The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 22, 1898, Image 1

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ifu:::: isiii" ii" . usui a. it h -i- i. v ib v icb.i . . . .u- -- m vh a h h . n bi w-h.1 b. bb na vbbbbi - i
wife . .-3 - f - d&MSMfiaA . . - - l - m-...LI W--5IbJ PI ILL N
Fit? ii WMfe; ; V-v dJci IHwSiliiKpBtt My"! U'XsSSZZi, .-fr-.UfrJMiMftC A atamdvaJimaiclbVJfe"IKgMMrRAg xr
Nebraska - jfeantile - Go.
Special Opening Sale !
Saturday Morning, April 23d,
We yl.'ice on sale the choicest and best ling of new spring
and summer Wash Fabrics ever shown
in Red Cloud.
As a starter we place on sale iooo yards of
Spanish LamDs I
at io yards for 25c, between
of this sale. Although
Lawns, it is a strictly
Also special bargains in other new fabrics at I
5c, 7ct gc, 0c, i2ic and up
to 27c,
For the best GERMAN ORGANDIES. !
Nebraska Mercantile Company. I
ALFRHD tl ADnhLt Manager.
Kvcryoiut is m to sec tlit nice
spring weutluT.
Soiiiu of the funiKirs li.ivc uoininunctMl
pluming corn.
Frank Arrants is working tor Mr.
Jiuui'.s llnssttiKur.
Willio SpiMiiicr was tlirown from :i
liorso last Saturday ami the result Aas
a ilislocatt'il hliouUloraml many bruises.
Misses Hattioatul Mollic Clino wore
pleasant callurs at Mr To'mihI' on
Sarah Hawkins is working at Mr Kll
Mori isV.
Tim women who atti'mli'd lln curpi-t
rag sowing la.l Vim1iii-,(1iij I it I gnml
work and cnjuyi'd the day very mm ii.
Mrs. Hannah Carrk-i, 'f ('oloi.ulo
Springs, Colorado, is now thu pleasant
guest of Mr. Toluml'.-. She eamc from
Kdgemont, South Dakota, whero she
has been visiting her sons Sho has
been visiting the. neighbors in the,
country with whom -ho was acquain
ted when Mid lived hero some thirteen
years ago. Kvoryone is glad to see
her again.
JohiiFagan is working very faithful'
ly on his nuw liuuso.
Mrs. rolaiid and Mrs. Carrier spent
the day with Mrs. John Arrants Tues
day. Mr. (Jeo. W. Turner shelled corn
Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson of Rupnbll
can City spont Sunday with their
daughter Ktta, who is attending the
North Hranch ncadeiny.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powdci
WoHd'H Pair Highest Award
10 a.m. and 2 p.m. each day
this is branded Spanish I
American made fabric.
His Wifo Ilud Boon a Chronic In
valid Cured at Last.
Mr. .I.T.Scott; Cherokee, Tcxa, in
writing to Dr. Harnian, stated: "I
had kidney disease for about tifteen
years and had got so bad that 1 con.!
hardly get about ami could not per
form any kind of labor. I had tried
quite a number of doetors and had
taken nearly n wagon. load of patent
and proprietary medicines, but eon
tlnm d to gradually grow woise. Also
my wife hud been an invalid for about
sixteen years, and you doubtless re
member wlin 1 wrote you about her,
him' wa liard'y ever a day that she
could sit up al. day. We tried a great
uiaiij lemedi's, but neither of us was
ec. in iulitt"i, only temporarily, till
we began taking your 1'e-ru-na and
Man-aliii, as instructed in your letters
to us. It has made a healthy man of
me; I never fell belter in my life and
my wifo is iiliuost like a dillei cut per
son, she is so much better. The I'e-ru-na
N thu most wonderful tnedieho I
eves saw for la grippe it is a surocuro.
I know this and have had my neigh
bors to try ii."
Hundreds of similar testimonials
may bo found in a little book entitled
"Facts and Faces," which will be tint
free to any address by The Pe-ru-na
Drug Manufacturing Compnny, Colnm-Iiii-,
Take Laxative lirotuo Quinine Tab.
ets All druggists refund the money
f it fails to cure, a.'ic.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pure flrane Crcum ! fort.-r Powder
si il L H i IJ IB nl Tl
w ni n i ny
Lacki Only a Pur mat
A'arfi Atlantic Squadron Ordered
to Begin Blockade of Havana
Woodford Leaves Madrid.
Wamiinuton, April 'Jl War between
the United S'ates and Spain is a fact
though not formal!. declared by eon- I
gross. The stirring events of yesterday
wlio succeeded today by others of
equal importance, culminating in tho
afternoon iu orders for the tie
parlure of tho north Atlantic .squadron
for Havana.
This practically is an act of war, so
thsit war between this country and
Spain may fairly bo said to dato from
today, April '21, 18'J8.
Two minutes after the opening of
the state department this morning
came word from Minister Woodford
that i ho Spuiish government, having
anticipated utid prevented his intention
to present tho president's ultimatum,
he hail asked for his passport-.
Tho president, in a public .statement,
said the action of the Spanish govern
incut rendered it unnecessary for any
other negotiations, and stated further
that he regarded the course
Spain ,is one placing upon that coun
try the responsibility for tho breach of
friendly relations.
Mr. Woodford's telegram resulted iu
the calling of a special cabinet meeting
to arrange an outline of a plan of cam
paign, or rather to determine how to
nogiu the execution of the plan of cam
paign already prepared by tho stratcgi
b lards of tin army and navy depart
ments. The immediate result was an older
for tho North Atlantic squadron to be
gin tho blockade of Havana. How
ch further than this the cabinet
proceeded in its deliberations it is im
pnsiiin to say for tho obvious reason
th it ihe time has now come when the
interests of tue governmi ut require
that -he nioveuu uts of ships and troops
should be guarded with the greatest
I'aie from undue publicity in order to
prevent the enemy from taking advan
tage of infdi mation.
A dispatch say Spain's reply to the
United State- may take tint form of
.solid shot. Its formidable licet which
has bet n mobilizing at the Cape Verde
islands for some days past, sailed on
Wednesday from that point for an un
known destination
Real Estate Translers.
Real estate transfers for the week
ending April ','0, 18'Jd, fiirnsihed by
tho Fort Abstract Co., I,. 11. Fort, Man
agor, lied Cloud, Neb.
IIiikIi W. Uiilllfonl io .John lloUerpon
I.oin 17 mill l!. block 2. ltlubHrilhoii'H
mill to licit t'lmiil, wii I y.v) oo
MiiniiU, W.SiiuKrio IIiikIi ' Hunter
in11! iici4. into, wil tiioo i
.11. . iJicki'miu io iiimlcl (i. Nurrli, mv
., iiw'i nun s's hv , nmi h4 huu.Mj
I 12. w il
t'liiirli'xll i'uticr lo Miir) Ullllngx, lots
OHlll 12, blork II. Smith & Mooru'd
uilil lo Iti'J Cloud, w it
C. K. .Medrinv lo A K. Hhrh, u'i ko ami
'iiirlli Ti iicri-s nn i4 M'i,, is h y ,j
rimrli'h II. Illiwr lo A. K. Ilims. ujj hoi,
is l (i. i e il
Ibiiilul rook lo I'loni Cook el til, ncij w
:iu, noil
Hiram t. Tuttlu lo .Mflccn .1. DuUrlck,
imrt nt"4 mvi4, a in, w ,i '
1'. A. WcIIh loJ. II. Mcciits, lot jo, block
SOU 00
avi oo
700 00
I no
1100 oo
5o no
in, iiiue inn, v u ojQ 0(
To,ftl fiioTui
For Salo.
One hundred ami sixty acres of iimm
proved land four miles northwest of
Hed Cloud, consisting of tho west half
of tho northeast quarter, and tho enst
half of tho norihwest quarter of section
lifteon in township two north, range
eleven west. The ImiiiI is leased at
present, but Mibjei to sale. For
terms apply to
Mils J AM Kb KlIIKWOOll,
Fairfax, Mo,
' 1 r-
; -'"-'" '" "-':
. I III t K
V V V V V V ! V V V f
i in- -oi i. nr w
. vmiIi might suf
lii'ieiit in .' ,i i..ii;i'i .hijiM, at,, i
tin mil urn It itinl. -- iippM-. I13 the
-ands tin have t.. bie.ik befure thel
:orcc nl JKlli' g 1 ! clinging e!oe
The proud spirit of man vaunting It
self to be something great, is biought
to tin dti-l hv invisible creatures Unit
permeate the system and gradually
weaken the forces preparatory to tho
one great titiiveisil humbling.
Tlie uni ighteoiis nation whine guide
is passion, ami whose god is gold, whine
spirit settclli its If like a Hint against
mercy ami tenderness, has its day.
Its own wilfulness prepares the way
for its destruction. The small within
it are used to confound the mighty.
To the sea, to the man, lo the nation
goes forth tho Mat "Thus far shall thou
go and no further!"
Thunder is not the voice of Coil,
neither is clamor the voice of the peo
ple His is tln still voice inaudible
to the world that holds the planets in
their silent orbits, uuil the seasons to
their recurrence, that gives the dry
land its bounds, and to lives their
sphere. The marshaled hosts of tho
niglitlskics, and the dumb ache of the
trial-pertected soul both unite to give
tone to hi.s voice. The voice of the
nation is heard in tlie majestic quiet,
which, alter much trial from evil,
speak Iu acts that break down resist
ance, or it may even bo heard iu the
silent suffering that seems to puss un
noticed, save for the attentive ear of
the one to whom tho fall of a sparrow
is known. Hut, soouer or later, the si
lence of effoit or suffering becomes a
noise of victory theoppressiou ceases,
and tho voice of tho people mingles
with the voice of Cod.
Let us apply the thought. Haughty
Spain is loitering to national doom.
It has ever oppressed without wisdom,
and slain without reason Its IiuiiiIk
have been imbrued in tho blood of its
finest children, from the peiseculiou of
tlie .saints to the ovpollingof tlie Moors;
from the couli-cution of, Jewish pioper
ty to the gat In ring nt wretched Cu
bans in sliii ve. The dumb tongues
have been gathering volume all the-e
ages, the have ciieii out for vengeance
and they have been heard. Tho bru
tality to tlie helpless and harmless is
the lust diop in the brimming cup of
wrath. The small mid the oppressed
are the chosen instruments of punish
ment; tor it is these uou-coiiibaluuts
who Iiiim) aroused the thinking w.irld,
and a mighty neighbor. It is their
fceblo pipings; and the stern voici of
those who would die tor them that
shouts at last to proud Castilo "Thus
far ami no farther!"
The great deeds of the past in which
we profess to tiace Cod's hand and in
terference iu the atlairs of men, have
over been wrought by men's hands.
Miracles and men woik together. Di
vine inlltioueo comes through human
mediums, and thus now as we a na
tion that hath itself been brought up
through great' tribulation aio spend
ing our best, our blood, if need ho our
selves for tliosi too sunken to know
scarcely what is being wrought for
tlioni we, I say, aro where the great
uusellisli ones have stood before us
Our deeds and our affections go out to , ,, , 8nok , ,. ,Jlt ,0 in( h,
tlie needy and the oppressed, and wjwml ,,. Well, you ought to mVo
are nationally raised thereby. Kvery ,, tn ,,, llmt RlI0j0!1, llwn ,m
deed done to bless the unblessed, or lo 1 , lhu llliur .,,, Fop tuo ,)oxt k
save the lost, is an uplift to a nation ,, ,llul tt) lh.u ,lulp to ,m Mck (
that bus been too mateiinl. uml tlmt 1 .1. .. 1.:.. . .
now sees clearly that there bo things
moro precious than gold, and that 0110
of thorn is "Sorvico to the Weak."
Tho great parable of brotherly love
shows us that the neighbor of the na
. . .
tion that fell among thioves does not
establish its neighborliiiess by being week and expenses for man with rig
rich, or by being on ihe other side of a , t introdiico our Poultry Mixture ami
narrow highway, but by tenderly lift- Insect Destroyer in the conuti Ail
ing up tho wounded, and by fearlessly dress with stump I'kiifixtion' Mm.
driving off tho per-ecutnrs Our utti- Co., I'arsons, Kaina,
I 5T. JAC.0B5 OIL fi '
s reaa ;
j Soreness
I StiffnessJ'
tilde is the altitude of the CoodSuni ur
itan. Our jiistiiieation for interfering
with those who aio not blood of our
blood, nor llesh of our Mesh, is simply
hit. jiistiiieation "I saw need ami I
met it, I saw sufferirg and I bent to re
lieve it; I saw evil treatment and 1 un
did tlie work of the thieves." And tlie
morning aftur the relief he went on bis
way. So shall we. We have neither
part nor parcel iu Cuba when the deed
of merciful force is douu. When the
sick aro 1 cf rcslied, and comfort is giv
en, we have our duties hero at home,
ami they their privileges there at their
home, and the two homes are not one.
Thus, just because no nation on earth
can read selfishness in our majestic re
litikiugs and our tender miiiislratioiis,
no one has reason for putting restraint
upon us.
We declare that nearness entails to
sponsibilitv; for the strong one who
can defend U the one who ought to
defend the near one who is oppressed.
Wo declare that force must bo met
by force; for savage beasts have 110 re
spect foi gentle voices. A lightening
grip upon the throat, and a belaboring
cudgel were the only arguments for
blood'hounJs whose jaws drip with in
nocent blood.
We declare that tho moderation of
the stench of cruelty ami cf war bo
ncatli our very nostrils has been prom
ised again and again, only each time,
for the piomise to be broken, ami wo
therefore declare thai Spain has neith
er power to put down the insurgent
government norsetup the autonomoii
The voice of tho people has spoken
after silence too long, and hesi'.auey
even fatal; but the quiet solemnity of
its voice, the power ami the volume of
it, bespeak a national utterance from a
national heart, 1 hat pulsates with one
mighty throb iu unison with every deed
of nobility over done. Vox I'oiTi.t ,
Vox Di:i
- - . -Novor
Saw Its Equal.
I'ostville, Neb., April II, 18118. Mrs
Helen Mooiiey of this pl-.eo was so
weak slits could not walk, but -ifler
taking a few bottles of Hood's Saisap
arilla she was able to do her work.
She says she novor saw thu equal of
Hood's Sarsaparilla to givo strength
ami energy. It purifies blood and
creates an appetite.
Speaking about smooth men in their
bushiest," remarked -i Kansas City
drummer to Topics, of the Kansas City
.Journal, "one of the smoothest that
bus come under mv observation, is a
Hour merchant at l-Mgar. He let the
story get out that while he was stoop
ing over his Hour bin a $150 diamond
ring had slipped off his linger into the
Hour Ho appeared to bo greatly ex
cited over tho loss, got a notico iu tlie
paper ami liually announced witli a
sigh that lie would have to give it up,
that the ring was iu the Hour souk-
; where. Unit lie simnonnil it ivmilil im...
1 mil win. wnu mini wno null never
Dougni a suck or mm before came in
and laid in a winter's supply. And tho
smooth merchant whistled softly as ho
tilled the sacks, and winked the othor
eye "
We will pay salary of $10 00 per
TW .'' F J"Zr t
To Our
Read the special
offer at the bottom
of this advertise
ment. We nro going to give away
books to our subscribers, both
old and now. The books aro at
tiiictively bound in binder's best
silk finished cloth, stamped from
now . id original designs in ink
and genuine gold, ami are stand
aril and .popular books by tho
vorld's best author's. In mater
ial and quality, as well as iu se
lection of titles, these books aro
superior to any other cloth edi
tion ever issued. I'linted in
large clear typo and on good
paper. Those books are written
by such authors as
llcrtlia M. Clni,
Mr.i. AKritnilnr,
Tliv Duchess.
Wilkic Collins.
Clonics Pickens,
II. Itiilcr itttyiinl,
.Ucx.. Dtinvts,
Ilmjh Con wit ij,
A. Comtn Doyle.,
Jtulwcr l.ytiim,
Ueonje. Kliot,
and numerous others famous an
thors of repute.
One of these elegant books
will bo givon with every year of
back subscription you pay. If
you pay one year back siibscrip
tion I'M 00) you got one hook; if
two years ($','()()) ymi get two
books; if thrro years (M0) you
gel three books, etc
Iu addition to the above wo
will make an extra offer for .sub
scribers who nay ONE FULL
consisting of One Hreail Knife,
corrugated, 10-inch blade; Ono
Cake Knifo. corrugated, 8-iuuli
blade; Ono Pastry Knife, 8-iiich
bliule. Blades made of tho best
razor steel, highly polished and
nickel plated; will out hot bread
or cake without erujiblng, and
in mi nupuriur 10 1110 ordinary
knito tor ciittim? nnmev m,.u ..t
any kind '
-- M -Ml J