I.. . sn v. s. .) ELt-j 3ijtM slssssssssMsssssssssssssssssssssssfcs fx " vv y Jk frjT3sssssssssssssssssssssMP-. BiBEStSjtKj? iih.BsasssssssssBC-- Jr-?- f&sTif sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst f J BssssssssssssksssssssmJBssssssssssssJilBBssssssssssssssssssssssssssss VOLUME XXVI. Nebraska : Mercantile forf 'Us Special '-'J 111 j Commeccing SATURDAY kl Boys' Clothing on sale prices have ever MEN'S Spring Glothing At special prices. Men's $4.50 Grey Suits Sale price $2.95. Men's S6.00 Brown Suits Sale price $3.90. Men's $6.50 All Wool Black Cheviot Suits, Sale price $4.45. Men's $6.00 Brown Tweed Suits Sale price $4.25. Men's $7.50 light color all wool cahmere suits, Sale price -4.85. Men's $10.00 light gray suits Sale price $7.25. Men's $12.50 suits Sale price $8.50 and $8.75. Men's New Spf Ing Hats. At special ale pi ices Mon's 75o Fedma h.its, Salo price 50c. Men's $1 00 lints Silo price 7"i cents Men's 81.25 nndSl.&O hats, Sale price 91.00. Men's and boy's shirts and The mnmr Red : Cloud : Monumental : Works. OVERINQ BR05. & CO., Proprietors. bHbHbUbbhMI&s lMrORTKKS OK AND DEALERS IN MONU IENTS, 9' STATUARY, VAULTS, cersieRKL cemeTBRY aajork Host of stock and oikinnnli p gu.iMiiitcud. 1 neiu nf !" u !' 5- t: Ten Days MORMING, MAY 7th, wc at Special Reduced Prices. been made tor new, desirable lif iff iffilS t 3 tern MjEhBI JWNiiKHL t) FH)f i of no well dressed people will tell you there's " style" without the right fit: no "ser vice" without 'e right textures) no f satis faction" wctl.cut the right workmanship. Our clothing ccvmbiitas all those essentials on a large pleasant scale, and an individual Guarantee Ticket to back it up. It's this make... J9F&ZW& Jm&itm&BS3 spring underwear at bargain prices. We ihvite you to are extra nice and we can save ou money on them. Nebraska KLFRBD HRDBLL, MHNHCBR. DD nnnnnnDDCxnrTTriDDDDDDrn RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. MAY (J. 1808. Clothing have decided to place our entire line of Men's and In the history of Special bargain sales no such low and seasonable goods. Lome Mercantile fDBLL, MHNHCBR. CYR, THE MARVELOUS. Strongest Man in the World with the Robinson Shows. When the John Robinson greatest of nil American shows exhibits in Red Cloud, Tuesday, May 10, the patrons of this famous amusement institution will have an opportunity to soo not only tho strongest and most perfect athlete over known in the history of tho world but also a series of athletic features such as can bu scon nowhere else on earth. Mr. Louis Cvr, tho famous Ca nadian strong man, who has boon so cured by tho management of this great est of great shows as a spocial attrac tion during the season of 1BU8, has tho world's record not only for this decado, but also for all time. So fas as known his marvelous feats of strength and lifting have never boon equalled, and he is beyond all question tho strongest man who has over lived. Phyically Mr. Cyr is a colossus. His height is 5 foot 101 inches, and without one pound of superfluous flesh he weighs 285 pounds. Tho breadth of his shoul ders is 27 inches, and his neck meas urement 2.1 inches. His thigh, calf and forearm development is equally great, whilo his biceps, without being distend ed, show thn icmarknhln measurement of 21 J inches. Mr. Cyr's recoid is equally wonderful, and uautheutieated by no less an authority than tho New York I'll1'!1 'I- Ami c I im r ! . IllOst 111) 1 I .- . !if I 1 I ." 1 : Co. Sale! and see tnem. HOY'S AND YOUTHS Jlem Spring Suits At Special Hargain I'i'icis. Youths $4 grey suits sizes 12 to 18 Sale price $2.50. Youth's light brown cassimere suits sizes 12 to iS former price S5, Sale price $3.75. Youth's all wool brown suits sizes 12 to iS, Sale price $4.00. Boy's knee pants sizes 4 to 14, Special values at 85c, $1,25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 $2.25. BOY'S HATS. Special bargains in Boy's Mats at 2;c, 38c, 50c and 75c. t rw see our ney I ine. 1 ney Company. I pounds deai weight with ono finger; 987 pounds tfth ono hand -,18071 pounds with both Undsj and a clear lifting feat ef 4,800 ounds. Theso wonderful records havenovor been even approxi mated, and i is doubtful if tho world will ever agon produce a man capable of such enonous feats of strength. All of Mr. Cyr's eats nro astounding, but some are paiicularly so. This is es pecially truof his unprecedented ex hibition of mat can be accomplished in holding p live weight. Without artificial ah tho Canadian hcrculcs supports twaty-tivo mon upon a plat form poised pon his shoulders sup porting his romendous burden with tho caso of a atlas, and tho steadiness of a column f solid masonry. His dis play of strogth with human dumb bells and ther equally surprising feats keep tk audience in a condition of oxcitomei throughout his marvel, ous porformJco. Mr. Cyr is ably as sisted by braco Barro, tho French Samson, whio feats of strength have given him a'orld wide fame. In ad dition to tbifrreat feature there is ev ery thing tu goes to mako up a com plete high-cls circus, menagorio and hippodronutnd show day will be tho big day of tlyeur. Rod Cld Thursday. Creamery opened up Wo will nnor any check issued l) tin- Cll' 1 S Co ' UMIA V' Wl.M-llll 1 ConuniNsinreiH Proceedings l!".u (I nf roiint t'onunis-ii'iiici nut Mniiil.iv, Apiil '.'.", piiMiiint ti ml j'tiiinnient, with all ineiiibi'M piesmt I I "Mowing !iiii)iiiiiui'iitH for loii'H over-rcr weie maile ('lulu Mills furl mad district No tU l ('. Oiiiu f-r road ditiict No. I; F.W. Ailes for loud dlstiict No. fill;. lames Uerrett for roul district no 21 Hoard adjonriud to meet Tuesday at t) a. 111. Hoaul met Tuesday pursuant to ad journment with all members present The following oflleial bonds were ap proved. S. Walz, oveiseer road dis trict No il.V, Clayton II. Wells, ovei seer road district No l!l; Leonard J. I Loekridgc, overseer load district No. !52, !. U Meyer, Constable luiivale ' township. Commissioners ordutid a carload of red cedar posts for usu it: county for bridge work. F. llouehin wasordcied to grade and refill the toad 011 sections K) and II, in Line township, to ho allowed for such woik $8. On motion the 01 dor of the hoaid heiotofoioinade, February 21), lB'JS, in I tint miiKnn et tt nnnnliut f Mm trrwl IIIU I Hill h-fj Ml bllU 'UIIIIIU ' IIIU l W. on section line between sections 31 and on 1 .. in !.. i... I ..... O., lllWII O, UlllgU 1, III VjUUIUHIJII township is amended to read as fol lows as to tho last provision: "The county surveyor is hereby ordotedto discover and perpetuate tho eornors established by County Surveyor W. E. Thorno in the year 18t0. by planting monuments for same and make a rec ord theieof and provided fmthcr that :ti soon iu said survey is established the overseer of road district No. -lb is lieieby nidi-red to open and work the load : established by said survey. It is hereby ordered and tho clerk is hereby instructed to issue his warrant to pay the salary of tho county super iuteiideut and county attorney on the fust of each quarter, beginning .July 1, 1S0S. Moved and canicd that reports of county clerk, superintendent and W. iv t'opclaud, superintendent poor farm lie placed on file. itKi'ouT ok coiwrr ci.nitK. Itcport ef .1. 1. Unit, roiititv rlerlc, of recolptN lUiilillKliiirxuiuuiitN of cli-rk'H ortlcu for (tmrlur ending .Murrh III, 1NI. iiKrni'Tc. rec-i rt-eorileil for .Iiwmnrj if now reek rcconleil for I clirimry irl (id IVc rix-orilcil for March inn iu Keen reronlliiK nfM-f-borii boiiiln 101 no Keen clnrk of boanl ... im 00 l'een rcconlliiK oftldnt bond ij 0 00 Total receipt i! 173a to JHHBUnHKMENTS, CIcrk'Rialar; for quarter HT.-i 00 Deputy clerk' itlary for quarter 175 00 Extra clerk hire . iw 00 Total dlibnrtementa . fc.V) 00 lialancc on band April 1st ... I Ml CO J. r. IIalk, County Clerk. Subecrlbed and aworn to before me thW 25th day of March, IBM. J. II. IIailkt, Notary Public. SUPERINTENDENT'S RErORT. Report of Kva J. Cage, county tuperlntcndcut ending April 0, 1806. Received from II. M. Hunter f u m Received from apportionment nj 00 Examination fees to ilaie...... n 00 lialanco on hnnd April 0 f laTaJI Eva .1. C'ahe, Co supt Tho following petitions wore referred to tho bridge committee: C. A. .Jessen, Walnut creek; II. J. Maurer, Rod Cloud; John Hunter and others, Guide Rock; J. II. Manloy and othors, Line. Tho following claims woro allowed nnd warrants 'orderotl drawn on tho several county funds. M. S. Martin, road work 13 00 J. II, Potter, road work 7 or, I, 11. Watson, road work jn V. Stoke", road work ;j r, Henry Maurer, road work jg 00 Ana (Hirney, road work 5 m Claton II. Mill", road work 3 jyj Chrla Columbia, road work kj 00 W. II. Howe, road rork...... ., g m Auttln Western Co., Repair for grader... 7 00 Tradera I.umlxr Co., lumber 3 70 Vance HorRcnuen road work 73 gj P, llouehin, road work 78 qq P. KtokcH, road ork 2 Wm, Iron", lumber , 33 (t llernarii McNcny, conimHhlonvra order.. 4'ii I. II Carr, road work . . qj jiio. 1 opicy, ronci worn ........... . ju 35 (loo, Cnaupent, road work.. S, hmlnli, road work .. . ., Henrvllarrl", road work Twlura Lumber Co , lumber . Wm lion" lumber 1 M 100 5 00 (17 .17 1 W Or. Price's Crenm Rifdn Povvdar M'ure tlruoc Crcini vl'I'jrt-i I'owdcr NUMBER 1 r Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR CREAM BAKING P0WDIR A Pure (lrape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Wm Ironx, lumber 7 10 Trader" Lumber Co , lumber .. ....... 110 Mrs. AllcuTeniiiint, rnreof poor . 10) i:. Mufiirliuid, mdc, f r ionr 6 Pi Tiiriiiirc llniH. iihIm for poor farm .... rt (19 Mirer fc McArtlmr mdre for poor fitrin 'Ji VI Mler Morlliur' nule for pun- farm f 00 II M McCliirc, machinery for pour fnrtn 110 00 A. ,1. lliijex. mdo. for poor farm 15 00 Nebruckii Mer. Co., nidK-, for poor farm., n 77 K. W. Cop. Inn. calnry huj tpoor farm Ml M 1 " I 4 ' "r"'-' "" ",r ,0',r ""'" I H limp llrriu .ml... r.ir iitmrrurtn . fi 15 4 65 ...... .......v. .... ,....... Sherwood A AlbrlHlit, milno. poor farm 5 00 PokpI 1 lliilclilxou, harneoii for poor farm 10 75 W. II Itol y, indue, for poor larm 1.10 Inhu DudtiKer rolm for poor farm 9 0i Slurk llroi.. fruit trees for poor farm lit 75 .!. Porter. .Ir.. Jiwtlre fee" H 2ft Ion, Carber, liurnu for poor farm SOU) P1it1ly.lHll.MrK Co.. locks for Jnll ... t T3 l. A. It. Post No, 71). uo of hull 3 no C, I) HobliiMo'u, notice lltinteu paper .. , 1 r0 .1 Vance. Hilary commissioner . .. . !M 10 P i: P11 j no, Hillary ciimiiilsHloui-r .. IS 00 (icii P Webber, i alary t-oinmlhsloner 'JO (H i: II Smith, salary commlKslouer 11 2" Wm. A Ma), milary comiiilKdoiifr 10 sf I.. I). Well" Jullor'a fees Wi ou .las llurden, slump", etc, IS !'l Ittd CI 1 Nation. Mipplli'N . . Wl s- .1.1' llnle. uxpress ilrnjniA' and "tumps pi 7.1 Mlzer A Mi'Arihur, Mipplles poor fiirm . t) 05 Wm Woir. bliiekNinlthluK 10 7,1 i: 1 1. t'nttlliK. Mlpplles . ... I Ml I. 11 Wells, boiirdlm? prlMincr" .. Il'lfll II i: (irlee, paint for count) bam it 00 .1. IMI11I0, part on tax llh.. i'M 511 . A. Wlllliiins. work on count) barn. . 5 00 Statu loiirmil Co .Mippllc" i;.ri 15 Omaha PrlntliiK Co ,-upplles . 10 Pi J.H While, extra fee" X,i tii A.I) Itiiuney. Milnr) llrUqiinrler SOO is) W. W Tullc)".oll . . a 111 Mitchell llros , Imrdw.trj for oor fariii . 7 (17 O. I). Robinson, pd Wells for It'iral work I l)', 1). I). Robins jii, Webster co. vs. I.. Uniini 5 00 Heur) OlKer . a (!5 Smllli PrImclrT)puirllerCo. tHpenrllcr 10T 50 C.l) llohlimoii, to lllue II 111 Lender a CO nnlusha A Wcscoit, order of .Ma) Held . 1 00 Oinaliu Printing Co., "applies :j. ;jr, KnJ. Cane, "alary first quarter -.'50 mi Kva .1. Case, "tamp" and expcunes is 40 W. 8. Ashby, prlnttiiK . 1 fio State Journal Co., supplies 'l bb C. J. Piatt, lumber 10s 30 The following claims wero laid over. Ilcrnard McNcuy. township warrant W8 S8 M. R. Ilentley. township warrant 43 00 Traders Lumber Co., warrant -i 25 C. J. Piatt, township warrant............... 40 00 Geo. J. Warren, warrant 50 00 Prank Kuehn, rejected .. . 4 35 Board then adjournod to meet Juno 18, 1808. For Salo. Ono hundred and sixty acres of iitmn proved laud four miles northwest of Red Cloud, consisting of tho west half of tho northeast quarter, and the cast half of the northwest quarter of section llfteon in township two north, range eleven wost. Tho land is leased at present, but subject to salo. For terms apply to Mrs. Jamks Kikkwooh. Fairfax, Mo. Wo will pay a salary of 810.00 per weok nnd expenses for man with rig to introduce our Poultry Mixture and Insect Destroyer in the country. Ad dress with stamp I'krkkction Mpj. Co., Parsons, Katisas. records show cures use of ST. JACOBS OIL or RHEUMATISM I OP CHRONIC CRIPPLES; AND OP I ' I BED-RIDDEN INFLAMMATORY I . 1 CASES. THERE'S NO DENYINO, 1 I IT CURES. I Oi. Price's Cteatii llaKIng Pmvdci WnrUI's Fnir fiifihest Award. j-ifun coniracrco in thosi waters. I The 4U I r' M K W& A&jzjte- uStSKESp7 M3K. "Z &rr- rfw TirnWiiBjMeiJi 1 T r . i.. . , - - yiO&urrrrmt