THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. ' LEYDEN LANDED CUBAN ARMS. i Munitions for Insurgents Put Ashore; Spanish Troops Routed. More the Fire of the American Gunboat the Soldiers Fled to the Hills -A Guard of Insurgents Will Take the Supplies Into the Interior of the Island The Cruiser Wellingtod Warms up the "Yallew Jackets." N' Yntu:. May i .list nteh from Key West su s tin- tnj L.ndcti bus tv- turned tlicro lifter having landed two parties on Cuban -.nil, one of thi'tii having had subs itieiilty a sharp en gagement with Spanish forces One of tla pirtics consisted nf a' commission from Washington to Gen cnil Gome., which was dcbut-kul upon Mio nortn short of Santa Clara, pmv nice, from whence an imiucdiuto start for the interior was made. The other party, which landed n. ir Muriel, north of Havana, was under the com mand of the Cuban leader, General Italdnmcrn Aeostu. I'cfore this company went ashore "ho cruiser Wilmington shelled soma Spanish cavalry assembled in the vicinity, anil when the lmidiinr wns effected Acosta's detuelimeut charged and routed the Spaniards who, in their retreat, took with them about ixly wounded and leaving sixteen lend on the field. The American and ii ban colors were hoistud .sidu by side in Cuban Hull. Another dispatch says the party , that, landed in Santa Clara province rtiis lired upon by Spanish envalry in imbusli, and si Cuban laud force un let' General Dm attached the Span ish, who were ','U strong Tho Wil mington shelled the enemy, and they were routed. I Tho lauding party, It is a ided. com prised n score or more of agents of (.ho Cuban junta, n I'nlted States com inissloncr nun General Aeo-ta, to pother with cavalry horses, arms and ammunition destined for General Acostn's former command of cavalry troops lu the western part of Huvjiiu province. Ki:v Wr.ST, Tin , Mayo TI12 Tutted Stales dispatch boat Lcydcti, sent to Cuba, by thu I'nlted Mates govern ment ivjly In the week, returned here from Cuba at 4 o'clock this morning with four of the six Cuban scouts who left here on 11 mission last Monday, Tho other scouts wcro lauded with those who have returned, utid com munication was established witli tho Insurgent forces under General Pedtu Del gad o. WHAT IS SAMPSON UP TO? ninny Unconfirmed Ilninur About tin . ainrt'inniiti ut tlia Ait mini. WAMitviiTov, May 0 No confirma tion is obtainable of the various re ports concerning the movement ol Admiral Sampson's fleet Persons who, from their oulciitl position, might bu supposed to share the coulldenco of thu admlii.stration, nro credited with the .statement (hat tho admiral has gone, to seize Porto U100, and this statement U made after conference with tho ex ecutive. On the other hand, it is nsserted with almost equal positive, that tho lleot has gone to meet the Oregon a".d bring her in .safety tc tho north. Mill another report Is tc tho effeut that the Admlrul has gone to seize. Matunz-ai, to be used us s base of operations. That I'naoofiil Judlsu Turrltnrjr, AitnMom:, Ind. Ter., May a Tho grand jury since Juntiary, 1809, 1ms returned -170 Indictments. Meat aro for lnrceny and selling whlbky. t; -. rl "&&.! . '' -vr- v s.jni .- rt,' v .'V fWW. - $('?' K7 "m ojm!2,5l?t,i'i01V trrf3 jcS sTT-.Tfy --. Turrzfrw 5z22. THU MINNEAPOLIS. CUBAN CONGRESS OPENS Itluiico Qunillout tli Sincerity nf tin Ullltrd HUI01. Havana. May 0 Tho Cuban con gress, olectod under tho autonomist government, was formally opened yes terday with grunt ceremony, Captain General Illnneo mado u speech, In the course of which ho said Mint If the declarations ol tho United States had Iicon sincere, Its , Bun to-day ought to no oihuhiib m nisi vuwu jjui ituuiuii i t stead of thraatenlnff tho lives of tho embers. SPAIN IS UNDER GUARD. liiotln:; In I In' I'rmltiees ('milium' -lu Dir.til of It)' t oil . M 1111:111, M. , '. Tin troops nro held in tho barracks ready to march nt any Instant against tho mob of tho levo'.iitinnlsts. Cavalry and Infantry patrol the stteets from nightfall to sunrise All the public buildings nro crowded inside with foot and mounted police. In tho rest of the kingdom the pre cautions, though ess visible, nro equally strict because tho court and the government apprehend graver movements still if a fresh reverse oc curs in Cuba or to the licet. The chlof fear is of .1 popular revo lution, which everybody cnu see is brewing Thu civil authorities In Madrid got so alarmed at tho attitude of tilt? Republicans and Carllsts that they frankly told Senor Siigastit they could not answer for order much longer If national feeling runs too high ngiilnst Senors Sagasta and Moret, who 1 cully are in tho mot danger.tho queen probably will ask Marshal Campos to form a sort of government for the defense of the monarchy. The old marshal has told her that ho will bo ready to do so dlroetty she sends for htm. So tho day of tho Sagasta cabinet are numbered. The stiiiutlon in the provinces is unchanged and everywhere tho dis satisfaction is growing, especially over thu prico of bread. Acts against nuthorlty aro becoming more and more- overt. At Cacercs. capital ol INter Madura, the populace marched into a railway station to prevent the export of provisions and overpowered the soldiers on guard, capturing four teen loads of wheat Hour. In the town of Augilas, In the province of Murcia, a mob mostly composed of women, burned the .store houses and ofliccs This morning a mob of about i.OOC striking miners made n tumultuous demonstration at Murcia. They .shouted, "Death to tho thieves!" "Down with the taxes! ' and attempt cd to set lire to the railroad depot and other buildings and then began a movement towards Carthagcua. A strong force of troops, however, pre vented the rioters from moving 011 the port. A number of men were wounded Disturbances are nlso threatened nt Carthugeiiu, where martial law has been proclaimed. Similar scenes havo occurred nt Ovldeo mid I.eim and nt a number of other towns where factory hands have struck work. The strikers are parad ing tho streets, demanding ehonj, bread and nro stoning houses. MUiiiurl U111 In Delintio Coiuhwa, May i.Tho joint debate lust night between the 1'nivorsity ol Missouri and the Lniverslty of Ne braska was won by Missouri The question discussed wa, "Resolved, That the Annexation of the Huwnlian Islands Would Ito Itenetleial to the I'nlted States." Missouri had tho tif llrmltlvc. Missouri wns represented by (iuorgu II. L'nglish, Leo Highley and A. V. Copphlge. Nebraska by Mr. Taylor, Mr. Klmpley and Mr. Huwfby. .a..v 1R- " ''j-.: ' r & .Si' a Iv t&s Z3liftit&&?A '";C- irtt:-.?r Av ''A- - I . ' I M li 9. N. II . A X ! al3S8E&s&r I " & l-f Open Oritur for Mule. St. Louis, Ma, May 0. Quartets master G. C, Smith has reoelvoii or ders from Washington to purchase nil tho inulos posslblo nntll furtlinr or ders. Acting under theso Instruc tions, Cnptuln Smith has alrontfj bought '-',800 pae!: mutos. Tho totnl number of mules puvuhmad ut tlili potnt 8 now 7,005, vUU tho probft' blllty that It will run up to tho 10, 000 . ,,,-!, hatota tho week'U ovui Thd ,n,r0htt9,.0 will OffffMRots an oMtlny In u ijouii ior muiua iuljju u (.-(uu.uii". Bovorul huudrod have btfon shipped to I Ban Antonio, Tex at - HZ -ffK-gr . -r- REPUBLIC'S GRATITUDE Congr-M Tluin!t IIoitpj for III It" tor PI 0,(H) fitr j:nl:il :iml it Sword. W.1IIV(UOS, fJny dent to-day sunt the 10. - The follow ill;; I'resi-lues- nase to Congre s: To the Collet iMiof th" t'lilleil SMt O'l tin 'Jltti il.iy of Ap-ll I illici tcil Hie Set ie t.iiyofthe Saw to tcli'Ki.iih uulcn in ComtiHicliMC Ci'iiiKf llewev nt the Clilt'il tatc navv, 1 ommamlliiK the Asiatu (lu.iiliou then Ivlln; In tlie Hit nt limit! Kmi. to jnoi'i'ot fmt)iMtli li tin- llillli. (line liiaiins ilieie in t niniti"ii a ! ..miii mil eni;.iKr the SpinNti ll-ct I I'rniuiitlv nbeynn; thatnitter th" I'mt si 1 -tat"s tin,ii1tm inilsl-tllltK nl tllf II.I)-nIiIi iim ;ili, Uittliimre Kali'U'h, Hki mi, I'mi- I mill a,iJ tvttc-t with tlie ifeuui' euitM I Mii'iillni 11 .u an anxHIat t iiiint !t IimI. I eiitrii'il the tiailin-nf Manila at iIivIiim'k o'l tlie lint 01 .Mav .mil Itniiii'iil.iti'lv mi eari'il the c'ltlre Si.uinM lit v-l nr eleieit ihli', whle'i Ui-ie tin U r the intei tlna n( I the lire of the l.uul toils iii-i a stulitmrii ilKlit, III M1I1 a the eneiin siiiretea !.mi, Ihi'so ise s uiTo il"sti n fil nr uMii p'e'ch llalilril and the v.alir liatlery it I'.i le silence I Of our Have nl'li ?i an I men not oik was lint ,unl nnlv eli;lit In lurcil .111 1 ttni',i-slight Iv All nf our sli n esi i)n-il iinv sei In is il 1 in n;e. Ilr the foul III nf Miy c unt l.nlnre H.-wim hail liken is4i-siu ol tin 11 ial stallmi it ("ivlte. ilestr.iiii ttii t llilli ui"iis llii'to inil at the eiitiam i' ol the lu ami pun- ut th-lr pat ilsuiis. 'J'he wateis ol the tiEvate iiiuler ms i''iitiilete iniitinl. He h Hestalillsheil hi)siltals wltnlii tin' Atner lean litie'i, i.lieie .'Mi nl the Spanish sltk anil AMiumleil aie iss steil an I prnti't teil The in .11; nl tilde of tills lrtot i .111 til v 'io meas'ircd by the ntdlnat v stand ird of naval oiitwelcliliii; ati matellal ldanta';e In the 111u1.1l eififi t nt suciesr. At this tinsurpassetl a lili-voiueiit the Krat heart nt out nation thmli-., not with boast. iik ' ufth t;rocd ol coniiuest, lilt with deep Kiatlludr that this ttluliwih hai entile lu a Just t ailie and that liv the ?r.icc of (lot an ell 'i tle step has thus been taken toward the attainment of the wished for peaie To those whose skill, enur.iKe md devotion har won the II f; lit. to the gal lant couitnatiiler and In a si oiiiiers and men who aided htm, our country owes an h'.raU'Uubte. debt. IVt'lliiK as our people ferl, ami speaktui; lu their name. I at once sent a message in Commodnre Dewey, thaiilcliiK IHm and his ofllcers and men for their ac hlcieuieut and DvcrwhulmliiK victory, and tufoi mini; him that t had appointed hlui an act! 111; tear idmlral. I nov reenmmend that following our in precedents and eipriMsliiK the ler gratitude of every patrtoth heart, the thanks uf CotiKrcis be given Acting l(:ai A1lmlr.1l (ieoiRe Dewey of the United ."-tales navy for highly dlsiltiKiitttied coiidu t in conlllrt with the enemy and to the ofiucrs and men under his command for theli Kal 'antry lu the destruction ol tie enemy s Sect and the capture of the enemy's loillll callous lu the bay ot Maull 1. Wll.l.l !l MclClNl.l V. Kc-iltlvc Miuslnti, May 'J. lS-js. I lincdlately after tlio receipt of tho President's message- in Congress to day the following joint icsolutiou of fering tho thanks of Congress to Ad inlrn' Dewey was Introduced In tho lio'tLe: J -I tcsnluUnn tendering Hie thanks of Toneless to Conunudoie (iente Dewej, Ur.ltcd States Navy and In tre nllli ers ami n? n nf the Miiadion under his command. nsnlved. by the Senate and the House of tcprescntitlves ot the United Stales of A nerlca lu CoiiRiess ass-mbled. That lu pirs' am:e ot the lei omtnendatton ot the I'resldeut, made In .aiordauce with Hie provision of section Kills nt the lev seil statutes, the thanks of C'tiiiK'ess and of the American people ate liereb lendeied to 'omniodore CieotRe Dcwcv, Cnlteil States Navy, eominaiiilei-ln-chlel ot the Asiatic I'.atlon, for highly distinguish d cnr.diut In .'onfllct with the enemy asdlspliyeil b ti 1 III 11 the destruction of the SpinNh tleet ami batteries lu the harbor ot Manila, l'hlllp plnelslaniH. Mav I. ln'as b Hon U- That the thanks of Congress and ot the AmcrKau people are hetebv -te ided through Commodore Dewey to thu HUrers and men under his (oiumaiid for the I'allantry and slvtll exhibited by them in that net asl in. S" joii SI He It forther lesolved, that the Pre ul nf the I'nlted States b- leipiested fit cans'! this lesilutloii to be 1 omuiiiuliat rd to Ciiiiuuodore Dewey and through him io the ofllcers and men untlei his lommanit. Tho passed tho resolution ot thmksona risln vote. In the Senate Mr. Lodgo presented a resolution authorizing the ('resident to present a sword to Admiral Dewey and medals to ofllcers and men under lilin who were in tho battle of Manila. It appropriates SIO.OOU for tho pur pose. Tho resolution was passed. Tho bill creating an uddltional rear admiralty for Dowey was also passed in thu Senate. SAMPSON NEAR HAYTI. ruble AiIvIcim Iti'ieliil ut .Niu.v llep.irl lui'iil In Wull for Hie Diieiii.v. Wabiiinoiov, May 10. Cable nil rices received from Hear Admiral Sampson announce his arrival oh" tho const of ilaytl witli a division of his fleet. Ho will remain at the point whoro he is now located until tho de partment, or one of the scouts informs him of tho uppt-nranco of the Spanish inen-of-wur which sailed from M. Vincent nine days ago. The navnl hoard lias calculated the Spanish squadron to bo at or near I'orto Rico by this time nnd It is in hope of bottling up tho fleet in the harbor of San .luaii that tho men-of-war of tho North Atlantic squadron aro hovering within a short distance of I'orto Rico. Limio.v, May 10 Tho newspapers of this city bay Mint a Spanish Meet consisting of nine vessels passed Cape I-splehel, twouty-ono miles south by west of this port nt about 1 ::in p. in yesterday. Tho fleet was steering a southerly course. Sr. Thomss, West Indies, May 10 Tho Spanish cruiser Isabel H, an Ironclad of 1,1.10 tons displacement nnd carrying n crow of nbout 1.10 men, arrived here at ) o'clock this morning. Ilor commander communicated with the Spanish consul at this port ami tho cruiser cleared Immediately, des tination unknown. Tho population of Japan includes 21, 501,000 men nnd 21,117,000 women. No Cable South uf Montnvlilmi. Nkw Yoiiic, Muy 10, Tho Commer cial Cable company sent out notice I that tho cable between Montevideo ! and Ulo Grand do Sul Is interrupted. Tills cuts oil telegraphic, commuuiea- 1 tior with Montevideo and pluces sotitli, including IJuenos Ayres Dskntn' Troop fur Alanlla. Sioux TAM.S, S. I), May 10. Ad vices have been received hero from n railroad oflletnl that tho government has deToided to send tho First regiment of Sotitli Dakota volunteers to the l'hlllnplue islands, I GO.000 ME.N TOR CUBA. A HI Arittv in 'o l.niiileil nt nun nt I rtiiiiiirt Are sruriil V(niMiios, May 10. Uetween I'.tl.oio iiinl si.niii men will be landed on Culi. in soil at onee They will wear the uniform of the I'liited Slates anil thev will not return until they huvc defe ited the Spanish forces on the island nnd the American Mag floats as proudly over lliiviiun ut it does over the ruins of the Invito fortress in .Manila hai'bni'. Thu Is the itleaot the militarv advisers of the adminis tration, unit the pt'i'sltleiil has ap proved the pluiis. Tb llrst section nf the iii'tuv to in va le ( aba will k the l.'i.nni or IS nil) troop tliitt me now assembled at New Orleans ami Tampi. They nre nil ivgnliii's. utiil most nf tliciu urc men who huvc seen lighting on the plains Thev nre seasoned, dis ciplined. iMi'ee'ivc. They will be fol lowed ut mice liv another urinv of .0, )i)() Mil mi le -i , w h w ill be ciiiiccnt rat ed ut Southern ports ns imicklv us the trains cm c.irrv them ami will be ti.itispnrteit ns Inst as the necessary shins can be collected It is esiiinited that it will lake m least Mill vessels toe wry tills iiumciiMi uiiiiv to tub i Nearly everything that floats has already been secured bv the government, nnd Inst night tho wires were hot in nil directions, di recting contracts to be closed imme diately in atl the principal seaport towns. Oth-r iletiils of the groat epedltlot. havo been iirriiuged Within forty eight hours there will be '.',000 wagons at Tampa and l.'.(lil) mules Several hundred uuihtitnuccs will also bo hur ried to Tampa They iiuiy be needed, Unities are not nil like the ouo which has just been fought in Manila har bor The governors of West Virginia, Illinois, Mussnc.hiisctls, Virginia, Wis consin mid Michicau were untitled that their troops would bu moved to Chlckamaiiga us soon as transporta tion could be iirraugeil. Ciiickam w ii , (in. May 10 It was given out olllcially to-day that 10,000 men of the volt. ulcer army would bu mobilt.ed here jttst us soon ns they have been mustered Into the govern ment sen ice. With the ten icgimuuts of regulars now hero tilled to war strength, tho army at this point will number .'.11,01)0 men. It wns also an nounced tliitt Major Cieueral Fit.hugh Lee, Major (iciieral .loo Wheeler mid Major General Wilson would bo lu commiuid, tho purpose being to form tho volunteer men into three iwiuy corps. GENERALGOMEZHOLDSOFF iiiimt At lite .M llltn r Co-operation -Ills Ailli e In Amerleii. Kr.v Wi"r, May 10 Thoarrlvallnst night of Mr. .""iintnerford, tho New York I'l'-raltl s coricspondciit, who was with Gouuv. since tho week fol lowing the blowing up thu Maine, has cati'o I everything to ba made eleur regarding the situation on the island, from mi Insurgent standpoint. The conclusions drawn fiom Mr. Summer ford's observations are: I'irst The condition of the rccon ccutrados since the I'nitcd States sup plies have been cut oil" Is unspeakably bad. I hey tiro d. ing in greater num bers tliau ever before from actual starvation This mortality will In crease so long us relief Is not forth coming from the Culled States. Second Tho most of Goiue.'.s com mand continues to bi. inactive, wait ing for Spain to yield up the island. Third It Is not thu idea of insur gents to Join with the Tinted States troop, and give the Spaniards open battle, driving them out. General Gome does not seem noxious to have 1'iiltod States troops lauded. Ho be lieves nil that Is necessary is for tho United States to blockade only Span ish ports, stop Trench and Italian ships as well as Spanish ships from going into Cuban ports, and semi him arms, munitions mid supplies, so that ho can continue to harass the Spanish outposts. He believe this will re sult lu Spain's yielding In a fuw months. Mr. Siiiumurford, on tho other hand, believes it is necessary for tho United States to land troops in Cuba Toiirth Gome is sorely In need of nrms ami supplies. His men are far ing well so fur us fare goes lu Cuba, but they are now on one ration u day. Gome is about s'..ty miles inland in the eastern end of the Islnud. Mr .siiiunierford came witli Colonel Iitnn .lova, one of the ollicers of the Cuban republic, who brought seul.'d mess iges from Gome, to Admiral Sampson regurding arms mid sup plies. The hope is thut tho United States government will simply flood Cuba with rifles iiud ummuuitiou nnd food for thu insurgents and rcconi ccutrados Ordered to tlnlil .Munll i. Lomio.n, May lu It Is announced Ic-ilny in u .special dispatch from Mud rid that the Spanish minister;) of war mill marine, General Cor re a and Ad miral llermejo, declare they do not expect Manila to be attacked before the arrival of re In force incuts for Rear Adm nil Dewey from tho United States. Tho dispatch adds that orders have been sent to General August!, thu governor general of tho 1'hlllppluo islands, to resist to death tiny attack on Manila. Nheut HlKhor Tlmu Kvnr. CiMCAiio, May 10, Tho advance in wheat wont on with rouowed Imputu this morning, Thu Chicago May prica did not go up us much as on Saturday. The opening sain was 81.73. The July price, however, was up nearly 1 ccnta, to SI.'-'O. Alien Siieennili Itiiiiinvrlt, ion, May 10. The Presl. dent to-day sent to the Semite the nomination of Charles II. Allen of i prisoned and handed over to the mill Massachusetts to be usslstuut sccru-. tury authorities. It Is said they tary of tho uuvy, CAGE ON WAR FUNDS nB1 Nt Ilrllntn lite (Ipnprnl I'll 1)1 Id Mill Sulm-rlbf. Wasiiinoio.v, May ! - The testimony of Sccictury tinge as to the condition of the treasury and its requirements in order to also meet the monetary demands of the w ir us made before the Semite eommittee on lliiaueo win given to the public yesterday Mr. Gage expressed thu opinion that It would be impossible to place as much us SIOd.00 i.OiM on the loan among individuals and lu small sums, llsplulutiig bis result for this opinion, he said: "Our people urc very differ ent from the Kieueli people, If you please, lu whose country then1 aro no savings hanks lu our country there nre "i, (HKI, 'i00 people who have money In savings bank , nt u general a i er as.' e rale of Interest of per cent. The motley is available to them at any mo ment. The temptation ami self In terest to lnost lu llitee per cent bonds mid disturb their little hal luces in the savings hanks Is not very great." MAL'TIAL LAW IN ITALY. .'icrliiiM Itreml ltlot nt rioreiien--('liirlealt llnllrvetl to lie I'litimiitlii;; DNtirdrr. Komi:. Muy 11. -The general situa tion hero is regarded us strictly grave. It now seems to be clearly demonstrat ed thut politics are mled up in the disturbances which have occurred In various parts of the kingdom, owing to tho high price of bread, and the clerical purl) is believed to bo foment ing the disorder. A royal decree Issued to-day proclaimed martial law throughout Tuscany, one of the most fertile uud best cultivated parts of Italy. Then) was a renewal of serious riot lug at Tlorciicc. tho capital of Tus cany, lust night, nnd there were fur ther disturbances ut Leghorn, tho capital of tho province of that name, situated on the Mediterranean about llfty miles from Tloreiiee. At both places a numbi'i- of rioters were killed or wounded by thu troops detailed to maintain order. TRADE SITUATION. l)vs IluttlB of Muiilln Ilrdpml llitilnnti Woiiilnrfiilly. Nt.w Yoiik. May J. l O. Dun A: Co s review of trade says: "A stato of war was so greatly dreaded by those who havo seen nothing like It for more than thirty years that Its coming has hurt less than its appre hension. INpocially since the victory at Manila, which indicated the supe riority of tho American navy, gun for gun, expectation that tho war will not lust long has influenced all mar kets, and stocks hitvu advanced, thu average of prices for railroads S',' 70 per slut re. The general condition of business has been materially im proved. One day's work by the ofll cers mid men ut Manila has given many day's work to thousands of peo ple of whom they knew nothing, nnd tins p'ueed ull America': industries and interests on n stronger footing for uny conceivable, future." NO INTERVENTION. fiprrllle Driil.iU Tliitt It U In Con teinpbitlnn. Wahiiinoiov, May i Tim London report that thu Continental powers wcro seeking to havo Uiigland join them lu intervention Is lacking In verification in ofllcial uud diplomatic quarters here. Tho state depart ment has received no sugges tion of such Intervention, and does not believe it Is contem plated. Tho foreign representatives here, including those of Great Itritain, France, Germany nnd Russia, meet thuso reports with spi'cillc denials, and declare that Intervention is not being discussed In uny wuy at tho present time. These olhcials havo been fully conversant with all previous moves toward intervention, and they doubt less would be nwaru if such u, movo were on foot ut present. DICTATORSHIP FOR SPAIN. lUantiiil tiuupiM Alny Hi) nt tbe Horn) of it Sv (InverninuiiL Hk.xdavi:, France, near tho Spanish frontier, May li Advices which have just reached hero from Madrid by mail in order to escape tho Spanish censor say thu general opinion in Madrid Is that ti military dictator ship Is coming in order to contend against the spreading disturbances arising from hunger, thu defeat of the Spanish fleet ut .Manila and tho polit ical plots of various descriptions. It Is added that Marshal Mar tine, do Compos, tho former captain general of Cuba, prolnbly will bo the head of the dictatorship, mid that he will bu inpportcil by a cabinet composed in tho main of military men, us tho lust chancu of saving tho dynasty. A Shipload of lUrf Tnknn. Kr.v Wi:st, Fla , Mny 0. Tho Span ish brlgnntlno Trasqttito of llarcelonn, hound from Montevideo, having on hoard ti cargo of jerked beof, wns brought hero by the dispatch boat Hamilton. Tho Frasqulto was cap- i turcd oil Havana yesterday afternoon by the United States crulsur Mont gomery, Commander O. A. Converse. Arretted In udU for it Spr. Cadi, May 0 A man, said to bo an rhigllshmun and giving the nauio of Otwln lioyer, attempted to telegraph yosierduy the details of the move ments of tho war ships. Tho clerks refused to transmit his mes sago without tho authority of the manager of thu olllco. Iloyer there upon went away, but wns followed and was i.rrested. Ho wns taken be fore the prefect, and, his explanation being unsatisfactory, ho was lin- strongly suspect iloyer of being a spy. THE PELAYO AT CADIZ. Jtepiirlril 1 Imt llm llntlliMlilp I Walt I Mi; for it fleet of CrilUl-M. I.oximv. Muv 7 A (aili dlspatcrt to the London Chronicle s-iys: Tho b.ittbthlo I'eluyo, which m rived hero from Curtageiia last Thursday, Is now at anchor far inside thu bay. She is painted a dull black nil over. This ship, of u.tioo tons, Is tho larg est craft lu the Spanish iiuvy. She bus four very heavy llonlorla gnus itwo v: .-.-Inch, two ll-ineli) besides quick llrlng guns Sho carries n crow of close upon (SiiO men. Her orders arc unknown. Soma onjeetiire that she will be oil' in three .ir four davs. Others say she is to wait until a fleet of llc, including the great ship Umperailor, Curios V, tho Cardinal Cisueras, the Niimuncla r.ud the Alfonso XII I Is formed ut Cadi, mid that then nil will sail together nbout May 1.1 It also seems likely that she will net as a convoy of rein forcements for thu converted cruiser ltuenos Ayres. Tim Hue cruiser Alfonso XIII is held lu readiness to uccompany her. There is u torpedo boat here, too. Trade bus ceased. Hardly tt ship nines In. Thu best trade was wltb America; now the roads are empty. WHERE IS SAMPSON? lhjorjr Hint Ihn Admiral Ilt (lonn to Mont llin Hpaullh IMettt. Wahiiiniiiov, May 7. Tho sailing .if the fleet of Admiral Sampson from Key West Is believed to bo duo to n conviction on the pari of naval olli cers that thu Spanish fleet Is headed in the direction of the West Indies. It is thought Mint a portion of the North Atlantic squadron will strlko for I'orto Rico, while unothcr will head for the nori. coast of to meet the Oregon, Tdarlctta nnd ltuf falo, mid convoy them safely into inerlcau waters Meantime, the auxiliary cruisers chartered from tho American Stenm ship company are to net us scouts, furnishing notice in iidvanco of tho approach of hostile fleet, while a suf llclent number of smaller vessels will be left to maintain tho blockade around the island of Cuba. The uncertainty legnrdlug Mm whercalioiitn of the Spanish fleet is respouslblu for the postponement of tho moving of troops, supplies and ammunition to Tampa. INSULTS FOR AMERICA. scnur On limn Slitknt a Sliitmnliit At tack uu Illi I.ato llott. Toitoxro, Out, May 7. Senor Dti Rose, late llrst secretary of the Span ish legation ut Wusblugton, lectured to '.'.OUO people hero last night on the causes of the present war. Senor Colo and many prominent men were present. The lecture was in aid of the Red Crixs Society work, and was delivered in a. pri vate capacity. The Senor made it severe attack on the Amorlcan people. Ho traced the history of the trouble, reiterating the Spanish arguments, nnd spoke of American senators ns "border rutllaus, whose illiterate foolishness Is only cquuled by their venality and ludicrously pompous conceit." Ho urged that American cupidity for conquest constituted a grave dan ger to Kuropc, Canada and Mexico, ami concluded by comparing tho queen regent of Spain with "thu bloating politicians whoso countenances depict 'he lust that Is in thulr hearts." READY FOR THE FLIGHT. Aturtmrnt ItiKorvnil In Vlrnna for tlia (June ti Itorent nf Spain. London, May 7. The Vienna corro tpondont of the Dally Telegraph says: "Apartments havo been reserved nt u hotel hero for the queen regent of Spain in casu she arrives hero before apartments havo been prepared for her in her brother's palace. "Telegrams from the Austrian am bassador at Madrid, Count Dubskl, In dicate that tho queen regent Is only waiting for a .suitable moment to quit Spain without detriment to tho inter ests of hor son." Madiiiu, May 7. It Is ulleged that the government of Porto Rico nnd Cuba have cabled that there ts "no need to fear a landing of American troops lu thosu islands; that two Iron clads, two cruisers and three trans ports will Icttvu Cadi forthwith to chase tho Yankees from the Philip pines, uud then bombard (alifornu ports." RUSSIA FRIENDLY. No Until for Klorlet to tlio t'nntr.iry, It In Atiiirted. Wapiiinoton, May 7. A leadhiK Russian diplomat said to-day that thu cahio report from London stating thut Lmpuror Nicholas, of Russia, v.iu much disturbed as to the ultimate, destiny of the Philippines, nnd Mint some sort of intervention was prob tibte, wns entirely unwarranted, nnd placed Russia lu a misleading position before tho people of this country. He says the sLiitlmout throughout Russia, ofllcial uud unolllclal, is ouo of ex treme cordiality toward tho United States, mid it shows there will bo no change in the traditional friendship existing between tho United Statei and Russia Load unit Zlno Bltnra l'londeil Joi'f.i.v, Mo., May 7. Rain has fallen almost continually for the past twenty-four hours, and many of tho lend mid zinc mines of the Missouri nnd Kansas district nro Hooded. Some mining shafts llfty to 100 feet tleeo are full of water. I'lro Dettroyn 100,000 In Khoem. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 7. Two shoo factories belonging to Wolf Hrothors uud to tho Mnuss Shoo Manufacturing company burned to-day. The loss on btock by each firm was about 330,00ft I. I' K K WS83Jrf M