The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 01, 1898, Image 5

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    THE KH1J (JJLUUJD fJidLXJUlj, jlhiljlax, ahuju xoo.
- .s
Cover it with a stylish hat at a price
50 cents less tean you ever did.
We have more Hats than the bal
ance of the towe.
Sell more than all
Sell them at less
Give you correct
Bought this spring in case lots at
$6 per dozen less than the other fellows.
That means 50
"One Price and No
Royal siakta tk food pure,
whsltson and dtllcloa.
Absolutely Pure
See our book offer.
F. P. Hadloy carriage painter.
Go to Butler for tho Lost iu saddlory
and harness.
Samuel Spry arrived homo Thursday
morning from a trip to Lincoln.
Millinkbt Opening, Saturday April
and, Mrs. J. C. Myers, Moon Block.
D Tho W. 0. T. U. will meet with Mrs.
Remsberg during tho month of April.
A largo shipment of milk cans ar
1 ived on Wednesday for the Red Cloud
Mrs. Rowo of Laramie, Wyoming, is
here visiting with her daughter Mrs. S.
F. SpokosfioUl.
Geo. I. Kolloy, Goo. Overing, Ed
ward Cooknni Norman Morrison woro
iuSupeiior Thursday.
Ed. Foam's delivery horso got f light
ened and ran away on Wednesday de
molishing tho wagon.
ComtRopoitor John Logan was in
tho oily thii week taking down ovl
donee in tho relToroo oasu of Fanners
and Mfi chants bank vs. V. S. Gaibor.
A now subscriber, or an old aubscrib
or, who pays a join In ailvanco of Fob
ruary 14'h, 181)8, will leeoivo two good
books. Head atlvoitlt.on.unt on anoth
er page.
Skkd Potatoes. Chicago Market
and Kills Unlit need put'itnes. tor sale.
For partiuulais u.tll at my farm live
miles west and 0110 mile south of Red
Cloud. Daniel G. Norms.
Head !
others combined.
cents per hat to you.
Monkey Business."
Read our free book offer.
See Hadloy for paper hanging.
Thomas Auld in ado a trip to Iowa
this week.
Ed. Overing catno homo from Omaha
Monday night.
C. R. Rosso left Wednesday on a bus
iness trip to Iowa.
Andiow Berg and wifo of Hastings
are visiting in tho city,
Grand millinery opening April 2d at
Mrs. J. C. Myers', Moon block.
J. R. Vanllorn returned Tuesday
evening from tx trip to Kansas City.
Mrs L. II. Fort left Monday morn
ing for a visit with fi lends iu Lincoln.
LI1. Colvin of Guldu Rock was look
ing after business matters here Mon
day. Waltor Chinnock and wifo of DoWitt
aro hoio and will again mako this city
their homo.
For a first class shavo or hair cut
call on G. V. Fentress ono door south
of Calmcs' bakery.
Wm. Clommon8, of the B. & M. eat
ing houso, accompanied by bis wifo,
were in Lincoln this week.
John Gross, a form or citizen of this
piaco passed through on 16 on his way
to Suporior on Wednesday morning.
VV. W. Wright has had tho interior
of bis store room painted and other
wise repaired, which adds greatly to
its appearance
V. H. Scrivnor, real estate man,
will sell your farm for you for a rea
sonable por cent, or will trade your
farms for Missouri lands. Address, V.
H. Scrivnor, Rod Cloud, Nebr.
J. H. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a term of fivo years at 8 per
cent. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on tho installment plan,
1, 1 ... Itt,. ..'ll .it llnil fllmifl Inlt
viw7 mill 1. vi.. ..v .w. w.uuv., i.UMl
Notick Owing to the amount of oil
I lost when my team run away witli
tho oil wagon, I will be nnablo to mako
my usual trip on Friday but will bo out
again on Satin day about noon. Wm
Tho team attached to tho oil wairon
of W. W. Tulloys ran away on Tuosday
mid badly wrecked too wagon besides
emptying out a quantity of oil. His
llttlo brother Alton was on the wagon
and was thrown off but escaped injury.
Hadloy paints buggies.
J. O. Butlor's goods aro up-to-date
Elinor Ctouo is working for J. A.
Miss Mabel Nyo Is visiting in Has
tings, this week.
John Dillon at tho opera houso Sat
urday, Apt II Oth.
"Dreams of Fairyland" at tho opora
houso this evening.
Next Friday, April 8th, is "Good
Friday;" potato plautlng day.
Ladies if you want some nice Hybrid
perpetual roses call on L. H. Rust.
"Uartlott's Road to Soltzervillo" at
tho opera house, Satutday, Apiil Oth.
Mrs Hill of Lebanon, Kansas, Is here
visiting witli Mis, Sadio dimming and
other (1 lends.
IhoH :M.hnve placed linger en
gines 011 trains 15 and 1(5. Another
sign of pmsperity
Rev. Hikssong and wifo ai rived homo
Saturday morning after a visit with
friends iu Franklin.
Foil Rr.NT L. Haum lias a houso of
18 rooms for rent. For particulars
call on Jos. Hrrburgcr.
Rov. Edson of Fredericksburg, Iowa,
has accepted tho pastorate of tho Bap
tist church for ono year.
Aaron Conovcr and wifo woro in
Kearney this week attending tho f unor
al of a brother of tho latter.
John Cumming8 is having nicoly
painted the residence on Cedar streot
which ho recently purchased.
Don't fail to attend tho grand open
ing of now spring millinery on April 1,
at Mrs. J. C. Myers' Moon Block store.
J. A. Baum is behind the prescrip
tion case in Cottiug's drug storo during
tho absenco of that gentleman in Chi
Charles A. Campbell of this county
and Miss Ida May Leeds of Jewell
county, Kansas, were licensed to wed
on tho 25th.
C. L. Cotting loft Tuosday morning
for Chicago where he will attend a
mooting of tho Merchants and Travel
ers Association.
Mrs. Hadloy, mother of Frank Had
loy was thrown from a buggy yester
day. Dr. Bock reports a partial dislo
cation of tho kneo.
An elevator has been placed in tho
rear end of Grico's drug storo so that
heavy goods may bo lowered to and
brought from tho collar.
Mrs. John Crans left Saturday for
Kansas City accompanied by her father
Alfred Swain who has been visiting
with her hero for somo time past.
Tho beautiful spring weather was
nipped in the bud last Sunday morn
ing by a nor'wester, and for a while it
looked as though our annual March
blizzard was upon us.
W. C. English representing A. Hospe
of Omaha, whilo displaying his pianos
nt U. E. Grico's sold Daniel Norrls a
Kimball piano, Carl Jenkins a Schiller
and W. Scott of Cowlcs a Columbia.
Tho donations for tho Cuban roliof
fund in this city and vicinity amounted
to $175.82 and school district No 38,
through E. M. F. Grubb amounted to
810. Tho donation of provisions was
also liberal.
A. O. U. W. members will tako no
tice that Rov. Darby will lecturo in our
hall Tuesday ovoning. Open mooting
at nino o'clock. Bring your friends
and family. A. Gamjsha and J. 'W.
Kinsuli., Committee.
D. F. Tonnant mot with a bad mis
fortune yesterday by having his rcsi
dencn situated on his farm live miles
north and ono milo west of tliis city
entirely consumed by tire. Wo under
stand it was insured for 1800 and 1200
on household goods.
A dispatch was received on Wednes
day by Mr. T. O. Haoker, the newly ap
pointed postmaster, announcing that
his commission had boon forwarded
and in accordauco With instructions
the change of postmasters took placo
today. The public will find in Mr.
Hacker a vory obliging public servant
as likewise has boon tho retiring post
master. Miss Clara McMillan will bo
A marriage ceremony in which Mr.
Adam Morhart and Miss Lottio M.
Roiglo woro tho principals was solemn
ized at tho homo of Rov. Hussong on
tho ovoning of March 29, thar. gontlo
man porforming the ceremony. Tho
marriage was a qulot ovent but fow bo
ing present and tho happy couplo left
on tho ovoning train for a short bridal
trip. Tho Chief with thoir many
friends extend best wishes.
I was reading an advertisement of
Chambei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
, rhoiia Remedy in tho Worcnstnr- Rmnr.
j prl.o recently, which loads wo to wrlto
this. I can truthfully say I novor used
anyiemedy equal to it for colic and
diarihnea. I havo never had to uso
more than ono or two dosos to euro tho
worst easo with myself or children.-
W. A. bruoDD, Popomoke City, Md.
For sale by H. E. Grice.
School Entertainment.
Tho school entertainment at tho
opci a houso last Friday ovoning was
one of tho most successful ontoi tain
monts of that character ovor hold in
this city. Tho opora house was "too
full for comfort" mid many were forced
to stand up in tho tear end of tho
room. The piogram was an excellent
one, composed of songs, solos, rocita
tlons, dialogues, drills, otc, calculated
especially to please and interest, and
many of them wot thy of especial no
tice and wcro tendered iu n manner
thnt drew many rounds of npplatiso
from the largo audience. Each room,
from tho "llttlo tots" of the klndorgar
ton to tho graduating clnss of the high
school, t had their places on) tho pro
gramme, and each rendered their patt
in a manner that showed eaieful train
ing on the patt of tho teacher in charge
and excellent taste 011 tho patt of tho
supeiltitendeiit iu tho arrangement of
tho program The supetlntendent and
teachers of tho schools ato highly
pleased over the gimid success made
of this, tin 11 Hist undeitaklng, and
also at the disposition of tho citi.ens
of Red Cloud in their deslro to help
mako 11 success of anything that goes
to aid the good work of education.
Tho money uiiscd from tho ontoilaln
mont, about $18, will bo used for tho
purchase of now books for tho school
library. At somo timo in tho future
our cltizeus may bo enabled to witness
another of theso excellent entertain
ments for tho boncflt of our school fa
cilities, and it is to bo hoped they will
respond as freely and oven more liber
ally than on last Friday evening. Tho
following is u report of tho receipts
From Miter & McArthur.........
From Mr. Morrtion ..... ......
From Mlu McClelland .. ......
From Goo. I. Kclley.........
Total Itecelpti
Printing bills and tickets
.169 90
.. 25
- 60
..2 26
..MS 90
14 80
..02 80
. W3M
Amt to opera honso managers-....
Rent 1. 0. 0. F. hall for PracUco..
AmosMlktch dlstrlbuUng bills..
Herbert I'lumb, messenger..........
Total disbursements
Total receipts
Total disbursements
Ualatico on hand....
There aro a fow littlo items of ox
ponso not yet paid which will amount
to about ono dollar.
Cuban Relief in the Schools.
Tho Cuban relief feeling has run
high in tliis city during tho last ten
days and by no moans has it bcon con
lined to tho business men and citizons
of our community. The public schools
took it upon themselves to nid Cuba
and nobly was tho work dono. A col
lection of 140.21 was taken up and
given to the proper authorities for
tho benefit of starving Cubans. Tho
following is a report of tbo donations
received from each room:
High School, Twelfth Orado S3 S3
Eleventh " 4 05
Tenth " 5 00
Ninth " 4 15-117 33
Mrs Baum's Room
Mr. Orerlng's Room
Mr. Morrison's Room........
Miss Marker's Room
Miss Llndiey'H Room
Miss Weldcman's Room...
Miss Rcmsbcrg's Room
Miss (larber's Hoora.......
Miss Kenady's Room ....
Total contributed ...
1 43
3 75
1 31
...I 18 31
There are just droves of follows In
Beatrice who aro ready to go forth to
die for thoir country. It is painful at
times to see thorn panting for hostili
ties. It is pretty snfo to say that if
war comes, thoso samo patriots will
havo somo vory important engage
ments at homo. They will havo wid
owed grandfathers to support, or piles
of wood to saw, or something to do
that can't bo put aside, and it will
grievo thoni sorely that thoy cant go
tothofiont. Ono of tho noisiest pat
riots of thorn all is a man who is afraid
of a setting lion. Ueatrico Expross.
What is
It is a strengthening food and
tonic, remarkable in its flesh-forming
properties. It contains God
Liver Oil emulsified or partially
digested, combined with the well
known and highly prized Hypo
phosphites of Lime and Soda, so
that their potency is materially
It will arrest loss of flesh and
restore to a normal condition the
infant, the child and the adult. It
will enrich the blocd of the anemic;
will stop the cough, heal the irrita
tion of the throat and lungs, and
cure incipient consumption. Wc
make this statement because the
experience of twenty-five years has
proven it in tens of thousands of
Cases. Bt lurtjou ft SCOTT'S LmuliitH,
50c and $1.00, all dmajUu.
COTT BOWMI, ClliM, Msw Ytb
,i -i'li.'. :iSi. "...; .,... I ..... i .,' .
Resolve to save
vb vb
On your new suit this spring. If you take a look
at our clothing you will be easily convinced.
We arc offering the following
25 dozen Jumpers at
20 "
40 "
25 "
" Boy's Overalls
" Men's Working Shirts
" Men's White Unlaundried,
enforced Shirts, - - - -
v Clothing and
Is complete and the prices will suit you.
Successors to C. Wik.nkh.
Red Cloud's Reliable Clothing House.
Tuosday, April Gth, is election day.
Delia Schaff nit is hero from Hastings.
Mrs. C. F. Gather is visiting in Lin
coln. C. E. Prentiss of Inavalo was here
Attorney Ilartigan of Hastings was
hero Wednesday.
C. F. Kolloy and wifo of Itlverton
was hero Tuesday.
Amos Cowdon is horo from Suporior
and is on tho tick list.
Will Jackson loft Monday morning
for his homo at Fort Worth, Texas.
A now coirugatcd iron roof 1ms boon
placed on tho llqrburgor restaurant.
Harness Mmi will wear, koop its
shape and look neat is tho kind made
by J.O. Uutlor.
John Dillon, in "Uartlott's Road to
SolUorvillo," at the opora house, Sat
urday, April 9th.
Philo Eddy of Inavalo and Sarah C.
Eagan of this city woro married by
Judge Duffy on March 24.
The beautiful cantata "Dreams of
Fairyland" will bo repeated at tbo
opera houso this evening.
Ed. Cox and wife of McCook after a
visit with friends here loft Thursday
evening for thoir home at McCook.
Mrs. J. C. Myers new spring milli
nery oponing Saturday, April 2d. Call
and examine goods. Moon blook.
Mr . Frank McGrow of Shickloy,
this stale, is hero visiting with her sis
tors Miss Tilla ard Grace McClelland.
Good workmanship and matorial
in harness is tho samo as in other
goodB. J. O. Butlor's goods havo both.
The Cihkk, a sot of Christy pattern
knives, and a bound book, all for ono
subscription paid in advance Sub
scribe now.
Wauled. At onco. A fow good
farm loans to run five years, 8 por
cent interest, optional payments. D.
Tho Union Firolnsuranco Company
is tho best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments 3 per cent. J. H. Smith,
Special Agont.
Wo will pay a salary of 810 00 por
weok and expenses for man with rig
to introduce our Poultry Mlxturo and
Insect Destroyer in tho countrj. Ad
dress with stamp PJtiiFKcriON Mro.
Co., PartAM, Kaasat.
.,.',.. (Vis '.:'! .Vi V.i V;"Oii
three or four
27c each.
19c "
19c "
Pro aching Sunday morning at 10.80.
Sunday Sohool at 11:80 a.m.
Junior Loaguo at 4 p.m.
Senior Loaguo at 7 p.m.
Evening sorvico at 8 p. m.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday ovon
ing at 7:80.
Ladies Aid Socioty Friday afternoon.
All aro most cordially invitod to at
tod tho services both Sunday morn
ing and evening. Tiioy will bo of a re
vival nature.
Lot tho public note tho change in the
timo of tho Sunday ovoning sorvico.
Tho.subject of tho pastor on Sunday
ovoning will bo "Somo of Hod Cloud's
James Makic Dahuv, Pastor.
OIIUISTI an ciiuhch.
Services each Lord 'it Day as follows:
Sermon and Communion 10:110 a.m.
Subject, "PosscssiiigPromiscd Itealms."
Hiblo school, 12 in.
Junior Chiistian Endeavor ft p.m.
Set lor Chiistian Endeavor 0.30 p.m.
Evening sermon 7:30 p. m. Subjoct,
"Tho Genius of tho Christian System."
Prayer mooting and biblo study on
Wednesday evenings.
Ladies' Aid Society Friday after
noons. The District Convention of the
Churches of Christ, DIat. No. 7, is to
convene at Bluo Hill, April 20 to 28.
Our pleasant church home and all
services are ever opon to tho public.
li. A. hussonq, i-asior.
Sunday School at 11:45.
Y. P. S. C.E.atO:30p. m.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A fart Orapa Crsaa 4 Tartar Pawtw.
iim. i
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