The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 25, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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rntlnm In tint Tuldni; Anny nf Clilrf
Joint IIijiiii of tin- l'ln ll('iiirtiuiMil tif
lloMon Tim Hero or it Ki-iiutrtinlihi
Km-upo from Death.
rAV S -'oil" I"'. F.gun, who,
J II v wltn "V(" ''omra,l('!,
w II I 1 1
V i1,. im!7--' strong us sin ox, us
Biipplo ns ti gymnaBt, us sober us a
Judge nnd tui brave ns a Hon. His
head wan always clear, ami no man
was quicker to calculate si lighting
chanco tlinn he. F.gnn li.ul many nar
row escapes, the most notable of which
was on March 10, 189!!. He hail gone
to tho roof of the burning Ilrown-Dur-J
oil building to oiion UyilrnntH. Wlillo
tlius engaged ho was cut off from all
lines of escape except, one. This was
u telegraph cable that stretched across
Kingston street to the Holmes build
ing, opposite. Kgsm threw his hat
down Into the street as a signal of dis
tress nnd swung himself oiiLhand over
iiand and leg over leg, Into space. Tho
cable 8wacd an J sagged. When he
hail reached the middle point he stop
ped. Ho could not climb on the tit)
grade. A life net was brought and sus
pended at the spot where he was ex
pected to fall. ".Stick to It, .lack:" was
tho cry from the firemen. Fgan bus-
banfled bis strength very adroitly. He
made no effort to ride the cable, but
clung to it, sldo down, Hist with one
arm and one leg and then with the
other arm and leg. He hung on for
what seemed a long time and every
body was expecting to kco him drop
when suddenly tho cable began to sag.
"It is giving way! It Is giving way!"
(be people cried, and the men with the
lifo net maneuvered to keep directly
under the suspended form. Oraduully
the cable camo down. The end of it
appeared over the eaves of the Holmcf.
building, and as it sloped to an angle
of 50 degrees Fgan began to i lido with
the pitch. Three men hud, after mak
ing fast tho cable with a iope, severed
it and lowered easily away. From
their position on tho roof they could
mako ICgan hear and he hold on tight
and didn't let himself slide until tho
pitch was such that lie could no longer
hold on.
Down, down he camo, twenty feet,
forty feet, fifty feet, sixty feet. He
had reached tho place where the rope
wan inndo fast nnd there was about
twenty feet more. His strength was
gono nnd he let go, falling squarely
Into tho life net held by his compan
ions. Ho was taken to the hospital,
but came around all right in a few
' An Intcri'Mlng Toy.
A good deal of amusement may bo
furnished by means of what are known
aa Pharoah's serpents. A smnll, ob
long capsule is filled with a chemical
compound, allowed to become dry, then
a mntc.h is nppllcd to one cud, when a
quantity of gray, aBhy-looklng material
creeps slowly out from tho capsule,
twisting and turning in a way to sug
gest tho writhing of n ser
nent. Tlicso capsules aro mailo
by dissolving In hot water a
small quantity of gum-tragacanth,
When this is completely softened put
it into a mortar and add ono grain of
dry mercury sulpho-cynnlde. "Work It
In tho mortar with tho gum, using only
no much as Is necessary to maku it In
to ft manageable pellet. This Is then
shaped into whatever size may bo re
quired. The pieces aro dried upon a
kIubs. Tho most desirable shape to
mako them Is qulto long nnd slender.
When perfectly dry, If tho flame Is ap
plied to ono end of tho capsule, tho
gray, oahy-looklng substanco at onco
begins to creep out, much to tho sur
prise am1 amusement of the com
pany. Murk Twnln'i Joke
New Orleans Picayune: At a Now
England society dinner some years ago
Mark Twain had Just finished a piquant
address when Mr. IJvartsaroao, shoved
both of ills hands down in his trousers
pockots, as wub his habit, and laugh
ing remarked: "Doesn't It strike this
company an a little unusual that a pro
fcsjlonal humorist should bo funny?"
Mrk Twain waited until tho laughter
eucltcd by this sally subsided, and then
brawled out: "Doesn't it strlko this
company nB a little unusual that a law
yer should have his hands In his own
IjiockotB?" Mark had tho old man
? s uFTTi-, i"-'""'"'"
(WMit AV. "B'HnB '1:''
? ftK' H"t". was an
( (kZriXflfbJ. Weill fireman. Ho
!j?t&'fffi--Vp ) W!,s II ll''u(! 'sv'r
WpMPX W J weighed about l'')
I ft)
is--'-. ,47
Shiny 'llilnij Which an (Mil I'linnc-i- Ton)
llouu, to t do C'lillilrcu,
"Clad I am tluoiigh with It," Uvaghed
fie traveling man who lm.l lev years
been selling diamonds by sample or di
rectly from the stock whlrh be carried '
about his person, accoidlng to the De
troit Free Press. "I've been followed
for hundreds of miles and kept on the
alert for twenty-four hours a day, but
the biggest scare I ever had was In that
lower part of Illinois known as Egypt.
In hurrying to catch a train I had
placed a book of the sparklers In my
overcoat pocket and foigot all about
them until I leached the hotel at my
next stopping place. They were gone
and J felt worse than any man who has
lost his all thiough speculation, foi I
was the victim of my own carelessness.
I iccalleil inking off my overcoat and
sitting In the same sent for some time
with a man who looked and talked like
a countryman. Hut you cm never tell.
1 have a habit of diawing such people
out, more for my own entertainment
than anything else, and I recalled his
having told me where be lived, but he
might have been finding me. 1 tele
graphed th house that 1 was r.lck. for
I was, and then went In seareh of the
old farmer. 1 was surprised to llnd
him, and still mote surprised to have
him hand me the book of diamonds as
fooii as I bad been made welcome.
'Didn't ever cackalate lo see you ug'ln,'
lie said, heartily; 'but I reckon you was
takln' them there shiny stones homo
fur the kids, or they mlghter been some
kind of a keepsake. I was jest goin'
lo keep 'em a few months and then
'strlbuie 'em 'round 'mum; thn neigh
bor children if you hadn't showed up.
They all purly, but they hain't no use
but to look at. When I slipped a $100
bill Into bis band on parting he looked
as though he thought 1 was crazy, anil
said If I ever needed the money to lo1
him know."
lilt-cow r of sclcnllllc Inipnl luncc Mmld
nl llic .iUiirliiin.
It has been discovered that tin
red snappers at the New York aquar
ium, which were rerolvod from Her
muda last summer, belong to an en
tirely new species, says (be Now York
Advertiser. There aie about a dozen
specimens In the tanks and they have
attracted attention bocaiiFo of their fine
color, liveliness and exuberant good
health. Recently one of them became
ill, and before It could be ascertained
what the trouble was it died. Hut to
the scientific man a dead fish Is much
more valuablo than a live one, for the
Identification of live specimens Is al
ways illlllcult, sometimes Impossible.
It was found that a bit of gravel had
lodged in one of the gills and that
(he fish had died of suffocation. It Is
the practice of tho aquurluin to send all
fishes (hat die to the laboratory, where
careful measurements and dissections
aro mnde. When that was done with
the red snapper It was found that it did
not conform to any known species,
notes were sent to Washington, and it
developed that the species was un
known there. The red snapper, which
lives In the Gulf of Mexico, and is fre
quently seen on our tables, offen grows
to largo size; the now species seldom
attains a length of moro than ono
foot. The latter lias been named Neo
moenls Hastings!!, in honor of (Jen.
Hastings of Ilermiida, who gave much
valuable nssistanco to tho biological
expedition to Bermuda last year, even
giving up one of his Islands for use
as a collecting station for tho New
York aquarium.
Tho building In which tho oldest
bank In Omnha was located Is lim very
dilapidated condition. Tho porches aro
tumbling nnd Its windows and tops of
tho doorways bnvo been taken posses
sion of by tho sparrows. Not only was
this tho first bank of tho town, but
the first financial institution under the
charter of tho territory of Nebraska, darkles of Oalcsburg. Crawford grew
Its president was Thomas H. Ronton. ' to manhood, doing what ho liked
son of tho senator. Loroy Tuttlo was most, to hang around livery Htables or
cashier, and A. N. Wyman teller. In , any place else where horses were kopt.
tho panic of '57 tho doors were closed, j Ho did not care for school, but of mu
Tho ancient structure is decidedly pic- sic ho was fond, and from his boyish
turcsquo In Us dilapidation, nnd has 'lays was always able to play nil the
frequently been put into iilctures by lo sweet airs he heard, and play them
cal artists.
Ilo .Iul I'UkH Up Money,
New York Sun: David Anderson,
who for forty-soven years has boon
employed by tho National Hank of
tho Republic, found a roll of bills
amounting In all to $50 lying on the
ilnnr In the office Of tllO Afetrnnnlltun
Trust company on Thursday of lastlBlrl ha'1 IM'v,'r lm'1 a w1"' nnd that
weok. On Monday ho found another
roll containing 85, thla tlmo at tho
iinnir nf Now York. The innnov ,i .s,
trust company had been lost 'by onc0f ,nuB, "'L'1 ll.Par" ',Gr I'ImH
of Its wealthlst customers, who reward
ed Mr. Anderson with a ?3 noto. An
oflico boy had lost the money at tbo
mOl? 'VU WllV I l'W
W I l.- Mlli A) Vu
Tlir.' ,,l"" ,l,,r ' T'"'
Her t!n-
IiiiikI lrcrtt'l llcr- Tli l'iinl Kml
oi Siirli AtTiilrrt, Died In UUIninor unit
') Footo's people and
111 to all her friends
HI I lie tragedy of her
ji I n fa t u a t Ion for
"China" Crawford,
a colored stable
boy, which l (Mull
ed In their mar
i luge, will always
be a mystery. Kor
the wedded life of
this lll-iunted couple came to an cud
eight mouths after their wedding day
by the death of the young wife. And
In tho.e months, though her husband
abused and neglected her, not n word
of complaint or teproach over pasted
her lips. To crown all tills, her hus
band, although now a fugitive from
J'litlce, has made formal claim to bis
wife's share In her father's estate,
which lie says l. about $'.'..000. The
beginning of this strange story of the
inairlage of a young, cultured white
girl, only IS years old, (be daughter
of wealthy people, to an Ignorant col
ored boy, who.-e only thoughts In life
were for horses and crap-shootlng,
goes as far back as Miranda l'oote's
childhood, when she lccelved u fall,
from tho effects of which she never re
covered. This put her away from the
usual sports anil plays of a country
child, and her chief delight was to
bring music fiom the oigan which
stood in the sitting-room of the old
farmhouse. She went to die district
school witli her brothers and sisters,
and though she reielvid a good com
mon school education, there was no
greater pleasure for her than taking
her music lesson and practicing scnlen
and pxerolsci. On account of her deli
cate health little or nothing was ex
pected of the child about the house,
and as she grew to womanhood the
duties which usually fall to a farmer's
daughter were either performed by her
mother or sisters, and In eery way
Miranda's life was a sheltered one.
Stronghurst, the birthplace of Miran
da Koote, is a small village about thir
ty miles from Oalcsburg, 111. Long be
fore the village was there tho Koote
family was known for their wealth.
Years ago II. P. Koote came to Illinois
nnd purchased a few acics two miles
from what is known now as the vil
lage of Ktronghurst. As time went by
and lie was a successful stock raiser,
he added to his land, and when he died
several years ago this had increased
until the estate embraced some 100
Tho small wooden bouse with which
the Foote family had been content In
tho early days had long since been
replaced by a big rough stone dwelling,
which Is known far and wide in tin
country mound about as the stone
house. Long before the death of Mr.
Kooto his self-earned fortune was
placed at $200,000. and aa some of the
younger children were far from of
ngo the property was to be Intact un
til the girls and boys had grown to
manhood and womanhood. Hut Mr.
Foote was not a greater money-maker
than his wife, in whoso management
his fortune was left. Soon nfter his
death she added the breeding of race
horses to that of the other stock rais
ing upon tho farm. All tho country
around and nbout (Jalesburg Is famed
for its lino stock, but no horses for
miles about are more famed (ban those
raised by tho mistress of tho stone
house. John Crawford went to the
stone house last April to help in the
care of tlieso horses. From the time
of his birth, a quarter of a century
ngo, he had been ono of tho familiar
wen, too. hub, no oouut, was the
great charm that tie had for Miranda
Foote. While "Chinn" Crawford was
at tho big stotio house he received ev
ery kindness from tho family, but it
was in tho eyes of Miranda lie found
tho greatest favor, for by tho hour he
sang and played to her. Tho more In-
telllgcnt of tho farming people say tho
i1"" '"'"r"J m""'c "" "'"" mvo to
llcr ,n th? m?3t lmfisloo way. The
people who know of Miranda's lovo
UUU 11 limn .lumii u;u-r nilllliuy, year
In and year out, on tho wheezy old
organ In tho little Baptist church, feol
sure that the bond of sympathy be-
'tween the two was tto natural lovo
,Iut lliUh llatl f(. lllu,conv. Harty ,
.June .John went to llaloshiirg. r.nd to
a few of ills noai out companions con
llded that he was going to bring n
white girl home to tbeni. It did not
appear to confound hint that lie had
no other home than that of bis uncle.
Thin would all be overcome, be an
swered them, for the girl had "lots of
money." One daik night Miranda
Foote ran away, and her family did
not realize that she had gono until she
wsm bound for life to "China" Craw
ford. The girl must have planned her
escape for days befoiehand. for she
gathered all her win dt olio and thre.v
It from the window, from which she
herself went out. "China" wan wall
ing near, and they drove rapidly to
(laloshurir, where ho had assured her
he could gain a good thing for her
It was not long before the girl was
mlsued and her family feared she had
waiiileicd fiom the bouse and bad be
come faint. I lor brotbeis and slstera
rt arched for her throughout the entire,
nlcbt. llul before they beard of her
again she had become the mulatto
lioy'n wife. ,1 u it I ce H. F. llolcoutb
Joined tho lives of this colored ntnbtu
boy and the while girl, and he fought
as caruchtlv against It as he did long
years ago for the ficcdom of tho ne
groes. Ho bogged her to take (line f
consider, and when she Insisted that
the mai ringc should take place at
once, lie told her as far as her family
nnd friends wore concerned her life at an cud. Ilo told her plainly
and simply that, conn what might, she
must lonn-inher that she was .lobn
Ciawford's wife, and that nowhere else
In life was there a place for tier but
at bis side
spend much time by her side. Uo still
kept unbroken his lecord as a "orup
shooter." iv did not make much
money and the ponr girl would often
have gone hungry If It had not been
for the goodness of "China's" relatives
and friends. For weeks her people
seemed to forsake her. Then Mrs.
Foote wrote that she was ready to take
Miranda back If she would come alone.
This the girl refused. After another
Interval one of the older daughters
wiole that tho mother was 111. She
begged of Mlianda If she wanted to sec
her mother alive to come, and come at
once. The gill went. This plea she
could not withstand, and though Mrs.
Foote was a sick woman, fiho was not
In such a dangerous condition as the
letter seemed to Indicate. At the end
of two weeks the giil ran away for the
second time. All sho took with her
she woie, dressed in a calico wrapper,
a cheap little bat and a cape for her
shoulders. Sho went back to her black
husband and her dull life. But not
for long. The hardships that she had
to bear broke tier down. She died on
November 1. For a few hours John
Insisted that his white wife should be
bi'iicd where and when ho chose. But
tho girl's mother took her dead child
back to tho place of her birth and she
was burled from the big stone house.
Six days after his white wifo's death,
"China" was arrested with n lot of oth
ers In a gaming room. But his good
luck did not here desert him. On the
way to the station he escaped from tho
police. Last week he asked tho cir
cuit court at (lalesbiirg to appoint nn
administrator for tho estate of Miran
da Foote Crawford. He claims ho Is
entitled, as her husband, to a third of
the nr.'ierty left by her. And ho in
sists that her shaio of her father's es
tate is in the neighborhood of $2.'), 0(10.
Tho sixty days allowed after death by
the court had elapsed before "China"
wan aware that ho was entitled by law
to a part of his wife's father's money.
After his crap-shootlng cscapado end
ed he hid himself for some time on n
farm in MeDonoiigh county. He talk
ed often of his white wife and her rich
connections. He was assured that a
part of this wealth should descend to
him, nnd he has made tho first stcr
to acquire It.
DitWHiii a "I'IiimIi Tim ii."
Dawson Is the "fiushest" of nil tho
"Hush" towns In history. It is hard
ly necessary to repeat tho many storlei
that have gono out about the new and
greater California. Many of tho tales
may Imvo been exaggerations In Indi
vidual Instances, but they hardly por
tray tho reality. At the dance IiuIIe
and saloons, where men mostly con
gregate, gold stands In rows of tum
blers behind tho bars. In the safe ol
tho North American Transportation
and Trading Company 20,000 ounces of
left-over dust Is stored, But with all
that lias been taken out tho mines are
not really at work yot. Hardly one
twentieth of any claim has been ei
.Miim-I- In ii Cnt'H 'lull.
There aro three times as many
muscles in the tall .of a cat as thero
aro In tho human hand ann" wrist.
.ionlnl affairs tho divorce
jes tbc wisest part,
Bui "China" Uld
It Y
fflh WW
A CIiikh of Noumilx Who .Mulii- lluiiKury
I lulr Niitloiuil IIiiiiii' mill Who (Irii
criilly Iti'HliI All AltouipH to (.'Itlllnt
I linn.
Fashion's fondness of Hungarian or-.iicst-ras
the world over and a recent
society scandal In which an American
girl was Implicated have drawn the
Utcutlon of two continents to thorn cu
rious people called Tziganes In Hun
gary, Holieniliins III Franco ami kjimIph
In England ami the I'ulted StatiM, says
the Now York Tlnie-j. Hungary In the
homo of I ho Tziganes, In so far as they
have any homo. In all other European
countiioH they were poiT-'rutoil for cen
turies as emissaries of the evil one and
enemies of Christianity. But Hungary
look pity on I hem and treated the wan
derers like lost children. It was In the
fifteenth century that they (list made
their appearance then. King Slgls
niond ii reived them hospitably and
leconunondcd to the charity nnd pity
of the public "these poor, wandering
people, without a homo and hounded
by every one."
There aro now nbout 1 00.00(1 of those
Tziganes In Hungary. They may be
divided Into lliioo classes -those who
go bareheaded nnd barefooted, tho wan
dering gypsies; tliofi who wear head
gear and shoes on Siindns. the seni'
iioniads. and (hose who always wear
hats and nhoos, and who have to a
gioat o.Mont abandoned tbo nomadic
lives of their ancestors. These latter
aro tin most i Ivlllzed, and are general
ly musicians, who excel In tho playing
of Hungarian tunes. When tho Tzi
ganes arrived in Hungary they were
not trained musically, but they soon ap
propriated Mag.wir music, and out or It
have m.ide a emtio and weird art of
their own. Their favorite Instrument
Is the "bus alja," as they term the
v'fcln. Some play the harp, but they
lia a marked aversion for the piano
fit the reason that It cannot bo oaully
ni-'ed about. In Hungary no foto or
foiUhnl takes place without a Tzigane
orchestra. At election limes a Tzigane
band alwaya bends the electoral pro
cessions, and no wedding is considered
complete without their music for the
dance. The Tziganes have become na
tural musicians, playing from Inspira
tion, and gem rally being unable to
lead music. Liszt, who mailo a studv
of the Tziganes, says that mimic; la to
them a sublime language, a mystic
song, which they iften make use or In
stead of conversation, and Hint they
have, In fact. Invented a music of their
One of the favorite abodes of those
strange people Is near tho frontier of
Croatia, it Is there that tho typical
Bohemians are seen at their bout.
Their "camps" aro always sot up nt
some distance from the nearest town or
village, often in close proximity to
some forest. Tho Tzigane huts for
they nro nothing more consist of u
single room, unless tho owner Is ex
tremely Well-to-do, and generally do
void of furniture. The Tziganes eat
and sleep on the bare boards. At all
times of tho day them Is a smolder
ing Hro In the hut, over which hangs a
sandstone pot, for the Tzigane has no
fixed hour for his meals, but eats
whenever ho feels hungry. The ordi
nary bill of faro consists of potatoes,
stews, milk and lard. On festive occa
sions such t It-bits are indulged in as
hedgehogs, foxou and squirrels. Cats
aro considered by the Tziganes a
princely diet. Dogs are trained to
hunt hedgehogs and foxes. They have
a peculiar manner of cooking foxes.
They aru placed in running, water for n
couple of days and then cooked under
hot coals In a hole in the ground. The
Tziganes have a partiality for the flesh
of dead anlmnU, and whenever n farm
or a stable takes lire they rush to the
scene In the hope of flndtng the carcass
of some dead animal. Llko certain
oriental races, they use their Angers
In conveying food to their mouths.
Tzigane women, as a rule, go about
half-naked, tho young girls wearing
nothing lint a small apron, excepting
when they go to tho neighboring town.
Tho men wear but little clothing, and
until tho tlmo of their marriage, at
between 12 and l." years of ago, they go
silent almost naked. After marriage,
however, they attlro themselves in tho
gaudy Hungarian national costume, of
which thoy aro very proud. Cast-off
garnicutB of somo Magyar nobleman
they have a great weakness for, and
when thoy are able to obtain a bright
red coat their satisfaction is complete.
Tho Tziganes have horror of work
or restraint of any kind. Kven those
who have a llxed residence like to roam
about when they feel so Inclined. So
firm Is this wnaderlng instinct with
them that they have no word In their
language to signify "remain." Most
of tho trades they adopt nro sultablo
for a nomadic lire. Thoy aro cither
horse dealers, blacksmiths, sheep shear
ers, or, and above nit, beggars. It Is
qulto impossible to tako u country
drive through somo provinces or Hun
gary without coming across a band of
Tganes, somo one of whom will sure
ly follow a carrlngo for a half-hour or until ho has received a coin. Tho
Tziganes havo given themselves the
nlcknnmo of "poor men" and tho habit
of begging Is so thoroughly rooted In
them that even Well-to-do members ot
their rneo, whom ono occasionally
mretH In Budapest driving puro blood
ed horses and wenrlng costly Jewels,
cannot resist tho temptation of asking
for money.
Many unsuccessful attempts havo
been mado to restrain the vagationd
propensities of tho Tziganes. Tho Em
peror Joseph II. onco tried to corneal
them lo have, a fixed resldetico, an
allotted them land, distributed ngrlcul
ttirnl Implements among them and or
deied them tuvultlvntc th'. Ir laud. Bui
Instead of taking up their lesldenccs ii
the coinforlablo houses they had beet
piosonted with, tho Tziganes turnci
tho houses Into stables for their horao:
and cowh and set up tents near b
for their own use. To prevent tho core
given them for seed from sprouting
thoy boiled It. But tho emperor wot
not discouraged. He abolished tho Tzi
gane language, its he had already dono
away with the Magyar language; did
away with the veiy name of Tzigane,
and finally took their children from
them, to be educated by Ccrtuan and
Hungarian fanners, who wcro to bring
I hem up according to a strict codo of
discipline. But the little Tziganes grow
up with all the Instincts or their race,
and nt tho first opportunity they oh-
raped and rejoined their parents.
.Mi'iihl'ilophrli' I'lriMU'lM'il Ml"- llul
lei (ilrl mill Atti-il l.llui it I'lrutit.
They had the play or "Faust" in
the Chinese theater the other evening.
There was nothing outside the theater
on Doyers street, where the sign "Chi
nese opera house" stands out In big ,
i:ngllsh letters, to Imply It, and It took
a woman to Interpret It, says tho New
York Times. The central llgure of the
play at the I lino of I ho entrance oC
the party of visitors was a round
fneed, Jolly-looking Chinaman, with n,
long whlto board, who had much to)
wo In a hi rch falsetto voice. Do hint
been talklnc and gesticulating Tor sonin
time, when n number of "supes" wh
slood around in very much tho snnio
way that Americans of the same order
do, placed a stand in the front of tho
Htakn with n basin upon it. Tho Jolly-faced
Chinaman, who was undoubt
edly Faust, began to wash his long
while beard In tho basin, and, after
a moment, tbo "supes" grouped them
selves together in front of him, hiding
him from view lo separate again anil
show tbo rejuvenated Faust with the
long while beard turned to Intonso
black. Mepblstoplielcs camo In next.
Ho was a lloice, plratlcal-looklng In
dividual, also with a long black beard,
showing lines 41 f red on either Bide.
Ills attire wan romothlng between that
of a pirate and 11 ballet girl, and his
acting showed traces of the two char
acteristics. He pirouetted, gnvo fan
tastic kicks, turned up his sleoves for
lighting and caressed In a vicious man
ner two long, horn-like feathers, one of
which stood up from either side ot tho
top of his head, and then dropped, ai
grette fashion, down lo two fun-like
wings on his back, lie also talked In
falsetto tones, which may have been
made necessary by the operatic part oC
the affair, which consisted of a number
of heavy bass Chinese Instruments In
the back or tho stage. Marguerite did
not appear, and It wan apparent that!
she was booked for the next evening,
Chinese operas being long-drawn-out
and given in parts.
ItlMllllTH Of ltllll'lH'
ir tho works or hlgli-clasa writers
are upon the shelve:) of those who make
a practice of reading rubbish, those
works remain unlooked at, while tbo
low novel Is sought with keen anxiety,
and time Is occupied In Its perusal al
ways at the expense of the Intellect,
and often to tho neglect of( duties ot
vast Importance. People pay visits
to libraries, procure books, and spcnC
hours dally In reading, and often spealc
of It with apparent pride, but, as n
rule, they only read what may bo call
ed pastimes. Such readers aro con
sequently never In any way Improved
by their reading, though well up in
the details of Imagined murders and
nets of immorality, which authors havn
put before them to amuse and gratify
their shallow minds. Demoralizing lit
erature does not And its pntrons In
any ono class of society; on tho con
trary, such Is read by tho lady in tjie
drawing room as well as by the domes
tic servant in tho kitchen; by tho man
of good position down to tho office boy,
who has often been induced to be
come a thief or a forger in consequence
of examples set before him In work
of fiction. Westminster Review,
l.iicoiilr Dr. AlitTiK'tliy.
)r. Abernethy wan notoriously on
of th" most laconic of men. It Is said
that one day there was among his pa
tients a woman who had burned her
lvnd. Showing lilrn tho wound, sho
said, "A burn." "A poultice," answer
ed tho doctor. Next day sho called
and said "Better." "Repeat," said tho
doctor. In n week she mado her last
call, and her speech was lengthened
to three words, "well; your fee?"
"Nothing." said tho physician, "you
cro tho most sensiblo woman I over
Infiintlno l'lillimopliy,
Tottlo (aged C) I wonder why babies
Is always born in do night time."
Lottie (aged 7, a little wiser) Don't
you know? It's cos thoy wants to
mako sure of flnilln' their mothers at
home." Harlem Life.
Tilt CnrnftMl I'liiloRophcr.
"Though it may not be truo," salil
t'.i cornfed philosopher, "that every
man has his price, yet when ho does
have his price It is always a heap
higher than bio Intrinsic value." Ia
dlanapolls Journal.
(Ill I'lrxt TlioiiKlit.
Mrs. Burnham Hero's an item in
the paper to tho effect that women aro
now wearing skirts mado of papor. Mr.
Burnham Why? Do paper ones cost
moro than the other kind? Cleveland.
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