The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 08, 1898, Image 5

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    THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, Jb'JtLUAK. ahuu q. xuau.
VI ' . '
Cover it with a stylish hal at a price
50 cents less tean you ever did.
We have more Hats than the bal
ance of the towe.
Sell more than all
Sell them at less
Give you correct
Bought this spring! in case lots at
$6 per dozen less than the other fel
lows. That means 50 cents per hat to you.
"One' Price and No Monkey Business."
Rcyal Mka the food pur,
wbotesoai and dellcloui.
Absolutely Pure
ROtAl OtKINQ poaccd CO., i youk.
Sec our book offer.
F. P. Hadloy carriage painter.
Sam Garbcr returned from McCook
Go to Butler for tho best in saddlery
and harness.
Mrs, L. H. Rust returned from Bea
ver City Wednosday.
A ino Nebraska boy was born to Mr.
nnd Mrs. Silas Fincher on Saturday.
A new awning has been placed in
front of GaluBha & Wescott's clothing
Little Hazel Bell of Lincoln arrived
in the city on Monday night to visit
with friends.
A now awning and sign aro among
the improvements this week at Huff's
bnkrry and restaurant.
Lois Pope who for soinu time has
been intending school at Lincoln re
turned homo Monday night.
Mr. Hattlo C. Bon of Cowlo had
tho mUforiano to bo severely bruised
in 11 runaway about a milu east of
Cowles on Saturday last.
A new subscriber, or an old subscrib
r, who pays u your in advance of Feb
ruary ll'li, 1808, will receive two good
books. iCi-atl adverti-.eii.ent on anoth
er page.
Sbkd Pomw.s. Chicago Market
and Early Ohio seed potatoes for sale.
For particulars call ut my farm live
mites west and one uiilo south of Bad
Cloud. Daniel G. Noku.
Head !
others combined.
Head our free book offer.
See Hadloy for paper hanging.
C. W. Kaley was in Hardy Wednes
day. Geo. Hollistcr lost n lino cow Inst
Mrs. Anthony Clark of McCook was
visiting friends hero this week.
Oliver iludgu returned homo from a
trip to Kansas City op Tuesday night.
J. D. Story and Dr. Trowbridge of
Cowley were doing business hero Mon
day. Horace Spauoglo of Dendwood,
South Dakota, is hero visiting with the
folks and other friends.
Mrs. Margaret MeGrow after n short
visit with her .sisters bore, left for her
home nt Shicklcy, Monday.
For a lirst ulass shave or hair cut
call on (!. V. Fentress one door south
of Calmes' bakery.
Guide. Rock wants n brick yard and
is offering tho necessary ground for
anyone who will como there and start
in business.
Married at tho residence of Rev. A.
G. Blackwoll, in this city, Wednesday
evening, April G, Earnest G. Moranville
to Miss Grace Shankiin, Rev. Blackwoll
V. H. Scrivnor, real estato man,
will sell your farm for you for a rea
sonable per cent, or will trade your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
H. Scrivnor, Red Cloud, Jebr.
J. 11. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a term of live years at 3 per
cont. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on tho installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Nob.
Undo Dick Pay no as representative
of Catherton precinct brought in a load
of corn as a donation for tho Cuban
sufferers which was sold and netted
$8.75, which was" turned over to tho
proper committee.
I was reading an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy in tho Worcester Enter
prize recently, which leads wo to write
this, I can truthfully say I never used
any remedy equal to it for colio and
dianlioea. I havo never had to use
more than one or two doses to euro tho
worst caso with myself or children,-
W. A. Sthoud, Popomoko City, Md.
Vr !! by H. S. tirie.
lladley paints buggies.
.1. O. Butler's goods arc up-to-date.
Mrs C. F. Cather is homo from Lin
coln. ilohu Dillon at the opera house Sat
urday, April 11th.
John Wilhclmsou has taken a posi
tion at Reynold's meat market.
Ladies if you want some nice Hybrid
perpetual roses call on L. II. Rust.
"Ilartlott's Road to Scltzervillo" at
tho opera house, Saturday, April 0th.
Frank Smith who has been In the
mountains for his health is homo
Miss Boulah Hall pleasantly enter
tained a number of friends on Tuesday
A Mnrhai". and wife returned home
from the eastern part of the stale Fri
day ovening.l
Aaron (.'onovcr will build a residence
on laud he has purchased In the west
part of town.
BuiVord llolcomb of Denver is hero
and will move on his farm and make
this city his home.
Mrs. John Bcrenzcu who has been
hero for some time left for her homo at
Pawnee City Saturday.
Mrs. W. A. McKcighan is having a
commodious barn built at her rcsidonco
propel ty on Walnut street.
Tho goods of Elmer Overman, who
will como hero from Illinois to prac
tice law havo arrived in tho city.
A. R. Reynolds will in a few days re
move his moat market across thostrcrt
to tho old stand, tho McKcoby building.
Mrs. S. F. Spoktsfiold has oponcd a
millinery storo in tho Cook building
opposite Cotting's drug storo. Her
many friends will bo glad to know sho
is again in business.
Frank Nolsoc who was working with
tho B. & M. brldgo builders near Re
publican lot a jackscrow fall upon his
foot injuring that member so that ho
will take a layoff for some timo.
For Homcscekor's excursion dates
via tho Missouri, Kansas & Texas rail
way, and information of their tourist
sleeper arrangements, address G. A.
McNutt, I). P. A.; 1044 Union avenuo,
Kansas City, Mo,
After this it is to bo hoped tho clerks
and judgos of election will not an
nounce tho result until after mail time
or that mo postmaster win put up a
sign prohibiting tho smoking of elec
tion cigars in tho postofllco.
Owing to unforsecn ovents tho Web
ster County Union Sunday School As
sociation havo deemed it wise to post-
pono their annual convontion until
May Gth nnd 6th, 1808, to bo bold in
Guido Rock, commencing at 10 a. m.
Mny 5th. By order executive commit
tee. Everybody loves and enjoys a play
with tho famous comedian, John Dil
Ion, as tho central figure, and tho op
era houso will bo crowded tomorrow
(Saturday) evening when ho will np
pear as "Jolly Undo Jolly" in his lat
est success, "Bartlott's road to Seltzer
ville." Seats aro selling rapidly.
A comniittcoof tho llro department
wore investigating lirotrnps and con
demningdangerous property this week.
There are numerous places within tiio
tiro limits which in ca io of llro would
be oxtromely dangerous and thn coun
cil should assist in condemning and
forcing repairs before some one is hurt.
Archie Redden and John .Martin of
Guide Rock got into n ditlieulty on
Monoay and proceeded to settlo the
matter bv blows. Redden was tho ag
gressor and plead guilty, receiving a
lino and costs which ho would not
liquidate. Ho was brought to this city
by Constablo Colvin to servo tho pou
nlty by a stay in jail.
Lewis Clapp was in Bloomington tho
last of tho week having gono thero to
attend u family reunion. Among those
who sat down to dinner on Saturday
was the mother and five children who
had not all soon each other in fifteen
years. Tho mother is 86 year old and
tho mother of seventeen children, theso
livo being tho only remaining mo tu
bers of tho family.
Wo havo lost all bolief in human na
ture sinco tho present incumbent of the
mayor's ofllco put in a bill to tho city
for his year's salary as mayor. Whilo
wo bcleivo tho servant Is entitled to his
hire, wo don't boliovo wo would havo
touched that salary if it was tlio last
cont we over expected to receive Ho
may yet however turn it back into tho
city troasury as ho promised.
The city election passed ofl" quietly
very little interest in tlio outcome being
manifest, most people belioveing that
after the votes worocounted the repub
lican ticket would be elected, as it was
with the exception of W. It. Roby for
mcuiber of school board, Tho follow
ing are tlio successful ones: Mayor, L.
II. Beck; treasurer, G. W. Dow; city
clerk L E. Tait; police judge, C. 'S.
Bennett; aldormau 1st ward, Geo, Hoi
lister; alderman 2nd ward, W, E, Rife;
school board F, W. Turnure and Henry
G. M. Caster is here.
R. McN'itt was in Lincoln this week.
The sprinkler was on the streets
Mas'er Robert Funk is in tlio city
from Lincoln.
A. II itonnian and wife of Blue Hill
were hero this week.
II. E. Griee presented his
week with a tine piano.
Lilliu Burnett of McCook Is veiling
witlt E. B. Smith and family.
Dr. E. S. Reed has moved to his res
idence on north Cedar Street.
J, 11. Smith is placing a new fence
around his residence property.
Next Sunday is Easter, the only day
in the year when the fowls lay colored
Mrs. L. II Foil is home from Lin
coln. While there she witnessed the
big lire.
Harness that will wear, keep its
shape and look neat is the kind made
by J.O. Butler.
John Dillon, in "Barllett's Road to
Selt.erville,"at the opera house, Sat
urday, April !)th.
Mrs. II. W. Brewer left Monday for
Kansas City on a visit to her daughter
Mrs. MyraB.Knright.
Good workmanship and material
in harness is the samo as in other
goods. J. O. Butler's goods havo both.
The Ciiikk, a sot of Christy pattern
knives, and a bound book, nil for ono
subscription paid in advance. Sub
scribe now,
Wanlku. At once. A few good
farm loans to ruu live years, 8 per
cont interest, optional payments. D.
Tho Uuion Firo Insuranco Company
is tho best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments 3 per cent. J. II. Smith,
Special Agent.
Word was received hero this week an
nouncing the death of Charles Over
man of Oquawka, Illinois. Ho is tho
father of James Overman of this placo
and is well known hero having been
hero several times.
F P. Shields, a former nowspapor
man of this county has worked his
way down into tho Indian Territory
whore ho is booming tho town of Mill
Avoir with one of his unique publica
tions. Frank is ovidontly getting
ready to jump over into Cuba at tho
sound of tho lirst gun. Guido Rock
In 1888 my wifo w.ent cast and was
attaokod with rheumatism. Sho re
ceived no relief until sho tried Cham
berlain's Pain Balm. Sinco that timo
we havo never beon without it. Wo
find it gives instant relief in cases of
burns and scalds nnd is novor failing
for nil rheumatic and neuralgia pains.
I). O. Biunt, Santa Ynor, Cnl. For
snlo by H. E. Grico.
A petittion wns filed with tho city
council nt its last meeting which had
been quite extensively signed by busi
ness mon and property owners, pray
ing for tho removal of ono of tho hoso
carts and 500 feet of hoso to now build
ing to bo built by tho Piatt & Frees
Lumber Co. This is a; itsliould bo and
in caso of lire 111 Hie .south ward will
save a run of six blocks or about enough
time to put a lire out.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
nt the postolllce at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for the week ending April lOtli,
Crockswcll, Blanch Meredith, A H.
Tyson, Myrt
Theso letters will be sent to tlio dead
letter oillce April 20th, if not called for
before. When calling for ubovo please
say advertised. T. C. Hackku, P. M.
that are not very robust need a
warming:, building: and fat-forming
food something- to be used for two
or three months in the fail that
they may not suffer from cold
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos
phites of Lime and Soda supplies
exactly what they want. They
will thrive, grow strong and be
well all winter on this splendid food
tonic Nearly all of them become
very fond of it For adults who
are not very strong, a
course of treatment with
the Emulsion for a couple
of months in the fall will
put them through the
winter in first-class con
dition. Ask your doctor
about this.
tie lure you get SCOTT'S Enmlilon. St (hit tht
nun ind fUh art on the wrippu.
AH dnifgUti ; yx
ad i.m.
suit until you have seen
our d have priced
them. Our stock of
is complete. Every suit
is guaranteed and the
money will be refunded
if the goods do not prove
We are the
! Hats, Shoes
Gent'sF vnishings,
Successors to C. Wiknkk.
Red Cloud's Reliable Clothing House.
Tho brick layitiR on Minor Brothers
store addition is goine; on rapidly.
Mrs. Jas. McNeny returned from a
trip to Donver on Thursday morning.
Rev. I. W. Edson tho now pastor of
the Baptist church has arrivod in the
city. His wife will arrivo later.
It. L. Alyca received tho sad intolll
rodco on Tuesday of tho death of J. W.
Moon of Michigan owner of tho Moon
block in this city and left on tho noon
train to attend tho funeral. Tlio death
of Mr. Moon was quite sudden.
ToThkLaiiiks: I will bo in Red
Cloud on Tuesday, the lSih inst., when
I will be prepaicd to do dressmaking
in all tlio latest styles, having all the
newest ideas and the latest patterns.
Terms aro reasonable. Havo had ten
vears experience in the largo c'.tics.
Mus. Eatok, Dressmaker.
Tho opening of millinery of the
Miner Sistei s whicn was held on last
Friday was quite a nie affair. It was
known us a yellow opening, all of the
tasty fixings and decorations being in
yellow. A largo crowd was present
during tlio day and evening and the
ladies served ices to their guests.
Tho scats for John Dillon, who will
appear at tho opera houso tomorrow
evening in "Bartlott's Road to Seltzer
ville" wore placed on salo last Saturday
nbout 0:30 a. m. and in an hour abont
all that remained was a few around tho
out edges of the board. Who says
good shows aro not well patronizod
when they como to Red Cloud.
What might have resulted in a seri
ous lire was discovered at tho resldonco
of John Polnicsy last Monday ovoning.
In some nronnor the clothing on a bod
occupied by a small boy living with
Mr. and Mrs. Polnicky and attending
school hero caught llro and were burn
ing at a lively pace whon discovered.
The origin of the llro is supposed to bo
a spark from a parlor match which
was used to light a lamp.
"A word to tho (wise is sulllclont"
and a word from tho wise should bo
sufficient, but you ask, who aro tho
wiso? Those, who know. Tho oft re
peated oxporienco of trustworthy per
sons may bo taken for knowledge. Mr.
W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy gives bettor satisfaction than
niiy other in tlio market. Ho has been
in the drug business at Elktoti, Ken
tucky, for twelve years; has told hun
dreds of bottles of tliis remedy mid
nearly all other cough medicines man
ufactured, which shows conclusively
Chamberlain's is tho most satisfactory
to tho pooplo and is tho best. For sale
by H. 8. Urlce.
leaders in
A now program was placed upon tho
board this wt-ek.
Miss McClelland has ordered a lot of
Apgars for tho 11th grado.
Tho Gorman class will send early
next week for tho now books.
Tho school contribution to Cuban re
liofwasgonerous as wo knew it would
Tho Junior class completed higher
Algebra and Monday morning took up
Thero were some wry faces whon tho
Vergil class got their grades Wednes
day morning.
As homo one expressed it tlio teach keeping us "on tlio rack" by with
holding the report cards.
Several down stairs children havo
had seats of honor (V) In the professor's
oillce lately. Wonder why?
Tho Cear elas aro now studying
Cicero We don't think they ought to
study anything o sarcastic as at tunes
they are quite pnlieient along that lino
Some of the model Sophs were ac
tually seen whispering this wo k.
That is worse than some of the young
Junior ladies who recently made their
debut into a Gum Chewing Association.
Mr. Kelly gave tho pupils tho privi
lege of suggesting on a slip' of papor,.
a book they would considoragpod ad
dition to tho library . .
For Bale.
Ono hundred andsixty acres of unim
proved land four miles northwest of
Red Cloud, consisting of tho west half
of tho northeast quarter, and tho east
half of tho northwest quarter of section
fifteen in township two north, rango
cloven west. Tho laud Is leased at
present, but subject to salo. For
terms apply to
Mita. Jamks Kihkwood,
Fairfax, Mo.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A fort OrH Cmm ! Tartar towfcr.
I 1
I "$