The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 25, 1898, Image 1

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&AbbW&$b& t a fl'a a 6.ffa'a $ ff fi a a 0 a 0 o,b a 6 a a a?., i Thoughts Abou
t Cuba.
Spring is now here and with it comigs the
necessity of spring suitings and light weight
ii .i.jv iki It iiitti- .V Tabor I
Tin 1 yi ti -4 uii'
silll'i' till' l. 1 .StM '
UlUM' out. u is pi t I
lory int or to cum'' i
IjgM goods. We are amply prepared to show you
;-"x a i r - 1 Ai- j -i 1 jt 1.
3 tne nnesu line in ine cmy. .a iook unrougn our
gd immense stock of goods will convince you.
Our immense stock of ORGANDIES and LAWNS are
moving very rapidly. If you wish anything in this line it
will pay you to call and examine our stock.
In WOOL and SILK NOVELTIES our stock is com
plete. Everything you see in oar large assortment is en-
JjS tirelynew.
t ."-' in. , ..a.viv
1 ir- sutv r
taypvh .MlM
L....J M
0$v fell
$3.50 La(,ies Double
np" Mackin
tosh; dark blue cashmere
medium dark lining, usu
ally sold for $5.00.
(Like Cut.)
$5.00 Ladies Single
' -'ro Mackin
tosh; dark blue cashmere
always sold for $6.00.
$3.50 Men's tan co1"
nrnA )j0X COUt
Mamkintoshes, worth $4.
(Like Cut.)
Sfc2 7K Men.s Black
ZlZlL!L Wales Mackin
tosh, with cape, worth
1 IriM' i'I:imm
C1I1 in Holicllinti
11 'in- 111:11 III ni.v
11 i u'lillcl to its
COllllltiiilH Will III- li'll'nl 'I'll!' tllll'IS
of (liu MiUitl, uniililc to tk'fi'iit tlic ill
suiKonts 1110 tliunuolves uiiilefuatuil;
iiml tho instil Rents, olttsivo mill tri
unipliiitit mill i-niltiiin beyond usual
inoasiirc in k1"'1'"" wiU'fsiti) arc u
tit'iuiT till! lu-liial aL'i'oiniilislinii-nt of
tlii'irpuriid-i' tliaii thoy vii at tho
ontbieaU of hostilities. Nattttii anil
lior Kliastly liainl-iiiaiilt'ii, Pi'.stiliiiu-i',
huvi' fotiRlit for tin instil guilts; hut
Nature's ImttliiiKs huvi' hci-n halanoi'il
tij' ni'W at rivals of Spanish soldiers
iiiuii, soini) of tin-in; hoys, many of
thoni fon-i'il almost at hayoii"t point
to taki tho jilai-us of tho ilisoascil anil
tho iloail. Against tho iloggi'tlni'ss of
tho instirci'iil tho initio of tin ruler has
been uiatehoil. Tho insurgents can
hold out imleliuitely; tho Spaniards
Lace Curtains.
AJ7n P''i" f"t" Mx80 inch Laco Curtains worth
' COc. yon w ill Hnil this sterling quality
60c, 90c and $1.25 per pair for Lace
51.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $3.00 for full
size Lace Curtains.
Wolfu Bros., of Columbus, Ohio, manufacture
one of tho best lines of medium priced
shoes in the country.
60c to $1.25 in Children's.
$1.50 to $1.75 in Ladies'.
gt - dd I.ullen vlct kill, hand tinned, line,
JPtJJ cloth top, iRtchl shape, worth i M.
4itfc -fl to 13 W Ladli'S hhocB In Hi rhiipcD
P .! ami Kradex of Ktock.
4to-fc tmrnfm? loHfiO.Wo aro local RRCnlK for the
WpS . ! celcbrntcil .lulin Mrnotman hIiou.
Nouo better In htylc. Ill and:iialily of koixIb.
H-fc fcp llcntlev anil OlniMcad Mcii'h Klon
IflU ! dlkeVh'l klil slice IhIcm toi. ham!
welt guaranteed, worthfino
Sj.aostimo shoo in quality and stylo in ma-
chino sowed.
$2.50 Mcn.s lono cilf in i-oiikii'ss or lu-o,
slnglo, double and throo soles, worth !1 00
Kxainino our lino of Smitli-WaMaco ehildrcn's
shoes. They are exceptional values
SiC for J'liri' w'(' iinbloachod niunsin.
4C fol J'al' vritlo unbleached L. L. uiuslin.
5C for yard wide uubloached best L.L. muslin.
7C Por yar 'or ya,d w'do Pepperill U.niuslin.
8C'orvard wide heavy unbleached muslin.
5C Pcr yrcl for yard wido bleached muslin.
6C for yard wido Farmers Uso muslin.
7C P01' yard for yard wide heavy muslin
7iCfr yard wido Lonsdale lino muslin.
IOC Pr yard for Lonsdalo cambric a
15C Por I'ar ' for Kuby Loug cloth.
160 fr - unbleached sheeting worth 20c.
16C for 9-4 bleached sheeting worth 20c.
20C fr 10-1 bleached shooting worth 25c.
Carpets and Mattings.
MATTINGS. You buy the earpi-t wo do tho
rest. 20 pieces Ingrain. Excellent values
35c to 75c for Ingrains.
15c to 30c for Mattings.
10 yds Standard Prints 30c.
All you want while they last.
While tho stubborn warfaro of these
unyielding forces has proceeded with
fluctuating results that in the long run
have practically balanced each other,
a third army of human beings has been
slowly ground to distinction. Of
their woes wo mut think, and, having
thought, we must act Though tho
Spaniards have been i-liielly confined
within the limits set up by themselves;
prisoners, in fact, within their own
fortifications, yet they have retained a
fear-compelling power over tho feihlo
minds of tho children and tho timorous
natives of both sexes who were afraid
to light and did not dare to lieu. Those
pacilicos quietly obeyed the govern
ment when orders went forth in .o tho
country regions to gather within town
limits and stay there. Tho expected
freedom to livo in peace under tho
Spanislt army changed at onco to death
dealing bondage. Unable to cultivato
land to any great extent, horded to.
gethcr in huts unlit for swluo, suffering
from lack of food, and by lock of food
rmdered more helpless and weak spir
ited than before, thoy have died like
flios in autumn; and in dying have suf
fered woes that tiro uncqualod oven by
tho bloody sufferings of tho Armenians
or tho plague-ridden starvation of the
Hindoos. The language of a moderate
woman like Clara Barton, the famous
Rod Cross heroine; and tho storios pic.
turcd bv tho truthful camera, more
than justify these comparisons. In one
hospital alono a place where care and
tender oversight are expected four
hundred of the paciticos have died of
starvation. Tho burdens of tho insur
gents, who, in rebelling did so in full
expectation of tho fortunes and misfor
tunes of war, have been as naught bo
sido tho woes of those unhappy non
combatants. Where Spain has slain
its liu ailreils by tiro and by sword, it
has slain its hundreds of thousands by
hunger and by neglect. This has tak
en place and is still doing so within
ninety miles of tho land that declares
in favor of "life, liberty and tho pur
suit of happiness."
are pine Mini mir niitnls unoiiuftised.
Tin' wi l t ilk of :i liiitiidi't nitf nllli ml
III." Del, HII'' llulllll'V to otll gli'llt
i'iinirwtiiM' inillioiH. War 01 men
the tllilllulll nf w-U'iiVi'1' stK'h ;i mutter
i uii'Voithy tittr I'niili-nplatlm It
would lie :in iiliMiUiti' ii'vct'sinti to the
hat bai ie ii aeiliilil y nf nlilen tinies Wo
have grown away from such things.
Tito hellish motives of tobacco fac
tories and sugar gamblers in pointing
out to a gioat, fair-minded country u
chance to filch from Spain, because shu
is weak, that which is hers as truly as
Now England is ours, has moved us
only to contend and not to approve.
Wo refuse to add to our radical prob
lems at the noil of self-seeking men.
The heart of the nation is tturcsp n
sive to such temptation, and further-
inoru even the terrible Mnino disa.ster,
with its sorrow and its loss has grand
ly shown to tho world that we are slow
to augerand plenteous in conservatism.
Despite all guesses to the contrary, our
people have refused to bcliovo that tho
Spanish government could he suicidal
enough to have direct connection with
tlio disaster. Wo bolinvo that sho
would foresee more damage to horsolf
than to us in this sudden and horrible
event. If this were all that had hap
pened, an indemnity would bo suf
ficient, and a war bu quite contrary to
international precedents.
Hut while this nation, set in might to
lead tho western hemisphere, can
stand insults to its vast self it cannot
permit inhumanity to its weak neigh
bors. It will enter into coullictwith
Spain nnt because certain of victory,
bill because Spain daughters the inno
cent. TIih nation believes in tho glo
ries of peace, but it must bo "peace
with honor" and not with dishonor
tnat assuredly comes from silence in
tho presence of brutal abuses. By its
own past, it knows full well tho horrid
cost of war, yet its great, true, heroic
heart beats high to declare that it is
hotter to die in protecting tho defenso -loss
than to livo in falsehood to
its own grand past. Its conscience is
aroused. Its arm is bared to smite and
that swiftly, lost there bononooftho
starving left to save.
With such a puro motive, its actions
will have tho cordial good will of Euro,
pean nations. Short, decisive work
will be made of tho solemn task, and
whon the smoke has cleared justice
will have been done to tho unjust, and
"Cuba Libre" may then develop in
quiet its own individuality.
' ' 5-oo. arc
Tho war measure of Spain against
harmless ones willg ever stand out
prominontly in tho annals of the bru
talities of whicli our raco is capable.
This is not war with its glamour of ox
citomont and of chance, but relentless
murder without the shedding of blood.
Whc n man sees a weak one perse
cuted and refuses to sido with tho weak
ho is no man. The rule for a mail is
tho rule for a nation. Murder of wom
en and children, helpless and enfeebled
and stat ving, is at our door, at last we
begin to appreciate it. Thoir broken
livts, their untimely deaths, their
wrights to a happier condition are
making themselves alowly uudor&tood
among our people. Every stratum of
society is permeated. The groat un
derlying love of fair play is stirring
this nation north and south. And it is
girding it-tolf to piinhh and not to
wage war.
fiUndfaxt, Amorlcat
Troubles arc falling;
Cloudy cover Cnba'a Mar,
Had hearts arc calling.
Strong ami of liberty I
Mindful of othera.
Not vain your natal cry
"All men aro brothers,"
Soft have your Mumbcra been
Hlncuyour hard tenting,
Hhadi'd by laurcla green,
Itlghtfully reeling.
Now when oppreKHlon'fi sting
(.'alls you to waken,
HIkp, llko the caglu king,
Night down off Hhakcn.
Go not In anger forth,
Hurled by faction;
"Noblehee oblige" not wrath
Callajou to action.
Soon may war's cruel din
Hotly enfold you;
Yet when dark duyn begin
Truth uliall uphold you.
Stand fait, America 1
In tho world'H itory,
All men nhall praise a war
Waged not for glory.
Kiuxcu It. Tabor.
Kidnoy and Bladder Troubles.
If you suffer from kidney, bladder or
urinary troubles, or from too frequent
or scant, urine, Dr. Fonners Kidney
and Backache Cure is what you want.
Bod-wetting by children is generally
cured by one bottle of this powerful
remedy. Testimonials aro disregarded
many people doubting tho honesty or
sincerity of them, wo 'Jioroforo avoid
giving any hero, but will furnish them
on application to dealer whoso name is
given below. If not satisfied after us
ing ono bottle your motioy will bo re
funded by C L. CotMng.
Another lot
this week.
Read the special
offer at the bottom
of this advertisement.
Wo aro going to give away
books to our subscribers, both
old and '.now. Tho books aro at
tractively bound in binder's best
silk finished cloth, stamped from
now and original designs in ink
and genuino gold, aud aro stand
ard and popular books by the
vorld's best author's. In mater
ial and quality, us well as in se
lection of titles, these books are
superior to any other cloth edi
tion ever issued. Printed in
largo clear type and on good
Eaper. These books are written
y such authors as
licrlha M. Clay,
Mrs. Alexander ;
The Duchess,
Wilkie Collins.
Charles Dickens,
Alex. Dumas,
A. Conan Doyle,
Jiulwer Lytlon,
George Eliot,
and numerous others famous au
thors of repute.
Une of theso olegunt books
will bo given with every year of
back subscription you pay. If
you pay one year back subscrip
tion (11.00) you get one book; if
two years (12.00) you got two
books; if three years (3.00) you
got three books, etc.
In addition to the above wo
will mako an extra offer for sub
scribers who pay ONK FULL
thorn TWO BOOKS or ONE
consisting of Ono Bread Knife,
corrugated, 10-inch bludo; Ono
Cake Knife, corrugated, 8-inoh
blade; Ono Pastry Kuifo, a-inoli
blade. Blades made of tho best
razor steel, highly polished and
nickel plated; will cut hot bread
oreakn without i-ru iibing, and
is far superior to the onlitiarv
knife for cutting pastry goods of
wiy kind
Or. Price's Cream BnUIng Powder
K Piire'lranf Cream if I art?' Powder
L Hi-' i .ii
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