposes by 1). J. Myers, L. 11.
Foil and our no v attorney P. A. Wells.
According to latest reports tho Span
ish fleet is bottled up in tho harbor at
Santiago do Cuba, and Admiral Samp
son has corked up tho entrance with a
few American war ships.
Kidnoy and filaddor Troubles.
If you suffer from kidney, bladder or
urinary troubles, or from too frequent
or scanty urine. Dr. Fonners Kidnoy
and Backache Curo is what you want,
llod-wettiug by children is generally
cured hy ono bottlo of this powerful
remedy. Testimonials aro disregarded
many people doubting tho honesty or
sincerity of them, wo '.hereforo avoid
giving any here, but will furnish them
on application to dealer whoso namo is
given below. If not satisfied after us
ing one bottlo your money will bo re
funded by C. L. Cotting.
To Make a Weed Shaver., Neb., May SI, 1S0S.
KiMTouCiiiKr For the benefit of
our corn raisers please publish the
Tho ordinary weed shavo is made of
plank. Is a sled six feet long and ten
inches wide, with four foot knives on
each side, bolted to tho bottom and
sloping backwards. This runs iu a
listed furrow and shaves off all tho
weeds. Thoro is a plank bolted cross
wiso on tho front ond that prevents it
tipping over. Tlio improvement to
tho above is to have n shaft across at
tho back end under tho drivers seat,
with rollers on a foot in diameter and
eighteen Inches long. This will draw
more than n half easier, as it carries
tho weight of tho man and tho inachino
on the rollers instead of tho sled.
S. Havks Macon.
Rhoumatiam Cured m a Day.
"MjVie Curo," for rheumatism and
neuralgia radically cures in 1 toil days.
Its action upon tho hystem is remark
ablo and mysterious. It removes at
onco the cause and tho disease imme
diately disappears. The first dose'
greatly benetit.s;T.-,eents. Sold by II. I
E. (Jriee, druggist, Hud Cloud, Neb. njh .So.
f'oeiiretr.r'aii-1" full mi . ttir most u( I
II I'f 11 IIII'llliMl llki'llV KIM .it II... I
- -....- ..... ... ..,, ,,(.-, i.iii
in. i. anil iiHii'Hluni' to the lus. c, iu i Lciit s
mill pcisitlvi y nu Kidneys, liw r nml Iiovvck
cleaiiHlmj Hie entire svsli'in, dispel mills
cine liciiiiimlio, lover, liiililtnnl constipation
uiiil hlllniisncsH. Pleasu buv and trvu box
of C. C. C. to-day; II). - Ml rents, h'old uud
guaranteed to euro by all druggists,
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Far Orata Ctmm Tartar Pwfer.
Uow many chickens has your neigh
bor got which persist in flying out of
tho coop at.d gelling into your garden.
Hyo is heading out and it is one of
tlio best crops this country has, but
very few fanners give it much atten
tion. The street car track is being
lowered to the grado on Third avenue
and Cedar street. Every one has
"sprti ed up" more or less this spring
and as a result tho town looks very
well. Tho largo glass for Miner Bros,
store got tin ough Safe this lime. Wo
have noticed that whilo a bloomer suit
makes a girl look shorter it makes n
man look longer. Next Monday is
Decoration Day. The city schools will
participate iu tho Decoration Day pro
gramme. Tho fishing party last Sun
day aro reported to have caught a few
lish, but not enough to founder the
party. Somo parties have asked us
why tho city doesn't put down'.stono
cross-walks, but as wo aro not mind
readers wo aro tumble to answer tho
conundrum. It is reported that down
in Kansas tliey aro engaging harvest
hands nt 81 pur day, but thu report
lacks confirmation. Who said
was going to put up a brick
building. Tho extreme heat of this
week has bcun as bad as the extreme
cool weather of last week. A now
photograph machine arrived in tho
city the lit st of thu week ami pitched
its tent on tho lots north of the Fourth
avenue hotel. The first crop of alfalfa
is about ready to harvest and it is as
lino as silk. One more week of school
and then the kids will be turned loose
for the .summer, and the teachers will
receive a much needed rest. If a mer
chant wants your trade lie will let you
know it by advertising. It is bad taste
to fill upon a merchant without an
invitation. Wheat couldn't possibly
look better and with un reverses th"
crop will be :i record breaker. Some of
tho towns adjacent to Hud Cloud are
agitating a fourth of July celebration.
A Map ot the United States
Send mu loo in stamps and I will
mail you n map of the United States
three feet four inches wide and five feet
three inches long Printed iu six
colors Mounted on rollers. Shows
every state, county, impoitant town
and railroad in tho United States. New
edition, just received, contains ten
handsome half-tone pictures of prin
cipal buildings of theTrans-Mississippi
Imposition. J. FitANCis,
(Jen. Pass. Agt. Hiirlington Houte,
Omaha, Neb.
Hod Cloud Markot Report.
Hogs :io."
Butcher's Stock 'A 00 il III)
Fat Cattle l.oo I'M
Wheat, No. 'J 1.0.1
Corn i 'j.-,
Oats " ,.-,
"" Z1Z
Ducks and (
Opening ExorcisoB Trans-Mississippi
Exposition, Omaha,
Juno 1, 1808.
Tho Hiirlington Houte will sell round
trip tickets to Omaha for the opening
exercises of tho Trans-Mississippi Ex
position on May 31st, for ono fare for
the round trip, $5.79, tickets to beat
tin nl limit of Juno Gth. For further in
formation call on
A. Conover, Ticket Agent.
A Large Family.
Loomis, Nob., April 20, 1808. Mrs.
C. O. Olson, Box 28, this place, states
that until she begun the use of Hood's
Sarsaparllla her health was very poor
but she is now well, and sho does all
tho work for a largo family and hardly
over feels tired.
Catarrh is ono of tho most obstinate
diseases, nnd henco tlio most dillloult
to get rid of.
There is but ono way to euro it.
The disease is in tho blood, and nil tho
sprayB, washes nnd inhaling mixtures
in tho world can havo no permanent
effect whatever upon it. Swift'H Spe
cific cures Catarrh permanently, for it is
tho only remedy which can reach tho
disoaac and force it from the blood.
Mr. B. P. McAllister, of Ilarrodsburg,
Ky., had Catarrh for years. Ho writes:
"I oould seo no improvement whatever.
though I was constantly trvntcd with gnrnya
K and washes, and differ-
eiuituiniitiK ri'mt'illes
In fact, I could feel that
each winter I waswurso
than tlio yeur previous.
"Finally It was
brought to my not loo
that Catarrh was u blood
disease, and after think
ing over tho matter, I
saw it wnsunreasonabla
to expect to bo cured by
remedies which only
reached the surface. I
then decided to trv
8. S. 8.. anil after a few bottles were used. I no
ticed a perceptible Improvement. Continuing
tho remedy, the dlseaso was forced out of my
system, and a complete curo was the result.
1 udvlHO all who Imvo this dreadful dUcaso to
abandon thelrloeal treatment, which lmmiever
donu them any twod, and tako 8. 8. 8 a rem
edy that can reach tho illseno and cure It,"
To continuo tho wrong treatment for
Catarrh is to continuo to suffer. Swift's
Socillo is n real blood remedy, and
cures obstinate, deep-Seated diseases,
which other remedies havo no effect
whatever upon. It promptly readies
Catarrh, anil never fails to curo even tho
most aggravated cases.
Is Purely Vegetable, and is tho only
blood remedy guaranteed to contain no
dangerous minerals.
Books mailed free by Swift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Chronic Dyspepsia Cured.
aFTER suffering for nearly thirty yoars
from dyspepsia, Mrs. n. E. Dugdalo,
wlfoofn prominent business man of
Warsaw, N.Y., writes: "For 28 years, I was
a constant sufferer from dyspepsia and a
weak stomach. Tlio lightest food producod
distress, causing scvero pain and tlio forma
tion of gas. No matter how careful of my
diet I suffered agonizing pain after eating.
I was treated by many physicians and tried
numerous remedies without permanent help.
Two years ago I began taking Dr. Miles'
Nervo and Liver I'llls and Nervine, Within
a week I commenced Improving, and per
sisting In tho treatment I was soon ablo to
cat what 1 liked, with no evil effects
I keen them at hand and n slnrln iin iiianni.
any oiu symptoms. '
Dr. Miles' Remedies
are sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Hook on dis
eases of tlio heart and
nerves free. Addnq.
1 1 lYiuoa'
Mat tc
, Health
DU. MILKS MEDICAL CO., Kllchurt, Ind,
B & M. R.Y
HE1) Cl.Ol'l), XEI1H.
S'l J Oli
S'l. LOl'lS and
all points umt and
in-: lux a
S.l. 1-'1U.YC1SC0
and all points
No. CO. rrehiht, dally except Mitiilny
for IV) iiiiireiiml nil point oust S-0On.m.
No, 16. I'litsiMiKvr. dally fur M. Joe.
Kanns City. Atchhon, M.
l.ouls and nil points east and
foiilh .... 10:20
Nn. 111. Aci'iiiiunoilalliin, dall except
Mllidaj. lluMlm."-. Cram! Is
land. Illack Hills and nil
points lu the northwest .... inOp.m
Vo. 1
i J. ilCl I
nmmoilatlnii. ilulh cxeeiit
MiiiiIm. (Ilierllii. Kansas, ami
liilerineillate Millions, ln Uu
piilillenn 1.2:05p.m.
I-'relKht, dall, Wjimire nnd
M. Joe nnd Intermediate
No. 01.
Imicllnn points . . . .lUiiOp.m
No. 63. rrelit.ilull for llepiiblleau
Orlcniis.oxforil and nil points
"est .. .. . lui.TOn.m
No. 15. I'li'sinmer. dull). Denver, nil
points In Colorado, Ctnh nnd
California K-lOp in
Mecplnc dlnln. and recllnluu rlinlr rar
(heats free) on thruiiuh trains. Tickets sold iiml
luiKKiiKe i'heel,ed in nny point In the fnltei'
blnles iirCiiiimln.
Fiiriiifiiriniitliin time tablis, mnps or tickets
call on or adilress ( ntmvcr. AKent. I Jed
Cloud. Nibr. or .1. Francis, (iuiutjI I'ussciiku
Attetit Omaha. Nebraska.
FRED 1. McKEliHY, M. U.
City and country calls promptly an
swered day or night.
Office ovkk (Jotting's Dnua Stouk.
Ottlee In Moon Block,
Docs a general law business.
Practices in all courts.
Men Wantpd school
1T1BI1 VYailltia, MKt'HANICS.lFAUMEI!?
Hii)ouc honest nnd wIIIIiik to hustle, we will
liny Koud united nnd ulve Mi-ady einplo)incnt.
With our facilities and personal help nny man
fully nllo anil wIIIIiik to work enn win a pay
Iiik position with us. Apily quick, stntlni; ni;e.
L. L MAY &. CO.
Nurserymen, Seednien and Florist.
What do you
expect to find
In n first class meat market ?
Tlio first thing is the class of
meat kept in stock whether it
is nice, tender and juicy, or
tough as a tf n-yenr-old Texas
steer. Wo should bo pleased
to havo you call and put us to
this test. All our meats will
ho found first class and tho
best in tho market. Our price
will also ho found juft right.
A. R. Reynolds,
East sine Webster Street.
Iu the lllbtrlct Court of Webstor County, Ne
brimka. K'liiltnblc Securities company 1
aerhnrd M
Defendants, J
Gerhard Woltjen, defendant above named
will lake notice that on the isth day of .Mnv
lsiw, Kiiltatilo securities: Company, plalntltV
heroin, tiled lis petition III the District Court of
WeliMcr county, Nebraska iupiuim said defend
nut Impleaded Willi inherit the object aim
pro)er of which are to foreclose n certain
morlKHKU e.Nccuted by joii to the Kijultablo
MorlKiniuCtmipau) upon tlio southwest quarter
of section eighteen, town one north of raimu
nine west of the tStli V M In Webster county,
NcbroHkH, to secure the pigment of a certain
promissory ii'ilu dated February 10, si). for llie
nun of JT.V) with ten Interest coupons: thereto
attached said note was due and pimihln Iu
lle)carK from dato thereof. I'lalntlir further
alleges that on lliellrsl da) of Ma). Is'.xl tho said
i;iiiltablu MoriKnKO lompnu) duly nssluned
nnd transferred said note nnd mortuuue to
plalutltt who Is now tho owner nnd holder of
said unto and mortk'niiu That theru Is now due
on hhIiI notes and mornjnuo tho sum of .00 for
which sum wllli Interest from the lAthdnyof
September. IM'S. plalnllll' prn)n forndecrto
that defendants be required to pay the same, or
Iiml said premises may bo told to satisfy the
amount found due,
You are required to answer nald petition on
or before th -Tth day of June, lb".M.
Dated, May 18th, lwvs.
11 y ItoiT. T. l'OTT. It attorney.
j Defective -
Our skilled optician examines eyes
me jour eyes, if you don't require glasses ho will tell you so.
Only regular doctor of tef.irctioii in the county.
Newhouse Bros.
Jewelers and Opticians.
CSTTlic very finest Watch, Clock and Jewolav Impairing. Satisfac
tion guaranteed
Red : Cloud : Monumental : Works.
OVERINQ BROS. & CO., Proprietors.
H&W. &.
. f , fU "-. ifc. ,
f&frwM 4nms
- v . - . " -"s .- - v , h-:. ,,jh?3
iMi'oui'Kitt or anii di:ai.i:u in
llest of slock and wotl.mniiship gn uantced. !' neing of lo's a specialty.
; Spectacles! Spectacles! Spectacles!
. ,.!!'.' .',it,,tl '''''). f"'' and speedily by ono who can do it
LATKSP (lltADL'A'l K Ul'l KIAN. I have the ifn.-.t .uid most Vom ilulo I
trial ease f .i 'i stm.' 'lie Ws in the mlley Am In Uor equipped for and
t tin the np'ie.u liiisiiiiss nf i,i n.u.itj. Win Ut jou better and cheaper
than can be dune el- ivbeie
l 1 ' i .
be done eiseu ben WIKK IniiiaiFingir King, Haeast Tins and Bracelets
made while you wait. Kngravingdono also while you wait. J
- . . . . h
J Watch oxaminer for B & M Jeweler and Graduate Optician.
The ilnest lino of road vehicles ever brought to Webster county. Call and
oxamino them and gel prices whether you wish to buy or not. A
full line of all tho lending farm machinery including
Tf III tlititfl fkf iltll Itlttr ft thu ili.. . I
. . i tiij viiiii in iiiw ikii' wi imiiu.i ii iitiiii iiiav;iiiii;i j ib tviit J'j
I 3'ou to sue mo before purcluiiiiig. I anxi snvo yon mono'.
I JAS. PETERSON, Red Cloud, Na raska.
Hardware - and - Stoves,
AUo a full lino
Herriek Refrigerators ! x
Full lino of,tJAiti)KN iMi-i'KMKMrs, Tinwaiik, Cutti.kkv, Wnu: Fkncino, Etc.
eity Dhv and Express Mne.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
ou owe your eves that of properly caring
for them You can't he too careful with na
ture's greatest blessing, and tho most deli
cate organs your eyes. Nearly every hu
man being has
Jy e - igrfrt - !
frco. Como in and let him oxam-
v -iCLLji-vrw
,:w wj
A Good Alarm Clock for 75c. J
When you eonie to buy this elock
ou will llml that I have them and
will not try to sell you something
iiirher priced. You will Hud all I
lit i fir s de i qnallj cheap, such as
Willi do your complicated Jwatcli J
woil: cheaper and better than it can
l,M,ti.ij .i( 4t m.wiliUwiKK It iflll llnlf
of the celebrated
. K ft-'-jyiKA
5AV s'"sl. O