UWWI ' K to IB ! '1 'I M ) Chronic Dyspepsia Cured. IHlBiii 7 PTEH nulTcrlnR for nearly t lilrty yoars fr from rtyspr.Hla, Mrs. II. li. Dug.lalo, wlfoof a prominent foulness man of Warsaw, N. Y., writes: "I'or 23 years, 1 was a constant sufferer from dysnepsla and .a weak Btomncli. TliollRlitcst food produced distress, causing govern pain and tlio forma tion of pas. No mat tor how careful of my diet I MifTcrid usotilrlng p'lln after citing. I was treated by many physician!) and tried numerous remedies without. perm merit help. Two years nRo I began tal.liiR Dr. .Miles' Nurvo and Liver I'llli and Nervine. Within a week I commenced Improving, and per stating In tho treatment 1 was soon ahlo to cat what I liked, with 110 evil e (Toe to I keep them at hand and a ilnitlu don dispell any old symptoms." Dr. Miles' llomcdlcs aroiiold by all drug Or. 7 gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or monoy re funded. Hook on dis eases of tho heart and nerves free. Address, t -ll- au..s .Nervine: ' LUA. 'VIIWW1VIWW I mfTnniM . Health Oil. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Application Tor Liconso. Notice In hereby eh en tlml n petition MkiicI lr thlrt) or nuiro resident freeholilers of (lie First Unrd of Hie city of Hud Cloud, N'ebrnskn, linn lieen tiled In mj nfllcc hi Midi rlt) of ted C'liunl, pmrliiK tliiitu license lo grunted hy 1)10 rllytotiiicll of cult city to.tolui I'olulckx, for uiu pmiu 111 1111111 Piuriiuiin nun , iilDIIM lllllorN oil niiii, nun k )i. luriKiuui .uniij now c II) ICcil Cloud. Nclirniikii. (lint netloii will he tnLcn 011 mild petition l the nmjor nnil elty eouiieil on the ltd day of Mny, W, or at tho llrnt imutliiK of the eounell therenftur. Dated nt lied Cloud, Nebraska, HiIn Ittli dny itii, lovn. u. r 1 ait, uny ireris Application for Liconso. Notlro Is hcrchj kUcii Hint 11 petition MkiiciI hy thirty or moro resident freeholders of tho I hut Ward of the clt of lied Clund. Ncbraskn. hAHtieen tiled with tho elty clerk of the city of lted Cloud, irnytiiK thnt n IUciimj lie 1; run led hy the city councilor Mid city to Morris M. Mem, for thu mle of limit, sptrltoiis mid Inous liquors on lot three CI), block one(l). Williams iiddlllou to tho elty of lted Cloud, Nchriiskn Thnt notion Mill bo taken on mid petition hj tho minor mid cllj coundl on the llli dn of Stay, IS87, or the ilrst meeting of tho council there after. Dated nt lted Cloud, Nebraska, this 11th lny of April, iww. 1.. K. Tait. City Clerk. runi.WATios of scmmoxs. In the district court of WchMer county, Ne. brnsku. Charles Ackethon. Ilrn.lnti.1 Ackerson, Samuel Ackersou, Mjrtlo Ackemou, Hcstlo Ackersou nd Kthel llrown. minors uud lluuuiih It. .Mil ler, defendants, will tnko notice Hint oil the Oth dHJ of April, isus. Mnrznrtt Otis. Anna Winters mid Dnulil IWInteri plaintiffs herein, filed their petition In the ills trlct court of Webster county, Nebraska, ngnlnst said doteiulniits. tho object mid pra)er of which Istopnrtltlou cerlnlu real estate described as follows: Lots 1:1, It. ami l,', In blot k is., and lots 1, i, 1:1 mid 11 lu block t, nil In lted Cloud, Webster county, Nebraska. Yon are required to answer said petition on or before the ','kl ily of May, 1BW8. Dated April Mill, 1SWH. H. ItOSS IllTtlllOCK. Attorney for plalntlirs. LKUAL NOTWK. In tho district court of the Tenth Judicial uisirici, 111 nun lor n cosier county. Nebraska, l'eoplcs IlullilliiK, Lonn nud ShvIiik" Association. I'lttlutlfT. TH John II. Itcmiterg and Jo Mph ItcmsbcrK, his wife, C. V. Herusbcri. and Klla HemibtTK, I iieroiiuants. 1 fetate of Nebraska, Webster county, si: ItaildOlllh McNltl. first lirlllir illllr mnmnn his oath, say thai he Is attorney for plalntltt, tint plaintiff Is a cororatlou, that plaintiff has ucBuii mi bliiuii 111 uie buuto .milieu court, against the abo.o named defendant, for the foreclosure of a cortalu morlKaie,on the fol lOWlllK real .SlatO towlt: t.'ninnienrlnir at 1 np tain point M feet west of the northeast corner i we norm-res. quarter or tne southeast ouar trr of section 35, township vr, range 11, west of uieoinr. .. hi Vtcusier couniv. Nebraska. thence running west -.() feel, thence south 410 itTi, w.iii-e casi -no icei, insure norm 410 feet to place of beginning; aud bslng a part of the premlsei conveyed by Samuel Smith and wife to am juun u. KcmaoerR vy warranty aeed uateil September 4th, ltitM, and filed for record Sen. tember 10th. 1SH. In "Book l" of Webster (.uuiiit ivcu iivcurus, ai page sod. Which said morteaeo wis ezcciitcil on ihn ",i day of July. I8U1, to secure tho pymeut of a reruln bond for the tuiyment of money to the plaintiff lu the sum of 11,100, with Interest ex touted on tho same date duo aud payable In "?!. 12n .from ,no J,e thereof, aud upon which tbore la now due tho sum oflimoH with inicresi; piaiuun prays in said action that said premises may bo sold as upon execution, and the proceeds thereof applied to the payment of aid debt and that the defendants anil each of them are forever barred and foreclosed of all num. line or interest in or to said mortgaged premises. Affiant further says that defendants (' V. Itemiberg aud Ella (1. Hcmsberg are non real dents of the State of Nebraska and service of nuuiuiunn inuiiui lie mnoe on cuiier or tuem therein wherefore iilalutlff prays for sen Ice up on said defendants by publication. .... lUNUOLril Mt'NlTT. , subscribed in my presence and sworn to be fore me this 1 lib day of April, 1898. James Dorrr, County Judge, !tV... Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat ent business conducted for MootRATC Pcca. and wecansccure Datentin leu Lima than thoic1 ! Hub Oirief isOMAiirr u. at. irriiTniiii.ti remote from Waibmgton, 1 Send model, drawing or photo,, with desctip- ; tlOd. We adviu. if Datcnialila nr tint. Irrn of uuvgv. uur ice noi aue 1111 patent is securea. ii:' m. ' - iwmr .:i . T-. " - "1 Pamphlet, " now to Obtain menu," with of aarae in the U, S. and foreign countries; utc luurcBi. C.A.8NOW&.CO. low, patent orrict. waaHiNaTON. D. e. PENNYROYAL PILLS Sw OitAwKr' MmfU4k Ala A lit with kiss riVboo. Tmkw p. fOwMjnwn(l iPllafcilM. IIIIMHIM. a.&hA M- SJKTVJ? Jm2i"xt!t' ."ui tytf fcr t4tm."lUiUr. St n klTlicaUrVkaka4t!a..M4Uaa kl llrBlat .k ntara ,TVr, VrvifUU. rillLADA.. 1A. t.'iliiiiiKi Vour llnwKls tVllh fiiscnn-tH. iu , -As U( a ( full, driirvMjw fund innnrv gyiaVMBWM, At w la uj ui lot. B M " ll,pi Don't bo a Knookor. A ktiDt'kor ii it fellow wit Isn't it Isllcil with tilings in Runctnl imtl hirii solf in piirllciiliir He In tin good nt bullilliif,' up. He (IcIIIiIm In tciitiiiK (Inwn If Fottitibody itiiiliin Inisiiic'S tliu KhUL'kot' Is on liutitl with it 111 cm 1 ti fill pi (diction of fitiliiit'. If ho Ileitis ono infill speuk well of iinotlicr tho knuukiT sttyji, "Yon tlmi'L know I1I111. If you ktiuw uliut I know 3 otiM think (llircieiit." Ktiockur ticvet hits n good wotd for iinyhody He's out with his llltlejiiiiiiiiur nil tho lime. Don't he 11 knoeker. TliereN 110 fun in it. It tloi'UMi'l i:ij. It won't tut ptovo iotir hu.'tlili It eun't iimko you hnppy. It's dend sin u to poll your dlgeition. Theie'.s notliiiiK in it Don't be tt knoeker. Ilinuu up. HiihIi vour clothes. Smile. Look pleiisuut. Hitvo 11 good wold for eveiihody. If jour neighbor tNiikts tt stall give him it boost. Don't knock. KneotiiiiKu li i 111 Make him ft el good Whun itnj body mentions him, fptnk well of him. Thnt helpj. lit) a ircntlciiiuii. Don't be it knooker. Don't etitieise too fieely. Don't It j lo lefotin everjbodj. Let others do their own lufoimitifr. Self icfor million is best iinjhow. It lasl.s long er.It's tlio 1 cnl tiling Don't go t ry inp to make itngeks on eaitli, Do tlio best jott ean ymusoif. Timo will do tho test. Don't keep too busy mind itig other people's business. Tlittt's what makes knoekets. Mind vour own businoss. Don't bo ti knoeker. O. l Nows. CATARRH SIX YEARS. Grow Rapidly Worso Dootors Did wo Good. Mis. Adam Stunts, Mcquoti, Wis., in a iccent letter to Dr Hiutnian, wiitos: "I writo this hitter beeuusn of my sym pathy for tho siiHoring people For six years I suf f 0 r e d with c h r o 11 i c 0 a tan It. Who ti ever I caught a little cold 1 would have a se vere spoil of s i 0 k n 0 s s . I used different cattirih medi fl r 1&S? cines and tlio doctors did till they could, but tho relief was only tempor ary. In December, 1807, my condition became very bud. I could not speak aloud; I hud n terrible cough, ptofuso expectoration and frequently spit blood; night sweats and extreme omit ciution. I was sure I must dio of con sumption. Tho catarrh suemod to Itivo spread nil over my body; my heud, tbront, noso, bladder and womb. At this timo I received a book concerning Pe-rii-nn. I immediately wrote to Dr. Hartinan, who prescribed Pe-ru-nannd Mnn-a-lin. I followed his direction strictly. I began to improve with the first bottle, and during tho time that I took tho medicines I gained twenty pounds. I fool as woll now as anyone could possibly feel. 1 am sure I would have been deud long ago had it not boon for Dr. Hartnmn'a advice and medicine." Every woman should bare a copy of Dr. Hartman'a latest book entitled "Health and Beauty." Sent freo by Tho Po-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. Liver Complaint and Nerrouanou Cured. A torp'd liver always producoj dull nosB, Irritability, etc You are all clogged up aud feol despondent. Per haps you have treated with physicians or tried some other recommended mod icino without bonofit. All that is no argumont against "Dr. Fonnor's Blood and Liver Remedy and Norvo Tonic," wh oh wo insist will euro nervousness and liver complaints. If uot satisfied after using ono bottle your money will bo refunded by C. L. Cotting. Real Estate Transfers. Real tstato transfers for tho week onding April 18, 1898, furnslhed by tho Fort Abstract Co., L. H.Fort, Man ager, Red Cloud, Nob. Maria Hiuner to Ezra Uerhop, lot -i block 10, Illuo Hill, q c d ,0 oo M. Catudal to Henry F. ltartcl, swj 9 3 is W U t.B.. ,, .. W (Y Charles H. Dinger to J. w!'c7Tl'crmiin" W nw toi 18 4 0, q 0 d 1 co J. W. C. 'Herman. Tr., to A. K. naa,swi nwUsolBlQ, qod ; moo Jacob MorKRiistcrn to Charles Mclntc, ei mo'1c'1 .TOO 00 TotM ; HOI ft) Amkuioa'i Gkkatk.st medicino is llooit's Sarsuparilla, which accomplish edwonderuful cities of blood diseases when till other medicines fail to do any good whatever. Hood's Pills uro tho best family ca thai tic and liver tonic. Gentle, roll able, suio. Rheumatism Cured. My wife has used Cbamborlain's Pain Balm for Rheumatism with great relief and I!cau rccomuiond It n n ui,..,.i:.i linimont for rheumatism and other household uso for which wo huvo found it vuluublo.-W. J. Cutlsii, Bed Crook, Now York. Mr. Cuvlor is ono of tin, 1 nn - ".iiuiiio iiiur. chants of this village and one f t,0 uni-ii I'lwiiiinuniiuon in tins vicinity W (J. PmiTiN, Kditor Bed Ctcok Her. aid. bold iv II K. (Jrleii. Xxl Hi vlr I CHURCH NOTK8. ciiitisriANCiit'itcn. Services each Lord's D.iy as follows: .Morning seitnon 10:'J0 a 111. .Subject: "(3iit"iir uud Cliristlanily." Bible school, V2 111. hinior Chiistlan Ktideavor!) p 111. Setior Chiistlan Ktideavor 0:00 p.m. livening sermon 7:30 p. 111. Subject, "Tlio Dcstt notion of Sodom " I'rnyer muotlng and bible study on Wednesday evenings. Ladles' Aid Society Friday after noons. Tliu public is kindly invited to attend on masso. Tho Distiiot Convention of the Chinches of Chtlst, Dist. No. 7, Is to convene at Liltto Hill, Aptil 20 to 'J8 Our pleasant chinch home rwid all sei vices are ever open to the public. L. A. HciioNO, 1'astor MKTiioinsr Preaching Sunday morning at lO.IJO. Pteccded by tho (ju.trtetly lovo feast. Sunday Seliool at 11:30 ti.tn. Junior League at 1 p.m. Senior Leagtto tit 7 p.m. Kvoning service at 8 p. 111 Conduct oil by W. 1$. AlcMfidet, pi csidiui! ol der followed by sacrament of the Loid's Supper. Qtiai telly confetenco sn Monday. Ptayer meeting on Wednesday even ing at 7-:i0. Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon. All uro most cotdially invited lo al to d tho services both Sunday morn ing and evening. They will bo of u re vival nature. Jamks Makk Dahuy, Pastor. CONOItKOATIONAL. Sunday School nt 11:15. Y. P. S. C.E.attMOp. 111. There is moro catarrh in this section of tlio country than all othor diseases put togotboi,aud until tho last fow yours was supposed to be incurable. For a grout mtiuy years doctors pro nounced it ti local disease, and Die sel ibed local remedies, tititl bv con stantly falling to ctiio with local treat ment, pronounced it incurable. Sei- onco lias proven catnrrh to bo a con stitutional dlscuso, and therefore to- quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K J. Chonoy & Co., Toledo, O., is tho only constitutional euro on tho market. It is taken internally iu doses from ten drops to a tonspoonful. It nets direct ly on tlio blood uud mucous surfaces of tho sj'stcm. Thoy offer duo bit ml red dollars for nny enso it fails to euro. Sond for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. Ciiknf.y & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills ore tho best. m Burlington Routo California Excur sions. Cheap, quick, comfortable. Loavo Omaha 1:35 p.m., Lincoln 0:10 p.m. nnd Hastings 8:60 p.m. every Thursday in clean, modem, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; curs run right through to Sun Francisco and Los Augclos over tho scenic route through uenvor ami salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted: upholstered inrattnn: bnvo spring seats and backs and aro orovld- cd with curtains, bedding, towels, soap etc. Uniformed porters and experienc ed excursion conductors accompany each excursion, rolioving passengers of bother about baggage, pointing out ob jects of interest and in many othor ways helping to mako tho ovorland trip a delightful experience. Second class ticket are honored. Berths t5. For folder giving full information, call at nearest Burlington Routo ticket oflico, or write to J. trancis, G. P. A. Omaha, Neb. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. If you Buffer from kidnev. bladder or urinary troubles, or from too frequent or scanty; urine, Dr. Fenners Kidney and Backacho Cure is what you want. Bed-wetting by children is generally cured by one bottlo of this powerful remedy. Testimonials aro disregarded many people doubting tho honesty or sincerity of them, wo therefore avoid giving any hero, but will furnish them on application to dealer whoso name is given below. If not satisiied after us ing ono bottlo your monoy will bo re funded by C. L. Cotting. Givo thoChildron a DiinV called Grain O. It Is a dollcloiiB. annellzlntr. iiourlsbliiK food drink to take tho placoof colTeo. bold by all urocers and liked by all who have used It because when properly pro pnred It tBBteB like tho finest coffco but Is freo from nil Its Injurious properties. Grain O aids dlftestlon and strengthens tho nerves It Ib not a stimulant but health builder, and chlldron, as well as adults, cn drink It with great benefit. Costs about ns much an coffee. 16c and 5c. Shake Into Your Shoos- Allen's Foot Base, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swoolen, smarting nervous feet aud Instantly takes tho sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the ago, Allen's Foot Kasomakoa tlohi . ., noes feel easy. It la a certain cure for sweat- Ing, callous, and hot, tired, aching feot. Try It today. Sold by all druRBlsts and ihnn (. Hy mall for I6c In stamps. Trial packago free! AucirCBs, Allen S. Olmstcad, LcRoy, N.Y, m Dr. Fonnor's DvsDODaia euro AS tho tllllllO iilllllillM. Is ilmnlv ... dyspepsia or indigestion. Tnis prepa ration is tho proscription of ono of America's most eminent physicians, whoso wiitltigs on medical questions are iieeoptod as authority. If not sat isfuelory after using ono bottlo your Hi' i'V Mill be tefiinilt'd by C L IVl-ting. s ItMtore full, regular nctlon of tho bowels, do not Irri tate or Inflame, but leave all the dcllcato dlKcstlvp or. Pills Rimlsrn hi iicrfcct condition. Try them. 2? cents. llcparcd ouly by C. I. Hood A Co , Lowell, Mass. A FLOWER GARDEN, Complete for a Quarter. Fresh Sccd--Tlic Kind that (Irons. This collection will furnish flowers in abundance from curly spiing to Into Fall. No other ollet to mutch this 1 IjIAM" Comkt Airnits; (lowers like large graceful chijsittitlieniunis; white, pink, jellow, ted ami blue. !2 Ni:v Win 11: BuANciiiNu Ajti:us, a superb novelty, try it. il Jaiwnksf. IIof, (vat legated); it hardy vino of strikinp beauty, will cover a poieh in uno season. l-lIoi.i.uiuiKs; yellow, rose, ma gontu, black, pink, lavender, palo lem on and white niKed. fi Swi:nr Phas; in all colors of the rainbow. (5 NAiri'irrirjis; dwarf, all tho '03 novelties mixed. 7Ai.ssrM,LnrLi:(ii:M-fl00llwor iplkos huvo been counted on ono plant, very fragrant. 8-MioNo.N'r.Tri:; fragrant (lowers all the year totind. 0 CinnsANTiiKMC.Ms, Dot'iiu: 11 Y mtiDS; white, yellow, crimson, bton.o jollow, lilac, rose, etc. 10 Vkuiiknas; (inutilities of superb fragrant cut llowets 11 li'OMOKASKroitA; the rose col ored Moon llower. 12 MnltN'IN'U ClnlM-. Ci.illt lnil.n,.. nil, jttst( from Japan, 5 to 0 inches nui uss. 1 rausconti description. 13 Uf.kaniu.ms; in variety, from seed tlio first season. 14 Diantiius; spotted china silk. 15 MAitinoi.i, Tali. Afkican; a gi eat fuvorito. Wo pay tho postage. Otti illustraed cattilogtie fieo to till. Osuokn Stoiiii Vim Jlndison, New Jersey. For Salo. Ono liundred and. sixty aeiesof uiiim lirovtd Innd fnur miles noithwrs-t of Bed Cloud, consisting of tlio west half of the noi theust quarter, uud the east half of the northwest quatter of section lifteen in township two north, tango cloven west. The land is Jetted at present, but subject to sale For tortus apply to Mits James Kikkwooii, Fairfax, Mo. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Btomo Quinine Tab ots All druggists refund tho money f it fails to cure. 25c. TKEINFLUENCE of the Mother shapes the course of unborn generations goes sounding through all the ages and enters the confines of Eternity. With what care, there fore, should the Expectant Moth er be guarded, and how great the effort be to ward off danger and make her life joyous and happy. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays all Nervous ness. re. lieves the Headache Cramps, and Nau sea, and so fully pre- n.nrQ th system tnat tniiawrt is made easy and the time of recovery short enedmany say " stronger after than before confinement. It in sures safety to life of both moth er and child. All who have used " Metier'! Fried " say they will nev er be without it again. No other remedy robs confinement of its pain Mvyawuivi WUVM WMimuJBUU)rB VIHW.' nyi that If she bad to go through the ordaal pi, and thra were but four MUle to be obtained, and the cost was IIMjOO per bottle, he would hare them." Go.LATTO,Dayton,Ohio g0fftf5xPf,0.n'e.?ti'RU"iA1-ffiH " akwun Mf fr- . Ft m n 1 A fAllU' ERS' mailed free upon application, containing Taluable Information and voluntary tesumontals. TNKBIMOriCLD RKaULATOfl CO., ATUINT. lo bv ait oajuaeiarrs. KLONDIKE 5cl the richest gold fields In the world, He in Canadian Territory; the richest farm ing lands in the world are In the Canadian west. A farm of 160 acres free to heads of families and to any man over 18 years of age. Qttd Crops, IT,! excellent climate. Schools, churches, fuel in abundance and everything to make life happy and comfortable. For illustrated pamphlets, maps and low railroad rates to bona fide aetUers apply to the Department of the Interior, Ottawa, Canada, or to W. V. BENNETT, New York Life Bldg., OMAHA, NEB. Mention thla paper. Sn lyKtS WHIHt Alt ELSE FAILS. ., Q Host CoukIi Syrup. Tastes Good. Use 11 In timo. Knlrt b drnualits. IH H Sr wM LMMlR!l;irfM2l "IRONING MADE BaSY,f 1 llW' w v ttmw. STARCH 1 rJREAT INVEAf- RFOIIIDFC Mn MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS AS WHhW HKOT BOUGHT WFW yxliidillsiJ(B37lsVsTnTTTSRVIRIn ffB3sKrifVBaBV ;T fjfT ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL' GO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF ANY.OTHER STARCH HUTACTUREDONtvay, THE I f Ul IDIMrPn DRrAC rt L U,VillUDIHV7Ln tEOKUK,IOWA. NEW HAVE N.CONN, jgalft COPYRiaHTEP j "i 1 jiiWiimi umiJiniM'XiiLiinWiiiiiii'topinj nniiu ihiij hi H'tlnn1 1!3 Pot,n, orJ scientific principles h men who liaro had yenrs of prncl Irnf X.ATu7, rf,ni(,iUldcriD.,f- ,U rotore ld linen nnd eummor dresses to tl'olr ra'uril 'UiitcncM nnd Imparts n Uenut ful nnd lallnK finish. It Is tho onlv st-11 li v'subVtTnL'i'n ?n,V.CCf,,ly 'rmlcs containing nVltbcr n"rnlc nlum or u , l 10. suiMtonco Injurious to linen nnd can bo used cvrn for n baby powder. trov sale by alt wholesale and retail qtgmw' ifiSWViiV;4:...!!..:'!::!- 1B - - - -- - -- - - ww rl Kt: 1 1 NO WITH DESTINY. I - man can tin uitcti It will up bifore us in ttucpcctcd times mid pticcs. i;cn an afternoon stroll with a friend nnd a chance Introduction may slnpc all t'.c cou-sc of one's after life. To tc aiu.ij j ut y-.ui best and not ashamed of our destin v 1 on must dreea like a true eoutlouinn. This can u-uouciiyorueriuy ;tr.. 13 51,-,':. ilsof m tiliN a iA Lrvcl I -, T J The Great Cliicrsjp Meal- irt Tr.ilors "Who nro nnrlvallgg .l?tt.tor-of the Talljrltm: Ait. 800 NBW Patterns I'iucst Material Perfect Fit. New Stock. Latest Styles. Uist Work manshlp. Thrifty Frlccs. A Cheery Quaraateo With All. Call on miNER BROTHERS, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. PLATT & FREES CO.. Ghieage ImmbenYard, KKD CLOUD, NKBKASKA. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. RiVOIKS IUAXIBEOR CO., DEALKKS IN LUMBER and COAI -Btxiiaiixs: material, l-Oto. Red Olotjd, - Nebraska. IHySS JVEHAVEMOACENTS " umTmm'mW ( I kaw ssu aitsst ts tas ar(itiraMatMe. Jm sail " !?iwwfiram'c!i FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City nnd country culls promptly tin sworeil d:ty or night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. Office ovkk Cot.ino'8 Dkuo Stohk. SAMPLE ROOMS, I JOHN POLNICKY, I I'UOI'IUETOI.. DBALBIt IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. yn uinuiiiii? ALWAYS ON TA1. PARKER'S MAID BALSAM gltaiur. and Usutint. the btlr. rontutci luiul.nl ffruwth. Nv.r Fails to llotoro Qm fcS t mw Ifal. .n .u VNu.hr..l n.l. J 4 M-Jmm 111 fiaff $&?.!" 1 9M iJOivi M mAm ( Barasss. I 111- JPfm -nanLfilt-!u. BB wBaHv2''Af2f7kS! m mm mmm mnvturf'V STIFF AND NICE mm UtlKrti'iVi''. mz DRUO.UT mmi w y Humwawi - -ww w www v.vww m -um wv.wv.cQSOaUVJBB at- -&PJt V 'V? -ih 'u Isi - iS: y RANDOLPH MoNirr, A-TOBSnr aod COUNSELOR AT UW, Special Bttuntlnn to Commerclftl and I'rohitto Litigation. MOON BLOCK, KKD CLOUD, NKI3RASKA. J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK VOU WANT IT. I'foM Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plates. I'OnUBLAIN INLAY And all the latest Improvement la dontal mech anlsm Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. , -' 4 , r.st ,I.sr WW ij'IT VtJ tUvTlh r.L . it'TCIVllJ' w jmmSk a. -......v..t mm ik i a I, VnBK-H-V f 17 1 I iitPI, WrKyf 1 m :iIW IJ uai Li' 1 n t OTi u.- Mj mi V0jfifJf OlSfljWL M i H ) tWt!Ctirt r.lp iti.oiri a lislr Itilici. fcj ,7 ti it I , . - Ludlow Bros. 9 ,-4.:ii" 'j'&rMtjtpiLi