&v Sstffl ; U 'aMaaaWaM VOLUME XXVI. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. APRIL 1. 1898. NUMBER 13 ;i' Kfcic 5.:3 I MINER BROTHERS. Table Linen. "'TIS BUT A YEAR." Since They Utrjcii Loyally to the Ticket. Where Arc They Now? Tlit1 iiinlii ion foi tlio mayoralty lion- or.s caiiju iIhho who Imvo that desire to scok queer political bedfellows. --j About ii year ago tin1 present Inctlin. jjpfJ 1 bent of tlio mayor's olllco was running j)j& on thi! republican ticket iiiiiIIiIh friends $3'i I were endeavoring by all means to kcop K3& lacia S? 20cJfor Bleached Damask worth 25c. 35c to $1.75 Linen Damask in bleached and half bleached i2tlc for Red Damask warth 18c. 20c to 75c for Red Damask. JSITYou will find Sterling Quality in every article offered. TOWBL-S. All Linen Barber Towels, 60c per dozen. 24x48-ir.cn Marsailles Pattern Towels, 25c per pair. All Linen Towels, good size, 25c each. 20x44 all linen hemstitched towels, an elegant article, for 40c. MANY OTHERS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. m m m Sis H & m a: A few odds and ends left in NAPKINS. We are closing them out this jg; week. You will find excellent values here. Si During the past year our sales in our Linen Department have been the largest we have known for years. The reason-is the excellent values. Prices that astonish our competitors. They can't see where we get the goods. That's the secret. Shirt Waists. Our first invoice of Shirt Waists has arrived. Collars and Cuffs to match 35c and Upward. Another handsome line to arrive in a few days. tlio party members in line, using as nn argument that it full campaign was coming nnel it would novcr do to lot it bo known that tlio city election bad gono for any othor party as it would have 11 depressing effect. Loyalty to tun republican party was the cry ntiuit worked. I his paper was loudly criticised for the head of the ticket on perioral grounds. Whero is this vaunted can didate and his crowd today who called for a showing of patriotism and fealty to tlio ticket? Ho Is running for may or at tlio head of a ticket without imnio or party it is not republican, not pop ulist, no; citizens, not domocrut it simply has a good tail to bolster up tho head. Tlio south ward candidate for alderman has withdrawn this county oim '.Ml or D7 years ago be ing one of jM ar ic.M, plonceii. and one lt till. II Hltlllill Vl'llli Iwillli il tit lillllll till old stockade. Tho Inst sad riles of btuial were held at the Catholic chinch Siliinlny morn ing, Rev Father McKeiiuti olllciating, aflci which inlet incut was made in tho Catholic cemetery, the pull bearers be ing old pioneers who like himself had undergo no the pi iviilious of early sot-tiers. ill m m "Now Put Up or Shut Up." A representative of one of our contemporaries having made bold to go to business men of this city and an nounce that the paper ho represents has 11 lamer circulation than The its opposition of Chief, with tho solo intention of en deavoring to injiiro tno misincss 01 this paper by so doing, wo have placed $50.00 in tho hands of our follow towns man, I). J. Myers, saying that Tiik Cmkk has tho largest city circulation and the largest circulation of any pa per in Webater countj . Wo will give tho representative 0110 wook from tho date of tills issue of this paper to cover the above amount and make good his from tho statement, or In not doing so wo will IWtMj ticket; tho north ward candidate for1 tho sanio position still stays on; anoth er candidate will not probably qualify if elected as ho has repeatedly refused to tako ofllco; another candidate is also on tho othor ticket. This ticket was born at 11 "citizen's" convention made so as to got tho populist and othor par ty vote. Not one upon it but what are republicans. This paper is not in city politics this your, hasn't lost any and don't want any, but we do like to poke a little fun at the patriotic follows who damned us last year and by thoir ac tions this yoar have vindicated tho stand takon by this paper. TWENTY YEARS OF BUSINE8S. CURTAINS I r Curtam Lectures are not appreciated by either sex. When we lecture on Cur tains it is always well attended. Cus tomers get their money's worth. 47c per pair for 30x80 White lace enrtains. 75c per pair for 36x108 white lace curtains. 90c per pair and upward to $3 for lace curtains. Olxenile and Tapeatir Curtalnfi. We carry the handsomest line in the city. $2.25 per pair for Tapestry in Green or Red or. Brown Background. $3.50 to $4.50 similar colors, better quality. $3.50 to $4.50 buys a pair of chenile curtains, special values. HI I IB Corsets ! Another invoice of those incompar able C-C and C-B Corsets. For ladies Preferring a Corset Waist to Corset we recommend thejackson Nothing better. We have them in winter and Summer, Flexlbone. bnys the Most Perfect Ex-Ex Short Corset. Latest shape. Wearers of these goods insured the most perfect fit and solid comfort. $1.00 JmJ GENUINE JACKSON FAVORITE WAIST. $fe SookPnSe. Leather Stockings, 25c. GET A PAIR FOR THE BOYS. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Z199 1 7 lbs Granulated Sugar for $1.00. 8 lbs. Fancy Navy Beans, 25c. 10 lbs. best Uat Meal, 25c Miner's No. i Patent Flour, $1.20. Miner's No. 2 Patent Flour, $1.10. Barrel Salt, $1.35. 9 bars Santa Claus soap, equal to White Russian or Lonox, 25c. r NEW.GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. The Pioneer Generali Merchandise Firm of Red Cloud, Miner Bros. Today twenty years ago was prob ably not much observed as April-fool-day in this city on account of the fact that tho inhabitant were fow in num ber and had something else to think of besides fooling their friends, but this day of all others brings back pleasant memories to tho pioneer general mer chandise firm of Miner Bros., for it was on this day twenty years ago that they made their first advent in busi ness in what was then the little village of Red Cloud. At that time no railroad was built but the Kbd Cloud Chief Was largely takon up with a discussion in regard to a proposition from tho B. A M. to vole bonds for that company. On account of there being no railroad nearer than Hastings the goods pur chased by Miner Bros, were hauled in wagons to this placo. They ocoupied at their commencement of business a frame store building on tho site of whore their large brick building In to day, and can look back with prido to thoir bumblo beginning and the success which thoy have made from that time to the present. Very fow if any of those who were ( ngaged in business at that time remain, and the fow that aro horo are not engaged in nctivu business. Their business has grown to such pro portions that tho brick building built Inter is inadequate for its needs, and a largo brick addition is at tho presont timo in cotirso of construction. The Chief hopes that thoy may have many batiDV returns of All-fool's-day, and that thoir business and tho dimensions of their building will constantly increase. Death Of W. E. Jackson. W. E. Jackson an old and respected citizen of this city passed quietly away from this earth on last Friday, March l 25th. at his late rcsidonco In tho south- $j west part of town, aged 71 yoars and 3 days old. Ho was born in tho state of Ohio on March 23, 1827. Ho sorted in tho Mex- ienn war from Its beginning to 11 ona and was married shortly utter to miss Julia A. Minor, hlstor of our follow townsman J. L. Miner. Ho went with expect him to forever after hold his tonqno and admit that ho has mado a misstatement of the facts in the caso. Tine Chief is not In tho habit of try ing to underrate its contemporaries, nor does it nllow Us representatives to do so and wo do not wish othois to sneak around nnd do this thing. m m Real Estate Transfers , Real bstato transfers for the week ending March 30, 1806, furnsihed by tho Fort Abstract Co., L. 11. Fort, Man ager, Rod Cloud, Nob. BlUabeth T. Norrli and huiband to Margaret 8. Warthen, lot 7, block S, Sweciv'n add to Iiluo Hill, w d I 17 SO Chan. Novak to Nobraika Ileal folate & Live Stock Ann., nw 6 4 II, w d ., 750 00 John A. Wadded and wife to Frank Jan- aen. neU 0 4 0, wd &80 00 Eugenia D, llcan and wife to Win, Harris lots 1. S, 3, block U, Bmlth A Moore'i add to Kcd Cloud, wd 890 00 Stato of Nebraika to Adam U. Bpracher, noX 3C 3 10. deed 11S0 00 Irving W. Crary to Geo. W. Bbuck, lot 10 block 12, Guide Rock, Nebraiia, w d... 975 00 Hugh W. Quhlford to Geo. L. QnllKord, lota 14-10-18 20 block 2, Itlchardion'a add tolled Cloud, wd 80100 If arcua McConkey to Charles M cConkty wK swX 0-MO, w d 800 00 Cordelia R. Clark and huiband to Breett Terrell, nwJ4 5 8 10, w d 1675 00 Total W487 B0 Shomld B Stopped at Obm. Perhaps it would be a good thing if the authorities would put a stop to the shooting of fire arms in the city limits, and especially so by boys, before some ono is killed or wounded or some seri ous damage is done. Almost any day boys can be seen running around our streets shooting at sparrows, pigeons, and even stray dogs and cats, and who do not care which way they shoot, and if a house or barn or anything else is in range it generally gets the bullet intended for something else. There is plonty of room and plenty of birds out Bide the city limits to practice target shooting and that is tho proper place for thorn. Tho city ordinance provides a heavy tine for tho dischargo of fire arms within the city limits and per haps it would be a good idea to make an oxamplo of seme ono to learn other offenders n lesson. Books and Knives Given Away FREE Another lot received this week. Bead the speoial offer at the bottom of this advertise ment. We are going to glvo away books to our subscribers, both old and, now. Tho books aro at tractively bound in binder's best silk finished cloth, stamped from new and original designs in ink and gonuine gold, and aro stand ard and popular books by the "vorld's best author's. Iu mater ial and quality, as well as in se lection of titles, these books are superior to any other cloth edi tion ever issued. Printed in large clear type and on good Eaper. These books are written y SHch authors as Btrtha M. Clay, Mrs. Alexander, The Duchess, WilHc Collins. Charles Dickens, H. Rider Haggard, Alex. Dumas, Hugh Conway, A. Conan Doyle, Bulwer Lytton, George Eliot, and numerous others famous au thors of repute. Tho Dismissed the Case. Omaha World-Hcruld of last tog m ..fa f.miiiv to iiiiviiwhiirciho rcdiilcd for'snlo. Thlrty-llva cents nor liushol - t . i e VgxtfHLr.'iirr', . ". -. I V., I- . 1?n.- .. A . .- - . ,,!,., h n..v.u ... NoIjuihU unci Saturday says: "The caso of J. A. boyd of Red Cloud, wherein the de fendant was charged with dotatning mail addressod to another, camo up in tlio Federal court Friday morning on a motion to quash tho indictment. Whilo refusing to sustain the motion, Judgo Munger disparaged the naturo of tho case in that no proof of the defendants bad intent was shown. Assistant At torney Rush says tho charges will not warrant prosecution, and tho case will bo dismissed. It is said to bo all a piece of splto work or. tho part of tho complainant, who is a rival business man in Red Cloud." Sweet Potatoes for Sale. At my farm 2 miles south of Ited Cloud flomo choice seud potatoes for (Jko. W. Hiimmki,. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Cure llruoe Cream it Tartri Powder Ono of those elegant books will be given with every year of back subscription you pay. If you pay ono your back subscrip tion (91.00) you got ono book; if two years (12.00) you got two books; if threo years (W.00) you get three books, etc. SPECIAL OFFER. In addition to the above wo will make an extra offer for sub scribers who pay ONE FULL YEAR IN ADVANCE by giving them TWO BOOKS or ONE BOOK AND ONE UET OF CHRISTY PATTERN KNIVES, consisting of Ono Bread Knife, corrugated, 10-inch blade; One Cake Knifo, corrugated, 8-inch blade; Ono Pastry Knifo, 3-inch blado. Blades mado of tho host razor steol, highly polished and nickel plated; will out hot breaa or cako without eriuibln?, and is far superior to tho ordinary knife for outting pastry goods of iny kind. 1(31 I i h i hi M r ."a :l h i i. rv ii) x I M !.' JUri&tb-L J - iX- ym'