The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 29, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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    'J'lIJi 11151) CLOUD C11UW.
1 '
The Enemy's Note Declares Thai
Their Ships Have Sailed to
Meet the American Navy.
Officials In Washington Accept Spain's
Action as a Sign to Begin
Korlh Atlantic Squadron Has Sailed from
Key West for Havana-Will Block
ade the Harbor Immediately,
MadriJ, April 21. 3:20 p- m.-A
semi-official note just issued says the
Spanish government considers the ul
timatum of the United States consti
tutes a declaration of war.
The semi official note adds that the
Spanish fleet is already on its way to
aieet the fleet of the United States.
Washington. April 21. -The North
Atlantic squadron has silled from Key
West for Havana.
The squadron will blockade Havana
Washington, April 21. -In th; opin
'on of the State department a state ol
warnow exists bitween Spain and the
United States
Moreover, this, in its view, has teen
brought about by action of the Span
ish government, which. In notifying
Mr. Woodford that It had broken di
plomatic relations, thereby took th:
It is presumed that by this time the
various consuls in Spain, who have so
far without exception stuck loyally at
their posts, are now making their way
as rapidly as possible across the fron
tier into France-
Washington, April ."' There were
nn nnnsnal number of diplomatic Cill
ers lit tbo state department tills morn
ing, Hid list Including the. throe am
bassadors from France, 1'clglum and
It Is believed that tbo
tbo French ambassador's
to notify Judge Day
that nt tbo request of
object of
call was
t ho retir
Jug Spanish miulster tbo French
embassy, wlfb tho pertnlss on of the
United States government, would looU
after tlie interests of .Spain in the
United States. Tho other diplomatic
callers were nil interested In learning
ibo latest developments. Thev wen
Informed also ns to the decision ol
this government upon the question ol
neutrality and privateering.
Itseomstobo the common under
htaudiiig that in view of tbo action of
tho Spanish government tliero is now
no occasion for delav upon the part ol
our government for action upon the
joint resolution directing Intervention,
for tho refusal of the .Spanish govern
ment to rcceivo thu communication,
t I :... ..i .......
HiiwiviiiK nt ciiuinrior, IS lo lie coil-
sirueii only as
refusal of its condi-
Movements of our army
therefore, will follow as
and navy,
soon as wc
lire, ready and it will not be nccessnrv
to wait until Saturday noon.
It is still absolutely unknown tc
Hnyono outside thu administration
proper, and even in that case only tc
few, how tho campaign shall be di
rected. 'I he attempt to outline pub
licly its details is bitterly reented bv
the army and navy officers charged
with tho strategic plans of the two
Tho flying squadron nt Hampton
lloads is in a slate of readiness for bl
atant action, but It is surmised that
Its present function Is rather to keer
nn eye upon thu Spanish movements
and be ready to defend quickly any
point upon tbo coast that might lie
threatened by Spanish cruisers
Troops w'll co-operate with the navy
ns soon as they can be concentrated.
Ten days it is expected will be neces
sary to concentrate troops at Key
As soon ns Congress passes the army
hill the TVesidcnt will cull for luil.O'J'
News came to tho department that
tended to coullrm the newspaper re
tiortu thnt, tin, forintilnliln Smintsb
naval force at St. Vincent, Cape Verde
island had sailed last, night for an un
known destination,
Naval experts say thnt leaving out
of consideration the question of
relative strength of the personnel the
Spanish force is nt least equal and
probably much superior in some ro
pects to Commodore .Schley's licet,
Senator Hoar Aiki for Cantlnn In tin
He nut e' lllsrusilon of War Blatteri.
Wahiiinoion, April -'L'. Mr. Money
In the Senate, speaking of thu fact
that there should bo no privateering
by tbo United States In tbo war with
Spain, said that the matter of decid
ing such a question was entirely in the
hands of Congress.
Senator Hoar gavo notlen bo would
insist that all war discussions, such us
precipitated by Senator Money on
prlvutecrlDg, should bo in secret &cs
MiuMrr XV Ifonl Nul Allotted In Pre
sent the ritliiiiitiiin.
WAMifxmo.v, April i!'-, .Judge Day,
Assistant secretary of state, early this
morning received a cablegram from
iMInish-r Woodford at Madrid stating
that lie had been banded bis passports
and bad boon notified that olllclal re
lations between the. United States nn7
Spain wore ended.
;""". '"T' -3
'E-rf ,-'
rs& .
Woodford's cablegram said that be
had been given bis passports before
he bad bad an opnortunity to present
the ultimatum transmitted to him for
submission to tho Spanish govern
ment, the delivery of the ultimatum
to Minister Polo having been accepted
by the Spanish ministry us a formal
announcement on our part.
.fudge Day at once hurried to the
White house, where he found Presi
dent MoKinley about to ont-'r a cat
riage to take Mrs MelCink-y to the
railroad station, where he intended to
see her oil' on a short trip to New
The news that diplomatic relations
between the United States and Spain
were formally at tin end was so Im
portant that the President bid a hasty
good-bye to his wife on the White
house portico, and repaired immedi
ately to the upstairs pnrtof the White
bouse, where lie and Judge Day held
a conference
My a hasty summons Senntor Davis,
of Minnesota, chairman of the Senate
"iimmittoo on foreign relations, Sen
ator Lodge of Massachusetts, a mem
ber of the committee; Senator Alliso.x
of Iowa and others were brought to
the White house, where they joined
Assistant .Secretary Day nnd the Pres
ident shortly after 10 o'clock in a con
ference. The purpose was to map out
tho immediate policy of thu United
Chairman Davis of tho Senate for
eign relations committee was laconic
and not explicit, simply remarking'
"We've taken the trick " Asked spe
cifically legarding the banding of hi;
passports to Minister Woodfoid he
said that that was all light; that the
delivery of the ultimatum to the Span
ish legation here had served all pur
poses Senator l ullom of the foreign rela
tions committee was nt this confer
ence also, and at II o'clock, on leav
ing the White house, said that the
handing of the passports to Minister
Woodfoid constituted the Spanish
reply and ended nil peaceful relations.
While an etl'ort might be made in
Congress to make a formal declara
tion of war, there was no occasion for
it, and in his opinion there probably
would bo none He added: "Thero
is enough of a state of war now ex
isting "
Uverythlng now, he suggested.
would go ahead without a formal dec
laration of war by Congress. The next
step, lie said, would be to call out the
The cabinet meeting this afternoon
discussed a number of question-, nil of
which Involve almost immediate hov
'I'lie question of a formal declaration
of war was considered, but ills under
stood that It is unlikely that nny
formal declaration will be made. An
intimation is given that an important
naval movement might soon bu c.
Maiiiiih. April .The newspapers
of this city print highly colored ac
counts of bow (ieueral Woodford vn
handed his passports. The Spanish
government having received thu text
of Mm ultimatum of the United States
from Its own sources, did not wait for
the United States minister to present
the ultimatum but sent him bis pass
ports. It is not espeeted that there will be
any formal declaration of war, as
Spain's action to-ilny Is considered as
such, and hostilities' may begin imme
diately Moth nations, however, may send to
their own people and .o all neutrals
what is termed "tbo notltieat.on of
Polo to Stay In Canada During Hostilities.
Tokomo, Ontario, April L'2. J,
Kimcb Thompson, Spanish consul in
this city, has received an ofllelul dis
patch from Senor Polo y Mernubo,
Spanish minister at Washington, stat
ing that be would urrivo in Toronto
Saturday. It is expected the Spanish
miulster und his staff will remain here
for tho present and will likely make
Toronto their headquarters during
(Irnxral Hu;o , Campbell Head.
Siopx Falls, S. 1), April ft!. Oen.
oral Hugh .1. Campbell is dead. !on
oral Campbell was the member of tho
Louisiana returning hoard whoso vote
deeldud tho presidential election in
ls7d In favor of U, M. llnycs and
against Tilden. lie organized the
llrst regiment in Iowa for tho civil
war. I lo had ju.t volunteered to
raise a regiment
TlilrtyTlirtifi Mulu llurneil to Dnatti.
Mk, Ark., April L",'. A liro oc
curred at the Mug-Ryder Lumber
company's stables and thirty-three
beau ot txncs were burned to death.
zHsaffkH'..'. Kfi&tM
'Vi- kV'icvv
iw m ,v
p '.-
Ontj Two SlmtH I'lri'tl 'this fitiiibont
ftiislislllo Piillottcd u Itliink (.'ImrRe
With it Sit Pounder, nnd Hie Spiuiliird
Kurrrnilercil Timed Into Key Went.
Krv, Flu., April 2:t Tim
United States gunboat Nashville has
captured the Spanish ship Iluena Ven
tura of 1,000 tons, having on board u
cargo of lumber.
The Muena Ventura was bound from
Pascagoula, Miss , for Rotterdam with
lumber. First the Nashville fired a
blank shot, which the Spaniard
ignored. Tills was followed by a shot
from a six-pounder. The Muena Ven
tura then promptly surrendered with
her crew of twenty men.
The Nashville towed her prize Into
this harbor at II o'clock this morning
and put a prize crew on board,
ship-, are lying well out in tho stream.
The news of the capture of thu
Spaniard set the people of Key West,
I frantic with enthusiasm. All work
has been suspended and the ducks are
crowded with people.
Tho Nashville Is one of the smaller
of the light draft gunboats She Is
'JiO feet long and displaces t.P.71 tons
of water. Her draft is only eleven
feet. She can make fourteen knots
an hour nnd carries I'HB tons of coal,
ller battery consists of eight 4-inch
rapid fire guns, four II pounders, two
Impounders and two (billings. The
Nashville is protected by a three
digit ths inch steel deck and carries V'-U-ofllcers
and men. She was built it.
I SIM at a cost of .'-0,0)0. Captain
May nurd is her conuuunder.
The Nashville sailed this morning
with thu fleet from Key West.
Lah Pai.mah, Canary Islands, April
'.'. The Spanish Mcamcr Montserrat
of tons, which sailed from Cadi?.
April 10 for Havana, touched here
April in and left the same day for
Cuba. She had on board a valuable
cargo and a number of troops and war
'J he troops and war supplies were
landed here, but the steamer proceed
ed witli a big cargo for Havana and
should provo to be a rich pri.e for u
United States cruiser.
The l'rmtdnnt lasting m Proclnmntlon to
Ilia Xntlnn.
Washington. April '.'.1 The Presi
dent has issued n blockade proclama
tion. It uiinounccs a bloekudo of all
ports upon tho north coast of Cuba
and tho port of Cienfugocs on thu
south const.
Tho following is the proclamation
announcing a blockade:
"Uy the PresUent of the t.'nlted States
A proclamation.
"Where;.,. Ilv a lolnt resolution passed
by the Congress and approved April 'J t,
1H98, and communicated to the f-ovrrn-rorut
fd Spiln It was demanded that said
Ruvrrninrnt ntnnrc irllmiulsh Its author
ity and government In the Island oi Cuhi
and withdraw 1 ts Ian 1 force from
Cuba and Cuban waters, and the President
of the I'nltfd States was dlr -cte.1 and em
powered to use th- entire laid and naval
forces of the Pmtcd S .lies and to , all Into
the actual servlre of the Pulled stitrs Vr
mllltla of the vevsral states to su. h an ex
lent as might i nerrsiry to i.nrv s.ild
resolution into effe, t and.
"Wnereas in ,u ryins Into etre, t Ui. said
resolution the Pr-Mileut ot Hie Pulled
States deems It neceav to set mi and
maintain a blockade of the north of
Cuba, In ludlT,' al. pirts of nld coast be
tween Car onai and llilna If uiLiand the
portot .'lenfuc;i uron tnc (.oath toasiuf
-Now, therefor-. I W'dllam M Klnlcv.
President of the Pnltrd St itcs. In order to
enforce the said res.ilir.lon. do hereby
,cl.ireand proil-itm that the Pi t"d S ales
of America have Instituted and still main
, tain a blockade of the north coast of Cuba
I Including ports o-i said coas: b.-ttteen Cir
I and Ilihl.i Kondi and thepirtot
Clenfuegos upon the south ro.t ot Cubi
aforesaid, In pursua ice of ihe laws ot the
1 Pulled States ami the l.itts ot nations a;.
pucame to such cassi. An efili lent force
svltl be jKisted so as to prevent tie entrance
and exit of vessels horn the pirUafo-esald
Any neutral vessel .ippruai aim; off slid
ports or at emptlng to 1 ate trie tame with
out the consent or knowledKe of ihe estab
l.Ktitnpnt of nucti bloikadc will be du.y
itui iiiii uy in? comm.iniierot ihe iiioctaa
I lug forces, t ho will Indorse on her register
.thefirt and the date of suh startling,
svherc mirh Indorsement was made, and if
I the same scssetshall airaln attempt to ni
ter any blockaded port she will be captuicd
and sent to the nc ar.-U cun .-n ent p rt for
such procccdlnes against tier and her cargo
I as prlne as may be deemed adt Is die
"Neutral ves.rls lymg in anv ot said ports
at the time of the establishment of mich
lilo kadc will be allowed thirty days to ls-
Mie therefrom.
"In witness t hereof
I have here-into set
.states id b"amtcd
"Done at the nty of Washington oa this
'."Jd day of April. A. I). 10 ). and of the in
dependent ot the United tai ons
hundred and twenty -.cconiL
William Mi-icislst.
nrtlie President-John Sliermin. Sec
retary of State.
t'enator Cannon 'Tlilnb Action Will
Tabtn To-Day.
WAsniNOTON, April '-'a. Senator Da
vis, chairman ot tlu committee on for
eign relations, and Senator Cannon of
Utah were with the President early
to-day. Senator Cannon's visit, how
ever, was of a largely personal char
acter. He expressed tbo belief that
thero would be a formal declaration
of war by Congress to-morrow.
Rrlzadlrr Ctiierati Nnoei and Casllll
(oiniiltlng With (ianarat Mltra.
WAfliiiNOTOJf, April 2.M. Brigadier
Generals Nunez and Castillo, of tbo
Cuban Insurgents are now- associated
with thu active work of tho Cuban
de'egatlon here, nnd IYclr recont con
ferences with Mnjor General Miles,
commander of tho army, Is looked up
on ns suggesting possible co-operation
of the insurgent forces in the event of
on attack by United States troops on
the Spanish forces la Cuba.
North Atlantic fleet tins Nulled New
York In the l.riul.
Kv.Y Wnnr, I'la., April 21. Tbo
North Atlantic squadron, except for
the monitors Terror and Piirltii'n and
the smaller cruisers, sailed from Key
West at r,:ir o'clock this morning
bended for Hie Florida straits. He
sides the two monitors tbo ships left
behind are tho gunboat Helena,
cruiser Mnrblohoad, dispatch boat
Dolphin, und the torpedo boats Gush
ing, Dttpont and Porter.
It was just :,:v.' o'clock when the
flagship Now York, without unneces
sary display, moved pompously and
slowly toward the outer waters of the
gulf. The red light flushed tho .sig
nal to tho eager eyes on tho following
licet mid told them to get in motion
ut last.
The flag ship New Vork was the first
to move. After going out two miles
beyond the anchorage Admiral Samp
son ordered ti return, evidently for
the purpose of signaling the other
ships. 'J'liu Iowa moved next, closely
followed by the Indiuna. From the
inner harbor the Miirblebead was the
first to get under way. A few- mo
ment later the Amphttrite raised
anchor and was the first of tho moni
tor elnss to get out.
Meantime tho torpedo boat Oupont,
carrying the admiral of the torpedo
fleet, V. W. Kimball, rushed by the
other boats and caught tbo Indiana
and low.i At il::!0 o'clock the Cincin
nati was under motion and rapidly
chasing the leaders. Then catno
the llrst accident of tins morning.
Thu Detroit was closely following
tho Cincinnati, when she ran
iiirt-ound. As tho tide was rising, it had
only to wait for thu assistance that
the gulf would soon furnish. Two
hours later tho Detroit was afloat and
moved after the fleet that had by that
time disappeared below the horizon.
Thu Wilmington and Newport went
together. The Castlne was the last of
the larger boats to get In motion.
Tho torpedo boats Porter, Winslow
and I'ooto brought up the rear, leav
ing the Detroit aground and the Purl
tan anil Terror coaling The Dolphin,
F.riesson and dishing waited for dis
patches. The Dolphin's orders cannot
be learned. Tho F.riesson left at. :i
o'clock this ml rning, carrying what
dispatches had been received at that
hour. The Cashing will remain until
tho first dispatch boat returns from
the fleet.
As the great licet was silently mov
ing out there wus a commotion at Key
West. The newspaper fleet was in
Uiintly in motion. All the boats bad
steam up, but the New York Herald's
dispatch boats, the Djwey and
bummers N. Smith, carrying artists
and correspondents, were in the lead.
The town did not nwuku to the realiz
ation of the fact that the lleet was
moving until after S o'clock, when
nearly tlu entire population swarmed
to the harbor front and cheered the
sh jis that were left in tho docks.
Issues a Cull tn I lin Spinltrds In Cuba
Soys Ha Counts on Them.
H.WsNA. April .'3. The ofllclal (la-.-.ette
publishes an extra containing
tlie following manifesto:
'The pen-r.i' coverntiu'iit of tlie Island
o! Cub i, to the inhabitants nt Cuba:
Without any i -aso i or legality, without
ttir least oii'iisc ot out part, an 1 at a time
when thev have icrltod from us only
proofs nt friendship, the Pnlt;d states are
fo-rlue. us Into war Just at ttie moment
when ,Uletude bewail to settle over the
"outitry. comment' taking coat age and
pear- approaching, with tne co-upcratlon
ot all and all pi riles under the new
Institutions grant-d by the moitier lountry
' S ii (i a proceeding Is without precedent
In hlsto-y it i vld- illy inaalfests the bo-us
pe itlcs nt the rep.ibllr, demonstrating the
tnckv plans and p irpmes that have always
lucn nourished against Spain's sovereignty
In tub i. stlilcli the rneuiv lias been con
spiring for nearly a rentu y to destroy,
(mi toes now carrv thetr hypocrisy and
fatseho hi to the extent of demanding Im
mediate pc.uc In i w ir provoked and sus
ta uej br themscHcs.
'It the Pmted Slates want the Island ot
CHiln. let them rome and take It Perhaps
the hour ts not far dUtant when these Car.
thagenians of Ameilra svlll Hud their Zam.
In tills li ami of Cuba which Spain dlscov.
rred peopl-d and rlvlll.ed and ttliUh will
i.ever br anything else bu. .Spanish.
Ills one turn to hav the- honor of de
fending her, and te will know how to do It
with dec Moti and a i effort many a time
put forta. 1 count upon yoj for this with
an absolute certainty 1 lielievo there Is no
surl-rc yon are not prepared to make In
defense of the national territory, whose
Intrcrlty Is started to all .Spaniards, of
tt hates er origin, f am Mire that every one
In whose veins runs Spanish blood will re
spond readily to the call which. In th;se
solemn moments, I address to all, und III tt
a 1 will group tticinsilves around me to
contribute as much as thev can to repel a
foreign Invasion, tvlti out allowing dangers,
sufferings or privations to weaken the
heart ot courage.
'To arms, tnen fellow countrymen, to
arms' Theie wl.l be a place for all In tho
light. I ,et all co-operate and contribute
ttith the same Amines and enthusiasm to
light the enemy of the Spanish
name emulating th: exploits of our an
cestors who always exalted high their
tountry's taws and honor. Toarmsl Cry
a thaiiKind times 'Viva Kjpant.' 'Viva Kl
Ksy Alfonso XIII.' 'Viva La Kegsnf,' 'Vivo,
Cuba Always Spanish.' Your gnvei aur gea
Til, Kamos
'Havana. Am a 21, I BOS."
AnnUs ran Kaoh Uthar.
Mamaoua. Nlcarugua.Aprll I1:). The
pr-aca negotiations between Nicaragua
and Costa Klca have failed War Is
probable. The two armies are facing
each other near tho frontier, scarcely
half a mile npart.
Polo on lb Canadian Slda.
NiaoAiiA Fa 1,1.9, N. Y., April 23.
Upon crossing the bridge to Niagara
Falls, Ontarlu. Senor Polo y liernabo
nnd his stuff, accompanied by two
United States secret service men und
a I'inkerton detective, went to the La
fnyisltc, hotel, where it was their in
tention to remain until next Saturday
afternoon. They will then go to To
routo. (Jaurdt for Ilia White Iluoia,
Washington, April 23. It has been
decided ta place a military guard about
, tb White house lo a few days.
Most Important Happenings or the Punt
Seten I). its llrlcll.t Mentioned All Por
tions of the Mute Cotored A 'I lioroiigh
ItfKiiliio or Notts.
The slaughter houses located north
if 1 1 listings were burned to (tie ground,
entailing u loss of about SI, Odd.
When .Vchi'iisku boys tltul time bung
ing heavily on tlielr liand't tlie.v hung
i'-l uptiiin-Uonoiiil Weyler hi etllgy.
The Infest trick of this kind occurred
the oilier day nt liislng City.
Win. Neve, n Danish-American citi
zen of Omaha, has recruited n company
composed uluuM wholly of trained
soldiers who served in the Danish
iiriny. He bus for some time been in
correspondence with (inventor IIol
coiiib. Fred Host rum. a well known tnuel
ling nian ofOmuba. Iiiimi project under
way for ii decided novelty on Ihe im
position ground. It till be ii building
in tlie form of a monster beer Leg fifty
feet high, within which will be n
theatre witii galleries nnd refreshment
The Argo Manufacturing company
of Nebraska ( ity is extruding its busi
ness until through it that city will
come to be known throughout the
world. They have for tlie pn-.t two
years been making heavy shipments "f
their starch to Furopc. ami recently
they loaded a car to go to .lohaunr-.-burg.
Ninth Africa, which is to lie fol
lowed b mine ctrlsie shipments to
the same plaee at a inter date.
.1. I!. Johnston, ii funnel- living about
two miles west of I'dgiir, was at
tacked by nn enraged hull while at
tempting to lr't'.c souie entile opt of
Ilie.Viir.l. The hull was of the l.'nl
rolled variety. Mr. .lohnston was
knocked ilow n anil bulled severely and
iiitc badly injured. Iliscrirs brought
his sou to his aid. who kuoekcil tlie
hull out of time with the end of a
wagon tongue. Mr. Johnston is not
thought 1 1 be dangerously injured.
Many who arc interested in tlie (,. .
I,', reunion nest full will be pleased to
learn that the holding of the trails
Mississippi r position at the .same lime
in (Imalia will not lessen the intcrot
in the meeting of the old soldiers at
luicolii In tlie least, .special rates
will be liiuile on all roads bet w ecu
Omaha and Lincoln und a great maiiy
eoniriides who isit the exposition will
take a rim down to see old friends,
mil taking everything into cousldera
lion the reunion this lull will be the
most interesting ami enioynb!" one
yet held.
Hearty applause riimr tiom a con
gregation of lion people at St. Paul's
M. IC. church, l.iuroin. iinila morn
ing in approval of the pastor's assertion
that in waging war on bcluils of liber
ty loving and oppressed Cubans this
country is currying out principles
taught in the parable of tlie good
.Samaritan. The applause came spon
taneously at the close of an eloquent
period in the sermon of tlie pastor. Dr.
V. I,'. Ilulsteni!. of the nudi
etiecwas expressed hi. hiimlelappiug
in whieli mime loineJ. The tinstoi'
.---. ..- t( ....... .... ,... ....
paused until the applause ceased ami
l lieu coniii.ueii ins line ot mouglil.
(icorge ISrost. from the table coun
try, went to Chndrou ami swore out
twirruuts for I'rncst l.ebo. Ilv run I. oho
nod Kit llartman. their hrother-iu-law .
charging that they came lo Ills bouse
in the night time, masked, culled him
to the door, beat him very grievously
with n siv-sbooter ami made him tell
where Ills money was hidden, thienlcit
ing him with death if bo refused. No
money could bit found by the ma
rauders, who were doubtless great I
frightened w hen they discovered him
senseless. During the night he re
gained liih senses enough to creep to u
neighbor's bouse, who. in the morning,
trucked the horses ridden by the assail
ants. The peculiar track's were such
that no mistake seems possible in fol
lowing them. Ilrost is now able to be
around, but the wounds hur not all
gone from his face.
(Jovernor llolcouih bus received tlie
following telegram from Colonel Ituf
falo Hill, wlio is u member of the goi
ernor's statV:
Ni:w YoitK, April ', To (iovernor
Silas A. Holeomb, Lincoln. Neb, D 'f
Sir: I have accepted a position to go
with 1,'eneral Miles to Cuba. Hate
any object ions'.' Should Indians go on
the warpath I will be at ,our coui
iiiaud. W. I'. Con'..
Whether Colonel Cody will go lo
Cuba as a member of IJcncrnl .Miles'
stall' is not explained in the telegram. is supposed that the position is
one of responsibility. (Iovernor Hol
eomb sent! lie following answer and
Lincoln, Neb,, prll M. Col. V. I'.
Cody, New York Dear Sir: I am
gratified to know thut you go with
li'eueral Miles to Cuba. Your courage,
ability and patriotism render your
services in the present, crisis of great
value. Nebraska Is proud of you.
Thanks for tender of your services lit
the event of Indian hostilities.
Silas A. Hoi.comii, governor
Jnek inbody, a farmer resident ot
York county, was accidentally killed
in a 'veil April Kl near Kdgcrtou, Minn.
Ho ..ent down In the well with u
suction of curbing and when part way
down be called to be raised and when
nearly up bo became unconscious and
fell buck into the well, which was
forty feet deep. It was soon discovered
that a vein of natural gas hud been
struck and it was this that overcame.
Mr. Inbody und caused him to fall to
his death. This iiutoriiiiition was re
ceived at Iteatrlcc tho other day from
Hew P. II. I'isk. pastor of the Con
gregational ohurch of Kdgertou
Colotii-1 L. C. Puce of Lincoln bus er
listed a comp,in of cavalry.
A grain elevator ut Keciie, Nel
was dost row ed by lire A good deal i f
grain was destroyed.
Nebraska's quota for enlistment n.
the oltintcer army is V. lot). Thu oa
to arms was promptly met.
Humboldt is nil worked up over i
couple of elopements in which prom
ilent citietls llgtirc. No details jet.
County-Attornt v Paul Jensen of Otoi
county has enlisted in the Ncbraslu
City coiupntij of national guards, il
is nn.xiousto go to the front
loveriK i- lloleombhns Issued n p
ehiiiititioti oll'ering a reward of '.'OD fi.,
tbc apprehension and conviction of tl
murderer of Oliver Jours, who va
killed in lliiradu precinct. Kicli.i rdsoi
county. April P.
I'll trick McDonald, an old man 1 s
ing alone in u shanty soiilli of (Iran
street, near Thirteenth, in Ouiubti
was burned to death. His culm,
caught fire, presumably from an ou i
turned lump, lie was addicted b
Dora I'l'iiler. an oeenp; n nf the n
stride 1 district of l.ineoin. after t
quarrel with n gentleman friend n.
whom she was interested, sought t.
end luir win", liy no'phinr. A ph.t -ciiin
w us summoned vlio brought l-i
sifely back lo the vale of tears.
Msiskid men held up the cotiduiti"
and iiiotoruiau on tlie liaiisi-otu pari,
line of the sti t railway ut Omaha .it
t he southern termini!-, uf tin- line, si
curing nbout ?.'). 'I bey entered wbib
the tr.iiuui u were sitting in their m'
waiting for time to start on the re tun
trip, covered them with their rcols r
and demanded their money.
Some would-be train wrecker phu-i ,1
a coupling pin in the switch on tin
llurlingli n where tlie Nebraska Citj
line connects with the main line in tin
south pari of ISeatriee. and when tin
passenger from tlie rust rami' in a bail
wreck was nearly caused. Tlie trail,
passed mer safelj. but Hie switch tun
ha'dly damaged.
At Alma. Neb., rccentlj". Jo,' J ones
who has been holding revival meetings
there, ended one sermon in the follow
ing words: "Hod bios-, you union sol
diet's; I owe all I am to yon This
nation owes nil it is to you; jou art
Hie saviors of this country, (iod bliss
you." Jones was a captain in the eot,
federate ranks.
II. V. Kane. Omaha represeuta the of
the Kiebardson sill; company. w hicli has
houses in several eastern cities, has
been notified that thu represeututives
ot tlie company will have their pnj
continued it' thej- enlist, und that
t,'.."00 insurance iiiouej- will be paii.
their families if tliej- die while serv
ing the count r during tlie war.
I'.lunientlial's department store sit
l'Vemont was successfully liurglariei
a second time lust s,aturilaj- nlglil
The haul was valued at S.vm. ' The He
atriee bloodhounds were pined on tin
trail ami followed tlie scent to tin
home of l-'rnnk I'lihlrodt, a young man
who has been clerking for ltlumcn
thai. The young man is now iinib r
( in j- Murray, employed in the i b -vat
or of the Maiularil Cattle rouipuiij
at Ames, was seriously injured n cent
Ij . lie wus found in tlie engine room
in uu unconscious state and was taken
to tlie hospital at I'reitiont where '
was found that his jaw was broken in
two places besides tiitinj bruises. Nt
one was with him at tlie time of tin
accident so it is not known how In
was injured.
The plans for the press building im
being completed by Fisher ,1 Lavvric
H here the building will lie located bus
not beeiiiletcriuined. It w ill be .'O.xl-n
feet in si.e and forty feet to the top ol'
the flag pole. There will be a main
nssembly room III x:i.' feet anil iirouud
this will be about sixteen small rooms
sxl'.' for private use of representative
of the press. At either front corner
will be rooms for the use of the te'e
graph companies.
W. II. Taylor's, general inerehiindist
store at Hxrter was broken into and
quite a haul made from the jcwelrj
department. n entrance was etl'eet
ed by prying up the lower sash of om
of the buck windows in the .store room
and the door between this i-o.uii and
the store proper was opened without
ditllculty. Three gentleineti's golu
watches, one of them having a chain
ami charm attached, three iloen gold
rings of various designs ami sios. tun
a card of stick pins have thus fur liei
found missing.
Mohii, I'lllflil'h Wives.
Moses Fifleld of Hrookfield, Muss
has been married for the fourth tlni
He is eighty years old, and the In
three marrlr.Kes have been within t
Inst six years. His first wife, died
parulysls seven yeats ago, his hpco
wife fell out of a cherry tree; libs thl;
wife was killed in a runaway, and
Fifleld Ih so sturdy nnd stout as to
likely to outlive the fourth, even shoi
no ucchlent occur.
Naturally Hiared.
oThov snv u man Is ulwuya scl
when he nropotes." "Yes: ospeeWJr
If he proporcs something like (ham-
unBiie and oysters.
figure That Mugger thu Mind.
It requires four years und four
mouths for a ray of light to reach mi
from tho nearest star, ami J't light
travels nt tho rate of lSli.oUO miles In a
second. At this rate a llrst-elnsH ex
press train, running at tho speed or
thirty-seven miles an hour, would re
quire a continuous run of 75,000,001)
years to reach Alpu Ontautl. It would
talto 'JfiO.COO.OOO years for u cannon hull
traveling at tho usual speed of fih-Ii
projectiles lo reuch HiIh saino point,
which Is our nearest star ueishuor.