,. J UL,LJ .. " 4w MKv"i Ac Sf vjK -JsS ''.A 5 P& nt&vKBkk BBB5S5fc!if"" 11. "ltitf'SSsl i f- vta VttjMBHnvi'il lKMMijPlMMcKrff -jter-Tpii? VOLUME XXVI. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. MARCH 11. 1898. NUMBER 10 . . .. ...... . & . .BMaiuauuk.u at u a . Ma ut.ii.kuaiL..!!.! t a uatJ.abaiabhL.a . . u M ci n a. Ma, u tl ti MflHtl r it .. u -. ...-! B , Li u a . s a a . .. bCiBAuauauuKn & k&u&mk km - ba a . & .&&. .a i. a. . . -. j. j. ... & iisiiiraE ZrM JT TK ."5" p?j Russian Taffeta bKirt Liniug 83 Vilify S&V Roman Effect &2s IKnnQOn alafaw UvWVvi 'ss ll m see i Cartuoti Imported MACRONIA, 15c. Yard wl(li Unbleached MUSLIN, 30. Curtis lltoi. Fancy Pure FRUIT JAMS, 10c. Yard wide Bleached MUSLIN, 5c. PUKE SPICES, warranted, for 40c. 0 4 Bleached and 'iiihlcnched i r i.' P. 'i' t . 1 1 worth 20c for I worth 25c tot 16c. 10 1 Uiuaoh.d SHEETING, Cast; S'..'ir.(l:ii'l Dark Colored P 11 1 N T 3 20c. 3c. Caso7e light col ored P It I N T S 5c. Vlvv yards Apron Chuck GINGHAMS, 18c. IWIHEH BROTHERS. 0 pounds It A I S I N S for 25c. 1 full sl.o BED SPKEA1), worth 7Do for 60c. G pounds PEACHES for 25c. m m Ono pair f3$ Lack Cuktains 51 ....., 38i WW III DUU IW S3i 47c. 0 pounds P It U N E S , for 25c. Si! SOME oir OUR IIIKS. m. $Zii JBpjj J jm-vp ni.ii' -!.'.. '.J-i.''g?glL, Sterling Quality . in every price, uur constant aim is to give you money sav ing opportunities and make prices so satisfactory that you We have made our spring purchases with the view of making this spring an economical trading season. SOWING MACHINES. $20.00 Trr"Tfr KZVVt. ' " .. wi.'.'i.Ti'i.'niMiM Jljr'w ' -iyTVJWTOEW5 I'v'-V" " " " ntttwi an f-- Will come again. Watch for the opening in the milli nery department, our trimmers are now preparing their spring shapes and styles. Watch for the date. It will pay you. We are giving you besides the many excellent values in good, coupons entitling you to many of our useful prizes, io per cent coupons given on cash purchases. Mi Ml Mm W ml iwjm aaK4l H M'U'Jr.v.illhil W&vjmwmim moBSmmsMm: . $1.00 for Kabo Nursing corset in black. tl.OO for C-B corset, black or white 00c for Balls Health corsot, to close, regular prico 81.00. 75o for Warner's Caroliuo cor set, to closo, regular prico 81.00. 85o for Durlex corset, to close, regular prico 81.00 GOo for Favorite corset, worth GOc. 40c for ono lot of corsots worth 75c to $1.25, to closo. 00 for jackson or Forms waists for Ladies, Misses or Children. lilllHf w Carpets ciixcl nxattixae;s, tlitTeront patterns INGHAIN CARPETS. Many patterns Jfjwo nio fliilliiig very near wholcsalti prices. Tho reason r wo can ilo this is that tho wludesaler bought heavily bo fore tho present tarilT went into effect. Wo did likewise and now can give you many excellent values. Wo curry n nice lino of Moquetto and Axininstcr car pets which :ut to lit and are made with or without border at Thoro Is a very strong advance in tlieso goods and wo doubt if wo can replace them at$l.'JG. FIFTEEN PATTERNS STRAW MATTINGS, lCc to 85c. HEMP, OILCLOTH, LINOLEUM, hansomo lino in these goods. w w'wvwjzsbs '.-. "it" tti r w ' eS.w vvJuib) a i "Villi .' i ,KJwABRa?VaaL high arm, $25 drop head, finished in oak, full set of at tachments, 5 year guarantee. This means a saving of $10.00 to $15.00 on strictly first class sewing machines. !& Wo carry a now stock of machino noodles for all mnahlncs. $1.1W HOSIERY. i&k C.C. C. No. 550. Handkerchiefs, 5c to 25o for Mt-n's handkerchiefs. Be to 15o for children's handkerchiefs. Go to 5oo for Lad leg' handkerchiefs. Tho values in this lino are verj lino, ejitiro stock of new goods. Toilet Soap. Lah'ollo Toilet soao. 3 bars Go Palm, Elder and Glycerino, 3 bars. 10c Cocoa, triolo bar 5c Cocoa, long bar 9c Cncoanut Oil. ono do011 23c Cosmo buttermilk. 3 bars 2.r)o rvminlnxlnn Huttnlinllk. 3 bars.... 10c Pears unscented, per bar 12c I Trunks and Bags. QO rypi to $8 for Trunks. $2.75 USW 9 - for strap a very metal cornered, well ped, excellent value. This is hand sumo lino of goods. tZCln to $3 for Satthcls in nil t-'V-'l-'., ,.,l ,,,.1!,! ..I I ...,, Ullll llltkllklV 1 JiUKIHUt, orotic, uu uiotu and Uaiivas. RHn for Canvas Tolescrpo. loathor liiiim.l niriifiiu iivf.r.llAn! v.ilt.n Uf...... w. ..V.I .7, IMVVIHWV ""u- shapes licalu Bedspreads. fiOP '0l' 72x81-iueh, lull size, jy-ry' white bod.-preads, worth 7Gc. Other values ranging up to 83.00. fm ii aBfEBH bbVIbbIbbbbb SHOES. Wolfe Bros, of Colum bus, Ohio, manufacture one of the best lines of medium priced shoes in the country. Q 00c to $1.25 in Children's.: en $1.50 to $1.75 in Ladles. $0 WU.mllcn vlot kid, luiiid turned, VUiWU IllCf, ClOlIl tUl, latCbllblliipo, Groceries. wurtliiU.W, im.oik 91 or. to M.M LadlOB hliots In all " uu firnpcH and uriulcs of Block. 80 1Z to M.N). Wo nre local qi,iu for tho celebrated accntB Ji ohn Strootman ulioo. None lictler In .tylc, fit and quality of kooiIs. o Olmutcad Mcn' , iatet worth tO OR llontley and 90.LO Klondlko Vlcl kid Hhoe. latcl too. hand 11.00. welt Kunrautcvd t C3UiL w $3.90 same shoo in quality and tylc in manhlnu suwctl. $3.xo Mcn.s lone calf in congress or laee, single, double and three w,n-th'8 00. If an onportunlty is given us we can coiiviiieu you of superiority of mir Mot: Holes, Childrons Hose 10c to 10o. LEATHER STOCKINGS, for Clildron, triple knee, extra value, the best on tho market, . 25c. Ladies Hose, 5c to 75c. Men's Hose, 5c to 25c. Corn or Gloss starch, por packngo Re Largo sizo can of Lye Go 2 boxes hardwood toothpicks.... 5c 1 package bird seed 5c 2 oz bottlo standard extract Co 4 07. standard Lemon or Vanilla: 10c 1 bottlo Crown shoo dressing Oc 12 boxos Parlor Matches 10c Packago Coffco 10c 1 can Salmon 10c 3 cans pio peaches 25c 2 cans preserved strawberries .... 20c 3 cans first quality blackberries. . 25c 8 bar Whito Russian soap 25c 10 bars Fern soap 25o 12 bars Ark soap 25c 8 lbs tapioca 25c 4 packages mince meat 25c 0 cans sardines 25c 5 pounds Rice, good value, 25o If pounds Lima licaus, 25c 10 pounds best oatmeal 25o 8 pounds fancy Navy beans 25c Citron and Orango peel 20o Old Stvlo smokinc tobacco per lb. 20o Premium HakingCIn: Into 1 21b cans cove 07"' is Reguliir 40c can Price's Raking Powder Fancy eastern full cream cheese. 2 pks fancy seeded raisins Tea. full stock, por lb. 25c. GOo.. . . Tea dust extra value 15c 3 cans pumpkin 25o 2 cans early Juno peas 25o Hosrots Fancy Succotash, to close per can Go Clover leaf baking powder is guaran teed to bo equal to Price's or Royal. Buy a can. Try it. If it is not aB represented your money refunded. Punt's faiU5y evaporated Hlackberrics. Equal to dried raspberries. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. Gingham. 18c for G yards apron check gingham green, brown, red or black. Gojfor apron check staple ginghnms. (Ic for apron check and staple dress ginghams. Fancy Toilo do Nordo dross giug hams, handsome lino. 40c 50o 37c 2oo 25o (iOo Table Linen. OOn for Kleached Damask Finish ou well worth 30o. 0p to 81.75 Linen Damask, hand JJVysoino now patterns in bleached and unbleached. 12)o for Red Damat'k worth 18c. Red Damask, excellent values, 20c to 75c yer yard Laces. 3c to 12)o for Valenciennes Laces. 4c to 8c for plain and dotted footings. IOo to 40c for black and whito silk laces. Go to 35c for 12yd pieces of Torchon lace. Jeans & Cottonades. 18c to 25c for Cottonades worth 20o to 40c. 20c to 40c for Jeans. GOo to 70c for wool suiting 27-in wido. Organdies. 10c to 40c per yard in fancy. 40c per yard, special 12 yard patterns no two alike $5 Mackintoshes. Ladies dottblo or singlo capo, blue cashmere, velvet collar. worth $0.00. $2.75 for men's black, wales, worth 83.G0. $3.50 or men's tan, covert cloth worth $4.00. Shirtings. 8c for Alabama cheeks, two stripes. 8c for southern silks, always sold for 10 s. 10o for Amoskeag cheviots and stripes. 12 Jc for Ranchman's Twills. Oc for black and blue twills. 15c for Madras and East lake cheviot. For boys waists. Muslin and Sheeting. 3Jo for yard wido unbleached munsin. 4o for yard wido unbleached L. L, muslin. 5o for yard wido unbleached bostL.L. muslin. 7o por yard for yard wido Popporill It. muslin. 80 per yard for yard wido heavy un bleached muslin. 5c per yard for yard wido bleached muslin. Co per yard for yard wido Farmers Uso muslin. 7c nor yard for yard wido heavy muslin 7Jo por yard for yard wido Lonsdalo lino muslin. 10c por yard for Lonsdalo cambric. 15o per yard for Ruby Long cloth. IOo for 0-4 unbleached sheeting worth 20o. IGo for 0-4 bleacncd sheeting worth 20o. 20o for 10 4 bleached sheeting worth 2Co. THESE ARK SHEUIAL VALUES. m Prints. 4o for shirting prints, special vaiuo, 80 for standard dark color prints. Go for black and greys, red, indigo and fancy light colored staplo prints usually sold for Go and 7o. Go and 7c for fanoy dress prints. 10a for yard wido dress prints. 12)o for yard wido fanoy dress prints. 12)c for yard wido Roman strlpo dress prints. 5c for ono case fanoy light colorod dress prints heretofore sold for 7c. Lace Curtains. 4.7r Por pair for 80x80-lnch lace- - curtalng worth 00c, GOc, 00c, $1.25 per pair for excellent values In curtains $1,50, $1.75, $3.00, $3.00 for full sizo lace curtains. WHITE WASH GOODS 7o to 30o por'yard. Exceptional values in now goods just received. INDIA LINENS, handsome new stock 10c to GOo por yard. TABLE FELT, greon or red, 72 inch wido for $1.40. E.MIlltOlDEItlES, another special lot. on sale at from 4o to 25c. RUSTLE TAl'FETA, skirt lining, Ro- mas eliect, 100 per yard. Rustle tall'nla colored linings 12)c. CHEESE CLOTH; fanoy colored 10c. Fine Hue f men's Shirts, Gloves, SuHpunders, Overalls, Duck Coats leans, Jackets. LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. An elegant cowlinoof theso goods Prices right. CURTAINS, complete with spring rollers. 15c to Goo. COTTON DRAPERIES and Fancy Silkolenes, fancy lino at 12)o to 30o. Dress G-oods. c'vv, waist patterns in plaids in shades of blue, greon and ceriso. 75c Por Ylll'a 'or ohangoablo silk '"""' and wool dress patterns, no two alike, in all tho latest colors and combinations. ICMrxO l)or yU'' for RoyaderoStripos, rEss v'-'v' tho latesi novelty, in black SJ I and brown and bltto and hlaok, in S& iirenn puuum luuiiii. 65C t0 1,10 Por J'"1"'1 for 'te3t w novelties in spring dress goods Wo invito a careful examination. 40c for chnngablo wool dress goods, latest style. 35c for greon and tan and blue and tan, also brown and black. For 20o wo nre pleased to show yon a full assortment of brocaded worsteds in latest patterns. For IGc a very complete lino of bro caded worsteds in colors. SILKS, SILKS. In trimming silks wo have a full as sortment in all color combinations. In waist patterns wo have tho latest glaldsnnd checks, Royadnro stripes and figures. Satins of nil colors. Brocaded silks and satins, also China silks in nil colors. wwwwwb wkw mvwMi mmwwwwww Renovated Geese Feathers, 75c per pound. jgg ' . , . t f 1" .1 ... , i.5.'5 i si " 'f w S I i hi 'A . V , ft iU jgagtwwyiRf -wnMja1niftW3l5ra-5SWiWr'; -- wsrT-- .: -y - ' .rZZZZSS: Mfj , ,'mWI qp.ta0' iU4iwitr-V'' Mgfpm kiaaaaalV