3& 4.J' THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MARCH 4. 1898. J SOME RAMBLING THOUGHTS. J iiv "ni:mo." I (CopywrlRlitod by pnwc fi Tnbtir.) As to Immortiillty: Willi nil mil limit) wo slittiootii' physical iieeiln hikI frniltlcH; so tli:it tliere l.s nothing out of conformity to intuitu if this body waste tiwuy hy tmu or by disease. If tills mind, teiniitrJiiblu though its pow ers nre, is biisud upon physical ehuiiKes within thusubsttiueo of the bruin, wo neoil to luiiu no setious piotest if its powers wan u us wu beeoino njji'd. If in llio grave these IiiiihU and eyes, tht'io hones and niuseles tniiisfoiin into nioro gases and compound, m that in Hid nlacu of tho Ihini; beiiiK thc.ro n m lin bin a few pinches of dusi why should nu shuildor attno tiiougniT These, our elements were gathered through tho year from eaitji and air and they have simply retilmud to tlieir own. Hut If this personality, this 1:00 which makes me differ from every other poison, and every other person illtler from me if this in dividuality that aits in judgment some where within us, daring nil things, hoping nil things, measuring ull tillage; if this come to an end like tho rest; if this, though noting physienl decay yet still soaring higher and higher, undo caying and undeeaying, is only to bo mocked at tho end with sudden until hiliation, then may wo well ourso God and die. For then are wo mere exper imental whims of a fiend instead of nurtured and cherished creatures of a benign being. What o!so can bo true if death ends all. Tho knowledge of oneself ns a be ing separate and individual, is a very horror, for it only leads us up to high filaccs in order to cast us down head ong as soon as wo havo gained n glimpse of a broad woll ordered uni verso. Hotter not to havo been, than to attain glories that no animal over ronchod, and thon havo those glories blotted out ns n dntk, unwholesome bewildering night blots out tho day. Thoro Is no escaping tho cruelty of tho thing, if anuihiliation is nil thnt remains after our noblo curbings of self, after our deeds of lovo, after our sense of kinship with tho good, after our long ings for fuller life and knowledge. Look on a noblo woman. Her individ ual character is quite independent of any functions that romain or any func tions that censo. She lives to impress others, and to guide them, whether her own or her noigubors. Follow her on ward through tho years. With en fcoblod stop but witli heart enriched, she still does her unselfish errands ami planuings. Now comes helplessness; but sue is yet tee same individual whoso bost remains brightest. At last wo hoar n Uual sobbing sigh. Am I to beliovo that tho mere circumstauco of a deflated lung has destroyed a charac ter thnt uuitlicr trials nor pain nor weakness could destroy? If so, thon matter is superior to mind and mind to character; and wo would better ent, drink nnd livo sensuously, for tomor row wo may vanish. Thoro is another phase of tho subject Sives us distress if wo think of it. lie ect on tho imperfect ones; tho victims of heredity who know not whnt thoy do suvo as the impulse of an ancestor compels them; tho beaiers of physical and mental uunlcus by reason of wrongs which thoy themselves never committed. Think on those who nro weighted down with caro and trouble almost from the cradle actually to tho grave; on those sorfs, slaves, and the wretchedly poor who get, not of free will but by chance, merely the bread crumbs that fall fioin the rich men's tables. Think on the dwellers in the dark places of the eai lh. All these are human beings whoso lives are spent in stolid misory. Tliey have lights! ami, by all that is fair and equitable in liu man nature, we declare that some whore, bomeday, Miinuhow they shall havo a ohanco to live life in its highest jf Tills desire for a hereafter this de mand, sliall I snyr is a dotinite hun ger of the self within us Hy overy an alogy of nntuio, spread out in all its varied fount, by a creative liand, we never see a hunger without a provision Hindu to meet it. Miint we know all about tho beyond in order to bo con tent Y Wo know not the beauties of a piacouuiii wo are wiiliin. 1 lie very ability to think ot it, liowevei predi cates it; for wo eaiinot think the un thinkable. Tho brightening faces of tho dying ofttimes proclaim it. What their eyes see and their ears hear, will bo ours also, when we approach the mere veil that covers the entrance to tho boioud. As ono of the Restoration poets says: "Tlie i-ouI'h ilnrk I'DtlnKC tmilcrei mill tlu I'HJVll, J.clx In iiuw HkIu UiroiiKh uhlnkh Unit Time liiith innde, Stronger by wenkurt-w, ulr-urineu become An the) dmw neiir llielr eteriml home. lluth worhlHiii mice they view lio Miiml upon Die tlircHlmlil of tin-new." I close with .iouio versos based upon a line in one of the Horace Odes. "NON OMNIS MOKIAIt." Am Itiiiirlxoucil bird In nlliy durk Wu fret our lhcMiwu). LuiikIiik to rlMi like honrliiK lurk. Ami wnteli thoupenliiK dny. Anil now no rtoiuli In dull ilinpalr. Anil fret ourenttti floored cniti Anon our umless. wliiKt. wu tear In Id le. liopult'Mi nice. In rentier mood wu uuze boo Ami iluller feebly higher, Uoplnc to brliiR tlul blue we love, If but n little, nlKlier. Unt oer cloud, or falling night, Or litilf-forKOtleu bars. 1'orbldK iih o'en the eoiiMunt Unlit Of tllrttiint nilbty hlnrs And 5 el bc)ond ttieso bars, they my. iivonii inihnooien town, Tliu full miii rlH'N eiory driy. And eery iilKht Koes down. And feometlmch from n diuty puno A mirrored tmubeum falln, And wnkcH nn unromemhered fctraln, That tolls of love nnd llfo Hgaln ltcyond tliebo prlnon walla. Kidnoy and filaddor TroublOB, If you sutler from kidnoy, bladder or urinary troubles, or from too frequent or scantyl urino, Dr. Fonncrs Kidney and Hnckncho Curo is whnt you want. Bed-wotting by children is goiiernlly cured by ono bottle of this powerful remedy. Testimonials arc disregarded many people doubting tho honesty or sincerity of them, wo thoroforo avoid giving any hero, but will furnish them on application to dealor whoso name is given below. If not satislied after us ing ono bottle your money will bo re fu...!,d ' . ( - Hoods Cure nick headache, bud p taite In the mouth, coated Bp ill 0 tuhKur, K" In tlio stomach, III dlntresa ami liiillKcutlriii. Ho not weaken, but bare tonic rlttct. 2Wfnti, Tin tmlj I'lllJ tu tako ftltb llood't Sarsaparllla. Public Salo. I will sell at auction at my farm (hav ing rented the far,in) live mile west of (iiiido Hock and eight miles southeast of Hed Cloud, on Wednesday, Match Utli, 181)8, commencing at ten o'clock a. in., tho following; Five head of horses, viz one team, 1100 pounds each; driving team, 1000 pound each; one mine about 1000 pounds: two cows in milk, U goats, two farm wagons, trucks ami hayrack; one riding cultivator; one Hrown corn plautci; one Hradloy lister; one Acme seeder; one grain drill (live hoc); two tf-shovol plows; one two sliovel plow; 2 sets farm harness; nine colonies bees (Italian); one honey extractor; ono sowing machine, with sundry tools, etc. Terms Ono year's timo will bo giv en on all sums of 5 and over purchas er giving bankable note witli eight nor cent interest. Fire per cent discount for uasli. All sums under 85 casii. KO. DkWitt. Ino. H. Stanskr, Auctioneer. Doafooss Cannot Bo Cured by locnl applications, ns they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho car. There is only ono way to curo deafness and that is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tho mucous lining of the Eus tachian tubo. When this tube gets in llamed you havo a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, nnd when it is on tirely closed deafness is tho result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tubo restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will bo de stroyed forever, nino cases out of ten ate caused by catarrh, which is noth ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sin faces. Wo will givo Ono Hundred Dollars for any ease of deafness, (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hull's Catarrh Curo. Send for circulars, tree. F. J. Chknky & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tho best. Klondike What docs It cost to get Micro? When and how should you go? What should ono take? Where nro tho mines? How much havo thoy produced? Is work plentiful? What wages aro paid? Is living expensive? What aro one's chances of "making n striko"? Complete and satisfactory replies to the above questions will bo found in tho Hurlington Route's "Klondike Folder," now ready for distribution. Sixteen pages of practical information nud tin up-to-date map of Alaska and tho Klondike. Free at Burlington llotito ticket oflicos, or sent on receipt of four cents in stamps by J. Francis, (Jon'l Passongor Agent, Hurlington Houto, Omaha, Nobr. Livor Complaints and Norvoubncss Curod. A torp'djlivcr always produces dull ncss, irritability, etc. You aro all clogged up and feel despondent. Per haps you have treated with physicians or tried some other recommended med icine without hcnelit. All that is no argument against "Dr. FYnncr's Hlootl and Liver Remedy and Nervo Tonic," which wo insist will cure nervousness and liver complaints. If not satislied aftei using one bottle your money will bo refunded by C. L. Cotting. Ki.opp.d A man in northern Now York claims his wife eloped with VlOK'rt Fl.llltAI. AND (lAltllUN (iLMI)i:. He says: "'I'lio (Junii: beats the baud all right this trip; it is not only a daisy but a whole floral gat den. My wife oloped with it after dinner and did not return until tea time " This elegant catalogue; tho best is sued by the Vieks in forty-nine years, contains full descriptions and direc tio for planting, colored illustrations of cactus, dahlia", nasturtium, sweet peas, tuberous, daybtcak inter ami golden day. lilly, and many half tones iioin pnotograpiis. Everything anyone can possibly want for the garden in way of seeds. plants, etc., can be found in Vick's liAltllKN AND 1M.OKAI. (iHIlli:. wliii'li will be mailed free on application. Address .lames Vick's Sous, Rochester, New York. Dr. Ponnor'fl Dyspopsia Curo As tho naino implies, i simply for dyspepsia or indigestion This prepa ration is the pioscription of one of America's most eminent physicians, whoso writings on medical questions aro accepted as authority. If not sat isfactory after using one bottloyour money win nu reriimleil by C L. Cot- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Hronio Oulnlnn ti,. ets . 411 I v ii- in ii uiiiKgisis reiunu mo money it fails to cure. 25o. f SPitlNO sores ami eureil hv llt-Muits, boils, pinipifs, all oiuptioiis are promptly luiuiiM oiw.Niipiiriiia, wliieb thoroiiRhly purihes tho blood, catiiiR every trace of serofuln. eradi- Hood's Pills etieu imtihea, aeiio, billioustiess ami all Price 2fic. siek head liver ills Han't lulnnu hplt ami Sciukti lour I ir Anaj. To quit tobacco easily and forever, bo mag nellc. lull of llfo. nervo nnd lgor. tako No-To-l).ie, tho wonder woilter. th.it makes weak men strong. All drugcists, JOoorll. CuroRuaran tred Ilooklct and samplo free. Addreas sterling Itemcdy Co. Chicago or New York. Women's United States eoncress at tho opera House Tuesday ovouitiL' March 8th Many People Cannot Drink S?STJiteiilrii,Jfii,,-iIi',,on" hclr slceit. You can r.. "t?'",' ,IC" yl' I'leaso ami sleep like a top. Kor (Jraln u does not MlmnlHto It nonr. slips, cheer i and feeds. :Yet I looks at id laitcn llko cotTee. Kor nervotiB noVc-iis vnimi people and children Oralu o a perfect S? g Made Uoui ,.i.rB gr-'.i.c. (let a r..aagc f oni No-To-Iluc for rift, Cents. Outtruutced tobacio habit cure, makes wenk men strong, blood pure; Me,n.'MlAmwMA To C'urn CoiHtlimtlmi r.,r.... Tfilvf fM. i ictu f'aiidvrmiiiiitlc 10 . r' II I Burlington Routo California Excur sions. Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Oiriaha l.il" p.m., Lincoln 0:10 p.m. and Hastings 8.f)0 p.m. every Thursday In eh an, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run rigli' through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the scenieroute through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; havo spring seats anil backs and are provid ed wi h curtains, bedding, towels, soap etc. Uniformed porters and experienc ed excursion conductors accompany eacli excursion, relieving passengers of bother about baggage, pointing out ob jects of Interest and in many other ways hi'lnlng to make tho overland tiip a delightful experience. Second clas.s tickets are honored. Hoi ths W For folder giving full information, call at nearest Hurltugtoii Route ti'ket ofllce, or write to. I. rraneis, ( 1' A Omaha, Neb. UIM'OUT OP Till: CONDITION or TIIK PEOPLE'S BANK of RED CLOUD OIIAHTKH NO. 3IB, tiled Cloud, In th Htata f Nebrnnka at tho close of bUBlncHH February at), ltm. IIF.80UIIIKH. I.nannnnd DIpcuiiIh $i:i,0t 11 Overdraft), nccnred and unsecured IH'i tvi City warrant IIH . Furniture and fixtures 911 ,10 Uiirrontcxtietisca and taxed jmld . .'ltd 10 ('hecks and oilier cash Items .... Mil II Due from National nnd hlslu baukn. t2l.IO.MiS Hills of other baukd NIcliclMiiuil edits .. Specie....... - .. I.CL-nl tender botes. . 1,1115 01 'Si Si I lis (XI 1,000 IK) Total cash on hand 2.ri,irs TH Total rt),3sU DO MAIIIMTIES. Capital Mock tlMnOOf) Undivided profit 10,018 10 Individual Ilcposlta auhject to check t.WxSaci Demand (.'rlllicutcsof de DOhlt 0.115 CO Time CertlHcates of dcpexlt f.,072 .'W DO.TtO CO ToTAt. State or Nkhiiaka, I Couutv of Webster, l ..70.:iM 00 m: I, W. A. fchcrwood. cashier of the above named bank, do xolemnly swear that tho above statement Is true to the best of my kuowl ciIko and belief. attkmt) V. A Siibiiuooii, Cashier. C. II. Mineii, Director. J. I.. Minkii, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before mc this .'Id day of March, ISMS. I.. II. Tout, Notary Tiibllc. My commlt-flon cxplrlcH I'd). 15, 1SW. THElNFLUENGE of the Mother shapes the course of unborn generations goes sounding through all the ages and enters the confines of Eternity. With what care, there fore, should the Expectant Moth er be guarded, and how great the effort be to ward off danger and make her life joyous and happy. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays all re lieves the Headache Cramps, and Nau sea, and so fully pre pares the system that Childbirth is made easy and the time of recovery short ened many say "stronger after than before confinement." It in sures safety to life of both moth er and child. All who have used Mother's Friend " s;iy they will nev er be without it again. No other remedy robs confinement of its pain "A cwitomprlioi wlfo used '.Mother's rrend ! Bayitli.it If tho bail to k through the grile.il ai;aiu, : u 1 1 tlicro uro tut four bottles to bo obtained, mid thacuit wan SldO.OO per bottlo, he would huvotrjom.'' Ouu.l.wrus, Dayton, Ohio Sent bv oxpreis, on ri ci-ipi uf prlco. 41.00 11. H IlOTTI.i:. lloolt to 1.X1MXTANT MOTH KKS" mulled ftcu upon uppltentlon, lontnliuni; vuluntjti) liiturmallun una v.iluutnry tu.-Uiiiciiliilr1 TMCLRflDFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA. Q' SCLO DV AIL ORUGQIITS LEGAL NOTli'K. In the District Court of Webster county, Ne braska ,1.11. rettibouo and Samuel 1 i:. Nixon, pnrtuers 1oIiik I biisb "tider the llrm I uiiuieauilsl)." of I'etllbone A Nixon. rialutlll ,1 (I. Hrown. Margaret Otis. Aiigt'llnii Winters. Daniel C. Wlnterb. Iliiium A Acker sou. rraticls A. Dunes r.corge W. Hrown, Hello Miller. .Inrotil,. Miller, and dacob I.. Miller asailmluls trator of thu estate of ilau mill Hrown, deceased. Defendants 'Ihe above named defendants. Kmmn A. A.''iht,rJ.n.V.' f n.,cl1; A- nmiieH, (icorgo W. Hrown, llelle Miller, Jacob I, Miller, and .Jacob I.. Mil ler as iidmlnlsiralor of the estate of Hannah Hrown, deceased, will take uotlir that on the u'slhdai of K'bruar, iv.w. I'elllbono ,t Nixon. idiilntlllN herein. Hied their petition In tho ills rlct I'ourUof Webster i mini. Nebraska, ngaliisl the said defendants Impleaded w ah olhem. the objeciand prajir of whtih arc to foreclose n ' '.'r,1.1!11.1 ",:k ''orllll ate exei uted l.j the treasurer ol Webster uiuiitj Nebraska to plulnlllls. upon bus numbered thirteen i CI) ami fourteen (tl) In b ock 'I wentj lie) of the original town, now city of lied ('loud. Nebraska I'lalutlltn allege thatthej paid therefor thu siim of Jio.40 on the J."1.'.1!" f, .Member. M). I'lalntllln allege thnt thoy aid otliL'i tiues on said lot as follows On the 1st duy of Ma. bus. ni.W that belnc tho amount due lor taxes for the jear 8'U, mid on i.mlr,.,,,l?,t.!f,MH.y'1N,'.!' "le I"'1'1 tho further s m of U. u for taxes for Ihe jear 18u:.. I'laln lilt, allege Ilia theio Is now duo Ihem thosuiu of III .0, wlih Interest at the ratoof twenty per cent per annum on i, lu thereof from the mh 'J"yiof .L'l"1lt'r- xm- '" !' Mh day of No Su'iM1!""1 !e" l"ceiit per annum there after, with Interest at the isle of twenty percent Vi7.!"!L'Alln.'.l.,,l1.0 ,.,iereof f"" nioin 'biy "f May, 1H, to theMh day of Noicmbor. IHUfl. and , iEf.r1" rt'r "'" tbercafter. wltlilnterest Sr 1M.ci,lytP.?r.ct,,",t l,F,n"."uw f" tho Iht day 2n Wf' 10ill fi.,h ,,B" f November. 189.1, ?hn;i!l8,.,,?reofl'l.",., tcn l'er rcl" lor annum hr??,VCi' for,w',lcl "lJin, with Interest from iinrnn1Vha.fi,,ny,.18?il' I'hillll pray for a deerco thai nald jots bo sold to satisfy tho Kinotint due, together with ten percent of the . i ti.. i.J i VmFnt a.. ftniey fees, and for SqiduSlc e"C " m,,y b0 J"Bl auJ Yon aro required to answer said potltlon on or before the 18th dav of April, 1808. Dalid. Mnuii lib, ISbS. iu. .... n, t. Tettibonk A Nixon. HyKoBtiiTT. I'ottbb. their attorney. .. . bUKtb. WMtRt AIL ELSE FAILS. nci uiuKti rijrup. Tantc (Iwhi. Dm ii num. Willi nv nrill.'alt. ,i?i j g-y myju j ir.?t i 1 !m&Bkavjrv" & a Chronic Dyspepsia Cured. aFTEIt Buffering for nearly thirty yoara fronidyspcpsla, Mrs. H. E. DuRdalo, wlfo of a prominent business mnn of Warsaw, N.Y., writes! "For 28 years, 1 was a constant sufferer from dyspopsia and a weak stomach. Tho lightest food produced distress, causing sovero pain and tho forma tion of gas. No matter how careful of my diet I sufforcd nRonUlnrj pain after eating. I was treated by many physicians and tried numerous remedies without permanent holp. Two years ago I began taking Dr. Miles' Nervo and Liver Pills and Nervine, Within a week I commenced Improving, and per sisting lu tho treatment I was soon ablo to eat what I liked, with nn rvll nfTnrta I keep them at hand and a slnglo doio dispels any oiu symptoms." Dr. Miles' Itemcdlcs aro sold by all drug gists under a posltivo guarantee, first bottlo benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of tho heart and nerves frco. Addnii. DR. MILES MEDIOAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. LEGAL NOTICE. it. II. l'cltlboue and bnmucl K.NIxou, partners doing buslucsH under the II rm name and Myleof I'ettlbone Nl.xon, I'UlutUVs Adna Ilroun. Defendant. ! Tho above named defendant, Adna Ilronn will take notice that on the 21th day of l-'ebrn ar. 1SW. l'ettlbone A Nlxun. iilitliiUfTn herein, lllcd their petition In the dl-trlct court or Web Kter county. Nclirnskti. iiL'aluit said dcfpiidant the object and prajerof which are to foreclove a certain tax certificate lmed by the Trcnn urer of Webster county. Nebradka, on lots ntim bered nine (H.) ten (in,) eleven ill,) and twelve (13.) lu block numbered twenty-two (!, In smith it Slooro'H addition to tho elty of lied Cloud, Nebraska, on the rth day of November, IMU, to rcttlboue .V Nixon, plaintllls herein. 1'lalntltth allege that thev U therefor the mm of tl'.i.'JO. and that onllhetlrMday of May 1KI5, they paid other taxcx due on mid lots ainotiiitlng tothoMim of $lrt.fH. and on the Ibt day of May. I mm. they paid the further Mini of J14.8--.'; that there In now duo on paid tax certlll ilcatcs the tuiii of i;.o.tu) together wlihlntercM nt tbo rate of twenty per cent per annum on tlli.20 thereof from ihe Mh day of Noictnbcr, 1MI, tothuMli day of November. IKW, and ten ncr cent ncr annum thureaf ten with Intern! at tho ratu of twenty per cent per annum on f it).rs thereof from tho IM dav of May, lu'.Wi, to the Mh daj of Nocmbcr, lh'Mj, and ten er cent per milium thereafter; with InlertM at the rateof twenty per cent per minimi on 11 m thereof from the llrM day of May, l-itl, to the IM day of No ember, 1HUU. mid ten per cent per milium thereafter. That there N now due on said tax icrtltlcan' the stun of K&KI; plalntlU prnja for n decree that dereudant( be required to pay the hame, nr nun miii preniiM'H miiy i.e mi in to muih fy the amontit due. mid for nllowancoof attor uey fccti amouiitlug to 10 per cent of amount of decree. You are required to answer ald tetltloiiou orliefoie tho nth day of prll, IV.i. Dated thl','lth day of l-'cbruarx. 1MW. I'KTTIIIONKA. vlOV. Il It T l'QTTi:)!. tliplrattoniey NOTICE TO NON RESIDENTS. In the district iimrt of Wcb-ter count, Neb rasl.a. Andrew Artitbiirn. 1 l'billllllVl v wolt i Arti rliimi mill U'il j' m Arterburu Ucfciiiliiiil-. j limn s-uitt Arl'ibiirn nnd II inn Aiterburn. de fcuilmiis, will take notice that on the 1Mb day of I cM-ium. is'.is. pliilutllV beieln lllcd his pell t on lu tlu district court of Webster count. NibriiHi.il iiKiiliit said ilefeiidaiils. the objei t mid pnuirof which are lo ob'alu a JiuK'Uieut iiLiilnst them for the Mini of t'JTT ami interest tbcMMiii and also to proceed In attachment HKiilnst the personal niid real estate of thcile feudatit sentt Arterlmrti in nld county, mid lntc. fur thu (olleclliiu ol said mm of if'.iT" and lnti.rcst thereon as aforesaid, on and em h of ou are required tomitwer said petition on or before IbuJili dn of April, tstis. AnDIU.W AllTl.lllll'IIN. Hy .louv M. CiiAiTiN, Attoine. Dated Teh i, lM',s. l'lrst l'uii I'eli. !.'.". IhUS. XUTICEIOF SJ-ElltEF'S HALE. Notice Is hcreb glNen that under and by virtue of an execution Issued from the olllce of the clerk of the district couil nf the'I'euth .lu illclal dlstrli t In and for Weuiler count j, N'e bniska. upon u juditmeut exIstliiK therein In favor of the I'arrj .Manufacturing Company mid nealnsl II. W. (iiilllford for the sum of hlOT, with Interest and costs, I shall oiler for sale at public vendue at the east door of tho court house In Hid Cloud lu said Webster county, Nebraska, on the tenth daj of .March. IS'is. at one o clock p m. of Mild day the follow lug de scilbed property lo wit: Lot one lu block one of Williams addition to the town, now city, of lted Cloud, Webster count j, Ntbraska. (ilveu under my hand this Tib day of Kebru arj, IMw, I I). Wki.i h, hherlll. Hy It. I'. Hutchison, Deputy, Hamioi.i'ii McNitt, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Krrn 11. Ilallej l'lalntlll VK Diiulvl Mrl.uiiulill .11 It.) nvfiMiiiutit The iiliovu iiiiuieil ilefcilililllt. Dmilcl Mr l.iiiiKlilln. nlll Hike iiotlco Unit on tliu J.Mh ilny uf I'l'liriinr). 1MIS. i:rn II. Ilrtllt'j, ilnliillll' licit! In tili-'l hi rtiilu!i In the ilMrlct riinil uf Wub Alir (inintj'. Ni'linihkn. iiitnhiht tulil ilcfcliiliiiil tin-ulijeet iiml irntT or wlilch nro lo foredoso n certiilti inurtKiiuu ilu-il executeil hy tlHiilefeiul uiittotiiu ilnliiiitr upon the eiiKt hnlf of the uiirtliueliiiiirUT(i: '. of X. W. (r.) of .Section .SuNen 17,) In 'i'ouiiMilii Two i,) In limine Tu rive (ID,) wen of thonlxtli rliic-lil meriilliin coiitiilnliiK KlKhty (bO) nuren neconllni; to the t'nllcil .stnlCHhiircy, to bceure the jmj incut of ii rerlnln roinltsory note dnteil .Inly 1H, l5, lor Hie bum ol f iijo.Oi) due nml innhlo in one M'tirfrom the (lute thereof; that there In nou due iijion i-nlil note nml luortKiiKe thu sum of T'.N.t. fur ulilcli (.mil, with Interest at the ratu ufTier cent per annum from tho IMIi dnyof May, iKiSplalutlir jirayK for u decree thntde fendiint tu required to nay thu same, ur that Mild premises may bo sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to nuswor snld petition on or 1)0 fore Hi o nth day of April, 18'A or the sumo will ho taken nn true and JiulKincut rendered ac cordlnuly. Dated February Mill, 1H08. RZA II. IlAlLEV. Ily HonKUT T, I'otteii, Ills Attorney. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City anil country calls promptly nn swcreil day or night. NlfillT CALLS AT OFFICE. , ncHirtn jh Ol ! I- I- i '. , i i,'i l'i 1 1 y unit. Cheap - Farm Insure your farm Farmers Mutual OF LINCOLN, OVER : $20,000,000 : INSURANCE : IN : EFFECT. Insures l'lirin Property, Churches mid School House- at less llimi one liall' the old lino rato. Don't bo deeoived by any one. There is no bettor com paliy in tho word. For insurance apply to Otitic. Solntijffixit, , , , . . DisTiiii'T A(ii:nt, 15kd Ci.oi-D, Nihiraska. A. It. DAVIS, Agent, Ihavale, Nob. Olllce over .Mizer A- McAttttrs store C. B. VAUGIIAN, Agent, Guide Itock, Nebraska PLATT & FREES CO., Ghieago Itambep Yard, UEI) CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, The WOEHLirrS BEST BOIST ,v r Km . ii .tit in. t t. fondar ,-r mywG. r-a te?Z 'ZvX l II " tr k$ i '. , ,i v;-x yLifiUt-i ' 'i" f-'r JC ' J V.1Z.L ? imtsmmA mm wm.ymmm ...I II Hf..fc.,.il !"!- ,'StVAJv. i "i & ssr lin. MJt iiiniiiMn- ; v y .mi tt t mi mm iiin "i .l ir- wr.. 'j- ' " I lj tmYUoL mm r5 j z u vjc -& MINER BROTHERS. RED CLOUD.INEBRASKA. A MODEL MARKET Is always best MEA1 FISH, -A.I Oysters, A. ?. Reynold's Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. RANDOLPH McNITT, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW, Special attention to Commercial and l'robate Litigation. MOON HI.OCK, KK1) CLOUD, NKHKASIVA. SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. UOHN POLNIOKY, PUUI'UIETOU. DKALKK IX Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. n ALWAYS ON TAP. J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown Bridge Work or Teeib Without Plates. POHOELAIN INLAY And all tlio Intckt Imprnvcmeiil lu dotard mecli nu I kui - Insurance ! property In the Insurance Co., NEMIASKA NKHHASKA. Coal and Cement. tlie World's most friendly smile are ready tor the well-dressed There's no mistake atbout this. Enemy may mis its mark. Talent may ro a.bee;ginK. Virtue itself may die of neglect. But there is always a welcome and measure of success for good clothes. If j ou wish to test this bit of Philosophy, jun oraer one oi me elegant suns ot M. Born & Oo. THE GREAT Chlcaao Merchant Tailors IV llA.A (iliirltAi.a A - . J . . L. . t t. . t a. "vjv iivuuhtiuui OIC IIVKU CUIfH UCIC 1UT CUU1CV malefa1, neat fit and finlih, and perfect upUtfaU style. A "BORN" wit of clothe If - OOrt to the U'ortil'. frl.nrf.hlnl A PERFECT FIT nUABiHTFFfl. 300 Selected 1'utteruH to order frnm. OX cool, clean and neat, and lias only tho GJVdEIS and orders taken there ate I'ccurately filled and promptly delivered. That is the condition of atl'airs at Moon Block Market PARKER'S HA1C? BALSAM Clrvjct trul liiauilllei tbe btir. l'rbinutcf a luxuriant rruvrih. mm WjNovcr FillB to llcitoro (lioy r?it ..air ij 111 luuuuui miur Curm (i-i p ii vmt St Imir lulling. if.BnJJH -at DniTlRj SENT FRee TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Iiiebig Gompany's Exteet of Beef COOK BOOK- Telling fclimv to prepare nianj' ileiieato and (KlieiotH ilishea. Address. I.lebK'o. I" Ilox H,XewYort. B Cbli-hrttrr' Fnsll.li Dlamoml ItrniJ. ENNYMYAL PILLS llrliHnul ADil Oiilv7niitnc sure, Klwaji nlULI. lADits till . llruril.l (or CMtklttrfi iilli Dm-t monj llratui In Hrd bo1 tJoUi mrtilllox rrfxr, .rufti wita blue ribtun. 'i blo nnnlhrn. ArfuatiinnnrrtmutuhititiL. tionuand (tnlalion. AlDroiifi.lt. or end 4a. In t&rot for nrlleultrt. tdllmaDl.l. &nd "lUlleffor f.aiUr." (n IrKer, bj rctanl tr JIIBII. B'jTW .rnuiuwit,,.. n.m. ruprr, Cfctrhrir.crtiheiiilclCo..Mdlana l'lare. Wit,ULLKUUnuu. I'lllLAKA.. i'A. FREE HOMES! RontorSf Fonnora' Bono oncl Formora who ore burdened with taxes, heavy mort B.iRe,lmpovenBhedr;ollnnd failure of crops nre now offered the opportunity of aeeunnc Free ttaesieads of 160 acres In the Canadian West, the land of No. t hard wheat, 25 to 40 bushels to the acre. LOWEST RAILROAD RATES AND SPECIAL ADVANTAGES TO PROSPECTORS. The Best drain and Cattle Country In the World. Qood water, taxes low, fuel In abundance. For elegant photo eneravlngs, maps and full Information, apply to Department of the Interior, Ottawa, Canada or to W. V. IENNETT, New York LiU Bldfl.t OMAHA, NEt. entlon thia paper. 4U v ETVl Vv D wSs M Kiluciito Your Uoivels With IIimrurutH. riimly CiiUnril ctire eoi-stlpatlou forever. I r ,-- A ... V U i i V 'fliHrii. iWM- 1- '" -lllMttWW8ll.iMWi'MIW