The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 15, 1898, Image 1

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-- -' "- --- teSBHtetov- ' tV-V?.VL r I T i Ti i.3Wf itf?S'J-!S5-Jj
Nebraska JRemntile Gompany.
Commencing Saturday, April 16tli,
n Our Grocery
Wo can Sell you A No. 1 gvo
codes ul the right prices.
17 lb Grnnulntul StiKfir J
20 lbs light brown siiRnr 1 oo
Extra fancy peaches, 3 lbs - -
Garden seeds. 3 packages -
King Uco coffeo. 2 for . -
Mon coffee, per packago - - 10
Arbucklc's coffco, per packngo in
XXXX " " " J,"
Seedless ralslus, per pound o.
Muscatel " largo
Extra largo family prunes 07
Largo Mackerel, each ;
Champion lye, per can jjj
Wash Mono soap "J
Host parlor matches, per box 01
nil KarillncR - 04
Onoplug Captain Kldd tobacco..
Vanilla extract -
Lemon extract -
Can pumpkin, 4 for
Sweet cbocolato
1 package corn starch
1 Ri;KU Kiuni n""i-..
1 1( llMHulllBflttnL
Mark l'arke-, Inii gone to Omaha.
Henry Koohlcr of Blue Hill was here
of .MeCook was
men may eiene and men may go, ami
lies on i-aiili may sever, lint ilieinnn-1
ticks for all w kii'w will stiel; to man '
forever. Kearney Hub. I
1 nnnkaon HHfln Mtnrpll.. .... U
l"-v."nv ' -- - f
iKiiiff luwuer m .......... w
Special bargains In Ladles'. Mon's and Chil
dren's Hosiery,
ladles or Children's fast blncV hose So per pair.
12tC Indies' hosontOc.
Mcn'N fnt black t.ocksr.c. So and 10c per pair.
Usually fold at lc and Ifichy most dealers.
Ing powder
10 lbs. best oatmeal
1 can baking
1 can good jam
Special bargains In Ladles' Kid fllovcs at 79c,
sue and $1 ; former prices f 1 on, !.! and M.M).
)nitii Anrlpnfu )
1 can egg plums - W
1 can sweet corn
Uelnze pickles - J"
Blanks Mojav coffco. 2 cans .. &o
Kxtra tine solid packed Tomatoes - 10
3 lb can of sweet potatoes....... :;.-;,; h "
Try a sack of our warranted flour', It Is the best
and will please you,
irfliH vmjw
Wo Invito you to see our now ,llno of SPIUNO
CAPES ; wo can show you tho best values ever
shown In town; prices 11,2ft and up.
Tollor made Wool Suits at from 3 00 to 110.00.
Ladles ready-made Skirts. 98c to 110.00.
Ladles' or Milter black, drab or white u-i
corsets at GOo, 75c and 11.00; nowes styles
and best lilting corset made.
Black Dress Goods.
Special ton day's sale on Black Dress floods at
19WC, 180, 25C, 30c. 35C, SOc, 050, 75C
86c and II 00 per yard.
48lncb Princess Allx Gloria Silk, 75c.
46 Inch Black Serge 50c, usually 75c.
Also special prices on colored dress goods at
U(c and up to 11.00.
Special sale on New Percales at So to 10c per
yard ngnt oraara colors.
atXetoiraLSlzia. - Mercantile - Co.
Tho finest line of road vehicles ever brought to Woustor county. Call and
examine mom ana gei prices wnuwiur uu wish hi uy ui uwi,, n.
full line of all tbo lending farm machinery including
If in need of anything in tho lino of hURRics or farm machinery it will pay
von to seo mo before purchasing. I can save yon monoy.
JAS. PETERSON, Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Is always cool, clean and neat, ami has only tho
AND Oysters,
and orders taken there are tTciiratcly tilled and
promptly doUvnrod. That Ms the condition of
affairs at
A. R. Reynold's Bast Side Webster St
Mrs. II-icii r Iluylos
hero Thursday.
Dr. W. C. Ftilkorsou of Hastings was
hero Tuenlay.
Archie Martin is home from Hastings
for n fow days.
Bon MoUuno Is working for J. A.
Hoyd having resigned his position at
Mrs. C. J. Pope has boon presented,
as a birthday present, with a lino new
Mrs. Katoti, who will establish a
dress making parlor hero arrived in
the cit7 today.
Attorney E. Itoss Hitchcock of Ster
ling, this stato was here upon legal
matters Friday.
Myra Graves of York, this stato is
visiting her sister Nora Graves, having
arrived yesterday.
A party in honor of Miss Lois Pope
was given at tho rosidenco of (J. W.
Llndsty on Friday night last.
Mr. and Mrs. White and daughter
lloua, former residents of this city now
residing near Bostwick woro hero tho
last of tho week.
Chas. Mungor was injured soveroly
in tho leg one day this week by falling
ugainst u plow point. Dr. L. II. Beck
dressed tho injured member.
Andrew Berg and Frank Smith will
in tho near future open up a now shoo
storo in this city. Tho gentlemen
will no doubt mako a success of tho un
dertaking. Kind of strange, but wo boliovo for
tho first timo sinco Mr. Wnrron has
been mayor tho council proceedings
of last Wednesday week wore not pub
lished in the Argus. Must havo been
something in the minutes which George
did not want his subscribers to seo.
Noah was the first man to advertise.
Ho advertised the flood and it came
on timo all right. Tho fellows who
laughed at Noah got drowned and it
served them all right. Ever sinco
Noah's time tho advertiser has been
prospering while tbo other fellow is
being swallowed up by disaster. Cof
fey villo Journal.
Samuel L. Downs passed quiotly
away from this earth at tho resi
dence of his daughter Mrs. J. M. Sel
lers on Wednesday morning at tho ripe
old age of 79 years, 11 months and 11
days. Mr. Downs has been a respeoted
resident of this county for many years.
The funeral services were bold at the
residence onThursdayand the remains
were interred in Walnut Creek town
ship. Un Monday of last week the sports
of this place and Red Cloud and inter
vening points indulged In tho spoit of
chasing jack rabbits with hounds. A
variety of opinion is expressed as to
who bad tho best dogs' but a pup be
longing to Harloy Vicrs seems to bo the
principal favorite Ho picked up tho
first six rabbits that were caught, and
did it with tho greatest ease. Ho gives
promise of boiug a great wiunor.
Guide Hock Signal.
In ovont of war The Chief will havo
n special correspondent to bo on tho
spot and report ovory battle. Tho
news will bo sent to tbif office over our
own special cubic and telegraph wires
and wo are ou tho evo of making ar
rangements with a phonograph com
pany whereby wo can place a talking
macbino in tho homo of each of our
subscribers which will grind off tbo
war news to them wbllo they are still
Didst over havo the rhoumaticks,
and twist with lusty pain? Didst
over klik against tbo pricks, and kick,
alasl in vain? If not, go feel what I
havo felt, and say what I havo said
thou if perchance you win the belt you
aroathoiiniughbri'd, Go balhn in good
St. .Jneob'H oil, then rub wi h might
and main, ami you may have for all
ynurt'di, Mm- rln u natlck-i again. J'nr
hist of It" (it- remaining uncalled for
at. the postdllieoat Kim! Cloud, Neb
raska, fur the week ending April llth,
Corbett, Mrs (5. Huniloy, Oscar
Colvin, Mrs . B. Tibbelts, Frank
Thcso letters will be sent to thedead
letter office April 28th, if not called for
before. When calling for above pleaso
say advertised. T. C. Hackeu, 1 M.
Tho sad news was received horo
Thursday of the death of Mrs. I. B.
Hampton at her home south of the
river near Guide Hock. Uer demise
was not unexpected as she lias been
failing for some time past. Herself
and husband were among the few first
settlers of the county coming hero
some twenty-seven or eight years ago.
Being well known throughout the
county her death will bo mourned by
many friends whoso sympathy will go
out to the stricken husband and fam
ily. Tho funeral took placo this morn
ing at her late home.
While tho country may not agroo
with Grover Cleveland on all matters,
It will heartily endorse his action
in sending this reply to the paper
that wanted his name to add to a sub
scription paper for a monument to
tho Maino survivors: "I declino to
allow mv sorrow for those who died
on tho Maine to bo perverted to an
advertising scheme for tho Now York
Journal." This is ono instance where
pcoplo will " lovo him for tho enemies
ho has inado." Tradiug on causes of
national sorrow to Increase tho sub
scription of a paper deserves just that
kind of a rebuke1 Abilene. Iteilector.
"A word to tho iwiso Is sufficient"
and a word from tho wise should bo
sufficient, but you ask, who aro tho
wiso? Those who know. Tho oft re
peated oxperionco of trustworthy per
sons may bo taken for knowledge. Mr.
W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy gives better satisfaction than
any othor in tho market. Ho has been
in the drug business at Elkton, Ken
tucky, for twelvo years; has sold hun
dreds of bottles of this remedy and
nearly all othor cough medicines man
ufactured, which shows conclusively
Chamberlain's is tho most satisfactory
to the peoplo and is the best. For sale
Mr. Vance has had a ek hurst
How many ckim did you eat Kastei
ii aro having lino weather ag;
Farmers aro buy preparing to plant
by H. E. Grlce.
Miss Bessie Carpenter made a busi
ness call this week.
This is again rhetorical day a rrttlier
long program is prepared.
MIsb Lillio Overing visited in the 7tb
room Thursday afternoon,
No 2 hangs in tho 7th room. Miss
Weideman has tbo banner.
Jack Walsh made a flying business
trip to tho school house the other morn
ing. Misses Cora Kinsol and Manila Woid-
oman wcro vis'ting this week in tbo
high room.
Herbert Cook is "very particular
whom ho talks to." Ho won't trans
luto Ccasar for just any old Soph.
Tho high room has quite an addition
in tho shape of a lino picture of battle
ship Maino, which hangs conspicuously
on tho front wall.
Tho toachors aro gradually selecting
now books to bo purchased for tho 11
brary . One purchase is a largo "Speak
er'. In view of tho frequent rhotorl.
cals this will como In very handy to
tbo pupils.
A certain ono of Red Cloud's young(f)
men was overboard giving a couple of
high school ladies a lecture along tho
matrimonial lino. Ho said "tho coun
try was overrun with sebool inarms and
that tho graduates instead of "trapes
ing" all over tho country hunting a
school should bo at homo learning to
keep house, cook and finally marry."
Forluips Mr. , does not know
that in tho class of l)8 anvway, thero
1 exists a deslro to got out into tho world
and do something beside wash dishes
ar.d chop kindling wood.
Or. Price's Cream Unking Powdci
Vnr'd's Pnlr Htellcst Award,
Bon was the guest of ,) . T l.ncv "
Mr. Dean Norris was tho guest of
Charles Lacy, Su iday,
Miss Louiso Vanco was tho guest of
Miss Bessie Wilder Sunday.
Tho Slioat which has boon on tho
Crcok at last has found its way home.
Mr. McCloud or HI no Hill was ttie
guost of A. N. Godwin and family Sun
day. Mrs A. C. Bou has been very ill
since being thrown from her buggy
last week
Miss Mamie Weideman of Red Cloud
commenced her school in Willow Crcok
April 10, 1808.
There was quite a surprise on tho
Indian Reservation when tho Indians
learned that Mr. Charles Adamsou was
That was right Charles a good hint
for some more of our bachelor boys to
?;o and do likewise, wc wish you much
oy, Charles.
Rov. Deacon preached to nn attontivo
audience uuuuay but ir some oi our
young mon would leavo oft" their fun
during church hours it would look
much more gentlemanly.
Lewis Bcrgiicld spent Easter Sunday
at homo.
Jas Doylo and family spoilt Sunday
with his parents.
Alf. Saladon had tho misfortune to
loso a lino maro last Sunday nigh t.
Ilnrninn Htu-cf fluid Is tho chainniou
egg eater, ho only ato thirty-nlno Eas
ter. Mr. 0. Zalman has organlzod a ball
nine to operate in Jas Doyle's pasture
tho coming season, following are tho
names of tho members and their re
spective positions: Ed Doyle, catcher;
Smith, pitcher; Miles Doylo, shortstop;
C. Zalman, 1st base; Jim Hurd, 2nd
baso; Henry Zalman, 8rd baso; Anthony
Greon, right field: Col. Foblor, contor
Hold; 8am Giger, left field; J. W. Bak
er, coach; Dot Saladon. Chas. Lowis,
Ivan Himos, Alf. Saladon, Jas. Doylo,
water hustlers; a tax of ono dollar a
pleco has boon lovied for apparatus,
rent etc., and tbo boys aro now roady
to tackle any nino in tho county for
monoy, chalk or marbles. Games to
bo played on Sunday only.
John Saladen baa left for Charles
Lewis' farm and Jim Hunt is going to
tako possession.
Another good rain Monday.
Sowing oats is a thing of the past.
Some of our farmers planted potatoes
on good Friday.
Clark Stevens commenced planting
corn this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Landrcth of Womer,
Kansas, were the guests of Mr. Aubu
sbon Sunday.
The revival meetings at Penny creek
are still In progress.
Chas. Davis of Sherwood, Kansas,
was in Lino one day this week buying
calves. He is paying from 120 to t25
per bead.
W. J. Hasklns and Chas Isom are los
ing their hogs with tho hog disease
There is a herd of 400 head of cattle
at Harvey Merrill's from tho Indian
Territory. Tho farmers had better bo
careful, they might get tho Texas fever
started among their cattlo.
Harvoy Graham was tho guest of
J hn Davis this week.
Ensign W. A. Van Dyko was in Ash
land, Wisconsin, tho Oth & lOof April
with Gon. Win. Booth enrouto to Chi
cago, Illinois.
Tho request of R. B. Fulton in regard
t Suuday schools taking part in the
decoration day services, will bo consid
ered next Sunday.
Mr. Chas. Kalov has fenced up for
pasture what was known as tho Hamil
ton eighty west of the school house in
district No. B.
Rhoumatism Curod in a Day.
"Mys'.ic Cure," for rheumatism and
neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days.
Its action upon tho system is remark
able and mysterious. It removes ut
once the cause and tho dlseaso imme
diately disappears. Tho first dose
greatly benefits: 75 cents. Sold by II.
J. Grico, druggist, Rod Cloud, Nob,
Seed Potatoes for Sale.
At my farm 2 miles south of Red
Cloud some choice seed potatoes for
sale. Thirty-livu cents nor bushel.
Geo. W. H ii mm ei..
Or. Prlce' Cream Baking Powder
A Puro'liaoi- Cream ! Tuft"! Powder
To Our
Read the special
offer at the bottom
of this advertisement.
Wo aro going to give away
books to our subscribers, both
old The books aro at
tractively bound In binder's best
silk finished cloth, stamped from
now and original designs in ink
and genuine gold, and aro stand
ard and popular books by the
world's best author's. In mater
ial and quality, ns well as in se
lection of titles, these books aro
superior to any other cloth edi
tion ever issued. Printed in
large clear type and on good
Eaper. These books are written
y such authors as
Bertha M. Clay,
Mrs. Alexander,
The Duchean,
Wilkie Collins.
Charles "Dickens,
H. Rider Haggard,
Alex. Dumas,
JIuqh Conway,
A. Conan Doyle,
Bulwer Lytton,
George Eliot,
and numerous others famous au
thors of repute.
Ono of theso elegant books
will be given with every year of
back subscription you pay. If
you pay ono year back subscrip
tion ($1.00) you get one book; if
two years (82.00) you got two
books; if three years (W.00) you
got three books, etc.
In addition to tho above wo
will make an extra offer for sub
scribers who pay ONE FULL
consisting of Ono Bread Knife,
corrugated, 10-Inch blade; Ono
Cake Knife, corrugated, 8-inch
blade; One Pastry Knife, 8-inch
blade. Blades mudo of tho host
razor steel, highly polished and
nickel plated; will cut hot bread
or cake without cm Jibing, and
is far superior to tho ordinary
knife for cutting pastry goods of
,iuy kind.