The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 29, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Vronp Ilimheil to Orciiny '" 1'olnU Jlnit
Open to AUtelt From llio Invmler
The, Nntintltou Wn Aritnmliiic I'l'iin
thr Slol Vulnerable I'oliit.
Nr.w YnitK, April 3.V -A dispatch to
fins New Vorlt Herald from Key West
.tys: "Tliu blookndu of Havana was
i-siabllshed tit I o'clock yesterday uf
rcriinnit. A dispatch from Ilnvana, timed Kri
iay, 5 p. in., .says: "1'roin tin lilll.sof
Tnauiijay I saw Uki United States
-warships this nfti'i'iioon.
"They nro i.dvaneing o Havana
fiatn tliu westward The news lias
reached Mom castle. There ull is
alert, but fear Is hi tlic hearts of tlio
.,t3,'3 defenders.
"(Seneral Dlaneo, In full uniform,
vhich lie lias worn about two duy.s in
tor last two months, Is at tliu Santa
4. Vain, buttery, tho strongest of tlio
ity'H defenses. Willi lilm arc nit tlio
artleers of Ills staff and tliu chief of
turrn of tlio regular and volunteer
"Orderlies nro rushing through the
nty isliou tin tr tlio call to arms and car
rving ordor.s to tlio batteries and re
Kirts to tlio captain general.
"Ominous la tlio hltuation. Every
Isody grunts that fact, but everybody
:. rushing out of tlio city or to Its
jrt Mentions. Tins number who havo
weight the latter places to tight is
"The United States ships could not
.'K. ibly select a better place for land
ujj than they can llnd in the neigh
borhood to which they are pointing.
"JSIauco tlio dauber and lias
rrislied largo bodies of troops to Santa
Cfara. He lias sent others by hurry
ta Vcdndo and Carmelo. 'i'he gnrrl
so.ns nre weak there, and even with
liio reinforceuieut.s could not last
'our1, becauso the defenses uro nut
vitro up.
'"Troops could be landed there with
tittle m or is than iv nUirmish, and it is
thought this will bo tliu tlrst plnco at
which the Americnns will strike.
"Then, too, ltlanco is fearful lest
tlic tlrst of the invaders eonio up this
filths river Altnciid&rcz, where they
could make an undisputed landing a
fjtv miles to the westward of the city.
The, armament thero is Insignificant.
The chief defense Is tlio old Cattle Do
"Several regiments haro been sent
Xo the Playa do Mariano, where thera
is an important but undefended land
tii place. From that point a railroad
runs to Havana.
"'Arolns, the military governor, is
acting with, and both went
utand inado a rcconuolsnucc In the
.iirrctioD of Mariano. Tlio two, after
t.viu;r Santa Clara, went to the
IMana battery.
"All the Runs nt all of tho fortillca
Uons are manned. The men have
orders to ntund by them all night.
Tlio attack ii expected at daybreak."
CALL FOR 125,000 MEN.
rrnlitent Ihmica Volunteer Cull
To Serve
for Two Want.
WAjmsoTos, April 3.". Tho Presi
fint, to-day Issued tho following proc
lamation, calling for 131,01)0 troops to
wrvo two years:
lly tho 'President of tho United
States A proclamation:
"Whereas, lly nn act of Congress,
iitltled 'An act to provide for the in
creasing of the military establishment
at tho United States in timo of war
ami for other purposes,' npproved
April 3u, ls'J-l, tho President Is auth
irtr.ed, In ordir to raise a volunteer
at my, to Issue Ins proclamation call
.ng for volunteers to serve in tho army
jf tho United States.
"Now, therefore, I, William McKin
ley. President of tho United State,
ty virtue of the power vested In me
Uy tho constitution und laws, and
decaying sutllcieut o.iuse to exist, h:iv
thought lit to call for and hereby do
call for volunteers to tho aggregate
number of 135.000 in order to carry
Into effect the purpose of the said res
olution, tho same to be apportioned
is far as practicable among the
s'veral states and territories and the
District of Columbia according to pop
ulation, und to serve for two years
All less booner discharged. The details
for this object will bo Immediately
oiutnunlcated to tho proper author!
Ijss through tho War department
"In witness whereof 1 have here
onto set my hnnd and caused thh seal
at tho United Stales to be afllxed.
"Done ut Washington this twenty
third day of April, H'J.s, aim of the in-
4cncmlcno of tho United States tliu
no hundred ami twenty-second.
"(Signed.) WiM.tAM McWi.M.r.T.
"(Seal.) By tho President.
"John Siikuman,
"Secretary of State."
Mnroslirm .Mnjr ICnlUt.
Pout litmus, Mich., April 25 In
lov of ihu duslro of many of tho 300,
riOO members of tho Knights of the
Maccabees to enlist, Suproino Com
mander D. P. Markey has issued a dis
pensation which will make tho order
liable for all deaths of mouthers while
engaged In tho military or naval borv
tc of their country.
Mlohlciin (InitriU Ar Flrt
OiiANP Hai'IPs, Mleh.Y April CR
Members of this Michigan National
guard havo been .culled out for ser
vice. Tills Is thu tirst cull upon state
cuurd issued nud is in accordance
with a promise btv Secretary Alger tc
ihu Michigan Mate trojps.
A Knt htrnimlilp liiiu?tit.
Nkw Yoiik, April 3.V Tho report of
"".tie purchuso- "by ""life fcflft'rnfntnt of
the strain pilot boat Plilludlephin for
il blockading vessel was confirmed
yesterday by a member of the board.
rriio prlcj paid was SlOO.bOiX
Sernnil Spntiliiti MerrliHiitniitn Taken In
Tried llnril to Kuril r.
icr Vr'p.RT, Fin., April 0.". Ono oJ
tho first shots llrcd In anger from tho
gun of nn American Ironclad across
tho bows nf an enemy's ship since tho
close of tho civil war was hurled from
tho deck of tho New York as a signal
to tho Spanish freighter l'cdro of
llllboa to heavo to, shortly before (1
o'clock last evening, fifteen miles olT
Tliu little l'cdro, scurrying close In
shore, favored by the closing in of a
foggy, misty day, was .sighted by tho
New York and immediately brought
about with a solid shot across her
bow. It was shortly after fl o'clock
that the New York signalled this tlcet
to hail and scuddi-d tuviiv like a grey
hound along the coast of Cuba.
Far olT against tho dim, vague back
ground of Cuban hills, half seen, half
guessed, could bo traced n faint Him
of grnyKh smoke, the one visible evi
dence of a Sp-tnlsh freighter striving
vainly to raco out the day without
being discovered by the great gray
monsters. Vainly the Spaniard raced.
Charging nlong at trial test speed, the
New York soon lay across the bows of
tho Spanish ship, nud the crashing
challenge blazed from the deck of the
A putt of white smoke rolled out
from tho side of the Hag ship and far
oil-, just in front of the Spaniard, a
fountain of white foam leaped lata
the air.
In a moment the course of the
r.t ran go Spaniard was changed and
sho hovo to. Shortly after tho Now
York led her prlo further out from
shore and laid her to. Crew and cap
tain could bo seen rushing about the
deck of tho ship like a nest of ants,
hiding their valuables nnd striving to I
avert some Impending fnto they could
only guess ut in their Ignorance.
As she came around her uatiK' could
bo clearly read on her stern. SI13 Is
the Pedro of l'.ilboa, 11 Spanish
freighter, two masted, with a black
funnel mid single ycilow stripe nud
hull black above red. As si. on as she
wns laid alongside, tlio IVdro was
boarded by Ihisigu Prank Marble o!
tho New York. Mnslgn Marble led a
pnzj crew, consisting of 11 (lie of
marines and seamen With great for
mality tliu nns'.gn swung aboard and
assumed command. A burly bare
footed American tar shoved the Span
ish quartermaster away from tliu
wheel and began to sot the course of
tho Spaniard.
Tho Spanish erew gathered in a
terrifflod huddle near the forecastle
and awaited developments
Hardly had this prize ersw been put
on board before another freighter was
seen going down the coast to the cast
ward. Tho Now York-, leaving the
captured Spanish craft In charge of
the prizo crew, drew aeros the bows
of the stranger and sent a shot into
the water directly in front of her
bows. She paid no attention to the
challenge, but kept steadily 011, nud a
few Hcconds later another shot was
sent hurling across the water In frout
of her.
After this hostile demonstration sho
hauled up and was soon following thu
New York out to sea. It was discov
ered, turnover, that she Hew the Her
man Hag and consequently was per
mitted to proceed.
Ths Pedro is a Spani-ih freighter ol
1.S33 tons nud left Antwerp March 3
Tlir Stiriiniiitn.-tli, OtTiir.l Uj Arthur So tr
ail, It fiort ! ltimi;l lijr llm Sniinltli.
l.oxtiov, April 3. '1 It is reported
here that the Spaniatdshavc captured
the American ship Shenandoah, Cap
tain Murphy, which left San Prancis
eo .la unary 3 for Liverpool. She is 11
four masted vessel of .1,3 ill tons regis
ter and owned by Arlliur Sewall &
Co., Path. Me.
A.NiWKiir, April 2.1, It Is reported
hero that the Shenandoah has been
captured on the Uugllsh coast by a
Spanish warship.
IIaiii, Me., April 3.1 The members
of tins jli-iu of Arthur Sewell A Co.,
owners of tho ship Shenandoah,
which Is reporte.l to havo been cap
tured by the Spaninrds, ivfuso tc
credit tlio story that she has been
taken and expect soon to receive news
of her safe arrival nt Liverpool,
where she is now iluu.
Tim Minlili (tuvarmiinnt Hair tlio Ultl
mntilin llufoin .Sir. Wooilfont.
Nkw Yoiik, April 35 A cable to tho
New York Kveniug Sun from 1! ar
ritz, I'ranee, says: "In forestalling
tleneral Woodford by breaking off di
plomatic relations with tho United
States in advance of tho presentation
of tho American ultimatum by the
minister of tlio United States, Spain
resorted to one of her old devices.
President McKiuley's telegram to
lieuprnl Woodford conveying the ulti
matum was hehl by the Madrid tele
Sraph authorities wbllo a copy of it
was sent to Premier Sngasta. After
tho government had had time to read
and discuss tho document und con
lider tho ouiro to bo t.iken, the mes
sage wa released And delivered tt
General Woodford."
(inneral Mcutij- Vtit to Fleht.
Sa.v l-'itANCisto. April ?.'.. Colonel
John S. Mushy, of guerrilla fame, who
is now n resident of tills city, has
wired to (Seneral Miles for authority
to raise a battalion or regiment of
vo 11 n tears for special in th
M intent i:;er for Nnr.
Coi,u.miiia. Mo., April .'... The Mis.
'sourl- State unlvrsUy indents nro
eager for war, Nearly the entire
student corps wns present nt an en
thusiastic meeting held in tho uuivers.
I itv cliapcl yuitcrday afternoon.
Loses No Time in Hastening Active
House Passes the Measure Without Debate, Consuming One
Minute and Forty-one SecondsSenate Takes One
Hour and a Half President Signs War Bill at 6:18
John Sherman, Secretary of State, Resigns.
W.iN(irov. April 31 The Presi
dent to-day sent Congress tho follow
ing message recommending a declar
ation of war against Spain:
To the Sjnate and Ilouso of llcpro
sentatlves of the I'nlted States of
I transmit to the Congress for its
consideration and appropriate action
copies of tho correspondence recently
had with tho representative of Spain
in tho I'nlted States, with tho United
States minister at Madrid and through
tho latter, witii tlio government of
npain, snowing tlio action talcen umler
tho joint resolution approved April
30, !s!i9, for tho recognition of tho in
dependence of tho people of Cuba, and
demanding that tho government of
Spain relinquish Its authority and
government In tho Island of Cuba, and
to withdraw Its laud anil naval forces
from Cuba nud Cuban waters, and di
recting the Picsident of the I'nitcil
States to use the laud and naval
forces of tho United States to carry
these resolutions into effect.
I'pon communicating with the Span
ish minister in Washington the d
mali V.-Iilch It became the duty of tho
executive to addrcst to the govern-
inent of Spain in obedience to tho said
resolution, the said mini iter asked
for his passports nnd withdrew. 'J ho
United States minister at Madrid was
in turn notified by tlio Spanish minis-
ter for foreign affairs that the with-
urau.u 01 1110 npnuisii minister irom
tho United States had terminated di-
plomatlo relations between the two
countries, and that ull olllciul com
munication between their respective
representatives ceased therewith.
I recommend to your especial atten
tion the note nddressed to the United
States minister nt by the tic und tho same is hereby declared to
Spanish minister for foreign uffairs ;xist and thai war lm 'existed since
upon the "1st itntaut, whereby the the 31st day of April, A. I)., IS'J-t, in
foregoing notification was conveyed. ;luding sai.'l day, between the United
It will be perceived therefrom that Mates of America and the kingdom of
mo government, 01 njiaiu, Having cog-
nizanco of tho joint rcsolulloi of the
United States Congress, und in viewof
things which tho President is thereby
required and authorized to do, re-
' sputids by treating the representative
I demands of this L'overiiuieiit as meas
ures of hostility, following with that
instant nnd complete sevorance of re
lations by its action, whereby the
usage of nations nccomp'iuics an exist
ent state of war between sovereign
I he position of Spain being tint '
made known nud the demands of the'
Unttoil States liuliwr iloiileil ivilli n i
I complete rupture of Intercourse by,
tho net of Spain. 1 have been con-
trained in exercise of tlio power and ,
authority conferred on mo by tin- joint '
! resolution aforesaid, to proclaim nn- I
der date of April 33, Is'.ix, 11 blockade with Spain. '1 his censorship basal
of certain ports of tho north coast of ready been rigidly established at Key
Cuba, lying between Cardenas und West. The government hasseized the
ltahla Honda, anil of the port of Cien-' fable otllce ut that point and ills
fugos upon the south coast of Cuba; I charge I all operators except one.
und further. In exercise of mv constl- ! Orders have been issued by the navy
tutlonal powers and using the author
ity conferred upon 1110 by tho act of
Wtilto llmnn Deception Iteiiimeit. ' to.v, April 30 President1
McKlnley was up early this morning
and hud n hearty breakfast. Hit two
guoits, Webb C Hayes, the son of ex
President Hayes, und (Seneral Hast- j
lugs, were with him und talked freely '
of the situation. Tho President talks '
with marked calmness nnd cheerful-1
nerts, und bears up remarkably well
against tho physical strtiip to which
ho Is subjected.1-'' Pof H& firs timo in '
ubout throo week.! tho public recep-
tions will bo roMtin" I at 3 o'c. id; tht'i
7CT M i&imlKc''' it fM I 1 I "" 1 ' "'T'Sr'C'i.' J - - iiiyj-jJCS1
Congress, npproved April 33, I '.$, to
Issue my proclamation dated April 33,
J'-'J-, calling for volunteers in order to
carry into effect the said resolution of '
April 30, W. Copies of these prooin- hl'ls so r:,r as known,
matlons are hereto appended. Since the beginning of the war tho
In view of the measures so taken, ' oll'-v' uiowniont of the Spanish navy
and witii a view to the adoption of tmit 1,!ls Ut'0, reported is the depart
such other measures as may be neees- nru ' lno ("t'Pedo boat destroyer An
sary to enable me to carry Out tho ox- I :xA f,,olt Quoonstown for Spain, her
pressed will of tho Congress of tho
Unite l Stntes in tho nromi.. I ..,,.-
recommend to your honorable body
the adoption of a joint resolution do-
daring that tho state of war now e-
Ists between the I'nlted States of
I America und tlio kingdom "of Spain.
and I urge speedy action thereon to j
the end that the definition of tliu
international status of the United I
States as a belligerent power may be I
made known, and the assertion of nil
its rlghti and tho maintenance of ull
its duties in tho conduct of a public
war may bvS assured.
Wiu.i.wt McKiNi.r.v.
Kxecutlve Mansion, Washington, April
3li. !VJS.
When tho message was presented in
Hie House it was referred to the for
'igu affairs committee. In the Senate
it wns nt once referred to tho foreign
relations committee,
At 13:11) o'clock, after the foreign
iffairs committee reported, Acting
Chairman Adam of the house foreign
uffairs coinniitteo asked unanimous '
ouieiib lur liio ouiisiucraiiou 01 me
war bill.
Following Is ths report of the House
"A bill declaring that war exists be
tween this United Mates of America
iiid the kingdom of Spain.
Ho It enacted, 1- irst, that the war
"Second, that the President of tlio
i'nlted States ba and he is hereby di
rected und empowered to use the en
Lire land and naval forcos of the
United States nnd to call into actual
service of tho United States the militia
of tlio several states, to such nn ex
tent as may bo necessary to carry this
act into effect."
It took tho House 0110 minute und
forty seconds to pass the declaration
of war.
""t the fiili! to full.
Tavi- , Kin., April 30 The United
States ha cut tho Havana cable. This
tfivos the government tins exclusive,
" of the cable anil entirely cuts (ion-
I'ral lllanco off from communication
department to prevent the newspaper
' boats from following tliu licet.
ni - ' " i. ' - s , '-.
WhT 1111 Auslrlitu 1'itpnr I (or Aumrlrn.
Vii.nsa. Apr. I 30. -Tho Deutsche
.ultiuiL', the organ, (sup
ports the United states on tho grounds
that "after ll.-rliu mid Vienna. New
York ranks us the largest (ionium
town in tlu world," nnd also becauso
the "United States represents liberty
as opposed to absolutism."
Urs" .M(iiiiill;lit iii Uiiimii (
LfiAVi'.swonrti, Ktm., April 3-J
There Is a nit'ivotnoitt on fo it here to
ask President MoK'nloy to appoint
Colonel Uhouias Moonlight to com-
P1....J ',!. L.juj b..litt..:'J-
Tlio lllockaillliK Meet Doing lootl Work
.Mom- Capture In .Nlj;lit.
Nkw Yoiik, April 3C Slnco tho wni
flth Spain has begun tho I'nlted
States naval forces have established n
strict blockade of Cuban ports and
have captured nlno Spanish vessels.
Tho prizes nro tho steamers Huena
Ventura. Pedro, Miguel .Tover, Cutn
Una and Snturr.lna and the schooners
Mathllde, Candida and Antonio. All
these vessels have been or will bo
taken to Kfy West except tins Satur
nlnn, which was seized ntShlp Isluud,
The Spanish steamers Panama, from
New York, mid Alfonso Nil, from
Spain, both bound for Cuba, will
probably be captured by American
warships within a few days. Spain
'",s It,a,'e " .seizures of American ves
"''Pariuro being compelled by tho Hu
glisli neutrality proclamation. For
tho sumo reason tho United States'
Aslatio squadron ha:, beguu to leavo
Hong Hong.
drt Ynim Ho (Jults I'iiIiIIi-
To Take lllTeel Soon.
Wasiiin-otov, April 30 Another
resignation from the cabinet occurred
to-day when the venerable secretary
of state, .lohu Sherman, handed his
resignation to the President nt u spe
cial meeting of tho cabinet at 13
o'clock. Tho resignation takes effect
nt noon to-day, nnd with it Mr. Sher
man retires from public life after a
service of over forty years, embracing
the House of Representatives, tht
United Stales Senate, as Secretary ol
the Treasury and Secretary of State.
The reason for the resignation is
tho condition of the secretary's health.
The venerable secretary is now with.
; iv fow ,ys 0f 7-, years of ago
('anion. Ohio, Apr'l 30. - . Midge Day
has announced that he will accept the
cabinet portfolio vacated by Secretary
Tint Wat llrp trtinotit XVIII Si-nit HKIca
itiul Arllllrrj- to tlio Culiins
Wasiiinihon, April 30 -- Arrange
ments have be.Mt completed by this
government to supply the Cuban in
surgents witii arms und ammunition.
The government is preparing now to
land in Cuba from 3."..0U) to r.D.OOi) im
proved Springtleld filles, a number of
artillery battenc-.. rapid tiro Maxim
guns nud ammunition.
It is understood that this govern
ment will not deliver the urms to tiny
person but (Seneral (iouiez, and h
will, us a guarantee of good faith, re
ceive them. tleneral Miles believes
that if the insurgents are properly
armed and supplied with tho artillery
they have so long needed, they can do
more effective work und render tho
American troops iuvnluadle aid in
driving tlio Spaniards from the island.
OfTrreil Siirli-rs of 1,(1110 Negrito.
Si'. Lor is, Mo., April 30 Prof. O.
M. Wood, prlne pal of L'Overturc
school, has sent a communication tc
(ioveruor Stephens tend. ring the ser
vices of himself und J, 000 negroes for
the volunteer nrmy. Prof. Wood is a
brigadier general of the colored
Knights of Pythias of Missouri und
Kansas, and was at one time men
tioned for iippoiuttnont as United
States minister to llayti.
L'retr of St. Jto-1'.tilUt.
Nr.w Yotiiv, April 30 Out of the -120
oillcur nnd men comprising tins crow
of the American liner St. Louis, only
be veil refused to sign articles when
requested to do so when they wer
paid off.
Steam ('oilier llntiilit.
Ni:v YoitK. April 35, A cnblo from
j Cardiff, Wales, suvs: "Tho Uniteil
States government lias purchased a
number' of Drltish stcum colliers.
Thev will nil ' sail for tho United
States ns soou as their rartfocs arc dlt
Ilrltatn llellev rtiero I HAner t
Oar I'oait.
Loniio.v, April 3,'t (Srent Pritnin'i
Sympathy for Ainerloa Is like Spnnisl
diplomacy, otliclnlly correct. There is
scarcely a public man or important
newspaper that does not warmly sup
port the United States. At tho .same
timo In private conversation thero in
uiiieh criticism of tho United Stntes
and indorsement of Spain is hoard,
There is much head-shaking over tho
result of the nuvnl battle and tho
feeling oven finds, its way into print.
Tho Dally (Iraphlc to-dav printed a
long letter from a naval oflicer, who
stiy.s both Porto Kieo und Havana
ought to be uble to hold their own
against an attnek unsupported by
ships. The United States will bo
forced to blockade both of these Isl
ands and this, the nuthor of the letter
thinks, will occupy that nation's en
tire licet, thus leaving tho Spaniards
free to bombard the coast of tho
United States. Again, tliu letter says
Spain is strong enough to defeat
either of the blockading fleets which
tlio United States is abbs to assomble,
ubout Cuba and Porto Itlco. In con
elus.ou, tho writer thinks that tho
ships of the Indiana class arc so pro
digously over-gunned that they are
likely to sink themselves.
Tho Daily Chronicle contained an
editorlnl article saying that tho Amer
icans hardly know what they am
lighting for, and "thnt it is an open
question whether tho freedom of Cuba
could not be obtained without ro
course to war."
Continental Europe stndfastly ro
fuses to b?liovo that the United States
is omhnrkln; in war for any object
other than conquest. The Continent
al papers predict with tho greatest
jealousy that tho United States will
retain ail the Spanish colonies, which
it will inevitably capture, and that
the United States will then become,
one of thestrongost rivals for the few
remaining unoccupied portions of
t he earth.
t'ulm' Comt Witultl Mnhi It Han! (1
Mitke Coiuptrto liivo.tinont KITictlvn.
Wasminoihv, Apill 3.'i. Tho foreign
representatives are beginning to feel
much uneasiness over the situation ol
foreign subjects in Havana and other
points covered by the blockade.
There is no doubt this government
would give ample time for foreigners
to withdraw and in case of non-combatants
it is usual to give at least
twenty-four hours' notice of a bom
bardiuent. There might bo serious
dilliciiUy in tlio way of such notice in
cave the Spanish forts open lire on
American ships, as it is hardly to bo
expected that the ships would remain
under lire for twenty-four hours with
out returning the lire.
Tlie l.mitcd extent of tlio blockado
is doubtless duo to tho necessity of
making the blockade effective. Un
less effective a blockado Is not bind
ing, and with tho extended seaeoast
surrounding Cuba It would be very
ililllcult, if not impossible, to main
tain nn effective b'.ockadu of the
entire Island. Tho blockade will
have tho effect of stop
ping all commerce, even in neutral
ships, to and from the ports covered
by tho President's proclamation. At
tlio same time it should be understood
that a neutral ship may take her own
chances in running the blockade. In
that case she acts nt her peril and sho
can under no circumstances expect in
demnity from either of tho belllgereut
Spitnttli rnclnenm l)lnlle Mnchlnory to
Avoid retinitis Over to Ainurlc.
(iai.vkston., April 3.V Tho
Drltish steamer A.sloun, Captain P. II.
(Sarnott. arrived yesterday morning
from Lns Palums, (Srandc Canary, one
of the Canary island group Captain
ISarnctt arrived at Las Pnlmas Muroh
31, two (1r-s after the Spanish torpodo
llotilla left that port. Ho was
reliably Informed that tho machinery
of thu several torpedo boats nnd tor
pedo boat destroyers was purposely
disabled In pursuance of n plot by thu
ongineors. They did not relish tho
trip across the ocean in torpedo boats,
nnd, finding the Spanish government
determined to make them go, as a last
resort crippled tlio machinery.
None of the engineers were allowed
to repair it, tlio work being done by a
local machine shop at Las Palums
Captain (Sarnett says tho torpedo
flotilla did not wnnt to encounter n
United States licet If it could bo
uvoided, They will likely keep out of
the track of our vessels and may con
tent themselves with picking up an
occasional prize. Tho torpedo flotilla
left Las Paliuan March 3'J und their
destination was unknown.
Wlir lllnuKiiilo I Limited.
WasiiinutoS, April 35. The limita
tion of the bloe'.tado In Cuba to n cer
tain part of tlio is'nnil was no!
olllclaliy explained to-day, but ono
plausible reason advanced for the
government's action was that by re
training from establishing a blockado
over the eastern portion cf the Island,
understood to bo practically In tho
control of tho insurgents, tho way
has been loft open for thorn to freely
recc.vo nil needed bupplles nud mu
tiltious of war.
Iti'pulillcMi Meinbvr of Wiir mill meant
toininltteu Dr.ift it Mill.
Washington, April 85 The llcpuh
.lean members of tho ways and meant:
eommlttco completed tho war rovenuo
measure und bent It to thu printer.
Tho bill as now prepared, It is estl
mated, will raiso between Sv5,O0O,O07
and annually.
It was decided to place n tax of
cent upon chewing gum und 3 and 4
cents on mlmsral waters, ginger nio
und foreign and nativo wines, 3 cents
on pints and 1 cents ou quarts.