u THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY. MARCH 25, 1SVJ8. jyjjijm.Jiajgui'U.-j.j.u.iLJwi-uiiJ)JJivjiLLUi 'mra xiirMjaxutAncmjxtnasvxticMnixx:sixnctJixnrrr rmrnt FROM FOOT TO KNF.r Ohio Womnn Sufforod Great Agony From a Terrible Sore-Hcr Story of the Cnse, and Her Cure. l''or ninny years I wiu nllllctcd with n milk leg, iim! few yours ngo it broke out In n sore iiml Hiiniul from my foot to m knee. I suffered gmit nguiiy. It would bum nml Hull nil the time mnl dl-clinrKo n gri'iit ilciil. My health wni wood with the exception of thin core. 1 tried n rcnt many kinds of naive, hut some would lrrltntc the sore ho Unit I could Imnlly Btntid this jmln. I could not go near the flro without Buffering Intensely. Someone Bent me papers containing lest linniiltiN of cures by Hood's Hiirsnpnrlllii, mnl I told my hiiHbniid 1 would like to try tliN med icine. He got mu n bottle mnl I (omul It helped me. 1 Kept mi bikini: H until my limb wni eompletely lienlul. I etinnot prnlce Hood's Siir-niuinllft ein.uh for the grent beiiellt It l" Ihcii t me. It demises the Moi.il of nil ltiiinritb tuil leaves It rh h ii" i mi ' lir. A" na li. EAKIN. Wli'tll' - . !.. .. You enn l.u llootl - wirwi'HitllH ol nil (lruggislH. Iteciire toi I onl II'ou'h. "I, ., i-. 1 1 mi' Hi'' Iinmile l.iiiul) Hood s rills I.,,,!,.,!!.-, pi . rHE CHIKI rum I'liii' ii t W. I.. Mc.MIU.AN. )iil' vmr jlxm (lit It mi .'ii JUIII.IPllKIl KVKItV KIIIHAY Kntcn-J t the poM utticc m lied Cloud. Neb.au loroml I'laim mull mutter. The lied Clotul, Xch., CHIEF, weekly, is c.ruliteil with tin largest cirettlittion accorded to any paper in Red Cloud or in U'clistcr county or in the Fifth Congressional District. Printer's Ink, July 28, JSV7. LINE Another colli wave Monday. Sumo of our farmers planted pota toes last week. aMss Myrtle Anderson has come hoini' to stay. Mrs Wuaver will return to her homo at Dauliury, this statu, next week. Ilcnj. VnuDyUe attended the revival meeting in Walnut creek, Dist. No. !J, last week. Mr Wilmot and son Leonard ship ped a carload of fat cattle to Kansas City this week John Stroup and son Klmur havo moved to Dundy county, Nebraska, their former home. Mr. Kgliugton of Guide Hock lias moved into the house vacated by Jaek Wilmot on the L. Auliushun ranch. I i Hi M i, W I ll i h i' II .1 I . . Ml. A 'I I lili i J would cniiH' hiiino in a cnnilitioii that would necessitate tin1 wearing of a wooden overcoat, but from last ac counts it was ail a blull' The gossip of this niighborhof d were highly wiought up over sepal alien of Mr. aril Mrs. Sam (tiger a week ago last Sunday, which wu cniisfd bv a neighbor and a iiiule,aud fiom the conllicting stories we lived in daily die.id of hearing of a murder or suicide or any other old thing The couple .vt'ic happily icjoined through the agency of Miles Doyle who has won the title of parson through Ills iliplomaey. Dr. Fonnor'H Dyspepsia Curo As the name implies, is simply for dyspepsia or indigestion This prepa ration is the prescription of one of Amei lea's inot eminent physicians, w ho-e wiilings on medical questions iiv accepted as au'.lioi itj If not sat isfactory alter ming one bottle your money will be refunded by C. 1.. Cot- INAVALE. Will Carttr is working for (5. W Knight Frank Sibeil is working for U. (!. Knight. Ilattie Oluistciid spent Sunday with Maud Knight. A. K. Woleott and wifo went to Hiv crton last Friday. Alva Garner will farm with his brother Othel thrs year. 1,. C. Olniitead shipped a ear of po tatoes to Kansas last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ayers were visit ing at L. C. Olmstead's Sunday. Mr. R. I) Davis is quite sIck. He is under tho care of Dr. L. II. Beck. U. G. Knight has bought Mr. Mc- Crary's fnt cattle, also bis btigjfy. Mr. George (Jarner, assisted by oth ers, is laying tho foundation for the new chinch this week. Miss Ada Hersli, the dressmaker seems to have a great deal of work to do for our women folks. The latest report say one of our young (?) men is soon to bo married. Wonder if the report is true. Walter Garner and family will live with his father this summer. Walter will live on Mr. Hurt well's place. The weather changed about ninety degrees in a very fuw hours Monday night, changing from summer to win ter. Alt McCall shipped four cars of cat tle and one car of hogs to Kansas City Tuesday. Mr. McCall and son and Ike MrWWi umAfo ..; nwww : By soothing and subduing the , pain. That's tho way . St, Jacobs Oil Neuralgia.: OOvVLES l 1 CURES M I I I f ' till SCHOOL NOTES. The school board of Dist. No. 8 will "Vers aecompaiiieii tno stoeu continue the school for one month providing the teacher will teach an other month. James Keagle and .John Davis en gaged in a horse race Sunday and Mr. Keagle was thrown on a barb wire fonce and seriously hurt. Rev Con Hewitt will hold a setics of meetings at Penny creek, Dist. No. 8, in the near future, assisted by Hcv. J. !'. Haskins of Guide- Kock, Neb. H(v. K. W Anderson organized a Sunday school at flcusaut Dale. The following are theotlleers: Superinten dent, Mr?. Koscnei nils; assistant super intendent, Mi Aiibiiihon; secretary and tivasuree, Miss May Uosencrans; chorMor, Vichie Huskinc m Chiimborluin'fl Cough Romody. This- remedy is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and iullucn.a. It has become famous for it-, cures of thcic dUcaM's, over a large p.ut of the civili.ed world. The most llattering testimonials have been leeched, givinp accounts of it good oiU; ot the aggravating and piiiteu! coughs ll has clued; of m cie colds thai iiave yielded pioiuiitly tints soothing elicits, and nt the dan gi ion iiltuci.s ot croup it has cm cil, ofu-ii sasiim the life ot the children. Tin i-uciishc ue of it lor whooping eoutfb ha siiowu Slt u robs tho (lis c tsf of all daugeioiis eoi.seiiicnce.s. It is i n'r.all) pii.ed by mother.s for then children, as it never fails to etlot a speedy cure, and because they have (iiiiiul that itieio is not the least dan Mr. McCrary and family left this week for Grunt Heml, Kansas. We arc sorry to havo them go but wish them success in their new home. Rhoumatiam Curod in a Day. "Myt'.tc Cure," for rheumatism aud neuralgia radically cures in 1 toil days. Its action upon tho system is remark able and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause and tho disease imme diately disappears. The lirst doso greatly benellts; 75 cents. Sold by 11. K. Grice, druggist, Hed Cloud, Neb. BATIN. Uev. lllackwcll preached at New Vir ginia last Sunday. J. C. Wilson has commenced :o build a new frame barn. Krcd l.unbrcdit contemp'iAten build ing a new fiaue house in tho iicirtu- life. Mr. Chevalier got his linger c.uiglr in a corn shclld and cut it oil' one ilu last week. Mr Itergman shipped sew-rul head of fat cattle to Kansas Cuy the last of the week. ' M.s .J. 15. 'iVisieurwr of Otto wasi visitiui! her mother, Mrs .J. Mean, lhc first ot the week. Mr lliiyutoii of Illinois was hero the tirt ot the week looking after the in terests ot his tin in which O. V.. Uamey liven on. Mr. llull'ett and Miss Daisv Duval of gut in giving it, even to babies i as it omiilm were married at Kcd Cloud on I'OlllilHIS llllllilll llljlll lllllS. OIMU OJ Vacation next w ek. Ksamiuatious have been w'oing on all week. Miss Mary Ivimes visited last Friday atteruooti. 'I he Ulietorical class wrote essays as thill' c.Mtiiilunlloti, Momluj, Mr Albright bus been mi kind in di tiling th high ii mil pupils in iugnig lliis week. Tho Geometry and l'h.ics cviiuin atious have been pustpoticd iiulil the classes hae ciunpiclcd I espcetiv. I , I'lane Geometry and Klectricitj. Don't forget' Come touiglit! To the opera house to attend the most worthy entertainment that has been olTercd the public kitieo last May. It is the Higli School Kutcrtaiiiincnt. Notliing fur ther need be said of the merits of this exhibition. The high school aro contributing their little, toward Cuban relief In re sponse to the enll. Mr. Kelly showed his patriotism nnd sense of right in tin earnest appeal and ontnused many pupils with the same spirit. Ho ap pointed as a connultteo to receive the monoy, Miss McClelland, I'lUiipickson aud Douglas Calher. SOUTHWEST WEBSTER. Gus Frill is bu Iding a new house. Colds, colds, nii.rly everyone has a cold. 11.11. llersh went to Hebron last week. Will 'mu Is fLullii" forty heiitl of cattle. Mr.Kd Farkes has moved onto the John Devlin farm. .Jim Hyan's family is well again aft er a bad siege of illness. Hon Williams' new house and barn .show what a rustler can do. Uoy McCall and sister, Vina, attend ed bible reading last Sunday. Mr. II. II. llersh will put in a num ber of acres of wheat and oats. Quito :i cold wave and dust storm passed over this section Monday. Ulblo reading was well attended last Sunday, tuirtj-ouo being present. Mr. Andrews has moved onto tho place worked by Mr. Guthrio last year. Mr. George Heaton has 10 acres of winter who.it and will sow 20 acres of oats. Sunday school will begin on IJulTalo creek April 3d. Everyone cordially in vited to attend. Geo. Heaton, wifo and daughter Jennie, took dinner with I. W. Farduu and wifo Sunday. Ellin Williamson has been quite sick from injuiies received from fallhi oil' of a horse on her head. I. W. Farduu has six acres of rye and about the same amount of spring wheat, and will sow fifteen acres of lo.its Ceph Uosencrans has forty acres of winter win at, and tbll tv-live aeies of spring wheat and will sow about thiit) acres of out. .John Osboni w-ilks on Milts the-i ihs and can sec over ordinary pi ople. Il Is a voung mldi r wni Hilil;s ' -will sieian Mr. Heines i living ill the Fost h ti-e I'lio cold wave of Moiulay and Tiles daj did not pass us by. I) M. Jiiutei is occupying the Tee I i evidence east of town. William Waller has been very sick with inllaiiiiualory rheumatism but is now improving. Mr. White has im veil to town, and is i.ow liv nig in his o.vn house, the old Waller properly. The residence of Ira Paul is rapidly Hearing completion. Josh Fuller is plisteriiig for It a A good physician would be a very de.Mi'able resilient in Ibis vnl tge; and iniij do si lemiineiutlve luisin . Flunk llaile .mil family hit.i, moved to tow n Frank is miming the c.xpie-s M.igon lor inc Co opi la'iv s Finn i vt Good have icci-tved ,i tick of f-iiiii iinplemeiiis, itiel hare already mIi1 a quaiiiity of wagons, stalk-cut tein plows etc. Our In tie vlllagi is .diovving niaiy signs of ptiispt-i HJ, (iliil I lie lillsltless mi ii are having their shale of pati'i -ageand profit. Those among us who were thinking of going to Klondike have changed their minds since the gentle .eplijrs of Tuesday lloated over us Since Dr. Hull and his family left for their now location it: Elkhart, Ind.our w oi thy citizens have been compelled to grip their ailments themselves. i4440tl4M O -f ift ?IF T tA a 3 & T JXM T - . o-- fewuv fcAifiABTIC fctc'-KMironpwPWTwif" II B .7J nR KT. v a.lllli Ml X2m& aJSRSftsw ALL DRUGGISTS I IRQfllllTPI V r.IISn&KTPPn " dire mir ' .poreoiislhinllon. ('.-wcarfts nre the Idml Ias.i-i nUOUllUlULlI UUHIlHlllDUU ii. netrr -.t iii or Brlnr.hiii riiu.i-hist iinluralrMulU. (siin-i Me unci lionklft free. Ail. Ml UI1MJ IIMII III I O.. ('Iilnu-u, Mimlnnl. Inn.. or .-New lorn. !:. o--t mm 4 ( C t i t i We Buy to Sell, Till NKW YEAR finds us with a complete and up-to-date line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and SHver Plated Ware, at popular Prices.. ()ur repairing is continuing to give satisfaction, the reason being that we do all work properly and give a guarantee that means something. II we have not your patronage we would be pleased if you would give us an op portunity to demonstrate that what we say is true. Xewliouse Bros JEWELERS7END OPTICmiSS. '9 ) frwwvwwwwwVvvvwvvvvvvwvvvwvvwvvvvwvvwwvwwvvv Now is tho time that every ouo should take a spring tonio to strengthen tho Byatem and pre pare for the extra demands of Naturo. Every spring tho system is thoroughly over hauled there is a general houso clouning goiug on within. Tho impurities) that have been accumu lating for a year must bo got ten rid of and tho syBteni rouo vatod and prepared for tho siego of summer. Unless Nature is as sisted in this task, tho strain on tho syntem is too sovore, and a breakdown is tho result. Somo neonle nenlect to supply this as sistance, and as a result they aro ovorcomo by an enervating, de pressed feeling, their energies re lax, appetite fails, and they 8ro totally disabled for a season. Everybody just now needs a tonic, and Swift's Specific S.S.SJtLBIoou is logically the boat tonio on tho market. Tho gonoral health needs building up, hence a tonic is needed that is entirely harmless. S. S. S. iB purely vegetable, aud is tho only blood remedy that is guaranteed to coutain no potash, mercury, or other harmful mineral ingredient. It is Nature's remedy, boing mado from roots and herbs gathered from Nature's great storehouse. It thoroughly cleanses tho blood of all impurities, tones up tho gon oral health, renews the appetite aud imparts now lifo and vigor to tho entire system. Dangerous typhoid fever and other prevalent Hummer diseases seldom attack a person whewo ays torn is thoroughly cloansid iuul, l.nnpil im with S. j. S. in tho OMSIMRS IvUMBIOR CO., DKALKKS IN LUMBER and COAL. J5ixilclinfc material. Etc. red Cloud, - - Nebraska. Spectacles! Spectacles! Spectacles! He litti-il accurately, perfectly anil speedily hy one who can do it LATEST (1KAUUATK OPTICIAN. I have the llncst and most complete trial case tor tcstiiin the eyes In the valley. Am better ciinippeil for and do the optical business oi tuts county, than can he done elsewhere. Will lit you butter and cheaper A Good Alarm Clock for 75c. When you come to buy this clock you will lind thai I have them and will not try to sell you something higher priced. You will find nil 1 oiler for .sale equally cheap, such a- ONK AND EIGHT DAY CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE. FINGER RINGS, SPECTACLES, CHARMS, CHAINS, ETC., ETC., Willi do your complicated watch work cheaper and better than it can be done elsewhere. WIRE Initial Finger Ring, liacast Pins and Bracelets made while you wait. Engraving done also while you wait. THOS. !EK:iMiVK:, Watch oxiuiiiiwr for U & M. Jeweler and Graduate Optician. MrlBwTJWr' w mQk ! 7 An y x ,' - -,. 200 Bushels of Sweet Potatoes for Sale Cheap. I wi.sh to inform the public that I have a nice lot of sweet potatoes for family use ami also suitable for .seed for raising plants which I will sell very cheap. I have the White and Yellow raised at my own farm lat .summer and kept for spring use. If you desire to obtain some good sweet potatoes call on or wiite me. Farm four and one-half miles s(,uthwct of Red Cloud on l'euuy creek. Post ollicc address Red Cloud, NeiiraKa. yosiei3li. loclxex. ALSO STRAWl'.KRUY PLANTS FOR SALE AT W PER THOUSAND. 11 K Grice. WILLOW CREEK. Dot Saladeii shelled corn last Satur day. Anthony Green Ims purcliuMil a new top buggy. Eveiybody bus been busy putting in o.iti the past week. School in Dist. No. 7. MUs Lillie Fraver teacher, closed last Friday. Mis Al Ferguson visited with her parents on Wilhw creek last week. Hi H.i, girls! Come on boys! The parson is now ready for business at l In- o'it stand. Anthony Giecn and Geo. Raker are at -word's points since lat Saturday in K .1 (loud. Mr .J oh u Doyle and wife of Kansas Mi'ul his In other Miles aud famllj Ti.tiisilay and Friday of last week. I'nc following farmers of this neigh hoih'xnl shelled ci.in last week. Alf ami Dot S.ilaileu, Chas. Lewis ami John Klckaiils, From some of the talk that has been going the rounds of tho neighborhood we were led to believe that loimi of Monday by Rev. Hussong. Mr. and Mrs. Rull'etl aro spending their honey moon with the bride's blotter, Claudo Duval, of this vicinity, and on Tuesday night the boys churl varied thein. They departed for their future homo in Omaha on Wednesday. Sl't'NNKIt. mhiii In' able to I', 'lit b .Cuba. Weliear ihnt FiniiU Siburt is going i spring. Get S to biiihl ii new hoitc on the old Poller S. S. and he pre place tin spjing. Tho girls unit to look out for Frank means biiiiii-- Mr Dave Watson had quite a loss last week. A prairie tile burned up about thirty tons of buy and fourteen tons of millet. The lire was c.iused I from burning corn stalks. Alaska. pared. Sold by all druggists. PiTv,W5bia mmm ii i VI bu LESTER. Geo Grillclh of Red Cloud was here Sunday. loe ami A. R. Saladeu .-.hi'lli'il corn Mondax Resolutions of Respect. Tlio following resolutions were adopted at the last meeting of the lua vale Pupils Reading circle. WllKitr.As, It has pleased Our Heav cnlv Father to lake from our niiitst one of Ktir faithful and ln-loveil mem- beis, Miss Eva Oral Garner, ami WlimtUAs; Her family has sustained so great a loss, be it Resolved, That we extend to the be- leaved parents, brothers ami sisters our heartfelt sympathy and consolation In this their hour of need. we li.iie lost net U villVl.ll 't'lllll IIS ilimGicen of Itluc Hill is working uiaciniis nri'M'iice from out mhUi ve for (Jims. R.i'ser. Ltill e aim her spirit of fniih, loM' am m. , , , ,, , ' nalii'lice as it tit guide for our wavui'd Mis. ( .irpenter of rndiaii creek was ,,';, h Litlng iicic I isl w.ick. j Ri.solved, That these reMiuui.in" be i:..oeii Mreuell of Rid Cloud was spu-ud on the iceoi'ds and U.r cnair be t . i . l- i driHicd in moiiriiiug tor ihin, tl.ts. ,i, jag .t LesUirSun.lav. ' i ". u ... i !' .. ......v ..t ih ,..ii.mi- vliolis In i ' ! the b. li iiM 'I ! in li Walter Co came home lasi Tuesday from MeCook, to speed a few days. 0.'ir Put mor and Giant Usher ol UmI Cloud weie seen on our slicet Sunday, A veiy pleasant Mii'irise party was given to Mr. ami Mr. McKinnej on Wednesday evening by their many friends of tli'.s place. mnl that copies also be eni to Hie i' oral t-tiiiiit niiisfo puiiih (Moil I lie. Hohlli e, D.i 11 HUT, S . In )i I'1. , Eililii It intli hi. Dm a )i-isii',, Emfi'ii i lb i.iiulieiil I- lo. ii (illlo), ll .'! llolill'i ge. Anna ReiiUe., .loliiu.x Iti'niiiuiel.l, Lollls Mel'lliilock, L'Z.ie Rf ak( I, Ralph Hiiiiter,' Chuilcj Reiiki'i, Kraiikle House, Glenn (liiiisteiid, Elinii alrsdgM, Win. Hull'lbiwtr. t3Kttt7.uSUJ7lls; WCJ7;X(JMX3.' u.tXVuUXiM WITHOUT DRUGS I A list of the discuses that can bu cured by OSTEOPATHY OSTEOPATAY is the .science of drugless healing. It is a means of ad (list inn aliiioimalcoiulilioi .s ot the body and n'stoiing lis filiations. Osteopathy is touud id on the principle- ot Anatomy, Physiology, ami by skilllul ma uipulation iliuO-tcopulli lea-jhes. the same results obtained b drugs without lemiug the iuj.u ieils ell'eets'of meilleim . I . wiyr fii A CI? nniL'lHil I DIl'I.IIHA ii; IN OS TBOPA TH Y, 1 1 ii.s. opelieil otll'd III tl e I ol 'li lioiill rooms os I lie .Moiill ll.oci., (UP stalls), wh ie slin will gle tuli Osteopalhie ircatmenl. The Mlitn-lni: Jif.lst-s are ui.ccn full)- treated by Osteopath). Aslllllll HIIOWll). llllllMs. Ill'llll.ll ll ((inn. tier, Biihtc. eu urrh erl -In.. t.iicLiU'Mi'. eiiiill.iuliii. climi ii iII.iiiIihi .. il)'i--lii. I'l ..iih I'ss .lr.. . h) klHIilk ilixilIM" . ill' i ,w.llMi lililli'li 'I 'li ml! il llli'lll'i .11- . Inil'l " I i i in iii ii ill lii iiil lui' . ill"' ' .imi-iii ilflifui iililii-i' ic nf, e..i i,i., i.riiiieiill llirimi (lis,. v. I n to .ii lim ii'ais lit III" i)i' licrwni. .i.liutiii' ill OUIcc Hour o tn ii anil I (o 1. Ciiulfafon I'ree, l TOP BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, ROAD WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, ? SURREYS, ETC., ALL GOODS FIRST CLASS. PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. I ir.iii The linesi line of road vehicles vt i brought, to Webster county. Call and evamlee them nnd cet prit whether vou wish to buy or not. A fu'l line of all the le d u. ' -u i- h nery including THE - FAnOUS - OHIO - CUL51VATOR. If in i i'i 'I "t inijibiiig in tli lb ' ' ' ''cgl iw farm machinery it will pay hi li see m before p r l yon money. JAS. PETERSON, "Red Cloud, Nebraska. A,AAAA.AA'V WE HAVE NO AGENTS 11 V Si j, Aie Vjevi,'V lul hav ioU direct to the coo turner for ii ynri at hol- nn i ni, itviDft mm mi u-iicr I prouu anipiDji- iioero ur cximiDinoQ. Kicrjlliinit .arrntil, 114 Uriel of VeMdei. .'."i itjrlti tt llarncu. Tupllunin, tMto70. rrori. IWlolto. t'arria gu, rbaetoni, Itapi. Won itu. Bcnu-IUad Ml Milk Hi. IT. Bimj naraui. Pri.,ll.M. war. WMMumim ltw4ulur.rtM. CtUlifV ll kU IU lylM. EUIHAIIT"UI iksCtfi JP AfMl '- Ki.Wlimi, rri.ltkiutUi,laBi,n. iraauirtatwt,lo. Ai4uHlUrirp. . W.B.r4TT.tW7iBUHAaT, OT. A. i l 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 "f Tir Mft"UHlW''