i THE RKD CLOUD CHIEF. FRIDAY. APRIL .1 lSi)8. ,V i i Mo Ita atl cri 80 110 Pf To J' 1 M I fu "J f I re 01 J a in w It F tl Id q1 1 tl k d n h t t t v R J r t ! 1 i 1 1 1 1 t w if . Wtf . t ;tPoor ciiui Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Troubles atl no Appotlto -Now Bottor In Every Way -A Dollcato Child. Homo time hIuco 1 took n midden cold Slid could not get rid of It. Heltig subject tocntnrrhnnd bronchial trouble I coughed terribly. 1 lout iny appetite nnd grew poor nnd weak nnd I did not feci like work. I began taking flood's Barmipn rllla. In a Hhort time thu cough disap peared, I tilept well, had n good nppctlto and I was better In every wny. Last spring I wan not feeling well, I lind no ap petite nnd no strength. I resorted to Hood's BarBapnrllln nnd noon felt more like work. My llttlo nephew was n deli cate child and lind a humor which trou bled him bo hu could not rett nt night. Ho has taken a fuw bottles of Hood's Snr Bapartlla nnd now bo Imhii good nppctito and Ih nblo to tdtvp." Mihh Annus J. FnKKMAN, Hotith DujJiiiry, M.m. HOOCPS partita t It the ( It tlioOnoTr.ic- lUuoil I'linr.' r. AllilnuK Ms. SI. u 11:11. nriMlionrst wh'Miiiiiht liUUU 2) I 1113 ii, nlil (liceitiuil. ic. THE CHIEF ruiiLiKiir.i nt W. j. McMILLAN. One ycr.. Six month! 1100 50 PUBLISHED BVKKY PKIDAY Entered at the post office at Ked Cloud, Meb.a lecoud clam rall matter. The lied Cloud, Neb,, CHIEF, weekly, is credited with the largest circulation accorded to any paper in lied Cloud or in Webster county or in the Fifth Congressional District. Printer's Ink, July 28, 1897. r Men mad Nmtlons. BY "NEMO." (Copyrighted bj Oawe & Tabor.) How thrilling it is to gazo on the face of a man who is aroused cither by denunciation of evil or dofonso of that which is right. His very face will ap pear transformed; out of it will have disappeared all traces of pettiness, nnd as his head is thrown back nnd his eyes flash, tho best that is in him will shine forth. Thcso supremo mo ments thould bo cherished. They throw things into their right propor tions; when it seems to tho aroused one that even life itself is a small matter in comparison with tho truth that must be spoken. Personal ease and comfort aro despised until tho tonguo has ut tered tho words that aro iuspircd by a released nature Tho important things at such moments is scon to bo, that tho thing to bo dono, must bo dona; no matter who the individual mav bo who doos it; but that tho one who is aroused to do, must do or bo false to tho great est that is in him. And to that aroused life tho truth comes homo that failure to do and to dare, may mean that tho daring will novor bo dono; for no two human beings follow exactly tho samo lines of life to meet tho same oppor tunities. A call to a task is therefore found to po n solemn thing that tests and sifts down to .small limits thoso whose tasks aro done 111 thu dread fear of their never returning if left undone. Thrilling is it to hoc a nature on Hi e. The membors of tho body must sutler if needs be till thu work is finished. Tho feet must run and not bo weary, thu body labor mid not rebel, the brain act and not falter; yet neither feet, nor body nor brain have any interest in tl.o duty; they urn muruly servants who must MilTcr till all is done by thu Individual who situ in control of brain and all lessor oigaiis. Multiply all this many million times anil then yield yourself to the wonder that tills the soul when , whole nation thrills and rises in infinite majesty. Tho onward sweep of thu tempest, tho resistless power of the tido, the stu pendous motion of an earthquake, aro Utiles besido it; for this is a motion that is alive, that has brain, that has purpose. A wholo peoplo aroused to action is a spectacle of awo. When by a species of rovolatlon a million minds think alike, and movo forward to dischargo tho task that is beforo thorn, individually and collectively, the sublimity of tho sight transcends luliniloly tho sublimost that liunlmato nature over sot beforo human tyes. Whore thoro have boon trilling or oven important differences boforo, thoro will bo ono vast unity. In tho presence of the national duty, a leveling down of pettiness will be accompanied by n leveling up of purpose. Strangely like a man in this body of men and of mind. Deep in thojiimtlouul con Hcioivnoss is it understood that lovo of ease and the getting of gain in untram incled peace aro moro dust in the hal ation .vlien weighed against a national du y. Like the man, a nation awake is foi end onward by its Innor convic tion of what U right anil just; and tho consequences it must leave to the Ai biter of National fates, from whom coiiictlt national inspiration and from who-u heart of mercy comes Uiroot tho feeling of mercy and commiseration that possesses thu breasts of men, womou and children at till liouient of i.ntiiM it 1 n n-it g. And In 'Hit' th.iiK mil tin. 1 tin tli(itiaiitl hunts it. that "Onto to eu-ry time unit imilon comes the mo mentlu ilcildc, In llic Htlfo of Truth with Fnlcchood, for the pood orctll flile; StuncRrent mue. (IoiI'h new .McmIaJi, offering inch the bloom or blight, I'lirix llie Ruftta upon the left hand nnd the sheep upon the right. And the choice iiorr 11 r roiiEvm, twlxt that ilnrkncKX and that light." We know deep in our national heart, thill now Is the moment to alio v to the disintctestcil that justice is our meat and our drink and mercy to the weak our daily thank-offering to God, who bus btought us out of our own weak ness into strength. Wo know that op portunities and calls conn; to nations us they do to men, and that wise is the nation that knowoth the day of its vis itation. And much as innocent mem bers suffer when a man is aroused, wo know that many who now live must die for an Idea, mi inspiration, a nu ll oiial purpose, jet tho cost is cheap in cHP'tniiMjii with the deep national sliiinn- of te naming silent when utter ance would save, and indolent when action would bless. Tin: iiooiKs. ok sstauvki) iwcikicos ouv in liUNintr.ns or thousands fok KKTKIUUTIOK. Tub call is to you, Amkuica. To. whom ei.sk should they tuunv CUISIS. Ill dajs of Idle peRCO when time glides by At still an nwallowH wings In tunny sky, Then all men seem alike, and fool and wlo Unsifted pass beneath their bright dlcguUo. Uut when great deeds arc stirring such as claim Strong souls that gladly choose of death or fame ; And high endeavor, solf denial stem, Unflinching purpose, heart that hotly burn For truth and honor, counting not the cost, But counting life Itself thus spent well lost. Then the true man la clearly manifest And etll looks Its worst and good It best. And shams and poor pretence untimely die, Withered 'neath the rayi of pure reality; 80 will unftlt'rlng feet the hlghar climb, Knowing that crisis is God's testing time. Annual Convention of the National Plumber Association. At San Antonio, Texas, April 18lh to 15th, 1898. For tho abovo occasion tho Burling ton will soil tickets to San Antonio, Texas, and return at ono first class standard (not tompornrily reduced) rate for tho round trip. Tickets will bo sold April 0-10-11, with limit of continuous passage in each direction, linal limit fifteen days from dato of salo. An arrangement has been mado whereby a fifteen days extension to tho limit of tho ticket may ho secured by depositing tho return portion of sumo with joiut agent at San Antonio on or beforo April 22d. This arrangement for extension of limit is mado to enable passengers to make sido trip from San Antonio to Mexican points, which enn bo obtained nt tbo following special rates. To Monterey and return, I5.G0. To Mexico' City and return, going and re turning same route, $25. To Mexico City and return, going via Lorcdo, re turning via Eagle Pass, or vico vorsai 30.00. Tho S. A. & A. P. also advise that they will soil spcoial sido trip tickets from San Autonia to Corpus Chrisli, llockport and Arkansas Pass, at extro moly low rates for tho round trip. A. Comovku, Agent. 1 Dr. Fennor'a Dyapopsia Curo As the name implies, is simply for dyspepsia or indigestion. This prepa ration is the prcociiption of one of America's mint eminent plijsielans, whose writings? on medical questions aro accepted as authority 11 in t sat isfactory after using one but-lc youi mo cy will uo rciunucit t,y ot n MOTHER! There is no word so full of meaning and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " Mother "she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. .. - . so assists nature UnthOr O in the change tak mUlllCI U ing place that the Expectant Mother is ena bled to look for- Friend ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she expenenccs tnc vy m '-- Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than betore confinement in short, it ''makes Childbirth natural and easy, as so many have said. Don't be persuaded to use anything but MOTHERS FRIEND uu inifa oii(Tnnii mom In ten min- utos with either of her other two ohil dren than slio am niiogeuier whu hut last, having previously used four bot tles of 'Mother'H Friend.' It is a blessing to any one expecting to be come a MOTHEK," says a customer. Hendkiison Dalk, Carml, Illinois. Of Druggliti at 11.00. or sent br eipreis on reclp or prlc. Writ for book conUinlun testimonials Md Tlubl inforuftUon (or U Mothtrs, frt. The UnUm KftMttr ., AtUaU, fit. Tho misery of It Is awful. USE ST. JACOBS OIL TO CURE SCIATICA You'll feel It la worth Its weight In gold. WHAT OTIIKRS SAY. Skekeus aftkk oolo know they may bo diappoiuted, but seekers after health take Hood's Sansapaiilla with the utmost confidence that it will do them woudeiful good. Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Saisnparilla. Easy, y.t efficient. In JSS8 my wife went easl and was attacked with ihcuiuntisiu. She re ceived no iclief until she tried Cham berlain's Pain Halm. Since that thin we liavu never been without it. Wo lind it gives iurtant relief in cases of burns and scalds and is never failing for all rheumatic and neuralgia pains. D. C. Bkant, Santa Ynez, Cal. For salo by H. . Grico. In the ovont of war it will cost $202 to firo an 8-inch riflo, 1480 for a 10-inch 1888 for a 12-inch nnd 11,852 for a 10 inch gun. Sevoral such shots in caso of war with Spain would no doubt mako sovoral holes in tho Spanish na val and morcantilo marine, and sond numerous "Dons" to tho "happy hunt ing grounds," but nt tho samo timo leave a terrible big holo in the treasury of Uncle Sam. Bro. Young, of the Stockton Now.9, strikes a warlike attitude nnd says: "Polish up my rusty saber, dig me up my blunderbuss. I'll forsako the field of labor, and I'll fight theSpanish cuss. I'll have none of moderation, for my spirit's soroly tried. Naught will soothe my perturbation, but a pioco of Spanish hide. I'm a warrior! Do you hear mo? Clear tho track! Don't stop tho way! Thoso who know mo host all foar me. When I start there's holt to pay. Turn mo looso oncol Let mo nt 'cm and you'll hear an awful thud. Then I'll proudly march to Kansas with a bucket full of blood." Smith Center Pioneer. A Missouri absconder recently lied to Kansas. At Topoka ho noticed a man looking strnngoly at him and fled to Oswego. Tho next day ho saw that tho samo old white haired gentleman was in town. Tho absconder skipped to (Jardon City. Thoro again wns the samo old whito haired gentleman. Again tho thief jumped across tho f-tato arriving nt Fort Scott. Again he saw the old white haired man. Ho re solved to surrender, and ho walked up to his pursuer nnd said: "Mr. Pinker Ion, I surrender." "Pinkerton!" ox claimed tho old man, "I'm John Sea ton, candidate for governor. Are 'you liable to bo on tho state delegation." Wichita Kaglo. "A word to tho wiso is sufficient" and a word from tho wiso should bo sufficient, but you ask, who aro tho wiso? Those who know. Tho oft re peated experienco of trustworthy per sons may bo taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough Uemedy gives bettor satisfaction than any other in the market. He has been in the drug business at Klktou, Ken tucky, for twelve oars; has m!L him diciU of ljotlle.i of this remedy and nearly all other cough medicines man ufactured, which shows conclusively Chamberlain's K the most satisfactory to the peoplo anil Is the bi st Fur salt) by II. K. (J nee. Wherever tho favorite comedian, John Dillon, is announced to appear ho is always the subject, of much dis cussion. Many aro tho stotles told, with more or lesj truth, of John aud his eccentricities when tho gonial com edian had looked doop into tho flowing bowl. Tho clay pipo through the key hole tho boot ho let down from the window to a sympathizing friend by the aid of a cord mado from tho bed clothes. Tho many times ho has pawned himself to tho liquor dealer all theso and many others aro told. And yet the great heart of tho public was always ready to forgive, and when "KIchard was himsolf again." what crowds ho drew. Seven years havo passed since Dr. Keeley performed his miraculous cure, and bIiico that happy day John Dillon has never disappoint ed an audience. He is in splendid health and spirits; is delighted with his new part and with tho success of his now play, and will surely amuso all who see him in "Hartlett's Komi to Seltzervllle," at thu opera bouse Satur day evening, April 0th. The good ship Maine at anchor lay, - i tho Irirhor in Havana bay. It was night and the sailois went to sleep, without any fear of thu treacherous deep, and 110 ilioughit, .f a cruel, re voiiKoful.fnc, thai wilt planning then to strike tho blow which would take thu lives of the sailors brave, mid eiuk them low in a watery grave. The cap tain sat in his cabin alone, writing let ters to friends at home. He wan tell- ing hi uif of 'bis luroigii pi.il, while In tliio I'lpul iii-M.O woiikI Im shott. Tho watch was pacing the deck so they I toll, and had just called out, "All U woll," when suddenly there came nn awful boom, which sent the ship to its "eternal doom. Hill Anthony to the captain groped his wny, salatrd and said, "Excuso'jne, sir, but I hnvotosay the ship's blowcd up and is sinking in Havana bay." No lime for the sailors to shed a tear, to think of home nnd I offer a prayer; but tho noble crow had gone to sleep in the inky waters of the treacherous deep. Some lie beneath tho rolling waves while others sleep in foreign graves. Hut few are left of that gallant band, to return to home and native laud. A nation mourns for bravo men gone, there's a vacant clinir in many a home; a mother weeps for her darling boy, and a father' heart is dead to joy. Anil the ineiiin -t thing done by cruel Spain, was the wn eking of the battleship Maine McC x lie piioiitau lihoumntiBm Cured in a Day. "Mys ieCuto," for ihcumntisin and neuralgia nitlleally cures In 1 toll days, lis action upon the .system is remark able aud mysterious. It remove at once the cause and the disease imme diately disappears. Tho first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by H. E. Grico, druggist, Hed Cloud, Neb. It it true wisdom for every body to take a thorough course of Swift's Specific just at this season of tho year. The blood is sluggish and impoverished, aud the system is full of impurities which should be eliminated. In addition to thoroughly oleansing the blood, and toning up the system so as to avoid Iobs of appetite and a gen eral run-down feeling in the spring, S. S. S. so strengthens and builds up as to fortify against tho many forms of dangerous illnosB thtvt abound during tho hot sum- ,mor season, it la u very small mutter to tako this precaution but it insures health aud strength all summer. Swift's Specific S.S.S.fTneBl00d is far ahead of all other remedies fur this purpose It is a real blood remedy which promptly purifies the blood and thoroughly renovates the entire By stem, tones and strengthens the stomach, and renews the appetite. It is the only safe tonic, being purely vege table, and the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no arsenic, sulphur, mercury, potash or other mineral substance, which is of so much importance to all who know tho injurious effects of theso drugs. Nature should bo assisted by na ture's remedy, S. S. S. Take S. S. S. and bo well all summor. WITHOUT DRUGS 1 i A list of tbodiseasos that can he cured by OSTEOPATHY OSTEOPATAY is tho sclenco of drugless healing. It is a means of adjusting nbnoimalcnnditlons of thu body nnd restoiing its functions. Osteopathy is found ed on tho principles of Anatomy, Physiology, and by skillful ma nipulation tho Osteopath reaches the samo results obtained by drugs without leaving tho injur ious elleetR ol meuiciue, MARY CHASE ROCKWELL, DU'LOMATK IK OSTEOPATHY, Has opened ollieo in the north north rooms os the Moon Hlock, (tit) dalrs), where slut will give lull Osteopathic treatment The following diseases are succcis. fully treated by Osteopathy. Aetlnna, Hiruwliy. iumlla, hvniltirhu. ritzi'iun, feNcrv, Koltro. eninrrli, enroll' olax. liHCkitcho. cotullpntlon, chrunlu illnrrlioea, i1hii'Iu, NhlmiHiom. ilrnti )', kldnuy (lUeanoH, dlnan peculiar to xeomtn tpeeiuity, iIicnmntlMm, brililnemi poor clrinl. Hon, torpid liver. uIiopokhch, lieni'iiil dplilllty, VHraMiHP von, ili'Hf iicm. Iiront'liltlh. llirom )Im'iii-o, lung troiiuk'b, ilin'titca of tliu eo, nurvoim prostration, tic. Office Hours 9 t la and 1 ( 4. Consultation l-rcc. fctlRfH WttfRE ill ELSE FAILS. ueu coiuu tiirop. 'rules uo la lima. Hold BuUai Mm w 24svt Ul lURlS WHtHE All list LA11S. H Dot (Wb Bjrup. TutesOood. Us M la time. Bold by dnigliu. Jl ANDY ra&ooiAtiilfr 10 25 50 'pie and booklet ff. Ad. STKIU.tXO IIKMKIIT 4 I 4 J 4 C 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 S IT'S A DUTY Deftiotive Our skilled o jtician examines ryes free Come in and let him exam ine your eyes. If jou don't lequiio glasses lie will tell 3011 so. Only tegular doctor of refarction in the county. Newliouse 13:ros. Jewelers and Opticians. CSTTho very finest Watch, Clock and Jowolav Repairing. Satisfac tion guaranteed. m . m flebHska - JUef eafitile - Go. Special Bargain Sale in Our i Shoe Department ifv) Sfimi Special Bargains in Children's Shoes. Special Bargains m Ladies' Shoes, Special Bargains in Men's Shoes. Special Bargains in Boy's Shoes. Wo invito you to see our now spring lino of Men's and Boy's Clothing, Men's and Boy's Hats. Wu can save you money on them. ALSO SPECIAL HAHGAINS IN New Spring Dress Goods, Capes, Skirts and Skirt Waists. Tiy a sack of our Warranted Flour. It is tho best. You will like it. Nebraska Mercantile Company, ALFRED HADELL, Manager. X vz i imvMvM'rx&&zmz IMHt i Spectacles! Spectacles! Spectacles! ', He littcd accurately, perfectly and speedily by ono who can do it. LATEST GIIADUATE OPTICIAN. I havo tho finest nnd most complete trial cao for testing the eyes in tho valley. Am bottor equipped for and do the optical business of this county. Will fit you bottor and cheaper than enn bo done elsewhere. .ssssssiissssssssssfK 1 . rJ ) V; rnK'i'&bj IsT Sfllii W" ,, i'om' 'iiiplieatcd .watch -v4i:SLi2sS-,c , win k cheaper nnd belter thnn it enn bedmienlHuwiiui'ii WIRE IiiiliaiKiugM' King, llneast Pim and Uracelets mtulo while you wait, Engravingdone iiUo while you wait. i i Watch examiner for H. & M. CATHARTIC COflSTiPATIOI I1513!m' DRUGOSrS I ( ().. rhlfjmo. llontrtsl. Cn..orKfn Tork. in. ' r4 You owe your eves that of properly eating for them. You can't, be too careful with na ture's greatest blessing, mid the most deli cate organs youi eyes. Noaily every hu man being has I:0ye - if:fo-ifc- A Good Alarm Clock for 75o. When 30U como to buy this clock you will tiud that I havo them ami will t.ot try to soil you something higher pncid. You will find All I oiler for salo equally cheap, such ns ONE AND EIGHT DAY CLOCKS, A 1 CI IKS, JEWELUY, SII.VKBWAUK. FINGER KINGS. SPECTACLES, CHARMS. CHAIN'S. THOS. JPJSKMANT, Jowolor nnd Graduate Optician, f inr " '"fi" -'.-if , iT "vmmmmi -rj Ar LgUgtWKxa