The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 18, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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i'h Btilpplnj- of Mm C.nnn 1'rorr Tlml thu
"Forcon urn Not to Mini (,',ot llcfi'iim-n
Nlmtlnr Onlcr-i urn I'xprrta-il nt I'orl
.TtfjfCTintf Citv, Kan., March in.
Knnday was u very busy ilay lit Fort
lllloy. Tho three artillery batteries
hero will be ready to move cast Weil
nesday, under orders from Washing
ton. Mattery 11 of tho fourth, Cap
lain II. H. Anderson commanding,
will go to Jackson barracks, New Or
leans, La.; llattcry F of tho Fourth,
Captain S. V. Taylor commanding,
will go to Fortress Monroe, Va.; Hat
lry F of the Fifth, Captain II. J.
Rellly commanding, will go to Fort
Oglethorpe, Savannah, Oa.
Tho train carrying theso batteries
will bo made up In three flections, n
section to ciiuli battery. They will
come to Kansas City as sections of n
special train and not ncparntc until
they got to St. Louis, when they will
go their devious ways. F.ach battery
will require: Three flat ears, on
which the guns ami caissons will ba
loaded; seventeen horse- cars, three
bgggo cars, two tourist bleeping
earn and one Pullman bleeping car.
All day the packing of effects was
going on. The men were looking over
their accoutriMiu'iits and putting them
in order. The officers' "strikers" were
packing their personal anil camp
rquipage. Tim guns and caissons
wcro being put. tn readiness to load.
F.ach battery is composed of four
guns, four caissons, battery wagons,
liorses, hlxty men and tho officers.
Tho ah-ioneo of theso thrco batteries
will leave Fort Illley in tho possession
of cavalry only.
At the post headquarters command
ing officer., adjutants and quarter
masters anil u host of clerics and
orderlies were busy with the official
work looking to thu removal. Tho
sido tracks of the I'nion I'acille rail
way at Fort, Illley station were full of
cars, waiting for the lo:i ling of guns
and baggage. Thu trade room is some
what limited and cat h section of the
train will have to be loaded
utcly. Tho loading began this morn
ing. Colonel Wallaco 1'. Uaudolpli, com
manding offircr of tho artillery sub
post at Fort Illley, was In hl.s office
nearly all day yesterday arranging
for the removal of his forces, it i
likely that Colonel Kamlotph will re
main ut thu post to receive new bat
teries of artillery now being enlisted,
which will be sent there for school
ing. Kegardlng the removal of the
artillery, Colonel Kamlotph said:
"Tho order removing the artillery
to tho coast has been expected for
lomu time. These batteries will take
their guns, which means that they go
with tho possibility of Huhtlng. If
they had not taken their guns it
would mean that they were going to
man tho now guns, and for coast de
fence purposes only. The move Is a
permanent one, nnd the places left by
tho batteries will bo taken by the
new men. Tho families of the officers
will remain hero until their quarters
are needed by tho incomers."
"Is it generally supposed among
officers that this concentration of
troops on the coast means light'.'"
Colonel Randolph was asked.
"It certainly looks that way. The
fact that tho President has withheld
the information to be conveyed by the
Walno board of inquiry is significant.
If a war is unavoidable the regular
army will havo to bo reinforced by
volunteers. To get volunteers with
enthusiasm and dispatch It is neces
sary for tho pooplo to realiro fully
that tho necessity is there, and for a
certain amount of popular indigna
tion. Tho American peoplo are now
properly indignant, and if war wore
to be declared thcro would be no diffi
culty In enlisting enough volunteers
for tho purposes of tho war depart
ment. I think thu army generally is
looking for a 'scrap,' and hopes it will
come. I think everything tends to
that at present."
San Antonio, Texas, March l.V
Brigadier (icneral (iruham, command
or of tho military department of the
Oulf, this morning ordered Light llat
tcry K, First artillery, to proceed at
onco to Cmlveston and tnko station at
the fortifications there. Light llat
tcry K has been nt Kerrvllle. seventy
flvo miles north of here, for several
days, engaged in target practice, nail
will proceed f.oui there to its new
t.tnt!on by train, reaching Galveston
Wednesday morning. The buttery
consists of four :i .'-inch guns ami
aeventy-flve men.
Heitall-t Mity Ho it I.iiii Tditr.
SitiiAi.iA, Mo., March '.,'. Tho find
ing of additional largo deposits of
leud in Northwest Ssdalia In thu past
two days has resulted in unusual e..
citemeut in mining circles, it is im
possible to obtain leases on land in
that vicluity. New shafts arc being
aunk and luad Is found everywhere.
Seven tons of oro were taken out of
the various mines yesterday. A largo
number of men are now cmplovcd,
and withlu a short time it Is believed
the Industry will employ as many men
as the railroad shops.
Would Siu Out I'rltatci-rs.
Ma uim, March l.V Tho view In
i fllchi I elides is that Spain will not
provoke a war, because, If sho does,
bho would tlnd herself Isolated, but if
America gives tho provocation Span
will not be alonn In thu struggle. Tho
general opinion Is that In tho ovent of
war Spain will not need to attuok
American territory. It will suffice
her to pursuo a war of privateering.
As Anerrica's commerce ! seven-fold
greater than Spain's, American inter
ests would suffer most. .War would
benefit neither nation, and good
MM, therefore, counsel! Deuce.
t'nrle Sntn'ft t'aoli (lets 'I lirtu I'mm llratl
Tim (.'ontrarl In StRiiril,
London, March If.. Tho llrar.illan
minister confirms tho report that tho
warships Ama.onasand Admiral llrcti
havo been sold to tho United States
government. Tho contract is to bo
signed to-day nnd the llrazlllan officers
and crew now on board tho Amazunas
will return to by the next mall
steamer sailing for that country.
The Press association says Spain has
purchased tho battleship O'lligglns,
built by tho Armstrongs for Chill.
The Chilian charge d'affaires docs not
confirm the report. Ilo says u Chilian
crew for the vossel Is expected hero
next week to take tho O'lligglns to
Washington, March l.i. Tho re
ported sale to the United Stntes of tho
two llra.lllan cruisers Ainuzotias and
Admiral llrcti, now receiving their
Mulshing touches in an F.ngllsh ship
yard, was con firmed hero this after
noon. A problem that confronts tho re
cruiting office Is to .secure the neces
sary force of enlisted men for man
ning the two ships purchased from The officers of the navigation
bureau are making all arrange
ments for tho speediest possible
delivery of thu ships on this hide
of the Atlantic. It probably will
require about 'J."0 men for each ship,
and tho question is whether these
men shall bo hired abroad in Uuglund
under special arrangements for tho
one trip or whether a regular crew
shall bo sent, out from tho I'nited
States to bring them home. Thu first
method is undoubtcely the quicker,
but It will not be available in ease
thcro should be an open rupturo be
fore the completion of tho two ships.
Nr.w YoiiK. March IS. A dispatch
to the New York Herald from Toklo
says: "The Herald correspondent
visited Marquis Ho yesterday and
asked him whether the Japanese gov
ernment would sell the cruisers
Kusagl anil Chituso to the Tinted
States. Tim premier hesitated a
moment and replied: "I will maku in
quiry of uiv naval colleague, but I.
think 1 may say that Japan prefers to
get possess. on of all thu ships build
ing for her as soon as possible. Offi
cers have already been ordered to
bring tho Knsaginnd Cliitose to Japan,
and tho builders havo huuu requested
to hasten their completion "
"After a pause the marquis contin
ued, slowly and impressively, 'The
news of thu last few days indicates a
retain critical state of affairs else
where than on thu Western continent,
and k'i consider it only prudent to
continuo our preparations for the na
tional defense, which we had tho fore
thought to begin long time ago. I
hope the peoplo of the United States
will not take offenso nt Japan's un
willingness to part with these cruisers.
I have always appreciated their kindly
feelings for Japan. The UniUd States
is the nation above all others where
public sentiment absolutely controls
the national policy. For that reason
I wish to havo the paople there under-r-tnnd
that Japan retains tho Kasagl
and Cliitose, not from a lack of will
ingness to obllgo tho United Stales,
but becauso she needs them herself.'
" 'In case of war between the I'nited
States and Spain, your excellency,'
tho correspondent asked, 'will Japan
allow tho warships of both belliger
ents to tako coal at Japanese ports, or
rcfuso it to both?'
" 'That opens a. long vista of possi
bilities,' ho replied. 'Some authori
ties contend that coal, and even pro
visions, should bo contraband of war,
as both are necessary to maintain hos
tilities at sea. Whenever war is de
clared between two or more powers,
Japan, If neutral, will boar in mind in
deciding tho coal question tho manner
hi which her decision will affect all
the belligerents and her own Inter
Mom Tlmo to t'ini)tier Cuba.
London, March 1.'.. Tho Madrid
correspondent of the London Morning
Post says: "lam ablo to assert on
the best authority that United States
Minister Woodford originally inti
mated that the United States hoped
anil expected that Spain would re-establish
peace in Cuba before March 1
of this year. Itecently, in response to
Spanish representations, tho United
States exUnded tho timo to Mart,
lloth governments refuse to desorlbo
this intima tion us an ultimatum tc
Wlft of Nclit-iihKii'H senator I'xplrc-H Wlilli
In Culm,
NUW YORK, March l.V A dlsptitcl
to the livening World from lliivuuv
A telegram received by (icneral Lee,
from Consul Unrker this afternoon
says the wife, of Senator Thurston
died today on board the yacht Anita,
In Siigua harbor.
Mrs. Thurston's death was causer1
from apoplexy, duo to the rough pas-,
age down the coast.
Jur.t as a letter was being read in
i Fiirmlngton Me , housuhold from u
daughter in California announcing her
'food health and well beluga telegram
eaniu announcing her death.
l-fintor Proctor llni-k.
Wasiiimho.v, March ).'.. Senator
Proctor and his companion, Col
onel Myron M. Pnrkor, who havo been
speiidln sumo timo in Cuba, returned
lo Washington last night ut lu:nn.
Senator Proctor was met at the sta
tion by friends and was driven at
once to his residence. Senator Proc
tor said that ho did not des'.ro to dis
cuss ills trip at present, nnd that,
further thuu to commend tho good
work Miss Clara llarton was doing in
Cuba, ho had nothing in the way o'
on Interview.
Most Important r.truts of tin- 1'itnt Sit
Diijfi Carefully Collirlril unit ('oihIciiim'iI
I'liri'lRii mill Domrfttli- flnlnc (.'liroul-t-lcil
for Ittisy l''piln to Iti-ml.
At Toronto. Out., lire destroyed a
block of warehouses, causing Si'.'.VOOf)
The French chamber of deputies lias
adopted the postu uiTangeiiU'iil.sslgnctl
in Washington last June.
The l Spaniards In Havana mo Milieu
liecaiisu of tlu arrival of the cruiser
Montgomery In Itiivaim harbor.
Night, ngeiit. Cuttcii of the Adams
F.xprcss company at Orvllle, O.. has
absconded with u package contiiluitig
Win. I. Iliitehlns. of Providence. IS.
I., one of the best known manufactur
ing jewelers, in the cast, was shot by u
John Dougherty, n life prisoner in
the Newcastle jail ut Wilmington.
Del., for murder, escaped from jail timl
is still ut large.
The Dayton. Teuu.. Coal and Iron
company uunoiinecN that on April I.
they will advance their 1.100 miners'
wages Id per cent.
Itlaui'he K. lirutv. colored, register
of the treasury, timl ox-seniito'' from
Mississippi, is seriously 111 at his resi
dence In Washington.
William J. Calhoun, of Illinois bus
been nominated by the president for
interstate commerce commissioner to
.succeed Win. .Morrison.
The How-cry mission lodging house"
10.1 Howury, New Vork was destroyed
by lire and eleven lives lost. The
property loss in SI. 1,000.
After being out on u strike the
Weeks the 1, 1 01) operatives of the
WhiUcndoui cotton mills nt' Taunton.
Mass., returned to work.
The report that the Hritish govern
ment had contracted with the Carne
gie company at I'itti.bur,' for.vuno ton
of armor plate is incorrect.
The tinware and japanning estab
lishment of Kecne . llngerty, Haiti
uor was destroyed by lire. Loss
CK.O.OOU; cow'i'cd by insurant c.
I'epivsentative Henderson of Iowa
lias introduced u hill in the house to
prevent the use of the United Mutes
Hag as a business aihertlsement.
Fairbanks post 15. A. H. of Detroit,
of which (Jen. Alger is a member,
tendered their services to the govern
ment in the event of win with Spain.
Vice President Hobart gave a recep
tion and dinner to Prince Albert of
Helgium at Washington. Hetwceu two
and three hundred guests were pres
ent. Llcutcnant-Uencral Uosecrans. who
was thought to be in a dying con
dition, is somewhat better, but his
physicians hold out little hope of re
covery. The Murphy Cattle company of St.
Paul has purcha..cil between IV, ()()
ami I .V.000 head of cattle from Ityau
Hrothcrs of Leavenworth. Kan.. ut'S'K)
oer head.
Mabel Keating, known from New
York to San Francisco as the "queen
of pickpockets," was shot and fatally
wounded by Jerry Su-Uivan at Sail
Advices from Colon state that the
work of tin United States Nicaragiiau
commission Is almost completed, but
It is not expected a report will be pos
sible this year.
At Chicago. John Mullen shot anil
fatally wounded Detective Daniel .1.
Hartiiett while the latter was attempt
ing to arrest him for being drunk
and disorderly.
Audrew S. Draper, president of the
university of Illinois, has declined to
accept the position of .superintendent
of schools of (treat or New York- ut a
salary of $3,000.
Henry W. Ylets. a laundry proprie
tor at LaCrosse, Wis., was informed
that he is to receive from the estate of
his uncle, Amos It. Uno, late of New
York. Si.'OO.OOO.
Final arrangements were completed
at Philadelphia for the manufacture
at the mint of the souvenir medals
that will be used at the Otiuilm trans-
Mississippi exposition which opens
Mine 1
(Icneral John It. (iordon, commander
of the Confederate Veterans of Ameri
ca, while lecturing at Ovwinso, Mich.,
received the following significant tel
egram: "One hundred and fifty thou
sand of your comrades stiiuil ready to
follow your lead lu the protection of
our national honor."
(icneral Fitzhugh Lee, Consul-lien-era
I at Havana, Is credited with say
ing; "If Spain wishes to (lecture any
or all of us persona tion grata It is her
privilege to do so, but if we must leave
town we will leave with the American
(lag Hying and a brass baud at the
aead of the procession."
(icncrnl Hronkc, commanding the
department of the Missouri, has or
dered a court-martial in the case of
Captain Charles T.Wlthe roll, stationed
at Ft. Wayne. Detroit, Mich. Captain
Withercll is charged with duplicating
part of his company's pay rolls.
The big cruiser ('olumi)ln lies been
taken out of the dry dock nt. Philadel
phia. It will begin taking store at
once. Ammunition will bo taken on
ut Fort Mlllln. The Columbia and
Minneapolis will sail south in a few
days. Their destination is not known.
For 11 cause not known, Thomas
llobb, aged ID, at. Kobbstown, Ivy.,
went to the home of Mrs. Kosii Head,
called her to the door and shot her
dead, lie then killed himself.
Tho government reindeer expedition
which will go into the interior of Alas
ka from Pyramid harbor has left Seat
tle on the bark Seminole In tow of the
tug Ileseue.
i'i i i
.lime 1.
A Ynncouvcr, IS. ('.. dispatch says
advices from the orient by stt inner
Umpire of India tell of the almost
otnl destruction of Manilla, Philllplue
Islands, by lire, anil that $l.",0
worth of property was destroyed.
(Icneral John It. (iordon, commander
Isiiiic Thomas, colored, was legally
hanged at Sparta, (la., for having out
raged a negro girl.
Warren Hcckwlth, son-in-law of
Ilobcrt T. Lincoln, has been secured to
pitch for the Dubuque, In., ball club.
'I'he Maehlas has arrived ut
Norfolk, Va. The vessel has just con
cluded a three years' cruise on the
Asiatic station.
Scnor Louis Poloy Hcruabe. succes
sor to Scnor Dupuy Do Lome, lm"
arrived and presented Ills credentials
to the president.
The Dcadwood and Delaware smelter
at Dcadwood was recently huructl to
the ground. The loss is '.V.'.'OO.OOO; In
surance, 100,000.
Serious plnguo riots have occurred
in Uombay uuil oilier poititu lu India.
Many Uuropcaii officers and police
were severely handled.
Kdna Wallace Hopper has filed
divorce papers hi New York. She is
seeking a divorce from the well known
actor Dc Wolf Hopper.
(leiicral Koseernus, the hero of niiin.,
battles, died at his home near Los
Angeles. Oil. His death has been ex
pected for many days.
It is altogether probable that the
United States will secure ot tin lira
xilhiu government the two ships that
are now under construction.
The street car lines oT Saginaw.
Mich., lire tied up by 11 strike of con
ductors and niotormeii. The public.
sympathy is with the i.trikers.
At S.111 Francisco Andrew Sehuller.
alliiunelal broker perhaps fatally shot
his wife and then killed himself. No
cause is assigned for the deed.
Hess Smith, marshal of Morley. Mo.,
was locked up in the calaboose for be
ing drunk lie .set lire lo the building
imil wii.n ,o badly burned he cannot
In a III of jealousy Lee Vim Ardale.
11 railroad man. murdered Mary Harris,
an ium.-ite of u house of ill repute in
Louisville. Ivy. lie then cut his own
The Hawaiian legislature adoptei
resolutions extending its deep sym
pathy lo the United statcsin the great
lo'is of life sustained l.y the Miiiue ex
plosion. (icorge 1111 old man who lived
iiloue near ICeota. la., was found dead
in his home. It is thought he was
murdered for money. No clue to the
A verdict of not guilty was returned
by the jury in the eiise of Slieritl
Martin anil his 1I1 putlcs for shooting
of strikers at l.attiiner. Pa. on Sep
tember lo, 1,-OT.
A lire of mysterious origin at St.
Louis destroyed the excursion steamer
(ininil Hepiullie. Los-.. .V.O.nuo. The
aptain and his family had a narrow
escape from death.
Kid McCoy has announced that in
view of the failure of Fit.siiunions to
cover his forfeit of S.VOOO. he claims
the championship of the world and Is
ready to meet all i-omc.'s.
t Just before the close of the perform
ance Miss Lillian Kennedy, the actress,
playing in the "Charity Olid" at Utica.
N. V., was stricken with paralysis.
Her condition is considered serious.
The Spanish torpedo boat destroyers
O.sada and Aiulo.a. are ready for use.
having recently been launched from
the Clyde ship yards at Olasgow. Scot
land. They have a speed of thirty
Judge Townsenil of the Unltad
States court at. New Haven, Conn., re
cently decided that, the Dingley tariff
bill did not become 11 law until Presi
dent McKlnley had affixed his .signa
ture to it.
(iovernor l.cedy of Kansas has de
nounced in iiiiinensiiicd terms the
decision of the supreme court, on the
Nebraska maximum freight, rate case.
He terms it an unclean victory for the
The senate committee on military
affairs has decided to recommend fin
passage thu bill to revive the grade of
lieuleuant-general of the a. my. The
bill is in the interest of ( Icneral .Nel
son A. Miles.
Two freight trains collided near
Midway, O., badly damaging both
engines, derailing eight car.s and
slightly Injuring Unglnccr Van
Seliaird, and seriously injuring an un
known tramp.
Colonel M. M. Parker of Washington,
who was in Havana with Senator
Proctor of Vermont, says that cverv
one in Ilnvana knows that the Maine
was blown up; that Spaniards no
longer deny it. mid seem to be glad.
Mnjor-Oencral Leo. J. Kndeski. com
mander of the Catholic Knight, oi
A merlin, says the Knights uiv for
America first, last, and always. There
are .'.'1.000 of them, and to'.ooo could
be put In the field in twenty-four
The Mibmarlne. boat Holland ns
given atrial ut Perth Auiboy, Tlu
boat moved out a short distance frou.
tho pier, disappeared beneath the wa
ters, remained down at a depth of
fourteen feet half an hour and then
Mayor McKisson has announced that
he will contest the election of Senator
llanna when the latter attempts to
take his seat for the long term. Mc
Kisson was the candidate of the
opposition for senator at Columbus
last January.
At Chicago recently, under the im
pression that her husband's parents
had persuaded him to desert her, Mrs.
John S. Hoyd, ilaughter-iii-luw of
Millionaire Francis Hoyd of Milwaukee,
atteuintcil to commit suicide The
wound may prove fatal.
Mrs. K. Spalding, wife 0
former Hank President Spalding, who
is now under sentence for embezzle
ment, secured a divorce in five
minutes in ( hlcago. The divorce was
grunted on the charge that Spa'dlng
had been convicted of a felony.
Pittsburg. Pa., school children have
started a movement to erect, a monu
ment to tho sailors who lost their lives
in the Maine, explosion. The scheme
is to have, every child in the public
schools of tho country contribute one
penny for the monument, which is to
be erected in the cemetery at Havana
where the sailors are buried.
A Cuniilrt- ttrvlrw of II10 1'nst Wcrli'n
lliippculnKH III till) Trrc l'lunti'tV Stutc
Hiirclncl Siiiiiiiniry of tlio Sloit lm
portion Ni-hk.
(Iovernor Holcomb has uppoiutctl
Lee Herilinan as a member of the Oma
ha board of lire and police cominisslon-
Auburn Is after a beet sugar factory
and has hope of securing one. A com
mittee of eitl.cns has been appointed
lo look: after the matter.
During an engagement between the
town boys of Fremont and the boys., of
tho normal, one belligerent on eucli
shti: had a head split. The matter Is
now in court.
Ulla Hrownell, daughter of W. T.
Hrownell of Fremont, fractured her
inn in several places. She was play
ing in the yard of a neighbor and fell
wet ti bicycle.
The young son of K. 1',. linker of
i iordon, while at play with some com
panions, received a blow behind the
.'in from 11 chunk of coal. 'lite blow
aused a painful injury.
At Anslcy, Joseph I!. Moore, a clerk,
stabbed dailies Haker twice with 11
jae'eknifc. The wounds may not
prove fatal. Haker was drunk, and
-.e-satilted young .Moore, dealing him
two blows 011 the face and knocking
him down.
Frank Murphy bus appealed t the
supreme court for 11 judgment, of C'.i'.'ii
against the. city of Omaha. The
amount represent-) special assessments
for paving grade damages 011 a certain
slreel. which Mr. Murphy paid, but
wants returned.
The copy of the United Slates court
lecision in the maximum rale case
was received Monday by Attorney Smyth. It came late in the
lay uuil the attorney-general did not
iet even u glimpse of It that day.
C.J. Wiiieinger, who .some time ago
was arrcsti d on a charge of haiitirdy
preferred by Mary, a domestic
who worked for the family, was found
not guilty by the jury which had the
jase in tin district court ot Lancaster
..utility. The progress of the case has
hown the devotion of Mis. Wlningcr,
who ntuck by her husband throughout
thu trial.
The Union Pacific freight service is
getting a smell of the approaching
battle through the preparations for
war by the war department. For some
time past heavy shipments of artillery
have been passing through Omaha
westward bound for the fortifications
jii tin; Pacific coast and the armament
jf war vessels in the Pacific ocean.
A severe snow storm driven by 11
fierce northwest wind raged recently
at Oordoti. It was destructive to stock
Interests, thin range cattle, and cows
with young calves being in most dan
ger. The .snow is very deep ami the
wind was penetrating. Up to this
time the cattle have come through the
winter in remarkably line condition.
Miss Kate Conway, employed at the
Mothlcr house, Columbus, met with a
very serious accident while lu the dis
barge of her duties. She accidental
ly turned a pan of boiling hot grouse
upon her right band and fore arm,
burning and scalding her in 11 fright
ful manner. She was attended by a
physician, who says he can save the
member, but it will be several weeks
before she will be able to resume her
Hird day will be observed by public
f.chools if State Superintendent Jack
son's instructions tire followed, not
withstanding the legislature failed to
pass a bill establishing bird day. Mr.
luckson will recommend Friday, April
;.', which is Arbor day, as the date f in
observance. He is preparing u nrinted
program for use in schools. Tlio pro
gram will have a handsome lithograph
cover bearing a picture of the Ameri
can quail commonly called "hob
State authorities will make no mow
iniicr the decision of tho United
States supremo court until the full
opinion of Hint court, is before tlicm.
Attorney-i Icneral Smyth and the board
of transportation have scut for the
opinion in full. As published in news
papers three cour-es may possibly bo
open under the decision. Tho attorney-general
may have authority to
move the United States circuit court
to dissolve tho injunction which re
strains the board of transportation
and the railroad from enforcing the
maximum rate law. The second course
is for secretaries of tho board of trans
portation to order certain rates en
forced by tho railroads. Tho third
and last course is the calling of an
extra session of the legislature for the
purpose of cuaetlng another maximum
rate law If the attorney-general files
n motion for dissolution of Judge
Hrewer's restraining order it is be
lieved that the ease would have to be
retried so far as the reasonableness of
rates is concerned. Hates that were
not reasonable In 1801 may be reason
ublo now miller changed conditions.
If tho board of transportation fixes
rates it may devolve upon railroads to
rIiow that . such rates are not reason
able. II. L. Ham, agent of the II. ,v- M. at
Hradshaw, while, splitting kindling,
was struck In the eye by a flying Oliv
er, which nut an ugly gash about one
eighth of 1111 inch long and nearly the
name depth In this hall of tho eye. The
doctor thinks tho eye can be saved.
Auditor Cornell bus chartered the
Nebraska Mutual Life Insurance com
pany of Stromsburg. T. .1. llrouilleld
of Lincoln is president and 0. D. Ston
er of Osceola Is secretary. This l the
fourth company of this kind that bus
organized under tho stute mutiiul life
IriMirauce law of W.
'The Industrial Iron works of Oma
ha hm Incorporated with ti capital
stock of SM.OOO.
A call forSK.OOOof general fund war
rants has been issued by Statu Treas
urer Mcscrvc. It will become effective
Mnrch 18.
Miss Anna Ilurkct of Uxctor has been
appointed matron of tho asylum for
the chronic insane at Hiustings to take!
effect March l.V She succeeds Misa
Larson who resigned somu timo ago.
A. L, Me.Kennls, 11 farmer living
f-outlieust of York, lost his largo barn,
togctherwith several head of thorough
bred cattle, 11 lot of hay, and other
material. The total lois is S'J.OOO with
only 5:i00 insurance.
Information has been received at
Omaha that the last rail to complete
the Port Arthur line from Omaha to
thi' gulf has been laid and that trains
will be running between there anil
Port Art Inn within the next ten days.
A Swede giving his name art Pcto
Davis, in trying to get on the blind
baggage of the wot bound passenger
train while it was leaving Oakland,
fell miller the winds, both of his legs
being crushed, lie says he worked in
Omaha uuil has no relatives.
Warden Lcidigh reports'!.'!! convicts
at the penitentiary. F.leven prisoners
went out during February and seven
were received. The sentences of si
expired, two were paroled, one wiih n -turned
for u new trial and the wn
ti-iices of two were commuted.
At it recent ina.-s meet lug 111 Wahoo
$?l'.'.i was raised for the t ubaii rtliif
fund and 11 .soliciting committee was
uppoiiiteil to eanviis the country for
cadi and provisions. About ii-'."0 in
cash is reported already and a. large
amount of provisions promised.
A small barn belonging to Henry
Nieinnn of .Neb.fiska ( ity, was burned.
The loss is Ics-i than ?lo(), Mr. Nie
1111111 was overcome by heat nnd smoke-
bile making an effort to rescue his
horse ami cow, but was discovered b
the firemen in time to savo his life
A tnimp giving his name as Wili'iini
Hush, while riding between two freight
curs nt Nebraska City, had his foot,
caught between the bumper.s and quite
badly mashed, lie was card for by
Hie county physician and sent by tho
eommis.sioncr;. to the county inllrmuiM,.
At Sidney a Swedish stonemason by
the name of Ueckmaii accidentally
shot himself in the left nrm utiil will
probably die from the effects of the
injury, lie was riding along in n curt
carrying a heavy loaded shot gun and
it is supposed that while, driving along
the hummer caught on the foot of the
unfortunate man and was discharged.
When found he was insensible and his
clothes afire. ,
The house of H. ('. Harris, four
miles southwest of Plalnvicw, burned
down. Mr. Harris and his wife were
asleep in bed and were nwnkened hv
the barking of their dog. They hail
only time to get out of the house anil
failed even to save their clothes. Tho
couple were married a week ago anil
lost everything. There Is no insuraiieo''
on the house.
Jennie Kclcer and Katie lloss. two
little girls aged seven, living at Hast
ings, gathered a lot of stramonium
pods after school and ate tho seeds.
Shortly afterwards they went into con
vultlons unil by the tlmo a. physician
arrived hail lapsed into unconscious
ness from the effect of tho poison.
They wen given cuiltle and each vom
ited up nearly a handful of seeds.
Prompt administering of antidotes
saved them.
The sisters of the Home of the Oooil
Shepherd at South Omaha anil tho bis
ters of the Poor Clare nt Heuson have
been collecting cancelled postage
stamps in South Omaha business hous
es by means of contribution boxes.
The former send their .stamps to Lu
cerne, Switzerland, for sale to collect
ors, while the sisters ut Hcnson send
theirs to missionaries in China, whero
it is claimed, J, 000 cancelled stamps
buys a Chinese baby which the inls
rioniirics thereafter rear. J
The ilceiiion of the referees In the
matter of lintcs and Norfolk colleges
has been received at Norfolk. The
findings, which cover several type
written ptiges, give the right ot way
to (laics as the college which ha.s bin!
and did not lose its continuity as a
Congregational college Norfolk wi 11
cease to claim Congregational recogni
tion, anil at the close of tho present
college year will go out of business as
a Congregational college What dis
position will be made of it remains to
be seen.
Ilobcrt Parsley, a student in the-
nigh school of ( hadron. was set unoi.;
by a crowd of his fellow students and'
nearly lynched on the school grounds.
Parsley, whose mother Is a. Spaniard,
ami who inherits the traits and dispo
sition of the race, in a dispute which
arose during recess defended his
mother country against tho reviling of
the patriotic American lads to tho ex
tent of saying that if the Spaniards had
blown up tho Maine he was glad of it.
His remarks so Incensed the boys that
they set. upon him and after giving
him 11 severe beating, dragged him
with a handkerchief about his ncuk to
u nearby post, and If he had not been
rescued by some of the older boys ho
would have fared badly.
State Trciuiurer Mcservu has called
for 817,01)0 of warrants on tho fund for
the supp-wt of tho institute! for the
feeble minded, There is S700 interest
payaiile with the warrants. The. r:
becomes effective March .'t and trv"
interest will cease on that day.
(icorge K night, who hue been 01.
trial at Hlalr for arson, charged with
having burned hit. own goods with the
intent to defraud thu insurance com
panics, and also for burning tho Un
bind building, was found irulltv on
uoiu counts. Sentence has not ycf
been iiroiiounccd. . I i
" jsa.6ii.Jl
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