The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 11, 1898, Image 8

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some rambling thoughts.
4 (CopywrlRliteJ by Ilnwo ATiibor,) i
sV www www m-m www wwA
As to Children's KiKlits; My child
ish soul was once deeply stirred by u
foreign missionary, who told, in ti
giowsoino inunner, of India's Cur of
Juggernaut. This huge .structure, be
jeweled atnl blooil-stsiineil, was, uL cor
ttiiu seasons of tne year, dragged hith
er and thither over thu bodies of living
people. And in my immature judg
ment I thought thai such things could
never be, save In the land of splendor
and of plague, Hut 'rime changes all
ofr.s. How clearly one now sees that
thtso Juggernaut cats of piejudlce
liavo been in many places, and it not
quite so tangible yet qtiito as teal as
tho brutal ear of India. What a Jug
gernaut lias been Kceleastieisin ! Dur
ing tho darker ages of our world
thoso nges that followed a great timo
of great light it demanded from all
mon the giving up of private judgment,
it tried to compel similarity of belief
(of courso impossible) and in the com
pelling it killed. Thanks to enlighten
ment and charity of thought that car
of human violence has wheels that
now scarcely move. What a Jugger
naut has been education! With but
few exceptions, until a few years ago,
it demanded uniform treatment of all
childron. It has not crushed willing
victims, but helpless little ones, who
were cast in its insensate path by thoso
so deluded that they verily thought
they did righteous servico to the race.
No moro than tho winds win be re
duced to a system, can one child bo
junilo exactly similar to another child
by giving it similar training. It can
not bo dono and tho attempting of it
injures tho child. Look on tho Hoard
School Syjtem ot Knglani as it was
first organized and you will compre
hend tho automatic way in which lit
tlo heads and hearts were ruined. Lot
your imagination run riot and under
stand all that it meant of routine when
French statesman declared one day
on looking at his watch: "I know
what every child in Franco is doing at
this moment." Hut happily, just as a
hotter day has dawned for India and
religion, so there now grows into
strong light a new day for education
wherein the individuality of the child
Is to bo respected instead of crushed
and forced and warped ua it was never
' intended to be.
Among children's rights therefore,
lot us who want to bo in tho van of
progrtss, reckon "Child Study" as it is,
called. How foolish the youug farmer
who strives to make his farm look just
liko his neighbor's. If ho graded down
this hill and plowed up that pasture,
ho might secure some similarity of ap
pearance but he would destroy his own
farm in tho process. Tho way to get
most out of his farm is to suit his treat
ment to its peculiarities, and those pe
culiarities cannot he learned over his
neighbor's fonco. Heboid tho farm is
tho child and its needs must bo similar.
How natural is the question, "what
will it become?" when a smiling infant
looks up in the face with all tho bcuuty
and freshness of a now blown rose.
Tho auswer is not to bo found by pour
ing knowlcdgo iu but by drawing it
out. In other words, tho now educa
tion tho education that contains hope
for tho race and joy for suffering, im
molated childhood sits tirst at the
foot of tho child and learns from it tho
needs that it has, and thou rises up to
ministortotho now individuality that
has been discovered. Just as u great
toaeber ouco said regarding Sabbath
obsorvance, "Tho Sabbath was made
for man and not man for Sabbath."
So says tho now revelation of our later
day, "Education is to bo fitted to tho
child and not tho child to Education."
l'ho child has a right also to bo well
born. To bo well-bred is moro surfaco
detail; but to bo well born affects
every tissue, every thought, every Im
pulse Hut to mako a declaration of
rights (this has happened quite often
iu human history) by no means assures
thoso rights save by long years, long
centuries of strain to securo them.
Thus does It happen that though wo
n few are coming moro and moro to a
full understanding of children's rights,
and many htill livo without realizing
tho debt they owe to tho future on bo
half of their progeny. They snatch at
Naturo's pleasurable bait, trying every
means to avoid the hook, so that chil
dren receive a heritago of lifo that is
unintended, and appear on tho seeno of
moir mo unwelconied. Is this their
rignir i seem 10 ww the voiceless
ones, who aro yet to live, pleading in
lones oi unuitereii sadness lor a share
oi mo uini is ungruiigeu and that de
liberately represents tho hlchost mui
tho holiest and tho best in those, wim
givo it. These littlo ones whoso hands
aro to grapplo with woiks that wo
flhall not see, whoso oyos aro to behold
tho growing wondors and duties of a
new century, whoso miuds aro to bo
tho inheritors of the wisdom of all the
noy, whoso shoulders aro to boclothed
with majesty, dominion and might un
dreamed of what arothoy to us! Ev
erything that is worth esteeming. Tho
gontlo spirit of a mother, purposely
hold in geutleness and in rostraint, en
tors Into and aids tho child to a good
and wholesome career. Tho solf-con-quest
and self denial of a father i9 a
vantage pint for tho child that is yet
to bo. Thoso aro rights that aro rights
indcod and thoy outweigh all other
rights oven as tho whole outweighs tho
part; for nil other rights aro involved
in paying heed to tho raco that is yet
Alluqugh Dm KolUeu hko Is o'er,
As IcKcnd loro relate,
And angels dwoll with men no more,
And closed aro heaven's paten:
et music, flowers and children show
home Unlit on earth's dark way
And mil reflect an afterglow
That bodes a brighter day.
Pr. Price's Crenm finking Powder
rM'8 Pair Highest Award,
Cure nil liver Ills, lilllons
nest, headache, sour stom
ach, Indigestion, constipa
tion. Tliejr art cully, Willi-
out Alti or Kfll'P. Sold liy nil itriiRR'Uts. 21 rents.
Tliu only Dili to lake with Jiubil's Sarsa.irllla.
Resolutions of Sympathy.
The following lesolution was adopt
ed by Cowles camp, No. .'ir.17, M. W. A.
at their tegular meeting Sattitday, ev
ening, Match filli-
He it lesolved, that wo the members
of Amber Camp, No. iWIT, Cowles, Ne
braska, do extend to neighbor J, It
Crozier and family our heartfelt sym
pathy in this their sud hour of bereav
meiit in tho loss of their little child.
A. L. Hii.iiiti'.ni,
. W. Alorrat,
). K. Ht',
So That Womon May Know Whoro
to Find Roliof.
Such is tho request of Mrs. L. M.
II CI. ..!.,, .11, .1.1 M! : II'....
itlljiiua, JM uiuvivi, ,ii-iiwiii i. lliuu
oral delivery.)
letter reads as
A part of Mrs. Waynes'
you in May
1887; I was
about to givo it
up, for I had
tho best four
doctors in tho
city and thoy
could not cine
mo. My dis
ease was female
weak no88, I
had been troubled with it for five
years. lour and 11 half bottles of To-ru-nti
cured me. I hopo all suffering
women will tako Po-ru-na. I know it
will euro others also. I cannot praiso
I'o-ru-na enough."
Hear in mind that female weakness
is pelvic catarrh, to which womon aro
peculiarly liable, and from which fow
aro entirely exempt. I'u-ru-ua euros
catarrh wherever located. "Health
anil Heauty," a book devoted to the
phaso of catarrh peculiar to women,
will bo sont free to any woman by tho
Po-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Com
pany, Columbus, Ohio.
What does it cost to get there? When
and how should you go What should
ouo tako? Where aro tho mines? How
much have thoy produced? Is work
plentiful? What wages aro paid? Is
living expensive? What nro ono's
chances of "making a striko"?
Complete ami satisfactory replies to
the above questions will be found in
tho Burlington Homo's "Klondike
Folder," now ready for distribution.
Sixteen pages of practical information
and an up-to-date map of Alaska and
the Klondike. Free at Burlington
Houto ticket ollices, or sent on receipt
of four cents iu stamps by J. Francis,
(ion'1 Passenger Agent, Burlington
Route, Omaha, Nebr.
Livor Complaints and NorvouAnoes
A torp'dliver always produces dull
ness, irritability, etc. You are all
clogged up and feol despondent. Per
haps you havo treated with physicians
or triod somo other recommended med
icine without bonofit. All that is no
argument against "Dr. Fenncr'B Wood
and Liver Remedy and Nervo Tonic,"
which wo insist will euro nervousness
and liver complaints. If not satisfied
after using one bottlo your money will
bo refunded by C. L. Cotting.
Ropubhcan Cauoua.
Tho robublican voters of tho Second
ward of tho city of lied Cloud will
meot at tho Fireman's Hall on Tues
day evening, March 15th, at 8 p.m. for
tho purpose of electing delegates to 11
city convention to bo held Friday,
March 18th, at 2 p. m.
A. Uamjsha, Committeeman.
A republican caucus of tho first ward
will bo hold at tho ofllco of tho Traders
Lumber Co., Tuesday, March 15, at
7:30 p.m. for tWo purpose of electing 13
delegates to tho city convention. By
order of commit toe.
Dr. Fonnor's Dyspepsia Curo
As tho nnmo implies, is simply for
dyspepsia or indigestion. This prepa
ration is tho proscription of ono of
America's most eminent physicians,
whoso writings on medical questions
aro accepted as authority. If not sat
isfactory after using one bottlo your
money will bo refunded by O. L. Cot
ug. School Report.
Report of Inavalo school, District
No. (I, for month ending March 4th,
1808. '
Nunibprjoiuollcd, !20.
Average attendance, 31.
Number cases tardiness, 21.
Following aio tho names of pupils
neither Stanly nor absent during tho
minim: Anna uonKoi, jonnny Xlrooni
Hold, Fraiikio House and Ralph Hun
ter. Wm. IIkkfkmiowku, Teacher.
Now is tho Timo
To purify your blood with Hoods Sar-
aiii'iiiiiiu. mareii, April, ."May aro t no
trying months of tho year. At this
season tyour blood is loaded with im
purities which havo accumulated dur
ing tho winter, and those impurities
must bo itnmediateh oxpelled. Hood's
Sarsaparllla is tho Ono Truo Blood
Puriher. It is tho medicine which has
accomplished many thousands of re
markablo cures of all blood diseases.
It is what tho millions tako in tho
spring to build up health and ward off
Even body frays Ho.
Cnscnrots Candv Catlmrtle, the innal won
derful medical illKcoven of the urn, jneav
ant ad refreshliiK to tin 'hmo, net pentw
and positively on kidneys, liver nmi bowels,
cleansing tho ontlro system, dispel colds,
cure, licndaolio, lover, habitual eoimtlnntloii
and biliousness. Please, buv and try n box
of CJ. C. C. to-ilny; 10, '!:, Milents. rSoldand
guuruutced to euro by ull druggists.
To Curo Coint Inn In rover.
Pahi-r. t, r,i,,! Cm in tl, l , ,,-
. Il l l' i ' I . ail' mi (., i I i f i i
"1 wrote to
7 T
t4 7
Am "m
' hrrt it &
Burlington Routo California Excur
sions. Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave
Omaha H" p.m., Lincoln (!:1() p.m. and
Hastings 8:oO p.m. every Thursday in
eltaii, modern, not crowded tourist
sleepers. No transfers; cars run light
through to San Kiaueisco and Los
Angeles over the scenicroute thiotigli
Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars a. 'o
carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have
spring seats and bucks and are provid
ed wi'li curtains, bedding, towels, .soap
etc. Uniformed porters and expeiienc
ed excursion conductors accompany
eacli excursion, leliuving passengeis of
bother about baggage, pointing out ob
jects of interest and in many other
ways helping to make the overland
Hip a delightful experience. Second
class tickets at e honoied. licit lis $r
For folder giving full information,
call at nearest Hurlingtoii Route ti 'kel
otlice, or wiite to J. J'raueis, (J P. A.
Omaha, Neb.
DoafoCHS Cannot Bo Curod
by local applications, as they cannot
reach tho diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cuie deafness
and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused liy an iultaiucd con
dition of Die mucous lining of the Eus
tachian tube When this lube gets in
llamed you have a rumbling sound or
impel feet hearing, and when it is en
lirely closed is tho result, and
unless the inllammatioii can be taken
out and Ibis tube restored to its nor
mal condition, healing will be de
stroyed forever, nine eases out of ten
ate caused by catarrh, which is noth
ing but an iullamed condition of the
mucous sin faces.
Wo will givo Ono Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness, (caused by
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Curo. Send for circulars, tree.
F. J. Chunky & Co , Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Don't Toliacco bilt and .Siuuko lour Life Array.
To fjult tolwco easily nnd forever, bo mag
nellc. full of life, ticrto nnd vigor, tako Ko-To-Uac,thcwnndur-worl,cr,
that makes weak men
strong. All drugiilstB, 60c or II. Curo guaran
teed, llooklet und uamplo free. Address
Sterling Itcmcdy C , Chicago or New York.
Many People Cannot Drink
colleo nt nlRht. Itopolls their Mecp. You can
drink (Iniln O when oil ilenie nnd nlecp like
n top. I'or drain O cities not xtlmulnle. It uour
IkIii'h, cheer nnd feedx. lYet It looks ami
tittles like totVeu. Tor nenoiiH croii oung
people nnd children (iniln () In n verfeit drink.
Miiile from pure grnlnn. (iet n imckitce from
your grocer today. Try It In plaee of codec
IRe nnd U'c.
to which the Expectant Mother is
exposed and the foreboding and
dread with which she looks for
ward to the hour of woman's
severest trial is appreciated by but
few. All effort should be made
to smooth these rugged places
in life's pathway for her, ere she
presses to her bosom her babe.
allays Nervousness, and so assists
Nature that the change goes for
ward in an easy manner, without
such violent protest in the way oi
Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy
forebodings yield to cheerful and
hopeful anticipations she passes
through the ordeal quickly and
without pain is left strong and
vigorous and enabled to joyously
perform the high and holy duties
now devolved upon her. Safety
to life of both is assured by the
use of Mother's Friend," and
the time of recovery shortened.
"I know one lady, tho mother of three
children, who suffered greatly in the
birth of each, who obtained a bottle ol
'Mother's Friend' of me before her
fourth confinement, and was relieved
quickly and easily. All agree that theii
laoor was snorter ana less painiui
Joiim G. Polhill, Macon, Ga.
91.00 PER BOTTLE at all Drutf Storea,
or sent by ezpresB on receipt of prlco,
BOOKS Containing InTalnable information of
core 'ntereet to all women, will be sent to
rntc ny auureM upon application, vj
Tns dUcom
forta and
dangers of
be almost en I
tirely avoided.
relieves ex
pectant moth
ers. It gives
cuts them in
condition to do their work
perfectly. That makes preg
nancy leB9 painful, shortens)
labor and hastens recovery after
child-birth. It helps a woman
bear strong healthy children.
has also brought happiness to
thousands of homes barren for
years. A few doses often brings
Joy to loving hearts that long
for a darling baby. No woman
bonld neglect to try it for this
trouble. It cures nine cases out
f ten. All druggists sell Wine
of Cardui. fi.oo per bottle.
For adrtee In cases requlrlnt special
directions, aMreis, rlvlne symptoms,
lha "-Ladlts' Advisory Department,"
Th Chxtanooga Mtdlclna Co., Chatta
Doei. Tnn.
of JeffBrtos, Oa., tayii
'Whsn I first took Wine or Cardui
ss had been married three years, but
eould not have any children. Mine
nonlns later I had a fine rjlrl baby."
Miraculous Benefit
Dr. Miles New Heart Cure.
- -i ,
EM V. 1IA1ICO0K, of Avocn, N. Y., a
voteruti of tliu.'lnl N. Y. Artillery und
for thirty years of tho Habeock .t
Munsel Carriage Co., of Auburn, nays,: "I
write to exprebs my gratitude for tho mlrac
lous benefit received from Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure. I htilTcrcd for years, as result of army
life, from sciatica which nffuutud my heart
In tho worst form, my limbs swulled from
tho ankles up. 1 bloated until 1 wn.s uiinhlo
to button my clothing; had sharp palny
about tho heart, smothering bpoll.s und
hliortncs of breath. For three months I
wusunuhlu to llo down, , '111(1 ull thu sleep I
got was In mi arm chair. I was treated by
tho best doctors but gradually grow worse.
About a year ago I commenced taking Dr.
Miles' Now Heart Cure and It saved my lifo
as if liy a miracle."
Dr. Miles' lti-meiHes
aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, 11 rut bottlo
benefits or money ro
funUcd. Hook on dis
eases of tho heart and
nervcafreu. Address,
J. II. l'l'ttlbono nnd Samuel'
K. Nixon, purine doing
ImMuchH under the Ilrm
mime mul style of I'cUlbone
A. Nixon,
Adna llrown,
Tho above named defendant, Ailnii llronn
will tnko notice that on the 'Jtlh day of I'eliru
nrv. ltws. I'eiilhoiiu i. Nixon. iilnliitlirH heroin,
Hied their petition In the dlMrlct court of Web
uler county. Ncbriinkii. ngulimt Mild defendant
the object and prajer of which are to foreclose
n eettiiln tux certificate Issued h the Treax
nrer of Webster county. Nebraska, on lots mini
tiered nhio (U.) ten (in.) eleven ill.) nnd twelxo
(!'.) in block numbered twenty-two UJ.J iu
Miiltli it Moore's addition to the tlty of lied
Cltiiid, Nebraska, on the 1th diiv of November,
th'JI. to retllbone .t Nixon. plalntlllN herein.
I'lalntltlx allege that tlicv pild therefor thu
Mini oi tiiiii, ami rniti ontne tirhtdio or .May
1KA they paid other taxes duo on hald lots
iimouiitlng to the Mini of flit, VS. and on the 1st
day of May. Ink), they paid the further hum of
Jll.hJ; thai there Is now due on said tax ccrtlll
Urates the Mini of IMi.uo together with Interest
at the rate of twenty per cent per milium on thereof from the 5th day of Xou'tnber,
...ill .!.. ,. X-..... .!... .r,.. ,
irll, li mu i,il in in .lUtC'lIllILT, m'.HI, mill leil
cr cent per nullum thereafter; with Interest at
the rate of twenty per tent per annum on llrt r,S
thereof from thu 1st diiv of .May, lh''. to the Mil
day of November, lh'n;, and Kii per tent per
milium thereafter; with Interest at the rate of
twenty per cent per milium on tl I sj thereof
from the Urn day of May, 1WHJ, to the 1st day of
November, IMMi. and ten per tent per minimi
thereafter. That there Is now due on said lax
(ertlllente tlie Mini of J7H.K1; plalntUV pnivn for
a decree that detetulautH be required to pay the
mine, or thai said premises mav be sold to sxtls
fy tlm amount due, and for allowance of alter
ney fees amouutlug to iu per lent of amount of
You are required to answer said letltlonou
or before the tlthdayof prll, lh'.H.
Dated llils','ltli ilayof rchruary. iww.
I'r.rTiimM: si.os.
liy It T. I'ottkii, their attorney
Krm II. llalley 1
Plalntlil' I
Daniel MnLiitiuhllii
n. i
1 l.u lu,u llii...(.i, IIU.VIIIJIIIII, UltlJlt:! .1IU
l.auglillu, will take notice that on the 2Mh day
of Kebruary, 18', Ezra II. llalley, plaintiff here
in tiled his petition In the district court of Web
ster county. Nebraska, against said defendant
f-l.l. nl.ltl f. na..,.l,l lllllntlllnlll Tln.ilnl ...
a ( ertaln mortgage deed executed by
ant to the plalntlil' upon the cast 1
uorihvvcHtuartcr (E U of N. W. tr.
Seven (7.) In Township Two ii.)
me unjuei nun prajerui vviucii aro in roreo oso
a ( ertaln mortgage deed executed by the defend
east nun or I lie
I of Section
Twelve (ia,) west of the sixth principal meridian
containing Eighty (fcO) acres according to the
United Mates survey, to secure the pajnientof
a certain promissory noto dated July IS, 1893.
for the sum of Nxjo.ou duo and payable In ono
year from the dato thereof ; tlmt there Is now
due ujioii said noto ami mortgago tho sum of
t7'.,H.65, for which sum, with Interest nt the rato
of 7 per cont per annum from tho 15th day of
Jlay. IbOH plaintiff praya for n decreo thatde
fendant bo reiiulrcd to pay tho same, or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found due.
You nro reiiulrcd to answer said petition on or
before tho 11th day of April, 18!W, or the same
will be taken as truo and Judgment rendered ac
cordingly. Dated KebruaryWth, lb98.
., ,. m ... KHA H- HA"-"".
Ily ItoitKUT T. PoTTEn, His Attorney.
In the District Court of Wcbutcr county, Ne
J. II. i'cttlboue nnd Sumucll
1.. .Mxou, imrinerN uoiiik
liiu-lncfcH under the firm
inline mui Hyle of I'ettllionu
,).( llruiMi. MiirKiiret Oils,
AtiKellim Winters. Diiulel i;.
Winter. Kninm A Acker
sou, rruuelN A. Kiiiiich
(lenrcu W. llrown. Hello
llller..IiiroliL. Miller, and
Iiieoli I.. .Miller nxndinlulH
tnilur or the estntu of lliiu
unh ltroiMi, deeentcd,
I liu uhoo uiiiiied dL'lL'iidnntN Hniinii A
AchiTMin, Krmielh a, Kniueo, (ieorKO W. llrown,
llt'lli' .Miller, .Incnti I, .Miller, itnd Ineoli I,. .Mil
ler us iidinlulstriitor of thecstnto of lliiuniili
llrown, di'cciiscd, will tnku notice Unit on the
s'Mh dii of Kehruiir). Ih'iH. I'ettlliono A Nixon,
pliiliillllh herein. Illed their petition iu the din
trlct ( ciurt, of Welidter counly,Nelirnskn, HKiiliiHt
thu Mild deri'iidiiutH luiili'iided with otlierc, tho
olijei'tnnd rniT of which lire tn foreeloseti
icrtiiln tux lertllleiite executed by tho treasurer
nt Webster county. Xebrimkii, to plnlntlllH iiikiii
lots uuinlii'ied thirteen (III) nnd rourteeu (II) iu
Mock Tueul (wi) of the oriKlnnl town, now
city of Kt'd Cloud. Nebruskii, l'liilntllls nlleKO
tuiii tne piiid theretur ihesiun of fit). Kiou tlio
Mh tin of November, It-tfl. rinlntllls nlleue
tli nt the puld other Inxes on kmIiI lot iih follows:
On the 1st tin of Muv, lWi. 1 l.W) tlmt liulim tlio
ninountduo fortnxcH for thejenr 18'.M, nnd on
the 1st iliij of Miiy, 1M, they pnld the further
hum of fij.iu for inxcH for the jcnr two. 1'hiln
tilts ulk't,'u tlmt thcrols now due tlicin tlio sum
of U70, with Interest at tho nitoof twenty per
cent per iitiuum on fill. 4U thereof from thu Mh
dny of November, lH'.H, to tlio Mh day of No
vember, IMh), nnd ten per cent per milium Micro
nftcr, with Interest nt tho rnleof twenty per tent
per minimi on llrt 10 thereof from tho IU day of
Mb', ibffi, to the Mh day of November, 1896. nnd
tea percent per annum thereafter, with Interest
at twenty percent per niinum from the 1st day
of May. lM"rt. to tho Mh day of November. !89rt,
on IIS M thereof, and ton per rent per annum
th:ri"ifte', fo- 'Udeli sum, with i"i"rHsi from
tlm IMhdsvnf Mnv. IH6H. nlaliillll'H orav for a
decreo that hald lots bo sold to satisfy tho
amount due, together with ten per cent of tho
amount of Judgment iu attorney fees, nnd for
all other Hint further relief as may bu Just nud
You uroreiiulrcd to answer said petition 011
or before tho iHih day of April, IMS.
Dated. Itli, los.
1'mtiiiom: A Ninon.
I I 1 , i iIm 11 1 Hi. im
Cheap - Farm- Insurance !
Iiisuto your fiuin propuity in tlio
Farmers Mutual Insurance Co.,
OVER : $20,000,000 : INSURANCE : IN : EFFECT.
Insiirus 'arm Property, 0111101104 nmi Hi-hool llotivs nt loss llntn cnio-half
tho old lino rato. Don't bo deceived by any one. There is no bettor cum
pahy in tho word. For iiiMiiaiieo apply to
OjLXl. Jl505Xlff lilt-,
v 1. ... . n- . Dli'Tlllt"r Auknt. Ui:i L'Loru, Ni:iiiiamu.
A. U. DA lb, AKent, lliavale, Neb. Ollleo oer Mizer A McAiturs Moio
C. B. VAUCillAN, Agent, (Juitlu Hock, Xoln-uskii
Ghieago Itumber Yard,
Lumber, Lime,
jaL zzxJLJt- jljx:
4m M
(7 W
3l lr' -h!tMffii&Cfw-v.
m 7 1 1 r WM
Is nhvtiVM
iViTI Oysters,
A. ?. Reynold's
Chimney brick,
Cistern brick.
Ludlow Bros.
Special iittontion to Commorcial and
1'robnto Litigation.
California Brandies.
Crowo Bridge Work or Teelh Without Plates.
And nil the ln(ct Improvement 111 dental meeli
Coal and Cement.
FUI.1 SAIi; fl
AS once said by an observer to be the
Rrandest siRht in the world. A nobler
signt man that," replied a friend to him,
"is a (athrt and son walklnir arm-in
arm as if they were really comrades." If
ootn oe dressed in e,ood taste the chirm
of the picture is intensified. Alanv mn nt
good taste in over 7,000 American cities
ana towns now uet bulls and Overcoatsfrom
M. BORN & CO.,
The Qrcat Chicago Merchant Tallora.
noni una i'amr are equally sure to be
rlor coods. No ezorhltjut prices. No dis.
Kvcryboily fully Satisfied.
Over 300 C'liolrc 1'ntirrna to Fill
Your Order Iroiu.
cool, clenn anil neat, anil has only tho
anil oideis taken thuro aro t'ccuratoly tilled and
promptly dclivorcd. Tlmt is tho condition of
a Hairs at
Moon Block Market.
CIcanwi tuil Usattllci thi half,
rrumutfi a luxuriant rruwlh.
Never Falls to llentore Qray
itsir w 11a luuiuiui i.uiur.
Cum clp iliwiut a hair liUlnf.
SOc.mllmt Dfufglm
Iiiebig Company's
Extract of Beef
Telling how to prcparo many
dollcnto tiuil iL-licious ilishes.
Address, I.lebj; Co., V. (). llox WJ8, New York.
OklckMUt'a Kaatlsk Dlaaoad Ilraai.
Vttglnml aad Oaly enDln.
arsis vwiji ir-uwtv
uruKKiiK 1 or Lnnwr
moTuiltrand la ILtA ud (
Miti, ifiiM with bli.3 ribbon.
aallix. RttiAidMUenMkhMlilu
turn and twtituwn$. AtI)rtUi1st.rMDtl4.
lo Hmr for prtloolri, leiUoootili o4
"tuuer war"ifimr, 07 rrira
Mftlt KKOOO Tr.tiroonltU am iTtyrr.
rnctrvueiaUCiiuaiftu.(B 1'inrc
uruuutf. . 1'lllLAUA.. l'A.
Manitoba, Assiniboia, Alberta,
That means that in any of these four
great Provinces of the Dominion of
Canada you can secure 160 acres of
agricultural land, yielding from $15 to
$20 per acre yearly, if you become an
actual settler. Their resources are
agriculture, timber and mineral.
Writo for experience of farmers to
New York Lit Bldg.,
on this pa
KilnriitoYmir llnivnls With t'liNciireta.
ltk"lo! y fy1'"""'' ''"" ennstlp.ttlou forever,
im. .ji irr t 1 t , 1 1 11 ,,
.L. A. 1
a& oumo7
IM 4sWlWaJ
v o
'- "SfiKt-Tunt'