' i lv, r ' "lmjJHllHQ MADE EASY" dMrlWItlll JIT X3SKt-(ZAiMrtr -v'" ate1li -Vi liii. - - - '-- ml iiH'11"1 3f ihii hi"ihi w,l HihiiimmrivTTrHv lSPARCH TgEAT INVENT DPmiiDPC Kir nrxnuiKtrT' nuinLJ iiv VUUIMIIU MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS US WHEN FIRST BOUGHT or ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL CO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A. HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH. HUTACTURED ONly Qy thei r ui iDiurrD ddac m wtwillUQIIiwbrl tm, iijawiataw KEOKUKJOWA. NEWHAVEN.CONN, COPVRI&HTED nawi ww uiimmihii in minim Hi www t wingm wii Ttah ntdrch I proparrd on nclontlflc principle hy mon who linro hud swan of prtict lent aipnrlmira In fancy hiundorlnK. It restores old linen ami fiumntor dreaes totlmlr natural whitonp-M nud Impart n tanut iful and Im-tln finish. It Is tho only atarch nmniifnctitred Hint Ir porfoctly Larmier, cotitnlultiK nnitliArnnmiir, nlum or nu othor HulMtanco Injurious to liucn and can ho uacd oTcn for a huhy powder. For 'sale by all wholesale and retail grocers. rTriMB Svrs.tcli I A- ti .i:i , . Tir C.ilX miNER BROTHERS. RED 1 i NMU, UM IS " . f E36m WH Htreft jaw : v -oBiWmV I 'itX-J lu"Aillhnit the "Utchstring out" C35KW X. m all .wer the world. fWS-Wri 'V W V M,K REALLY' CORRECT DRESS aaal I BVABaBmaaa. i I SKSl iS-7- f-V-i" ' V' Material. Stle. Tit. rirish, a 1 &M w', fP.j' i " W nun,y ""ti 'o sltoulj order 2 riw'iEijKT . rU M. g, 1 ft xWy" I 1 I PJlp!S PLATT & FREES CO., Ghieage Lumber Yard, llKD CI.IU'D. NKIIUA.sKA Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. T i-e - 3 x .-- LUMBER JB5li3cIaclJJ:, ' R30D CLOUD, 1 WE HAVE NO AGENTS tut htT. told direct to matt for ii in t mt pricti, istio mm oemr i proDii. snip D(n ror tiftmiDMioa. r;tnioic mirttm USiijInof Vobicltt, M llylc. ol litrniH Tc.UujiM.IVJtol70, S.rnif, IVtlollIA. Cmi M. PtnU.ni. TrM. Willi tiki, Spnof.Ko4 ui B,TT. iifMr rtMi. mit,IIM. "?'- IMail ror Iwn. O. Do M8rrr. rrUo. wltkinulnl.lun.tu. At im u Hill rti M. VtUlepi of nil hi itIn. iliti, tm m loitori, IN. fi ti lit ftt M. ELKHART cabbiab Ana babjiiis iuri. c. w. u. fbatt. . klkbakt, hid. w BUGG-IES. CAKRf II 11 ' ll'll llf I ' I'l v viiiiini' ihfin -tii'l fllil lim '' -i ALL GOODS FIRST CLASS. THE - FAnOUS If in need of niiytlnuir in 1 1 1 nn you to eo me liefori' pu JAS. PETERSON, Red Cloud, Nebraska. a modbiv ;vrviK:jHr.r. Is al.v.iv- lUst Fresh ncl Cured Meats, XMjsI, Oome, Etc., PgSgg"" '.iflWUja l"'M II iHsiK IH 'ffiMsW bV BWPSnrnM In J(i STIFF AND NICE HEW DrwJiV v pj-ffl iSti'log; Ouit. 1 is well yikl that nunners mika tht V nutt.luit the more solid Ingredient of NB ll Ir-I.'lrt.- ic lltrt n..fe... m ..( of nnilllOOil. If :t man ha thrie both. I - . - ---, ,..-w ,, .)iso in-; t lie troo.i sense to dresi well for him . nd Gentte your tailor-' BORFN & CO.. The Great Chicago .Merchant Tallon BB1 lTHTI.w'v'ITJ, l WW 1 11 II WKi'-ar I ftp m rjjr RMWVWj W&jr I'or over '() Yrnrn the I.vidors In the Custom! Tnde. mi cum Kt a "HORN" Suit orOverr.it fur los n.dtiey than In usually paid for inferior ' Roods ami tailoring. ( I'll- A,M I'IMMI iir.HANTEED. iiMnifrtd CAoJk- Snmpl artfifnm. CLOUD. NEBRASKA. ze ej., 1. - AND COAL. .'It o s- ? Etc. Nebraska. lb oa thol. io in J MUk CVES. SURREYS. I- Mini (' ill i nut A and lM IIH'll llllll PRICKS ALWAYS THE LOWEST. J OHIO - CULGIVATOR. i luiu ! I'l lai m iniit'iiliiciy it will pay h i iir I cm ii Me ,nii in uiey em 1, t ii in anil neat, and has only the 'imi onlcis taken them aie ceciiiatcly tilled and promptly deliveieil. That -N the condition of affairs at KAST SIDK WKHSTKK 8TBKKT, KKI) CLOUD, NKH U11U1IUII X1UI 3.VJ. CIMtlSTtAN GllttUCII. Sctvicos each Lord's Day its follows: Morning srrmon U):i?0 u.tn. Subjrot: "Our Homo Missionurlos nntl titoOut look." l'ollowoii by thu oiTuriiiK for lioiuc missions. Hibli! school, Vi in. Junior Christian Knilcavor :i p.m. Si'tior Christian Kmleavor 030 p.m. KvonitiR sermon 7 '60 p. in. Subject, "Soldiery, l'ast and I'resont." Frayor int'etiiig and biblo study on Wednesday ovi'dings. Ladies' Aid Soelety Friday after noons. County Sunday School convention at (initio Hock, May (I and 7. Our pleasant church home and all sorvices are ever open to the public. L. A. llussosti, I'astor. MKTIIOIMST I'reacliiiiR Sunday moriiing at 10.510. Sunday School at 11 :M) a.m. Junior League at 1 p.tu. Senior LeaKiioat 7 p.m. Kvei.ini: service at 9 p in. Conduct- (Juai telly eonfeieiicc su Monday. 1'iajer meeting tn NVedni'Miay een- iiifrat 7.:io. Ladies Aid Society Kiidny afternoon. All aie most eoidially invited to at te d the oervices both Sunday mini iiij and evening. Tliey will lie of a ie viviil nature. Jami:s'Maiik D.vitur, i'astor. IIAl'TISl' (MlllltOII. Subjects for Sunday, April VM. Morninp'.services at. 11V.10. Subject, "SiRniflcance of the Passover." KvuninK service at f o'clock. Sub. Ject, "Imitators of I'llate." SunditylScliool at 11:45 Young People's Union linnets at 7 p.m. All oni'diallv invited. I. W. KtsoN, Pastor VOMOHKtlATlONA L. Sunday School at 11:15. Y. P. S. C. K. at 0:80 p. m Liver Complaints and Noivoubnoss Cured. A torp'd liver alwny.s produces dull ness, instability, etc. You are all clogged up and feel dexpondeut. Per haps you have treated with physicians or tried some other recommended med icine without benelit. All thai is no niguinc.nl against "Dr. Fen tier's IJIchmI and Liver Ueinedy and Nerve Tonic," which we insist will cure nervoUNiiess and liver complaint. If not satislied after using one bottle your money will be refunded by C. L. Cutting. Our Clubbing List. Below wo present n list of a num ber of the lending magazines, uows papers, farm papers, etc., with prices they can bo had in connection with Thk Red Cloud Chief. Wo must lme one yearly sub scription to tho Chief with each peri odical ordered, but both need not nec essarily bo bent to tho same address. PRICI CMIK BOTH OniRlmllcc w.. f 1.00 flint fl.2.1 Farm and rircxlde, n in Ml I oo 1 10 Ladles Hume Companion Ml ICO I in -I Louis (tlolio Democrat. - w 1 no I ml I M) l.nul llli' Coiirltr Journal. w I mi 1 im l j: Clin liiiiiitlTliiii star, w no ill i I'lillhih'lplilii I'ic-v I isi Km 1 r The i lilnuo Trlliiiuc. w ' I 0" 1 i' Tliu I'hlciiKii Trllmiif. il MM 1 iki I (hi Itoi'k.x Mouiilaln Ncwn w .. 1 mi 1 in I Ml ltock MoiiiiialiiNfWK.il TMi imi ?mi C'ini liinatl CiHiiilrtT. w . T.'i HO I LIiluiottMaualiii. in :ill I Iki ami (iodu's MnKiilne, in . . . 1 mi I On 1 Ml Di'innioM'.sKaiiill) MiiKiilia'.in I iki 1 Ml 150 I.i'KliosllliiKtriitcii Wi'ckl). w i no no :imi Atlaiillc Monthly, in I mi I mi inn Kiiiimio t il) star, w s'i imi I mi OraiiKf.linlil runner. Inn l (hi l :f. Ainoi k mi Wuinaii llluslratt'd Win Id. w I mi I oil :i,Vl sun Kriini'lK'oC'irniildi'. w I Mi l no 2 no Sun TraiK li-co chronicle, d n To imi TO llri'i'ikTA (iuuttu. w -oo imi a ir. NrlirnskiuV KaiinN Farmer, in ','.'i 1 mi 101 'Thu above oilers aro initilu only to subscribers who pay one full year in advance. Tin: Ked Cloud Chief, lied Cloud,Nob. RhoumatiBtn Curod. My wife lias used Chamberlain's Pain Halm foi Rheumatism with great relief and I'ouii recomuiond it as a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use for which wo have found it valuable W. J. Ci'ti.ku, lted Creek, Now York. Mr. Cuyler is one of ihe leading mer chants of this village and one of the most prominent men in this vicinity. W. (i. Pmi'i'iN, Editor Ued Creek Her aid. Sold by II. K. Grice. Klondiko. What does it cost to got tliero? Whon ami bow should you go? What should ono take? Where aro thu mines? How much have they produced? Is work plentiful? What wages aro paid? Is living expensivu? What tiro one's chances of "making a strike"? Complete and satisfactory replies to the above questions will bo found in the lliirlington Route's "Klondiko Folder," now ready for distribution. Sixteen pages of prautieal information and an up-to-date map of Alaska ami the Klondike. Free at lliirlington Route ticket offices, or sunt on receipt of four cents in stamps by J. Francis, (Jen'l Passenger Agent, Hurlirgton Route, Omaha, Nobr. Rheumatism Curod in a Day. "Myf.icCure," for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cures in 1 toil days, Its action upon tho system is remark able and mysterious It removes at once the cause ami tho disease imme diately disappears. Tho Hist doso greatly benelitsj "Scouts. S-ild by II. K. tirice, druggist, Red Cloud, Neb, h. rL,jyvdK UHiUDlt Complete for a Quarter. Fresh Seed--The Kind thnt Grows. Tins collection will furnish (lowers in abundance from early spring to Into Kail. No other oiler to match this. I (iiANr CoMirr Asrmts; llowers like large graceful chrysanthemums; white, pink, yellow, red and blue. i! NKW WllirK HltANCIIINO ASTKIfi; a superb novelty, try It. 11 Jai'ANEsi: Hop, (variegated); a hardy vine of strikinp beauty, will cover a poich in one season. I Hollyhocks; yellow, rose, ma genta, black, pink, lavender, pale lem on ami white mixed. 5 Swkkt Pkas; in till colors of the rainbow. il Nasitutiums; dwarf, all tho '08 novelties mixed. 7 Ai.vssum, Lirri.F. Or.M -000 llower spikes havu been counted on one plant, very fragrant. b MuiNoNKTrK; fragrant llowers all the year lound. U ClIKYSAXTIIUMtlMS, Dot 111.11 llv liltins, white, yellow, crlinson, oion.e yellow, lilac, rose, etc. 10 Vkiuikvas, itiiiiilitifs of superb fragintit cut llowers It IroMoh.i ScioiiA, the rose eol oi'ed Moon llower VI MoiiMMi (ii.tutiLs (iliiut Imper ial, jiiM liiuii .lap in, 5 to il inches across Transcend description. l!l (iCitAMi Ms, in variety, from seed the llrst season 1 1 -Diantih s, spotted china silk. I'i Makiimii.h, Tall Ai'kican, a gieat favotite. We pay Ihe postage. Oiu illiistraed catalogue free to all. OsiioitN SroDiiAitii, Madison, New .Jersey, There is more catarrh In this section of the country than all other disease put togetliei, Mid until the last few yeins was supposed to be iuctmihlc. For a great many years ttoctois pro nounced it n local disease, uiid pre scribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure with local treat ment, pronounced it incurable. Sci ence has proven catarrh to bo a con stitutional disease, ami therefore re quites constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarth Cure, manufactured by 1 ,1. Cheney Ac Co., Toledo, O., is tho only constitutional cine on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a teaspoonful. Il acts direct ly on the blood and mucous stu faces of tho system They oiler me hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for chcu'ar.s and testimonials Address, F. J. Ciif.nki & Co., Toledo, () Sold by diuggists, 7i"ic Hall's Family Pills ore the best. Suffered 20 Years. &&f M R3. MARY LF.WIS, wlfo of a promi nent farmer, anil well known by all old residents near Itelmont, N. Y,. writes: "For twenty-seven years I had been a constant sufferer from nervous prostra tion, and paid lurt;u sums of money for doc tors and advertised remedies without bono lit. Three years no my condition was alurmliiR; tho least nolso would sturtlo and unnerve me. I was uuiiblo to sleep, had u number of t-liiKlnu bpells and slowly Krew worse I bewail uslui; Dr. Miles' Restorative. i Nervine- and Nervo and I.I ver Tills, At llrst tho medicine seemed to have no effect, hut after taking n few bottles lbcKun to notice aclmugo; I rented bettor at night, my nppo tlto begun to Improve and I rapidly grew better, until now I am as nearly restored to health as one of my age may expect. God blossDr.MIIes'NervIno." Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug Cists under a positive guarantee, first bottlo benefits or money re funded. Hook on dis eases of tho heart and nerves free. Address, Dr. -t mile ii.i. .Nervine; . I Restore Health DR. Ml I K3MEDIUALCO., Klltlmrt, lud. TIMETABLE. B. & M. R.Y II El) CI.Ol'l), if K lilt """"-"" LINUUI.S OMAHA VIIIUAUU HI. JOR KANSAS CITY S'l. LOUIS and all points tutsl and south. DENVKU HELENA IIUT'IE SALT LAKE U'Y I'OltTLAND 6V.V FHAXVISCO and all points west. THAIS!) i.eavk an roM.own: No CO. KrelKht, dally except Sunday for wymoro and all point can H:ta m No IS. I'asKeiiKcr. dally for ht. Joe, Khiimih City. AtrlilMiu, St. LonUandall points eattand Noath 1(1: '.tin. m. No, 141, Accommodation, dally extent Sunday. llastliiKx. (Iruinl Is land. Illaclc Hills mill all Aoluthlu the northuckt 1.(0 p.m rcnmmodatlnu, dally except Sunday, Otiurllu, Kiuimix, and IntcnnedlHte Mntloio-, la Ho iiiilillcan 12:i)ip.in No. OL f'relKlit, dall. Wsiiiurv and St. .loo mid Inlermtdiate luiiclinuiioliitK I'JslUp.in No. M f'relKht, dally for Ilepiililloun OrleaiiN, Oxford Hiid all points weiit li)::)a.m No. IS. IWontoT. dally. Denver, all points in uniormio, uiiin ana i.'iillfurnla i HMUp.ui H eenluif. dlnlinr. anil rec anil reciiiiuiK uiair earn, 1.1-nlH fri'iii 1111 IlirniiL'li trahif 'lIcsetHhOiil and bHKKKt L'hcrked to any point lu tho United State or cannon, KnrlnfiirniHtloii. time tablt-n. uiaiih or ticket rail mi nr mtilreiii A. L'onnvcr. AlTOIIt. Ued Cloud, Nebr. or J. frauds, (Joikt.I I'atwcuKer Agent Omth. Nebra.k. v SI the: I Weekly Inter Ocean I URQBST CIRCULATION OF ANY It is radically Republican advocating! the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and camestness..,...,.M ppr! THE WEEKLY INTER OCSAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND DESTCURRENTL1TERATURE II Is Morally Clean and as a The Literature of its columns hi equal to that of the best tinga zincs. It Is intcrcstlitR to the chil dren as well as tho parents :- T HE INTER OCEAN is and while it brings THE WORLD and discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy S with the ideas and aspirations ol Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. ti nn-PRMF nF nni $11 THK DAILY ANFsmOlAYDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAH ARE 11FST OF THEIR KIND, 1'rlcci.f II ilh li i rill !. 1,00 per j mi- I'rlc.Mil siimliM li mull f J on pi'i' M'lir Diillv mill siim lit Im mil' HI 00 iir i-nt eity Drav and ROSS St RIFE, PROS. Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR ADAMS EXPRESS CO. WITHOUT DRUGS ! A list of the diseasos that can be OSTEOPATHY OSTEOPATAY is the .science of drugless healing. Itisn means of adjusting abiiormalconditiotis of the body and lestoriug its functions. Osteopathy is totiml ed on tho principle of Anatomy, Physiology, and by skillful ma nipulation the Osteopath reaches the same results obtained by drugs without leaving the injur ious effects of medicine, MARY CIIASi: ROCXWKU., Din.OMATK IN OS TEOPATH Y. Has opened office in the north mil tb rooms os tho Moon Block, (no stairs), where she will give lull Osteopathic treatment 77ic ollowlwr (senses arc Mines. tully treated hy Osfciiaty. AMIiiiiii. Htrciu'ij iiirnl)l, hernial lie ((uiiih fcM-r. unltie uiuirrli cr)slii r In- lnii'kiii In- riiiilliiitlnii i liniiili dliirrlini'ii. ils.i'i'ia. IiMiiiimii'ss, ln k Ulillii'X i-riie-. iliniit firi'idlurlii amen il tjni iillli. tlicilliiiillm, Imlilneks pixir rlri'iiMI in nirpld ller. alisi esses, Keneiul ili'lilill) Hriisiisi mmii-, deaf lii'ss. lirinirhlllK lliriml iIi'iim'". Iiiiik tniiilili1)'. dl-eiiMs of die eje nervous pinsiriitiiiti tic Ottkv llniirs o lu I J and I to 4 CiinHiltatltin I rec. Mo-t fuse InntiliK liiM'li- tlnn of tluiniie AUmis reiiiH to I'litcrtulu It . nnd ii'priKhiit'tlio , liuisle of KnuK orclu-s tm-, M.cnllfls nrlu-trii-im ntii! MiliiUlr. llitTi'U nothing like It for an p iiIhk'b i-nUTiuliitiu'iii. Other hi eulleil tiillliiu' timihlne. iepiihicii only us onls of eiit-nlid ilrlrd Milje If. Mri-lully preimml hi a l.iUmiti.rj. hut tlu'drnplmphonu Is mil llmllcsl to Mich in-rforinitiHi On thu (iniplii)pliiinooiic.iii viill iimkeulidllistulitli it'iirodui'u reuirds of the Milie. or liny sound. Thus II eiiiMiiutlv uwukuiH new Intcrot mid U elmrm Is eer ltv. 1 ho uproduUlolH aru clear uud brilliant. GroloplOHes arc seld fr $io:PJ Manilfniliiri'il llliilrr tin- t nta-nta or lloll, T iiliil-r IMUoti anil Maislimiilil mir wtal'lUliMiyiillJ lnno. uiinrleri 11MI111 rlil fiirTsUliiicMin-liliinaii'l TutklriK Mat-liluo riiiiiTi a. W1II11 furcjlulc'ieio COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. TJH-7i.M)IUeM..sT. I.ni Is M(), SKWOltK PAIIIH, (III! Add ' kT Ull'lx. rillI.Allfcf.riMA. IIAI.TIMOUK. I wahiiisiiitiis iicrrAio. SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. UOHN POLNIOKY, PROPIOKTOR DKALKlt IN ! Wines, Liquors. California Brandies. 'PMMILWADKffiBw ALWAYS ON TAP. TtmSLSrir, ft3ff wa s YAzyj mJ M a POLITICAL PAPER IN TUB WL'STJ N .Hut it can always be relied on for fair and honest reports of all po- a litical movements.,.S,w,M..,,1,,,.,t Family Paper Is Without a Peer. NS II a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, to the family THE NfcWS OF eivei its readers the best and ablest i ir per YEAR SI. 00 9 m m to i VM a ! il nil a Ti(z;ononM;(TPoi3.ir,o3fir.autwi!eHii Express Mne. of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CANADA AS HIS EXEMPUR. Hon. P. S. Orosscup, Federal Judge, Clrouit Court, recently uld in an address: "Oaiimlnli, InpTurfpractli-alfcnliuoof Inilc-PuiiUl-ik-u) ttH Nttlf-uovurni-il ut If nlm ni'kliuwl I'lliti'il no iiIIckIiiiiisi initio llrlilsli rmwn. Htio hi'ihU no rviiri'KuntiiUvo 10 tho I'utllment houso nil lliuThuiiicn. Oru.it llrltnlii n-iiiU tionn to Ihul'nrlliiit'iithniikiiontlio Oilnnu. HI10 pari no linen Into tlio lltOUli oxcliniucrt ho re i'i'Itl'h nnno f rnm anr noonlo uutslitn nf lior onn iiounilnrlim. Htiulstnuclicitlir no law ri'latlnic tolior traile, hertluTcloiiement, or hrr llbertr. excent such asenmesfrom lii-rotrn lpclilKtlra aamnilillc. Hbo flics horown Intrrnat affairs. as.;iiiiMi;n. nu. u.e. uci unit iiiirm.i u..v stamti ntioniior for her own Internal pracs and i.''ii ril ' llf r '-o'Tii nrn t-i 11" 'in frnn I11T own (.UUiiiin. iiii(.iiiIi1 liy uuiliurlllci. tbpmm'lTPS of her own cltlii'nnlilp. In ercrr RTllatiteof her txilltlrnl conmltutlini, In errry square mllo of her territory, she In aowolnti-lr a elf-KOTcrni'd pfoiile. Tho llrltlth Han Is hrr flig inly liy cholro. thu llrltlsti rrown her siiTcrdgn only In nsme." Farm lands are to be had free on application to Through Service BETWEEN ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY AND THC PRINCIPAL CITIES OF TEXAS. WaONER BUFFET SLEEPERS AND FREE RECLINING KATY CHAIR CARS DINING STATIONS OPERATED BY THE COMPANY. SUPERIOR MEALS, Fifty Cents l",,,Br,arar,aaar,",,l il bB ua mmM sal las Bf ifAJ il ava AH saVJ H Lb bH aaaaH il m K "MH . "H fj.vi.au. and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-1 entbuslneis conducted for Moderate s-rra. Our orriec i opposite u, a. "atent orriecs ami weuniccure patent in lets tuna uu loose remote (com WathfnRtoa. , Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, 11 patentable or not, (res of? charge. (Juries not cue 11a patent is secured, m i A Pamphlet, " How to Obtain l'atents," with cott ot sameln the U, S. and foreign countries? sent iree. Aaaress, sf A OAlsfUaf Jh rf WS W WW 1 VV. m rr mum wrriv( nninuiwni vr v W wAVVVVVwVVV4 '1 ' "'' &L I flRttSrgflB W.V.BENNETT, WZS'IaOHS'i New York Life lildg., dlvfifaa OMAHA. . .en. Mention this paper. ABaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWmtBUUljflrlLv I JaWaHsHaHHsV W 1 i L J A Vn ICiStr-- "-HJVjU.riBKfl&t4l..M , tv via'msft('s.kMW ,, T lisiiitattimiii mm,: , ,jj !