The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 01, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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Rawtllne, rornkrr nnil 1'rye Want Spain
Driven From Colin Mnn DrlUrrs u
Vlft-orons WarSpeccli llmnlutloiii nil
Itrfcrrrct to Committers.
Wasiiixoton, March fl". Discus
sion of tho Cuban question, in nny of
its phases, Is evidently an Irreslstlblo
attraction. Tho prospective consid
eration of the critical problem in tho
Kcnate to-day drow another trcmend
tiotix crowd to tho galleries. Ah on
previous days when Chop, wns tho
foremost topic, hundreds "f pcoplo
jammed tho corridors, disappointed
because they could not gain admis
sion. Whan tho Scnato convened, a beauti
ful horshou of roses and violets stood
upon tho desk of Senator Galllngcr.
When Mr. Mason of Illinois entered
tho chamber the pcoplo in tho galleries
recognising him, npplnudvd vigor
ously. Senator Rawlins of Utah introduced
n joint resolution recognizing the
Independences of Cuba and declaring
war against Spain.
Senator Forakor tlion offered a reso
lution for Cuban independence. Mr.
Forakor spoko of tho delays caused by
tho DcLomo incident and tho Maine
incident, but declared that tho Cuban
question would como up whatovor was
dono with tho Maine.
Senator Frye introduced n resolu
tion, reciting the conditions in Cubn
nnd directing tho President, iu Ills
discretion, to tako steps to drive tho
naval and military forces from tho
Tho Foraker and Fryo resolutions
went to the Scnato commlttco on for
eign relations. Tho Rawlins resolu
tions also went to tho foreign rela
tions committee.
Mr. Mason followed tho Introduc
tion of tho resolutions in tho scnato
with a vigorous war speech. Ho do
scribed vividly tho disaster of tho
Maine. Ho said that if ninety of the
men had been senators or sons of sen
ators, wo would not linvo been forty
days declaring war. Yet tho lives of
nil Americans wero sacred alike under
our law, nnd equally ontltlcd to con
sideration. Mr. Mason said tho cattis
tropho should bo repelled vigorously.
Ho could not speak for others, but for
himself, ho was for war. This declar
ation brought nut a vigorous outburst
of applauso from tho galleries.
Mr. Mason declared thero could bo
nopeaco as long ns a European nation
owns nnd butclters Its slaves in this
hemisphere. lie said It was not nec
essary for tho Maine court to fix tho
responsibility. Tho law did that
If It was a torpedo or n mlno it
was a Spanish torpedo or a
Spanish mine. Ilenco Spam must an
swer. Ho would opposo any proposi
tion looking to Indemnity as ho would
opposo making a diplomatic incident
of the catastrophe. Ho would oppose
any kind of autonomy or any plan to
nsslst Spain, but his demand was that
tho Spanish flag should bo driven
from tho Western hemisphere.
Neither did ho bolieva that Cubn
should bo required to pay an indem
nity to Spain. "Wo tiro told." ho said,
"wo must wait upon tho Spanish elec
tion, but if Spanish elections aro as
rotten as Spanish diplomacy wo had
"bettor not wait."
"Let us awake," said Mr. Mason In
conclusion, "to glorious war as did
our fathers a war that shall insure
tho honor and respect of our Hag ull
over tho world "
Mr. Morrill of Vermont, from tho
finance commltteo, reported a joint
resolution providing for tho importa
tion, freo of duty, of military supplies
secured nbroad into tiie United States,
and askad for Us Immediate consider
ation. It was passed.
spaniardsgo"ing" home.
KimIm of Spanish Population From
New Orleans War LooIcihi Var.
Nkw Ow.kan8, La., March .10. Tho
Spanish merchant marlno ngnnts here
aro much exercised over tho war news
current in tho newspapers. Hoping
that war may bo averted, they are,
ho wo vol, exercising all necessary pre
cautions. Kvery ship sailing undor
tho Spanish flag is leaving New Or
'cans as fast as It can get out, From
and to thin port thero is annunllv n
very largo movement of Spanish ship
ping. Almost invariably these boats
when thoy Icavo New Orleans home
ward bound call at Havana nnd Porto
Rico. At theso points they secure
cargo and passengers. It is under
stood thai ull who can get uway from
either city will do so at onco and seek
tho protection of tho mother country.
Naval Authorities Continue to Declare
She I Dangerous Menace
Washington, Mnrch 30. Thero Is
no additional Information at tho de
partment regarding the location of
the Spanish torpedo boat flotilla, now
on IU way to Puerto ltico from the
Canaries, excepting that it was ad
vancing steadily. Tho highest naval
nut'no .ties contlnuo to say that this
movement Is tho roost formidable
menace to tho ships ot our navy that
hasyot occurred.
Celebrate I Musical Director a Victim
nt ToUtmlug I'roui Kilting I'lih.
Itn Jskw oiik, Mnrch 30. Anton I,
Heidi, the celebrated musical director,
died suddonly In this city last nlht
of poisoning, probably resulting from
eating fl.Ji,
j N.-ivxl Onioer IHri Sudilosly,
Axxai'oms, Mil., March SU Com
muuder Eugene 1). l- Heuld. V. S. N
In command of ships ut tho nuvul
academy, dlod suddenly at 3 p. in. of
llrlght'a disease.
Outlook for I'rnrc Considered Hotter-'
I'nlillo KrollnR Cluing.
MAimin, March .'i0. Comploto tran
quility prevails hero nnd In the pro
vinces. Public opinion Is quieted by
tho belief that tho difficulties between
Spain nnd the United Stales will bo
arranged in a friendly manner, nnd
tho newspapers tilaco grcntstoro upon
tho conference between General
Woodford, tho United States minister,
and Senor Sagastn, tho premier, which
Is to take place nt 1 o'clock this after
noon, expressing the belief that it
will havo important pnclflo result.4,
The Spanish newspapers nlso say
tho government of Spain "has decided
to do everything possible to avo.d war,
If tho honor nnd dignity of Spain arc
not uffectcd."
London, Mnroh 2D. A dispatch from
Madrid to-day says: "The news that
Congress will not immediately discuss
tiie Maine report, thus giving time
for European diplomacy to work nnd
prevent a conflict, lias caumd rlso
In stocks. i
"During tho courso of a conference
with Scnor Ci til Ion, tho minister for
foreign n flairs, yesterday. General
Woodford, the United States minister,
expressed tho unusual tlcslro to havo
a conference with Senor Sagasta, tho
premier, personally. It is believed he
has a message from President MeKIn
ley to Senor Sagasta."
Spanish 4s closed nt 52 ? to-day on
tho London stock exchange, n not
gain of two points over yesterday's
Nkw Yohk, March 30. A dispatch
to tho New York Herald from Madrid
says: "The sequenco of events during
tho last few duys hero has been noth
ing short of miraculous. At the
present moment, when all .seemed lost
and war only short of declaration, tho
exact opposlto of what cveryono ex
pected would bo the cn&o turned up.
It Is as It a mlraclo had occurred,
unless tho impression given by
a highly experienced parsonugo is
wrong. He said: 'Knowing more,
I regret to say I am in tho unfortun
ate position of not being ablo to con
vey It to you, but you may print in
tho largest tvp., double spaced, with
tho feeling that It is fully worth it,
tho following somewhat stiff state
mont and read between tho lines:
Tho most important of events is forth
coming, ono which will calm tho des
perate situation, avert war, settle ull
international differences and end tho
fighting In Cuba.'
"Although tlio American minister,
General Woodford, sturdily refuses to
be interviewed, ho has stated to u '
tirninlifatit cfnnllotiinn In Mfulrlit )..
ho was ontiroly confident that an
oarly and effcctlvo peace would soon
bo assured between Spain and thu
Unltod States, a penco which would
bo consistent with tho honor of tho
Spanish pcoplo and that would secure
justice to Cuba and effective protec
tion to tho great American interests
In that island.
"Tho more tranquil feeling is attrib
uted by tho ministerial organs Correo
and Correspondence to pressuro ami
cably brought to bear on tho Ameri
can government by tho Europeuu
powers, headed by Austria.
"Tito feature of the President's pol
icy which causes the anxiety in
otllcinl oleics in Madrid and Havana
is tho proposition to relievo tbo dis
tressed Cubans."
Wasiii.votox, March .10. Senators
and other.! who havo talhed with the
President last night nnd to-day say
that tho proposition for tho arinislico from Spain, and while it is being
considered by the President in con
nection with other negotiations, ho
litis Insisted that any proposed nrtulis-
iico must dc couptcii Willi oilier con
ditions which Spain liiw not shown n
disposition to accept nnd perhnps will
not accept The tenor of the condi
tions are not btaled, but look to per
manent pence nnd telf government by
tho Cuhuns. tit was stilted by ono
senator that matters would be
brought to n head within a very short
The Captain's Washington Nclehbori
Decorate Tlielr llnosei In III llouor,
Washington, March 3 0. Captain
Sigsbeo of tho wrecked steamer Mulne
arrived in Washington this morning
from Havana at 7:41 o'clock. He was
accompanied by Paymaster Ituy,
Chief Engineer Howell, Naval Cadet
Holden and Dr. Hcr.ebsrgpr. Tho
captain was driven to his home, 1033
Kiggs place. Tho neighbors on both
sides of tho squtiro on which ho lives
had profusely decorated tlielr resi
dences with fines mid bunting and
many of his friends and fellow oflicers
had sent largo bouquets of American
Ileauty roses nnd flower designs of
ships and anchors as an expression of
tneir friendship and esteem.
At half past 10 o'clock tho captain
weut to tho Navy department to re
port his arrival. In tho courso of a
conversation he said that he had not
yet received nny assignment to duty,
nor does ha know what command will
bo given him. As to tho cause of tho
wreck Captuln blgsbco said that ho
could add nothing to his testimony
before tho court of Inquiry, which hud
ulrendv beon published.
Many I'copta lltro Hoau Drnwne.l
Wnbtsti liiittiims.
Sur.MVA, Ind., Mnrch 30. The
iaveo tin tho Wabash river went out
hist night with n break of joo feet,
entailing n loss of S10:),(),iu Muuv
pcoplo may havo haen drowned.
Twenty thousand acres of hind an
ovurllowol and hundreds of fuinllie
nro rendered huinclois and destitute.
Hundreds of cuttlu and horses are
hemmed In. Such a rush of w'utor
was never known la this section of
1 the country before.
Spain Hns Not Olven n Dollar Toward
Having tho Stars Iir Dependent on
Amrrlrun Charity Too I.nln for Uclllg
eroney or Independence.
WABtiiNriTON, March 25. The Scnato
chamber was crowded this morning to
hear tho speech by Senator Thurston
on the situation in Cuba.
"Mr President," saltl Mr. T!iur3'on, "lam
here by command of silent lips to speak
once and for alt time upon the Cuban mtua
Hon. I trust that no one lias expected any
thine scnsatlo.tal from inc. Uocl forhll
that the bitterness of a personal lost nhouIU
Indue me to color In tnc slightest decree
the s .tement thit t feel It ntv duty to
make. I shall en leavor to be lion at, com
rvatlvc .ind Just I have no purpoc to
stir tip public passion In action not ncccs
uary and Imperative to meet the duties and
necessl y of . American responsibility.
Christian humanity and national honor. I
would shirk this task If I could, bat I dare
not I cannot satisfy my consci etice except
oy speaking, and spcaKlng now."
Mr. Thuriton said that he had roic to Cu
uallrmly bcllcvl k that tho condition or
iff.ttrs on the Island had been cr-atly cx
iRKcratcd and that he had directed Ills ef
forts In the-llrst Instance to the exposure
jf tho suppoicd exaggerations lie had
concluded, however, that an overstatement
of the liorr irsnf the sltuatlo t was Impos
ilblc. He was prepared, ne .stated, not only
to adopt every word ot the careful, concise
and specific statement of the senator from
Vermont (Mr. Proctor), but he was even
eoiivInccJ that ho had understated the
oMr. Thurston then frsely summarized
til observations and conclusions as follows:
After three years of warfare an J the use
-f tiJliHiO Spanish troop. Spain has lost
control of every foot of Cuba not sur
ronnded by an actual entrenchment and
protsted by a fortltlcd picket line. Mio
holds poscsslnn with her armies of the
fortltlcd seaboard towns, because they arc
under the vlrtua protection of Spanish
warsatps, with which the rcvolut.onlsU
cannot cope.
The revolutionists are In absolute and
almost peaceful possession of nearly one
half of the Inland. Including the Kastcrn
provinces of Saitlago dc Cuba and Puerto
Principe. In those provinces on Santiago
they have establls ted form of government,
levy and colic t taxct. maintain armies.
and generally levy a tax of tribute upon the
principal plantations in other provinces,
and, as Is commonly believed, upon the en
tire railway sy.tem of the Island.
In the four so-, ailed Spanish provinces
there Is neither cultivation nor railway
operation, except under strong Spanish
military protection or by consent of the
revolutionists la consideration of tribute
Under taelnh-jm an policy of Wcyler.not
lets than -40(1,030 self-supporting, simple,
peaceable, defenseless country people were
driven from their
portions of the Spanish provinces to the
cities and Imprisoned upin the barren
waste outside the residence portions of
these cities and within the Hues of In-
trenchment a little
way beyond. Their
burned, their Heidi
humble homes were
laid waste, their Implements of husbandry
. destroyed, their livestock and food supplies
lor me moi pan coniucaicu. must oi
these pcoplo were old men. women and
children. Slow starvation svas their In
evitable fate. A conservative estimate
indicates that 210 000 or these people have
already perished from starvation.
CThe government of Spain has neyer con
tributed one dollar to home, shelter, feed
or provide medical attention for these, Its
own citizens.
There has been no amelioration of the sit
uatlon. except through the charity ot the j
pcople of the United Stales There has
beeu no diminution In the death rate
among these reconcentrados, except as the
death supply Is constantly diminished
There Is no relief and no hope except
through the continued charity of th- Amer
ican people until peace has beca fully re
stored In the Island.
Spain cannot put an end to the existing
condition. She cannot conqusr the insur
gents. Sie cannot rc-cstilillsh her sov
ereignty over anv considerable portion of
the Interior of the Island. The revolution
ists, while able to maintain themselves,
cannot drive tho Spanish army from the
firttUed seaeoast towns. The situation,
the i, Is no: war as we underKtand It, but
achansiif devastation and depopulation of
undellned duration, whom end no man can
In dcUIUng the Incidents and reciting the
facts that came under his observation. Mr.
Thurston said he had no des re to deal in
horror. -'If I had my way." said he, "I
a-ould shield the Amsrlcm ubll; even from
the phot 'graphic reproductions of the aw
ful scenes th it I viewed in all their origi
nal ibastlliiess."
oOf the 2ji OJO soldiers Spain has sent to
Cuba, less than 0 I OJO were now available
for duty. The remainder are dead, sick In
hospitals or returned to Spain Incapaci
tated. It Is currently reported that 37,
000 ro now sick In the hospitals on the
Island. The army was in poor cond.tlon and
under lax discipline "I do not believe,"
said he ' that the entire Spanish army in
Cuba could stand an engagrm-nt In the
open field against 20,00 well disciplined
American soldiers." Of the Spanish sol
diers, he sail that they, of all people on
earth, would most gladly welcome any re-
sul which would enable them to return to
their homes.
The pictures In the American newspa
pers of the starving reconcentrados are
true. They can all be duplicated by the
thousands. I never saw, and please God I
mar never again see, so deplorable a 'sight
as the rcconcentralosln Matanzss I can
never torget to my dying day the hopeless
anguish lu their despairing eyes Iludd ed
about their little bark huts, they raised no
voice of appeal to us for alms as wi went
among them. Men, women and children
stand silent fam shin;. Their only app-al
comes from their sad eyes, through which
one looks as through an opsn window Into
their agonizlngssuU
"The government of Spain has not ana
will not appropriate, one dollar to save
these people Ther ar- now being attended
and nur. ed and '.idnitn stere I to by the
charity of the United States. Think of the
sp-ctaclel We are feeding these clttrens of
Spain; we are nu'slng their sick; we are
saving such as can be saved, and yet there
are those who still say it is right for us to
send food, but we must keep handi off. I
say that the time has come when muskets
ought to go with the food.
"I shall refer to these horrible things no
further. They are there. O d pity me: I
have seen them; they will remain on my
mind lorevcr and thtv almost the twen
tieth century, ( hrlst dljd 10 1 1 years ago,
and Spain Is a Chr.stlan nation: sho has
set up more cr'sves In morn lands beneath
more skies, and ur.Cer them has butchered
more p;opte, than all the other nations of
the earth cmnbt.icd.
"Uurope may tolerate her existence v
long as the people of the Old World wish
God grant that before another Christmas
morning the last vestige of S lanlsli tyr
rany and oppression will havo vanished
from the Western hemisphere."
Dismissing tho remdy which should be
applied to tho evils he found, Mr. Thurston
va d; I ro .meled sllunce and mo leratlar.
from this floor vhcn the passion of the na
tloa seesied ,v white heat over the destruc
tloi of the Milne; but It seems to me the
time for action has now roine. Not acttoa
In the Maine cast. I hope and trust this
KSigrnuu-ut jrlll take oJcUon.on.tUe Cuban
ttuat on entirely outside of the Maine
case. When Pie Maine report Is received,
If It be found that nur shin and sailors were
blown up by some outside explosive we will
have ample reparation without quibble or
delay and If the explosion can be traced to
Spanish nniclal sources there will be such
swift and terrible punishment adjudged as
will remain a warning to the world forever.
"What shall tho United States do, Mr.
Tor answer Mr. Thurston, as a Republican
turned to the last national platform of his
party, which declared that "The United
States should actively use Its Influence and
good oniccH to restore the peace and elve
Independence to the Islanl." In accepting
the nomination tendered him by tnc con
vention which had adopted the Cuban plank
with a "mighty shout." William Mi-Klnlcy
had said: "Thi platform adopted bv the
ltcpubllcan convention his rccelreif my
careful consideration and my unqualified
TiMn Koit iNDKprA'onNci:.
Twice within the pist two years, Mr.
Thurston said, he had voted for a resolution
recognizing the liclllgercn y of the Cubm
Insurgents, but he was sitlsilcd It was now
tru late to accord them belligerent rights,
oreven msrely to recognize the indepen
dence of the Cuban republic ''Our plat
form " sild he. "demands that the United
States shall actively use Its Influence lor the
lndojiindenceof tho Island."
"It was the plain duty of the President ot
the United States to give to the liberal
ministry of Spain a reasonable time In
which to test IU proposed autonomy. That
time his been given. Autonomy is con
ceded the wide world over to be a conspic
uous failure. The situation In Cuba has
only'd for ihc worse. Sagasta li
powerless. Illanco Is powerless to put an
end to the conflict, to rehabilitate the Isl
and or to relievo the suffering, starvation
and dl. tress.
l "The time for action has then com. No
greater reason for It can exist to-morrow
than exists ti-day. Kvery hour's d-lay
only adds another chapter to the awful
sto y of misery and death. Only one power
can intervene the United State of America.
"It was her glorious example which In
spired the Cubans of Cuba to ralss the itac
, of liberty In her eternal hills. Wo cannot
reiusc 10 accept ine rcspons unity wiilcli
the Cud of thu unlvcrtc has placed upon
us as the one groat power lu the nci
world. Whit shall our action be?
"Mr. I'r.-sldcnt there Is only one action tt
be taken that Is lor the Intervention for
the liidt-pendeiicc of the Island Interven
tion that means the landing of an Ameri
can army on Cuban soil, the deploying of an
American fleet off the harbor ot Havana;
liitcrvnntlon walch say to Spain, 'Ieavethe
Island, withdraw your soldiers, leave the
Cubans, these brothers of ours In the new
world, to form and carry on government
for themielves.' Such Intervention oa our
part would not of lthelf be war It would
undoubtedly ioad to war. Hnt If war came
It w uld conic by act of Spain In resistance
of the liberty and independence of the
Cuban p'ople."
He maintained that of all people upon the
Island, the native Cubans were the best
qualified and fitted for government.
Mr. P.-esldent." he continued, "against
the Intervention of the United States in
this holy cause there Is but one voice of
dissent: that voice Is the voice of money
changers. They fear war. Notb-causeof
any Christian sentiment against war and in
favor of pe ice. but because they fear that
a declaration of war or the Intervention
which might result In war would have a de
pressing effect upon the stock market
"Let them go; what one man 1 -sen at the
gambling table his fellow gamblers win.
Let them take their chances as they can.
Their weal or woe Is of but little Impor
tance to the llbetty-loving people of the
United States. I.ct these men whose loyal
ty is to the dollar stand as-lde while the men
whose loyalty Is to the natloa come to tbt
"Thc7.U03.00-) freemen who voted for the
Ilcnubl.can party and for William McKtn
ley did not mortgag the honor of this na
tion for a campaign fui1. and If the time
ever cocies when the Itepubllcan party he.s-
ltates in Its course olduu-oscausc of anv
undue anxiety for the wcllare of the accu
mulate 1 wealth of the nation, then let the
Kepubllcan party be swept from the face of
the earth and be succeeded by some other
party by wh itjvr name It may be called,
which will represent the patriotism, the
honor, the loyalty and the devotion that
Uk- Kepubllcan party exhibited under At
rahuai I.mcol i la lsGl."
The Torpedo riotlllu Hulls for I'orto ltico
YVuslilngtou Miiy Act.
Washington-, March 23. News
reached tho navy department to-dtiy
that tho Spanish torpedo boat flotilla
lias left tho Canary Islands for I'orto
ltico. This fact lias beon communi
cated to tho President, No question
has beon as'ced of Spain ns yet con
cerning tills movement, nor has It
beon decided what action tho navy or
stato departments will tako, it any,
under tho clrcti instances.
Admiral Meant nelleveil From Com
toantl on Account of Illness.
Washington, March V3. Captain
Sampson of thu Iowa, and ulso of tho
iuquiry board, has been ordered to
command tho North Atlantic fleet, re
lieving Admiral Sicard, who is HL
Commodore W. S. Schloy In all proba
bility will bo pluced in command of
tho squadron at Hampton Itoads.
Captain Itobley 1). Evans, hotter
known as "l-'lghtlng Hob" Evans,
reaohed horo this morning, nnd was
Immediately ordered to tuko command
of tho Iowa.
lllanoo llefnses I'erinUslon to Have the
Malno lllowii Up by Dynamite.
Madhu), March 25. A semi-official
note, just issued, says; "At tho cab
inet meeting yesterday Sonor Sagasta
road a telegram from Captain Ooneral
Hlanco saying that tho captain of tho
Malno had requested permission to
blow up tho wreck with dynamite, and
that permission to do so had been re
fused him.
"Tho cabinet empowered the minis
tor for foreign affairs (Sonor Qullon)
to watch tho situation with tho . vlow
of seeing justlco dono and defending
tho rights of Spain.
"Tho minister of finance (Scnor
Pulgcerver) declared tho resources
wero sufficient for all war expenses
until tho new chambers moot"
Tho note is absolutely reserved in
regard to tho Spanish commission's
report on tho loss of tho Maine.
Nicholson Hucceedl White.
Ciiicauo, March 23. Oeorgo T.
Nicholson was to-day appointed ns
general pussengor and traffic manager
of tho Atchison, Topeka and Santa
Va railway to succeed W. V. White,
who died recently. Tho appointment
Is to take effect May 1.
Items of Moment Itonnil to Int crest th
Intelligent Itrndcr Congressional and
Departmental Doings Hbortcncil for tbo
llencflt of the Ilusy.
The Now Jersey sttito militia
been ordered to prcpuro for war.
Olmlslonc Is very ill nt his homo at
Hawurdeii. Ho Buffers intense pain.
It is iignin hinted that Lord Salis
bury Is to retlro on uccount of poor
Tho pig iron trust is now a fnct.
Finul steps were tuken at Clovcltmd
Floods in tho central stnfcn continue
to grow tilanningly wone. Much
Juniugc is being done.
Tlis Cineinnntl chamber of commcrco
litis arranged to sent a carload of corn
ucnl to .still'ering Cubans.
Captuln Anson has nn opinion on the
Chicago baseball club. It is said tho
old mun wunts to bo ti "magnate."
At West Superior, Wis., Mrs. Louis
Barrett was burned to death. She
tried to build a tiro with kerosene.
A dynnmito mngnmie at Hillsvillc,
Pa., exploded, killing eight persons, n
man named Welch, his wlfo and ui.v
An explosion nt the works of tho U.
S. Smokeless Powder company near
San llafael, Cnl., caused thu death of
two men.
Tom Watson has emphatically re
fused the populist nomination for
governor of (loorglu. Ho declares ho
is out of polities.
Perry Young, engineer, and Clark
(Irunt, were blown to ttntoms by the
explosion of a holler iu the Hour mill
at Jtcou City, Mich.
In tho house of commons nt London
the Irish local government bill passed
a second reading without u division
and amid loud cheers.
In tho United States court of np
peuls at St.Louls, Judge Phillips has
rendered a decision that a man cannot
be imprisoned for debt.
Kl Nnelonnl of Madrid publishes a
letter from Maximo tiomcz to (Jeiieral
liluuco, refusing proposals that he
should make submission.
Governor ltradloy has sent a num
ber of militia tents to Middlesboro and
ntehmond, Ky., for tho uso of thu
small pox patients und suspects.
The house of representatives unseat
ed Ileproseutntivo Epps from the
Fourth district of Virginin, giving tho
seat to his contestant 11. T. Thorpe.
A deep feeling of uneasiness pervades
railroad circles in Umuha over the
possibility of a reduction in wnges of
thu employes on the Union Pucilic.
After obtaining S1.700 from tho sale
of his farm, Win. Sehmulz, living near
Waukesha, Wis., has mysteriously dis
appeared. It is believed to be a ease
of abduction or suicide.
At Vincennes, Intl., William Ostcr
hung shot his wife mid then committed
suicide. His wlfo lind just returned
from visiting some friends when they
quarreled with thu result stated.
A general strike of river coal minors
nt Pittsburg, Pn., is to be luiiugcrated
April " unless the conditions of the
Chicago agreement are complied with.
A strike will effect about r.,000 men.
Tho llnnk of Mcrrlnm Parle, St.
Paul, Minnesota, lias suspended owing
to complications arising from invest
ment in thu Soutliall government time
checks, which have been shown to be
An amendment to the sundry civil
hill is pending before thu bcunto com
mittee on appropriations, impropriat
ing S'.'.'O.OOO to furnish supplies to thu
destitute peopleof Cuba. It will prob
ably bo adopted.
Nenr Verdin, IU., Will Kent wns
shot and fatally wounded by his broth
er. Noble Kent. Th6 latter wns dis
inherited in favor of tho former by the
father, who recently died, and tho
deed was done for reveugc.
Wesley Cochrane, jr., a yountr tnan
of Atwood, Kan, shot and killed Mrs.
(Jcrtio Woodward, daughter of tho
editor of tho Atwood Gazette. Ho
then' cut his' own throat. The cnuse is
unknown. The two were children
Tho Stcaraor Santa Rosa from Snn
Diego to San Francisco, reports having
sighted tho Steamer Helen W. Almy,
bottom side up nine miles out from
Point Konltta, at the Golden (late. It
Is bclloved the passengers and crew,
forty persons in all, perished.
.1 udc-o Spencer of tho St. Louis cir
cuit court rendered a decision on the
rights of newspapers to plead In justi
fication in libel suits that the articles
sued on were true. Ho says: "If tho
Mibstanco of tho publication in its full
and fnlr meaning is alleged and proved
to bo true, tho justification is com
plete." Dr. Oeo. E. Powell, "White Eagle,"
of La Crosse, Wis., has cabled to Huron
el Cardo of Mndrld accepting tho chal
lenge which the Huron sont to Senator
Hilly Mason of Illinois. He concludes
his ehalleugo ns follows: "And while
earnestly assuring you and all your
kind that thousands of men of my
typo stand ready to stop in my tracks
and pick up my pistol if it should fall,
I alncerely thank tho representative of
u thousand years of barbarism for the
opportunity to tire a shot in revenge
for tho Yankee sudors, who fed the
sharks in thu bottom of Huvana bay."
A head-end collision botwecn a pus
sengor and special engine on thu Chi
cago & Northwestern ten miles north
of Helolt, Wis., resulted in tho death
of two, and tho Injury of four persons.
In Dallas county, Alabama, Sam
Ellis, a nugro, confessed iu court to an
attempt to itssassliiuto II. A. Hurdy.
The court ordered him to jail, but a
mob took tho prisoner to tho woodw
ind Jynehcd him.
Tho government has ordered the Alpha-Portland
Cement eompnny of
Whltaker, N. J., to hurry the work on
all orders for cement. The works nro
runuing night and day.
1'stlmnto of W'liut "Will Come Out In June
Lntcst Klondike Isers.
VAN-couvnn, H. C, March 29. Tho
steamer Pakshan, which arrived trom
Skaguay, Alaska, had among her 'pas
sengers four men direct from Dawson
City. They wero J. P. Donhnm ot
Snn Francisco, H. Tung of Tacoma,
Wash., Sid LaSallo of Lcadvllle, Col.,
and C. A. Goodwin of Los Angeles.
They report a stampedo for the
American sldo below American creek.
This section, they claim, will boat the
Klondike. Pny dirt Is moro easily ill
vlded and shallower. A SO.OO'J nugget
has boon found on Eldorado creek,
they say. It is estimated by them
that S-10,000,000 in gold will be
brought this season.
In speaking of tho finding of thn
Ca.OOO nugget, Mr. Goodwin said:
"That sounds like a talc, but it Ha
fact Tho nugget has considerable
quartz mixed with it, and it is as big
us a small pall."
The owner's name, Mr. Goodwin
said, Is being kept dark, as he hopes
to get it out intact without paying
royalty on It Several rich strikes
havo already been kept secret for u
similar reason.
Tho party left Dawson February
IB. In recounting the events of tho
journey, Goodwin stated that for tho
tlrst '100 miles the cold was intense
nnd traveling extremely dilllcult At
the conlluenco of tho Stovurt und Yu
kon rivers they met tho Northwest
mounted police dotuchment with 703
pounds of mail.
Mr. Goodwin states that at a very
conservative estimato nt least twenty
tons of gold will bo brought out in
Juno when navigation opens. Tho
country around Dawson was blnck
with smoke from fires burning to thaw
the frozen ground. Claims nro fre
quently changing hands. Quite re
cently tho llcuiy company had paid
"NlgL'er .Hin" 8:25,000 for three claims
on Honanza creek. Claims on Hear
and Dominion creeks, on Indian and
Klondike rivers, respectively, had been
sold as high asS20,OOU.
On Hunker creek 520,500 lind boon
paid for a half Interest by a man
named Elliott nnd S40.000 for a wholo
claim. When they leftSlO a cord was
the prico paid for wood In Dawson,
lleforo tho party left many reports
were coming in of richness of Clarence
Kerry's claims ou thu hlllsldo of El
Reports were also bolng rcolvcd
every dny of rich finds on American
creek on the American side. Rosebud
creek Is also drawing much attention.
None of the party brought out much
actual dust, as drafts could bo ob
tained ut Dawson for gold at 15. SO an
ounce, and very few would pack dubt
under these circumstances.
fUuropean Aid ICxpected by the Spanish
Classen In Cuba,
Nkw Yojik, March 28. Tho Havana
correspondent of tho New York Trib
une says: "European interference
between Spain and the United States
is a growing delusion of tho Spanish
classes in Cuba. Apparently it
is fostered from Mndrld through
government channels. Tho bo
lief of these classes that the
nations of Huropo would sldo with
Spain in case of war has always pre
vailed. It finds utterance lu tho many
pamphlets wiilcli havo been published
since the beginning of the revolution,
and the uewspupers havo encouraged
tho Idea. Tho way they put It wns
that the United States wns responsi
ble for keeping tho insurrection alive
because filibustering was not stopped;
that Europe cannot inte'rfere in that
matter, but that the minute hostilities
arose sho would be arrayed, with tko
possible exception of Great llritain,
against tho United States.
"Thero Is a possibility that the da
lusion of European aid will Impel the
ultra-Spanish classes to acts which
will precipitate a collision with tho
United States. Either this will hap
pen or tho confidence in Spain in se
curing the support of other countries
will be shattered forever and the set
tlement of the Cuban question will be
come much moro simple."
The American gulps Will Trobably He
Ulvan it Ureen Coat.
Washington, March 2a Secretary
Long has deferred to tho judgment of
Abslstaut Secretary Roosovolt as to
the color which the vessels of the
navy aro to bo painted. Yesterday It
was announced that tho vessels now
white would be changed to a piratical
black. To this color somo objection;
was maao by naval ofllcors, as It ww
thought to afford too striking a tar
get for an enemy's guns.
Assistant Sccrotary Roosovolt this
morning had a conference with Cap
tain Crowinshlcld, chief of the bureau
of navigation, at which Mr. Roosevelt
announced that he would leave the
matter of painting tho ships to tho ,
squadron commanderc, and orders to
that effect will be promulgated, It
soems quite probable that the color to
be selected by the squadron command
ers will bo a dark irreen. That color
will furnish a poor target and the ves
sels will not be discernible, It is said,
at to great a distance at sea.
The Itoek Island's New Yukon Company.
Tacoma, Wash., March 28. Ono of
the strongest company's now prepar
ing to oporato upon tho Yukon has
been organized by W. O. Purdy, vice
president! socretnry nnd treasurer of
tho Chicago, Ruck Island & Paclflo
railroad It has tho bucking of th'o
otllcials of that road.
Initloteil for llrlherr.
St. Joskimi, Ma, March 28. Albert
R. Duncan, ex-prosecutlng attorney of
Uuchannn county, was indicted by
tho grand jury yesterday on th
charge of bribjntr o witness
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