The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 20, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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C 7
Pite io
Popular Prices
You may buy a pair of Dutchess Wool
Trousers at $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50,
$4 or $5 and wear them two months.
For every suspender button that comes
off we will pay you ten cents. If they
rip at the waistband we will pay you
fifty cents. If they rip in the seat or
elsewhere we will pay you one dollar
or give you a new pair. o 0 0 J 0
Pest in tb? World Try PaJr
Wo hovo tho EYCLUSIVE SALE of these pants
iu Red Cloud. They are tho only
pauts to buy.
Remember wc have FIFTY MORE CLOCLS
Galusha &
Sou our book oiler.
Carpets at Miner Bros. Full line.
Go to Butler for tho best iu saddlery
and harness.
Now wall paper and window cur
Cains at Cottings.
Dennis Finn of I'innco, Colorado, is
visiting in tho city this week.
Geo. Ross was in Suporior Thursday
on matters connected with bis trade.
A Oolortypo picturo of tho battlo ship
Maino 19x25 given with a now sub
scription to Tiik Ciiikk.
Miner Droi. will in tho near future
put in a full lino of furniture and
ipieonswure. Wait for thorn.
Got our prices on carpets. All
kinds and at tho lowest price. Ele
gant lino of samples and luigcsl stock
iu thocity to select fioni. Bkoj.
A now subscriber, or an old subscrib
er, who pays a year In advance of Feb
ruary lltli, 1S9S, will leceivo two good
books. Head advertisement on anoth
er pago.
Tho city authorities havo had sur
veyors at work this wcok making a
grado on 3d avonuo and Soward street,
and tho work of lowering tho stioot
railroad track will soon commonco.
A crayon lithograph of Miss Francis
E. Wlllaid, a oolortypo of tho Maino,
a wall tinned or pocktfrtflap of Cuba,
any ono of theso to a subscriber paying
us n dollar in advanco for Tiik Cim:r.
Tho small boy and what is common
ly known as tho "nigger shooter" are
in evidence again and many windows
broken from an unknown cause will bo
tho result. Now is tho timo to sup
press them.
Wo will for the not ton days supply
any one paying us a year iu advanco on
Tin: Ciui'.r with a Colmtypo picturo of
thu battlo ship Maino, sue 111x25; leady
for framing Thosouio lino anil you
should gi't ono at once Copies can bo
bail aUn foi 50 cunts In cash.
SVhoii tho Nation iceoivos a doso of
cayonuo popper like wo gave it last
week itshould run mound tho block
anil when it has done this several times
it will perhaps bo iu condition to read
up tho law and see that tho stato law
gives protection to lifteen year old
'( " . ; ,;
vi J
Bead our free book oil or.
B. L. Tinker of McCook was hero
Good Girl wantod. Inquire at B. At
M. Eating house.
Mrs. A. Conovor is homo after a
brief visit at Franklin,
Coino in and seo samplo of our port
folio on Hawaii, Cuba and tho Am eri
can navy.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Con
over on Saturday, May 14, a boy, of
tho usual Nebraska weight.
Tho commencement exorcises of tho
Bed Cloud high School graduates will
occur on tho evening of Juno 7th.
llowaid Johnson, recently located
with the Christian church at Guide
Bock as pastor, made Elder Hussong
a visit on Monday.
Mr. Cain, mother of Mrs. J. 1J. Van
Horn, who has been visiting hero for
some time past lott Saturday morning
for Foit Scott, Kansas.
There will bo a business meeting of
tho Bed Cloud High School Alumni
Tuesday, May 21tli, at 3 p. in. sharp, at
high school buildiug. By older Com
mittee. A largo number havo in tho past two
or threo months paid their obligations
to us and received somo good books by
doing so. Wo havo still a nico lino of
books but they won't last long.
V. II. Sciivner, real cstato man,
will soil your farm for you for a rea
sonable per cent, or will trade your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
II. Sciivner, Bed Cloud, Nobr.
Tho editor of tho Noitonvillo Herald
evidently has been there, judging from
tho following "If a man could bito as
hard, according to his size, as a bed
bug, ho could bite a chunk out of a
Norm.. All who mo intoiestod iu
the Pleasant Hill oomoteiy mo request
ed to meet on Friday, May 2?th, at ','
o'clock and bo ptopareil to help clean
up the bmial gi minds, C. C. Co,
Theie will bo tegular services uct
sabbath and theteaflor at tho Congio
gational chinch conducted by Flunk
W. Dean of Aiidovcr Seminary, Mass.,
who accepted the call of tho church to
bo their pastor. Ho will also preach at
Indian Crook at 3 o'clock p. tu.
Sewing machines at Minor lbos
Father Ilaiiington of Oilcans was
hot o Tuesday.
Wami:i Gill for gouoial house
woik Inquiie of W. A. Mitchell.
Cat pets cut to match and lit looms,
with or without border. Misuu Bitos
W.Nri:n A good house gill U want
ed at once. Good wages L. A. Hi's.
James K. Kidd of Sedalla, Missouri,
at rived in the city Tuesday night for a
visit with t datives.
Dr. J. W. Moranvlllo is electing a
new bain on his residence pioperty iu
t ho noi theastet n pat t of the city.
The Lincoln Mixed Faints is niado in
tho west for tho western climate. It
stands the test. Sold by Cotting.
Miner Bros, handle tho best sowing
machine on tho tnaiket. Guaranteed
for 5 years, pi ice if 20. Call and seo it.
Adorn your walls with a UK25 pic
tuioof tho Maine. Given to any one
who will pay us a dollar in advanco for
I'm: Cmr.K.
100,000 sweet potato plants for sale.
Eaily Jersey and Southern (jiieen. In
quire of Mis. Henry Diederich, Bed
Cloud, Neb.
A good many are still in arrears on
subscription who might just as well
pay up now and take advantago of our
otter of premiums.
Dont buy queeusware or furnituro
until seeing the stock of Miner Bros.
which will arrive in a fow days. They
can savo you money.
Charley CIipsc, accompanied by his
daughter Maude, left Monday morning
for Welcome, Minnesota, where Miss
Maud will reside with her undo Goorgo
A now homo will bo established soon
among us. Mr. D. M. Saylcs is moving
from Cedar Bapids to this city and will
make this headquarters in his photo
graph business.
J. II. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a term of livo years at 3 por
cont. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on tho installment plan.
Drop hitn a card at Bed Cloud, Nob.
For Houicscckcr's excursion dates
via tho Missouri, Kansas & Texas rail
way, and information of their tourist
sleeper arrangements, address G. A.
McNutt, D. P. A., 1044 Union avonuo,
Kausas City, Mo,
Tho cayenno popper which wo throw
into tho oyes of tho Nation last week
had its effect and tho Spanish cur had
tho rabies and is now stark staring
mad and slobbering at the mouth. Ho
is harmless however.
Attention Comiunv. On Satin day
May 21, 1803, tho company foiming for
U. S. service will meet in tho city of
Bed Cloud for the purpose of drill and
ofliccring tho company. Also to ar
range for attending motnorial exorcises
May 30th, in a body. Promptness will
insuro efficiency. T. J. Ward.
I havo been a suflorar from chronic
diarrhoea ever sinco tho war and havo
used all kinds of medicines for it. At
last I found ono remedy that has beon
a success ns a euro, and that is Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
remedy .P. E. Gkisium, Gaars Mills,
La. For sale by II. E. Grico.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postoflicc at Bed Cloud, Nob
raska, for the week ending May 19th,
Bichoison, M. A. Woodenbiick, John
'I heso letters will ho sent to the dead
letter ollice Juno 2d, if not called for
befoie. When calling for above please
say advet Used T. C. Haoickii, P. M.
A Fleshy
Did you ever see one?
Did you ever hear of one ?
Most certainly not. Con
sumption is a disease that
invariably causes loss of
If you are light in weight,
even if your cough is only
a slight one, you should
certainly take
Scott's Emuslion
of cod liver oil 'with hypo
phosphites. No remedy
is such a perfect prevent
ive to consumption. Just
the moment your throat
begins to weaken and you
find you are losing flesh,
you should begin to take it.
And no other remedy
has cured so many cases
of consumption. Unless
you are far advanced with
this disease, Scott's Emul
sion will hold every in
ducement to you for a
perfect cure.
All DniKclsU, 50c amlfi.
Scott H Umwnk ciu-mlRtu N Y.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
,Tke Cascureta Candy Cathartic. lOoorOa
It C. C. O tail to cure, droggUU refund money.
Kojut miiki-i the loot! pure,
uholcvimc nnd delicious.
Absolutely Puro
BOtH 0IM POACIH CO . Ntw von.
I. O Uutler'.s goods aie up-to-date.
(loo. J. Warren and wife left today
for Lincoln.
Wobstot county's share of the stato
school appoitioninent will bo $5017.70.
Harness that will wear, keep its
shape and look neat is tho kind made
by J. O. Hutlor.
Frank Carpenter left Tuesday morn
ing for Columbus, Ohio, where ho will
make his homo for somo time.
Harry Stioup and wifo will leave iu
a fow days for a visit with the former's
parents near Haigler, Colorado.
Miner llroa. carry tho most comploto
lino of carpets in tho city. Seo them
before you purchaso ami savo money.
Good workmanship and material
in harness is tho saiuo as in other
goods. J. O. Uutlor's goods havo both.
Tiie CuiKi'j a set of Christy pattern
knives, and a bound book, all for ono
subscription paid iu advanco. Sub
scribe now.
Tho Union Fire Insurance Company
is tho best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments 3 per cent. J. 11. Smith,
Special Agout.
When you want carpets givo us a
call. Wo havo largest stock in tho
city ami can savo you monoy ou any
thing you want iu tho carpet lino.
Minku lilt 03.
Geo. E. lligelow of Lincoln passed
Sunday with friends bore and preached
for Pastor Hussong in tho evening.
Mr. lligelow is financial agent for the
Cotucr University.
To anyone paying 91 in advanco for
Tim Ciiikk wo will scud postage paid
two poi (folios, sio lOJ.xll inches, each
containing 10 beautiful leproductious
of photographs with descriptions por
tiayiug tho battle ships of tho Ameri
can navy. Extra poitfolios can bo ob
tained for ten cents each. A sample
portfolio can bo soon at this oflico.
Sheriff Wells, Fred Good and Ran
dolph McNitt aro in Grand Island this
week for tho purposo of bringing back
with thorn ono of tho mon who a year
ago tomorrow night broko away from
Sheriff Kunchoy at tho approach of tho
bridge south of tho river. Tho ono who
is in custody at Grand Island is named
Gordon. Tho shoriff has not yet ro
turned. A man at Rivortou wroto t) tho su
peiintondent of the 11. & M. complain
ing of the ill-usage of his house cat by
members of a section gang who weio
at work near his farm. Ho stated that
they had maltreated and abused tabby,
and thrown her in tho liver where sho
was obliged to take refuge ou a small
island and had not i elut ued home fur
man das. The It. A: M should send
him anew cat or give him damage to
the ainouot of tho 111 usage received by
the old one.
Someone with malice aforethought,
tells tho following story on a respected
Alma chinch deacon who, "while in
Topeka the other day heard tho baud
play and saw tho soldiers march and
forthwith swelled up with patriotism.
Ho bought a bunch of Hags for his
do.on kids and took them homo an 1
told tho youngsters to let them lly. Ho
was alittlo hoi tilled to find upon each
little old glory, after it had been given
to tho bree.e, this irtoverent inscrip
tion 'Hemembcr tho Maine, to hell
with Spain.' He said never a woul au
dible, but mentally ho the
wouls and thought, them's my senti
ments." Many old soldiers now feel the ell'eet
of tho hard service they endured dur
ing the war. Mr. George S. Anderson
of Kossville, Yoik county, l'enn., who
saw tho hardest kind of servioo at tho
ft out, is now fiiqiiontly tumbled with
ihoumntiMU. "1 had a .seveie attack
Intel," ho su s, "and piocured a hot-
tie of Cliunibei Iain's l'alu Halm. It
did so much gond that I would like to
know whnljou would charge me foi
one in,in bottles" Mr AudeiMiii
uaultd it both foi hit own Use and to
supply it to his fiieudb and neighbors,
as every family should have a bottle of
it in their home, not only for ihctima
tism, but lame baek, sprains, swellings
cuts, bruises and burns, for which it is
unequalled. For sale by II. . Grice.
. J "it t
.' .
Bay Yew Clothing
with the same
you would buy
Don't Aeeept
paper statements as to quality ?
and price, give the goods the
same critical inspection you
would the farm efore buying.
See that they are as represented,
A good title is the first and most
essential thing.
The Dealer's
is the title
good, the price
prove good.
We Invite yoaf
critical inspection of our goods
and believe it will result in I you
giving us your trade.
A handsome
with every suit.
Fred Poaso of Hastings is here.
A. M. Walters of Iiltio Hill was hero
Mrs. Elmer U. Overman has arrived
in tho city.
Carl Finarty is in tho city the guest
of his undo W. T. Auld.
Jnmos Burdon was in Jewell City,
Kausas, tho first of tho wcok.
A Nebraska girl arrived at the homo
of L. W. Smith on Mondav last.
Tho Spanish Hoot, it seems, succeed
cd in ovading tho battleship Oregon.
Mrs. Isaac Shcphordson and Mrs.
Hopkins of Kiverton were horo todny.
Mrs. Ellon Smith of Jowcll City visit-
cd hero a short time while on her way
to ltladen.
W. A. Mcintosh of Republic City,
Kansas, is heio visiting with J. R Van
Horn and family.
Dr. Dennett of Detroit, Michigan is
heio visiting his brother C. S. Dennett
ill for some time past.
Henry Richmond who has a good sit
on tho Omaha World Herald was hero
this wcok gieeting old friends.
Tho ton year old son of Albert Lock
ridgo fell off a load of hay on Wednes
day aftoi noon and broko his left arm.
Tho fracturo was reduced by Drs. Heck
and McKcoby.
Tho Nation's explanation this week
shows that James Got don Dennett fed
the cur a dog button, It lost its hi oak
fist and the Morning Glory never sur
vived the shook.
The baby boy of R M. Cochrane fell
oil the porch at their home on Se.vaul
stieet and dislocated his left elbow.
Dr. F. E. McKeeby was called and tit
tended to the injuicd member.
Will Deakin of Cowles who is aineni
boi of the Nebraska volunteers was iu
the city Wednesday night and took the
night ti ilia to Lincoln. He had been to
Cowles on leave of absence to attend
his.sister'n tuneial.
It is easy enough for persons in licit
madness, after having been shown to
be faking the people, to make Insinua
tions, The Nation has got all it can
handle if it will just attend to that
tlfteen-yoar-old girl deal. Its linen is
not spotless.
A San Francisco special to the Stato
Journal of this morning says: "Nehru
I -IU i
, ?
,!'.. Vifc'
degree of caution
a farm.
, .
for the goods. If $$
and quality will
Im'soontiibiitioii of men to the unity
which is to be sent to Manila ai rived
heio tonight. Theie aie thiity car
loads of them, numbering (ISO men and
ollicers. Another trainload, comprising
O.'tOmoro soldiers from tho samo stato
is retained at Rono, Nov., owing to tho
wrecking of another train.
The Modern Woodman of America
will observo memorial service at tho
Christian church next Sunday. Rov.
Hussong will dolivor tho sermon. All
neighbors aro requested to meet at tho
hall at ton o'clock. I3y Order Com
mittco. On Tuesday evening a cyclono pass
ed about livo miles west of Rtveiton
coming from the south, which did much
damage. J. 11. Smith of this city was
in Rivortou at tho timo and tho next
morning sent us a letter telling of tho
damage done Iih having gone over the
track of tho storm for about ten miles.
When the twister crossed tho railroad
it took down eighttelegiaph poles; then
next struck a new one story fiamo
house which was completely desttoyed
with no insurance. The lino two story
house of Elijah Eaton and a huge barn.
Loss W.OOO. with insiiianco of 81,5100.
Somo cattle and hogs weio also killed
heio. Tho family took refugo iu tho
cellar and escaped injury. From there
it went nor, beast aim demolished tho
ono story house of a man named Sim
iugtou along with thu outbuildings.
Loss about $900 with no insurance.
Then it took tho roof oil a stone house
belonging to a Mr. Stevenson. Tho
house of a man by the naiiio of Taylor
was wrecked and one of his littlo
daughters had a leg bioken. Along
tho track of the. storm farther not theast
much damage was done.
Kidnoy and Bladder Troublos.
If you .sutler fioni kidney, bladder or
urinary tumbles, or fioni too ficqiieut
or scant j, mine, Dr. Fenners Kidney
and Backache Cine is what you want.
Ded-wetting by children is generally
ctueil by ono bottle of this powerful
reined Testimonials aiu disregatded
many people doubting tho honesty or
billed ity of them, wo '.herefoio avoid
giving any bote, but will furnish them
on application to dealer whoso namo is
given below If not satisfied after us
ing one Oottlo your monoy will bo
funded by V L. Cotting.
lled Cloud
Cieainory opened up
We will honor any
chuck issued
by the Creamery Co.
Galusha & Wkscott.
Dr. Price's Crtm fUklag Pw4t
WNH'I fltfr I