The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 25, 1898, Image 8

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Washington If ngnin n storm center.
AH eyes uro now turned towards tlic
president to know what action ho will
tnko upon tho verdict of tlio tmvnl
court of inquiry. A perfect storm of
excitement is rnglng mid It is constant
ly growing in intensity. Congress is
nmking n bravo elTort to wait patient
ly, hut it ii only succeeding in waiting,
because it must wait; its members aic
human and their stock of patience is
practically exhausted. There are a
thousand and one rumors as to what
tho presidunt will do with the report,
but tho impression prevails among
senators and others who have talked
the matter over with tho president and
members of tho cabinet, that it will de
pend on tho nature of thorepoithow
soon it will bo scut to congress and
made public. Jf it merely shows that
tho Maine was blown up from the out
aide by unknown parties, it will prob
ably be sent to congress right away,
but if it shows that tho explosion was
due to tho action of any Spanish.oflleinl
or ofllcials, it would probably bo with
held until every preparation to make
aggresslvo war was completed, as the
president knows, as does somebody
olso, that in that case, as soon as tho
facts were laid before congress, war
would bo declared.
Signs of coming war are plentiful in
Washington. Tho house naval com
mittee has added millions to the naval
appropriation bill, by providing for ad
ditional battleships, torpedo boats and
torpedo boat destroyers; bills uro now
under consideration to provide for an
extousivo incrcaso in both tho army
and navy; hundreds of ofliciul notices
of recruits wxutod aro being prepnred
in tho navy department, ho as to -bo
ready to bo used in every city in tho
country on short notice. They aro be
ing sent out by mail, so that in ease it
becomes neocssary to uso them, tho de
partment will have only to wire its
agents to go ahead. Tbero is an un
usual bustle in overy bureau of tho war
aud navy department, and in addition
to the telegrams received over the
wires in the building, there is a con
tinual of messages going in and
out. This is not only during oflico
hours, but goes on nil day Sunday and
tiio greater portion of tho night. Tho
work at the gun aud carriago and
aiHiinition shops in the Washington
navy yard is continuous, three shifts
of men each working eight hours right
along. Such a big holohas been mado
in tho $50,000,000 einurgonoy appropri
ation that there is already talk of an
other big appropriation. All this docs
not, of course, make it certain that wo
shall have war, but it certainly serves
to incrcaso tho chances in favor of
If all the annual reports of govern
ment olllcials wore as full of valuable
and interesting information as that
made of tho operations of tho U. S.
patent oflioe for 1807, by .Hon. A. P.
(ireoloy, acting commissioner of pat
ents, thoro would be no occasion for
calling public attontion to money
wasted in publishing annual reports.
.Pi cssuro of more sensational matter
mado tho synopsis of this report that
was sent out by tho pross association
utterly inadequate. In fact, tho only
way to fully appreciate its value to in
ventors, patentees, manufacturers,
.capitalists aad publicists, in showing
how much tlte great progress of Amer
ican industry owes to tho United States
.patent system, is to lead tho entire
thirty pages of the pamphlet, which
may bo had free by writing to tho com
missioner of patents at Washington.
Tho now Spanish minis tor is both
brainy and audacious. In addition to
bringing throe Cuban commissioners to
Washington to open negotiations with
our reciprocity commissioner for a
commercial treaty with Spain, just as
though ho really believed in the possi
bility of the conclusion of such a treaty
undor existing circumstances. Senor
Palo has mado strenuous efforts to
make tho world believe that tho only
reason autonomy in Cuba has not been
fully accepted by tho insurgents and
peace restored to Cuba has been tho
warlike attitudo of this country toward
Spain aud tho prcsenco of tho strong
llcotaf war ships at Key West. It is
impossible to admire the ingenuity
and industry of this Spanish diplomat,
but that does not prevent a number of
prominent senators and representa
tives thinking that ho and his dummy
commissioners should bo givcu a littlo
hint that their conduct is bringing
them dangorously near to being classod
as lying lobbyists. It is not pleasant
to hear those persons assorting that
autonomy, which Sonators Proctor,
Gallinger and Money, who bavo per
sonally investigated, declaro to bo a
miserable failure, is a success. It is a
little too much liko calling our sona
tors liars. Their object is to try to
make friends for autonomy in con
grcRs, but tho ovldonco against them is
too convincing for them to make any
headway in that direction, oven if
congress was not overwhelmingly in
favor of Cuban independence, Thu3o
onimnissiouors woro formally presented
to Secretary Sherman Monday.
Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tab
els All druggists refund the money
f it faili toctiic. 'J5c.
rif in
Hlimitil lie In every family
mcillclno elicit iiml every
traveller's Rrtp. 'I hey arc,
Imuliiiilila wlifii tlie utotimrh
in nut of order! curn headache, lillloustieit, unit
all liver trouble. Mild and tOlclent. 2) cent.
Real Estate Translers
Heal t statu transfers for the week
ending March i!H, 1808, furnsiliud by
the Fort Abstract Co., I.. II. Fort, Man
ager, Hud Cloud, Neb.
(lulile Itoek Cemetery Anoelatlun to A.
(I. Illiickwell. lot a, block '.)7, (lnl'lu
Hock Cemetery, wil Hi Oo
rhllionler'l'iilliot to.lnliM llliiekui'll. s'i
mv U 1 7 a. wil imw
Cllllor.l.l. l'opuund v,lfu to M. 1. Miller,
mv i, H( Hon 1.1 ail. wil 'Sm (JO
I'liuenlx Mutual t.lfe Insurant c 'o . m
C. 0. Illti. n V, so U .'ft a I.', wil NW on
II. A. Milnkloto l.lxlc M I'oMi-r. lots I
mul 2, block .'I, (liirlier'H ii addition tu
lleil Cloud, wil M1
.liiiiiithnii Diinhiim to .litmes OTnole,
i Mt' U 33 I 9, wil
KM ft".
Jonathan Dunham tetanies It, Dunham,
w JJ se U uw li nuil w i nil U mv 'H
Will', wil -HW41
A. II. Mlars to II. Thomas. , 27 2 II).
ml '.WO 00
Ciilherlnu While In A. ,1. White, n 1 co
'i.'IOl 10, wil 700 00
1'reil t,. CliMKtciul to Lewis N. Olmstenil,
u 'i nw U mul w 4 mv i j :i) 2 Hi. wil 2M 00
William Mali'olm to Neb. Central l.uan
Association. lotN 1.1, ll.V. anil 10, hlock
.'I, (Inrber's addition to licit Cloud, uil O.V) tK)
Mate of Nebraska to Noah CIIiik mv '4
mvi3 3IO,ilocl . .TXI0U
J. W. Ittinchcy, sheriff, to Esther K. Al
Hip, h !4 nv U ntul se U SO '.i 2 1 U.
sheriffs deed H94 0
nihriilno W. I'ox to Cyntlilii .1. Hotter,
lotd 1 mid i, hlock it), Guide Honk, wil 1M 00
J. C. Warner mid wlfo to F. V. Tnjlor,
lot 17, hlock 16, lied Cloud, ijcil . . 10 00
John lilalnc mid wife to Geo. It. Chancy
mid wife, lotM, r. and 6, hlock 1, Ix:
Diic'k addition to lied Cloud. i c d .... M 00
C'Iiiin II. Kaley to Llrzlo M. KoMcr, lot
U 1.1 Htid 1 1, hlock 1, Harbor's addition
to Ited Cloud, wil 00
Nclt-ou C0110 to Archibald Campbell, lots
4 mid i, section 8, lot I, section 17, lot 1,
section 18 all la 1 U wil - - IOX) 00
(leo. H. Chancy mid wife to Etta (lalu
shn, lotN I, r. -tnd 0, hlock 1, I.eDllc's
iiddltloii to lied Cloud wd MO Oil
... ....I3U9 98
To Dr. Hartman, Frosidont of tho
Surgical Hotel.
Marshall is a neat little city of 7,000
population in the state of Texas.
Among its many enterprising mer
chants is Mr. V. E Wyatt. In a recent
letter to Dr. Hartman Mr. Wyatt says:
"I have boon alllicted with la grippo
four times aud the last tinio was worse
than tho first. I began to think, after
trying scvontl remedies without any
relief, that tho disease could not bo
curat, two years
ago was the last time
I had an attack of it.
i decided to try Po-rti-iia
and got six hot
ties. Tho first bottle
I took did mo more
good than all the
medicines I had tak
ou ociore. I recom
mend 1'e-ru-nu to all who aro Buffering
with any disease it is advertised to
euro. I am well and stout now. I
want everybody afflicted as I was to
know of tho wonderful merits of Pe
ruana." Unless treated by Pe-ru-na
la grippe leaves the system in a de
plorable condition. It completely do
moralizes tho nervous system, deranges
digestion and disturbs neatly every
function of tho ibody. Pe-ru-na is a
perfect specitic for this coalition. It
is an admirable remedy for tho after
effects of la grippe.
For further testimonials, see book
entitled "Facte and Faces," sent free
by tho Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing
Company, Columbus, Ohio.
For Salo.
One hundred and sixty acres of unim
proved land four miles northwest of
RodiCloud, consisting of the west half
of tho northeast quarter, and the east
half of tho north west quarter of section
tlfteeu in township two north, range
eleven west. Tho laud is leased at
present, but subject to sale. For
terms apply to
Mits. James Kiukwood,
Fairfax, Mo.
Mr sukk you auk BimiT aud then go
ahead. He sure you get Hood's Sarsap-
arllU and you may confidently expect
it will purify your blood and givo you
appotite and strength.
Hood's I'ills act easily and promptly
on tho liver nnd bowels, Cure sick
Tho Union Fire Insurance Company
is tho best mutual, Combine risks; in
installments a por cent. J. II. Smith,
Special Agent,
ICcrluily u ho.
Cascarots CarnU Cathartic, the most won
derful uu'dlcul (Iim'uutv of the aire, pleas
ant mid refreshing to tho taste, act gently
nnd positively on kidneys, liver nnd bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
euro heniinohp, fever, hnhltunl constipation
nn9.ulVm,8nl!,l8 Plensu buy and trva box
of C. C. C. today; 10, -J5, ru cents, h'old and
guaranteed to euro by ull druggists.
Pon't rohaniiSpn n,i snmke luur I. ire Anij,
To null tnli.itTo oisilv und forever, bn innir
notlc, full of life, nervo unit visor, tako No-To-Ilac,
tho wonder-worker, that makes wcah men
BtrotiB. All ilruyirtsu, 50j or Ji. Curoiruaran
tcid Ilooldet nnd mmnlo freo. Address
Sterling Ilemudy Co . riiu-uw or New York
m a lur I ti iiii
C,nr 1 i, 1 t, 1 . 1 1 1 , 1
linn 1 '. 1. 1 , 1 ,
Burlington Routo California Excur
sions. Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave
Omaha l:!i.r p.m., Lincoln (5:10 p.m. and
Hastings 8:M) p.m. every Thursday in
clean, modern, not crowded tourist
sleepers. No transfers; cars run right
through to San Francisco and Los
Angeles over the scenicrouto through
Denver and Stilt Lake City. Cars aro
carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have
spring seats and backs and are provid
ed with curtains, bedding, towels, soap
etc. Uniformed porters and experienc
ed excursion conductors accompany
each excursion, relieving passengers of
bother about baggage, pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other
ways helping to make tho overland
trip a delightful experience. Second
class tickets arc honored. Herths .?.".
For folder giving full information,
call at nearest llurliiigton Uotito ti'kct
ollice, or write to J. rriiucN, (J. 1. A.
Omaha, Neb.
Deafness Cannot Bo Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
roach tho diseased portion of the ear.
There is only ono way to quo deafness
aud that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an iullamcd con-
a a . a ..a . a I .
(illiou 01 me mucous lining m me eus
tachian tube. When this tubo gets in
llauied.'you have a rumblingound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is eu
tiroly closed deafness is tho result, and
unless tho inflammation can be taken
out and this tubo restored to its nor
mal condition, hearing will bo de
stroyed forever, nine cases out of ten
aro caused by catarrh, which is noth
ing but au iullamcd condition of the
mucous surfaces.
Wo will givo Ono Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness, (caused by
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 70c.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best.
What docs it cost to get there!1 When
and how should you go? What should
ono take? Where are the inities? How
much have they produced? Is work
plentiful? What wages are paid? Is
living expensive? What aro one's
chances of "making a strike"?
Complete and satisfactory replies to
the above questions will be found in
tho lUuiington Route's "Klondike
Folder," now ready for distribution.
Sixteen pages of practical information
and au up-to-date map of Alaska and
the Klondike. Free at littrlingtou
Route ticket ollices, or sent on receipt
of four cents in stamps by J. Francis,
(Jcn'l Passenger Agent, Hurl kg ton
Route, Omaha, Ncbr.
Livor Complaints and Norvouhnoss
A torp'd liver always produces dull
ness, irritability, etc. You are all
clogged up and feel despondent. Per
haps you have treated with physicians
or tried somo other recommended med
icino without bonefit. All that is no
argument against "Dr. Fenner's lilood
aud Liver Remedy nnd Nerve Tonic,"
which wo insist will cure nervousucss
and liver complaints. If not satisfied
after using ono bottlo j'our money will
be refunded by C. L. Cotting.
Many People Cannot Drink
coffee, at night. It hioIIh their sleep. Youcau
drink Grain O when you (dcano and sleep llko
a top. For Grain O docH not stimulate, It uour
Unci, cheers and feeds, IVet It looks and
tartcs like coffee. For nervous persons, young
people and children Oraln-O Is a perfect drink.
Made from pure grains. Get a package from
your grocer today. Try It In placo of coffee.
ISo and 85c.
Baby Mine!
Every mother
feels an inde
scribable dread
of the pain and
danger attend
ant upon the
most critical pe
riod of her life.
Becoming a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suffering and
the ordeal make
anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suf
fering incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is re
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy arc no longer de
spondent or gloomy; nervousness
nausea and other distressing con
ditions are avoided, the system is
made ready for the coming event,
and the serious accidents so com
mon to the critical hour arc
obviated by the use of Mother's
hrlend. t s a blessing to woman.
91.00 FKR BOTTLE at all Srutr Stores,
or Bent by express on receipt of price.
RflftKS Containing invaluable, Information of
rntt to any address, upon application, by
Ilert i'oukIi bjrup. '1'qios (lixki. lire I
111 iimn. Mini nr uriiuuiHiii.
ttaii Wta.aiJhiis .f '
dancrcr of
vi iJ 1 I l WW.!ifll
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Cures a Prominent Attorney.
5 )
MH. It-' IMin.I'H, the leadlns pension
attorney nf lclf:ist, .N. y., rites:
"I uusilisi'liiiitfed fioin the army on
account of 111 health, and HUtti-tod from
heart trouble ever (dure. I frequently litul
fidnttiiK nnd smotherlm; .spells. My form
wnsbutitasiitnunofM). I constantly wmc
an overcoat, oven in summer, for rVar of
takliiR cold. I could not attend to my busi
ness. My rest was biokeii by seveto pains
about the heart and left shoulder. Three
years ago 1 commenced us-lns Dr. Miles'
Heait t'uie, iiotwlthstnmllii'; I had used m
much patent midlcluouiil taken drugs from
doctors for years without belnp helped. Dr.
Miles' Heart euro lestoted mu to health. It
U truly a u underfill medicine and It afford-
mo much nleasuiu to lecomuieud this mm.
eiiy to everyone."
Dr. Miles' Itcmedles
are sold by all drin;
Slsti under a posit I vp
piarautco, fir-t bottlo
benellts or money re
funded. Hook 011 ill
eases of tho lie'irt anil
nerves free, Addrei,
DU.MILKdMCi). U, CO., Klkhart, Ind.
'T'housands ol
women are
troubled at
monthly inter
vals with pains
in the bead,
back, breasts,
shoulders, sides
hips and limbs.
But they need
not suffer.
These pains are symptoms of
dangarous derangements that
can be corrected. The men
strual function should operate
makes menstruation painless,
and regular. It puts the deli
cate menstrual organs in condi
tion to do their work properly.
And that stops all this pain.
Why will any woman suffer
month after month when Wine
of Cardui will relieve her? It
otMts 1.00 at the drug store.
Why don't you get a bottle
For advice, in cases requiring
special directions, address, giv
ing symptoms, "The Ladies'
Advisory Department," The
Chattanooga Medicine Co.,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
ol Osnatdll. Tliu, Mfil
"I was troublttf at meathly laUrval
Hi ttrrlblt pitas In n hstd ana back,
eat havt n Uraly rslUiil kf Wliw
M Oartsl."
California Brandies.
Special nttontion to Commercial and
Probato Litigation.
ClMaaat taj beautiriaj Ut htlt.
PramDlaa a loiurUat crovtlL.
Narar rail! to Bestor Oray
Cam acaJp diaraaca h hair laulaf.
joe.andtinuat lninlitjl.
Chimney brick,
Cistern brick,
Ludlow Bros.
Health' J
Is always
-VVJO Oysters,
A. ?. Reynold9 S
eity Drav and
Goods Delivered to any part
S ? 4a M Jk'
5U Bs'j:IKv.vJ
r fo83r
' I tejgir
Ghieago ItamberiYaPd,
Lumber, Lime,
l.KUM, xorivt:.
Ill the District Court of Webster county, Nf
I II, I'cttluoiiu mul bHiiiuon
i;. Mxuti, I'lutncrs uoiuk
luslticss nndur llio linn
inline mill tjliMif ri'ttllione
iV Mxuti.
,1. (!. llrown. .MiirKiirvt OtK
A nellim winters. Dunlel II.
Wliitern. Kniina A. Acker
sun, Friiuclx A. EnincH.
OenrKO V. llrown. Hello
Miller. Jiicobl,. Miller, nml
.lucob L. .Miller HnnilmlulN.
trator of the estate of Hun
null llrown, ileceaseil.
The nbove nameil dcfeiidnntH Emma A
Aekurson, Krnncltt A. Kaines, (Jcorco W. llrown,
llellc Miller, Jacob L. Miller, and Jacob l Mil
ler an administrator of tho estate of Hannah
Urowu, deceased, will tnko notice Hint on the
s.'hth day of Kebruary. lt-IW I'ettlbono A Nixon,
iilrtlntlllH herein, tiled their petition In tho ills
trlct court, of Webater contily.Nebranka, Hgalniil
tho Haid ilcfendautH impleaded with othern, tho
object and prayer of which aro to foreclose
certain tax certificate executed by the treasurer
of Webster county, Nebraska, to plaintiffs upon
loll numbered thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) In
block Twenty (MO) of the original town, now
city of Red Cloud, Nebraska. I'lalntlfT allcse
that they paid therefor tho turn of 116.40 on tho
5th day of November, 1891. PlalntlfTH allcgo
that they paid other taxei on raid lot as follows :
On the 1st day of May. 1H05. IM.M) that belnft tho
amount due for taxes for the year 1894, and on
the Ut day of May, 1890, they paid the further
sum of 112.46 for taxes for the year 1895. Plain
tlfTs bIIcku that there Is now due them tho sum
of W1.76, with Interest at the rate of twenty per
cent per annum on f 10. 40 thereof from tho fith
day of November, 1UVI, to tho Mb, day of No
vember, 1880, and ten per cent per annum there
after, with Interest at the rate of twenty per cent
per annum on 118.40 thereof from tho 1st day of
May, 1895, to tho fith day of November, 1890, and
ten per cent per annum thereafter, with Interest
at twenty percent per annum from tho 1st day
of May. 18W, to the 5th day of November. 1890,
on 112 40 thereof, and ten por cent per annum
thereafter, for which sum, with Interest from
tho 15th day of May, 1898, plaintiffs pray for a
decree that said lots bo sold to satisfy tho
amount due, together with ten por cent of tho
amount of Judgment as attorney fees, and for
all other and further relief as may be Just aud
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before the 18th day of April, 1898.
Dated. March 4th, 1898.
Pkttibonb A Nixon.
liy HoBEitT T, I'ottxh, their attorney.
Grown Bridge Work or Teeth Wiibooi Plates.
And all tho latest Improvement la dental mcch
City nuil country calls promptly nn
sworal day or night.
Omen ovkk C'ottino'b Ukuo Stork,
FEnnfRutAL riLLS
v4BtK ertaai40al0,la. m
vi mil ivr tKMiri vnaium ma avA
,imJ tfraiul la UtA and tlM
llaiea. Halad vlih til.a rihhun. Tib XF
Jnoalhrr. Ki$tdmtfnmt tb$iuw
ftitmanJ imitation., AiIiioffliu,arto44.
u iismi iur rKnioitiwi, iniiihdiiii aua
"Italltf for l,u.llf,,,irlllfr. h, rrlara
SUIl. 1 11,01111 'I rilliululili ,V,im Itptr,
it - r r-L Tiili'tl -! 'ill.uu t'lni-r.
cool, cluati and ni'at, nnd has only tho
and unlets tnkon tlit'ic ni' I't'ciiratfly tilled and
liromptly dolivt'tvil. That U tin- oouilition of
alTaitN at
Moon Block Market.
Express Itine.
of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
-" tt 11 - 11 - 11 ; 11 , 11 ct a
istrmg out, i
$ well said that manners make the I
S l inmhll) till" mnri Cnlirl - 9
clur.iripr l nUn np.eci,.,, .,, i
tyre of manhood. If a man has these both,
and also has the good sense to dress well I
he will find the "latchstring out" for him ;
all over the world. j
' ","VJ".7-rv' "".". '""""s
In Material, Style, Fit, Finish, and Gentle
manly eirect, you should order your tailor
ing Ul
M. BOR1N & GO.,
The Great Chicago Merchant Tailors
Kor pixr'JO Yearn the LrmleM In the Custom
1 raite. ou can Ret n "BORN" Suit or Overcott
ror Ic money than is usually paid for inferior
Rooils nml tailoring. luicnor
Three llundrtd CAotro Sample to Stltttfrom.
Ooal and Cement.
Itithn lllkfrli't (VtHi-i nf Un...i,h. f a.. ...
raskn. 1,cl '""K
J. II. I'ettlliono nml sum-,
ucl V.. Nixon, partners)
iIoIiik tiusliiex under
the llrm name mid sijlr .
ui leiiiuuuu ,v .ixiiu,
I. (i. llrnun. MiirfnritfV
Oils. Angelliiu Wlniers,.
imniei k. winters, Km
III ft A Af.L'irftti I'r.tonll
A I'llMlLK'.. Mlllnrl
aiul.Iiu'ub I, Miller as
executor oi tneiast will
mid testament of .lames J
II llrniv,, ilnpmiLnil
Tim tllnlVl, (lUtnn.l ilnl,in,t..,,u . . ..
tern. Daniel K. Winters Kmm'ft A. Ackerson
llelle Miller nnd Jacob l'. Miller r? oiccutor o
lin Inn! will ntwl liialamnnl ? T 2: . T .V w
dccenpcd will tnko notice ihnt on tbo 17th dAv
?. .rrr?":,,.-.!:!!!l!?.?. -N'md, Plaintiff?
;.". " ' """J l'c,,,,,u" '" ,UL mstrici court of
Unli.lA, nnmilr Vitlt.a.ha l ...
.. ,.. vuu,,.j, ,u.,u, "kuiiim inesaiu de
fendants Impleaded with others the object and
certificate executed by the tTrcasurer of Web
In f'Mlttf Vntipatba ,1.I...Iih . .
S. irfflw "OTnSS
loV.dVNebraska.' "' "'C '"'' m ,U CUy or Kea
lllalntlrV'a allniTd Ida Iki,. ..i.a . .
&m3&&S&2!&"llow.s OnWtholst'd.ey 'oSSS'
iwor. HKfimiiathuiMraiv.1. -..:..; j g .iTIUt
""i ' "" "ib autumn 11 ill? JQT IAVAB
of tho year 1891. and on tho 1st day of May ikm
they paid $13.59 the same beiiiK for taxes of
year (895. Plalntiffi sllego fhat there is now
due them on said tax ccrtlfJcatcs the sum of
$47.03 with Interest at the rate of twentv ner
cent per annum on 117.55 thereof from the 5th
day of November. tho 5th day of Nov.
ember, 1890 and ten percent per annum there,
after, with interest at twenty Kr cent per a
mini on 115.89 thereof from the lstdov ofMav
IhWltotlicflth day of November, 1896, ind 1 ten
per cent per annum thereafter, with interest at
rate of twenty per cent per nunnm on 113 59
thereof fri'in tho 1st day of May, 1890 to tho nth
lay of November, island tin per cent S
ninuin therenflor, for which sum with lntirvt
from the lfith day of May. 1898, pUlntlfTa pray
for a lots bo m)hta "atUfj 'tho
amouiil due on said tax certificates. 0KJthsr
with ten per cent of Hmount of JudKinent k t.
torncy fees, and for nil other and li?ther relief
as may bo Just and eiiultable. ''" run. i
'c'eortlnSly.1 aS ,r" ',bS J de'red
Dated .Mart li 17,1608.
Ily ltoUK.tTT.loTTK... thc1?IttoniBey.NlS0''-
Excursions to
Tho wheat fields of Western Canoiln nnw
tbo greatest Inducements to seuicrS.
can be homestended (frce.( Those whn ,i
sire It can purchase Elands t fromtfcifnK
per aero. Easy terms of payment irs K
Thmisands of farmers anil otuoTTfmn,
districts whero farming is at nretmit f,fn?,m
unprofitable, will take up lands therenil
season. In order to accommodate thSE li
curslons conducted by a renrMPniaHS' cx.
the Canadian OovCrnmye,! fflMM
33d and 30th of MARCH and
the 6th of APRIL,
wlmllirr linini,-t..J.""' "'P" CXCIlrsiOHB.
..... .. '"imurFemcr.
vr.v. ttbrNNETT,
N.Y...,nulMIK. Omaha, Neb. I
nii'iiaii t(ovirniui it i-.m,s.
iaiilUft5JU. t'IIIL.l I'A.
immmk'i w?gj;