I. LVs CA I : V ?Ni'- I V w 1 VOLUME XXVI. l"rom Oklahoma. Fountain, 0. T., March 27 KniTOit Cuth!' As our many fr ends wished to hear fioin us I illondennr to wiito a brief account or mil journey. On February 1 1th, with the help of some of our neighbors, we Iomlt.il up and ttarted for tlio strip. The liist night wo stnyed at Mr Mitchell's on the ranch. The next day wo went to Lebanon, tiro mud being so Ind we did not got there until dark. There we lost our little brown dog named Gyp. When wo got to Lebanon wo found that Mr. Fred Rico and wife wore go ing to start for 1) count; , Oklahoma Territory, so wc made a luisty visit to Hollairo to seo mother before going on our iournev, and thou stinted for tho trip. It was very cold and rouch and muddy for about three days. The first night wo stayod at Mid Brooks, the second night at Osborn City, tho third night at Luray. Hero tho bridge was out and wo had to ford tho river. Ono of Mr. Rico's horses got down In tiro rivor and wo had to take a team over and pull him out. It was very cold and snowing and not a very good timo to' take a bath. Tho next town was Bunker Hill. Hero wo seo a great whoat country. Miles and miles of nothing but wheat, all looking fine. Tho soil is oithor sandy or rod. Every where the peoplo woro very kind and hospitable. Nothing of importance happened on our journey only Mr. Guthrie went to shoot, some quails and pulled both triggers at once, but ho cot no quails. Tho farther south tho moro sand. Tho prico of corn and po tatocs raising, buttor and eggs aro cheaper. When wo got to Stafford Mr.Ricornadoup his mind to go with us to our claim. Tho next town was Medicino Lodgo. Hero wo made somo purchases of household goods and started for Waynoka. Whon wo got to tho claim that wo traded for wo found only a sand lull and a bad ono at that. No house, no well, no land broko, only a fow furrows, and never had been. About a mile from there it was lovol and sandy, but good water. Well, now I toll you wj were a forlorn looking family. Mr. Rico and Mr. Smith went with Milton to look over the claim and made up thoir minds that we could not make a living on it, so we pulled out for D county and here we are. We like the country very well. We find a great many Smith county people here. The first night we stayed at Bob Gra ham's and tho next day we had wild turkoy for dinner. The next day we went to Mr. Strickland's and stayed there a week while Mr. Guthrie went to Kingfisher to see about the land. Mr. Strickland's folks wero very kind to us. Wo rind all of tho people here very kind. Tboro aro many scattering claims but the best are going very fast. Wo are living in a log houso 10x12, on Mr. Keanon's Dlace. Are going build on our own placo next week. We are sixty miles from a railroad. I will close for this time but you will hear from us again soon. Yours respectfully, Mus. Kate and J. M. Guthrie. a MARRIED. At 8 o'clock, Wednesday evening, March 80, at tho residence of tho brldo's parents in Paneo township, Smith Co. Kan., Probate Judgo Owens officiating, Miss Lottlo N. Prico to Mr. Doll J. Brown. It was a very pretty and well conducted wedding. Fred Brown, tho elder brother of tho groom, and Frank Dolke acted as groomsmon, and Miss Byo Sperrlor and Miss Floreuco Law son, two of our popular schoolteachers sorved as bridesmaids. Tho ceromouy was short, simple and Impressive. Tho groom is tho third son of J. M. Brown well known throughout the county, and tho brido is tho daughter of W. II. Prico, one of our emlnontly respected oltizous. They have known each other from childhood, having lived in the ' samo neighborhood and attended the samo school arid have a largo ciielo of frinmls. Thirty seven peoplo did am- plojiiBtlco to tho supper which followed tho ceremony, uul which could justly bo styled tho "Marriatfo fenst." The evening was ploasantly spent. Some very gootr iiiiimu wnaeiijujcu iw unii Maud Ingram at the oigan und County Ck'tK Crabb leuiHi'!''!"" ine1l' Tin wedding presents were many and use ful At a Into hour tli guests depaited to iciivsemhlo tho net day, at the iei dunce of .J. M IStowu, whine an iufaii dinner was seived by Mr. and Mi. Brown to about seventy of their rela tives and friends. Eulogies aie uniiee essar y as anyone who lias ever I eee'v d the hopitality of Mr. Urown and wifo (who upon this occasion outdid them selves) will reali.o what it was to have been there. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will lio at homo to their friends after Apr 11 4. Wo join with their host ot friends in wishing them a happy and prosper ous voyage o'er life's matrimonial sea. Mus. F. L. Smith. STATE LINE. J. 11. Arrants is building a darn this week. Every ono was glad to seo tho rain Sunday. Miss Dora Burgess is working for Mr. Drvis'. A, A. Davis now rides around in a new top buggy. Miss llattic Cline has been working for Ed. Henry. MissAlico Fishburn is clerking for J. W. Beomarr of North Branch. Mrs. Will Osborne is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Luke Dillon. John Fagan has been hauling lum bor to build a houso on his farm north east of North Branch. Miss Sadlo Arrants commenced her school Monday morning in the Bailey district east of Guido Rock. Miss Emma Toland who has bcon very sick is rapidly recovering under tho care of Dr. C. F. Moranvilie. Miss Lucy Toland is now at homo, having finished a term of sevon months school in tho Excelsior district, twelve miles southeast of North Branch. G. W. Turner has returned from Missouri and taken possession of his farm. The girls no longer wonder who will bo tho lucky ono for Mr. Turner has brought with him a wifo. The en tile neighborhood wish the new mar ried couplo prolonged success and happiness. LESTER. E. A. Torrill was here Saturday from Cowles. G.W. Baker was in Guido Rock Monday. Charlie Frisbie is numbered on the sick list. Miss. Emma Berchfield is again in our midst. We are pleased to mention the fine rain we had Sunday. Miss Josie Gilham was visiting Miss MayTrunkey lost week. Mr. Claud Barber of Kanona, Kansas will bo section foreman at this placo. Mr.Chas Cockroll is somo hotter hav ing beon confinod to his room for three weeks. Mr. Wm. McKimraoy and family left Friday for bis new homo in Norton, Kansas. Mrs. Teachworth who was visiting her daughter Mrs. C. H. Frisbie, re turned to her homo in Guide Rock Sat urday. Dled--Mar eh 27,1808, Francis Zalrnan infant child of Mr. and Mrs. C. Zalrnan. Funeral was held atjtho homo Tuesday morning at 0 o'clock and tho remains wero taken near Blue Hill for burial. Tho ladles society and several iuti- mate friends of Mrs. D. F. Trunkoy gavo herquitoa pleasant surpriso party It beiug her fiftieth birthday on last Wednesday. Tho neighbors began coming in with their baskets filled which was enjoyed by all. After din ner several select songs wero sung by Rov. Darby, S. Miller, T. C. Hacker, Mr. H. Gilham, Jim Gilham, O. C. Cox H. Sholdon, C. Rassor and D. F. Trun- key. Dr. Fonnor'a Dyapopsia Curo As tho niuno implies, is simply for dyspepsia or indigestion. This prepa ration is tho prescription of ono of America's inot eminent physicians, whoso wiitingi on medical questions aio aounptoii as authority. If not sat ihfaetoiy after using ono bottle jour nitiMiv will he nifiiinled ly C L Tot-ting. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. APRIL 8, 181)8. COWLES .1 I! st h id lniiiue-". .it Illue Hill on Wed in vl i. ! Om elevnliii men -ire still kenl bn-V receiving eor.i, wheil mil hoi;-'. Quite a t luitli'T of in i'tyeiis 1 tvo bi'eir on i ii -ii I; iNl with "grippe " Dr. Truw'iriilgii, our new physician, seems to 'je gii ig gmiei.rl .itifiiction. Our fai mei s generally seem to an ticipate a very busy time of it this year. C. E. Putnam and Rev. Dcakin weio in Red Cloud lastTucsday on business. Somu of the pupils aro leaving our school for the spring work on the fatin. Lottlo Deakin boarded tho cars for Franklin on Tuesday to attend the Academy. Wo am all rejoicing over the lino rain of lust Sunday. It came just at tho right timo to help the eiops. The new stono foundation has added much to thu appearance as well as tho solidity of the Congregational church building. If somo of our citi.ons were not so very busy all tho time thu Spaniards would certainly havo to quit Cuba in a hurry, tho patriotic feeling seems so high tlrcse days. OurCowles list for the Cuban relief fund amounted in all to $51. A carload of provisions could easily havo been collected if tho necessary car could havo bcon obtained. The following is a list of those who contributed to the fund: Fullnr & Good 15 00 Rev. Samuel Deaklu i 00 Itov. J. (J. Buy 1 00 John (irccubalKtu 2 00 Thomiu J. Paul - S 00 O. A. HarrlH 1 00 U. Guild A Co 1 60 J. t. Storey- 1 00 Dr. I). L. Trowbrldgo 1 00 J. B. Harris . .... . 1 00 Gcort;o Cra (Tort! - 1 00 D. M. Hunter I 00 C. K. Putnam . t 00 G. A. l.atta 1 00 II. O. Krrelt 1 00 Robert AdaruBon 1 00 C. M. Brown 1 00 Mrs. C. 11. Brown .. I 00 Mln Flora Brown 1 00 A. J. Kelgwln 1 00 L. C. Wilton I 00 Dalil Foul . . 1 00 T. A. Pratber 1 00 T.T. Lacy. ..... . I 00 H. D. Pott 1 90 W. II. Steam l 00 Captain Jobn Blaine ....... ... l 00 Iiaac Bailey . ..... 1 00 Frank Bailey.- 00 Henry Keeney. ....... ........ 1 00 A. Wblt l 00 W. 8cott 1 00 Mra. K. Carrier ........ - .. ...... 1 so Mra. C. K. Teny- 1 00 John C. Waller. l 00 w. II. Tbompiou.... ......... 1 00 A. I. Gilbert I OO A. T. Vance..-. .. 1 00 Mark B. Rcevea . i 00 1. II. Kaley 00 O. G. Hoyt. i 00 K. H. Eeeney - . i oo G. W. Francis - l oo Charles Benncrr. . 85 Jcbbo Francis - 95 W. E. Dcakin 86 Annie Deakltt .... as WILLOW CREEK. Charles Jackson has planted an acre of onions. D Another cold wavo struck us Satur day morning. Jim Feon has bcon working for Goo. Baker for some tirrro. Hormau Birchfield has lost several hogs with cholera lately. Farmer, aro busy getting tho ground ready for corn planting. A great many farmers export to plant potatoes today, Good Friday. Bums and tramps of overy descrip tion on their annual pilgrimage can bo seen along our public highways overy day. A couple of tramps selling spectacles needles, etc., stayed Friday night and a good part of Saturday at the school houso. A week ago last Thursday about twenty-live tons of hay nnd straw woro destroyed by a prairie (ire. Fred Birchfield was binning 01T somo stub ble and the'liiii buea tinmniiiipeitblo and jumped the plowing and was soon boyoiid all eoiUrol despite tho efl'orls of 11 goodly number of men who were so hi 11 1 lid. OiiH 011' - 11 1 oiit')f s-evemi eight was viveil. The losers iiieWn (i'Hjri i, Milt's l)ni 'iihI Siiiii ni'ih'i mi. Si.i.K.n Jam:. SOUTH VV12UT WKUSTEK FrnnU .Sim n Is p 'tiring potatoes for Ml Yntiiipne. Mr tied McA 1-visiting at Will William-.' the past week. Mr.Zion was siett sleigh tilling hi tho mud Monday tuoiuing. The Woirrer Sunday School will or ganize next Sunday at o'elock. Mr Elmer Robinson sowed 0110 hun dred and for ty bushel of o.its last week. A nice lain last Sunday and lots of sour looking faces because it rained all day and they could not go to church. Preaching at Womer last Monday night was well attended, Rev. Mr. Caso an Advent ft out the south p.ut of Smith Co. pieaehed. . Wo understand tho meeting on Wal nut Creek which has been in progress for about six weeks Iras closed witlr only three conversions. Tom Hairier has a now windmill up and will scon havo his now houso com pleted. Look out girls! Such an en terprising young man can not bo pick ed up every day. Mr. Alva Collins of Walnut Creek was married tho twenty-ninth to Miss Pheobc Fifer of Cora, Kan; also Mr. Dell Blown and Miss Lottie Prico wero married on the 8O1I1. and Mr. William Oleson nnd Myrtle Payne on tho samo date, all of Smith Co. Alaska. Livor Complaints and NorvoubnoBB Curod. A torp'd liver always prodttcos dull ness, irritability, etc. You aro all clogged up and feel despondent. Per haps you havo treated with physicians or tried somo otherrccommeuded med icino without benefit. All that is no argument against "Dr. Fenner'B Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic," which wo insist will cure nervousness and livor complaints. If not satisfied after using ono bottlo your money will be refunded by C. L. Cotting. INAVALE. Fine rain Sunday. Alva Garner was visiting at Ed. Wal ters Sunday. L. O. Olmstcad was in Mlndon, Neb., a few days this week. Prof. McCrary was shaking hands with old friends here last week. Rob'tKenyon has sold bis stock of groceries to his brother Lou Kenyon. Mr. Chas. Walter of Denver, Colo, visited his brother Ed the foro part of the week. O. C. Gooding and wifo of Canon City, Colo., visited at L. O. Olmsteads last week. The Klondyke Social given by tho Y. P. S. C. E. at tho residence of Mr. Irons was a very pleasant affair. Mrs. E. A. Vandyke of Franklin, Nobr., after sponding a few days with friends and relatives departed for homo Tuesday. Will Ironsand James Lastly, accom panied by thoir best girls, attended re vival meeting couth of the river Satur day ovoning. Mr. McCroy came in from Superior, Nobr., Tuesday afternoon. Tho livery man who brought him out, had tlio mis fortuno to lose ono of bis horses, which died a littlo whilo after they arrived. April Wisdom. Bo suro that your blood is pure, your appetite good, your digestion perfect. To purify your blood and build up your health tako Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medioino has accomplished re markable cures of all blood diseases, It is the Ono True Blood Purifier. Hood's Sarsaparilla has power to makoyouwoll by purifying and en riching your blood, giving you an ap petite, and nervo, anil montal and di gestive strength, Sweet Potatoes for Sale. At my farm 3 miles south of Red Cloud somo choice seed potntoos for sale. Thirty-livo cents per bushel. Geo. W. Hummel. Dr. Prlcc'ft Cream Baking Powder A Pureflrooc Cream 'it liirtM J'nwJ I LINE. A good lain Siindaj . Sowing nuts is he older of the titty. J llostiliticx have eomnieiieed again at l'liMs'int Dale. , Mr. John .l.tvis was the guest of E. j W. Ainleison one da last week. ! i E.-W. Anderson mid wife weio tho guests of llatxey Men ill last week Will Aubushon was in Iunvale last week looking after a creamery routo. W. J. Haskins Is tlio owner of a tid ing lister mid steeling plow combined. Constable Mel Sherman w in Lino ono day last week 011 olllcial business. Tho proprietor of the Red Cloud creamery was in Line ono day last week. Some of our farmers nro making preparations to plant potatoes 011 Good Friday. Tho'peoplo of Liuu aro well pleased with thu new postmaster arid Iris depu ty, Miss McMillan. Miss Bessie Carpenter and brother Roy, of Rivet ton, voro the guests of George Heatou ono day last week. Mr. Guthrie did not find things as represented at his new homo in Okla homa. Ho will bo back to Nebraska again soon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanDyko attend ed tho revival meetings on Walnut creek ono day last week and report good muotings. Rev. Con Hewitt of tho U. B. church has organized a class of about twenty members on Walnut crock, Dist. No. 0, with Malon Points as loader. Mr. Milliard, a brotiior of Mrs. L. A. Haskins and Mrs. Daniol Norris, aftor an extended visit hue, returned to his homo in Oklahoma last week. Mr. Shannon closed a very successful term of school in tho Boardsley dis trict, in Smith county, Kansas, it being his ninth term of school in that place. Miss Melvina VanDyko will finish her business course of studies at tho collego nt San Francisco, California, tho term ending tho 10th of May next. Rot. Con Hewitt closed tho revival meetings that have been hanging on for some timo. Will commence a series of moetings on Penny creek in distrrct No. 8, next Sunday. Wo will pay a salary of 110.00 per week and expenses for man with rig to introduce our Poultry Mixture nnd Insect Destroyer in the countrj . Ad dress with stamp Pkrfxotion Mra. Co., Parsons, Kansas. MANY THINK! when the Creator said to woman, "In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children," that a curse was pro nounced against the human race, but the joy felt by every Mother when she first presses to her heart her babe, proves the contrary. Danger and (suffering lurk in the pathway of the Expectant Mother, and should be avoided, that she may reach the hour when the hope of her heart is to be real ized, in full vigor and strength. MOTHER'S FRIEND so relaxes the system and as sists Nature, that the nec essary change takes place without Nau sea, Headache, Nervous or Gloomy Forc bodingof dan per, and the trying hour is robbed of its pain and suffering, as so many happy mothers have experienced. Nothing but Moifcer's Frlead" does this. Don't be deceived or persuaded to use anything else. "Mother's Friend" It tho j;rotestremei!ypver Eutonthe market, nnd nil niircwitomcrairaloit Ighly'-W. II. Kwo Co., WhlU)wrlgtit,Tux. Of UruKrfUtH nt II 00, or sent by express on ro- celpt of prico. Wrltofor itookiotitulnliiiMiiliuv bio Infurtnntlon for nil Mnlliora, mailed ino. 'Hie llrndlldil ItCh'uUtor Co., Atlsnta, (In. MMf tmJm9 v f f nfr" NUMBER 14 Books and Knives Given Away FREE To Our Subscrib ers. Read the special offer at the bottom of this advertise ment. Wo are going to glvo away books to our subscribers, both old andtnew. The books aro at tractively bound in binder's best silk finished oloth, stamped from new and original designs in ink and genuine gold, and are stand ard and popular books by the world's best author's. In mater ial nod quality, as well as in se lection bf titles, these books aro superior to any other cloth edi tion ever issued. Printed in large clear type and on good Eaper. These books are written y such authors as Bertha M. Clay, Mrs. Alexander, The Duchess, Wilkie Collins. Charles Dickens, H. Rider Haggard, Alex. Dumas, Hugh Conway, A. Conan Doyle, Jiulwcr Lytton, George Eliot, and numerous others famous au thors of repute. Une of theso elegant books will be given with every year of back subscription you pay. If you pay ono year back subscrip tion (11.00) you get one book; if two years (82.00) you got two books; if three years (13.00) you got three books, etc. SPECIAL OFFER. In addition to tho above we will make an extra offer for sub scribers who pay ONE FULL YEAR IN ADVANCE by grving them TWO HOOKS or ONE HOOK AND ONE SET OF CHRISTY PATTERN KNIVES, consisting of One Hrcad Knifo, corrugated, 10-inch blade; One Cako Knifo, corrugated, 8-inch blade; Ono Pastry Knife, 3 inch blado. Ulades rrratle of tho best razor steel, highly polished and nicKel plated; will cut hot bread or cake without cruarbing, and is fnr superior to thu ordinary knifo for cutting pastry goods of my kind. S J M ( i 11 4kS '! Ui m , ii . . ' -c w r m 1 ' ', t i ' -S Vi va rt-J 'J . N i-A lMb.C tW 1 .. ,l ,i-7 -vtmK- j!VM$l" -"jwgBSJWww-T ? - rjGmuft" .1 PWIf J nmw.iiL.HMW mm i i;wwnrr.WT-rr"re'.JgW- t. -' i.BW I Stf R. 'wrj wrk