h j , -?"- - x-srt. THIS RED CLOUD UHlJfiF. JfKlDAl. MAY 20. 1HU8. i b, t I i i 'i L 1 1 r i I NEW SLAVERY AT CAPE TOWN. Ilcehamin Prlmmem Arc HoiikM ) Jin Fnrmrrn. The "slnve m:irt," judg-ititf from tin article lu tin- (Vipc Times, appears to be definitely established In. Cape Town, u.iys Hie London Chronicle. 'Hie slaves, of course, are the lfvchtintiii prisoners, and although there Is no Mitftfcstlon tlint these wretched creatures arc tr-ut-cd -with harshness Avhlle in tlie v ernment care, they are elearly coiisid ored and disposed of preelsely as if thev -were mere bales of irood.s or ent- tie. Careful watch anil ward is kept over tlieui and the writer says that "It is not easy to pass the strict guard nt. the gate unless you are a fanner eonilng to piek your liilsir. Hound three sides of the square court ard men and women are squatting im passively or sUmdlng eliattering in knots. They are ill-Hud and e.eeeding ly Ill-favored, but not ill-iiourKlieil.like the ilrst batch of skeletons tlmt came down to town. A child here and there is even bonny. There I no very obvl ous dejection. The nearest to it is a moody, passive look." The fanners, too, quite enter Into the spirit of the "slaw mart." They go round the market scanning the men and "sorting out those- of the largest sic." as did the walrus and the car penter with Mic oysters. The natives cnt expressionless, sidelong glances at their possible masters while lhe, are b mg appraised like goods in a store. Jl.iiug selected one or two from a group, the fanmer is chagrined at be- iig told by ii harried ollii'ial: "Wccan i ot break this lot for you," as if the knot of negroes were a dinner service or a suite of bedroom furniture. Hack goes the fanner and looks the natives up ami down again, and at length de cides "to take the lot." When the na tives are duly indentured for live. eur their master unhitches his earl and mules, outside,, bundles his "labor" in and driven his bargain home. THE BULLDOG A GOOD DOG. rt AVe llu In! Cure to 'I'iiUc l,llicr- IIcm tt llli One. i member of the canine ftitui l has itci m more persistently maligned than the bulldog. Writers who have no iuti mite knowledge of the dog and hisnt triinites liave described him as stupidh fi melons, and illustrators have pii -tuiiil him as a sort of semi-wild lua-t. til tli' general nubile has come to look upon him as dangerous. sa,s Outing. "(live a dog a bad name," is an old saw and perhaps a true one, but w lien it is applied to the bulldog, it is manifest ly unjust. Writer, too. haw fallen into grave error in claiming that the bull dog is deficient not only innlTeetion, but in intelligence. No greater proof of the falsity of tlie latter could be given than was wit nessed at the late Westminister Ken nel club's dog show, when Col. Shults exhibited his trained dogs, with the bulldog Nick performing all sorts of wonderful feats, especially that of walking u tight rope, ami, when in tin center of it, turning round ami retrac ing his steps, amid the applause of an admiring audience. Stotiehenge. who is considered one of the greatest of canine scientists, claims that, the bulldog's brain is relatively larger than that of the spaniel, which dog is generally considered to be tluv most intelligent, of the canine race, while the bulldog's affection is never to be doubted. JUDGED BY THEIR WALK. !c SomctlincN liiilleatm the 'har- acter of I lie (llrla. You have whmi the woman who jerlH her bend as nlie vuilks, 1 suppose? The Jmhitis not uneommou, and on close ac quaintance you will llnd tlmt a. woman so nfllleted is given to llcklenrss. Slie trllles a little too much with love, and is just tho woman to iuih.s h good has bnnd nnd be sorry uftenvard, miy.s tbn lloston Traveler. The quiet man will never 1 happy with the woman who digs her lu'elii into tha pavoment ami wurrien along as if kIip. were running n race, She is bust-new-like and mot likely the woman to Kucened in trade affairs, but her man nex is one of thos simple thing that worry the quiet mnn todeath. The girl who eannot wnlk without skipping is a very cheerful girl and en joys life With much the. same gusto n the girl with an ela.stlc step who tips on Ler toes nt every stride. Hut perhaps the girl we like most is the girl with the brisk, musical walk, who loves to jcep for a moment, into shop windows ami then walk briskly on, and who goes through life with the fixed resolve of getting the most pleasure out of every thing. IrUli Donkey In Afrlcn. . The Irish donkey has covered him self with glory in South Africa, where lie is in great demand, nays the Phila delphia Kccord. Ills toughness laughs to scorn the tsetse fly, so fatal to cattle and horses, and all the other insec tivorous pests of that region, and in the matter of diet he Is ns accommodating as at. home. There Is, lu consequence, a great boom in the Irish "moke" market. English nnd Dutch s.v ndlcates having already invested $2.1,000 In donkey llesh hi Clare, Tipperary nnd Limerick alone, anil a now branch of Industry Is opening up to the Irish farmer. Coniliiiriitlv e I'crllllt). A Yorkshire man nnd a Leicestershire man were arguing as to the superior fertility of their respective counties. The Leicestershire man declared that he could turn a hoist1 Intou new lj -mowed Held in his county and the nest morn ing the grass would have grown ubove Ids hoofs. "Pooh! i hat's nothing," cried the Yorkshire man. "You may turn n horse into a Held In Yorkshire nnd not bo able to find him the next morning." Money fur Soiuclioily. The Jlolglnu government, niters n prize of $10,000 to anyone who will dis cover a chemical that will take the place pf white nhoKnhorus in mateli-niaklng. Hood's Stimulate the stomach, aaa rouse the liver, cure tillloiu- m f ncss, headache, dizzlnesi, III 9 our fttotnncli, conMlrtln. etc. l'rlco M cmtf. Sold lijr nil ilriiKuUU. Tlie out; l'illi tu take with HooU'i Hariaparllliii A VALUABLE DISCOVERY. Tin- Serrel of a Miner In I lie Klim illlic (Inlil Kleliln. The Klondike Is responsible for the concoction of a chemical compound which promises to revolutionize mining methods in cwr.v section where winter puts a stop to operations every ,ear. The nature of the chemical is a s(. cret, which the inventor will divulge to no one. The chemical is simple and chean, however, and win be manufac tured upon the ground where the mine is located. The discoverer will locate several mines in the spring, and divel op them the following summer and winter. No matter how cold the atmos phere, it will not Interfere with the thawing properties of the wonderful fluid. 'Hie value of pucIi a discovery Is readily apparent. It practically con quer1 the inconvenience of cold and e tretne temperatures and does awav with the necessity of thawing tlie ground by the slow ami tedious meth od of building Hits and allowing them to thaw out the. froen earth, The in ventor estimates t lui t the chemical will melt the earth to the depth of two feci. Continual application of the llui.l will allow the miners tu keep continu ous! at their IiiImii. Itesidus using the fluid fordevi loping whatever mines lie locates, the in venior will take up enough material to supply the other miners .n ivumiiuiIiIc prices. Burlington Ilouto California Excur sions. Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Omaha I ''). p.m., Lincoln 0 10 p.m. and Hastings b:.'iO p.m. every Thursday in cliuii, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; ears run right through to Sau Francisco and Los Angeles over tho scenic route through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring seals nnd backs and are provid ed with curtains, bedding, towels, sou) etc. Uniformed porters and experienc ed excursion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of bother about baggage, pointing out ob jects of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip :i delightful experience. Second class tickets aru honored, llerths $.". For folder giving full information, call at nearest iiurlington Route ttekot olllce, or write to J. frauds, G. 1'. A. Omaha, Neb. ni-l'rcNlilftil anil IIU Slenlt. A story gws the rounds that a few da.vs ago Mr. CaKitiilr-Pirierund his son. while cycling between Sens and Monte rcau, stopped at n village inn and asked for lunch. "Nothing to give you," said the landlady, "but sardines and eggs." "Can you not add n beefsteak'.'" "Im possible. If we had a cycle and some body to ride It 1 could send for thcim-nt, but you know that it would take an hour to go to tlie butcher's and back." "If ihat's your only reason," said the ex-president, "we can overcome the dif ficulty." In a moment be ami Master Casltnir-Plricr wtc again on their steel horses and the ex-president in time fetched back as-uceuhmt sirloin steak. Music on tho Graphophono. Fow people apprcciato tho marvelous power of tho Graphophono ns an en tertainer. It is an instrument which, though it costs nuteh losHUmn tho least expensive musical instrument, will enablo its owner to have at pleus- uro musia of any kind from that ot tho bagplpo to that of the grand mlli tary baud. It reproduces vocal soloc tiom and gives ono command of every plcaeuro that appeals to tho sense of hearing. No'tinvestincnt pays such largo returns in pleasure, llcsidcs re producing tho musical nnd other rec ords mado for entertainment purposes, tho (Jraphophone will record imme diately and repnxluco at onco and as often ns is desired, your own words or song, or any sound. Uy writing to thu Columbia Phonograph Company, 720 722 Olivo St., St. Louis, Mo., you can obtain n catalogue that will give full information as to prices of (Jrapho phono outfits. AeropollH Unlit llefnre ClirlNl. On a stone of the temple of "Winged Victorv" on the Acropolis at Athens an Inscription hnsbecn found stating that the monument uns built by Knllcrntcs, v Ik. w i e of the irchlti'ct tl 1 i Parthenon nt the bcgii.ningof Pcrlclei.' government. This IKesitsdateat about 1.10 years before Christ. The Athens Archaeological society is about to un dertake the restoration and strengthen ing of the Parthenon. Mnrblefrom I'en telleos will be furnished free for this by the company working the quarries. Klondike What does it cost to get there? When and how should you gov What should ono takuV Where are the mines? How much have they produced? Is work plentiful? What wages are paid? Is living expensive? What are one's chances ot "milking a strike"? Compluto ami satisfactory replies to tlio above questions will be found in the Iiurlington Route's 'Klomlike Folder," now ready for distribution. Sixteen pages of practical information and tin up'to-dtitu map of Alaska and the Klondike. Free nt lliiiiington Hotito ticket olllees, or sent on receipt of lour cents in stamps by J. Francis, (Jon'l Passenger Agent, Hurlirgton Route. Umiilin. Nclir. I CIIUIICII NOTKS. CIIU1STIAN CIIUKCIt. Services each Lord's Day a9 follows: Morning sermon 10:110 n. in. Subject: Memorial sermon for tho Modern Woodmen of America. lllble school, 1!) m. Junior Christian Kndcavor 3 p.m. Set lor Christian Endeavor 7:15 p.m. Evening sermon 8.00 p. m. Subject, "What We lluvo Done." Special music arranged. Sermon at Cowles at U:U0 p.m. Prayer meeting and biblo study on Wednesday evenings. Ladies' Aid Society Friday after noons. Our pleasant church home and all services tiro ever open to tho public. L. A. oJ't, I utor . MKTIIODIST Preaching Sunday morning at 10:110. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. Junior Leagtto at 1 p.m. Senior Lcnguo at 7 p.m. Evening service at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday even ing at 7:!J0. Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon. All arc most cordially. invited to at tend. J.VMKS MAUK DAIIIIV, PllStOt'. iiAiTisrcuritcii. Subjects for Sunday, May 'J2. Morning services tit 10:510. Subject, "Clod's Estimate of Man." Sunday School at 11:1.". Evening service at 8 o'clock. Sub ject, "The Human Argument' Against Religion." Young People's Union meets at 7 p.m. All cordially invited. Seats free. Isaac W. Eikson, Pastor. CONdlll'.llATIONAt,. Sunday School at 11:1."). Y. P. S. C. E. at iliiOp. m. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "My '.ic Cure," for rheumatism nnd neuralgia radically cures in 1 toll days Its action upon tho system is remark able and mysterious. It removes at ii nee the cause and the disease imme diately disappear-'. The first dost greatly benefits; 7o cents. Sold by II. E. Cilice, druggist, Red Cloud, Neb. Our Clubbing Lint. lfclow we present a list of u num ber of tho leading magazines, news papers, farm papers, etc., with prices they can bo had in connection with Tiik Ur.u Ci.ot'D Ciur.r. Wo must liavo one yearly sub scription to the Ciur.K with ouch peri odical ordered, but both need not nec essarily bo sent to the sumo address, Minct emir noTM Oiimlin llee w il.eo 1 1) il.il lMria and Klrevlde, s m ,50 I Wl 110 I.inlleNllomeCoinpaulon... W 1 CO 111) St. Louis (ilobe Deiiiocrat. s vv 1 no 1 lit) I H) Louisville Courier .loiiriial, s vv 1 W) ll) til Clticlmmtl Times Star, vv t 0 til I'lillBilelpliIrt Press, w 1 00 1 U) li!3 The Chlrniio Tribune, vv TO 1 00 12ft The ChlciiKu Trlb'itie. d 100 110 100 UockyMotiiitiiluNevvH, vv 1(0 1(0 1 M) Hocky Mountain NevvH.d TM) loo 7 00 Clnclniintl KtuUlor, vv 7.1 1 CO 1 S.1 I.Iilnci)tt'H.MnKiulne, in 3(0 1 oo 300 Godcy'N.MaKazlue.in 1W) 100 IN) Demoreht'H Family MaKnzIne.m 1(0 ICO 1W Lchllcs IlluMraled Weekly, vv . 1 00 100 360 Atlantic Monthly, rn 100 loo 4 00 ftuMAiCltyritur.w SI 100 100 OrmiKC Jiulil Farmer, w 1 00 1 00 1 35 Amcrlcnn WomntiH Illustrated World, vv 4 00 100 3.10 Sun Fraud fto Chronicle w.... 150 100 200 9nn rranclnco Chronlclo, 1-. (170 100 8 TO Hreeilcru Gazette, v 'J 00 1 00 315 Nebraska & Kans Farmer, in . 'Si 1 00 1 00 Tho abovo olforu aro mndo only to subscribors who pay ono full year in advuuoe. The Red Cloud Chief, Red Cloud.Neb. Anothor Caso of Rhoumatism Curod by Chambor Iain's Fain Balm. My son was atllicted with rhouma tism which contracted his right limb until ho was unablo to walk After using ono and a half bottles of Cham berlain's Pain Halm ho was ablo to bo about again. 1 can heartily recom mend it to persons sutTerimrfroni rheu matism. John Snidkic, Freed, Cal houn County, V. Vn. For sale by 11. K. liricc. Itr.I'OItT OF TIIK CONDITION or tiik PEOPLE'S BANK of RED CLOUD CUAHTKUNO. 310. nt lied Cloud, In tho Mutt1 of Nutirnokii, nt the I'lusuof ImMuehs Mny 5, jam, itrsowurKH. I.oiiiiKniiil DIsruuutN ovunlriifts, n'rurt'il hih! iinwcureil. 10.100 f.9 .'tnTi l.t 177 !". UK ail r,7i! N) l.v, 0i) Count) mid rli) vMirrmits 1 iiriiltiireiiiid tlxturt's . . . . Current I'xiii'iisi'n mid tnxes nld .. . I'licckk nml other rush Items . Due friitii National mid Mute liuukK i.r"i ts Hills or oilier luilikN etc .. l.Kti tl NlokelKMinl rents . lii ill Sii'iii - . :i,:t.' Mi l.i'Kiil temler notes i,r00 (0 ToIhIciihIi on limid Total . IIAIIIMTIl.s. m,oc w Cnjilliil Hork fndlvlded iirotllf . fiii.mo no Individual Ilepoidth xulijeel 11, If) I ci to check... lii.au oo Denimid Cerllllcntes of de- lmslt Time CcrtllU iUjh of depoi-li Totai 0,1!.M1 ft, 1.21!) hi- r,.ri,U7l ! S1. IV2 M Count)' of Welter, f kh: I. W. A. Sherwood, cnshler of the nliovc limned lunik, do solemnly swear that tho uliove Muteiiieiit Is true to the test of my knowl I'due iiikI Leller. Iatti.stI W. A Siikuwoiii). ( ai-hlor. .1. I. MiM.ti. Director. C. II. .Miskii. Dliector Suliserll.ed mid sworn lo hefurc mu thin I'.'th day of Miiy. 1MM. 1). .1. Mvkii. Notary I'uhllc. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Fowder A Pure QrM Cream gf Tartar Powder. Railroad Engineer Testifies to Deneflti rtecelved From Dr . Miles' Remedies. HEltB Is no more responsible position on earth than that of a railroad engin eer. On his steady nerves, clear bruin. tirlRht eye and perfect self command, de pend tho safety of tho train find tho lives of its passengers. Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno nnd other remedies aro especially adapted to keeping the nerves steady, the brain clear and the mental faculties unimpaired. KiiRlneer V. W. McCoy, formerly of 1323 Ilrnadwny, Council bluffs, hut now residing ataill Humboldt St., Denver, writes that ho "suffered for years from constipation, caus ing sick, iiervotii and bilious headaches and was fully restored to health by Dr. Miles' Nerve it Liver Pills. I heartily recommend Dr. Miles1 Homedlo.V Dr. Miles' Keinedies aro bold ly all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. ItooU on dis eases of thu heart and nerves free. Address, DK. MILKS MKDICAIjCO., Elkhart, Ind, ITlll.ICATWX OF til MMUXS. r"Inlho IMMrlet Court of Webster C umity, Xc briiskii. Kiiiiltablo securities Comimny i I'iuliitlll. I Vs flerhnrd Woltjeii. et nl I IH'II'IWIIIIIIS. j "(hi mil. I Wintji-li. iH-K'll'lmil nlJUVC linini . will tiike notice tlmt on tho lsh tln,v cif Mi. ls!i, i:iiiitiililo securities t'oiiiiinuy, pliiliut' herein. Illeil Its petition In the District Court i Webster enmity, Xehr.iskn. HKiitlit Mild ilefcii' Hilt liiiplemleil with others tlie olijeet iin prnjer of vvlilrli lire to fnreelce u renin mo'lUHue eeeiiteil by oit to the l'iiiltub VIorlKiiKc Coiiipiiuy npdii the smitbvveM iiiirt if seettou eluhleeii. town one nurtli iif rmiu. nine west of the rtlh I'. .M. In W ebter i imtii1 Ncbruskii. to secure the pii.vment of ii ei-rlii priiinls-iiry nnte ihiteil IVbrimry Hi. ls'.u. f.u 1 1 . inn of ti.Vl vvlili ten ltileiet coupons thru' iitnicheil. siitd note whs due unci .iiable I live jcurs front diite thereof. I'lnllillll f in tli iilluKoslliut on the llrsidii of .Vti. ls'.ii, theiii Kiiltiible Miirtguge Coinpniiv dulv nssiion mill transferred nld note nnd niortiiHue t ptiilutltr who Is now the owner nml holder said nolo tun! iniirtKiiKe. Tlmt there Is now dn on said notes nml mortgniU! the sum of t'.'xi f wlilehsuin with Interest from the lMli ln onteuilier. l'l's. iiliilntlll priivs for u ileei. that defendants be required to im the Mime tlint calil iremles may nu tuui to Mitlsly tli amount found dm Vou nre reniilreil to answer nilcl lictlltuii ll or before thw '.'Tth day of .lime, ls'.is Diited, May isth ls'.is. Kljt ITAIU.K SHU HITlKs (,'OMI'ANV ll ItORT T I'OTtK'l Os nll.irllPV Through Service BETWEEN ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY AND THK - PRINCIPAL CITIES OF TEXAS. WMHER BUFFET SLEEPERS AND RECLINING KATY CHAIR CARS DINING STATIONS OPERATED BY THE COMPANY. SUPERIOR MEALS, Fifty Cents. ItKrOKT OF TIIK CONDITION STATE BANK' OF RED CLOUD, HIAUTKIt. No. tin, fit Hed Cloud. In the stntu of Nehrnskn, at the close of tuiMiiesH .May ft, IMS llhsOl'lU KH. I. mill, nml intromit - fOI.lt'.' current exnenses mid taxes tmld 1. 1111 III overdrafts, secured mid unsecured Due from other national, statu mid nrlvnti1 hunks mid ImnkerH f IH.svtt M Hills nf other banks- LU'iT () (MM coin . 2,llfi ("I Mlvcr coin l.KrtNl rructloiinl nllver, nlckeln, etc 27 A'J Leuiil tender notes l.WO W Toiiil civsli on limid - Totnl - i.unii.mt'c Ciiiltnl stoi k piilil lu i:m w T.tM.'l 7H ..t'.'l,2!r7 II . -f ir,( l do ii.oio on .. y.hiS 27 Surplus fund I'udlvliled iirollts Itidlvldiiiil deposits siiliject to check .. r0,.'!i'.7 ft9 Demand (ertlllciitcs ufde- i.olt t.OH '.II Tluieieitlllcntesof dejioslt. rfl .'IS Total Deposit.. Ml. ITS 17 Total W,"J7 II STATK ii" Nt'llHAMCA, tk Count) of Wehstcr. i I. W, T. Aiild, cashier of tho above named hunk, do soleiuuly swear tlmt tho above statement Is true to the best of my knowl cilue nml belief. V. T. Art ii, Cnshler. W. T At i n. Director. N. M Dm'iiNA. Director Subscribed mid swum to before mo this Utli da) of Mil). 1MW. KOllT r I'ottkii .imiry riiunr. 1 IHIUI-V WHtMt All HSt lAllS. 3 d IloMt I'tnmli Hi run. TuMus UihmI. Up In tltuo. Hnlil tir tlriitmlHtH. k J M A WjlpW 1 IT'S A DUTY Defective - X$ye m JSlgjlxt Our skilled optician examines eyes free. Conic in anil let him exam ine your eye?. If you don't require glasses he will tell you so. Only regular doctor of refarction in the county. Newliouse Bros. sir rer-Tho very finest Watch, Clock N lion glial anteed.; 5 ll& Red : Cloud : Monumental : Works. u OVERING BROS. & CO., Proprietors. k. Rostoro 3 155!hBiHKB B K, Hoalth J """ tSWWrfi .ffMJIWS -a, -''ZKZmsivjysu2rwain " t '-t - . "i -. "srjTTm'r .' -t.jv w wtnnatw - IMI'DIMI lis (M AND ll.l.l".i;s IN moxu u5rar, CSNeRHL CSMSTERY iAiORK llcst of .stock and workmanship guuaiiteetl. Fencing of lots a specialty. Spectacles! Spectacles! Spectacles! He liltoil accurately, perfectly LATEST CiltADUATK OPTICIAN, trial ease for testing thi' eje- in thu no me oimcni iitistni-is oi mis county. than can be done elsewhere. jHn.7 "st. v"Ml '$$ " '''', C i-' 'A s''$l7 be done elsewhere W1KE InitialKingcr KinR, Haeast Tins nud Bracelets iiiikIu while you wait. Etitfravinndouo also vvhilo you wait. THOS. PENMAN, Watch examiner for 11. & M. Jcwolor and Graduate Optician. if.'li.-.7!' t&.T--iwj!:-va.rAtxrtf .VitffVAW.:.:..'!.': WsJ We are still Giving Away m I 1 ft . v lf5 .jV To Our Subscribers. Now is the time : to ' 'A. . -.'. wmiBBmwmitMmm& You owe your eves that of properly caring for them You can't bo too careful with na ture's greatest blessing, ami the most deli cate organs your eyes. Noarly every hu man being has Jewelers and Opticians. unil Jevvelav Repairing. Satisfac- W9i Vv. t Uai h r " J ' i i 1 . - Vii i and speedily by one who can do it. I have the linest and most complete valley. Am better equipped for and Will lit you better and cheaper A Good Alarm Clock for 75c. When you como to buy this clock you will Hud tlmt I have them and will not try to sell you somethiiip higher priced. You will find all I idler tor sale equally cheap, such as 0.K AND KKJIIT DAY CLOCKS, WATCHKS, JEWKUIY, SILVKllWAHK, FINfSKIl KINGS, SrKCTACLKS, C1IAKMS, CHAINS, ETC., ETC., Willi do your complicated Jwatch work cheaper and better than it can m. Books Knives, pay up and 12 get a premium. t A k i ifj Js . i i V .' J I l ii . 1 V 3)1 V n w m : '.t i ffi m SI in p.i i w, jwiiiiiiSwiwiii iiiUjllllMMiWKatCT-;