t-1 THE KBD CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, TNIAY IK. 1898. 5 M.MaM4MIM:JUlUVnff- n ; itwyBBtn fi vPirwivniM'nTiMPfiPMniNni IHIJUBH lHUIBi V'WPIMIIIHB HIW II lllll'W IWWW -fcf.gt. i 3t?H""Jv'vV' '".-. ''' . " ' v.: v. v; : . $$&$$ C.M.Henderson & Go's BOYS' Shoes ARE STAUNCH WEARERS, GOOD FITTERS and STYLISH. Order Some H 0 MKUK MKNTIOX. Sewing machines !it Minor Bros. I. B. Colviti of Guide Rock WHS Ill'lO Tuesday. Jacob Bailey of Hastings was hero this week. Lou. Fuller of Lawrence was hero lli is week. V. S. Garberis homo after n several weeks absence. 0. 11. Balliol of Umaliii was here the first of the week. Robert McBrido is now working for GaluslnuV Wescott. Mis Grace Garber visited in (initio Rook Saturday anil Sunday. 1). L Groat is having Seward street newly sli his house on Bled. g hi. ingle Black Cats. (imp KWKJ M& 'm rii WTO THE kit) Ml makes the IikhI purr, whnlcAnme nnd iltllclmu, 4 VOLUNTEERS (CORN) IN THE FIELD 11 II Must Have Them. Galusha & Wescott. up i && mm CITY NEWS. it See our book oiler. Carpets at Miner Hits. Full line. Excuse these tears. The daily Joke dead. (to to Butler fur the lm-,1 in saddlery d harness. AROUND TOWN. Head our free book offer. See lladley for paper hanging. C. F. McGrcw of Hastings was here Monday. V largo crowd from Superior was li re show day. 0. H. Dunbar hero Monday. New wall paper tains at Cuttings. of Guido Rock was and window cur- Win. Lindsoy and wife of Hastings were hero this week. b A. Swp'.V and daughter Mariol v -re Here let wees. , . , I Miss Georgia Hlaekinore returned Mr. and Mis. A. Scott of Canipbol. , f,.om superior Thursday night. iie here tl 1 tir-l oi the week. M. Stern of Hastings isbero this wick looking after property interests. ; Thud M-N'itt returned home Wed iicmIuv morning from a trip to McCook. Mrs. John Gnrhcr returned to her homo at McCook, Satuiday evening. Hd. Stotvv f ll'i'iii.- was her i-iting his brothel 1'aul u.i week. t J I'lm guns of another Spanish institii n have been spiked. The l)ail. -U'. . ..ii Auerhuru of Kuieiou, Ii..i, wa hero the first of the week looking after court matters. A Oolortype picture of the battle ship Maine WVJri given with a new sub scription to Tin: Chief. Miner Bros, will in the near future put in u fHll lino of furniture and qiiconswnro. Wait for them. A. J.Tonilinson of this city has re ceived the appointment of intelligence clerk at tho stato exposition at Omaha. The St. Louis Ropublic has no doubt ai.nr niv tin Mnrninir Glnrv's news ser vice by cutting off his exchange. And it is dead. Mrs. Sardis Kolloy of Topoka, Kan sas, who has beon visiting with her pa rents Mr. and Mrs. John Boan, re turned homo Monday. Wot our prices on carpets, ah kinds and at tho lowest prices, hie cant lino of samples and largest stock inthoeitytosoleetfrom. MinkkBuos. A now subscriber, or an old subscrib er, who pays n year in advanco of Fob ru'uy 14th, 181)8. will receive two good book Read advertisement on anoth er page. A crayon lithograph of Miss Francis K. Willard, a co ortype of Mm Maine, a wall tinned or pocket map of Cuba, any one of these to a subscriber ivuing us a dollar in advance for Thk Ciiikf. We will fur tho next ten days supply any one paying us a year in advance on Tin: Ciiikf with a Coiortypo piciuro of tho battle ship Maine, size 10x25; ready for framing. These are line and you should get one at once Copies can bo had also fur r0 cents in cash. The John Robinson greatest show on earth, with the earmarks of tho Ring lings showed here Tuesday. The show while fair was not up to expectations. Tho patronago received by tucniwns not as heavy as that generally given to Hhos hero owing to tho (act that the f avows re very busy. Rev. r Cowles, week. tall of Franklin, formerly of was visiting in this city this Come in and see sample of our port folio on Hawaii, Cuba and tho Ameri can navy. Med Lavalleo and wife of Riverton weir heioTuesday, tho guests of NoNo Lnugtiu and wife. Mrs Aaron Conover left Thursday morning for a week's visit withiola lives at Franklin, this state. Subject Sunday evening at the Fir.-t M. E. church, "The Proper Use of tho Urania." You should hear this. L B. Tail is organizing a class which he will instruct in tho art of swinging Indian clubs, etc. Ho reports quite u J a largo class. A vorj enthusiastic war mooting was held at the court house last Saturday night and there was up to that timo an enrollment of 85 on tho enlistment paper. A large number have in tho p'ist two or threo months paid their obligations to us and received some good books by doing so. We liavo still a nice line of books but they won't last long. V. 11. Scrivner, real estate man, will sell your farm for you for a rea sonable per cent, or will trade your farms for Missouri lands. Address, V. II. Scrivner, Red Cloud, aobr. O In a telegram sent us by l'ho Now York Herald they assured us that no paper in this statu was authorized to use cablegram bearing the copyright of James Cordon Bennett. The Morn ing Glory Used them however. About twenty of tho young friends gathered at the home of Master Garner Potter on Wednesday evening, the oc casion being his seventh birthday anni versary. All report a very enjoyable timo and unite in wishing him many bappy returns of tu ocaairoa. Carpets cut to match and lit rooms, with or without border. MiNUlt Bltos. A foundation lias been put under lite Kaliy building north of Jos. Her burgerV. A special train was run from Super ior to allow people from there to take in Robinson's circus. The Lincoln Mixed Paints is made in the west for tho western climate. It stands the test. Sold by Coiling. Miner Bros, handle tho best sewing machine on the market. Guaranteed tor ft years, price $20. Call and see it. Adorn oiir walls with a l!x25 pie tuieol the Maine. Given to any one wlio will pay us a dollar in advance for Tin. Cim.r. 100,000 sweet potato plants for sale. Early Jersey ami Southern (Juecn. In quire ol airs. Henry uicucricn, neo Cloud, Neb. A good many are still in arrears on subscription who might just as well pay up now and take advantage of our offer of premiums. Dout buy quconswnro or furnituro until seeing the stock of Miner Bros, which will arrive in a few days. They can savo you money. Charley White ami Eltmcr Schaffuit left Tuesday night with tho John Rob inson circus in tho capacity of table waiters. Charley will also play in tho band. Tho farmers of Long Island nro not planting any peas this spring because they aro afraid tho Spanish will oome over and shell them. Beaver City Tribune. Raymond's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" company has the finest free street pa rade ever attempted by a theatrical or ganization. It will take place in Red Cloud on Friday May 20. J. 11. Smith writes combined insur ance for a term of live years at a per cent. On schools houses, churches and farm property on tho installment plan. Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Neb. For Homescekcr's excursion dates via tho Missouri, Kansas & Texas rail way, and information of their tourist sleeper arrangements, address G. A. McNutt, 1). P. A., 10 M Union avenue, Kansas City, Mo, Raymond's "Uncle Tom's Cabin Co will be in Red Cloud on Friday May 20. This is the biggest and best dramatic company playing under canvas, i ney will play "Uncle Tom's Cabin" com plete, not cutting it as is usually uono by inferior companies. A Georgia girl rojoiccs in tho uamo of Mary Rementa Olla Ludentia Laura Suzetta Missouria Gcorgiana Jennie Presslev RhodaDiaretta Jnno Cornetta Biiiiey Purdue. That's all at present tliouuli some young man may wish to add his name to her collection sooner or later. Boaver Valley Tribune. I have beon a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea over since tho war and haro used all kinds of medicines for it. At last I f nnd one remedy that has been si success as a cure, ami tlial is Uliaiu bcrlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. P. E. Gimsham, Gaars Mills, La. For sale by H. E. Grico. Occasionally wo go too far to borrow trouble. An Atchison woman was found sobbjng violently the other day over her twoinonths-old baby boy. When aki'd the came she said that site was afraid that there might bo a war with Spain, and that when her son grew up be would enlist and get killed. And all tho women who came to hear the sad news sat down and cried with her. Women aro so sympa thetic. Atchison Ulouc. POWDER Absolutely Puro hoi oino roDtn CO., Mv von MOItU Olt liKSti IMHtSONAIi. . ... .St'. . . . '.!. .l-l. t ' ! I- ' ... . i,,iiV,t -i , i .' I ,'H't ,''',. .:... .':. .&::. ?;..' I Boy Ycof Glothing m W LV-. ft with the same degree of caution you would buy a farm. Don't Aeeept j. O. Butler's goods of Guide are up-to-date. Rock was here Ed Bun Tuesday. A. B. Truman of Superior was hero this week. Homer Kiuscl went to Blue Hill Wednesday. C. J. Pope washotne visiting with Ills wife this week. R. S. Proudtit of Guide Rock was hero this week. 11. (' Cutter returned last evening from Kansas City. Miss Lulu Pease of Hastings was hero the last of the week. Gcorgo Hutchison has had a bad touch of rheumatism lately. S. E. Co.ad of Lincoln formerly of this place was here this week. Don't miss "Undo Tom's Cabin" at Red Cloud May 20, next Friday. Wni Harris has been appointed night watch and ho will make n good one. Nome Sanford of Axtell was shaking hands with old friends hero Tuesday. Uatt Lindley of Rivetton was here visiting Chas. Piatt and family Snnday. Mrs. Nellio Hoy of Iowa is here visit ing her parents Mr. and Mrs.C.S. Ben nett. Jim Morrison of Superior was in the city this week renewing old acquain tances. Mrs. Hall has had her residence on Seward street beautified by a new coat of paint. Harness hat will wear, keep its shape and look neat is the kind made by J.O. Butler. M. W. Diekerson Is marshal ami water and street commissioner and tho appointment is all right. Miner Bros, carry the most complete line of carpets in tho city. See them before you purchase and savo monoy. Good workmansliip and material in harness is tho same as in other goods. J. O. Butler's goods have both. Omor Doling of tho depot forco has been transferred to Holdrego and his placo here is filled by J. W. Kennedy Tiik Ciiikf, a set of Christy pattern knives, and u bound book, all for ono SUUSCripiluii (mm iu vmiui,u. scribe now. Sii :mi :Jt!. paper statements as to quality and price, give the goods the same critical inspection you would the farm efore buying. See that they are as represented, A good title is the first and most essential thing. The Dealer's Reputation is the title for the goods. If good, the price and quality will prove good. I We Invite your Pi's iff ' 7. iTi S"'. i 1 H w k k Vi5 m m r..f: : RIK T W: ?i :1 m . critical inspection of our goods and believe it will result in you giving us your trade. FKEYPKK & CO. I Pi SI SI .v.- Sub- A handsome pocketbook given with every suit. 15S :v.'i.J2.. f".... " ".! -f...-..i."f...-..i.-.. ?..!...... ia?.. ... . .....-.!.. :!. ...!"..?: . .". T i m THE TRUTH nURTS. The ,s9999999B99999999999at!l. SCROFULA. One of America's most fa- w mous physicians says: "Scrof- w ola is external consumption." $ Scrofulous children are often $ beautiful children, but they $ lack nerve force, strong bones, w stout muscles and power to w -i. J! 1? J-f . resist uisc4c iur ucutuvt w children there is no remedy w equal to $ Scott's Emulsion i I 1 J of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- $ (T phosphites of Lime and Soda. m It fills out the skin by putting w the cheeks red by making rich j blood. It creates an appetite for food and gives the body J power enough to digest it. Ee sure you get SCOTT'S Emu! m sion. foc.anJfl.oo; tlldruggUti. SCOTT 4 UOWNE, The Union Firolnsurnnee Company is the best mutual. Combino risks; in installments ' per cent. J. II. Smith, Special Agent. When you want carpets giro us a call. Wo linvo largest stock in tho i-itv and can savo von money on any thing you want in the carpet lino. MiM'.it Bltos. Mrs. llepsio Diclil of St. Louis and Charlotta Clapp of Bloomington, this state, sister and niece of lewis Clapp eamo down from the latter place and visited Tuesday returning the same evening. Raymond's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co. has the best brass band on tho road. They will give a grand free concert in Ui'il Cloud on Friday May !20. Come and enjoy some good music. It will cost nothing. A Glasgow paper thus analyzes tho music of a bagpipo: Big Hies on a win dow, 7'2 per cent; cats on midnight tiles, 11 j percent; voices of infant pup pies, 0 per eeni; gruniiug iiiuiKijr w in the morning, fJ per cent; steam whistles, :i per cent; chant of cricket, 2 per etnt. Clay Center (Kan.) Times Leo Tinker, a former will known Bed Cloud boy is here renewing ac quaintance with old friends, lie left hero some ten years ago and his homo tnv (.Kvm-iil viMirs oast has been Okla homa City. Ho has been visiting his parents at McCook, and (same hero Wednesday morning accompanied, by hw sister. 'IV, nnrnnn tmvitlC tl ill advance for Thk Ciiikf we will send postngu paid two portfolios, size lOJxll inches, each containing Hi bountiful reproductions of photographs with descriptions por traying the Imttlo ships of v Ameri can navy. Kxtra portfolios can tm ob tained for ton cents each. A sample portfolio can be seen at this ofllee. Many old soldiers now feel tho etl'cct of the hard servico they endured dur ing the war. Mr. Guorgo S. Anderson of ltos.sville, York county, Bonn., who saw the hardest kind of sorvioo at the front, is now frequently irouoieu who rheumatism. "1 had a severe attack lateM," be says, "and procured a hot tin of Chamberlain's l'alu Balm. It did so much good that i wouni iiko hi know what you would charge ino for one dozen bottles " Mr. Anderson wmiii'd it both for his own 110 and to Morning Glory's News Service Gotten by Use oi Scissors. Wo don't have to traduce our com mon enemy of tho Dally Morning Glory to ahow to the people that ho has boon using thorn as suckurs to furthor a lit tle notoriety boom lie had under his hat. We don't have to use a pago of our papor to malign tho fellow who kinwsitall. Wo have bombarded his own statements in regard to where ho get. his news .service and his fortllica tions have crumbled. Wo gave tho Spaniard a thrust with plain truth and ho comes back at us with tnu utiiy weapon this race uses, iinprocn'.ions and foul mouthed lies. But to the point- Last week wo exposed the statement that ho received the news set vice thiougb the Omnha Bee. This week we are able to tell you where he received the bulk of his news and also show that the people could have read ibis news the evening liefoie in the St. Louis Republic On lint 1-Viilay night wo went to the depot mid pur chased on the train a St. Louis Repub lis dated Friday morning, May 0, which was printed that morning between midnight and 'i o'clock, and behold the City Council. Council met as per adjourneut of the 4th, with Mayor Beck presiding and Aldermen Hollister, Wright and Kite present. Mayor administered oath of oflice to city clerk nftcr which minutes of last meeting woro read and approved. Mayor appointed J. M. Sellarscity engineer for tho ensuing year, salary to bo $10 per month nnd coal for his own use. Appointment confirmed. Mayor appointed M. W. Diekerson us water commissioner, street commis sioner, and city marshal for tho ensu ing year at terms stated in ids propo sition, $30 per mouth. Appointment continued ami oath of ollice adminis tered. Petition of Win. Harris asking ap pointment as night watch read and upon motion Mr. Harils wasauthoi ized to act as night waicli at a salary of $10 per mouth, Motion prevailed to luy petition of J. G.Sapp for night wateii on the table. Motion prevailed to lay petition of 11. B. Kiuscl i elating lo position of city engineer on tho table The following committees were -ip-pointed: Auditing Wright and Spokolicld. Streets and alleys 1st ward, Spokes Held; 2d ward, Wright. Printing Spokoslicld and Rife. Water agreement of C. B. it Q. rail road wa- read mid clerk was author ized to notify i-aid railroad that rate for furiiitliiuir water had been ad vanced from $J0to$2.r per month. HMMNI ,oo ; tlldruggUti. 0, IE, Chtmltti, New York. J mmtmmmmmft Morning Glory came out Saturday morning with three long scissored ar ticles taken from this paper word for word ror seven days this paper came out with dispatches bearing tho copy- right signature of James Gordon Ben nett, W. R. Hearst and Tho Associated Press. Where did ho gel these? A cablegi am costs money. A copyrighted cablegram or an thing elso copyright ed is protected by tho government nnd a penalty of 10) is imposed if used without authority as the following will show: "Tho law imposes a penalty of $100 upon any person, who has not ob tained a copyright who shall insert these words, "Copyrighted, 18, by ," or wolds of tho same import in or upon a book or other article." It will bo seen therefore that if it was not for his povorty tho editor of the Morning Glory would have to put up considerable hard cash nnd also have .suits apainst him for damages, The St. Louis Ropublic above referred to publishes these copyrights and they were gotten by tho Dally Joke by the hcMsois ionic. Latku: Tho Morning Glory died this morning. Late reliaplo advices state that San Juan. Porto Rico, lias been bombarded by Sampson's big licet and the forts re- lueeil lo nsnos aim mu k""" ''" Oflieiiil bond of M. W. Diekerson was read and approved and placed on tile. Bond of L. K. Tail was read and ap proved mid ordered pluced on tile. Bond of oily treasurer was read and approved and placed on tile and treas urer sworn in. On motion council adjourned. a. 1 - . . .,,.11.1.11 lllll !. II1II 111 Mill i i .. i ii. .j. liiiiimu iiiiiiiiiiTi nuini in iw tnu supply it to hs friends .;m no g. oors, . - , Concord. Tho as every family should have a bottle of (U'" '"' ,,'' V.., Winslow In an en- it in their home, not only for rhouina. U.S. to ped g''bn-bor was lis,,,, but laine back, sp,ains swellings ' dand flve'of her men killed and .U.!K8 Ki 3.UV Ort ' "Vera! wc.d.d F. P. Had ley was caught burglariz ing the A. R. Reynolds nuat market list Sunday morning about 1 a. in. and shot through tho lleshy part of tho thigh by Herbert. Cook. Ho was arrested and brought before Judge Duffy Mon day for preliminary Hearing, aim ooumt over to the district court in tho sum of live hundred dollars. Ho was taken before Judge Boallo Tuesday morniug the dUtriot court being in session, and mi pleading guilty was giver, the mini mum sentence, one year in tho poniten tiary at hard labor. A degraded female, known woll in this city as "Dick," is at present in durance vile at the Hotel do Weils, on a charge of attempting to poison her child with laudanum. The child was found iu a precarious coudilioH under ono of tho trees .south of tho depot where ehc had left it. By strenuous efforts the life of tho child was saved although it was at lirst supposed to bo dead when found, a Ralph Stevens a member of the Mich igan Trust Company of Grand Rapids, Michigan was hero the lirst of tho week to start proceedings ou the will of tho late J. W. Moon. He returned to his h me fHJH Wedoedy moralng. i .! t ? rr V ' v.fflsw- K-mJi