y congrkssioxaTcizat WEEK'S DOINGS OF NATION AL LAWMAKERS. A C.rnonil Rrqimir f ttm Mnl luiporl nnl l.ulmr uf tlio lliiiisr unil Somite Kirt'iitWii mill lli'.trt Mictiliil Anl'nii" Killed llrlcll). . Tlio famous Loud Itlll ill relation tr, r.reond class mall matter, Is now en gaging tliu attention of tin' hoiise- Tho poslnflli'ci ut Shclton. Neb., will In; make u prestiVntial olllce on April 1, anil tins compensation will lie $1,000. Senator Allen has reported favorably Ihi! bill for llio transfer of tin- l't. Sid ney military post reserve to the state of Nobrnsku for educational purposes. Secretary Rllss li.is approved for patent to the I'nioii Pacific Railroad coiupiiny a list of hinds selected under ItHgran't-ciiibraelng llio lien -a in tin; North Platte district of Nebraska. Senator 1'liur.stoii and several other senators nnd one or two ineinber.s of the house have gone on n Junket tin odleially and at the expense of a New York paper to Havana and other parts, of Cuba. Tlio secretary of the navy has re reived through Dip Hritish ambassador information that I lie Canadian govern incut would hereafter allow American vessels to carry merchandise Iroin one port, in Canada to another. Chairman Cannon of the house ap propriation committee lias introduced n bill appropriating Mn.oro.iioo to be expended at the disercti'm of the president, and to remain available un til dune :i(), H'i'.i. The bill will pass both houses with but little opposition. The house committee on military af fairs him reported favorably upon' the bill to remove the charge of desertion from the military rceoidof Kmnuiu'l Shanipof Unco'ln. The case of Mr. Sliamp Is a peculiarly Interesting anil meritorious one. lie was drawing a pension for total disability whun it was discovered that a charge of deser tion stood against him in the records. Mr. Shanip lias proved by conclusive evidence that he una t alien prisoner and his company mis mustered out of sorviiv before he could return to it after being released. Secretary Long has scut to congress for inelusl m in the urgent, deficiency bill an estimate of an appropriation of MOO.OOO to bo Immediately available for the equipment of os'sols in the navy forth j present fiscal year and for the! limcdiate supply of ll)(()(ll) tuns of coal to K'ey West. The larger ves sels of the Meet, the secretary says, cannot approach nearer than seven miles of Key West. At present, they coal from schooners at Tortugas and at other places near by when weather permit. There Is one flat lighter with a capacity of ,'!D0 tons now at 'y West. This is not suitable for use n't any distance from the port. There were no less than live im portant developments Monday having ii bearing mow or less directly on the troubled relations between the I'liilcd States and Spain, viz: The introduc tion In congress by Mr. Connoii of a resolution carrying S.10.000.000 for the public defense, the withdrawn' by the Spanish government of its intimated objection to the eontinuancn in olllce of Consul-! ieneral Lee, the order to the cruiser Montgomery to proceed to Havana, in place of the Tern, the pas sage through the house of the bill in creasing the artillery arm by two regiments, and the institution of negotiations looking to the purchase of warships for our navy. Ills said the state of I-'lorida has untitled Admiral Slonrd that on the tirst of next month is proposes to en force the state quarantine law against all crafts arriving from Cuba as sure prevention of the Introduction of yel low lever. Admiral Sicard has report ed the facts to the navy department and awaits instructions. The presi dent probably will communicate w ith the governor of Florida with a view to securing an abatement of the law so far r.s it is proposed to apply to naval vessels, this being the speediest manner of dealing with the case, al though it may be stated that the na thmr.1 government never has recog nized the right of any local authori ties to stop Its vessels in case their movements were deemed necessary. A bill has been Introduced bv Sen ator Alien providing that any honor ably discharged soldier or sailor, physically unable to carry on occupa tion as a farmer, may obtain title to a homestead as now provided bv law without actual occupancy, lie also introduced a bill to remove the charge of desertion from 1 he record of .lames . Pace; Representative Sutherland a bill to pay Austin U. Jacob of Kdo-nr 81.10 for a horse taken from him during tho civil war; Representative Mercer to pay 8100 to K. 1). Harnnrd for a judgment found In his favor. The comptroller ol the currency has de clared a third dividend, -t per cent, in nivor oi mo crciiiiors of the Herman National bank of Lincoln. Neb., male ing in all 1!) per cent on claims proved, amounting to 8S0, MS.B1. The decision of .ludge Rogms hold ing the United States federal meat Inspection law to be unconstitutional apparently causes no concern to the otllelals of the agricultural department at Washington, under whose adminis tration the law is executed. They re gard the decision as one largely 'tech nical In character, which will not effect the practical operation of the law when applied to the Inspection of meat Intended for Interstate traffic or export to fifreign countries. Their chief regret In the matter appears to lie. the failure to convict lloyer of the Dold Packing company, 'who was charged with attempting to bribe one of tliu meat inspectors. Captain Mortimer has been chosen as commander lor the Monitor Mian tononialt now in the Delaware waters. The navigation bureau is busy with preparation of the death certificates lor the. families of tho victims of the Maine ill, aster. The work will be completed about March 1.1th. Secretary Long has decided to send a naval vessel to Cuba at once with forty or fifty tons of provisions for the suf sering recononutruiliH's. The vessel has not yet b.-en chosen, but which ever one it is will take the provisions to Cuba and at once return. The sup plies will bo furnished by the New York Cuban relief committee. J Naval oflicers are deeply Interested in trie report that .Spain is buying warships of (ireut liiilaln. It is not known whether they really are or not. The fdate department has been in formed that a small revolution Itti- broken out at, Valencia, about ".'Of miles from ('unisons, the capital ( Venezuela. Lleulenant-Comiiiander Sobral, for mer naval attache of the Spanish lega tion at Washington has sailed for Spain, lie talked too freely in relation to the Maine alSalr. Representative 'Sreon of Nebraska has introduced a bill to uuthnrlo a rcsurvcy of certain lands in Cheyenne county. Nebraska, on account of errors existing in the present survey. s.,., l All. It. ..I ..I I , ,-J I ., i.ii .,11,-11 , -tin,', i illlll -!' Ull'll the passage in the senate of the bill to transfer the Fort. Sidney military post reservation to the state of Nc braska for educational purposes. Senator Pcttigrcw bus reported fav orably the bill which has passed the house authorizing the Nebraska, ,Kan sas V (iulf Railway company to con struct and operate' a railway through the Indian territory. First Lieutenant .1. II. Shlpton. First artillery, has been selected as I'liltcd States military attache at Rio de da nclro. at the instance of Minister f!ry an. This will be the llrsl time tlie Fulled Slates has maintained a mili tary attache in llrazil. Debate in the senate the past week on the Alaskan homestead and rail way light of way bill was very spirit ed. During the debate It was' shown that the Canadian Pacific railway is the worst of monopolies, nnd the 'sen timent seemed to be that it must be suppressed. The advantages it pos sesses over it American competitors are such that the latter cannot touch it in relation to traiiv-coutiiieuta! busi ness. The Loud bill, to correct alleged abuses of the second class mail matter privilege, which last year passed the house by a majority of I II to 101, was buried by an overwhelming majority by the house. The vole was not taken directly on the hill, but on a motion to lay it on the table. P.y a vote of Hi'.' to lll the motion was carried. Forty-seven republicans joined with the democrats and populists in accomplish ing this result, and ten democrats voted with the majority of the repub licans. The refu.-ai ot" Mr. Loud to permit n vote on an amendment at the last minute was responsible in n mens me for the result, but the strength of the measure undoubtedly waned throughout the three days' debate. After a debate lasting several days, the senate passed the bill extending the hoinstead laws and providing for a right of way in the District of Alas ka, Comparatively little discussion of general Interest was created by the lilll. Section i:i providing for certain bonding concessions to Canada In lieu of privileges to be extended by the do minion government to tills 'country, however, induced a pretty lively de bate, as it brought into controversy the old llsheries question on tlie New Kngland coast, which has been pend ing between the Fnitcd States and Hritalnfor a hundred years. The state ment was made on the Door of tlie sen ate that there was ecry reason to be lieve that by the passage of the bill the Hshcries quest ion could be settled without great elVeot, as assurances flto that c fleet had been received from a large ami iiitlucutlal cicmciu in Can ada. A report to the New York Il?rnht from Washington says: Fully realiz ing l.'ie importance of preparations for any iniergcney, the president has di rected the navy department to open negotiations looking to the purchase, abn ad of warships. This fact is now for the first time made public. F.ight men-of-war are practically for sale to the I'nitiil .states. The president has given consideration to the advisability of placing an option on them. The navy department has been carefully watching tlie construction abroad, through the eyes of Its naval attaches at London, Paris. St. Petersburg. Mer lin, Vienna and Koine. Through those naval attaches and from the ship builders themselves the secretary of the navy has learned that he can' now purchase two small sized battleships, two armored cruisers and four torpedo boats, all at a comparatively low-price. The builders have promised that they can deliver tho vessels to agents of this government at this time complete in every respect, and all that will he necessary for the government to do will be to order tlie necessary details of otllccrs and men to any 'pint de sired. The Spanish situation developed two new phases .Sunday when It became known that the .Spanish government had formally requested the recall of Consul-tieneral Lee from his post at Havana, to which request the I'nlted Stater, had courteously, but llrmly, re fused to comply: also 'that the Spanish government had suggested the impro priety of sending relief supplies to tlie Cuban leconcciitrailocs on tlie cruiser Montgomery ami gunboat Nashville, to which suggestion the Flitted States had L'lven a like answer in tint nnim. I live. Tin, I!,-. I I,, it. ,,.,.!.... .. .i..7... ----- .... ....-,.. ,,i ,,iiii, 1.1,1(1 ,fi tlll'SU steps came in a brief and explicit cable dispatch from Madrid. Prior to its receipt, however, the authorities here had been fully conversant with tlie facts, although no Intimation had been allowed to get to the public on either subject Tho disclosures from Madrid left no further ground lor reticence in Washington and after a conference at the White house between tliu presi dent, Assistant Secretary Pay of tlie statu department, and Secretary Long of the navy, the matter was made pub lic. Spain may, however, give lien eral Lee his passports. Tlie senate imi,,li.... .,., t i i ... I i ..,,....,. nil I1II1IWHV altairs lias passed favorably upon nil nmeniimoiii 10 the sundry civil appro prhitionbill providing an appropria tion of S:i.1.0ii0 for the purchase of Point Lookout, with the view to iu corporating it in the Chicamauga am Chattanooga national park. Tho state department has received a call from Senor du Hose, the Spanish charge, who has received information bringing the record of the alleged filibuster Dauntless up to date and It is lindci-stoo'l In, Inn. il.i.o,.h,..I .. ....J.. plcto memorandum on that MtblAot ...ui. ..i .. i i.. .. . oiiunvu-H in iiuving mo vessel a ' V MVUUllUt TJ1E ItBD CLOUD CHIEF. NUWS OI'1 TIIK WORM) TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES BOILED DOWN. Mif liiijKirlniil i:piil if I In- , t sx Itii.ls (iiri-fiilt.v (dltci Icil tout Cnnili'iiM-il I'linl-jii "Mil Doini-llc lining Clniinl -Wed fur llii,t I'ropli. Iti lic.iil, The village of Watersineet. Midi., lias been nearly wiped out by lire. The rubber companies of (he coun try are endeavoring to ell'cet a combi nation. The pope on March '.' celebrated Ou twent icth anniversary of his corona nation. Senor Canipoi Sales win elc.'led president of Itreiil No disordei was manifested. The powder works of Santa Cruz, Cal.. are busy night utid du making smokeless powder. A consignment of Untiling guns has been forwarded from the Itrooklyn navy yard to Peiiscola, Fla. Miss Annie L. Kd wards, who resided alone in her home at .lamison, Pa., was murdered for her money. The passengers of the La Cham pagne ntr being conveyed from Hall fax, N. S.. to New York by rail. During a brawl at Athens. III., tieorge Rlckstraw was fatally shot by a gambler named Klicr liilchrist. Adolph Liietgert, the wife murderer, v.lll manufacture sausage for use in the .lollet penitentiary, lie is pleased. Because he bought beer during the campaign. John .M. li.iod. mayor of Columbus, I)., has been ousted from olllce. The greater pa.'t of the business por tion of Heme. K'as., was dest royed liy lire, the total loss footing up about .10.001). Win. A. DoiKon. an employe of a Chicago notion store, committed sui cide by jumping from a third story window. It is said a secret plot exists to as sassinate King tieorge of (irccce. The lirst attempt, wliidi happened recent ly, railed. The new torpedo boats Talbot and (iwlnu will soon be completed and made ready for commission by the llcrreshotl's. The Mallory line steamer Nueces left New York Saturday for K'ey West with seventy-live tons' of relief sup plies for Cubans. The Spanish cruiser Almiraute Oqiiendo, arrived in Havana harbor Saturday and was received with a hearty welcome. I'nlted States Senator Mills of Texas has formally withdrawn from tlie race for re-election which leaves the choice to (iovernor Culbcrtson. A rumor is current iu Seattle that the steamer Itessie K., number of pas sengers unknown, has gone to the bottom of the Pacllic oei;au. It is said t.'overnor Pingi-re will call nn etra session of the Michigan legis lature. His object Is said to be ' to secure railroad legislation. The condition of (ieneral Rosccrnns. who is ill at his ranch near Los An geles, Cal., is very bad. and all hope of his recovery have been abandoned. Two tons of dynamite were shipped from Cincinnati to IVnsac.da. Fla. The shipping llriu declines to say whether on government or private account. The steamship Dauntless was libel led by the government the oilier day charged with filibustering. The vessel is now in charge of a deputy marshal. W. Takasi, new consul to Chicago from .lapaii, blew out the gas iu his room at a San Francisco hotel, and was discovered iu time to escape deatli by asphyxiation. St, (iaiidens, the famous fculplor. who has made several statues, nota bly the Logan equestrian statue at Chicago, has resolved to go to Par la to reside in tlie future. The war department, has decided to abandon its relief expedition to Klon dike, the conclusion having been reached that mi necessity now exists for it. The Ohio senate has passed a liil t require all coal to be weighed before screening ami it is now a law. The measure was urged by the miners of the state. The Mississippi valley liiiuberinens' association held its seventh annual meeting at .Minneapolis, .Minn. Win. I Irwtu of Chippewa Falls was elected; president. j Margaret Maloney, aged eighty-four. living alone In a small house in the I suburbs of Cleveland, )., was burned i to a crisp in her home, the .ottage , having caught tire in some manner. I At Hlddcford. Me. all the depart-I incuts of the Peppcrell and I.aeonia i cotton mitts have started up in full I after a shut down of seven weeks on account of a strike of operatives against a reduction In wages. Rather than make public the salar ies paid Its executive oflleers. as de manded by Insurance Commissioner McNiill of -Kansas, the lireenwich Fire Insurance company has notified him of its k.tcntioii of quitting busi ness In that stato. The City of Vlcksburg. one of tlie finest Anchor Hue boats on tlie Missis sippi river until the tornado of May 27, 180(1, when Its upper works were demolished, lmi been bought, for the St. Louis naval reserves. It will be remodeled into a gunboat. A. J. Cassat's famous Chestorbrook Mock fur.ii near llerwyn, Pa,, was re cently almost totally drstroyod by tire. Twenty head of valuable' (jticrn dey cows were burned. The damage is estimated at about ito.0')o. The Santa Fe railroad has iiiada ar rangements to let its box cars bu used I for advertising purposes. It will try the scheme as u revenue produce:'. If not satisfactory tho road will discon tinue tlie practice. The application of the Chicago Inter-Ocean for an Injunction to restrain the Associated Pi-ess from enltlno- on" its news srrvlco to that paper was de nied by Judge Waterman. The.l. M. Ithitr llriek company of Cincinnati lias assigned. KM McCoy lias posted u challenge to light-ny mini in the world. A receiver has been appointed for the Massachusetts National Life Association. A commission of Americans bar, been formed to boom American corn at the Paris exposition in Woo. (us Walton and Richard Hunting will ille as the result of being caught by a cave-in at T Mirki.na. Colonel Picqiint"..who was challenged to a duel by Cuinte L'sterhazy. as an outgrowth or ou'.i trial, ha.-.' refused to answer the challenge. Friends of Valentine Hoy, who was murdered sonic days ago' near Rock springs. Wyo.. caught and lynched no- panics guniy oi ine crime. John Howard Parnell, brotherof Hie late Charles S. Parnell. and national member of Parliament for Soiitlimeatli, has been elected city marshal of Dub lin. Mabel Keating, known from New York to San Francisco as the 'queen of pickpockets." was Ahot and fatally wounded by Jerry Suldvan at Sail r rinieiseo. C. S. Cunningham, defaulting pay ing teller or the F!rsf National lunik of Cincinnati, is now in jail in default of SMO.ooo bond, lie is charged with embezzling S.'il.uoo. Whi e attending a rcxivul meeting being conducted at Dubuque. la. .by an old ncgivss, Michael Nojrgh's dramat ically confess d to n murder he had coiuini'tcd sis tears ago. A igilunco committee has been oi gaul.eil at P.ulueah. K, . to deal with the numerous hin-gkiriis that are be ing perpetrated there. A slriiigou. idlers ordiu.iiiio ami a curfew law Inc. been adopted. lames II. Carpenter, inventor of the Carpenter projectile. (rt at Reading. Pa., of pneumonia, aged fifty-one. He was hi ii-u in New Noel: and served with distinction iu tin navy during the civil war. Postmaster-( ieneral Hary has ottered a reward of SI. .mo for the' arrest and conviction of each person who partici pated iu the tunrdei' oT Postmaster linker at Lnkei'ity. s. C.on the night of February VI. The stc'imcr Ma"ia Rleliuier.-,. on her maiden voyage from liremeii to Italtimore with Itii steerage passen gers and a general cargo, was towed into port at Halifax. N. s... with a tail end shaft broken. A negro named Will .Imp's was lynched at Lake ( o.-morant. Miss., by an unknown mob. for outraging ii colored woman. The negro was tried a week ago for a .similar otrence. but the evidence was not .-utlleient to con vict liim. The navy department is sending ammunition In supply the Wintic s.(iiadron. The training ship Mohican will convey to Honolulu thirty tons. 1 1 will then be forwarded to tlie licet by th Itetiiiingtou and Italtimore now lying there. Passed ssltant Paymaster Kdw in IS. Webster, I', .s. N.-, has been ills charged from the navy with one year's full pay. He was found unlit for pro motion by a naval 1m mid recently and the discharge Is iu accordance with an act of congress. A four-handed duel too!,- place be tween farmers residing In Fulton county. Ky. lawsuit was the cause. loe l.yneli was snot. Ins son Hurt ! Lynch was cut. Wade Harding was shot mid James Moore was stabbed. All are seriously hurt. Dr. Charles Crooks, (l prominent young physician of Chicago, while la boring under a til of insanity, attacked ids family with a carving k'nifc. Ofll eers were called on. anil In trying to quiet him one of them ilred. iiilltcttng a wound that will prove fatal. An artist of Paris became crard over the Dreyfus affair and the trial of .ola. He was possessed of the halluci nation that he was Major Kstcrhazy. and jumped from a high window to es cape from officials whom lie thought were after him. lie was Instantly killed. At Ryan. I. T.. three men entered I he house of Dr. Hle. upon pretense of needing his professional services. They bound the doctor and his wile and tor tured tirst one and then t the other liy burning their feet until their vic tims gave tlieui Still, all the moiiev they had iu the house. A posse is iu pursuit ami threats of lynching arc plentiful. Signor Felice Carlo ( avalotli, poet, dramatist, publicist, and the well know n medical member of the chamber of deputies for Corte-Oloua, was killed at Rome .Saturday iu a duel with Sig. uoa Macola, member of the (iucttu di Vene.ia, The encounter was the out come of u press polemic in the columns of the Milan S.'cole and the (iazctta dl Vencia. It took place at an un frequented spot outside the Porta Mug glore. The participants, though po litical opponents, were personal friends. A London dispatch says: "Accord ing to the .statement of a man whose cards describe liim as being an electri cal engineer, whose name cannot lie disclosed, but has been forwarded to Washington, he sold to Spanish otllccrs In Loudon some years ago, several mines, eight or ten of which were placed in Havana harbor. He said he IihiI a special and peculiar construct ed cable which lie contends he can pos itively identify If the smallest piece is produced. The man who made the foregoing statements is nn Kngllsh man. and he says he Is willing to go to tlie I'nlted States as a witness." A dispatch from Havana sayar "The great iron railroad bridge near Hoi guln, known as the ('undo bridge, has been partially destroyed b the insur gents, who used two dynamite bombs." Kx-Chlef Justice WyelllVe of the Cherokee nation has been phiia-d in jail at Vlnlta, 1. T., on the charge of cattle stealing. News lias reached F.l Paso, Te.Y., that the Santo lomlujo mine, iu tlie Santa l'hilalie district, fifteen miles south of Chihiiuhnu, .Mexico, was burned. Two workmen were burned to deatli. The loss amounts to half u million dollars and It will be twelve months before tliu mine can be operated. NEBRASKA IN JWJEF ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM OVER THE STATE. A Cnmiilrto I'.clnr of Hie I'.nt 1Vr-k'ii llnppriiliien In Mm Trie I'lHiilerV Stale - -.Succinct Summitry of ili Moot (in- JlOllHIll ifU, II. M. Ibishnell has assumed charge of the Lincoln postolllie. A building boom is on in Fremont, and every carpenter is busy. 1 '(Torts are being made to operate the Urnnil Island cunning factory this season. A two-year-old son of Hans Itungc, near Cairo, was burned frightfully in a prairie lire. Piiknown parties robbed the store of W. K. liassett at Sidney of about $.11) wortli merchandise. Rather than stand impeachment, Kx eiscinan Vaill of Lincoln has resigned. The proceedings against liim have been dropped. Will i). Seeley, a Kearney young man. and well known, committed .sui cide by shooting himself In the head. The motive is a mystorj. Conrad C. Sinner, age I sixteen years, while attempting to board a train at Harvard, fell neucalh the cars and was instantly killed. His body was frightfully mangled. Miss llowarton, a cool, in the Koch ler hotel at (irand Island, was caught iu tlie elt v.itor and sustained injuries of a severe nature I'nliss inflamma tion should set 111 no serious colisi queues are feared. W. II. Miles of liulYulo Dili's wild west show rcc nlly telegraphed from Curtis a tender of his services with 100 cavalrymen, through the governor, to tlie United Slates government, nil the men to b. cowboys from the range. Sometime ago a wayfarer died in! Dakota ity and w s buried In the potter's ilill. The other day bis brother came to j:c , the remains but found tho grave empty. H is believed the remains were stolen and taken to a Sioux City medical college. Secretary Nason of the Nebraska Cuban rcliif 'ommissiou has requested tho Other ineinber.s to meet at Omaha to dispose of the supplies already re ceived, including four cars of corn and one of Hour, lie is now arranging transportation. The corn will prob ably be sold ami the proceeds invested iu meals. The exposition authorities have been notified that (iovernor lilaek of New York has appointed a slate exposition commisson comprising Chimney Depew, John Jacob A st or, W. Seward Webb Henry li. Hobart and Abel L. lilaek man of Now York city: Charles N. Stow of Deposit, Jacob Ames of Syra cuse and John C. (iraves of litiil'alo. It has been suggested by a member of the state press association, and one high in authority, that inasmuch as press headquarters are to be furnished in tho Nebraska building, the associa tion ought to arrange to have a man in charge of the headquarters to cstenda welcome to all comers iu the name and on behalf of the state pressasociutiou. Considerable complaint is made by parents of pupils in the primary grades of the lleatrice schools because of the advanced studies which are given the scholars, which, they say, are lar in advance of their years. Teachers in these grades to whom the matter has been mentioned admit, the fact, but re ply by saying that they have no right to change the schedule of studies. It is believed the grades will be changed. The verdict of the jury in the case of the state against the bondsmen of e Trcasurer Hartley has received noth ing but. condemnation from those who know the merits of the case. Attor-ney-(iencral Smyth says he Is able to show that one juror expressed an opin ion before the trial of tlie case. The verdict Is generally looked upon as ri diculous. The jurors decline to dis cuss by wliat hocus poeus of reasoning they arrived at their conclusion. A woman with four small starving children drove Into Shclton on their way to Kearney in an open wagon which was loaded with bedding anil other household goods. Their desti tute condition was noticed by some kind hearted people who toot,- them to a hotel and wanned and fed them, and sent them, on the following day, to their destination, by train. The woman's husband is In jail at Kearney awaiting trial for stealing some wheat which hu wished to make Into bread. A pyramid of corn In the ear made up of contributions of one bushel each from the fanners of Missouri, will bo owe of the features of the exhibit from that i,tute at tlie Omaha exposition. TI pyramid will be built In courses, each course representing the number of bushels annually produced in tlie state and the highest and lowest mar ket prices which it sold at during the same year. The courses will be separ ated by layers of red corn. The,- mid will be constructed on the 1' h tlan order, und the figures and pr. .es will cover u pciiod of thirty years. The TilTany company of New York has taken a space of V.000 feet for their display at the exposition, but will re quire something additional to tliu or dinary in tlie way of guardson account of tho value of the exhibit, which will be of diamonds. It will have one dia mond alono worth -.100,000. The ex pense of putting up the exhibit will be 510,000. Louis and Anthony Dlnmlre, farm ers southeast of Rising City, had a nar row escape from being cremated iu their house. The house caught fire iu tho night and thuy barely escaped wltii their lives. York is to have a new opera houst? to cost H 1.1.000. Iti seating capacity will be 1,000. The cash drawer of the depot at Hartlngton was robbed of about S.10 ir cash by parties who waited until the agent was away from the depot oi; other railroad biisinesi. Five prisoners broke jail at (Irand Island, each one a hard customer wllh a penitentiary sentence confront ing him: They have not yet been captured. Adjulant-tieneral P. If. Harry has selected gi omuls at Omaha near tin exposition grounds for the next an nual encampment of tlie Nebraska Na tional guard. The selection of Omalui us the place of the encampment was niadc by (iovernor Holeomb as commander-in-chief. OThe date of the en campment has not been fixed. Complying with a recent ruling or suggestion of Jtilgc M linger on the subject, the attorney-general ban illeit tin mi judinont to his petition in his suit against, the receiver of flu, rimtini National bank to recover the$V8.1,T1T.s.. lost to the stato by the failure of that bank. His amendment is to bring sut in tin; nainoof the state Instead of that of the piescut treasurer, Mr. Mescrve The man who stole u horse from Samuel IinholY at, Columbus about u week-ago, was arrested in Madison county mid brought back. He gave the uuine of Frank- Robinson, lie waived preliminary examination I was bound over to district court in the sum of Si. (WO, in default of which hi languishes in the county jail, lip horse v. irprrrnnied to its ow nor. Rob iiison 1). a stranger iu Columbus, nooiu- seeming i ) know l.im i -j Hans ( liristoioeii, a Lincoln i.Ikm- makor, v.lts chnnncil to nli c ,,.i. . llio vvheij- of the Missouri Pacific vves nounil rreight :i;si about twelve miles east of Lincoln. Tlie de -eased was scvellt.v Ihreeyenis (dd. Je uu ,, know u relatives and made his home witli ('. Zackariasun, m lVKI North Fourteenth street. Christenseii has not been ui'. righl m-iitally for sonus time und had wandered away from town during a temporary lit. The supreme court before adjourn ing, did not pass on motions fm- .-., hearings. Motions of that nature are pending in several criminal and civil cases, including tho ease in which ex-Slate Treasurer Hartley is defcand ant, also the case of Whitney ami Mills of Harlan county and the llarrett Scott bond case The court alllrmcd n Sn.OOO verdict against tlie It. ,fc M. in tlie Kellogg ease from Phelps county When Mr. Kellogg was last hoard from he was not expected to live owing to Injuries received while act ing as station agent. The W. C. T. P. of Ashland held nu inorial services for Frances ). Wlllard last Sunday at the Congregational church. The audience was very large X and the exercises very oH'ootivo and in- tcresting. All of the pastors gave short addresses on different phases of her life and work. Two or three ap propriate recitations were given by the younger people. The admirers of Miss Wlllard have always been very numerous in Ashland. Including boiiu who had known her iu childhood and youth. Joseph I'inbland, living about three miles southeast of Howe, in Njuialia county, went to Auburn tho other day and called up Dr. Oppcrman, who has been coroner of the county for lnan.v years, and asked him if he was coro ner, saying at the same time that Mrs. Samuel Fmbland had been killed. Word was at once bent to Dr. J. Jt. Jack, the present coroner, who, has started an investigation. Nothing definite is yet known. The supposition, based on street rumors, is that her husband. Sam Fmbland, went home from Auburn drunk, and that he may have attacked her. This rumor has not been verified. Mrs. Umblmid is about thirty years of age, and formerly lived iu Auburn. She leaves a three weeks' old baby. Judged. II. Hroady and II, A. Hub cook, attorneys iu tlio suit to compel. Auditor Cornell to draw warrants on i the state appropriation for tho home l for the friendless, have secured lenvi of the supreme court to withdraw original exhibits and substltuo certi fied copies. The court decision deny ing the writ applied for leaves the attorneys free to anneal the district court from Auditor Cornell's action on claims for salaries and supplies. It is understood, however, that Judge Hroady believes ho can securo a re hearing and get tlie writ prayed for in the salt just decided. The supreme court held that mandamus was not. the proper remedy, but that an nppeal should have been taken to tho district court from Hie auditor's action. The attorneys believe this to be true where the auditor rejects a claim, but in this case the auditor Is said to have refused to take any action whatever. lllr reason was that tho slate boards had not passed upon the elalins, therefore he refused to draw warrants. Attor neys for the home hope, by showing the facts, to secure a writ compelllng the auditor to act or refuse to draw warrants. In tlie latter event they em appeal to the supremo court. Fred Francis, chief rate clerk in the passenger department of the Jt. ,fe M. y' at Omaha, and brother of (Joncral Pas- singer agent Francis, has gone to Chi cago to take the position of olilef rate clerk under (ieneral Passenger Agent. Kustjs of the "y." He has been with the Ihirliiigton In Omaha for about eight years, Dr. A. R. VanSIekle, city physician oi Hastings, ion irom his bicycle and dislocated his collar bone. Tlie Roman Catholics diocese of Oma ha has sent $.184 to tlio distressed Cu bans und has $.10 on hand which will be forwarded In u few days. l : i -afTrarn. -yy H'.s-ijtr- i I Mnnm" '