S-. Mi ,Kl m ? C J' wi p & 1 iff.- k In 'IRONEfr MADE EJ&SY" IJrr sywrtreifnwttycrArariywiCTwgMara r-"iSw , v, IRKIBI E3 rT.TOfl aWAWiy, LMJiM CD SEARCH MAKES 0 EAT INVENT DfilllDEC K1 mWtXfn. ' UIIU,J MV VsWIMPtU 5 AND CUFFS STIFF AND NICE N FIRST BOUGHT HEW A JT ONE POtt ASFR 'OIN THEI vKEOKl F THIS STARCH WILL GO A POUND AND A HALF FrNY OTHER STARCH. pUTACTURED Qfiiy Qy UBINGER BROS.C? owa.NewHaven.Conh COPYRIGHTED MM AKl Hi ill ' II "H 1,111 lil'IW IHilllllll HIM IMilllli')lIMI IHIIIIIIIIIIU'lWl a Jl !aftaLH fit 1 aK"Jr IlllJr C1IUKCH NOTKS. TliU starch Is prcpard on scientific principles by mon who haro had rears of practical iparirnro lu fancyjaunderltiir. It restores old linen and aammor dressed to their natural w liltnur-tw ild imparta n tonutiful and lasting finish. It is tho only starch lanumrtttrtti thuds perfectly Imrmlos.contalnlnK neither arsenic, alum or any .-. miuutij iuju luus iu nucu uiiu cau uo usou oven lor a oaoy powucr. For sale ly all wholesale and retail grocers. j 'trix jl, m stau. vu u -, ' f LSMl eTAi '" " ir ii i ii i ii 171 nriii Q.se citcla JS tiring: Out, is well sild that manners makt -. WM ;,v .';; - tf$U Vi vi f"'- Tt . (.- -. ' CJSSBffi&ty Si 7VV WMM -jr. to 3ii V - in? of min.but the more solid ingredient of character is also necessary to i trut type of manhood. If a man has these both, l and also has the eood sense to dress well I he will tmd the "latcustnng out" for him ; 4ii over me world. FOR REALLY CORRECT DRESS In Material, Style, Pit, finish, and Gentle manly enect, you suouu order your tallar CALL ON BORN & GO.. The Great Chicago (Merchant Tailors lor over nw earn the l.wiilcrs In the Ojuitom I mile. ou can (;ct a HORN" Suit or Overcoat lor less money than Is usually paid for Inferior ' 1 IT AM) ri.MSII guaranteed. Thrtt llundrtd Choit Sampl t tltUttfnm. ' miNER BROTHERS. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. PLATT fe FREES CO.. Ghieagekombep Yard, KKI) CLOUD, NKMtAKKA. Lumber, Lime. Don,"' and Cement. TWA1E W. ikm i:i." i. KS OC., LUMBER and COAL. 3ttllcl iiits; muiiterinl Bto. Red Cloud. - - Nebraska. WE HAVE NO AGENTS bat hi?, sold direct to th. wn lamer for 25 jen tt whol. in. fnci, itiD mm vat ilttltr'eprofiti. Shiptay. woer. lor ciuniDftiioa. llflitylfiof Vthidti, M itilti of ll.niM. Top Uattut. ii to 70. Furm. ISO Willi. Ctnik- g.i, fbHtoni, Trp, Wtc etu, SpriB(.Kotd tut MUk WtfDai. Stat for liro. rx ClUlogat ! til ou itrln. tU, pr. ud ELKHART vmuuab an uuiii urv. e. w. b. riTT, tj, klkhaht, ird, drn tmn ll J HTF ll Alm VyLaw I Tlk) lt..n. Iimrlmui. rrU.,lM, f .. Hill Iff piO. Ho. Mt Bimr. rrlet, wlUi carulni, luspi, iu Kiairi, tw. uiwuHiumpi, y wL-v BUGGIES, CARRT G-ES, SURREYS. The tlni'St linonf roul vti tiNitinini1 tlniu tunl " ' fll'l Hu nf 'I . Iln- ALL GOODS FIRST CLASS. H -ii in Wuh.ti'r county Cull mill I it MMNli to buy or not. A 1 ii.j tn n in u'iiin"y iin'liiiling PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. 3VTHE: - FAAOUS - OHIO - CULGIVATOR. If in need of unytliinu in tli luu- t ihijiu-- or funn iniu'liiiii'iy it will pny you to M'(i tut hnfoii' put 'lui'iiij: I i an - ivc you in muy JAS. PETERSON, Red Oloud, Nebraska. CIIIIIMIIAN (III Kill. Si'tviffs fitch l.oii1'- Dnj tii follows .Morning sci mon lOHO-tni. Subject in the Sent t of His Presence. Uiblc Vfllliol, 1'J III .lunior Cliri-liiUi r.mlc.toi it p.tn. Hci ior Cliiixtlni) I'.iulcnviir 7 lo i in. Kvcniun icrmoit 8.00 p. in Subject, M'Nttililioltinp IJiiivt'fMtl l.nw.s." riujcr meeting ntiil bible -luil. on Weilncsday evenings. liiitlies' Aiti Society Fiitlny alter noons. Our pleasittit cliiueli lioint ami nil services nie ever open to the. public. Ii. A. HrwiONO, I'a-'tor. StUTIIODIST Pleaching unilny nion.iiiK at 10:30. Maine, memorial sermon. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. Junior League at 1 p.m. Senior League at 7 p.m. Kvening service at 8 p in. l'tayer meeting on Wednesday even ing at 7:30 Ladies Aid S icicty Friday afternoon. All are ino.st coidiallyliuvitcd to at tend .Iamks Maiik l)itiiv, Pastor. iiArrisr ciiintoii. Subjects for Sunday, April J.M. .Morning services at 10:30. Subject, ".Maine .Memorial Day" service. Spec ial decorations. Hymns written es pecially tor the occasion. Sermonise! ting forth the uniuustioned sacrillee of the. olllcer and men of tho battleship Maine, in tlie hitesests of humanity. Sunday School at 11:45. Evening service at 8 o'clock. Sub ject: "Lessons from tho Naval Vic tory iu tho I'acilic." Young People's Union mects at 7 p.m. All cordially invited. Seats free. Isaac V. Kdson, Pastor. CONOKKOATIUNAL. Sunday School at 11:15. Y. P. S. O.K. at 0:30 p. m. Livor Complaints and Noi'voumiobb Curod. A torp'd liver always produce dull ness, irritability, etc. You arc all clogged up and feel despondent. Per haps you hare treated with physicians or tried some other recommended med icine without benefit. All that is no argument against "Dr. Fenner's Mood and Liver Hemedy and Nerve Tonic," which wo insist will cure nervousness and liver complaints. If not satislied after using one bottlo your money will be refunded by C. L. Cotting. Our Clubbing List. Uolow wo present a list of a num ber of tbo loadiug niaguzlnos, news papnro. fnrm pnpors, oto with prices they cuu be hud iu connection witli The Red Cloud Chief. Wo must havo one yearly .sub scription to tho Chief with each peri odical ordered, but both need not nec essarily lie sent to tho sumo address. pniCf CHiir . Kl.OO ft INI .VI I IHI BOTH I.M 1 111 1 III IN) in li"i l ii li'i inn m TXI I '.'.-i :i mt 1W) IU : .vi I INI inn I .Ti A FLOWER GARDEN, Complete for a Quarter. Vrcsh Sccil--Thc Kind that Urows. ' Plus .i.lliiMlmi will fui nUli llnwi M ' in abutiilniii'i' finiii i .11 1 filing tn Intel Full. Nu nther "lit I to match this j l-(ilM' t)Mi;r Asii.ns; llnwers ' like huge gl 'ireful clir.NMantlli'Ulllins; while, pink, yellow, red and blue. 'J Ni:v Win ri. HitVNciiiNii Asri.us, a supeib novelty, irj it. 3 -.Iai'AM'.si: llor, (vaiiegated), a liattly vine of striking beauty, will cover a pmcli iu i tie m'uoii, I lloi.i.tiioTKi; yellow, ioe, ma genta, black, pink, lavender, pale leni ou ami white inked 5 Svi:i:r 1i:as; iu all coitus of the rainbow (I N'AsifuntJiSi dwarf, all tliu 'US novelties mixed. 7 Ai.tssi'M, Lirn.i:(ir.M-ii00 llower spikes liavo been counted ou one plant, very fragrant. S MiiiNoNKrri:; fi-igiatil llowers all the year lound '.) C'llllVSANTIIKMtM-i, Doflll.K Hv- ihiiiis; white, yellow, criiuson, hron.o yellow, lilac, lose, etc. 10 VntniiNAs; (iiauiiiie of supurli flagrant cut lloueis 11 Il'OMdKA Sl.mitX; the rose col oicd Ioon il.iwer l'J-MniiiN(i (iioitics (tiaut Imper ial, just ti.nu dapaii, 5 to ( inches across Ti'Miiseend description. 13 (Ji.it M i Ms, in vauety.fioin seed the lirst season 1 1 DiANTin s, spoiled china silk. 15 Maiikkh.ii, Tai.i. Aruii'AN; a great favorite We pay the postage. Oui illustraeil catalogue free to nil. OsnnitN SroDDAitn, Madison, New Jersey. - Burlington Houto California Excur sions. Cheai, quick, coniforlaltlw. Leave Omalia 1:35 p.m., Lincoln U.10 p.m. and Hastings 8:M) p.m. every Tliursday in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Lot Angeles over the scenic routo through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars aro carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring seats and bucks find are provid ed with curtains, bedding, towels, soap etc. Uniformed porters ami experienc ed excursion conductors accompany eacli excursion, relieving passengers of bother about baggage, pointing out ob jects of interest and iu many other ways helping to make tin; overland trip a delightful experience. Second class titkelsare honored, llerlhs $5. For folder giving full information, call at nearest Burlington Route ti ket olllce, or wtite to J. lrancis, G. P. A. Omaha, Neb. RN n g I sti ' & i m .to H m aw a o i.i Fi 5j a n w If II ji :n BflemflE3nz!aBoaeii9iiiB9Boa m II 1 rw Art n o fin M o Weekly ImterOcermWM osasoKt) m Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Curet a Prominent Attorney. SS?fa mjiiV a a liiooJiJiv Air Is -U VII ' I ' l x'efia and OtirtJtl i'i I. -'-ui hi. I iie.it, and has only Ihe Vleats. Islit, Oame, USt-o., and onlei t U, n hen iotllitiy delivel'nil. T ill'.iirs at ne ,-i'ctii'nl'! Ulliul anil ii it r - is the coiidiitou of Oinnlia llee w Fnrm Mini l-'lrcbldo, h in.. (.milt's IliiinoCninpiiiiloi). U IHi si i.uulsi.lulio IH'inoc rut. H ten I () l.uul!- lllo Caurler .loiiriml, hv 1 IK) I IM iMiicliiimtl Times htar. w 1 eo I'lillBiliOpliln rreht.. w I mi 1 Wi The flilt-Bko Tribune, v Til I Ixl Tlie ChlciiKO Trlliiine, il I on I mi Itni-kjr Mountain News, w inn 101 Itocky Moimtiiln Ncwh, il ? Wi 1 no Cincinnati i:uiiilrer, w 7.1 1 hi I,liincott'NMnKiilne, m .'too i tn iio(le)'H.MiiKiilne, m inn I On l)emurest'Kmi)llyMiiKii'!liie, m ldu Km Lchllcsillustrnicil Weekly, w. inn I no Atlnntlu Monthly, m inn lii KmiMisl'lty Mar, w 'J'i HO OrniiKeiluitil Fanner, w I nu 1 no Ainerlrau WoinaiiK Illustniteil Wurld, iv no no :i.v) San FrmirlM'o Chronicle, w 1 W I no 2(0 San Krancro Chronicle, (1 fiTU 1 (Hi ?0 llrectlers Oazette. w a on 1 to i! ir. NctiriiHkiiAKniiHBH Farmer, in -.'i 1 (jo IU) The ubovo oirors are made only to subscribers who pay one full year in advance. The Red Cloud Chief, Roil Cloud.Nol). Klondike What does it cost to get there? When and how should you go? What should ono take? Where are the mines? How much liavo they produced? Is work plentiful? What waues in e paid? Is living expensive? What are one's chances of "making a strike"? Complete and satisfactory replies to the above questions will be found in the liurlinglou Homo's "Klondike Folder," now ready for distribution. Sixteen pnges of practical information ami an up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klondike. Free at Hurlincton Route ticket ollices, or tent on receipt of four cents in stamp by J. Francis, (ion'l Passenger Agent, Hurlington Route, Omaha, Nclir. Hhoumatism Curod in a Day. "My io Cure," for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days, Its actloiMipoti tlie system is remark able and mysterious it icmovee at once '.ho cause and the disease inline diutely disappears. The lirst dos gi cut ly lic-nclits; 75 cents. Sold by H. K. (Slice, druggist, Red Cloud, Neb Dr. Foiiiier's Dyfipopem Curo As the iniiiiK imp'it-H, i- simply for dyspepsia or i'Miigiiioii. This pupa ration is tin prcM-nption of one of Ameriet's most eiiiineiu physicians, whoso i Itinpis on mcdlcul questions are ace ipted as minority if not sat Wni'tfiy uftir tisiii'.' m- bottle your inn e will lie lulunded V L. Cot-ti"K. Jmftvisv M K. II. ('. l'IIi:Us, the leuillnkMiensInn utlnrney of Ilelfast, N. V., writes: "I u:is (llschurfil finui tlmuriuy on account of HI health, ami tuilIVrcil from heart trouliluuver since. I freiieutly liml falntliif,' anil .smntherliiK spells, My form wuslientasa liiau ofH). I constantly woiu an overcoat, even Iu sutunier, for fear of taking colli. I could nut attend to my busi ness. My rest was lirokeu hy sevcro pains about (lie heart anil left shnuliler. Thrco years up I cnuimeui'id usln Dr. Miles' Heart Cuiu, uiitwIthstamlluK I lial used so much p'ltenl medlcluu anil tulionilniKs from ilcH'lors fur yeais without liulnt; helped. Dr. Miles' Heart Curo restored juu to health. It U truly a uomWrful uiedlcluu and It ulTnrils mu much pleasiiro to recomuiond this rem edy to everyone " Dr. Miles' Hi medics aro sold by all ilntj; Klst.s under a poslilvo Kiiarnntci', (lrt Ijottlu tieiiulltu or money to funded. Hook ou dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Aildn , DU. M1I.KS MP.D I, CO., r.lklmrt, Ind jCj Miles' Vc- nebtorotk TIMETABLE. B & M. R.Y It ED U LOUD, NKIltt. LINCOLN OMAHA CIIWAUO SV. JOIC KANSAS CITY S'J. LOUIS mid nil points cuU and south. DHNVKIl HELENA IIUT'IE SALT LAKE C"Y PORTLAND S.L Ft.LVCSCO und nil paints wcsl. LARGEST CIMUUTIOH Or1 AM POLITICAL PAPER IK THE JYEST JJ it is i AdicAlly RcpuLlic.tn, advocating "Bul it c u always be relied on?' w the cirdin.il doctrines oi th.it puy ' f r fair .md honest reports of all po-m a wilh Ability and raruestnessi'!. liticil niovetnenli,i'i.k"vt'.'.'.,J R JJl 1 ' CT sM- THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL (-jj. " THENEWSAND BEST CURRENT LIXERATURE J w It Is Morally Clean anil as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. " M O n o M ! CI Ci Id o v-: M T The Literature of its columns is equat to that of the best nuixn zincs. It Is Interesting to the chil dren its well is the purcnts ri Ev6) HE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brinRS to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and elves its readers tiw best and ablest discussions of ail questions ol tiie day, it is in full sympathy witli the ideas and asDlrations ol Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Wtern standpoint..". m u r.i N n H t ti i $1.00 -PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR $1.00 o discusses literature and politic " $1.00 -PRICE OHEJ) 2 11 I S THE AIL7 AND M I INTER UCFAN Attl n II I S lrl ri.ill livnvill Iv U1S I'rlci' of sii,,,ln t in ii JJ TT J "iiM mill mim.i . hi tmtiAY rDITIOMS OF THE are best ok tkeir kind. Ill 'M OO per vnir ! 00 per v.-iir l. on pur iwip iBiiU(iEor:ciwaca5?uc(vrji;:nc3GcaGBKei5eERs eity Drav and Express Iiioe. ROSS St RIFE. PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. WITHOUT DRUGS I A list of thediseasos that can bo euieil by OSTEOPATHY OSTEOl'ATAY is the science of rlrugless healing. It is a means of adjusting abnornialconditions of thu body and restoring its functions. Osteopathy is found ed on tlio principles of Anatomy, Physiology, and by skillful ma nipulation the Osteopath reaches tho same results obtained by (iiuga milium Icaxing tlie iuj.u if us effects of medicine, MARY ClIASn ROCKWELL, OII'I.OMATK IN OSTEOPATHY, Has opened ollico iu the. north ninth rooms os the Moon Hlock, (up "tails), where she will give lull Osteopathic treatment The following Ulscnses arc success fully treated hy Osteopathy. AMhtim, iiiniuliy. iuiriil.ils, hemliielie, cecum. fewrN, Kiillic. cuiHrili er)Kln elns, liiicknclie. eiiUfllpalliili, chronic (lliirrliucii, (Ii-.ciIh, hlklcmnicKH. drop hy, kidney illn-iihei-. tltsrttfra pmillurin iionifH ii njifrliilly, thcmiiiUlHii), IihIiIiichh poor clrcuNlliiu. torpid ller. iiIihcumm'n, Kenetiil ilublllty, viimstisp veins deiif nchs. Iinincliltlh, lliroul dlvcuM's Iiiiik triiulilex. dlM-ioes of tlie ee, iiltvouh priiMriitlon. He. Office Hours 9 to u and 1 to 4, Consultation free. TheGR0P!f Jb CANADA AS HIS EXEMPUR. Hon. P. S. Orosieup, Federal Judge, Clroull Court, recently laid In an addreut "Canada If, tn crcry tirnotlral foaturoof Indt pendoncs at tulf-KOTcrnud ai If tbo acknowi edited no allOKlauco to tlio British crown. Bt iiendi no representative to tbo i'arllnicnt noui nn thoThaiiipa. (Ireat llrltnln aondi none t Ihol'arllmuntiinutoontho Ottawa. 8h pn no taiei Into tbo British oichequert ab ri celvea none from anr peopls outside of berowi tioundarlci. Hbe Is touebnd hr no taw relatln, to'i,,"trT,. hTtli'Tpi' "-pii, r f"T IUwrt eicupt ruuu uncoiui's truni liurown lciilillT assanibllcs. Hb fixes bcr own Internal aOaln stands sponsor for her own Interns! peaco anl social order. Iter courts nro mudu up froi tier own cltliens, aiipolntisl lif authorltlp tbemsnlTOs ef tier own cltlronshtp. In ever ajllalileof her polltlrnl constitution. In ever square mllo of her territory, nho Is atitolutolr sulf-Koyornod pponlc. Tho llrltlsh rlnir Is hi rlnu unlr 1T choice, tho IirltlMi crown bt ororaluD only In naino." Farm lands are to be had free on application to W. V. BENNET .:: Ycrlt l.llo Bh OMAHA, NED. WM ztBm Mention thl paper. 00. KAST SIUK WKUbTKU STHKKT, ItKI) CLOUD, NKH No. No S". 0 I II. So. ll Nu. M Mot fusclnntliiK Inven tion of lliuiiKe. Alu8 reudy to entertain. It it liml rcprndm e tliu nui.slc of Imuils, orches tral, loeiilMs or Instru mental miIoIMh, 'I litre H nothlns llko It for nn evenliiK'n entertulninent. Oilier w called tulklnu luiirliliies reprisliK'o only reiiinlitoi etit-nmi iirnn HiiijM'ts.MHTiiuiy iireinia-il Iu n laUirutory, Imt tlioOntpliopliono Is not llrnlttsl to iiucli iieiforumnceii. On tlio (iniiilioplionu youcaii i-nslly tnnkunml iiistimtl reproduce records of tlio lolce, or any sound. Thus It constantly uwukt-ns new InieriKt nml Hit clinrin l ever fresh. Iho wproductlons uro clear uud brilliant. 1 CraphopHoies are sld fr $10 ;,;P' Mannfai'liiml iinclcr the ra'cnts f'f llell.'lnliiler, r.illaini ami Mn ilonnlil Ouriaialillsliiiinillr ln'iHl uimrli'rx fir tl.es mirlil for Talking Atartilii 4.ml TiiUliirf.MfnlimuKiinillr.. Wrllo for cilalc'. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. ! TJH7.,OIIoSt..SiT I.OflS MO. SKV VOIIK I'UIIH, CIIICAde kT. inl'l. 1II t I.A II Kl.l'lll A IIAI.TIMOIIK. MASIIISl.TON nirri'Ai.o. I Through Servic BETWEEN ST. LOUlf CHICAG KANSAS CI' AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES TEXAS .Wlirn I'Murnto Your lloiwl, iili CiucaretH, nflllllv f!iltlntrl I,. in.i i.nii.llnillln ....... A- in ,,i nn n n ! V.', ' ?" '"'" iiiiuit-r. L.1UIKI, .sunr. ui .i. nun lOc.Jc. If C. O. O. f.ill, ilruu'Klsts refund money AKi'iil Omnlm. Nclmmkn TIUINs LKAVK AH t'OI.I OWM l-'relKlil, dully except Mindny for w iiioioiinit 1111 point I'iDii x:w n,m. Irt. IMshuuKcr. dnlly fur St. ,lne. KiiUHih City. AtehUon, St. I.nuU mid nil poluis eni'tiiuil couth - . ... . .. lOUOu.m. 1 1 1 Accoiiiinodiitlou, dull) except sunilio. 1 lit wt In fr-. lirRlnl Is iHtid. Ill'icl; Hills nii'l nil pouithiuiue unrtiiHo.i 1:10 p.m Al'i'iuiitnodiUIim. iIhII except siiinlm ill erllu. Uhiimis. hiiiI llilcniicdiiite Minions. ii lie iitilillcitu I2:l)6p.in. ('rt-ltilit. d.illv, niiirf mid SI .lou Mini tiiteiini'dlHle I j. 1111 lion points .. . I'jtUip.M I Kreltilit. ds'.ly fur llupuhllCRU i)ili.uiis,ii.lurdaiulHil points west . ... ... Klilldii.m I I'Hsietnti-r. dully, Denver, nil I oolnts In Colorado, t'tali hiiiI ('iillforiiln .. . hilop.in. , shepliiK, dliilui. mid recllnlui; elmtr eiri!, ,.imiIs free) 011 ihtoiiiih tntliiK. Tlrkult kolil and ' i.aKKDKU checked to miy point In the I'uited .sliitehor I'aiiiolii. For Infuriniilloii. time tnuli, nntps or ticket, rail ou or inlilre-s A. Coiimtr. Ai:eut. lied Cloud, Nebr. or .1. KrniirlN, (leuertil I'usbfiiner No. 1 i SAMPLE ROOMS. iJOHN FOLNICKY. iMioriiiLim: di:ai.k'. in Wines. Liquors, California Brandies. nm UKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. WAGNER BUFFET SLHPEfj AND FREE RECLIN ATY CHAIR DINING STATINS OPERATED BY THE CCPANy SUPERIOR MEALS, Fifty Qts. T 9G m uM'VII lM.1VMVt. IraslCWft.?s)ell J KrJ.7. IvS i. im '.PMmxVlZAii 5dvcat3, and TrAi!e-Mark obtal jent uu'inc'iconiiucieu lor Mod Soun orrice is OrposiTi; U, d. iaiiil uo i.uibitiuo paicnuu lcs Jrcmolo fr mi Wiishlnton, Send model, ilrnwinR or phot uon, we uuvue, 11 paicnutui J charge. Our fee not duo till pat S A PAMPHLET. "HOW tO Olltl Jcoit ot tamo 111 the U, S, antl-ountries jscnt tree, nuuresi, C.A.SNO orp. patent Orncc, wa rat-J 1. 1 net i'ujcj Jcscrip.1 Ol' I N I. s, M K m 'TI ts ! H I w A H -"--' rs- -. . Mbttatw lMfk wgRMaw-is,, , TT.SL" tJ",Jii" " - . 4