The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 18, 1898, Image 9

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The Buried City
. . . of Honduras.
EVII)!'.NCI:5 nlon Ancient
ferracc v Palaces and
eeftstf:tffscsfHrfrfHftrC-t C-c5ts5t&tt&ttfec--
In the current number of the Century
.Magazine, George Hyron Coidon writes
.)f his discoveries on the site of an an
lent burled elty In Honduras, From
this Interesting artlele we quote:
Prom tho valley of Mexleo, I lie renter
:f Its power nnd Influence, tho Aztec
civilization at the time of the
bail pread ItHclf to the (iulf of Mcxho
and to the Pacific oeean. to the river
Panuco on the north and to the Gulf
of Tchunntepoo on the south, with
small outlying colonies Htlll farther
The broad plnlnH of Yucatan and the ,
fertile valleys of Central America com- j
pilse the theater where the much older
Maya civilization had Its rise, culmina
tion and decline the unrecorded acts
In n very Imposing drama played lout; j
ago by actors whose names have been i
forgotten. Yes; long before the dream
of western emplie began to till the
minds of Europeans, lltiug the ambi
tion of kings, and Inciting the adventur
ous Kplrltn of the time, full of the ro
mantic during of the ago of chivalry,
and thirsting for conquest, to seel; for
tune and fame at all hazards in the
golden iej;Ions of the west centuries
before the kingdom of the Montczu
mas, wIiom' eil destiny it was to fall
a prey to these avaricious and unprin
cipled men. hail risen to power and
glory In the beautiful valley of .Mexico
-the curtain had already fallen on the
last sad scene that closed another em
pire's career. On the ariival of the
Spaniards tho scepter of the Mayas had
already passed nwny, and their ruined
titles were the conqueror's spoil.
It Is true that at the time of the con
quest there wes a remnant of a pop
ulation on the peninsula of Yucatan
a number of iribes who still hunted the
vicinity of the deserted titles- and
these me generally believed to have
been the descendants of the builders,
though this Is by no means certain.
They called lhoinsIves Maya people:
their language, they said, was Maya
than, the Mnyation means tho Maya
Not only did traditions exist In the
minds of the people, but many of the
old Indian families still preserved their
books, I he remnants of once extensive
libraries, in which the history, tradi
tions and customs of the people weic
recorded. All these books that the
Spanish pilests could lay their hands
upon were burned. Four only have
come down to us priceless relics that
In tome unknown manner found their
way Into European libraries, where
they lay hidden until unearthed by
scholars of recent years. The books
of the Mayas consisted of long strips of
paper made from maguey fiber, and
folded after tho manner of a screen so
as to, form pages about nine by live
Indies; these wero covcicd with hiero
glyphic characters, very neatly drawn
by hand, In brilliant colors. Hoards
were fastened on the outside pages, and
the completed book looked like a neat
volume of large octavo size. The char-
ncters in which they me written are
the same an those found upon the stone
tablets and monuments In the ruined
cities of I'alenque and Copan. This sys
tem of writing, which Is entliely dis
tinct from tho picture writing of the
Aztecs, was the exclusive possession of
tho Mayas. It was a highly developed
hystem, and, as investigations havo
bhovvn, embraced a number of phon
etic elements. Although nothing haa
yet been found that will enable any liv
ing mnn to decipher a hlngle Inscription
""f ?. ,4 Trf: ztzMhBy Jill
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CUIIIntlnn In Central Amerlca-OorKcum
I'j ramKM Pound in the Turesti
the results obtained by tho lalior of ti
number of eminent scholars bero and
abroad give ground for the hope that
futtite Investigations will bear more
fruitful icsults.
Midden away among the mountains
of Honduras, in a beautiful valley
which, even In that little traveled coun
try, where icmotcncs.s Is a charaotoils
tic attribute of places, Is unusually se
cluded, Is Copan, one of the greatest
mysteries of the ages. Whatever the
origin of Its people, this old city Is dis
tinctly American the gtowth of Am
erican soil and environment. The area
comprised within the limits of tin old
city i (insists of a level plain seven or
eight miles long and two miles wide at
the gieatcst. This plain Is covered
with the remains of stone hottses.doubt
less the habitations of the wralth.
The stiocts, squares and courtyards
vveiu paved with stone, or with white
cement made from lime and powdered
nit k, and the drainage was accomplish
ed by means of covcicd canals and un
derground newels built of stone and ce
ment. On the stones of the moun
tains, too. are found numerous ruins,
and even on the highest peaks fallen
columns and mined Mitictures may be
On the tight bank of the Copan tivir
In the midst of the city stands the
principal gioup of strueimes -the tem
ples, palaces and buildings of a public
character. Thee form part of what baa
been called for want of .1 better name,
the Main Strurtuio a vast, inegular
pile rising from the plain In steps and
terrace.! of masonry, and terminating
In several great p.ramldal elevations,
ea-Ii lopped by the leinalns of a tem
ple. Its Hdc face the four caiillual
points; its greitrst length from north to
south Is about eight hundred feet, an 1
from east to west ir ine.isured original
ly nearly as miiili. but a part of the
eastern sliueiuie iris been cairied awa
by tho swift current of the ilver wlreh
llovv.s directly against It. The Interior
of the structure Is thus exposed In the
form of a clilf one hundred feet high,
presenting a complicated system of
hurled walls aei Doors down to the
water's edge- doubtless the remains of
the older buildings, occupied for a time,
and nbandorfd to aeivo as foundations
for more elaborate structuies. Exra
vatloiiH have also been brought, to light
beneath the foundations of buildings
now occupying tho surface, not only
the tilled chambers and broken wallls
of older structures, but sculptured mon
uments as well.
Within the main structure, at an ele
vation of sixty feet. Is a court one hun
dred ami twenty feet square, which,
with Its surrounding architecture.must
have presented a magnificent spectacle
when It was entire. It was entered
from tho south thiough a passage
thirty feet In width, between two high
pyramidal foundations, each supporting
a temple.
A thick wall, pierced In tho center
by a gateway, now stripped of Us
1 adornnients ami in iulns, guarded this
pnsssago to the south. The court Itself
Is Inclosed by ranges of stops or seats
ranging to 11 height of twenty feet, an
In an amphltheaetr; they are built of
groat blocks of stone, neatly cut, nnd
lcgularly laid without mortar. In tho
center of tho western side Is a stair
way projecting a few feet Into the court
and leading to n broad terraco above
the range of seats on that side. The
upper steps of this stairway aro divid
ed In the midst by the head of a lmuo
STAIRWAY. (Restored.)
dragon facing tho court, and holding j
In Its dlsUmdrd Jaws a grotesque hu
man head of colossal proportions.
To the north of the court stood tho
two magnificent einples, 1M and U'J, tho
massive ru'.ns cieate a feeding that
they were the work of giants.
Temple '12, In many ways the most
Interesting yet explored, furnishes a ty
pical example of this class of building,
l'roni the stone paved terrace above
the western side of the court, a great
stairway, with massive steps, leads up
to a platform which inns tho whole
length of the way two graceful wing
stones, extending nrtoss the platform,
gnat d the approach to the tlrst en
trance, which gives access to the build
ing, and Is carried out at each end
upon solid piers to the Hue of begin
ning of the steps. From the head of
the stairway to the outer chambers this
stairway Is nine feet wide and was cov
cicd with a vaulted roof, now fallen.
Directly opposite It. hi the Interior, Is
a second doorway. leading to
the Inner chambers. In fiont
of the second entrance Is a
step two feet high, ornamented on
the face by hleiugl.v phics and skulls
carved In relief, a pedestal for a
crouching llguro supporting the head of
a dragon, the body of which Is turned
upward and is lost among the scroll
work and figures of a cornice that runs
above tho doorway. All the Interior
walls wero covered by a thin coat of
stucco, on which figures and scones
were painted In various colors; and the
cornices wero adorned with stucco
masks and other ornaments, likewise
painted. The loofs, with tho massive
towers which they supported, had
fallen and lllled the chambers com
pletely. The horizontal aieh formed
by overlapping stones was always used
In tho construction of roofs a type
that is rommou to all the Maya titles.
The outside of tho building, profusely
namonlod with grotesques at every
line, beats witness to the ambitious
prodigality of the architect, his love
of adornment, and his aversion to plain
surfaces a characteristic that Is nianl
fpitetl on all tho monuments and carv
ings at Copan.
Climbing tho steep flight of steps at
the north side of the court, and stand
ing among tho ruins of teniplo 11, we
command a view of what must have
been one of the finest sights in tills
marvelous city, where, It would seem,
the genii who attended on King Solo
mon had been at work. To our light
aro tho iulns of another lofty temple
(2fi). from the entrance of which the
hieroglyphic stairway, to bo described
later, descended to the pavement one
hundred feet below. Right In front of
us the northern slope of tho main htruc
ture goes down abruptly, In a broad,
steep Hlnht of steps, to the floor of the
plnzn, which stretches away to the
north, r,nd terminates In an amphi
theater about three hundred feet
square, unclosed In the eastern, north
ern, and weutem sides by ranges of
seats twenty feet high. The southern
side hi open, except that Its center Is
occupied by a pyramid that roso almost
to a point. leaving a square platform on
top. In the plaza stood the principal
gioup of obelisks, monoliths or stelae,
ns they aro variously designated, to
which Copan owes Us principal fame.
There are fifteen in all scattered over
tho plaza, some overthrown and others
still erect. Although affording Infinite
variety In detail, In genoral iIchIlmi and
treatment these monuments aro all the
No verbal description cm convey any
ICea of their appearance. Thoy av
erage about twelve feet In height and
threo feet squat 0, and are carved over
the entlro surface. On one side, and
sometimes on two opposite sides,
stands a human figure In high relief!
alwnys looking toward one of the ctr
cll11.1l points, t'pon these personages
Is displayed such a wealth of orna
ment and lutlgnla that the flguies look
overbuitbned and encumbered, giving
the Idea that the chief object of tho
artist war the display of such adorn
ment. While nearly all these human
figures are disproportionately short,
tho accurate drawing and excellent do-
1 signs surrounding the principal cTiur-
ncterr tdiovv thin Ih not owing to
deficient peiceptlon on the part of thu
The sides of tho monuments not tv
eupled by human figures are covet cl
with hieroglyphic Itiseilptlons. Ill
front of each of the tlgurcs, at a dis
tance of a few feet, Is a smaller sculp
tine, called an altar. These nirasurn
sometimes seven feet across and from
two to four feet In height. The design
sometimes lepresents a grotesque mon
ster with curious adornments: but a
common form of altar Is a Hat disk
seven or eight feet In diameter, with a
row of hlcrogl.vphlra around the edge.
Hut there Is nothing In all the sculp
tures at Copan to suggest the saciitlce
of humans or any other victims: no
thing to recall the icvoltlng train In
human blood that was common In Mex
leo down to the time of the conquest:
110 trace of analogy with the frightful
orgies that maired the history of the
Aztecs, pervading every phase of their
national life, llndlng constant expres-
slon in their decorative art, and tilling
their pleture-wrltlci'i annals with
scenes of blood.
Tin most extraordlnaty feature that
our excavations have brought to light
Is the hieroglyphic stairway already
referred to. Facing the plaza at the
southern end, It occupied a central po
sition on the western side of tho high
pyramidal elevation that forma the
northern wing of the main structure.
Kven In the sad stile of ruin In which
wo behold it now, it affords a magnifi
cent spectacle. What must It havo
been In tho days when It was entire,
and touched from the floor of tho plaza
to the entrance of the temple that stood
on the height of a hundred feet above!
When discovered, tu 1S94. this stnlr
vvay was completely burled beneath the
debris fallen from the temple, of which
not one stone remained upon another.
The upper part of tho stairway itself
lias also been thrown from Its place
as if by an earthquake, and lay strewn
upon the lower portion. When, at
length, after months of labor, on which
from fifty to one hundred r.'.en were
employed, the fallen material was
cleared away, an acre of ground was
covered with broken sculptures, re
moved during the progress of the work,
and the lower steps wero found tin
harmed. In the center of tho stairway,
at the bate, Is a throne or pedestal ris
ing to tlie fifth stop, and projecting
eight feet In front. The design upon
its f.uo is lit li In seiilptuic and tidi
er to In detail. It Is made up In part of
handsome faces, masks, ilcath's-hoads,
and scrolls, beautifully carved, and
disponed with perfect symmetry; bu'
tho entemble Is perfectly unintelligi
ble. On the face of each Rtep In the
stairway Is a row of hieroglyphics,
carved In medium relief, running tho
entlro length. At Intervals In the
ascent the center Is occupied l.y a hu
man llguro of noble and commanding
appearance, arrayed In splendid uttlre,
seated on the steps. The upper parts
of all these figures wero broken away,
but the plctes of several were recover
ed and restored.
On each side was a solid balustrade
two feet thick: tho upper parts of
these wero also broken away, but by
civeful study nnd comparison enough
wns recovered to enable us to make
out the curious and complicated do
sign, i'ortnilt-llke busts Issuing from
tho jaws of grotesque monsters, stand
ing out upon these balustrades, and
repeated nt regular Intervals, formed
their principal adornment.
Lemon .lulee In I lie Miuileure Witter,
The best manicure acid is a teaspoon
fill of Union Juice in a cup of tepid
water. This not only whitens and ro
movea Jl stains from tho nails, but It
loosens tho cuticle much better than
Dcls.-,ots do. A dash of lemon Juice,
too, In a glass of water Is an admirable
tooth wash after tho uso of onlonu or
anything that will affect tho broata.
Now York Evening Post.
Why docs tho tallest man In a crowd
j always cct la front?
I'1-oiiiIm'iI o Weil (lie lliril VVIirn
Wii 11 t'ollei; Muileiil ('lattery
('iiillnl SiH'li't) ('nutei Her
to uiine.
K N T F C K Y has
long been noted for
her romances In
real life. Tho ro
mance of Miss Har
r 1 e t Halnbrlil;e
Richardson a 11 tl
her poet 1 o v 0. r,
.lames Tandy Kills,
Is fully In keeping
w I t h Kentucky's
history. The story
dates back eight years, when the poet
wasaHtalwnit student at the Kentucky
State college In Lexington. He had Just
attained his majority when he tlrst met
Miss Richardson at a parly. Mm was
the belle of the evening and be a splen
did specimen of the young Kentueklati.
It was a case of love at tlrst sight.
Mlns Rlcbatdson bad been In society
several years, had been petted and
toasted by the society dudes until she
was tiled of the Insipid youngsters. It
was no wonder, then, that she admlrei!
1 handsome young Hills. He Is probably
an Inch above six feet In height, as
straight as an Indian and the very per
I sonlllcatlon of perfect young manhood.
I Resides, he la highly act nnipllshcd in
1 music and llleiature - In fact, he Is 11
' miiIiih. He composes music tit teaiHly
as a Mozart or a lleethovcn, Improvises
on the piano as easily as a Lls.t, and
, he can vwlte poetry as easily as the
1 avenge man can wilte prose. He has
! a prudlglun memory and can recite
I all the best poems or tho leading poets.
! lie and Miss Richardson were thrown
' In each other's company 11 great deal
j during his last eara at collefc-e and
1 their engagement was coon known to
1 their Intimate friends. It seemed as
1 If the course of their true love would,
I contrary to the old adage, run smooth
ly, but Miss Rlchaidson went to visit
her slater, Mrs. Forney, whose bu.diauil
was an attache of the Urooklyn navy
yard. She was Introduced Into Urook
lyn society and when her sister visited
Washington and Philadelphia she went
with her. In both these titles she soon
became a social favorite, owing to her
great beauty and many accomplish
ments. Naval olllcers. congressmen,
members of legations and other society
men were charmed with her beauty
and vivacity and It was not long un
til Congicssnian Rennett of Urooklyn,
began to pay her such marked atten
tion that It soon became reported that
they were engaged to be married.
Young Kills had wondered at the In
frequency of her letters and at their
brevity, and he was not surprised when
the report 1 cached hi m that his sweet
heart was engaged to be married to the
Urooklyn congressman. It was a cruel
blow to the sensitive young man, but
he calmly wrote Miss Richardson to the
effect that he would release all claims
to her hand. After writing this letter
ho left Kentucky nnd wandered aim
lessly over several of the western states
teaching school, writing poetry nnd
trying to forget his love affair with
the pretty Miss Richardson. He never
heard from her except through the
society columns of the newspapers,
when her name would be mentioned
In connection with some brilliant in
ception at Washington or Urooklyn or
Philadelphia or Roston. Miss Richard
roii'h visit ended and she returned to
her home In Lexington. She had been
promised by ox-Secretary Herbert the
honor of christening tho battleship
Kentucky. The newspapers from one
cud of the country tu the other had
printed her picture and full accounts
of how tho gallant secretary had be
stowed this honor upon her nt a din
ner party In Washington. Hut no word
of congratulation camo to her from her
discarded lover. While tho skies
Bcemed bright above her ho maintained
Bllenco and sho really did not know
whether ho was alive or dead. Later
on, when Secretary Long was about
to wrest tho honor of christening the
Kentucky from Mlas Richardson, and
when Governor Uradley wns about to
appoint his own daughter sponsor for
tho war vessel named after this com
monwealth there camo a time when It
seemed to Mies Rlchnrdson as If every
friend bad forsaken her. Even ex-Secretary
of tho Navy Herbert declared
that ho had not selected Miss Richard
sou to christen the Kentucky,
It was In this dark hour that her
young poet lover came to her rescue,
but he came without notifying her nnd
without her knowledge. One day while
tho storm wan raging about her, when
the newspapers were full of articles on
the christening of tho Kentucky, when
she was being criticised by editors of
alleged society Journals and by otheis,
sho picked up .1 Louisville paper and
read a eainmtinlcatlon criticising her
detractors. It was signed with the In
Rials .1. E. T.
Miss Richardson recognized tho Init
ials as those of her poet lover, and sho
Immediately wrote to the newspaper
which published the card asking hln
address. When sho discovered It sho
wrote him a letter thanking hlni for bin
kind Interest In her behalf. Ho an
swered the letter and a correspondence
sprung up which resulted In 11 renewal
of their engagement and tho announce
nient thut the. wedding will tako placa
next .luue.
Mr. Hills was bom In Oiicnt, Ky.,
June IS, lacs, ills father, Dr. Clarkson
Ellis, was a wealthy physician. Young
Ellis wan educated In the public schools
of Carroll county nnd In the Kentucky
State college. He studied music In tho
Cincinnati conservatory of music. Ho
hns written many clever verses tho
best tif which Is peihaps the "(Jolileti
Rod." He has also composed a number
of catchy pieces of mimic. The best of
these Is known as "Tho Kentucky
Colonels." At present he Is engaged In
newspaper work In Louisville. Ills fam
ily Is one of the oldest and most dis
tinguished In tho state, and ho traces
his lineage back to King George III.
In a tllicct Hue. He has two brothers,
one older and one younger than him
self. The foi nier 1 a practicing phy
sician In Can oil county, while tho lat
ter Is studying medicine at Philadel
phia college. Ho has no sisters.
Miss Richardson comes from one of
the oldest and best f.imlllca in the
state. Her father, John Hall Richard
son, was for many yearn tho wealth
iest shorthorn breeder In this section.
Her grandfather, William Hall Rleh
nrdson, way a revolutionary noldler.
Her mother was the noted beauty .Inno
Shuio Stamps. Her uncle. Thomaw
w'X& i
- fill'
wmm r i
j..,' v Jif' ;"ti
Stamps, was a soldier In the Mexican
war, and when he returned from tho
sanguinary struggle ho gained consid
erable notoriety by fighting a big black
bear with no weapon save his hands.
The fight was a draw. Miss Richard
son Is radiantly happy over the turn
affairs have taken, and she confesses
that tho christening of the battleship
could not afford her half tho happi
ness that the other ceremony will
bring her
JP- N S,
lug her. Mi
iiiiftjltiinlit i:nnti .Vrileii rinilit tlif
Wiiy Ih (,'leiir for III111.
Fifteen years ago Mrs. Lemuel Wood v
bridge of Falrdale, near Susquehanna,
Pa., sent her husband to tho meat mnr
ket for a pound of beefsteak for break
fast. One day last week he returned
with tho meat. Tho Intervening yearn I
had been a blank to him. Following
his disappearance Mrs. Woodbrldgo
went Into mourning, then got a dlvorco
and again married. Her second hus
band tiled three years later. What
was her surprise when tho other day
a gray haired man unceremoniously en
tered her home, hung his hat upon tho
rack ami put a package upon tho table.
The woman did not rocognlzo tho stran
ger at tlrst and the amazed children
were about to drive him away when ho
cxplalnetl that he was Lemuel Wocd
biidge. Ho said that tho past, up to
two weeks ngo, was almost a blank to
him. He remembered being In Eng
land and Australia, and knows that ho
sold washing machines In Manchester.
Ho does not know under what iiamo-hu
has been nailing, nor how he Iuib gain
ed an existence. Until Informed ho
did not know whether ho had been nb
ceut a month or twenty years. Ho had
saved some money. Coming from Liv
erpool to Montreal In a cattle boat It.
suddenly flashed upon him who ho wati
and where ho used to live. Ho mado
hacte to reach Pennsvlvanln, and In
Illnghampton, N. Y n railroad man
told him that his former wife and chil
dren wero still living. Riding In tho
railroad conch something told him to
carry "home" the meat, to procuro
which he bad left homo fifteen years
ago. After being convinced that
Woodbiidgo's story was true, ho was
riven shelter. There has slnco been a
completo reconciliation nnd tho wlfo
nnd widow will soon bo married again
to the husband of her youth, thus mnk
ing the curious record of threo wetli
dings to two husbands.
lllKitmy CiiniiiHiii In Italy.
Italy is said to havo moro bigamists
than any other European country.
This Ib mado posslblo becauso th,
church refusea to recognize civil mar
riages, and tho stato does not roganl
a church marriage as binding, Tim
result Is that unscupuloita men marry
two wives ono with tho sanction or
tho church, tho other with tho oaac
tlon of tho law.
Romo penplo get so tired doing noth
ing that they aro never nblo to do any
thing else.
Tho stlll-hoitso worm destroys mor
corn than the cut worm docs.
. ,k
I "tl
. K