V THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MARCH 1. 1898. i i A ... ) MAKING WAX LIFELIKE. Arc Through Service BETWEEN ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY OF How l)Uilii riKiiri'N fur Storm Mnilc, "IInw luiij; doc it t.tke to make one r Tin -i'.'" ald the iiiiiuufncturcr m rc- . ,( to mi inquiry, report tin- llo- ii TnniMTiit. "Well. It depends cii- . !v .ipiM ciiriiliitkincc. It Is .lint a i 1 1 h.inicn'. operation, tin IliiMiingoU' r a a model as true to life as this," i (I he pointed to the bust ofalaugh ii i' child. vvIiom- ios neck anil bright. iu- vveie framed bv t-liistorittir fiirl. ' lii make thc-c one must have .studied aii.itoniN, as well at: drawing and mod eling. We begin In thi- same waj as u sculptor would to make a statin.'. Ait it tin' wax has cooled the ojc are put, ii, the face is 'made up,' as theatrical fo'l.s a, and tho wig Is fastened on. a id the wooden boilv Is shaped. We make all our hatuli. and feet from life, mil thev cost about ten dollars. If we li.ivc an rili-r for an entire tlgurc we n'vvnvh tliudel It from life. The life--,c wax tljriiress of infants are among tne finest t liin u. we manufautuie, and 'hc.v add much to the attractiveness of yflAIICD RIICCCT CI FEDERQ1 il slum wlmlou. "v " illustrated luM IffMMEIl DUrrCI OkCCrCna !,,.,., ,. Washington street re- AND tail dealer displayed one during the holiday .season. The head and shoul- dels, .such as are seen Im the milliner'vs windows, com from $10 to $1.1. The wig makes considerable ditTereiiee in 'he price, as we use the best hair, and ' U Is cpensic, especially the natural 1 IiliMid. which is scarce. The children's hi .ids cost iii, or thereabouts. , "All the lltiishing otY imaginable," he i euiitiuued, "would not make a figure .'tauil the test of a season behind the glare of a glass unless, the wax ha a I natural pink tinge. The reason some of the model, look so deathly is be cause the wcix is hail and not properly colored, and tlesh tints arc put on In addition." AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES TEXAS. FREE RECLINING KATY CHAIR CARS DINING STATIONS OPERATED BY THE COMPANY. SUPERIOR MEALS, Fifty Cents. yi 'i TIMETABLE. H lilih CI.Ol'D, M. R.Y SKIIU. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO S'J. J OH KANSAS ( ITV S'l. LOT IS mnl all point not mnl south. DENVEll lll-'LHNA Ill'T'lli SALT I, Alili l"Y I'OllTLANP s.i.x Fu.vrsro mnl all iioitil in . THEIRS FOR GOO No, No tiiaiv" i.kavk a 'tji.i.oit : 60. I'rulKlit.iUII) except similBy for WjtiiiiiiMiml t 11 1'l'liit i'iit s:ihi ii.m trt, I'MssiMiKi'r. ilnlly fr Sl. .Inc. KlIIISNS I I1J. All'IIIMJII. .!. LoiiIk mnl nil I'oliits ciisiiiuil south . imsoain. No. II'.'. Aei'iiniiiioiliillnii, iliillv exeeW MIllllllV. llllMltll"-. (illlll'l l Intnl. 'Itlni'k Hilts mnl nil lmltits In the notiliwi-t liiiip.in N'o. 141. Aci'oiiiiiiniliitloii. iliill exi'i'l'l siiiiiIiin. iilierlln. Khiimis mnl liileriii'i'lliitcMntliii'-. In lie iiiihlKiiii i;ui.in III. I-'rclKlit. ilnlli. Vmore mnl St. .Ine mill IllU'Niil'illilte jiiiiclliiiiixilai" . - l'J:lll.m 63. f'retKlit. ilnllv lor lli'imlilli'iui urli'iiui.(ixrrilmiiiilliiliits west . liKtmi in 15. 1'MMii'iiKi'i. IhIi. Heaver, nil iiolliIMM i nioiiiuo. nun huh I'lilllornlii 8:nii.in Slt'cpliiK. illnlni: mnl rerllnlnii ilmlr cure (ncHtH free) on tlirmicli trains Tli'ki Is snlil mil) Iikkkiiki' elieckeil In in. point In the I nltei! StHtesorl'miHilii Korliifuriniittoii tlmv iiibles. mnp or ticket cnll on or mlilri" i owner. Kctit. Ked Cloud, Nelir or .1 l-"iiiiel. l.i'iicml 1'ii-n'iini'i Agent Oiniihn. Nehrnskn No. No. No. YEARS. One Knoi- . l . o Ine ii WcmIci'II l.li'l. Nut :ni; uj;o while a .outi; woman liniliiur from a western state was re sidlti; in the east she had a slight at tack uf the e;rip ami as much in ueeil of soiiu tiling to cheer her up. Wit ha view of sicuriii; t.hc needed amuse inent s,ic wrote accept in;; the standing it.itati. a i f a Unstui' irii'l to come and spend . i fi w iia.s at the Hub. When the time w ' i ear for her to leae home she iiei'mil.a letter from her lto.st.oii friend 'lull ran like this: "I ti . k I hae p'.inneil as pleasant a proiriaaiiM' for ,ou, my dear, as would In po.ssibie. Nun will arrhe Moiiila.x niurnini;; that afternoon -we shall bae a lutielienu of thetjiilet Hour club in ' in honor, at which HO literary women will be present. Mondaj even Irif; we sluill attend a leetuiv l. Prof. - - on The Semitic Knees.' Tuesday forenoon we are ;oiit; to a nneetlii; of the Itinwiiiii; club, and In the after in mi we arc In iked for a iniisleale in U'half uf the colored old ladies' home. Tuesiln.x ft'iiliir we shall wind up the two il.i.vs with .i lectin e l l'ror. - -on 'Hsiltciii' ltuddhisjii,' which I am sure will be the i;re.ites.t treat of the whole I wo das." As sumi aftir the receipt of this Ict tir as she could recoer strength i noiiirh I hold a pen the western prl wrote her Irletul as follows; "1 am afraid, my dear (jlrl, that you will lne to tiiodify our piMKramnie, or else I can't cciue to i on. What little intelhct the 'fip Ins lift ine I don't proMsi to wreil 'n ar.. -ueh niauner as von hae a r uifed tor." An l "A.,W V. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained nnd all Pat' entbuinesiconiluctnlfor MoocnATC Fcts. OUH Orricc is Oppositi; U, G. Patcnt ornct anil wc ransreuro ji.ittnt in K's time than those mni i rim it .itnini'ifin. Send nioJel, ilrain or photo., with decrip- tlon. We nilvise, II paicnmoie or noi, irec oi charge. Our fee not duo till patcnt iscturrd. . ...... llnw l,i Ot.l.iiTi I'.ilenli." with cost ot same in the I'. S. and fonigu countries; sent tree. Aililrcss, C.A.SNOW&CO. Orr PATCNT OrriCC, WASHINGTON. D. C. v I'lirm In orssii Ouneilli ll Since IUS1. ,1. K. Sogard feeeiied a remarkably inlciTMiiig dociimeiit from Christiania, N:irwa. and one which he prizes ei lii.U'lilv. It came from the goxermeni museum al ( hristiania. and is an cact cup ol two deeds of er, ancient (late, ihe original tleed liiuiii,' heen pie smeil and placed on exhibition In the niiiM'iiin. The deeds aie for a certain firm which the Soard famili ha possessed for cent urics and upon which two of his brother Simon, of Webster Cit.x, and .loll n . of Iowa City were born. The lirst deed is dated duly I, I ,s. or more than ."00 years iii;o. A 'i t :. f rea'allon of the ae of this i i id i li.iu w hen it is l etui inhered that the Sn!ard fatnlli was in possession of tin farm more than Hit) years tx-forc Columbus discovered America, and it is piohah!c that their owuershii datts much fartlur back than i shown by this deed. The Inter instrument was executed, in 1.1 IS. nearly "fl yenr before the kindini: of the pik'riin fnthers at I'ImuoihIi. A gentleman from a ii'iliborine; town ttdls the Troy Tunes ili il he has- seen the ancient doeiimcut alludid to. but was unablei to rend it, !i it is written in Ihe .Vorwepnn Ian Ci.tiri. He adds thai the property is in the town of O.ilen. near the town of HaMiir. and that the largest city near tl- place Is Christiania. nnd that tin ib i timet t stntes it 's flen In the reiirn f Klnir Hakon. by the grace of God king of Norway and Sweden. Chimney brick, i Cistern brick, NO OLD MAIDS THERE. i:erliiMtlou t.lhurneo to tJrcelnii l.i ' In. In (In il is considered an ever lasting disgrace to remain an old maid, (iitls an betrothed often when still tiny I it . Mat ri.igcs td love are absolutely unknown- i ven n. ore s() ilnin in France. iid the lather s t:;..t ... tletilar that the intei tied lisiai.il must h.i e an am ple pi. lie ion to M.pport a wife and family. Tor the giil a dowry is not so iiuportnt t as in Trance, but a certain amount I' li-ien and IkmimIioIiI furni ture is riiuiiid. The whole training and c'li-i.tioi. of a (Itiel; g'.rl is simply a prei'-iiatitin to icudcrjicr brilliant in the ( i icty of the ureal wot' I. Her toilet i a .-abject ot constat. t anxiety. Ait Imnirli n ovt C-i i k gr' are natur ally vetv pretty, liny begin to paint and powder from a very early age checks luight red. eyebrows anil lashes deepi-t black ami veins ijelieately blue. I he result is that she is a withered old woman at III, and nowhere are uglier women to be found than beneath the blue skies of lovely (! recce. Nest in importance to beauty eotnes languages, livery Greek family who can alio nl it keeps it French nurse or maid, and French is universilly spoken in society. Painting and music are rpiite iinnceessjiry . but girl are care fully trained in dancing and drilled to enter a room and sit down with ele gance. Lastly, household duties are taught- how to innke rose jam. Turkish coffee and various delicate sweetmeats. SAVING TIME. THE TALK OF FISHES. AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. PENNYROYAL PILLS --Lsw urlifiiitti and only tirnuine. WjJtf,J erc, lj. nlnl,..'. lAOiiu ! i ITurKHl iir lAirAfJicr. r iigiu. i'ta. mb.ui llr&iul Id lied K'jil CvLk mrltllla 7twifi .riled with Ijlu WIMI, 'I like Inn.lh.K HtfutmJunafYuuM IbbiflfU. fttant urij Imllufi'nl Al llrO(Kllll.r IDd4A. ' In ftirot fnr r.rtleultri. irtUmoalili sai "litllcr tor i.uuirm ninicr, vj mmru MhIL 1O.II0O It .in lonlala. Sam fajttr. itohf.tf rChcuikH'.Mllon I'lnre, ',iurnUcJlJrutIUU. 1'IIIL.AUA., 1'A. ITJ 'JC V W Ohio SiiiiiiiIs Iteeurileil ! tlie IMiononrupli In Hie I niler Wnler. Wiicu you see a lot of bubbles rising to Ulie surface of a tank In which tin re are a number of fish you will know that the ls.h are lalliiig. It Is not possible, of course, to converse with h'h, but a well-known professor has succeeded In getting a suilieient num ber of sounds in a phonograph to prove that a llsh language really exists, says Uiiulon Answers. The professor and n companion were lowered into the waters of the Mediter raiM'an, near the little town of llranea lone, In an iron cage, taklng'with them electric-lighting apparatus, a phono, graph and a camera, Mirrors were also taken, and by these the fish were at tracted. . each large monster came In sight a mirror was turned so as to bring the ilsh inlo full iew of his own rellectlnu The results -were astonishing. In near ly every case the fish waxed furious, and she souniU recorded in the phono ginph are snid to be of an astonishing nature. The shark, according to the .sounds recorded, which are from lish of many seeies, seems to have a tan tgitage (fuite different from all others. THIS IS CORN. Excursions to WESTER). GAiNADA. Tho vvhnii fields of Wc-ii'in Cimnihi oiler the KreiituHi liiiliu'cineiiti. to settlcic. 100 ACRES OF LAND en a ho hnnicnteadi'd (free ( Tlnio vvha iln sire It emi pureliiiso lumls m from i) to ." per ncre, Ilusy lurins of pnv iiiunt. TIioiiniiihIh of runners mnl others from illstrlrtH vi hi-ru fiirmlin; Ik t pro-eat found tuiprolitiihlu, villi lake up hindh there (IiIn sciikoii. la order to nVfimiiuodiitu these, ev eiirslons eonilucied h) n reim'seuliitlve or tlioCmiitdiHii (loverniiiuui will leuvuht, Paul on llic 23d nnd 30th of A.ARCIi nnd the 6th of APRIL, Specially low rates have heen seeured for mono wan wish 10 join uiuso cxi'iirMuim. whether liomi'seckcrH or seitlerK, For liAHkoiiKPr nail freluht rates apply to Department f Interior, Oltown, Canadti, or W.V. BENNETT, 801 N. Y. Life liulldlnK. Omahu, Neb. (,'aiiinllan Oovuriiiucnt AkoiUs. So Thlek That 1 Trniu-a Kv- 11 lliitiKO Coon. The Little Hock Democrat Is the au thority for the kind of com lands they have i'n that particularly blessed region. It says: Fight or ten years or so ago then was a lake near Morrilton cover ing about 10,01)0 acres. When the big lloodh came two years ago. an opening was made by the surging waters which carried o IT nil the water of this lake when the floods subsided. The bed ot the lake dried up and left tin richest soil he world ever Raw. it Is ten feet deep, and nothing the I liver Nile ever produced eoulde.Ncclll. This year Mills iV llalley have, a crop of corn on about Limn acres of this laud. They sowed the corn broadcast like wheat, nnd the stalks are ns strong as saplings, and scores of "shoots" are also loaded (low 11. "It Is the most remarkable corn crop ever produced in the world," declared Prof. Cox, and, 1o make the story even more Interesting, lie ended it by de claring that, a "coon" was caught be tween the stalks, and, being tumble to extricate Itself because they were so thick, was killed by those who came upon it. Tlir 1'ar or Mntrlien. An nvernge of olght matches for each woman nnd child Is used in the Ftrtc fh!'". Mure mnl More Work Cnrrlcil Knr VMIIll ll Mtfllt UN Well UN li- niiy. The electric light 011 the lofty frame work of grc,.t mi di rn buildings under construction is mm a familiar sight, says the New VoikSuu. The work goes on at night as well as by day, so that, with its new building completed, the valuable land shall as soon as possible again be made productive. It is common now in busy streets to do work that involves tearing up ij.e street pavements, on undei 'r .mil pipes, wires, and so on, at night: si. thai the work may be done w ith the lea.t in terruption to tralllc, and with the.gicat est facility as fnr as the work itself Is concerned. And nowadays work 'on new pave ments is carried on at night, to hurry, it to completion; simply to save time. It may be, for example, that In a residence street two shifts of men lire. employed in laying an asphalt pavement, and the work goes right on continuously, day ami night. One might, look down this (pilet street at three o'clock in the morn ing and see the men at work by the flaring naphtha torches, and the. big steam roller moving' back and forth just the same as at three 1. "lock In t! es f'i noon. On occasion work on gas trenches and other street work is nowadays kept right 011 at night. And all thesethlngs are in keeping with the great, modern tendency to save time; to utille every minute and to waste nothing. Diseases. For tho speedy anil permanent enre of tetter, salt iheuiu nnd eczema, Cham betiain'H Eye- nnd Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieveH tho itch ing and smarting almost instantly anil its continued use effects n permanent cure. It also cures itch, barher'H itch, scald liend, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hnnils, chronic, soro eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady 'a Condition Powders for horses are tho befit tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Soldby - Pjii'I TnliHcii)Silt and Smoke tour Ufa Awiy. To riiilt tobacco easily nnd forevor, bo mag nctle. full of life, nervo and vlor. tuko No-To-Ilac, tliu vvomli r-worltur, that makes weak men stroiiK. All (IruuKlstH.dOoorll, Cure Guaran teed lloolilot and H.unplo froo. Address .Sterling Iter, ly Co., Chlcas'O or Now Yoik. ISiliieiitnlour ItovruN With (.'HHnnntH, ,nn!!l,'jr w",V'"r!!''; ''."" ""istlpatloii foic-ur 100.10 Iff c (J fall,. niumstK refund money, - No-To-Mae for Flft Ceitti. ntiamiiteeil toliacco lialilt euro, makes weak men stromi, hlood pure, Wic, (1, All dniBBihta Burlington Routo California Excur sionn. Cheap, iittii'k, coinfoitablc Leave Omaha I ')' p.m., Lincoln (! 10 p in. and Hastings 8:M) p.m. every Thursday in cl( an, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers, eats rim rigli' through to Sail Kianciico mid Lof Angclo.s over the seetiliMoiite -through Denver and Salt Lake City Cuts are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring seats and hacks ami ate provid ed with curtains, bedding, towels, .soap etc. Uniformed porters and evpcrlcnc ed oM'tirsion comluetor.s accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of bother about baggage, pointing out ob jects of interest ami in many other ways helping to make the overland trip 11 delightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Ilerths $0 For folder giving full information, cnll at nearest lttirliugtou Itoute tiket ofllce, or wiite to,). I'laneis, (! A Omaha, Neb. - -Doafnoss Cannot Do.Curcci by local applications as they cannot reach tho diseased pottiouof thecal'. Thcro is only one way to cute deafness and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an intlamed con dition of the uncoils lining of the Eus tachian tube. When, this tube gets in tlatnedjyoti have a rumbling sound or imperfect heating, and when it is en tirely closed deafness is the icstilt, and unless tho lullaiiimatioii can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever, nine cases out of ten aiu caused by catairh, which Is noth ing but tin inllaincd condition of tho mucous sin faces. Wu will givo One Hundred Dollars for any case of dculiies.s, (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send lor circulars lice. 1'. J. Ciiknxv & Co , Toledo, (). Sold by druggists, Toe Hall's Kamilv l'ills ate the best. - - Kloncliko. What iloes il cost to get tlieieY When and how .should you go? What should 0110 lake? Where tiro the mines? How much Imvu they produced? Is work plentiful? What wages ate paid? Is living expensive? What aro one's chances of "making a strike"? Complete ami satisfactory replies to tlie abovu tiucstions will bo found in the Kurlingtou Route's "Klondike Folder," now ready for distribution. Sixteen pages of practical information ami an ttp-todatu map of Alaska and tho Klondike. Free al liiirlington Houto ticket ollices, or sent on receipt of four cents in stamps by J. Francis, (ien'l Passenger Agent, liurlit.gtou lloute, Omaha, Nebr. Livor Coraplainta and Norvoubnoss Cured. A torphljliver always produces dull ness, irritability, etc. You aro all clogged up and feel despondent. Per haps you have treated with physicians or tried some otlier recommended med icine without hcut'lit. All that is no argument against "Dr. Fcuncr'R Hlood and Liver Remedy ami Nerve Tonic," which we insist will cure nervousness and liver complaints. If 1101 satisfied after using one bottle your money will bo refunded by C. L. Cotting. Cheap - Farm - Insurance ! Iiistiro your farm propetty in tho Farmers Mutual - Insurance Co., OF LINCOLN, NEHKASKA. OVER : $20,000,000 : INSURANCE : IN : EFFECT. Insures I' arm Property, Churi'lios mid School Houses at loss tlmn ono-half tho old lino into Don't bo deceived by any 0110. There- is no better com puliy in tho word. For Insurance apply to , , , , Dihtiiict Aiir.NT, Hki) Cf.oui), Nkiika.ska. A. U. DAVIS, Agent, Iliavale, Neb. Olllce over MIzor itMcArturs store. C. E. VAUdHAN, Agonl, (liiiilu Rock, Nebraska. PLATT & FREES CO., Ghicago Lumber Yard, KF.D CLOUD, NKHRASKA. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. IMx Ivtitolx M .&iTt l', ". B WPQ vM w4 t 1 3Ma VvrUJ 1 '5K( W ' 1 9'S' 'Ps. 1 lA , 3ul W VR I I : 'JHffla I i ii 1'" 1 if'l 1 -r ' A 1 czqjg itirlixir Oti-t. m m is well said that minncrs make tki m.m,lnit the more solid Ingredient f character is also necessary to ft tmtl FOR ROALLV CORRECT DRESS Ot. il 1. IvHl f( IIIIMlirifvl If 1 111111 hie ! UaIL vm :, . r,i; 'r:. .k"" """" '''"""Tf -t ji Sisr.' "" "," " me kiiuu sense lo uresj WCII -.- tAS I 1 , t III ,,.111 fit,, I lit 1111..!..-,..!..... il, -- 1.1 Tfij- j 1 H Mim nit i.iiLii9iiui(; oui lurum ;:IK A w a" ovcr ,lie world. lii Material. Style. Fit. Finish, and Genii. ', ii . ' ...I.. ..r.-i ' ' '.. . .'.. i xj-v """y lt you snouia onter your Ullor- J-'"1' -- , ri. DUKPI & GO., ThcOrcat Chicago McrcfaantTallon I'or over .IIYmim the I.cmlcM In the Cuitoal I irnjie. you can Kctn "HORN" Suit or OTrrcoat lor less money tlmn In inunlly iiald for laferfor ' K001N mnl tnilorliiK. i '' a" I'l.-MISlI fiUAIIANTKKD. , TAi-m Jlundr(t Choir Sampltt lo Stltfnm. ' jmm : AP - CAM. ON AXINER BROTHERS. RED CLOUD.fcNEBRASKA. A MODEL MARKET Id always cool, clean ami neat, ami has only tho best TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative liromo ( juiniuo Tab ots. All druggists refund tho money f it fails to cure. 'JQc. Many People Cannot Drink coll'ec lit iiIkIH. It tpollH ihelr kIi'C. Yon ran ilrlnk (irnln ( vvlieii )ou ileuiu mnl sleep Ilku 11 top. for Uriiln O ilni'H not htlmuliite. It nour IhIium, clu'crx mnl fecils. ;Vet It IooIcn mnl tntti'H llku eolTeu. For iktvuuh ,(tkiiis, oiiiik people Mini ehllilrcn (irnln O Is 11 perfect ilrlnk. Miulu from pnru Kraliih. (jet 11 package from your Kroeer today. Try It In plnco of roffcu. ir.o nnd 'J.'ic. GEniNG READY Every expectant mother has a trying ordeal to face. If bIiu does not Or. Price's Cream Baking Powfler World' Pair Highest Mtdalaod Dlplcaa. M AXKiVOr, FISH, OVAXl: LXiy Oyster's, and orders taken there aro eccurately tilled nnd promptly delivered. That is the condition of allairs at A. ft Reynold's Moon Block Market tMIlllllB0llllllCIIIOnB!CaOEi :QI: ...THE:. ... 5 ml Weekly Inter Ocean I LARGEST CIRCULATION OP ANY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST I " It is radically Republican, advocating 2 the cardinal doctrines oi that party with ability and earnestness'..',.'., iStttBut it can always be relied onj for fair and honest reports oi all po-1 lltical movementsjiM tM..tf iXtVM-it THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWSAND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE m It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. :i The Literature ot its columns is equal to that of the best maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents e-v: get ready for it, thero is no telling what may happen, Child-birth Is full of uncertainties if Naturo is not given proper afwistance. Mother's Friend is tho best help you can uro at this time. It is a liniment, nnd when regularly ap plied several months beforo baby comes, it makes the advent easy and nearly pain less. It relieves and prevents " morning sickness," relaxes tho overstrained inus. cles, relieves the distended feeling, short ens lalxir, makes recovery rapid and cor tain without any dangerouB after-effects. Mother's friend is good for only ono purpose, viz.: to relievo motherhood of danger and pain. Onu dollur wr bottle at all dru Moron, or bent hy express on ruiulnt of price. Fa KB Hooks, contMiiuiu valuable informa tion for women, will lo tiont to uny uifdreu upon application to THB URADPIULI) KEQULATOK CO., Atlaota, Qa. THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions oi the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations oi Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. J J m JI.OO-PRICE ONE DOLLui ru, VEAR-JI.OO " THE DAILY AHD SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. Prlcn of Dully liy nwill . .. l,()(l pur yi'iir I'rlrixif Siimliiv liy until 3 00 per year Dally anil Miuilii.v liv mull fd.OO jier .voir I!CIC)ICalllll9llltlV m TOP BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, ? ROAD WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, ? SURREYS, ETC., ALL GOODS FIRST CLASS. PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. Tho finest lino of road vehicles over brought to Webster county. Callvand o.Mimino thorn and got prices whether you wish to buy or not. A full lino of all the lending farm machinery including THE - FAlOU& - OHIO - CULGIVATOR. If in need of anything in the Hue of nuggles or larm machluory it will pay you to see ine hefore )tircii:nnig. 1 can save yon money. JAS. PETERSON, Red Oloud, Nebraska. 4 J A I, M M m w I l n J '7 IV r u r' rar 'Awar . ; 2 ; p ,, 31 . Sfe . I .v:;JtmXimi At L