xTmriLViDiXr-vj.(UJL ujtiJLHiU, Jj'KUUAl, MAY 6, 1898. 1-4 i ,,' i; ii i ii i gWHHSMSHDI& MB UmiLJi 74 YEARS OF UNINTERRUPTED SUCCESS. AND NOW BIQQER. BETTER AND IN EVERY WAY GRANDER THAN EVER. The Worlds Most Brilliant Constellation of Arenic Stars FIRST AND FOREMOST, THE SENSATION OF THE AGE, CANADA'S INVINCIBLE GIANT OF STRENGTH. in the World. lili'tM Over ft Torn. The Amazing Marvel of the IIIh Like Hum Never Kxintcd Since the World Kcgun. LOUIS CYR Mont Powerful Man Century. r ' , - ; V--. J! W31 V "" l.UUU T ." - 9im mtmmws cvm tiznnn ytvil tmursuw fW rujlvv forms equal OFFERED More Record-Breaking Novelties Than All Other Shows Can Offer. All tlio World'o Moot Famous Rldore. All tho World's Groatost Acrobats, Aorlallsts and Gymnasta. All tho Wldo "World Tributary to Ita Woalth of Now, Novol and Original FoaturoB. most'cohplete zoological collection on this hemisphere. Two Herds of Monster Elephants. Mammoth Hippopotamus. All Kinds of Rare Wild Beasts. 860 FINE8T THOROUGHBRED H0R8E8, KxlilMtod In Startling, Ari'iilo Act. and In KxcIUiik Trials of Hpi'cil imil Kmliirnnce. VERY MORNINQ AT 10 O'CLOCK, RAIN OR 8HINE, THE most Resplendent Free street Parade Ever Witnessed. IWllllons expanded in this Dazzling Display, Gratuitously Offoned to the Publlo. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY, AFTERNOON AT S, NIQHT AT Q. DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARLIER. ONE 50 CENT TICKET ADMITS TO ALL. CHILDREN, Under 12 Years, HALF PRICE. THRILLING ROMAN HIPPODROME. LINE. Another good rain. Tho revival meetings closed Sunday. Thero were sonio addition to the chiiruh. The U. ii. church organized a class of llfteen members at Penny creek. Miss Myrtle Anderson was the giie.t of L. Atibuslion Sunday. W. 11. Clark hits returned from Santa Ana, California, whero ho lias maided for some Unit . He lias come to stay. Ho is a nephew of Win. Van Dyke. Row Con Hewitt of the U. 1). church will preach at tho Pleasant Grove school house May 8th, at 7.U0 p. in. A cordial invitation is given to all. Mr. Albeit Kcnglo and family of Cambtht, Wyoming, are visiting old friends in Line this week. Mrs. L. A. Haskins icceivcd tho sad news of the death of her mother this week. William Vandyke was elected dele gate to the Webstar county Sunday School convention to lie held at Guide Hock, May 5th and Oth. Thero will be an ice cream social at Pleasant Dale, May Dili, at S lit) p in. for the benefit of tho Sunday school. Miss Hessio Carpenter of Kcd Cloud was tho guest of Miss Victoiia Has kins Sunday. William andyko and Hiram Has kins made a business trip to North Branch this week. John Fox made a business tiip to Garliold tills week. Tho Sunday school of Penny cicck is gotting nlong nicely with Hiram Has kins as superintendent. W. J. Haskins finished planting hov-enty-livo acres of corn this week. Miss Melvina VanDyko lias finished her business course at thu college in SanFrancisco, California, and has gone to her brother Albert, at Minneapolis, Minnesota, when- she has a .situation as .short hand reporter for the -aha-lion aruiv. Mrs. Richard Keaglo of Cambiia, Wyoming, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs L. Aobushou. -WILL POSITIVELY EXHIDIT AT- Musio on tho Graphophono, Few people npprcciato the marvelous power of tho Graphophono as an en tertainer. Jt is an Instrument which, though it costs much less tlinu the least expensive musical instrument, will enable Its owner o have at picas uie music of any kind fiom that of tho bagpipe to that of the grand mill tary band. It reproduces vocal selec tions and gives ono comiiianil of every plcatiic that appeals to the sense of healing. No investment pays such laigo loturns in pleasuie. Iksides re producing tho musical and other roc olds made for enteitaiiinu'iit purposes, tho Gtaphophono will ucuid imtiie diatt'ly and tepioduce at once and as often as Is desited, youi own woids or song, or any sound. Hy wi iting to the Columbia Phonograph Company, 7-'0-Tl'2 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo, you can obtain a ca'nlogue that will give full infoi mntioii as to prices of Giapho phone oulllts. Hood's Cure sick hwul.ielie, bad mv tnito In the moiitli, coated IJ19 I I totiRiie, k.is In the stomach, W 1 1 I 2a dWtrtsj nnj Indigestion. Do F not weaken, but Ime tonic effect. V cents. The ouljr ruin to take with Hood's Sarcaparllla. A BACKWARD SPRING. Red Cloud, Tuesday, April jo, 1898. ;&" X"" ''" v r( f.v w &WAVAVrc W Wffi fX'J5?9 WlwwWifxXci W.l!wr.wo3.ll I V fMVttff V'4 M M U ffe tft M PA 1 teiMrr-VKJ mtt&faMMYAWYAmWAffi .iWiwiMiwiw.iiMiw.!:w.;waM. y.!&M. kA mx .Mf.vHtffl rAJraWiJVAliFiWilKllKLJ issfisnn V, Ma JSasi BOOKS! iffe; j :v &S y t :3?a! Now Given Away Free. r fy 'TZhZX53?V$?9 I V"jC- 1 ---- ,.,r "T"M 'f3tfVTnSlZrzrTi?rrr.'fZm ills To Our Suh scrib 5? fe: ti :tl v-4 mi SB Kidnoy imd Bladder Troubles. If you sutler fiom kidney, bladder or urinarv troubles, or from too frequent or bcantj, urine, Dr. Fenueis Kidney and Backache Cute is what you want. Iled-wetting by ehildien is generally cured by one bottle of this powerful reined. Tesliuionialsaie diMvg-ttdcd many people doubting the hoticMj 01 sincerity of them, wo heiefoie avoid giving any here, nut will furnish them on application to dealer whoso name i given below. If not xitMied after us ing one bottle your money will be re funded by C. L. Cotting Givo tho Children a Drink cnllcil (itnln 0. it N n ilelldout, np itlrlni;, noiirUliltiK food drink to take the jlnce of coirce. bold by all (uoccu and liked by nil who Inn c used It becniife when jiroperly pre pared It tiisten like the flneht coffee bn' N free from all IIn InJnrioiiN properties drain O nldH dlKCtlon nm! Ftri'iiKtheiih the nervce It Ih ncrt n Mlmnhuit but ahenlth bntldcr. and children, as well 11 adults, cun drink It with Krefttbencllt. Cots about U a murh us coffee. 15c and i!3c. Shako Into Your Shoos- Allen'h l'oot-Ka'e, u powder for the feet, It cure" painful, mwioIimi, smartlii); ncnons feet and Instantly takes the Ming out of cornnand biintnnu, HV the jtrcaleH comfort dl'coeryof the ajje .Mien's l'oot Ease makes tlht or new hoes feel eft') It Is a certain cure for sweat Iiik. callous uiiil hot. tired, achtiiR feet. Try It toilHj. bold by all drttKKlts and shoe stores. It) mall for 2Sc In stampH. Trial packnee free. Addre"", Aliens Olm htend, I.cUoy, N.Y. I" ers. Kl Brings Blood Disoasos. Nervous DorangomontB and Chronio Catarrh. Never was theioa greater demand for spring medicines something to cleauso tho blood, strengthen the nerves, or regulato tho digestion. Is there any medicine Jo good for these purposes as Po-ru-na? Thousands of doctors, druggists and tens of thous ands of people of all classes and voca tions have long ago decided this ques tionthat IV-ru-na has no equal in these cases Poor, shiiinkon djspep- tics lieeomestiong vigorous and hearty after a few bottles of it. Peo plo who aie blotched, pimpled and sallow and sluggish never fail to Hilda course of Po-iu na to clear the skin, in vigorate tho system and enrich the blood. Chronic cataiih in all phases and stages, eases that have defied the best of treatment, for many years, take a few bottles of Poru-na to their entire lelief. Nervousness, debility, weak nesses of both sexes, sleeplessness, ir inability, despondency, hypochondria, all these disappear whon Po-ru-na is used according to directions. Cue of the most instructive books on chronio catarrh over furnished free is being sent by tho Pe-ru-na Drug Manu facturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. This book is very instructively illus trated with oxponsivo drawings, and will bo sent freo to any address. I!crli(i(l) Mi) bo. v.-. 1 1 f ,im i Tiiir i' ilirii ! - 1 till lIU'llI I lliw lCt" (f H I' ll'1 ! S . iii .1 rcfivttliini to tin tnsic, u 'i fit mlj "! p. s,:lvi lv on k ;.,e , llv v ud h. ' 't 'a nr tho cttiin f.v'rm. cisi"', o'dr "no iie.niiiuno, jew r, liiiiiltunl ioiis;lpni'nii .mil biilonsni'ss. Ph-nse liuv ii ml tn u box or O. C. C to-ilny; It). 'S, MUonts. hold unit Kuarnnteed to cure by nil druggists. m m m Seed Potatoes for Sale. At my farm 2 miles south of ltcd Cloud some choice seed potatoes for a.tle. Thirty-live cents per bushel. Gko W. Hummki.. THE NEW WAY. WOMEN used " to think "fa male diseases " could only be treated after "lo cal examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. The in troduction of Wine of Cardul has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician's attention at all. The simple, pure WinSw taken In the privacy of a woman's own home Insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Cardul re quires no humiliating examina tions for Its adoption. It cures any disease that comes under the head of "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites," change of life. Itmakw women beautiful by making them well. It keeps them yeung by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store. For advice (n casei requlrlnr special directions, address, clvlnr symptom!, th "Ladles' Advisory Department,'1 The Chattanoora Medicine Co., Chatta nooca. Tenn. W. !. ADDISON, M.D., dry, Mlii., iyt: "I use Wine or Cardul extensively In my praetlceandnndltamoit excellent preparation for female troubles." To Cure Coiibiip ttltin T.ihuCiiscarcts (..mm i .u,i KC.U C. full to euro. ilrwciM I orcw r. c i irSic. ! f i' inuprv CIp J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRv V YOU WANT IT. Croup Bridge Work or Teeth Without Hate. PORCELAIN INLAY And Rll the latest lmproemcui lu dental medi anlsm These are not cheap paper bound books such as are generally given away as premiums, but CLOTH BOUND, bound in theSbest silk finish binders cloth of assorted colors, and with the title stamped in gold on the back of each. HOW TO GET THE BOOKS. For each dollar back subscription paid youlwill receive One of these handsome books, and for paying one year in advance entitles you to two bocks. This offer will not last long, and you had better take advantageL'of this Free Premium offer while it lasts. Subscribers who wish premiums sent by mail will send eight cents for each book they areentitled to cover expenses of mailing, etc. m To those who do not desire books as a premium we will give free of charge THE - CHRISTY - PATTERN - KNIVES. These are the corrugated Bread, Cake and Paring5Knives,Jand one set (three knives, one of each kind) will be given with One Dollar on back sub scription, and two sets for one year in advance. Remember you get a premium with every year of back fsfc subscription paid, and a double premium for sub scriptions when paid one year in advance. mmmmmmssm To Teachers and School Officers. You aro requested to note carefully tuo following dates, wo desire your presonco at tho Educational Rally July 80th. Programs of this meeting and of tho daily instituto work will bo scut out in Juno. Each person desiring to teach in Wobster County is expected to bo pres ent during tho ontiro session of tho in stituto. Tho Trans-Mississippi Educational Convention at Omaha is to bo holddur- ingtho 1st weok of Juno. Endoavor to bo present at that time. Cordially yours. Eva J. Case. Co. Suporintendant. Spocial Examination July 29th and 80lh. Educational Rally July 80th. Annual Toachors Instituto Aug. 1st to 5th iuclusivo. Test of Instituto Work and Organiza tion of Reading Circles Aug. Oth in forenoon, School Ofllcer's Mooting, Special Ex amination Aug. Gtb in afternoon. Whooping Cough. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's cough remedy. I did not think that any medicino would help him, but uflur giving him a fow doses of that remedy I noticed an im provement, and ono bottlo cured him entirely. It is the best cough medicino I over had in tho house. J. It. MnmtK, Baby Mine! Every mother feels an inde scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffcrine and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER'S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy arc no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Frlead. is a blessing to woman. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. PARKER'S m HAIR UALSAM (71em.fi ana UiiHlilci the hilr. 1 romotr. ft lniuri.nl irrtmfli. Wevcr Falls to llojtoro Oru Ilalr to Its Youthful ColorT bun-, .caiji iitji,. nair iauisz. PENNYROYAL PILLS WWWLiK uricinnl and Only Ornnlno. M m r. on,, i.ir. rriiu,ia. notulltnnJ la llpd u btlts .riled with tlLC r laoother. tortiMitafiarrou.. 1 10fU ami imitnllOHM AlUrtimeimim r,aMAMt. la lUBpa fur bwtlcul.rt, nitlnonli .ni il.utr rap iiir,"lnl.lltr, 6 rrtara M.1L 10,0011 rmtlincnUli "am. (iifr. i heir rt;ncuiKuU i..:iin'I-m I'lurn, UtutBtts. I'iULAUA.. 1A. s, ii tAmi W 5.1w3 A. lr I till t.ADIKB .11 LX I trmun Itiii fVA I oM attiltMr lhL.,n. T.L.W ubifitu. r 91.00 FBKBOTTZ.B at all DruK Stores, or aunt py szpreii on rooeipt ox price. flflfllffi OonUlnlDR InTiJnmbU infonnktUn of rnrr- Intcreit to all women, will be tent rntt t any adareu, upon appllcaUoa, by The BBADniLD BEflUUTOB 00., AtUala, fla. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON City and country calls promptly an swored day or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Office oveb Cot-ting's Dkco Store. RANDOLPH MoNITT, ATTORNET and COUNSELOR AT LAW, Special attention to Commercial and Probuto Litigation. MOON BLOCK, RED CLOUD, NEIIRASA. I'L UI.WATIOX OF bl'MMUXS. In tlio dl.trltt court ul Wcbucr county, Kb. briiKku. imrlps Ai I itoii. Ilinvluiiil Atkeroii.Hmuel A i ki'f.1 u, .Mjrtlu Acktrituu, Ikuslo Acktri-uii unit Utliel llrunn, lnliiorn mill ilnnimli II. .Mil. Ivr, ilcfciiiliintH. will mke uoilce Hint n the Wh ilny of April, nw. MtiNfnret OlI, Arum Wlnicrii mill l)ntilt;l Win ten iiIbIiuIITb lietcln. lili'il tliulr (letltlon lu the ll ttli t roiirt of Webnter county, Nebraska. ncHlti.t mlil (lorondmitH. thu object find prayer of which I- id partition rerlHln real CKUie ilenerilicl ns followb: 1,01k ij, h. and 15, In blocks and otn 1. 1, 13 mid ij In block 20, all In Ited u ou 1, N cbNter count, Ncbrabka. You aro required to annwer said petition on or before the S3d day of May, 1 898. i'"",oa on Dated April Htli, 1888. K. Rosa Hitchcock. Attorney for plaintiffs. LEGAL NOTICE. " In the district court of tbo Tenth Jmiirini District, In and for Webster ceunty! .Nebraska 1'eoplcR llulldliiK, Loan and SavliiKS Association. rinlutlir. T John II. KemilcrR and Jo, eph KcmrberK. lilawifc, ;. K. HemnberK and I(eint.lt'rK Ills wife wlioio Unit iiiuiic In unknown and Kiln KemiberK. Defendants. C. Y. Ilemebcri; and ir.n.hn... ..... ...... wliwbo drst name Ih unknown, and ki iinm. ben?. nboM) named m ilcfendaitS will uko r?o llco lliat on tlio and day of April imh SiuOiUir bciron an action In the abofo cntUleS cou f lowing real esjato towit Oonfm'encinK at ace tatu point 380 feet west of the i iTortheaM corner of the northwest quarter of tho Bouicast ouar ho? h p ' m" fl, 'wW18' "" 11, " of feet, thence east 280 feet, thence north Jo tlW to place of beginnliiK; inU I be"i? a part of the promises conveyed by Samuel Hmlth ntiii wiriv Cpunty DtedHecordi. at page Tsm. " Wcb,cr which there la new duo tho m,m n i 1? '"J" E.WaKvlfcell:liMJTrl LIIHIS WHIIH All IIS( I1IIR. Ilivit Ooimh Hyrtip. Tnmi'ii (Iimhi. Use hi num. m.i.i riy ciniBKlM. " " PlIiturprny8 lu raid ncilA W I i Ii ,. .i.iMai.i .... ,,,.. .fci's"- ." iu pujt ...... -v... ...... ." .mo uuiriiilnntH .n,-!..,,!,., Kf ". Si .",." ' ".."Wi eieciiiiSn and : r,' i..; ''vx'.vivv o mo iiainiuiit nr iinr..i...i.. -.-."- them are forever barre li ,1 i tolS'iiSc t JiV n H10 or '"'erestln'o'rTo' lZC Z l?' lucuun:., "-" . "". "". W '.' ,0 nnwcr .aid mitltim, ,. nie iillc nun JiuIk ori;efJVo,hoVu,,,b,rofJl?;;eCr,S',,,o?' KHtlons thereof liri,0' Xn niiriio. ineut rendered nccnrilliiElr I'klllMI,! Ill lit.... ."W, h i f .' South Buigi'ttMoun, l'a Km sale by 11. i: dim Bpal5i 'simmmss. 1'MlW KH in umv. i..t,AN1;lll,. ..... 4N'Al -. A I 111 , "" ) ' ' i I.I ,H .Nil , AUoriiej. i i i uJJ