THE BED CLOUD CII1ER ,jk i I r ..-.-. ii li.iww rnHV rw ..tJ-!' ., vifaunii viJ u wu kuore5S KlSi r " i- ,"-:!- .vr, ih "' tlPinati to know nil Is nntl.fnt torlty j 4MV rpi i . ni A AIT, Mr .iimIu.i uimu-ot-oil Amelia liar. ' I ' 1 !' 1 '"' IMiA.Ul INTERNATIONAL PRISS ASSOCIATION. CHAPTER XXV11. (Continued) "Dear Dick." murmured Dniotli.v "Ves, lie is perfection, lie illl hate so to go iinil leave inc. Imt lie had to go lit' had such a i;ooil appointment of fered It I tn . he illil not ilaii' refuse It. ! Still, ho hated to go anil leave mo. i just now especially. What he would say If ho know ahoiit Harburu, 1 I'an'! think. 1 don't think I would tell lilm. would you?" "Not till all is over," answered Es ihor. "It would only worry hlin for nothing. Hy-thi'-hyi", what Is ho like?" "Oli," nnil Dorothy looked round for Dick's portrait. "Oh. hero ho If." hold ing It out to hor cousin. Esther Urand took It and looked at It uttontivt'ly for a long tinio. nipped hor toa. nnil looked ajlti and yot ugain. "Woll," said Dorothy. impatiently. "1 like hlin," said IMlur. "ho looks good a n.l Into, and ho Is a handsome man, loo a tlno, honest-looklng. man ly man. Yns. I lllto him you're a lucky little girl, Dorothy." "So 1 think," answered Dorothy, proudly, "and Dick Is Just what ho looks- honrnl as the day. and as good as i;old." Esther laughed. "Woll. ou are a lucky little woman to have won siipIi a husband. 1 never met a man like that, or I should have been tempted to give up my liberty long ago. Do yon know, dearie. I always had a horrible conviction that you would end by mar rying David Stevenson, and 1 always lid dislike David Stevenson with all my heart and soul." "So did I," answerm! Dorothy, piomptly. For u moment she was tempted to tell Esther all about her mooting vv itli David, then a feeling that it would be scarcely fair to him held her hack, and he kept her own counsel about that matter. "Of course there Is no knowing what I might or might not have done it' dear Auntie had lived." she said, wish ing to explain everything aa far as pos sible and yet avoid saying much about David's feelings for hor, "and If 1 had never seen Dick; but then, you see, I did meet Dick, and Dick liked me, and - and " "And David Stevenson went to the wall," Esther said, linishlng the sen tence for her, "and a very proper and suitable place for him, too, my dear child," with a laugh. Dorothy laughed, too. "Ah! you are all very hard on pour David," she said softly. "Now, how shall we do about din ner? Hadn't we better wait a little ami see if this woman comes, and then go Into town anil dine somewhere?" she said. "I can't offer to cook a din ner for you. If I did, It would probably kill you to eat it." "Just, as you like. Then, couldn't we call at St. George's and leave a note to tell Harbara you have come?" Do rothy asked. "It will be Mich a load off Jier mind." "To be sure," Esther answered; and then they settled down to their chat again, and Esther heard a great deal more about Dick, and learned a great many of Dorothy's hopes and wishes about the baby that was to come bo foro long. Anil presently there came soma one to the door who rang gently and knocked softly. "I will go; sit Htlll." cried Esther. She went to the door, where she found a handsome, neatly dressed wo man, about forty years old. "Mrs. Harris?" she said inquiringly. "No," said Esther, "I am not Mrs. Harris, but this Is her house. Will you come in? I suppose Lord Aylmer sent you?" "Yes," madam," said the stranger re spectfully. It struck Esther us a little odd that she should use the term "madam," but she put the thought away from her al most as soon as it had taken shape in her mind. "Of course, she Is a mar ried woman, and perhaps has never been a servant at all," she said to her self; then said aloud: "Well, come in ami see Mrs. Harris. I am sure she will he very glad that you have come, nv-the-bye, what Is your name?" "My name Is Harris, too, madam," the stranger answered, with a depre cating look, as if she had rather taken a liberty In having married a man of the name of Harris. "Dear me, how odd! pose my cousin will liki your Christian name. " ".Amelia, madam." quietly. "Oh, yes." Then Esther opened the drawing-room door and bade Amelia Harris follow her. "Dorothy, here Is Lord Aylmer's . Why, my ',onr child, what Is the mat- ler?" for Dorothy was lying back in Iho.ohalr with a face as white as chalk antf pinched with pain. "I nm so ill." she gasped. Iher! Esther!" Esther took llim ground "Now, don't give way, my will bo well." she assorted. our help, and we will have the doctor hero In next to no time If you will only tell me where to send for him." "Dr. Franklin, iu Victoria road," Dorothy answered, "nut don't leave jne, Esther; don't," Cniulul.v not di. in ' iuella will go and ft till him." Fsihoi returned. "1 had better go at mm", madam." siitl Amelia, quietly. "Ves. say Mrs. Harris Ih ry ill' -Hint It Is urgent." 'Ves, madam." answered Amelia. She walked on" to the Victoria load at a pretty quick pace, thinking hard as she went. "H'ni: from what ho told mo. he never spoke to her before to- day. Queer. I wonder If he knows i about tills baby. Shall I who him, or 1 shall I keep the news as a little stir- i nrise for tomoirowV I'll keep It. The sight of his lordship's face will be worth something." She knocked at Dr. Franklin's door and asked to see hlin In exactly the same quiet, solf-po.-sessod way that alio I had spoken to Miss Hrand, and all ho 1 time her thoughts weie running on this new fancy of his lordship, "A little sickly-looking girl, little better than a child." she was thinking as she followed the neat maid into a waiting-room. "Not. 1 daie say, that she's looking In r best just now; but still, what he can fancy In her after a woman like me- but there . Ves, sir," she said aloud. "Mrs. Harris has been taken suddenly ill. and Miss Hrand wished mo to come and fetch you at once." "Miss Uranil'.'" said the doctor, In quiringly. "Wlio Is she?" "Mrs. Harris" cousin, sir." "Oh, yes. yes. I see. I'll be round In three minutes -in three minutes." "Very well, sir." Amelia Harris went quickly away, her thoughts still witli the old lord. "Some women wouldn't do the things he asked of them the things he asks 1 O Jji l1 Well. I sup. to call you by And that is she answered "Oh, Es- at once. dear; all "Hero Is "OH. ESTHER! ESTHER!" of me." she said to herself; "and if they promised to they'd play him false in the end and be jealous, and all that. Not me, though! Uird Aylmer can do what he likes, and think what he likes, and go where he likes; It's all one to me so long as I'm paid for my trouble. My! he must be in earnest over this business. Five hundred for a month's work live hundred pounds!" My that time she had reached Hie Mansions, and she went In, took otf her bonnet and cloak, and hustled about as only a thoroughly good work er can do, getting ready for the great event which seemed imminent, which Indeed was imminent, for by the time morning light shone over London town there were two more Inmates of the little Hat in I'alace Mansions a stout motherly nurse, who hushed upon her ample bosom a wee fragment of hu manity, a very small and soft pinkish person, who had grunted and squalled already in quite an alarming fashion. CHAPTER XXVIII. MELIA Harris proved herself to be all that Lord Alymer hud said she was; a strong, active and capable woman, quiet and quick, a good cool;, neat In appearand) and respectful In manner. She took the orders for the day from Miss Hrand and went off about II o'clock to get various things that were wanted, and among other er rands she had a telegraph form to hand In at the postolhec. It was from Esther Hrand to Rich aril Harris, and announced brielly, but to the point, "Son; both well." "It will cost a good bit. Amelia," Miss Hrand iiald. "I don't know exact ly what, but they will tell you at the postolllce. And, by the bye, you might bring back a dozen stamps for India. Wo shall be writing to Mr. Harris by each mall." "Yes, madam," Amelia Hurriu an swered. She was a clever woman, that same Amelia, for she went to the olllce and handed In the telegram, saying, "Will you tell me, please, what that will cost?" The clerk added It up and told Vr the amount. "Thank you," she said. "I will tell my mistress." She did bo; hut only that the tele gram had oust so much, and the mon ey wnlch Miss Hrand hud given her was short of exactly that sum. "Oh, not so very much after all," re marked Miss Hrand. "We will send him another wire In n week or no to let him know how they are going on." "It will be a great relief to the Ben- over, madam. ' answered Amelia liar lis. in hrr smoothest volte. Oh. yos. Indeed," returned Miss Hrand. She went then to sit beside her eon sin's bed. to bid her follow the iloo tor's directions and keep perfectly quiet, as if poor little delicate Dorothy would he likely to do anything else. Then she just told her that she had sent oil- a wire to Dick, and that as soon as she had put things in trim for lunch Amelia was going to run down to St. Ceorge's Hospital to carry the great news to Harbara. "Oh. that Is good! Harbara will be so anxious," murmured Dorothy. In her sweet olce. "Anil Dick, too, how proud he will be! You'll write at once, Esther, to tell him everything, to tell him how exactly like him the boy Is. Ho will ho so pleased.'' "1 expect he would rather It weie like you, dearie." said Esther, smiling. "Oh. no. Hut you mustn't call my boy it.' Esther." Dorothy declared. "and ami you'll bo sure to tell him that Lord Aylmer has been kindness Itself to mo. won't you?" "Hut. my dear, 1 thought we were not to tell him about Harbara's acci dent?" Esther exclaimed. "No -true," and Dorothy for a few minutes lay thinking deeply. Then she turned her eyes back again to her cousin's face. "Oh, I think you may as well tell hlin; you see. you are here, and the baby Is here. too. Dick will know that 1 am In good hands. I think 1 would rather that you told him, after all." "My dear child, take my advice don't mention the accident or Lord Aylmer at all," Esther urged. "Hu will worry, and a worrying man Is ail awful nuisance." "I didn't like deceiving Dick," Do rotby protested. "No, dear, no; but one could hardly call that deceit," Esther answered. "Anyway, will yon leave It to me? I will write on Wednesday morning, and bring you the letter to read." "Very well, Esther." said Dorothy. "That Is better. Now, if I go away you will rent a little, and I have va rious odds and ends to do," said Es ther, tenderly. One of her various "odds and ends' was to send Amelia off to St. Ceorge's to Inform Harbara that the long-expected event had happened, and that a tine bouncing boy, the very Image ol Dick-of his father, she said was now nourishing at I'alace Mansions. And if the truth bo told, Amelia llarr.s went off on this errand without any great feeling of satisfaction, for Just at that moment she particularly wish ed to remain In the house, having a great desire to be the- person to Im part the news to lonl Aylmer, when lie should care to Inquire for Mrs. Har ris' welfare. Of course, she argued with her thoughts as she went up the road, It was Just possible that he might wait until after lunch time; but then, on the other hand, there was not very much going on at this time of year to occupy his lordship, and she was afraid his impatient soul would bring him to look after bis prey as early as he con veniently could. And Amelia Harris was perfectly right, for just as she was passing the Klngsbrldge Ilarracks on her way city wards, Lord Aylmer's carriage stopped at the door of Pulaeo'Mansions. Esther saw It draw up. "Nurse," she said, going softly Into the little dressing-room where the nurse sat crooning over the baby by tho tire, "will you answer the door for i1 down In her In it'1 of lunrls. hIio won i " din d wh ii was that hmi.u-mulilrt wue I ASKS FOR HE mil. b I a c I. folds of Mrs. Cluv erton's new morn ing gown trailed after her, as she w o re It d o w n stairs for the Hist time, with an ele gance that put Its wearer in a line mood. She had risen In anything but n blithe humor, for her dinner last night bad proved a disastrous failure, thanks to the fact that her guest of honor had failed her at the last moment. There had been no good leason for the thing having fallen Hat even then, for the rest of the people she had asked weie certainly most congenial. Hut It was toward the end of the season and. per haps, they were getting weary of each other. Moreover, when they had come with the Idea that they were going to meet a llou It certainly was a disap pointment to lliul only the same men and women whom they had met every where for the last three months. Hence Mrs. (iaverton had fretted her maid, scorned her toast and tlnally end ed In a frightful pet. till her eyes hap pened to light on the last new tea gown. That was a diversion, nt least, and the lovely creation of sheeny atln and billows of creamy lace succeeded In smoothing away the fretful linen about Its mistress' forehead with a man clous suddeuiuss. The gown was paitlciihirly fortunate in the way It trailed In the back, nnil Mrs. Cluvrton, with a cautions peep to see that the butler was not In Hi" lower hall, went down step after step, with her head turned back In nipt lontcni platlon of the luxurious folds, gliding gracefully over the rich. old. polished oak of the staircase. In tho library she stepped with stately tread up nnil down over the soft, deep rugs, each moment growing more and more con vluced that, even though her cheeks were losing a little of their color, her shoulders and the line at hor waist were as distinguished us ever. And then, just when the salvo of content ment promised to sooth the lacerated feelings of my lady, poor Mrs. Clave r ton was unfortunate enough to pull all her happiness down In a ruin over her ears; for, an she stopped to lean her arm against the mantel In front of the open llreplace, iu order to get a closer peep at her treasure of a dressmaker s skillful arrangement of becoming lace close about her long neck, the tloiitice edging of the sleeve of the proclaim new gown fell back, with a cruel lack of appreciation of tho situation, and left rellected there In the mirror Just beyond a poor, thin, ied elbow, with Itn knotty point all too vivid to leave any room iu Its owner's mind for the hope that she was not growing older after all. Mrs. Clavcrton set her teeth with a iclnus snap, and she tugged so sav agely at the hateful lace frill that It V MrW X,'! vivwl me? Amelia has gone, it Is Lord AyU (To bo Continued.) IHaKiiimlnjc Dlxcukr. A medical man, far ahead of his pat by and bin training, unable accu rately to diagnose n disease which had foi a long time bullied hlin, tried an ex periment. Helng an expert bacteriolo gist, and knowing by sight the Infinit esimal atoms that live to destroy hu man life, he put the patient Into a Rus sian bath, allowed him to remain un til he was drenched with perspiration, and then scraped IiIh skin to secure, If possible, through the exudation a sufll elent number of bacilli to enable him to determine the nature of the nllment from which his patient suffered. So many to the square inch meant danger, nnil by a simple process of mathematic al calculation, he soon discovered the enemy that was. sapping the strong holds of life. He estimated that mil lions of bacilli were washed out of the body by those streams of perspiration. Having established this as a fact, he made It his practice to examine all obscure cases In the same way. If the system Is overcharged with bacilli and the perspiration furnishes courses up on which they lloat from the body, surely this ought to he one of tho most accurate methods of diagnosing doubtful cases. That the perspiration of human beings Is poisonous is an ad mitted fact. Small animals are readily killed by subcutaneous Injections of perspiration collected ufter violent ex enise. Hume, Nwcrt llomr. Maglstrate-You admit that you en tered the house of the prosecuting wit ness by the door at 2 o'clock In the morning? Prisoner -- Yes, your honor. Magistrate- What business had you there at that time of night? Prisoner I thought it was my own bouse. Magis trate Then why did you, when this lady approached, leap through the win dow, Jump into the cistern, and hide yourself? Prlsimer- Your honor, J thought It was my wife.- Tit-Hits. Ill- Otti'il It to II I m. "What u distinguished looking mar. your father Is! His white hair glvei him such an uilstocratlu look!" The Dissipated Son "Yes, and he ctys thank me for It." Tlt-Ults. I VI $' w ,fe 1IROKE IN A THOUSAND HITS, parted in her Impatient lingers and re vealed tho poor elbow staring out In all Its denuded ugliness. "That settles that," snnpped Mrs. Clavcrton to herself, as she threw her self into a chair and cuddled her help less arm down In the charity of a big silk pillow; "any woman who doesn't know enough to make u sleeve long enough to be right run't expect any more work from me. What kind of a diessmaker Is she, anyway. If she hasn't sense enough to put on an extra Inch if a woman's arm is getting a trille thin? I've been going too much and sleeping too little this winter. I must get away this Lent, and live on milk and porridge till Easter. It's a shame that Providence made a woman out of a bone in the beginning, and then keeps on reminding her of It through all tho ages." There came u light click on the pol ished lloor without, mid Mrs. Claverton looked up to see Nannie, her new maid, stop Irresolutely in the doorway. "I I didn't know you had come down, ma'am," stammered the girl, as elio turned all rosy iu that exaspernt lngly becoming way the girl had. "I was going to clean the chandelier." MrB. Clnveiton hesitated. It wasn't pleasant to sit In a room while a ser vant manipulated a lot of soap suds, brushes and old cloths before one's eyes. She had decided to spend the long, rainy morning there in the li brary before the wood lire. Yes. the girl could do it some other time It was such a nuisance, anyway, that maids and butlers always did their work iu such an ostentatious way. It would have been so ntiiih better if they would have got through with It when the family was in bed, or out of town. A woman never knew when she might come Into her own house without run ning against a man with a feather dus ter in his hand, or a girl with an odoi of gasoline about her. Still, Mrs. Clav erton sighed resignedly; mid informed the maid she might as well do It thou as any other Inopportune time. It had breu neglected long enough. Nannie Hushed again, but dragged .her little set of steps to the middle of the room and began In her apologetic, timid manner the polishing of the glit tering arrangement of brass and crys tal above her head. Mrj. oiaverton watched her dreamily. She didn't con feet; It even to herself, but some wny, .-.. ..I.I. I. I.. .1..,, ,...11,., Mil. I i Hill II lllll ?ll II im-i vjlll nip. mini..-, in.'. , wh.. eon their pink print gowns could not coiii'fiil the fiesh. young rouiulncM of their wiilsls. The mistress of the bouse was rapidly becoming a mural anarchist, with a mighty feminine de sire to tear Into lilts uny luw of nature which allowed menials to have pink cheeks uiul snowy throats, while all the millions of her husband couldn't eradicate the tell-tale Hues In front of ears ami across her tluout. Poor Nannie, who wasn't wise enough to discover what was really mount by the spiteful gleuni littering thiotigh my lady's half-closed eyes, nevertheless was cruelly conscious Hint she wns under some bitter disapproval, and her lingers nil nt once grew clumsy and slow. As she felt the relentless eyes bore deeper and deeper Into her defenseless self h"r nervousness In creased ami she ended by dropping her soap with a splash into tier pail of warm water. Mrs. Claverton gave an angry little "Take cine!" mid made as though some of III' loathsome stuff had dashed on to the beautiful gown, al though Nunnle knew perfectly well that not a drop of It hud come within a couple of yards of the fastidious lady. Still, the accident deprived her of her last vestige of composure and. as she climbed to tho top of her steps again, she set her foot on the hem of her gown mid ii snarling little lent tore -.Igziigs through the thin fabric. "Stupid! What Is the mutter with you, uny way?" uinie Mrs. Claserton's quick voice again; that voice which her friends thought so suave ami gen tle. Poor Nannie's big blue eyes llllcil and she bit her quivering Up till the snowy teeth threatened to do Irtepar ablo Injury to the tendei red tlcsli. Hut without a word she lifted her round arms to tlulr woru again anil soon there was no sound Iu the long room he.voud the occasional clink of tho bur nished chandelier, as Its prisms, span gles and tiny cnaliis glittered under the nervous lingers. Peace hovered close above the trou bled scene for a few minutes, and all might have gone well If Nannie, Iu an attempt to reach the highest tip of the glittering rod, had not succeeded lt loosing her sleeve, till It fell hack half way to the shoulder, revealing the most captivating elbow over made; It was so soft, so smooth, with the deep est dimple at the very tip, and a hint ol another at the Inner bend, where (he slight rosiness of Hie skin began to melt Into the (lawless white of the up per arm. Mrs. Claverton saw, and sb dug her own poor elbow deeper into the do leuseless cushion. Thou unconscious Nannie lifted her lovely arms blghir, and the other sleeve slipped back, be traying a twin to the Ileal lovely elbow, which might have outvied Its mate. If that had been possible. Mis. Cluvee- tou started forward iu her chair, with a Herce little sound, not exactly a word and certainly nothing so unlovely sis a hiss. Hut whatever It was It was sharp enough to startle the sensitive maid, and as a consequence one of the costly glass globes dropped from her taper lingers and broke In a thousand bits on the lloor, Mrs, Claverton herself didn't know what she said, but It relieved her pent up feelings when the poor little crea ture crept from the room with her hateful sunny head bowed with sobs. Nannie told her mother that she had been discharged because she had "broke a big chiny lamp shade." Hut tho real cause of her dismissal lay in tlie fact that Mrs. Claverton's gown tniiker wasn't tactful. ANOE BITTR-V.a. tlU.igri'culilp Humor I'liiiors u ;Vtting 'Tno Trundle In rtiiln-rlyV I'Iiki., They tell this St. Patrick's Day story of Dennis Flaherty. Originally a resi lient iu well an a native of County Wlcklow, Ireland. Denis Is now tho keeper of a largo saloon over In West. Madison street. For the purposes of this story II is also well to add that Dennis Is u loyul citizen of I he United Stales and it ii ardent lover of the em era hi isle. Everyone wore the green about Mr. Flaherty's: place on St. Pat lick's Day. The proprietor was adorn ed witli an artlllelal shamrock In green silk, each of the two bartenders sport ed u green ribbon on his vest lapel, mid every Irishman who stood long be fore the bar biro the prevailing color In some manner or had forcible atten tion drawn to his delinquency before, long. It was Into this atmosphere of affection for Erin that three young men wandered early In the evening. They were not Irish, but wheii they looked about them and saw that the green was In favor It occurred to the wag of the trio that he and his com panions could make a hit by falling In with the lelgnlng spirit, "(live us somo whisky bo sure It Is Irish," he said to the bartender nearest him. "Yes, of course, ninke mine Irish, loo," said one of his friends. Proprietor Flaherty looked pleased. Wo was standing at the end of the bar, beaming along the line of customers. "And lit have Irish whisky," said the third young fellow. For (he space of half a minute he could have secured it gift of half the saloon's stock from tho tickled owner. Hut a fatal humorous Hash came to him, and ho added: "Throw In a dash of orange bitters." When the crowd pulled Mr Flaherty and his two bartenders from the upper side of the three young men and the proprietor had dusted off li Is elolhea mid recovered his breath, he remarked: "Orange hitters, Is it? Thf stuff would make you sick, youn mini." .iM-iiriini'rM .n Drrrlt fill. One of our soldier readers sends us a story of one of his comrades, a pri vate, who recently found himself an Inmate of a military hospital. Im mensely pleased with his altered condi tions ami blissfully conscious that his pay was steadily running on, he felt positively grieved one morning to Unit himself feeling aa well as ever ho did. The doctor paid his usual visit with the clinical thermometer, which found a resting place under Tommy Atkins' tongue. While tho physicians' atten tion was distracted, however, the In strument was gently transferred to n basin of hot tea standing near, and after a few moments deftly returned mid finally handed hack with the mer cury rigid at 11!0. "Great heavens," exclaimed tlie doctor, aghast, his pro fessional calmness rudely shattered. "You ought to be stone dead, man. No body was ever known to live at any thing like that. Got to bed, quick. Your ense Is a desperate one." London Telegraph. PETTICOATS OF THE SEASON IiiIIit TIiiiii or Yorr, Hut 1'ri-tty inn N'oiiiitnlcul. The new styles In petticoats are be wilderliigly pretty; better still, they are eminently sensible in material cut. Silk Is the favorite material, and as there never was a time when sill could be bought so cheap, It is quit) possible, even for the vvman who hut to consult economy, to have several Fashion requires Hint linings of trn doth suits this year shall he of con Hasting silk, ami one of the ne.wes fads Is to have a petticoat to wea under the gown of the same color u the gown Itself, but Just a shade o two lighter. All these me fuller thni they were, but the fullness Is gatherei Into a small space at the hack, quit like the skirt of the gowns, mid th lit over the stomach and tho hips 1 carefully attended to. A deep Span Ish tlounce Is still the fashion, hut th skirt Itself extends under the tlounc now. One or more rullles to trim th llouiice and Just as many Inside ruchei or little flounces, us can be put o are added. Iaco Insertion Is very much uscd hlack laces on the flounces of pctt' coats to wear with street gowns, whit lace on those to wear with light gown In the house. In all the petticoat there Is some attempt at wiling, eltlu with a feather hone run through Jui above and Junt below the flounce, ( the dress extenders, put Into tho hac , breadths, so that the petticoat hanf out full and wide. The objection oftc raised that silk petticoats are too col for winter wear is quite done uwn with by lining them with flannel t far as the knee. This docs not nd to the weight mid yet gives suhiclci warmth. In all styles It Is most io portant that the petticoats be cut t lit the dress If a "smart" effect Is d sired. A l.u Whirl. First Shade Dorothy's wings a ways look well. What does she do keep thorn so nice? Second Shade Trades 'em every season for a ne, pair.- Life. OUT OFTHE MOUTHS OF BABE', Could Nol linlih- ii I'lntv. A certain incident connected with the great Napoleon, while he was In exile in Elba, Is commemorated In the Island, to this hour, by an Inscription afllxed to the wall of a peasant's house: "A man named Glaconi was plowing when the famous exile came along one day, and expressed his In terest In the work. Napoleon even took the plowshare out of the man's hand and attempted to guide it himself. Hut the oxen refused to obey him, turned the plow and spoiled the fur row. The Inscription runs thus: "Na poleon the Grent, passing by this place In MDOCOXIV., took in the neighbor ing Held a plowshare from the hands of a peasant, and himself tried to nm the plow, but the oxen, rebellious to those hands which yet had guided Eu rope, headlong fled from the furrow." Anecdotes Olio Thliic Hurc. She Do you think the north pole will ever bo discovered? Ho Not us long us people are willing to pay to hear men tell how they didn't find it. Love laughs at locksmiths, but when the lover bolts there's apt to be a breach of promise A little south side girl was standli nt the window ns a druyload of hid was passing by. Running Into the ne room she exclaimed: "Oh, mamrn there goes u whole pile of cows' ove coats. Tommy, aged three, was playing o on the lawn one evening and, happe Ing to sec a shooting star for the fir; time, he ran into the house exclalr! Ing: "Mamma, mamma; tome her? quick; God jes' let one of his sta full!" Llttl four-year-old Grade had bej sitting very quiet for some tinio, j.r, Ingly lost In thought. "Wlut yi thinking about, dear?" asked h mother. "Oh," she replied, "I was Ju wundeiing where the todays go win they get to bo yesterdays." An observing girl of llvo was vis! Ing one of her playmates who own an orgulnette, and sho was very mui taken with It. On her return home si di scribed it to her mother as a m chine in which they poked porous plal tors and ground them up Into music. Little Wllllo UlsllkcU to attei school, so one morning he thoucnt would play off sick. "What is tho mai tor with you, Willie?" aiked his mot er. Not knowing a wholo vocabulary ailments to select from, on the spur the moment he replied: "Why, i teeth Itch." A bright little fellow of five who til been engaged In a combat with nnoth l;i.y was reproved by hLs mother, wl nun mm no oiigui to unvo waited u til the other boy commenced it. "Wei replied the youthful hero. "If I'd wait for mm to begin It there wouldd have been no fight." 'it : Wi I ny l