The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 18, 1898, Image 10

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(CoiTTrlRhti'(l by Itowu .t Tabor.)
'tkrwrw v v w r w w "
As to Wtir. Tontlor-iiimrU'il wonion,
who fnco dcntli to givu life, 1 cull on
you by tliu memory o( your own huiirs
to sit down anil think of wnr as It Is.
Sco yonilor regiment buliltnl a fence,
crouching out of i'iuiro of bullets that
already begin tlieir deadly work. Now
at the word of command tho men arc
on their feet, a moment later they aie
out beyond all protection, and away
they go aerosrt the cruel zone of death,
some imllid with the prescience of the
ond, some laughing from hysteria.
Stumbling, shouting, cursing, thinning
ns they go. With groans that are tin
heeded in the noise, many of them
drop in their track, their bones shat
tered, their vitals pierced. A few are
blessedly relieved from pain at once,
others linger for the cruol kindness of
tho surgeon and the long death in tlio
crowded hospital. Imagine that out
there on that bloody Held is your son,
a mangled imiss of flush and blood.
What can you utter of rejoicing when
his regiment marches home again lack
ing the one man In it that mailu it
something in very deed more than a
moro numeral to you?
Look out again with dry, norrillod
oyes at tho reaping placo of Death. It
is trodden back and forth by friend
nnd foo; and at every manouver that
son is bolng ground moro and moro
out of all recognition of tho bright-eyed
bonny bnbo that kneaded your breasts
with his chubby lists. lie cannot move
towards you; you cannot fly to him.
Thoro is a great hollow aching within.
Night now falls and thoro ho still lies;
sight gono, comeliness gono, life gouo,
with tiono to cover his horrors from
tlio cold glitter of the stars and none
to drivo from him tho ghouls who innko
sport of lifo by robbing the dead.
With a shudder you think of tho chill
enshrouding mist and tlio gloom of
tkat dreadful night. With n deeper
shudder you think of tho beat festering
of tho plltiless sun ns il rises to sum
mon to their vilo duty the buzzard and
tho vulture. What of thrill is left for
you when tho triumph comes and tho
blind populaco who have not sutTorcd,
think only of tho living but have no
fooling for vour dead? lu ovory corpso
lying thoro is a tragedy deep as yours.
This is tho sane view to take of this
harvest, whoso gleanings aro sorrows
and whose stubble pierces to tho quick.
Loving and long suffering mothers of
men, it is you who must suffer when
red war makes its demands. It is you
who liavo tho droad waiting to do; tho
living death of anxious uncertainty to
faco. Your sighing should bo loudsr
in tho public car than nil tho clamor or
boastful mnuthiugs of hot-headed men.
.Lot your plaiutbo this: "If war must
bo, lot it bo ono of justice, or our groat
sacrilico will bo bard indeed I"
And this is ono future dread toiituro
of war; a feature that makes it moro
dreadful and more heinous. On op
posing sides tho men-children of tho
yearning bowels of bofret mothers
fight not because they havo any feel
ing of individual enmity. Thoy havo
in fact no knowledgo of ono another;
they havo no words of anger to rouse
tho blood to boiling point; thoy never
mot before, until tho sharp call of the
o Ulcers brought thorn faco to faco.
Yot thoy nro aiming, firing, mniming,
killing in a perfect frenzy of subordi
nated will. Hovond all this, thoy grow
do wild with the horrible gloating nnd
glut of bloodshed that death alono is
not enough for tho dead enemy, but ho
needs must bo outraged, insulted
mocked when ho is dead. Yot nil this
is spoken of as glory; it is made so by
drawing a cloak over its horror; and
by being heedless of tlio dead and heed
ful only of tho survivors. It is tho
themo of tlio descriptive writer, a
source of prolit to the contractors, aud
a summons to inscnsitte rejoicing on
tlio part of all those human parasites
who will gladly reap from others sor
rows where they themselves havo
neither sown nor know of sorrow or of
You mon who at every corner talk of
war; who feel utterly capable of the
successful conduct of a campaign, lint
yet have not oven the remotest inten
tion of moving nwaj from yom cosy
li resides, examine yourselves and purge
yourselves from confusion of thought.
It is well to think twice before .speak
ing once in favor of slaughter. Tho
second tfiought will show that where
there is no intention, no ability, no lit
ness for combat it is essentially selllsh
to urge it when others shall bear its
burdens, leaving to tho homo-stayers
only tho results. Many of you will re
joice if war is declared. You will read
with avidity news about your fellows
going to their death, and then lu tlio
fluctuating values of tlio stock 111:11 ket,
you will see chances to make money
out of misery, and stiaightway go and
do it. You will pile up wealth while
somebody's son gives up lit" to leave
you undisturbed in scraping profits out
of cowardly quiet. Hut if yon who
foment the wur fooling by quiet chnt
tieg, aro worthy of blame, what shall
be said of our New York pervoyors of
news -rather, pervorteiNof news who
dcltbetately uiinfiiM the' muni
with padded cablegrams, deccptlvo
head-lines aud falsified news.
Tluuu conditions that justify war,
that glorify the giving up of life for a
cause, wll be mentioned In a later ar
Real Estate Transfers.
Ileal tstato transfers for the week
ending March 17, 1893, furnsihed by
tlio Foit Abstract Co., L. 11. Fort, Man
ngor, Hod Cloud, Nob.
Hubert !'. Price mill w Ifc to Ellse hclimldt
KO'.HI 10 Wll
H.fliO co
Chris l'nssler to Tlioinntt I.. Trobrldge.
lot 5. block III. Illue Hill w il Ill M
Millard V Kolircr to TIioiiihk I.. Tro
bridge lot (1. block III. Illuo Mill w ! II 12
0. I. Wbltu nnd wife to T. 1.. Trobrldge
cast It feet lots nml :i, block l.'l, Illuo I'0 00
H. A. Totnplo nml wife to Elizabeth A.
Hesse lot l.r mill (I. block UI, licit
Cloud wil ... . NiOU)
Elizabeth A. llcsnu mill husband to
('Initios II. Knley, w i su t unit e mv
i4ft I II w il - .. . I 00
C'lnirlcH II. Knley nml wife to Charles
It. Ilcssu w'Jsu tflii(leiwU5 1 II wil 1 00
W. II. Fuller nml wife to W. II. Cramer
lot 0, block IS, nml nml 'J lot 4, block
II, lllmlen w il 155 M
Corn V. Potter nml husband to Maud
Mjcrs luti 1, a, :i, A nml r block 11 Iteil
cloud w il... a.Boo 00
A. II. Solium lo Clin. II. Potter mv i,
soiMiwi! . y.amoo
J V. Ituucliey nml wlfu to .Uicph .1.
Smith, so i so U Hi I 10 wil - J.IOO 00
lolin 1'. Peterson nml wife to Andrew
Petcrtou lotH 3. nml i), block 1, Knley
A .Incknou'H addition licit Cloud w il 100 00
JiuhcnS. White to llerniinl McNeiiy h ',
hw y 3-1 9 11 c il - I 00
Oeorgo llruucr to bamucl C. limner w ',4
hw U I" 'J 9 w d 00 00
Kn .1. Cnse to A. S. Mourner, lots 0 anil 7
block 19, Smith & Moons mid Ited
Cloud ( c il 00
James II, Helton nud wife to A. 1). Scl-
larH H M 17 2 10 w il ,000 00
I.lzlo Keller to Stephen Krebnck, 11 V,
nw !t nnd nw U e U 23 4 w d tf, 100 00
J, O.Micrs to P. I). Yelsor imrl sw- 4
HW l 35 2 11 OS ncrcH q C d 1,000 00
Total :o,3C3 00
Another nice littlo snow and no wind
with it. Who over saw a nicer winter.
Sovernl very fluo snows and our soil is
in splendid order for us to get n crop.
Another farm sold. Pete Lecdcr
brand has bought tho old Davo Ander
son farm; consideration $1-100. Several
moro want farms and now is tho time
to buy, for you need not expect lnnd in
Nebraska aud Kansas to get any
The basket supper at Mt. Hope was
n grand success and tho persons that
patronized it from other school dist
ricts deserve credit for their assistance
in raising that. $20. Soveral baskets
sold for $1.00 each.
This creek was well represented in
tho big cigar treat at Ilcd Cloud by tho
newly appointed postmaster, Mr. T. C.
Frank Graham is having John Wit
twor make him a now well.
V. il.Scrivncr will commence Thos.
Hnmor's now house on his old farm
wost of hero next week. Tho house
will bo 14x24 with a 12x13 addition on
ono side. Tom has tho best of lumber
on tho ground to build it with.
John Wittwor will mako Tom Hamcr
a now woll and pu. him up a new wind
Miss Liza Curry's sistor and brother
of Smith Center, visited her this week.
She only has three weeks moro school.
Win. Harrott, Sam Johnson and l'oto
Lccdcrbrand have that dreadful dis
ease, hog cholera, among their hogs.
Joseph Cox shipped u cnrload of cat
tle and hogs to Kansas City last week
and did real well with them. Soveral
moro of our fanners will try tho same
A. O. U. W. Members Take Notice.
Next regular meeting March 22d.
Kev. Darby will lecture upon objects
nnd principles of tho order. Every
member should be there.
A. Gai.usha, ,. ,
J.W. Kinski,, CCom-
Thin Blood
Where the blood loses its
intense red grows thin and
watery, as in anemia, there is
a constant feelinp of exhaus-
J tian, a lack of energy vitality
and the spirits depressed.
Scott's Emulsion
$ of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo
2 phosphites of Lime and Soda
h is peculiarly adapted to correct
this condition. The cod-liver
oil, emulsified to an exquisite
A fi ,...1(..LI..JJ....1
uubiica, cuicr:. inc uiuua oircci
and feeds its every corpuscle,
restoring the natural color and
ffivinc vitalitv to the whnlf. 1
system. The hypophosphitcs it
reacn the brain and
centres and add their strcnpjth-
and beneficial cfect.
wic roses nave iett vu-
rfifrfrc. it ir-. -.. .....'. -.
thin and exhausted from over- .,
work, or if age is beginning 1
9 to tell, use SCOTT'S Hmul- -
$ sion. t
t He jure you gi SCOTT'S Emulsion U
T All drugghti, 50c. nJ $1.00. V
TL SCOTT ft IIOWNr.. ChemUts, Nw York
Or. Price's Cream Bnkins Powder
Wood's Pair Highest Award.
News moro scarce than hen's teeth
this woek.
Many pupils observed St. Patrick's
day yesterday by wearing green rib
bons, leaves, etc.
Vacation and examination coming
on fast. Quito a number of the pupils
will be struck olT the roll with tho
spring term.
Wo aro sorry to givo up one of our
seniors, Maud Merrill. She started to
school again after her illness, but
found that her health would not per
mit her to continue.
Soon there will bo given a school ex
hibition, the proceeds to go towards
enlarging tlio library. A splendid pro
gi annuo is being prepared. All should
attend in order to benefit and bo bene
fitted. The German claos, having read the
most of tlieir text book, intend to send
soon for a nice German novel. One of
tho "poetically inclined" ladies nsked
Miss Schnellcr "how it turned out any
The bookkeeping class under tho
careful instruction of Prof. Kclloy has
occasionally many favorable comments
from outsiders. Tlieir work shows
neatness aud accuracy.
Last Friday was rhetorical day. Vis
itors were Misses Uessio Carpenter,
Mabel Howard aud a lady friend.
Next Friday exercises will occur in
which sevornl orations and n good de
bate are special features.
Several pupils aro wearing eye
glasses. This is ono good proof, altho'
not a very pleasant ono, that hard
work is going on in the high school.
It seems that soveral clubs havo been
formed in order to accomplish the
heavy spring work. At least ono
Caesar and two Virgil clubs. These
remain until about six o'clock every
Prairie schooners and other ovideuco
of allolicmian spirit is quite plentiful
on the valloy road these days.
John (iaigor and Rose Stimmerhalt-
er think that single drives aro n. g., so
thoy concluded to pull life's load in
double harness. The nuptial knot was
tied last Wednesday.
Herman Hirchlicld says we need not
go to Spain for war, as there will be
one between tho north and south
Dutch before fall, and you enn enlist
on either side.
Nearly three inches of snow fell
Thursday but It was all gone by Friday
Quite a number of tho people of this
neighborhood witnessed a rabbit chase
in tlio big pastttro across the river
south of tho mill Wednesday.
The river road at tho crossing on
Willow crook would swamp a snipe.
Wliero is our road overseer.
Anthony Green has turned "country
bumpkin" aud is now "inilkin' caows
and sich" for Jas. Doyle.
G. W. Iiakcr hauled a load of Lum
ber out from Ited Cloud lust Tuesday.
Dert Carpenter is going to raise
onions on Milts Doyle's place this
year. Mr. Doylo also intonds raising n
"Saint Patrick's day in tho marain,"
nnd we'll nil attend the dnuco at Guido
Rock in tho "avoninV
Mrs. SchrutT nnd Miss Mary Goigor
left for Clay Center, Kansas, last week.
John Goiger took them to Superior to
take the train,
Matt says a top buggy isn't what it's
cracked up to bo. Ho has had his
tbreo wcoks and hasn't caught a girl
Slkipy Jank.
Mr. Hendricks and family from near
lllue Hill wero visiting at Davo Fishel's
W. H. Isom nnd Miss Nettie Orr left
Thursday of last week for Fort Collins,
Ilcrnlco Klccta, daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. R. Cro.ier died March -lth, of
pneumonia, aged 5 months. Funeral
was held at M. K. church Saturday
afternoon, Row Day of Cowles deliv
ering a good sermon to n largo and
sympathetic congregation.
W. A Howard was in Hltiu Hill Mon
Mis-s Mary McCull of Red Cloud was
the guest of Mis Susie Spraeher lust
Mr. anii;.Mrs (Saufoid Croxtou, spent
Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Win. Dow
John Dillon Coming
We take picaMiio in auuouiiciiig that
arrangements havo been made for tho
appearance of the popular comedian,
Mr. John Dillon. That ho lias been
ongagid for one of hi inimitable per
formances in Red Cloud will bo wel
come news to all. John Dillon is a
univoi'Mil fovorite. Some comedians
an admired only in cot tain localities.
Mr. Dillon never fails to please. Ho
has a now play tliU season that is junk
hif'. l-i I isi-ilb'd "Bmilet!'-'
Road toJSeltzprvillo," and abounds in
a world of fun, fully interpreted by
genial John and his clever eonipanv.
The date is li.ed for Sat 111 day, April !).
To I. urn ('iiii4tlmtiin I'd rover.
Tiik' l'-i in , iii.n ciitiur', a 11 , - r-'"'5
ill' C.C I41I luiuii'.ui .,,-.,i I, li. .y
Stimulate the stomach, m
rouse the liver, cure bilious- m all
ness, headache, dizziness, III Sfc
iour itomach, conitlpatlon,
etc. Price 24 cent. Hold by nil clruRRtstt.
Tlio only I'llli to take with llood'i Saraaparllla.
Olo Nelson has moved onto one of A.
N. Wilson's farms.
Otto Jensen has built a granary and
wagon shed.
Win. McCalluni will soon havo car
puuteis to work on bis now house.
John Delfanger sold his corn .shelter
to John Phillips.
Mr. Johnson of Juniata was in this
locality last week buying cat'le.
The infant and only child of Mr and
Mrs. Frank Sadilok died last week.
Died With typhoid fever on Wed
nesday evening of last week, Miis Mag
gie Ericksou, daughter of Mr. and Mis.
Ktlcksou, passed from this life on
oartli to a homo beyond. She had
often told her parents during sickness
that she was so happy, nnd that she
was ready to go any time He should
call on her to come up higher. The
remains wire laid to rest in tho Jensen
cemetery. Tho funeral services were
hold Thursday at a o'clock.
Writes to Dr. Hartman and Tolls
Him What Makes Hor So.
Mrs, Lucy Leo, of Naples, Texas, had
almost come to tho conclusion that the
blessing of health was no longer hers,
and so when she regained it, her hap
piness was almost too great for words.
She writes as follows: "I nm well now
and am enjoy
ing good health
hotter than ev
er boforo in my
life. How hap
py I feel that I
can write and
tell you this. I
cannot praiso
Pe-ru-nn too
much. Man-a-
lin is tlio best medicine I havo ever
tiied for that purpose. It relieved mc
from all pain. I advised mv daughter
to uso Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin for cat
arrh and stomach trouble. It is tho
best in the world. I Mti do all my
housework and not feel it. I can't
praiso Pe-ru-nn as I would like to; it is
tho greatest medicine there is in the
Dr. Hartman receives many such
letters as this every week. Some of
them have been gathered together and
published in book form. J lie hook is
called "Facts and Faces," and will bo
sont free to any address by tho Po-ru-
na Drug Manufacturing Company, Co
lumbus, Ohio.
Weather windy and dry.
Geo. Caster has moved onto the
Polly ranch southwest of Riverton.
Mr. Rudd has moved in with his son
Curl on the Marsdon ranch, and will
farm the placo farmed by Richard
Keagli- last year.
John Stroup and son Elmer have
movod to Inavalo.
The fart well party at Davo Carpen
ters was largely attended by tho young
folks. All report a pleasant time.
Some emigrants from Obcrlin, Kan
sas, met with a serious accident near
tho state line nnd loft some of their
goods in the drnw which wero found
and cared for by Jack Wilmot.
Ensign Wm. A. VauDyko is now sta
tioned at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Aubushon attended the
revival meetings on Walnut creok last
Sunday and report a good mooting.
The Sunday school at Pleasant Dale
was closed March Cth, and will reor
ganize again March 20th.
Rev. Con Hewitt of tho U. B. chinch
organized Sunday schools at Penny
Creek and District No. 8.
Tho Sunday school at Mt. Hope is
getting along lino with Mr. Scrivneras
William VanDyko received tho sad
news of the death of'his sister Amelia
VanDyko Henderson, which oeourred
in .southwestern Missouri.
V. I). Hutchiton lias leased the J. M.
Stoddard farm for this year.
Dr. Fonnor's Dyspopsia Curo
A the namo implies, is .simply for
dyspepsia or indigestion. This prepa
ration is the prescription of 0110 of
America's most eminent physicians,
whoso writings on medical questions
aro aecoptcd as authority. If not sat
isfactory after using ono bottle your
money will bo refunded by O. L. Cot
g. ,
School Report.
Report of School in District (10, for
month ending Maich -lib, 1808.
Number enrolled, !20.
Avl-Ii.u ..Uiiml.tllu, 17.
Those not iibsout during tho month
wero Julia Walstoad, Elinor Skjolver,
Anna, Oscar and Dona Banks.
Emily Romnson, Teacher,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
ftire'.irurit Cruoii il 1'iirtsi l'ow1rr
Farmei8 are busy preparing for
spring work.
Miss Sanborn was in Red Cloud last
Lost on Willow Creek a cap. Fin
der will bo duly rewarded if said cap is
rt turned in good order.
Wo understand tlio Gray Wolf is on
another scout.
Tho young people of Willow Creek
returned tho cutter tlio other day
which they had borrowed for winter
Tlio writer called on Mrs. J. T. Lacy
this week. She is a great lover of
llowers and at present has some very
hue specimens in bloom
Mr. Ed Ilutnplius is working for A.
N. Godwin.
Fred Ron and Warren Edsou were
tho guest of Charles aud Myrt Adam
son on Sunday.
Harvey Hrubaker is going to farm
tliu Conyno placo this year.
Warren Edson is farming for A. O.
Hon this year.
George Hoyt was on Willow creek
Miss May Sanborn was the guest of
Miss Nellio Bon Sunday.
A. N. Godwin is erecting a line fence
around his dwelling.
Mrs. T. G. Wilder is selling Brazilian
silverwnro and from observation wo
think it genuine. Tendkkfoot.
Ivi-rloily Ni)n mi.
C'fWiarcts C'atiilv Cathartic, the most won
icrlul medical discovery of the aire, p.cas
.oit and refrcshfntr to tho taste, net gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing tho entire system, dispel colds,
cure headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Plcaso buy and try a box
of C. C. C. to-day; 10, t. 50 cents. Hold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Suffered 20 Years.
RS. MARY LEWIS, wlfo of a promi
nent farmer, and v;cll known by all
old residents near Uolmoot, N. Y,.
writes: "For twenty-seven years I bad been
a constant sufferer from nervous prostra
tion, and paid largo sums of money for doc
tors and advertised remedies without bene
fit. Thrco years ago ray condition was
alarming; tho least nolso would startle and
unncrvo mo. I was unablo to sleep, bad a
number of sinning spells and slowlj grew
worse. I began using Dr. Miles' liestoratlvo
Ncrvlno and Ncrvo and Llvor Pills. At first
the medicine soumed to bavo no effect, but
after taking a fow bottles I began to notico
achango; I rested better at night, my appo
tlto began to improTo and I rapidly grew
better, until now I am as nearly restored
to health as ono of my ago may expect. Cod
Dr. Miles' Remedies
aro cold by all drug
gists under a posltlvo
guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money ro
funded. Book on dis
eases of tho heart and
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind,
California Brandies.
City anil country calls promptly nn
swoioil day or niglit.
Okfici: OVKIt Cottinh's Dituc. Stow:.
Crown Bridge Work or Tcelh Without Hates.
And nil ilmlatwt Imirnvrinr-ul lu denial modi
.. .-.7", . ....' " Mfc ,
LllHKS WHtHF All IKF lAlls:.
lien luuwi Djrup. Tamos l.cxxl,
In tlian.
h'lilrt lir ilriit'iilsU.
Special attention to Commercial and
Probate Litigation.
In the DlMrlct Court of Vcbtcr County, Neb
J. II. l'etllUme nnd 5-ntn ,
lid I). Nixon, partners
lloIllK litllllC1 lllliltT I
tlio linn iminu mid M1e I
of l'uttllioue A Mxiiti.
.1. (I. Ilrottti, MnrKiiH't.
ntK AiiRidlim Winters
Diitilul I-:. Wlntcri- I'.ui
nm A Ai'kiTcon. l-nuic'd
A Kami-. Hello MlllerV
nnd .Ineiili I, .Miller ns
exeiutorof the In-i will I
mid teMiinieut of .Inine
II. llronu, deceived, '
The above mimed defendant", AiikuIIiui Win
'.V?,' V.1!!'.11'1 H-, "'Inters Kiiimn A. Aekerwin,
lelle Miller and .lueoli I,. Miller at oxerntnrof
the Iiim 111 and testament of .Ininen 11. Ilrown.
defeased ulll take notice Hint on the Kill day
of 1 cbrnary. MS.s. ivttiboiiu . Nixon, plalntlffi
herein tiled their petition In the ill-trlcl court of
WehMer county, Neliriinkii. iiKnlnn the said de
fondant-. Impleaded with others the object and
prnerof which are to foreclose u certain tax
i eriUlfiite executed b the .TiciiMircr of Web
ster county. Nebraska to pluliitltr-i upon lots
numbered thirteen (13.) fourteen (I I, j fifteen
(in.) In block twont lle fro of the city of Ited
I'lniid. Nebraskn.
I'liiliitlU'n allelic that they paid therefor the
sum or (IT. 'm on the 5th day of November, ism
rialullll allege that they paid other taxes on
Mildlotsiis follows- (in thu 1st day or .May.
Wi. tin Mi that being the amount due for tnies
of thcjonrlKUl. nnd on the 1st day of May. imw.
they paid tlU.Ml the smne being for taxes of
earlh'J.. Halntltls allege that there Is novr
due them on sftid tax certificate the sum of
$17.0;! with Interest nt the rate of twenty per
cent per annum on tl'M thereof from the lith
day of November. 1801. to the ftth ilny of Nov
ember, I8'M nnd ten percent per annum theio
nftcr. with Interest nt twenty per cent pernn
ntimon (lft KHlicrtof from thelstdny of Slay,
1M15 to the Btli day of November, 1"S!. nnd ten
percent per annum thereafter, with lutercH it
rate of twenty per cent per minimi on SIS )
thereof from the 1st day of May. ssni, to ihc ! li
day of November, Ir-'W. nnd ten per cntt p-r
annum thereafter, for which sum with linen t
from tho lftth day of May. I mis. plnlutirth pray
for a iti-cuo Mint said lots be subl to atltf) ti o
nmoiiut due on said tax certificate, toge'lmr
with ten per cent of nmoiint of Judgment as at
torney feen. nnd for nil other mid further rell-f
as may be Just nnd equitable.
You nre required to answer said petition on or
before tho 2Mli ilny f April, low. or trie cm in
a 111 be tnken a true nnd Judgment rendciul
Dated March IT, 1MW.
lly KoukiitT. 1'oTTMt, their Httornet.
In the dUtrlct court of Webster county, Neb
raska. Andrew Artcrburn.
. I'lalntlir
sjcott Arterliiiliinud Wll
Ham ArtLrbiirn
Scott Artorblim mill William Ailprlmrn .li
fend mt, will take notice that on tho 1Mb day of
February. IMih, plalntlu herein tiled hi pctl
tlou in the district court of WebMer county,
Nebraska, against said dufcndmit, the object
nnd prnjerof which are to obtain n Judgment
ngnlnstthcm fur the sum of HTTniiil Interest
thereon mid nlto to proceed In attachment
against the personal nnd real estate of the de
fundmit scott Artcrburn In said county, and
state, for the collection of said mm of t&TT and
Interest thereon as aforesaid.
You and ench of you nre required to answer
said petition on or before the ith day of April,
Andrew Auteiuiurn.
lly John M. C'liAm.v, Attorney.
Dated I'eb. 21, if-US.
Klrtt l'uo. Feb. y:, IMH.
Ezra II. llallcy
Daniel McLaughlin
Defeudmit. )
The above named defendant, Daniel Mc
Laughlln, will take notlte that on tlieiMhdny
of Kebruary, 1S!W. Kzra II. llallcy. plaintiff hero
in tiled his petition in the district rourt or Wi te
ster county. Nebraska, against said defemlnnt
the object nnd prayer of which are to forec'uo
a certain mortgage dt ed executed by the defend
ant to tho plaintiff upon the cast half of the
northwest quarter (E i of N. W. (Jr ) of Section
s-eu'ii IT,) lu Township Two ti.) In linn
Twelve (ia.) wen of the sixth principal meridian
containing Eighty (b0) ncres according to tho
United Mate Kiirvcy, to secure tho payment of
a certain promissory note dated July 18, 18B5.
for tho hum of tfooo.oo duo and payable In onu
jearfrom the dato thereof ; thnt there in now
duo upon said note mid mortgage tho sum or
tra.&'i. for which bum, with Interest nt the rate
or 7 per cent por annum from tho 15th day of
May, ISOtl plaintiff praj for a decree that de
feudmit bo required to imy the same, or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found due.
You aro required to answer fald petition on or
before tho llthdny of April, lh0.s. or the tamo
will bo taken iin true aud Judgment rendered ac
Dated February 25th, 1898.
Ezra II, IIailet.
lly Hoiikiit T. I'otteii, Ills Attorney.
In tho District Court of Webster county. No
J. II, I'ettlbouo and Samuel 1
i-.. .ixon, partner doing
business under the firm
uameaiid style of I'ettlbouo
& Nixon.
.1 ! llronn. Margaret Otis,
Angelina Winters, Daniel li.
Winters, Kmma A Acker
son, FraucU A. Eame
i .'curse W. Ilrown, Hollo
Miller. lacoliL. .Miller, mid
.Iniob L. Miller nsndinliilK
tiator nt Ihoestntuof Han
mih Ilrown. decuased.
Tho aboo niinied defendants Knn
Ackerson, 1- rancls A. Karnes, fieorgc W llhr.'
llelle Miller. Jacob L. Miller un.i .t......', ' "Vi
ler as adnillilstialor ui inooMutu of llauiii h
Ilrown. decrnred, will Ul.o nolico tin. , "
'thdav nt s'cliruarj. s-m. I'ettlbone Mxoii
iilaliillllhliiTilii. filed their petition lithe. lis
rlct court, of Webster county.Nebraska, against
tho said ilefeudautH Impleaded with others, the
object nud prnjor of which nro to foreclose a
that the) paid ihercfor tho sum of flu. Id on the
Mli day of Noxombor IMH. I'lalntllls allege
that they pntd other taxes on said lot as follow s
on the 1st da of Mn , ih'.ii. tl I (XI that being tho
amount due for tnxc lor the jear IS'U, mid on
thulstda) of May. imhi, the paid thu further
sum of if I J, pi for taxes for the) ear lt'j Plain
nn hiicko nun theielH now due ihem tliu sum
after, with Interest at the ratoof twenty percent
per milium on i 18.40 theieof from tho 1st day of
May, 181)5. Initio Mil day of Nm ember, IHifl. anil
ten percent per annum thereafter, with Interest
nt twenty percent ior nullum from tho 1st dnv
of May. isw, to the Mh day of November. Ih'ii.
on f urn thereof, and ten pet cent pur annum
thereafter, for which sum, with Inuresm
the IMh.lnyof May. IMJS, plaintiffs pra f ra
decree that said lot bo sold to satisfy ll-o
amount duo, logethor with ten por cent of tlio
nuiountof Judgment in. attorney feen, and for
all oilier nml further relict as may bo Just nud
Von nn'requlrod to answer said tietltlon on
or before thu ihthdii) of April, lhVs Llmo" 0M
Dated, March llh, isn
lly ItoHK.,TT. thclr'!uiorneVN'XUV
Ipfinwt od beitjiinr! the hIr,
jnover Falls to llcnturo Orav
h'iuihi uia teiiiiii'iuit e.xeLiiieu ny tlio treasurer
of Web-ter count Nebraska, to plnliitlllN upon
ii liuinbireil thirteen (l.'l) and fourteen (10 In
bockTwciitv (!.li)or the original town, now
City of Ited ( loud. XelirnvL-n I'lnlniliiM nil.....
ui ru iu, mm niicrcsi ni wic raiu or twenty ner
ieat pur annum on tin io thereof from the sth
day of Noeinber, IMH, to tho nth din of No
Vcmbcr. istnl. mill Inn nor cent upr nnriim. iunrn
? t
"" "' -J
vKssr" -'"-i"
.i-o. -jw